Unusual frogs of the world. The wonderful world of frogs

Fashion & Style 25.08.2019
Fashion & Style

Frogs and toads are probably the most common amphibians on our planet. They are so diverse that we did not even suspect the existence of some.

Very poisonous, even one touch causes an allergic reaction. Male Panamanian frogs emit a whistle and a loud, long sound that can be heard throughout the forest. It is interesting that frogs communicate with each other using a semaphore system - a system of gestures and touches. It is believed that this species of frog has developed such unusual shape communication due to strong noise in water bodies. To attract attention, frogs wave or raise their paws.

One of the largest representatives of the amphibian world. In length, the frog reaches an average of 20 cm, and the average weight is half a kilogram. But there are real giants - in 1949 in the USA, the state of Washington was caught weighing 3 kg 250 gr. An interesting fact is that the bullfrog is one of the ten on Earth.

Extremely poisonous frog. The Indians of Peru and Ecuador catch poison dart frogs and dip their arrows in their poison. Fertilized eggs are laid in moist soil. When tadpoles are born, they are attached to the male on the back and he carries the babies to the trees, where water collects in the leaves and flowers. The male poison dart frog guards the pools with tadpoles, the female feeds them with unfertilized eggs.

Moor frog or marsh frog- the back is light brown, olive in color. From the eyes and almost to the shoulders there is a dark stripe, which narrows towards the end. The muzzle is pointed. It seems like an unremarkable frog, but... but during the mating season, it turns blue.

normal state

during mating season

hairy frog- from the name it is clear that the frog has an unusual appearance. During the breeding season, the body of males is covered with skin shreds, like hair. The hairy amphibian is distinguished not only by its bizarre appearance, but also by the ability to release "claws" like a cat. In times of danger, her bones on her fingers pierce the skin and get a kind of claws.

paradox frog. Dwells in South America. The adult individual does not differ in anything peculiar - small in size - about 6 cm, green. But the tadpole of the paradoxical frog grows up to 25 cm in length.

Thyroid, also known as . It has an unusual body shape - it is perfectly round. At the moment of danger, she takes in air and becomes spherical, while straightening her legs, choking herself and making loud, frightening sounds. Tadpoles practice cannibalism - they eat each other.

Vietnamese mossy frog or lichen paddlepod- the owner of the most camouflage skin among frogs. She almost completely merges with the external environment, even her eyes seem to be disguised among the moss.

It has not only a bizarre appearance, but also unusual way raising offspring. The female lays eggs in a puddle, but when the embryos begin to move, the male swallows them. Eggs with tadpoles are located in the throat of the male in a special bag. When the offspring grows up and is ready for independent life, the frogs begin to jump in the male's throat, after which he spits them out.

Nose toad or nosed toad- Eater of ants and termites. Outwardly, it is very similar to a mole, and just like a mole, it spends almost its entire life underground and digs tunnels. The tunnels and burrows of the nosed toad lead to anthills and termite mounds, the frog's only food.

Frogs are often on the list of some of the most disliked animals in the world, along with spiders, cockroaches and snakes. However, these are unusual and amazing animals.

There are over 5,000 species of frogs in the world. Each species and even individual has its own unique call, and some frogs can be heard at a distance of one and a half kilometers. Some frogs can jump more than 20 times their own body length; it's like jumping 30 meters for a person. Frogs drink water by absorbing it through their skin.

Representatives of many species of frogs take care of their offspring. For example, some poisonous frogs lay their eggs on the grass, so that they can guard them and keep them moist.

It's time to learn a little more about these amazing creatures and determine which ones are perhaps the most interesting.

Vietnamese copepod warty frog (Theloderma corticale)

This frog is called mossy because its color mixes green and brown colors that resembles a mossy coating moist forests and rocks. It is the color that allows the frog to go unnoticed, this is a natural and effective camouflage. Like most representatives of tree frogs, in this species, females are much larger than males. A characteristic difference between individuals of the species is that the frightened Vietnamese mossy frog curls up into a ball and pretends to be dead.

Fleischmann's glass frog (Hyalinobatrachium fleischmanni)

Viewed from above, glass frogs are difficult to distinguish from other tree frogs, but the view from below immediately reveals their peculiarity. The fact is that glass frogs have transparent skin on their stomachs, which allows them to perfectly see their insides.

During the day, these frogs hide in the shade of leaves near water bodies. Fleischman's glass frogs have a translucent green color and yellowish translucent paws. glass frog lays eggs on wide leaves right above the water bodies, so that the tadpoles hatched from the eggs can immediately fall into the water, where they live until they are fully grown.

Argentine Horned Frog (Ceratophrys ornata)

The Argentine horned frog, also known as the decorated horned frog or the decorated itannia, is the most common species of horned frog. A lover of food, she will try to swallow anything, as long as it moves and is within reach. A decorated slingshot is ready to grab everything from insects and rodents to lizards and other frogs, even if prey suffocates it in the process of absorption.

Blue dart frog (Dendrobates azureus)

The poisonous blue dart frog is one of the most famous frog species. They have very brightly colored bodies, which clearly indicates their toxic secretions, which are so strong that they can kill a monkey in less than 40 seconds. The poison of poison dart frogs was used by the Indian tribes of South America for hunting.

Atelopes, or harlequins (Atelopus)

This is very known species toads that live in Central and South America. Their range is relatively wide, from Costa Rica in the north to Bolivia in the south. Members of this rich genus are usually brightly colored and most active during the day. There are about 85 species in the genus, of which almost all are poorly studied and very rare in nature. That is why harlequins are included in the list of endangered animals.

White-pink sour (Dendropsophus sarayacuensis)

This member of the Kwashi frog family is found in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela. Its natural habitat is subtropical or tropical rainforests, lowlands and freshwater swamps. These tree frogs do not like heights, so they cannot be found above two kilometers above sea level.

Orange toad (Bufo periglenes)

Adult males of this species are barely 5 centimeters long, and unlike most toads, they have smooth and shiny skin. Female orange toads are slightly larger than males and, oddly enough, are not orange at all. Them appearance very different. The skin of females may be olive or black with scarlet patches surrounded by yellow.

Spotted burrowing frog (Pyxicephalus adspersus)

This is the most large view frogs of those that we know. Males weigh from one and a half to two kilograms, and females are usually half as much, which is not typical for toads and frogs. Usually females are much larger than males.

This species lives in Africa, namely Angola, Botswana, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe and possibly the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Habitat The habitats of these large frogs are dry and humid subtropical or tropical thickets, freshwater lakes and swamps, arable land, pastures, as well as canals and ditches.

Tiger Frog (Hoplobatrachus tigerinus)

During the mating season, the color of the males is very bright and remarkable: bright yellow skin and two very bright blue throat pouches. They also have very strong teeth arranged in two oblique rows.

Tiger frogs are found in India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal, Myanmar, Afghanistan and Sri Lanka. They were brought to the Maldives and Madagascar, where they are considered an invasive species today.

They prefer freshwater wetlands and generally avoid coastal and forested areas. The tiger frog leads a mostly solitary and nocturnal lifestyle and settles in bushes near permanent water sources. The frog does not spend much time in the water, preferring to hide in the surrounding vegetation.

Ash blue Amazonian sour (Trachycephalus resinifictrix)

These frogs are quite large and reach 10 centimeters in length. The color of adult frogs is light gray with brown or black spots. In young individuals, the color is more contrasting. With age, the skin of these frogs ceases to be smooth and develops a series of irregularities.

The name is given because of the size of the tadpoles, which are 3–4 times larger than the adult.


The length of an adult is 4.5–7 cm. The head is triangular. The eyes are large, protruding. The skin is slippery, making it easy to elude enemies. Paws are large, with swimming membranes between the fingers. Each finger has an additional joint, which provides freedom of movement. The color is green, with dark green or olive stripes. Females are distinguished by a bright throat with randomly located white spots.


The amazing frog is found in hard-to-reach forest areas and is quite widespread in them. Prefers stagnant, overgrown ponds, in which it is convenient for her to hide. At the sight of even a slight danger, she immediately hides under water and hides in thickets. It spends almost its entire life in the water. She is constantly on the move; when resting on the surface of the water, you can only see it big eyes and nostrils. The paradoxical frog makes shrill, shrill sounds.


Adult frogs eat larvae, small insects and crustaceans, digging them up from the bottom of water bodies. Tadpoles feed mainly on plant foods. Due to their size, they require much more food than adults, and they are constantly busy looking for it.


Frogs breed and breed in the water. Their mating season begins during the rainy season. The females lay their eggs in the thickets. Larvae reach 25–27 cm in length. During metamorphosis, the larva loses its gills, it develops lungs, limbs grow, and the shape of the body changes. The tail shortens and the larva decreases daily in size; as a result, the length of an adult individual with the usual size for tree frogs is only 1/4 of the length of the larva.


It lives in South America from northern Argentina to Venezuela and about. Trinidad, predominantly in the Amazon.

The Amazing Frog in Literature

The tadpoles of the amazing frog are mentioned in the book Three Tickets to Adventure by the famous English naturalist Gerald Durrell. Here is how he describes them:

Except for their colossal size, they were no different from the tadpoles that you can catch in the spring in any English pond, except that they were not black in color, but speckled, greenish-gray. The transparent edges of their tails were like frosted glass, and their big-lipped mouths were comically inflated, as if they were blowing kisses to us through the glass. The sight of such huge tadpoles, which, wriggling, tirelessly spinning in a jar, inspires a feeling of some horror. Imagine your fear if, while walking in the forest, you come face to face with an ant the size of a terrier or a bumblebee the size of a blackbird. They seem to be ordinary, but, enlarged to fantastic sizes, they make a stunning impression, and you involuntarily ask yourself if you are dreaming all this.

American herpetologist Archie Carr in the book "Windward Road" devoted an entire chapter to this frog "Chapter Six "The Mysterious Frog""

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  • Dave Showler: Frogs and Toads. St. Martin's Press, New York 2004, ISBN 0-312-32241-0, S. 151.
  • Grzimek, Bernhard Het leven de dieren deel V:Vissen (II) en amfibieën, Kindler Verlag AG, 1971, Pagina 498 (erroneous)

An excerpt characterizing the Amazing Frog

A few days before this, Pierre had appointed the day of his departure for Petersburg on Friday. When he woke up on Thursday, Savelich came to him for orders to pack things for the journey.
“How to Petersburg? What is Petersburg? Who is in Petersburg? – involuntarily, though to himself, he asked. “Yes, something long, long ago, even before this happened, for some reason I was going to go to Petersburg,” he recalled. - From what? I will go, maybe. What a kind, attentive, how he remembers everything! he thought, looking at Savelich's old face. And what a nice smile! he thought.
“Well, you still don’t want to be free, Savelich?” Pierre asked.
- Why do I need, Your Excellency, will? Under the late count, the kingdom of heaven, we lived and we don’t see any offense with you.
- Well, what about the children?
- And the children will live, your excellency: you can live for such gentlemen.
“Well, what about my heirs?” Pierre said. "Suddenly I'll get married ... It might happen," he added with an involuntary smile.
- And I dare to report: a good thing, Your Excellency.
“How easy he thinks,” thought Pierre. He doesn't know how scary it is, how dangerous it is. Too soon or too late… Scary!”
- How would you like to order? Would you like to go tomorrow? Savelich asked.
- Not; I will postpone a little. I'll tell you then. Excuse me for the trouble, ”said Pierre, and looking at Savelich’s smile, he thought:“ How strange, however, that he does not know that now there is no Petersburg and that first of all it is necessary that this be decided. However, he certainly knows, but only pretends. Talk to him? What does he think? thought Pierre. No, sometime later.
At breakfast, Pierre told the princess that he had been at Princess Mary's yesterday and found him there - can you imagine who? - Natalie Rostova.
The princess pretended that she did not see anything more unusual in this news than in the fact that Pierre saw Anna Semyonovna.
– Do you know her? Pierre asked.
“I saw the princess,” she answered. - I heard that she was married for young Rostov. This would be very good for the Rostovs; They say they are completely broke.
- No, do you know Rostov?
“I only heard about this story then. Very sorry.
“No, she doesn’t understand or pretends to be,” thought Pierre. "Better not tell her either."
The princess also prepared provisions for Pierre's journey.
“How kind they all are,” thought Pierre, “that now, when it certainly couldn’t be more interesting for them, they are doing all this. And everything for me; that's what's amazing."
On the same day, a police chief came to Pierre with a proposal to send a trustee to the Faceted Chamber to receive the things that were now being distributed to the owners.
“This one too,” thought Pierre, looking into the face of the police chief, “what a glorious, handsome officer and how kind! Now he's dealing with such nonsense. And they say that he is not honest and uses. What nonsense! And yet, why shouldn't he use it? That's how he was brought up. And everyone does it. And so pleasant kind face and smiles looking at me.
Pierre went to dine with Princess Mary.
Driving through the streets between the conflagrations of houses, he marveled at the beauty of these ruins. Chimneys of houses, fallen off walls, picturesquely reminiscent of the Rhine and the Colosseum, stretched, hiding each other, through the burnt quarters. The cabbies and riders who met, the carpenters who cut the log cabins, the traders and shopkeepers, all with cheerful, beaming faces, looked at Pierre and said as if: “Ah, here he is! Let's see what comes out of it."
At the entrance to the house of Princess Mary, Pierre was doubtful about the fairness of the fact that he was here yesterday, saw Natasha and spoke with her. “Maybe I made it up. Maybe I'll go in and see no one." But before he had time to enter the room, as already in his whole being, by the instant deprivation of his freedom, he felt her presence. She was in the same black dress with soft folds and the same hairdo as yesterday, but she was completely different. If she had been like that yesterday, when he entered the room, he could not have failed to recognize her for a moment.

Frogs belong to the largest detachment amphibians - tailless. There are thousands of varieties, this issue contains 10 of the strangest and most unusual.

The rainbow frog is an object of worship in India. Hundreds of people flock every day to Reggie Kumar's home in India to pray and ask for miracles. The frog shimmered white when Reggie from Thiruvananthapuram, the capital of Kerala in southern India, saw it for the first time. Then she glowed yellow, and then turned gray. A frog that constantly changes color is considered a god in India.

Hyalinobatrachium pellucidum - also called the glass or transparent frog because of its transparent skin through which its insides can be seen. Unfortunately, this is an endangered amphibian species.

The harlequin frog is known by many names, such as the clown frog or the Costa Rican harlequin toad. Whatever you call it, this is a neo-tropical frog that used to be quite common in Costa Rica and Panama. Now this species is listed in the Red Book, frogs of this species live today mainly in Panama.

The northern leopard frog is considered unusual view, reaching a length of up to 9 cm. The colors on her back vary from brown to dark green, and round spots are highlighted by a white line.

It is believed that the greater the geographical height, the larger the animal that lives there. However, the smallest frog in the world lives just at a height - in the Andes of southern Peru at an altitude of 3 - 3.19 meters.

Coloring poison dart frog, such as this blue subspecies, is the common name for a group of frogs in the poison dart frog family that lives in Central and South America. Unlike most frogs, this species is active during the day and almost always has brightly colored bodies. While all poison dart frogs are venomous to some degree, venom levels vary by subspecies and population. Many subspecies are in danger of extinction. The American Indians used their poison for their arrows and darts. (Gail Shumway/Getty Images 2007)

The goliath frog is the largest extant species of toad on Earth. Its dimensions reach 33 cm in length from the muzzle to the cloaca, and it weighs up to 3 kg. This species lives mainly in West Africa, near Gabon. The goliath frog can live up to 15 years. They feed on scorpions, insects and small frogs. These frogs have excellent hearing but lack a vocal resonator.

Theloderma corticale, or the Vietnamese marsh frog, is a species of frog in the copepod family. It can be found in Vietnam and possibly China. Typically found in tropical and subtropical rainforests, intermittent freshwater swamps, and rocky areas. The frog is also often referred to as a moss frog due to the fact that its skin resembles moss growing on a rock, which, by the way, provides it with excellent camouflage. Some people have such a frog at home. The price of this miracle is about 45-75 dollars.

As the name suggests, the Mantella frog is red/orange. These are small frogs, reaching a length of up to 2.5 cm. It lives in Madagascar.

This horned frog can grow up to 15 cm in length and is native to Uruguay, Brazil as well as northern Argentina. Although this giant looks like a tortilla (or a pincushion, if you like), it reacts very quickly when a lizard, small rodent, frog or bird flies by.

Or Guiana water toad(lat. Pseudis paradoxa) is a tailless amphibian from the tree frog family that lives in South America. The name is given because of the size of the tadpoles, which are 3–4 times larger than the adult.

  • 1 Description
  • 2 Lifestyle
  • 3 Nutrition
  • 4 Reproduction
  • 5 Range
  • 6 The Amazing Frog in Literature
  • 7 Notes
  • 8 Literature


The length of an adult is 4.5–7 cm. The head is triangular. The eyes are large, protruding. The skin is slippery, making it easy to elude enemies. Paws are large, with swimming membranes between the fingers. Each finger has an additional joint, which provides freedom of movement. The color is green, with dark green or olive stripes. Females are distinguished by a bright throat with randomly located white spots.


The amazing frog is found in hard-to-reach forest areas and is quite widespread in them. Prefers stagnant, overgrown ponds, in which it is convenient for her to hide. At the sight of even a slight danger, she immediately hides under water and hides in thickets. It spends almost its entire life in the water. She is constantly on the move; when resting on the surface of the water, you can only see her large eyes and nostrils. The paradoxical frog makes shrill, shrill sounds.


Adult frogs eat larvae, small insects and crustaceans, digging them up from the bottom of water bodies. Tadpoles feed mainly on plant foods. Due to their size, they require much more food than adults, and they are constantly busy looking for it.


Frogs breed and breed in the water. Their mating season begins during the rainy season. The females lay their eggs in the thickets. Larvae reach 25–27 cm in length. During metamorphosis, the larva loses its gills, it develops lungs, limbs grow, and the shape of the body changes. The tail shortens and the larva decreases daily in size; as a result, the length of an adult individual with the usual size for tree frogs is only 1/4 of the length of the larva.


It lives in South America from northern Argentina to Venezuela and about. Trinidad, predominantly in the Amazon.

The Amazing Frog in Literature

The tadpoles of the amazing frog are mentioned in the book Three Tickets to Adventure by the famous English naturalist Gerald Durrell. Here is how he describes them:

Except for their colossal size, they were no different from the tadpoles that you can catch in the spring in any English pond, except that they were not black in color, but speckled, greenish-gray. The transparent edges of their tails were like frosted glass, and their big-lipped mouths were comically inflated, as if they were blowing kisses to us through the glass. The sight of such huge tadpoles, which, wriggling, tirelessly spinning in a jar, inspires a feeling of some horror. Imagine your fear if, while walking in the forest, you come face to face with an ant the size of a terrier or a bumblebee the size of a blackbird. They seem to be ordinary, but, enlarged to fantastic sizes, they make a stunning impression, and you involuntarily ask yourself if you are dreaming all this.

American herpetologist Archie Carr in the book "Windward Road" devoted an entire chapter to this frog "Chapter Six "The Mysterious Frog""


  1. 1 2 Ananyeva N. B., Borkin L. Ya., Darevsky I. S., Orlov N. L. Five-language dictionary of animal names. Amphibians and reptiles. Latin, Russian, English, German, French. / under the general editorship of acad. V. E. Sokolova. - M.: Rus. yaz., 1988. - S. 110. - 10,500 copies. - ISBN 5-200-00232-X.


  • Dave Showler: Frogs and Toads. St. Martin's Press, New York 2004, ISBN 0-312-32241-0, S. 151.
  • Grzimek, Bernhard Het leven de dieren deel V:Vissen (II) en amfibieën, Kindler Verlag AG, 1971, Pagina 498 ISBN 90 274 ​​8625 (erroneous)

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