Beautiful statuses about spring and love. Statuses about spring beautiful short

Technique and Internet 19.06.2019
Technique and Internet

Spring is not a calendar date, but a state of mind...


Spring is always blooming in my heart!


It already feels like spring is approaching ... The sun is brighter, the days are longer and the soul is soooo good ...)))


Love in the heart, spring in the soul and on the street, a smile on the face and in the eyes! What else do you need to be happy?!


The same thought warms my soul - soon there will be spring ... soon there will be a new life!


We are all looking forward to the arrival of spring... It seems that the gentle sun will come out and drive away frosts, cold winds, dankness from the streets and our souls... Spring and flowers will bloom in our souls... The wind of change will blow and miraculous changes will begin to occur in life! New ideas, good thoughts and feelings will appear ...


Happy new spring in our life, in our soul! I congratulate you on the holiday of spring! With the breath of the river and the brilliance of the sun, May the days be blessed and clear. And let the sun shine through your window! Let the intoxicating resurrection of nature be the awakening of the soul, So that you are always so good, Like the gentle radiance of the sky!


Spring, spring - it's time for love! How sweet is your appearance to me, What a languid excitement... In my soul, in my blood...


I've been waiting for you for so long. And finally you are here. Come on .. Don't stand on the threshold .. come into my life!!! Yes, it's a little cold here... But you'll warm me up, won't you? Spring…


I smile at the sun, I rejoice in the rain, I love the wind. And all because this spring is special, happy. I feel…


Soul in anticipation of spring! And again I dream of colored dreams... Desires excite the blood... I wish you all mutual love!


Inside the woman there is a beautiful garden in which spring abides! It is in this garden that Femininity lives ... But most often she sleeps and wakes up only when spring awakens in the soul of a woman !!! Spring, come into my soul!!!


With the advent of spring, our Femininity, like the first snowdrop, will begin to wake up and pull its tender head towards warmth, the sun and love ... and in the soul it will become warm, warm, joyful and sunny like in spring ...


Spring in the soul is cloudless airy ...


In the spring it is always easy to think, dream easily, and the world, forgetting for a while about space and time, loses its tension, and something warm, soft and tender is poured into the soul ...


Spring is not only the sun, the first flowers and tender green foliage... Spring is a holiday of the soul!!!


Time heals even the worst wounds. Everything passes, even the long winter. Spring will come anyway and melt the snow and ice in the soul ...


And my gardens are blooming! And my kids are laughing! Dancing on the grass thrushes, Noisy on the crowns warm wind… And my soul is light! And the heart with warm rays, Warmed by bright eyes, My beloved from afar ... And I look at this world, It sparkled with bright color! The sun will set the light of the feast, And the soul enjoyed it to its fullest! And I have spring in my soul! ..


And I have Spring in my soul!!! And we have one life - It is beautiful !!! Spring birds singing, And the smell of an apple tree in a flowering garden, Breath sea ​​wind, The ray of the sun is clear, The surf of the wave, Running from afar ... Everything that happens, Not in vain and not in vain ... And one moment Will not happen twice - After all, we have one life! She is wonderful! She is priceless! Everyone should remember!

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Spring ... it always persistently smells of a slightly unfulfilled hope for love ...

In the spring, if you are careful, you can see how the eyes of some girls and guys just scream: “I want love!”

Smile and fall in love. Bathe in laughter everyone!!! Have fun - smile. After all, SPRING is back on earth ..

Spring. Sun. Joy. Happiness. A smile on your face. Jeans. Keds. Positive. Love.

Spring sign - if the palm itches, perhaps a line of love is formed on it.

The past is a lie, there are no ways back for memory, each past spring is irrevocable, and the most insane and enduring love is just a fleeting feeling.

The sun is shining outside the window... It's spring outside... I want love. Light, tender, and not one that brings only pain and tears.

I was so looking forward to spring, because you once told me that spring is our season with you ...

She just loves Spring, and doesn't know how to be alone. She will definitely find a purse for her sandals, a boyfriend and the love of her life and, of course, herself.

I would just like to erase the love line on my hand so I can be strong this spring

And in the city, slowly but surely, spring is coming ... it's warm, the snow is melting ... But with you, my love, spring always blooms in my soul, regardless of the weather outside ...

Statuses about spring and love - Spring is already behind the doors... who to fall in love with, damn it ?!

Spring has come, and with it love ... the mind has a vacation!

Spring, sneakers, chocolate, bright scarf, favorite song in headphones, admiring glances and memories of you...

Spring is a light cocktail of thoughts in my head, with a barely audible light and tart note of hope ... for love.

Although, you know, I'm happy. In the end, it's almost spring and we fell in love with this winter, and then ... Spring itself will paint our lines of love on the palms ...

Love in the heart, spring in the soul and on the street, a smile on the face and in the eyes! What else is needed for happiness?!

He was... she was... he loved... she lied... spring came, she left... he loved... she lied...

I believe that under a layer of cold and indifference you hide a warm and kind heart, just like the first flowers hide under the snow in spring...

Spring is in my heart. There is love in the heart. Wind in my head...

Why do I need a new spring without you? Without you there is no me...

Do you know what spring is? This is when children heal broken knees with saliva. When adults heal broken hearts wine.

In the spring you can't love, in the spring you need to fall in love!

In the spring dreams come true... in the spring flowers bloom around... in the spring you will come back to me...

All life flowed according to spring laws. Now there is no escape from love.

They say that spring is the time for falling in love ... but spring ends, and love does not even smell ...

Spring is another chance. Another hope for love

Spring, without your beauty, will be gray, empty without love, and cold without warmth ...

If in the early spring of youth it was possible to discern something more behind the external features and charm, which over time will develop into a mature, adult feeling, then these people meet their autumn and winter together. And they live happily ever after...

Statuses about spring and love

How can one not love spring, when everything is blooming, the birds are singing and the sun is warming the still cold earth.

With our weather in Russia, spring will be distinguished from winter only by one single sign: the sun rises earlier. And even this sign will not mean anything with the transitions to summer or winter time.

Spring has come - it's time for green nature and fragrant kebabs. The sun warms, the wind caresses your cheeks, or maybe you can take it all and fall in love, huh?

If you love me the same way as I love the wonderful time of spring, then our happiness will have no limit.

Best Status:
How much can you say about the fact that spring is lost somewhere? Here summer will come, and again you will whine about the heat and drought.

Did you notice that the sun began to shine brighter, the birds sang, the kidneys swelled? Yeah, you have an exacerbation too!

Only in spring, people are divided into two types: those who still wear winter jackets and those who have already put on a T-shirt and flip flops.

You understand that spring has come when you take out an old windbreaker from the hanger, and in it candies and money. A trifle, but nice. It's like a gift for having survived a harsh snowy winter.

Another spring, one more try

Spring-flowers from a loved one, summer-sea, autumn-rain and you are under an umbrella with a loved one, winter-coffee in bed from a loved one, what a wonderful LOVE!

Spring... Everything is blooming: flowers, hair, hands.

On the other hand, you can get used to everything ... I think that by August I will no longer be surprised at the blizzard outside the window.

try to become the most important reason to live in someone's spring...

The world has become brighter .. spring has come, I love you .. and you are near ... My simple female happiness ...

Meet, brothers, here it is!

Tomorrow is the first day of spring - it's time to clean up the Christmas tree!

maybe that's why winter is so long, so that we understand how beautiful spring is.

Spring is already at the door ... who the hell to fall in love with?!?!?!?

Love inadvertently descends, And all the brains again Khan! Your emotions are on the verge, as if in autumn spring

And this new spring will not return to us everything that we have lost ...

In winter, we dream of seeing the warm sun, exposing our smiling face to its rays, and only with the advent of spring do we realize how much we missed the rain

Spring - well, here it is, finally the long-awaited spring. We can take off these shapeless jackets, boots and put on something spring, summer ... wake up in the morning from the rays of the sun and overflowing greenery, put on a sweater and run out into the street ... towards a new love ...

spring is coming... i want to fall in love!!!

How I want to see you: it's already spring. How I want to hear you: your voice in my dreams. Comes and sings in my ear. Everything will work out, and I will come to you. How I want to see you: but no - you can’t. How my heart breaks: days without you. And how I scold myself for giving my word. That I will not hurry up the time, and I will wait for our happy ending.

Hurrah! Spring))) Girls soon our day! =)))

Have you tried to get out into the forest in the spring - far away from the asphalt and the crowd - and, falling backwards on the already dry ground, spread your arms and listen to life, concentrating under your closed eyes? Love to all!

Today I went out into the street, and there the sun ... the mood immediately rose .. spring is approaching)))

Spring-spring, and we have rain and snow on schedule

This year in March, even Siberian cats did not start serenades. Apparently they were afraid to freeze the eggs.

Spring, like love - you really look forward to it, but it always comes unexpectedly

You go out into the street in early spring, inhale the smell of freshness surrounding you with full breasts - and your face will naturally break into a smile. And it's not about spring and not about the sun - today is another pay day!

It's spring back again!

Spring has come and I'm too lazy to study, you sit on a pair like a horned fucking deer!)

spring is the time to crave ice cream...and fall in love!

It will be hard for spring, she will go to work this year on Monday)))

Spring, the first knees timidly peek out from under the skirts ..

Every cell of the soul wants warmth) I was waiting for you spring ... - in

Do you know what I thought? Spring begins on Monday ... So I’ll start a new life, not dwelling on an idiot who doesn’t love me. Life is still beautiful =)

Have you ever seen spring? This is a beautiful slender girl in a light translucent dress, with light curly hair, with clean blue eyes and a heart sewn from snowdrops

This spring is going to drive me crazy before it's even over.

... finally, the long-awaited spring has come .. soon there will be the first lilies of the valley, the first warmth, this snow will melt and she will walk along unfamiliar streets smiling and simply because spring has come ..

In the spring, the instinct of a hunter wakes up in men, and not only for ducks

And the world becomes colored - this is Spring

Probably, in February, there are only 28 days on purpose, so that spring comes as soon as possible ...

This is how I celebrate spring. I get up early on a sunny morning, walk around the city, look into the eyes of passers-by and smile. Think you've gone crazy? No. I am so happy!

Spring ... buds swell ... hands open

take away left hand from the face, to the right of the mouse, straighten your back and say: “Hurrah, spring has come!”

I stopped being cold. -Probably love. - No, it's spring.

when he will remember you .. he will look at the photos in contact and want to return you, but it will be too late .. outside the window is spring, you are walking hand in hand with another, kissing gently at the entrance and so you don’t want to let go ..

There is a world in my head. Beautiful and only my world, kind and eternally alive, a world where it is always spring. ©

I think February specifically has only 28 days. for spring to come as soon as possible.

The world has become brighter .. spring has come ... - spring statuses

Spring is a time of life, not death.

I know that often one does not want to endure the intrigues of a cold and chilly winter. But how without it to fully realize all the charm of the coming spring?))

Spring came! Do you hear the clatter of her slender legs? Open your heart to her, otherwise she will burst through the window and pull you out by the throat

spring will come and you will see in full glory what you have lost, but it will be too late ..

The snow has fallen ... you can immediately see Spring has come

Soon, soon it will start! The world will wake up from winter! We wake up and shake ourselves, in the middle of the spring turmoil ... clap our eyes, stomp our feet ... dig through the chests ... well, hold on, guys!

Spring, a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhobbies without much meaning ... spring brought us all to insanity ... (c)

You have zero new emails. You have zero messages in contact. You have zero comments in your diary. This means only one thing: spring has begun and everyone has left the Internet on the street and, finally, have begun to live their own lives.

Spring is coming soon... I promise, everything will be different: I will stop surfing the Internet and start running in the morning... to replace sneakers I will buy myself elegant shoes and probably change my haircut... and I will also stop crying and maybe even fall in love... But first of all, I will forget about you .. Spring ... Everything will be different !!

And no damn blizzards, no snowfalls, no blizzards have overcome our spring ...

Spring has come: the boys swell, the girls bloom

And it's spring in Chernobyl 🙂 the grass is turning blue, the birds are barking

He calls me a malafka, a kazyavka and a miracle ... He enters ICQ and immediately writes to me ... He taught me to love and in the spring he will teach me to play the guitar ... And I would so like to remove him from my friends in contact ... And put him in a new column of my life called “Favorites in spring”

Spring has come and nothing has changed. Now I'm just waiting for the summer.

This year, the word “spring” somehow rhymes in a special way with the words “X * Y ON!”

Spring is the only revolution in the world...

If your coat has melted mud, it's not spring yet. Spring is when dirt gets on jeans. Because you don't have a coat

Spring, well, come in, what if not native?

The sun is shining, spring has come, but for some reason you are not around.

I painted my nails with bright pink varnish ... REALLY improves my mood !!! =) just try it! it's almost spring outside! you need to rejoice and believe in the best! happiness to you!

What can study be like if it's spring outside?

My associations with spring in words)) [Spring]=>>[Love]=>>[New life]=>>[Family]=>>[Communication] =>>[Flirt]=>>[Joy]=> >[Smiles]=>>[Friends]=>>[Happiness]=>>[Warmth]=>>[Lilac]=>> [Romance]=>>[school]

Today I realized that spring is when you walk and talk on the phone, and your hand does not freeze!

In the spring, even the trees whisper something tender in each other's ears.

And in the city, spring is slowly but surely coming ...)) it's warm, the snow is melting .. But with you, my love, spring always blooms in my soul = * regardless of the weather outside the window ...))))

Spring sign - if the palm itches, perhaps a line of love is formed on it

Spring, in my opinion, is a very romantic and cute season. Either tears, or icicles dripping ...

Spring is a real woman. Everyone has been waiting for her for a long time, and she just washed her hair, painted her nails, and now she sits and slowly applies makeup, getting ready to go out ...

Try to become the most important reason to live in someone's spring...

Spring has come ... - ... fall in love or something ...)

I look out the window, and there is happiness .. warm, sun and long-awaited spring ..

girls, just a little bit left, and spring will come!! we will put on heels.. we will let our hair down.. we will smile.. and we will be happy.. all these goats for evil.. because of which we suffered this winter..

Can you at least smile in spring? Look at the sun Look at the trees, the birds, the grass... Like this. Correctly. do as they do

Comrades! spring tomorrow!!! we survived this winter)

tomorrow is spring ..) so tender and long-awaited .. it's strange that the year does not start with spring ..

Spring has come - a vacation for the mind.

In the spring you will regret that you were not with me in the winter.

Spring is a time of dreams, inspiration and of course love! Spring is so beautiful that it is simply impossible to remain silent about it. We offer you a selection of beautiful quotes and aphorisms, cool sayings and statuses about spring. Add them to your pages and get charged with spring mood.

Spring, like a woman, either comes suddenly or makes you wait. In spring, not only nature comes to life, but also feelings. In spring, love overcomes everyone. In spring, more than ever, I want to talk about my feelings and soar on the wings of love. Spring comes whether the snow has melted or not. In the soul, spring comes at the end of February, even cats can confirm this.

Spring is the time for miniskirts and stilettos. No woman will miss the opportunity to show off her figure and attract the attention of men. But for those who have not denied themselves anything for new year holidays, spring is a kind of marathon "I'll fit in or I won't fit into my favorite dress."

Spring is impossible not to love. It gives life and hope for happiness, but what can I say, spring is happiness. Spring strikes with its beauty. There is nothing more beautiful than realizing that life is seething around. You wake up in the morning - and you see how the leaves have blossomed on the trees during the night, you go home from work - and you understand that the birds have already returned from the south. By the way, about the work ... Here it is in the spring, it just seems superfluous! Probably not in vain there are many spring holidays and weekends.

While spring blooms on this planet,
And the beauty of green groves is in bloom,
And the grace of God is given to everyone in the world,
Let these beauties bloom for us too!

Spring is the only revolution in this world worthy of being taken seriously, the only one that at least always succeeds.

Waiting for spring is like waiting for paradise.

The brightest of all springs is the one in the soul.

Live in peace. Spring will come and the flowers will bloom on their own.

Make plans for the year in the spring, plans for the day in the morning.

Spring is such a time of year when it is very good to start something new.

Quotes about spring and love

Spring is blooming more and more, making the human heart tremble.

Spring... it always persistently smells of love...

Spring has come, shining with magic. It can be compared with a deity. Hurry to breathe in, hurry to hug her, Take your love from her lips ...

Spring is a light cocktail of thoughts in my head, with a barely audible light and tart note of hope ... for love.

May this spring be bright and happy for everyone, in the arms of a loved one.

Love is a disease that each time has new symptoms, but they always appear in the spring!

Spring sign - if the palm itches, perhaps a line of love is formed on it.

Spring has come, and with it love ... the mind has a vacation!

Cool quotes

Spring is like a woman. She just paints for a long time, picks up a beautiful outfit. And when he comes, his presence will make at least one person a little happier.

Is it spring, or is there really something in you ...

People who helped the spring go and ate the snow! Why did you gobble up asphalt with snow and asphalt?

Spring, do you even know that you should be warm and clear, and not with heaps of snow, water and mud?

Nothing brightens up spring like a weekend in the May holidays!

I woke up early in the morning from my sleep,
A fierce spring is raging outside the window ...

Spring ... Girls solve the problem: How to wear a miniskirt over a maxi butt and pull high boots on crooked legs ...

Statuses about spring

Spring! It became warm. Two types of originals were identified on the street. The former are still wearing down jackets, while the latter are already in T-shirts and shorts.

Well, girls, spring has come. It's time to go in for sports: walking in high heels, shooting eyes and jumping over goats.

March stop thinking that you are January!

I know why spring does not come ... because not everyone has lost weight yet!

Nothing irritates spring like winter!

It's getting warmer and warmer outside ... The computer turns on less and less often ... Here it is, the vaccine from the Internet - SPRING!

Spring has come, I'm too lazy to study, I sit at my desk like a deer.

Spring is the most beautiful time of the year. She inspires everyone with bright feelings, love and tenderness. In spring, everything is beautiful without exception: and warm Sun rays, and primroses, and a spring thunderstorm. When spring comes, I want to scream about my feelings and desire to live!

This section contains best statuses in contact and for classmates, about spring, the most beautiful short ones with meaning. In spring, the human soul, frozen in a cold and dreary winter, rushes towards the sun and love. Our selection spring statuses will add spring mood to your page.

"The music of spring sounds in the soul!"

I don't know where else, in this world there is the same spring.

“Let all sorrows and hardships go away with melted snow ... your spring!”

May feelings of love and happiness bloom in your life as magnificently and beautifully as snowdrops in spring

With the beginning of spring, I wish you an enchanting good mood, and family happiness!

We must always move forward, remembering that after winter, spring always comes.

Our love is like spring: always fresh, always tender, always desired.

Winter in the eyes, spring in the blood, summer in the soul and autumn in the memories.

Women in the spring are like snowdrops - even the snow has not all gone, but they have already blossomed!

Meet the love of your life in the spring - what could be more romantic and beautiful?

It's so hard to focus on one thing in spring...

Spring: guys are blooming, girls are blooming - beauty!

Spring! The mood is super huggable…smiling

Spring walks across our country and brings us the chirping of birds and the warmth of the sun.

Spring is a real rebirth, a piece of immortality.

Spring is the light of the sun and the blue of the sky, a fresh breeze, the time of plans and assumptions.

Spring is a time of change. So it is in our life - the soul warms up in the spring and seems to bloom!

And I have Spring in my soul!!! I want to live, be happy and believe in the best.

“Love in the heart, spring in the soul and on the street, a smile on the face and in the eyes!

"Let life bring happiness to people - spring is in my soul of love." A.A. Block

"Avitaminosis! The body lacks L, U, B, V, I ... "

“..spring… vanilla, raspberry thoughts… a slight smell of coolness… and love… spring love…”

“All life flowed according to spring laws. Now there is no escape from love.”

“Spring has come, and with it love ... the mind has a vacation!”

Ah, spring, what a romantic time! Everyone is happy, smiling and love reigns around!

Spring - dream, smile, enjoy every moment!

Spring is an artist, paints the world around us with bright, rich colors!

Spring confidently walks through the forests and fields, brings with it the joy of warmth and the hope of love.

Spring walks the planet, gives us love, joy and hope.

In the spring the days are getting longer - let's chat more!

In spring, the eyes burn brighter, the heart beats faster.

We wish you all strong family well-being, prosperity in the house and spring mood!

I look out the window, and there is happiness .. warmly, the sun and the long-awaited spring ..

And the sun begins to sing in the hair, illuminating hundreds of desperate eyes.

Well, spring has come and on the Internet - statuses about spring have appeared!

The plans drawn up in the spring look like this: love, love, love ...

Try to become the most important reason to live in someone's spring...

Spring has come, shining with magic, it is possible to compare it with a deity.

Let spring live in your heart no matter what is outside the window!

Let the melting snow take away all your bad luck, and let the sunny spring ray give victories on the path of life!

This spring start all over again - forget everything old and just be happy!

For most people, spring is their favorite season. In spring, nature is renewed, having been reborn, it is reborn anew. Soon everything around will be painted in bright and green colors. Statuses about spring are beautiful short with meaning, will help you keep the spring mood.

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