Marina's mother africantova showed her ass. Marina Afrikantova's mom revealed unknown facts about her boyfriend

Helpful Hints 22.08.2019
Helpful Hints

I am not a fan of the "old-timer" Marina Afrikantova, I treat her with absolutely indifference, as an inevitable necessity. But latest broadcasts make me look at it with different eyes. Marina's mother posted an angry appeal to Roman on her social networks. In this appeal, the woman tells what exactly and how she will do with Roman as soon as she is in the clearing. And, judging by her words, she is not going to be limited to a ladle. I can’t tell you in more detail, because the editors won’t let me through. I can say one thing for sure - the word “underpants” and “I will take off” are present in this appeal.

And Roman Kapakly had every right to be offended by Afrikantova, the eldest, and behave ugly, and this could be justified. But everything turned out differently - in this whole story, it was Marina who behaved disgustingly. The girl began to pull out dirty laundry and tell such details about her mother that the audience would never have known without Marina's help. And it was Roman who tried to close Marina's mouth so that she would stop this flow of dirt towards her own mother.

Who, if not Afrikantova, knows that a good deed or word of any project participant may not get on the air, but all the negativity that the participants say or do will definitely get on TV, such is the format of the show "Build Your Love". I was very disappointed by Marina, I did not expect such an outburst from her.

The participant of "House-2" and her mother Tatyana Afrikantova recently visited the clinic plastic surgery In Dubai. There, the 60-year-old parent of a reality TV star miraculously became ten years younger. The reason for this was several cosmetic procedures, including Botox injections, peeling and special masks. They were made by Tatyana Afrikantova, one of the best specialists in the Emirates. After visiting the Afrikants' clinic, he wrote on his Instagram: "Marina and Tatyana, it was very nice to see you."

According to Marina, the doctor her mother turned to really knows his stuff. The girl wrote in her microblog that he works very clearly, confidently and without any questions, and also immediately sees the problem areas of his patients. Afrikantova also expressed her joy at meeting such a highly qualified specialist and said that her mother had not received such a large number of compliments for a long time as after a visit to the clinic.

However, Afrikantova's subscribers did not share the enthusiasm for the procedures for her mother. According to many of them, the photo of Tatyana Afrikantova's supposedly magical transformation is the result of the skillful use of retouching, beautiful makeup and better photographic equipment than in the frame “before the procedures”. “Tonal cream works wonders”, “Photoshop”, “For this age, not cosmetic procedures are needed, but Plastic surgery”, “Very funny, in the picture on the right she was just made up”, “Unnatural photo”, “To be able to see the real results, you need to take a picture of Tatyana without makeup,” many wrote in the comments in Marina’s post. Others began to resent the fact that Tatyana decided to go to the clinic. “You are already so beautiful”, “Why do you need to look younger than your daughter?”, “It’s better, like my grandmother, to play sports, take care of yourself, not be nervous, and even at 85 look like a maximum of 70!”, Fans shared their opinion African.

Recall that Tatyana Afrikantova came to the Dom-2 project in December 2015 to support her daughter Marina in a difficult relationship with Andrey Chuev. However, over time, Tatyana became the star of the show, actively taking part in the life of the television set.

Before coming to the show biography Tatyana Vladimirovna Afrikantova was quite ordinary. She was born in intelligent family, her father is a professor at the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys. The woman is married, her husband's name is Alexander. She devoted her whole life to raising children, Marina, her two brothers and younger sister, she never worked, because. The husband has a pretty good income.

In the Seychelles with daughter Marina, "son-in-law" Andrey Chuev and the guys

Mom is in no way inferior to her daughter Marina, and also shares photos and communicates with fans in social network Instagram ( In Contact it is not!). Find Tatyana Afrikantova's page in Instagram easy, she leads her under the nickname @afrikantova_family, and you can watch new photos of the “main mother of the project” right on our website website

U.P. At Marina's mother new Instagram- (Afrikantova TV). The old account @afrikantova_family (Afrikantova Family) no longer works!

Instagram Tatyana Afrikantova: photo

go to the official Instagram of mother Marina Afrikantova - link

The television project of the TNT channel "Dom-2" was launched in 2004 and for many years now it has not lost its rating positions due to the extraordinary participants in the show. The audience is used to the fact that every time new guys and girls appear in the perimeter who dream of “building love”. Relatives of the participants also come to the reality show to give their beloved good advice and help get out conflict situations. So Tatyana Vladimirovna Afrikantova came to the TV set to support her daughter Marina, and stayed in Dom-2 for a long time.

The woman dreamed of becoming an actress, and her wish came true: Tatyana instantly became the star of a television project. A woman did not come for a relationship, because she has loving husband. But, nevertheless, behind the biography and Instagram African Senior continues to be followed by loyal fans of the show.

Tatyana Afrikantova was born in Moscow on April 27, 1965. Tatyana Vladimirovna's father is Kulifeev Vladimir Konstantinovich, professor, doctor of technical sciences, employee of the Institute of Steel and Alloys. At one time he taught students, future, graduate students and professors, specialized in the nuclear industry. Tatyana Afrikantova has a good relationship with her father, they often broadcast jointly on Periscope and answer questions from viewers

Before participating in the scandalous reality show, Tatyana Afrikantova lived the life of an ordinary housewife, did housework and raised four children: two sons and two daughters. Eldest daughter Marina is a member of "House-2", and the youngest Yana is studying at the university. According to Tatyana, the sons hold prestigious positions in well-known companies.

Tatyana Vladimirovna's husband, Alexander, is a PhD and a wealthy man who is able to feed the whole family.

Journalists have said more than once that Tatyana's lover is a kind and docile person, unlike a self-confident wife, so matriarchy reigns among the Afrikantovs.

"House 2"

Tatyana Vladimirovna appeared on the TV set at the end of December 2015 to support her daughter Marina Afrikantova, who at that moment was planning a wedding with. Tatyana was ambivalent about Chuev, believing that the young man had accepted the position of gigolo and met with Marina in order to receive money.

First, Tatyana appeared in Dom-2 as a guest, and then she remained under the guns of television cameras for a long time. According to the woman, she was forced to become a participant in the television project by the departure of her husband Alexander on a long business trip. Marina's mother both gave advice to her daughter and discussed the life of the participants, being present at the frontal place.

The viewers immediately liked the woman, some noted that the elder Afrikantova was actually a complex character: Tatyana Vladimirovna often behaved frankly, while she could give practical advice to the participants.

Tatyana Afrikantova in the show "Dom-2"

Due to Tatyana's ambiguous behavior, the participants in the show themselves suggested that she leave: at one frontal meeting, he expressed the opinion that Afrikantova Senior should leave Dom-2 on their own, without voting. However, the woman left and returned more than once, once she appeared at the place of execution with her defender, her husband Alexander.

But most of all, the viewers of the TV show remembered the conflict between Tatyana Vladimirovna and (mother, who also came to support her daughter on the project).

Tatyana Vladimirovna loves to communicate with viewers in the Periscope service and sometimes, according to the participants, Afrikantova tells inappropriate information about the inhabitants of the TV project. One of the participants in the live broadcast advised Tatyana to follow the example of Irina Alexandrovna. Marina's mother did not like the advice, and she considered it necessary to express her opinion about the Agibalov family. In particular, Tatyana came up with a story about Irina's criminal record. Accusing the woman of slander, Irina Alexandrovna demanded a million rubles in compensation.

Personal life

In life, Tatyana Vladimirovna is a cheerful and perky person who loves to spend time with her father. Marina's mother loves to travel to exotic countries with her husband: the woman is delighted with Dubai, and she also liked being in the southwest of India.

Plastic Tatyana Afrikantova: before and after

Fans of "House-2" sometimes argue how old Tatyana Vladimirovna really is: the woman misled subscribers by posting a wedding photo dated 1977. But whatever the age of Marina's mother, she looks young.

According to rumors, Tatyana Vladimirovna did cosmetic procedures in Dubai with one of the best specialists. In her blog, the woman posted the results before and after.

Tatyana Afrikantova now

In 2017, passions around the news about the trial of Irina Agibalova and Tatyana Afrikantova do not subside. On January 26, the NTV program “We Speak and Show” was released: “Honor for a Million”, in which both ex-participants of the project met.

Tatyana continues to upload videos on YouTube, where she willingly talks about what is happening in her life.

Beloved Marina Afrikantova at the birthday of the chosen one called her parents the wrong age. Roman Kapakly added a dozen years to himself, which made Afrikantova Sr. happy.

Tatyana Afrikantova happily accepted her daughter's chosen one

The celebration of the anniversary of the spectacular beauty Marina Afrikantova, which took place last weekend, still causes a lot of discussion. It turns out that the story of the cat that “tarnished the reputation” of Kapakla is far from the only scandalous event. This time, Tatyana Vladimirovna, Marina's mother, published a post on her Instagram with a very mysterious text.

"Here you go, Dear friends! We are all together again, only the suitors are different, but this time Roman is the best! We all liked it very much, and we will gladly take it at home. He cooks, does laundry, goes to the store, smart, reasonable, and he told us in secret that he would soon turn 27 years old, we tortured him, and he let slip that his sister was two years older and lived in Turkey. And she is 29 years old. So the groom, what do you need! - the woman describes her daughter's lover.

Tatyana Vladimirovna's statement caused an extremely ambiguous reaction among subscribers: either Afrikantova Sr. clearly misunderstood Roma, or it was a funny joke, or maybe Roman deliberately added a few years to himself in order to appear adult and serious in the eyes of his girlfriend's parents. In any case, disputes among social media users about age young man violent erupted.

“Again, you are thinking about age. You can say anything, but at 18 he is not going to get married, and Marina at her 30 is time to give birth”, “What are 19? My nephew is 18, but he's a kid in the eleventh grade. What are you talking about? Put him and put Roma - absolutely two different person! It can be seen that he is 26-27 years old”, “Tatyana Vladimirovna is spinning an intrigue again… What kind of people?” - subscribers comment on the hot news.

In fact, Roman Kapakly will soon turn 19 years old. This is officially reflected in his passport - a guy born in 1998. In November, he will celebrate his birthday, and at what age Tatyana Vladimirovna will congratulate the young man remains a mystery.

Probably Afrikantova's boyfriend intentionally distorted the data on his years. Recall that Marina was in no hurry to declare herself a couple with a young man, referring to his youth: after all, she is already almost 30, and the guy has just come of age. But Roman, according to his confession, always liked older girls. Therefore, Kapakly argued in every possible way that age in love does not matter. As a result, the blonde still gave up and officially confirmed their romantic relationship with Roma.

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