I love spring description. Why I love spring

diets 24.07.2019

I love spring for the expanse of the steppe,
For the blue of the sky, for the bird whistle,
Lilac bush, Tsnu blue,
Resinous poplar leaf.

I love open spaces
Wheat fields and ponds.
Bird cherry fragrant smell,
blooming in spring gardens.

I love with all my heart and soul
Our Teke places.
Especially when the ball rules
green-eyed spring

And spring is in the air
Such a wonderful scent.
And now she has come
I see this wonderful look.

I love spring, why be silent,
I love these evenings
Love trying to describe
How do you like spring time.

Such a pleasant gentle air,
Which adds warmth.
When you walk, it's very difficult,
Do not notice the beauty of spring.

I'm waiting for spring, like life new chapter,
She will come and hug me again
Again, I'll pass for a crazy girl,
God will not take away the enthusiasm in the spring.
And the sparkle in the eyes, which is shackled by icy peace,
On the new will play, will burn,
And I will burn, revel again, again,
It hurts my soul to live differently.
No, it doesn't hurt, but languishes in white boredom,
Like a snake falls into its hibernation,
And cries, cries in this winter torment,
And frost, like crystal, from these tears.

I'm waiting for spring, my soul will rise again
Under the sun that will bring...

How I love spring, as a girl at the beginning,
the sky is a bottomless vault of calico-blue.
In these holy days there is no sorrow for me,
even when alone - I'm still with you.

I'm still with you, not even knowing where you are,
even assuming that at the end of the earth.
Western winds and clouds-corvettes
I have received word from you again.

News from you - a sprig of white willow.
Again, the world will be overturned by a simple miracle - spring.
You shudder with love, even if you don't want to,
with thoughts of me you will wander without sleep.

Will you...

The sun rises in the clouds
Coloring the sky bright color.
And the sky in miracle-terems,
They rush into the distance driven by the wind.

The earth sighed new world,
A wave of heat shook everything.
I drank melted water,
It's time for new games.

Birds rush home
Their joy echoes.
Their heart remembers their home,
And their home embraces them.

Waiting for the songs of new nightingales, -
They come with a lilac scent.
The buds swelled on the branches,
And soon the pipes will sound.

Spread by the crowns of the forest,
And the noise of the leaves will wake up the summer.

Nature comes alive in spring
Herbs, trees, flowers...
Spring is very beautiful
But I don't like spring!

Spring awakens the senses
The best we have been given.
Spring is so poetic
But I don't like spring.

Spring is that period of life
Which has no price.
Spring is awesome!
But I don't like spring.

Spring is just a moment
Illusion that we are strong
That life will be long and clear
I don't like spring!

Everything in life is simple, real -
And the paths are very clear
Summer autumn...

Love, kiss, adore!
You are my passion and inspiration!
All our meetings are dear to me!
Hours, minutes and moments!

I love your words!
Your smile, mood!
And it's still winter outside!
And on the soul, drops of spring!

Love, kiss, adore!
I love your eyes!
I miss you so much!
I miss you very much!

I love, kiss! Be with me!
You are my passion and admiration!
And outside the window, already drops!
And the mood of spring!

Spring is the most extraordinary time of the year. Nature comes alive in spring. In spring, the snow melts and the first green grass appears. In the spring you can hear the birds singing. In the spring the sun shines and the mood immediately becomes better.

I love watching nature change. I like to walk down the street when the smell of spring is already heard and it blows in my face warm wind. Each new spring is not like the previous spring. I want your life to be transformed with the onset of spring.

Most of all I like late spring, when the trees bloom, when the grass is succulent. green tint. I like to be photographed against the backdrop of flowering trees. When the trees are in bloom, they resemble brides. And the aroma that they emit is simply intoxicating.

I love spring even for the first trips to the forest. In the forest, you can pick the first meadow flowers, warm your hands by the fire and sing songs. I like to go to the forest with my parents and friends. I like to eat in nature.

I love spring also because summer comes after it. Summer is the best time of the year when you don't have to stay at home. In the summer I want to walk, relax and travel. Therefore, spring is the real path to summer, the path along which you walk with pleasure and meet every day with love.

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I love spring, because at this time it becomes somehow more fun in my soul. I sit at the lesson and enjoy the sun, which shines brightly and warmly. When I go home from school, I meet smiling people - probably they are also happy about spring.

It seems to me that something new and unusual will happen.

Most of all I like to watch how nature changes. Poets often describe this time in verse. From the first days of March, strange things begin to happen around: it seems that someone turned on a large lamp. The snow melts imperceptibly - during the day it was still lying near the entrance, and in the morning it is gone. Only in the park under the trees does it melt longer. It takes a few days to warm the sun, as the plants begin to come to life. Gray, unsightly trees are budding, and lawns are covered with ultra-bright green grass.

Clouds float across the sky. If you lie on the ground and watch them, you can have great fun. At first, all sorts of horses will be seen, then the mountains are high, you can even see your portrait.

With the beginning of spring, you realize that the birds really sing. It seems that even sparrows chirp not as usual, but cheerfully and with overflows.

But the most favorite spring month is May. Not only because school is over. I love the May 9th holiday: there are a lot of people, adults and children on the streets, music plays, and in the evening the fireworks are beautiful and bright so much that it takes your breath away. Veterans go to military uniform with orders on the chest. They are so old.

Probably the whole city is going to the military parade. I am bursting with envy and pride when even rows of soldiers are walking across the square, military equipment is driving.

AT last years it's already hot in May, so it's getting harder and harder to sit in class. After class, my friends and I go to the park. Flowers are already growing with might and main, the grass is thick and soft, and the trees rustle with green leaves. The smells are such that the head is spinning.

If you sit under the sun for a long time, you can even get a tan.

Outside the city, nature already lives full life. Fishermen are sitting on the river, people are digging in the dachas, hammers are knocking - construction is in full swing.

(Painting by S. N. Sergeev "The Joy of Spring")

On hot days, all insects crawl out of their secluded places. Some of them I don't even know. butterflies, ladybugs, ants, bees - everyone is in a hurry somewhere. And when it suddenly starts to rain - warm, torrential, it becomes clear that they are like barometers - they felt changes in the weather and were in a hurry to do their business.

After the rain - again miracles. Seeds planted in the garden germinate in a couple of days. The streets have been washed, the houses freshened up and there is a pleasant freshness in the air.

Spring has come - get ready for beautiful changes.

Why do I love spring?

Spring is a wonderful time of the year. In spring, trees bloom, grass turns green, the sun warms, migratory birds return from warm lands. Only in spring you can watch how all nature comes to life, how the first buds appear and bloom on the branches, fresh green grass grows.

I really love everything spring months but especially May. It is in May that it becomes really warm, everything around blooms. And you can already walk in light clothes and enjoy the warmth and sun.

Why do I love spring blooms?

Of all the seasons, I love spring the most. I especially like the blooming spring - the period when the trees are covered with fragrant white or pink flowers. A magnificent sight, from which almost everyone is delighted! When contemplating this amazing beauty of nature, even people with a gloomy character improve their mood.

In my native land flowering trees occurs around mid-spring. No wonder the month of April has such a name. The flowering period of trees and shrubs, unfortunately, is rather short. But plants such as, in the spring, are just beginning to bloom. Separate types flowers do this until the end of autumn.

When the trees fade, we see young green leaves on their branches. It had time to open the buds that looked swollen in early spring. And now we observe nature in all its grandeur and beauty.

I love spring nature

Why do I love spring? I associate this season with a beautiful young girl. And it is no coincidence, because it is in this way that spring is depicted in the illustrations. I like warm weather not hot and not cold. Love sunny days when a clear blue sky is above your head and a pleasant light breeze blows. It dawns early and the day is very long. Everywhere is green and bright. A variety of insects swarm in the grass. Birds flying from the south soar in the sky. Rejoicing in the warmth and the sun, they loudly sing their sonorous songs. Not only in birds, but also in most animals, the mating season begins.

Spring is youth, procreation, a riot of colors and the triumph of life. Nature wakes up, and all living things rejoice. The air is saturated with marvelous aromas of flowering plants. When you inhale it, you feel warmth and vivacity spread through your body. The vital energy is added, which is so necessary for new beginnings and achievements. All this creates a great mood, I want to live and create! There is faith in the best, kind, bright. No wonder it is believed that spring is the most positive and optimistic time of the year.

I love spring since childhood. For all schoolchildren, this time of year is associated with the end of the school year and the proximity of summer holidays. And what could be better than a vacation?!

In the spring it's nice to make plans for the summer: where to go to, when to go to. It's great to be able to go out into nature. This is what I love about spring the most!

The writing

Of all the seasons, I like spring the most.

In spring, most flowers bloom, trees and grass turn green. The long-awaited warm days are coming, there is less and less rain, and they are getting warmer and warmer.

Mom hides winter things in the closet, and dad takes out camping supplies from a drawer in the garage. I'm getting my bike ready, because soon the puddles will dry up and it will be possible to drive around the yard, ringing merrily to the gaping guys. Wonderful time - spring!

At the very beginning of spring, we give our mothers, grandmothers and sisters flowers and gifts. The holiday of March 8 is one of the most beloved by the people.

And at the end of spring, schoolchildren have another holiday - Last call. This is my favorite holiday, because after it the holidays begin.
Option 2

I love spring. I love the smell of flowers, swollen buds on trees, warm spring puddles, the cheerful chirping of sparrows.

In spring, nature looks like a washed-up beauty, preening herself in front of a mirror. And the mirror blue skies on which white fluffy clouds run.

In the spring, birds arrive and begin to build their nests. And it’s easier for starlings, because people prepare houses for them in advance. Therefore, starlings will equip birdhouses and immediately begin to work - to clear the fields from pests that have awakened after the winter. Rooks also work, although people do not build houses for them.

Spring is a wonderful time of the year also because it is the morning of nature, its awakening from hibernation.

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