Natal chart of love. Personal love horoscope by date of birth

Career and finance 20.10.2019
Career and finance

The reality is that among all the people you meet throughout your life, only a select few have a set of personal qualities suitable for harmonious communication.

The situation is complicated by the fact that the probability of choosing "their person" on the first impression is small. At the beginning of an acquaintance, a person tries to show himself with better side, and "inappropriate" qualities often come to the surface after visiting the registry office. Even those negative moments that are visible to others are ignored by the partners themselves due to mutual attraction. Therefore, do not find out in advance the compatibility for a couple, just thoughtlessly.

Such an opportunity is provided by numerology by date of birth, compatibility in it is calculated based on the analysis of two numerological charts. At the same time, the horoscope reveals harmonious digital combinations in various areas. The more such successful coincidences, the higher the level of success of the relationship. The nature of such similar combinations indicates the nature of the future connection: from light flirting to long-term partnership and marriage.

Calculation of compatibility by the square of Pythagoras (psychomatrix)

The founder of numerology Pythagoras received knowledge about digital matrices from the priests ancient egypt. An adapted version of the secret tables has come down to our days and allows everyone to calculate compatibility according to the psychomatrix.

Since the analysis of the psychomatrix is ​​carried out according to all the qualities of two personalities without exception, the complete similarity of all parameters is a rather rare case. Assuming that people with perfect compatibility met, they are unlikely to have a desire to test the stability of their happy union. Therefore, a person who is trying to find an ideal partner with an identical psychomatrix may simply miss precious time.

It would be much more reasonable to assess the similarity in key life positions. Using the square of Pythagoras, compatibility can be calculated according to such priority character traits as purposefulness, family desire, stability, self-esteem and many others.

We suggest you calculate compatibility using the Pythagorean square online to find out the secret vibration of the combination of the digital codes of the pair. According to the rules of numerology, numbers cannot carry positive or negative information, they only convey a flow of energy that can change and prevent undesirable situations in the future.

What does the compatibility of signs on the square of Pythagoras give in reality? You get specific answers to questions that are inevitable in the process of building a relationship with your chosen one. Wants and can he become a reliable partner? What actions to expect from him in vital situations?

By predicting the development of relationships in advance, many complications can be avoided. In particular, do not require loved one what is obviously impossible.

Remember that knowing the compatibility of the psychomatrix, any relationship can be made more harmonious. Therefore, you should not be limited only to reading the results of fortune-telling. Each meeting in life does not happen by chance, the compatibility horoscope according to the square of Pythagoras will help you understand what the greatest soothsayer, Fate, has prepared for you.

An initially compatible partner would of course be ideal for love union. But do not forget that if people are incompatible in character, but have spiritual unity, they can always find a compromise solution, which is so necessary in any relationship. All disagreements will be perceived by such partners in the same way - as an unfortunate obstacle that needs to be overcome as soon as possible.

Two complementary techniques - the square of Pythagoras, compatibility by date of birth - will help you get the most complete picture of your karmic combinations, as well as a true vision of possible contradictions and ways to eliminate them.

Analysis of compatibility by elements - the simplest, but quite effective method to understand in general how partners are suitable for each other in terms of temperament. After all, the elements are basic elements horoscope, reflecting its main energies and, accordingly, the psychological inclinations of a person and his life values. We consider the balance of the elements in detail in the individual horoscope. You can read more about the elements in a short fragment from Stephen Arroyo's book Astrology, Psychology and the Four Elements. According to the author, "an analysis of the harmony of the elements in a comparison of cards shows how and where two people can nourish energy fields each other, as well as block the flow of the partner's energy and, therefore, bring disappointment to each other. If such a blockade exists, people experience great frustration or severe depletion of energy, and sometimes both. In the case of a mutually harmonious energy exchange, people experience satisfaction, revival and a sense of fullness.

There are different opinions about which combinations of elements are best for an alliance. For example, some believe that for harmonious relationships it is necessary that partners have a common element or a kindred one, for example, related couples are fire-air, earth-water. Others believe that partners should complement each other, i.e. to be attuned to the opposite elements. As often happens, the optimum is somewhere in the middle. Experience shows that people with opposite temperaments are often more interesting to each other at first, but over time it turns out that it is difficult for them to be together. for a long time so their energies are depleted. On the other hand, people tuned to the same energy feel comfortable in each other's company, but over time, without complementary and balancing energies, such an alliance can lead to boredom, routine and stagnation (in the case of passive elements) or to confrontation and rupture (in case of active). Thus, for a strong and harmonious relationship, it is better to have one or two elements in the general balance, common or related, and a certain number of opposite elements that will allow the union not to stand still and develop. That is, if one partner has the predominant element air, it is important that this element is present in some quantity in the other, especially if the other has the main element, for example, earth, and vice versa, then we can expect that the first will not too impractical for the second, and the second not too boring and mundane for the first. This "recipe" was the basis of our approach to assessing compatibility.

For experienced users, it should be noted that the analysis of the elements on this page is a bit simpler than that which we use in the birth chart, since it does not take into account the place of birth and therefore the Ascendant and its ruler. If you received a positive assessment of the compatibility of the elements on this page, then a more complete technique will not worsen this result. If you have received incompatibility, then consider the balance of the elements of each partner separately - perhaps the element of the Ascendant of each will bring the missing element into your overall balance.

The diagram reflects the balance of the elements of partners, on the right - the conclusion and interpretation of this distribution of energies.

Analysis of expectations and needs of partners

In this section, we turn to a more specific analysis. Here we will consider the so-called significators. Traditionally, the significator (indicator) of the husband in the female horoscope is the Sun, and in the male - the Moon. There is also an approach in which for a woman born during the day, the indicator of a man is the Sun, and for a woman born at night, the main significator of a man is Mars. For a man born during the day, the significator of his wife is Venus, and for a man born at night, the main significator of a woman is the Moon. We will use the third approach, when both significators for a man and a woman are considered. For a man, Venus symbolizes his beloved, and the Moon - his wife and mother, for a woman, Mars symbolizes the image of a lover, lover, and the Sun - a husband and father. It is logical that in our time not everyone and not always loved ones become partners in marriage and parents of children. For a woman, we will also here consider her Venus and Moon as a significator of the need for love and the need for security.

The position of the significators in the sign and element indicates the qualities that a person expects to find in some form in his partner. If your X signifier is in a Y sign, this does not mean that your partner must be Y, but the qualities of this sign will be present in his character, behavior or profession. Therefore, we analyze the partner’s horoscope and look for Y qualities in his natal chart. Of course, first of all, these are his planets in the Y sign, the strong position of the ruler of the sign or its aspects to personal planets, which can give the desired qualities. If there are no or few such signs, it is important for compatibility that the horoscope has at least the qualities of the elements, therefore we also consider the belonging of the significators to the elements.

Thus, the best compatibility is when the element of your significator is represented in the partner's horoscope in sufficient quantity, and there are qualities of the sign of your significator.

As in the first section, it should be remembered that in our analysis we do not take into account the Ascendant and the houses of the horoscope, and this may add the desired qualities to the partner. You also need to understand that our expectations and needs are always expressed positively, i.e. we do not need "bad" qualities, however, the qualities of the sign that we examine in the horoscope are not always real person will be positive. For example, Taurus may not be a hard worker, but a stubborn lazy person, Aries is not a brave hero, but a selfish impudent. For this, it is necessary to consider the partner's horoscope as a whole.

Synastric analysis

Analysis of the ratios of the planets to each other in the horoscopes of partners is a fairly common approach to assessing compatibility, although it should be noted that it is not always decisive. You also need to consider that many aspects may not be noticeable at the beginning of a relationship and will appear years later. Astrologers have different approaches to interpreting and classifying synastric aspects. In this section, we will use the approach of the St. Petersburg School of Astrology, which has become quite popular, with some of our changes, and our own, which has been present on the site for several years. We chart both approaches in chart and percentage form to quickly and visually assess the potential opportunities and challenges of a relationship. The calculation method was developed by us, its essence can be found below.

So, the first diagram looks at relationships in various areas of interaction:

  1. Happiness. Here we are looking for a partner in aspects of Jupiter and Saturn to the Sun and Moon. Favorable aspects of Jupiter promise happiness to a partner whose Sun or Moon aspects Jupiter of another partner. This is called the "seal of happiness." The unfavorable aspects of Saturn, respectively, are the "seal of misfortune." It is very simple, but, as our experience, although not very large, of observing "seals" shows, it is a rather effective technique.
  2. Sexual compatibility. Here, pairs of planets are considered and evaluated, which are traditionally considered indicators of physical attraction: the Sun, Mars with the Moon, Venus. We have also added to the classical aspects the aspects of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto to Venus, which often also give rise to passion.
  3. The level of conflict. This indicator takes into account the aspects of Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto among themselves and is considered very important, since with any of its negative values, conflicts and disputes cannot be avoided. Although SPSA does not consider positive aspects, we have added them to the calculation (green part) as opportunities available for conflict resolution. We also added aspects of Uranus, because in our opinion, tense Uranus often leads not only to conflicts, but to a break in relations.
  4. psychological compatibility. We consider aspects of the personal planets Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars. Shows how much partners will feel comfortable with each other in everyday life.
  5. Intellectual compatibility - aspects of Mercury - thinking, interests, communication, exchange of ideas, etc.
  6. Social compatibility - all other aspects that show what kind of interactions arise in a pair when in contact with the external environment: society and its attitudes, values, global ideas, etc.

By clicking on the column, you will move to the list of aspects of the planets that were taken into account in the calculations. Click on the aspect name to read what it means. Each title of the interpretation text is constructed as follows: Aspect name - Planet of your horoscope (first partner) - Planet of partner's horoscope (second). Asterisks show the significance and importance of this astrological influence

In the second methodology, we divide all aspects into 4 categories:

  1. Love is feelings and sexual compatibility. Here we consider all aspects that may indicate the possibility of romantic, platonic or passionate love. Without mutual attraction and love, it is difficult to imagine a close relationship, so the first section shows the interrelationships of the planets that are most conducive to the emergence of feelings.
  2. Friendship is mutual understanding and commonality of views and tastes. In order to have something to talk about and have fun together, it is important that the partners are somewhat similar, and complement each other in some ways. This is, in general, psychological compatibility.
  3. Cooperation and partnership. Strong and lasting relationships are impossible without skills, abilities and conscious efforts aimed at maintaining them. The desire to make the partner happier and the mutual acceptance of responsibility for each other, as well as the desire for understanding and cooperation, make the relationship more mature and stable.
  4. Values ​​and worldview. Shared values ​​are an important basis for mutual understanding and support, helping to cope together and survive the inevitable personal crises and periods of adverse circumstances. Here we consider aspects with the so-called. higher planets symbolizing global values, meanings and archetypes.

How is it all considered?

It is usually difficult or impossible to adequately translate qualitative indicators into quantitative ones. For example, there are some favorable aspects and some unfavorable ones. How good and bad is that? Although it is wrong to put the question in this way initially and it is impossible to answer quickly and correctly, but everyone asks))) we have developed a methodology that, in our opinion, makes it possible to make an approximate and relative assessment. First, we evaluate, using a point system, all aspects between the planets of partners according to 3 indicators: the accuracy of the aspect, its strength (sextile, square, etc.) and its significance (+/-) for relationships. Then we added separately positive and negative indicators by categories - we got absolute numbers. But, for example, is 10 a lot or a little? In order to evaluate the total amounts relatively, some criterion is needed that is the same for all. A sample of 100,000 random pairs was created, for each pair the indicators were calculated for all categories, sorted and ranked. And so several times. We have seen that the distribution of scores does not change with the composition of the sample. This means that such a distribution will be valid for both a million and a billion pairs, i.e. it can be used as a basis for evaluation.

And finally, what do percentages mean?

The percentage shows how many pairs have a similar value less than yours. Those. if your score is 90%, it means that about 90% of the pairs are less than yours, and only 10% are more. Thus, readings less than 50% may not be considered as something special, but this does not take away the importance and significance of the aspects of the planets in your horoscopes.

Resonance of natal aspects

There are unions when partners have low indicators in the synastry, but in their natal charts there are aspects between the same pairs of planets, often when they are the same. Those. their horoscopes and, accordingly, the characters are tuned, as it were, to the same wave. Thus, resonance occurs. This approach is rarely seen even in professional literature, so it was interesting for us to implement it and test it. The program calculates natal aspects, looks for matches and gives the characteristics of the pairs found.

Karmic synastry according to M. Shulman

This section deals with synastric aspects as interpreted by Martin Shulman, author of the well-known book series "Karmic Astrology." The diagram was calculated according to the method described above. The blue column shows how many aspects there are between the planets in the partners' horoscopes, which symbolizes the strength of interaction and the connection between them. The green column reflects the opportunities and potential that were given to partners initially, and the red column shows how many karmic tasks and knots the partners have to unravel. The textual description of the aspects of the synastry explains their meaning and offers recommendations for building harmonious relationships.

Analysis of compatibility by elements is the simplest, but quite effective way to understand in general how partners match each other in terms of temperament. After all, the elements are the basic elements of the horoscope, reflecting its main energies and, accordingly, the psychological inclinations of a person and his life values. We consider the balance of the elements in detail in the individual horoscope. You can read more about the elements in a short fragment from Stephen Arroyo's book Astrology, Psychology and the Four Elements. According to the author, "an analysis of the harmony of the elements in a comparison of cards shows how and where two people can nourish each other's energy fields, as well as block the flow of the partner's energy and, therefore, bring disappointment to each other. If such a blockade exists, people experience great disappointment or serious depletion of energy, and sometimes both. In the case of a mutually harmonious energy exchange, people experience satisfaction, revitalization and a feeling of fullness.

There are different opinions about which combinations of elements are best for an alliance. For example, some believe that for harmonious relationships it is necessary that partners have a common element or a kindred one, for example, related couples are fire-air, earth-water. Others believe that partners should complement each other, i.e. to be attuned to the opposite elements. As often happens, the optimum is somewhere in the middle. Experience shows that people with opposite temperaments are often more interesting to each other at first, but over time it turns out that it is difficult for them to be together for a long time, as their energies are depleted. On the other hand, people tuned to the same energy feel comfortable in each other's company, but over time, without complementary and balancing energies, such an alliance can lead to boredom, routine and stagnation (in the case of passive elements) or to confrontation and rupture (in case of active). Thus, for a strong and harmonious relationship, it is better to have one or two elements in the general balance, common or related, and a certain number of opposite elements that will allow the union not to stand still and develop. That is, if one partner has the predominant element air, it is important that this element is present in some quantity in the other, especially if the other has the main element, for example, earth, and vice versa, then we can expect that the first will not too impractical for the second, and the second not too boring and mundane for the first. This "recipe" was the basis of our approach to assessing compatibility.

For experienced users, it should be noted that the analysis of the elements on this page is a bit simpler than that which we use in the birth chart, since it does not take into account the place of birth and therefore the Ascendant and its ruler. If you received a positive assessment of the compatibility of the elements on this page, then a more complete technique will not worsen this result. If you have received incompatibility, then consider the balance of the elements of each partner separately - perhaps the element of the Ascendant of each will bring the missing element into your overall balance.

The diagram reflects the balance of the elements of partners, on the right - the conclusion and interpretation of this distribution of energies.

Analysis of expectations and needs of partners

In this section, we turn to a more specific analysis. Here we will consider the so-called significators. Traditionally, the significator (indicator) of the husband in the female horoscope is the Sun, and in the male - the Moon. There is also an approach in which for a woman born during the day, the indicator of a man is the Sun, and for a woman born at night, the main significator of a man is Mars. For a man born during the day, the significator of his wife is Venus, and for a man born at night, the main significator of a woman is the Moon. We will use the third approach, when both significators for a man and a woman are considered. For a man, Venus symbolizes his beloved, and the Moon - his wife and mother, for a woman, Mars symbolizes the image of a lover, lover, and the Sun - a husband and father. It is logical that in our time not everyone and not always loved ones become partners in marriage and parents of children. For a woman, we will also here consider her Venus and Moon as a significator of the need for love and the need for security.

The position of the significators in the sign and element indicates the qualities that a person expects to find in some form in his partner. If your X signifier is in a Y sign, this does not mean that your partner must be Y, but the qualities of this sign will be present in his character, behavior or profession. Therefore, we analyze the partner's horoscope and look for Y qualities in his natal chart. Of course, first of all, these are his planets in the Y sign, the strong position of the ruler of the sign or its aspects to personal planets, which can give the desired qualities. If there are no or few such signs, it is important for compatibility that the horoscope has at least the qualities of the elements, therefore we also consider the belonging of the significators to the elements.

Thus, the best compatibility is when the element of your significator is represented in the partner's horoscope in sufficient quantity, and there are qualities of the sign of your significator.

As in the first section, it should be remembered that in our analysis we do not take into account the Ascendant and the houses of the horoscope, and this may add the desired qualities to the partner. You also need to understand that our expectations and needs are always expressed positively, i.e. we do not need "bad" qualities, however, the qualities of the sign that we examine in the horoscope will not always be in a positive way for a real person. For example, Taurus may not be a hard worker, but a stubborn lazy person, Aries is not a brave hero, but a selfish impudent. For this, it is necessary to consider the partner's horoscope as a whole.

Synastric analysis

Analysis of the ratios of the planets to each other in the horoscopes of partners is a fairly common approach to assessing compatibility, although it should be noted that it is not always decisive. You also need to consider that many aspects may not be noticeable at the beginning of a relationship and will appear years later. Astrologers have different approaches to interpreting and classifying synastric aspects. In this section, we will use the approach of the St. Petersburg School of Astrology, which has become quite popular, with some of our changes, and our own, which has been present on the site for several years. We chart both approaches in chart and percentage form to quickly and visually assess the potential opportunities and challenges of a relationship. The calculation method was developed by us, its essence can be found below.

So, the first diagram looks at relationships in various areas of interaction:

  1. Happiness. Here we are looking for a partner in aspects of Jupiter and Saturn to the Sun and Moon. Favorable aspects of Jupiter promise happiness to a partner whose Sun or Moon aspects Jupiter of another partner. This is called the "seal of happiness." The unfavorable aspects of Saturn, respectively, are the "seal of misfortune." It is very simple, but, as our experience, although not very large, of observing "seals" shows, it is a rather effective technique.
  2. Sexual compatibility. Here, pairs of planets are considered and evaluated, which are traditionally considered indicators of physical attraction: the Sun, Mars with the Moon, Venus. We have also added to the classical aspects the aspects of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto to Venus, which often also give rise to passion.
  3. The level of conflict. This indicator takes into account the aspects of Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto among themselves and is considered very important, since with any of its negative values, conflicts and disputes cannot be avoided. Although SPSA does not consider positive aspects, we have added them to the calculation (green part) as opportunities available for conflict resolution. We also added aspects of Uranus, because in our opinion, tense Uranus often leads not only to conflicts, but to a break in relations.
  4. psychological compatibility. We consider aspects of the personal planets Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars. Shows how much partners will feel comfortable with each other in everyday life.
  5. Intellectual compatibility - aspects of Mercury - thinking, interests, communication, exchange of ideas, etc.
  6. Social compatibility - all other aspects that show what kind of interactions arise in a pair when in contact with the external environment: society and its attitudes, values, global ideas, etc.

By clicking on the column, you will move to the list of aspects of the planets that were taken into account in the calculations. Click on the aspect name to read what it means. Each title of the interpretation text is constructed as follows: Aspect name - Planet of your horoscope (first partner) - Planet of partner's horoscope (second). Asterisks show the significance and importance of this astrological influence

In the second methodology, we divide all aspects into 4 categories:

  1. Love - feelings and sexual compatibility. Here we consider all aspects that may indicate the possibility of romantic, platonic or passionate love. Without mutual attraction and love, it is difficult to imagine a close relationship, so the first section shows the interrelationships of the planets that are most conducive to the emergence of feelings.
  2. Friendship is mutual understanding and commonality of views and tastes. In order to have something to talk about and have fun together, it is important that the partners are somewhat similar, and complement each other in some ways. This is, in general, psychological compatibility.
  3. Cooperation and partnership. Strong and lasting relationships are impossible without skills, abilities and conscious efforts aimed at maintaining them. The desire to make the partner happier and the mutual acceptance of responsibility for each other, as well as the desire for understanding and cooperation, make the relationship more mature and stable.
  4. Values ​​and worldview. Shared values ​​are an important basis for mutual understanding and support, helping to cope together and survive the inevitable personal crises and periods of adverse circumstances. Here we consider aspects with the so-called. higher planets symbolizing global values, meanings and archetypes.

How is it all considered?

It is usually difficult or impossible to adequately translate qualitative indicators into quantitative ones. For example, there are some favorable aspects and some unfavorable ones. How good and bad is that? Although it is wrong to put the question in this way initially and it is impossible to answer quickly and correctly, but everyone asks))) we have developed a methodology that, in our opinion, makes it possible to make an approximate and relative assessment. First, we evaluate, using a point system, all aspects between the planets of partners according to 3 indicators: the accuracy of the aspect, its strength (sextile, square, etc.) and its significance (+/-) for relationships. Then we added separately positive and negative indicators by categories - we got absolute numbers. But, for example, is 10 a lot or a little? In order to evaluate the total amounts relatively, some criterion is needed that is the same for all. A sample of 100,000 random pairs was created, for each pair the indicators were calculated for all categories, sorted and ranked. And so several times. We have seen that the distribution of scores does not change with the composition of the sample. This means that such a distribution will be valid for both a million and a billion pairs, i.e. it can be used as a basis for evaluation.

And finally, what do percentages mean?

The percentage shows how many pairs have a similar value less than yours. Those. if your score is 90%, it means that about 90% of the pairs are less than yours, and only 10% are more. Thus, readings less than 50% may not be considered as something special, but this does not take away the importance and significance of the aspects of the planets in your horoscopes.

Resonance of natal aspects

There are unions when partners have low indicators in the synastry, but in their natal charts there are aspects between the same pairs of planets, often when they are the same. Those. their horoscopes and, accordingly, the characters are tuned, as it were, to the same wave. Thus, resonance occurs. This approach is rarely seen even in professional literature, so it was interesting for us to implement it and test it. The program calculates natal aspects, looks for matches and gives the characteristics of the pairs found.

Karmic synastry according to M. Shulman

This section deals with synastric aspects as interpreted by Martin Shulman, author of the well-known book series "Karmic Astrology." The diagram was calculated according to the method described above. The blue column shows how many aspects there are between the planets in the partners' horoscopes, which symbolizes the strength of interaction and the connection between them. The green column reflects the opportunities and potential that were given to partners initially, and the red column shows how many karmic tasks and knots the partners have to unravel. The textual description of the aspects of the synastry explains their meaning and offers recommendations for building harmonious relationships.

Natal Compatibility Chart is an individual horoscope, which is compiled for one person and takes into account the location of the planets at the time of birth. It shows the influence of various celestial bodies on fate and character. Those born on the same day can be completely different in inclinations and behavior. This is due to the rapidly changing sky. The rapid change in the position of the stars creates different characters.

How to make a natal chart

Creating a natal chart is a delicate and fascinating business that can captivate many astrology lovers and needs training and training. Do not despair if you do not succeed on the first run, because any new activity requires concentration and patience. With the help of familiarization with astrological knowledge, you can get access to new interesting and useful information.

Drawing up a natal chart costs some effort, but they are worth it. There are two options: using a special astrological program or using our online Natal Chart page. Everyone chooses their own method.

Method number 1: online

Considered the most in a simple way. Follow the link:.

In specific fields (for convenience, they are signed), indicate the name, date and month of birth and time (if you don’t know exactly when you were born, you can put the standard 12:00). Also fill in the place of birth (city and country).

After that, click on "Create Horoscope".

That's all. All that's left is to enjoy finished product. To save a picture, you need to take a screenshot of the screen (a picture is taken with a special key on the keyboard) and print it on a printer.

Method number 2: a special astrological program

This option is suitable for those who understand computer programs at an intermediate level and want to continue mastering astrology in the future.

By going to, you will get to one of the most popular astrology programs - ZET. Its advantage is that it is completely free.

Scroll through the page and find "Download the distribution kit ...". Click on the highlighted link. Installing the program on a computer is very simple, because the site gives instructions. If you already have a favorite program, you can use it.

Launch the application on your computer. In the upper left corner you will find the "Horoscope" section. Click on it and go to the source data section.

In the first empty column, you need to enter your name, and below the date and time of birth. Ideally, if you know the time of birth with a flaw of half an hour. But if you are not aware at all, then leave 12:00.

To enter data about the city and country, you need to click on the special picture on the right and the atlas will open. If you appeared not in the city, but in the village (and it is not in the list), then select the city closest to the area from the list. To finish, click on Run.

It will not be superfluous to check the map. To do this, you can compare the second option with the first. On both maps, the location of the planets and the zodiac circle must match (true appearance may differ).

A more detailed description of the natal chart will allow understanding it as a plan of action for creating a harmonious life. It can be used to prevent harmful effects from outside influences. The map will help you understand your inner world and reveal the secrets of behavior, positive and negative sides personality. Ultimately, self-realization and happiness will become possible.

How to read a natal compatibility chart with decryption

The basis is the exact time coordinates and location of the birth. First of all, the celestial sphere is applied to the plane. It is positioned correctly relative to the horizon. To start mapping, you need to accurately record the time and place of birth.

The card contains 12 zodiac signs, which are presented in a counterclockwise position and are arranged strictly in sequence. Aries goes first, Pisces finishes the card. There are two circles on the map. The inner one serves to position the planets in relation to our luminary. Arabic numerals denote degrees. In addition to them, a symbolic designation of each celestial body, which plays an important role in decryption.

In the signs of the zodiac there are houses playing special role in creating the life stages of an individual. The natal chart is compiled once and does not change in subsequent years, because it is based on the first minute after birth. The positions of the planets will remain unchanged. Deciphering the card is usually done by qualified astrologers. The interpretation process can take up to a week.

To decipher the natal chart, you will definitely need:

Aspects of the planets are the position of the natal and transit planets relative to each other. The following values ​​of the aspects of the planets apply equally to natal and transit planets, as well as their joint aspects. For compiling individual horoscope pay attention, first of all, to aspects of natal and transit planets.

When an astrologer studies the stages of a person's life, such signs will help him make all the calculations correctly. Also, such houses help to reveal some features of a person’s character.

The location of the planets in the natal chart affects the formation of a person’s character, his inclinations, temperament and personality traits. Planets affect not only the physical, but also the emotional and intellectual plane. According to certain characteristics, they can be divided into groups.

Many people who learn the basics of astrological science are faced with the concept of "retrograde planet". Therefore, we will try to understand the main details of an incomprehensible phenomenon in order to completely exhaust this issue.

The connection between astrology and the planets is very close. It can be argued that not only a certain planet has its effect on a person, but also all the components of one component. Our actions and habits are directly affected by the planets, signs of the Zodiac. Emotionality, character traits, karma and fateful decisions - it all depends on which planet we were born under.

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