How to provide humanitarian assistance. Reception point and free distribution of things to all those in need

Interesting 01.07.2019

DECREE of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 04-12-99 1335 (as amended on 23-07-2004) ON APPROVAL OF THE PROCEDURE FOR PROVIDING HUMANITARIAN AID ... Relevant in 2018

IV. Accounting, storage and distribution of goods related to humanitarian aid (assistance), as well as the procedure for disposing of cars provided as humanitarian aid (assistance)

dated 12.05.2003 N 277)

11. All bodies and organizations receiving humanitarian aid(assistance) are obliged to ensure the accounting, storage and distribution of goods related to humanitarian assistance (assistance).

Accounting and storage of these goods are carried out separately from commercial goods.

12. Ensuring the safety of goods related to humanitarian aid (assistance) during transportation is entrusted to the relevant transport organizations and internal affairs bodies.

13. The costs of transportation, unloading, storage and transfer to the final recipient of goods related to humanitarian assistance (assistance) are carried out by agreement of the parties, including at the expense of the donor, or by decision of the executive authorities of the subjects Russian Federation at the expense of funds provided in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to finance measures to ensure the provision of humanitarian assistance (assistance) to the Russian Federation.

(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 12.05.2003 N 277)

Free transfer of excisable cars classified as humanitarian aid (assistance) specified in paragraph 4 of this Procedure can only be carried out by state and municipal organizations (medical institutions, orphanages, orphanages, nursing homes and disabled people, rehabilitation centers for disabled people, financed from the budgets of all levels ) on the basis of the Commission's decision to amend the previously issued certificate. Such a decision is made on the basis of documents submitted to the Commission by the institution to which the cars are transferred, as well as by federal executive authorities and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The list of documents required for making a decision on making changes to a previously issued certificate is determined by the Commission.

Find out information about the points of collection of humanitarian aid for refugees from Ukraine in Moscow and the addresses of points for receiving and issuing humanitarian aid to refugees in Moscow.

Where can one expect to receive humanitarian aid to refugees from Ukraine in Moscow? Here are some addresses of reception points.

Near Novokuznetskaya metro station at Chernigovsky pereulok, building 9/13, the Fund of Slavic Literature and Culture accepts and supplies those in need with clothes. You can pre-call 8-965-134-75-70 and check the availability of the required item.

Dishes, strollers, diapers and some other household goods are available at 28 Solntsevsky Prospekt. Near the exit from the metro at the Vodny Stadion station there is a point where you can find various accessories. The exact location is A. Makarov street, in house number 2. You need to look for a warehouse at number 35/3-3. You must have an identity document and a copy of the migration card with you.

A free rehabilitation course for children with cerebral palsy from Donbass is offered by a commercial medical institution at 69 Sirenevy Boulevard in the first building. Points of collection and issuance of humanitarian aid to refugees from Ukraine in Moscow are organized at churches and monasteries.

The collection of humanitarian aid for refugees in Moscow in Khimki takes place in a room located on Melnikova Avenue, 10/2. The establishment is open from Monday to Thursday from 4 to 8 pm.

Here are some other charitable foundations. "Cossack diaspora" has a warehouse on the street Chechen passage, 9a. "Tradition" is located in the first building of Leninsky Prospekt. The Fund of St. Basil the Great has two points. One is located at 46 Malogvardeyskaya Street, building 3. And the second one is located at 4 Yana Rainis Boulevard, building 1. The Red Cross has an office at Cheryomushkinsky proezd, building number 5.

For the residents of Donbass, the fund "fellowship" was founded. You can apply here for help by coming to the 6th house of Nizhne-Kislovskiy lane, building 2.

provision of humanitarian assistance (assistance) to the Russian Federation
(approved by resolution

With changes and additions from:

September 26, 2001, May 12, 2003, July 23, 2004, December 21, 2005, July 26, 2006, December 29, 2008

I. Fundamentals

1. This Procedure regulates the provision of humanitarian assistance (assistance) to the Russian Federation, including its receipt, the issuance of certificates confirming that funds, goods and services belong to humanitarian assistance (assistance), customs clearance, accounting, storage, distribution, as well as the procedure for disposing of funds provided in as humanitarian aid (assistance) by cars.

2. Humanitarian assistance (assistance) is understood as a type of gratuitous assistance (assistance) provided for the provision of medical and social assistance low-income, socially unprotected groups of the population affected by natural disasters and other emergencies, for the elimination of the consequences of natural disasters and other emergencies, the cost of transportation, escort and storage said assistance(assistance).

Humanitarian aid (assistance) may be provided by foreign states, their federal or municipal formations, international and foreign institutions or non-profit organizations, foreign individuals (hereinafter referred to as donors).

Humanitarian aid (assistance) may be provided to the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, state authorities, local governments, legal entities and individuals (hereinafter referred to as recipients of humanitarian aid (assistance).

The sale of humanitarian aid (full or partial) is prohibited.

3. Coordination at the federal level of the activities of bodies, organizations and individuals for the receipt and distribution of humanitarian aid (assistance) coming to the Russian Federation is carried out by the Commission on International Humanitarian and Technical Assistance under the Government of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Commission), formed by a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation Federation of April 16, 2004 N 215 "On streamlining the composition of coordinating, advisory, other bodies and groups formed by the Government of the Russian Federation" (Sobraniye zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2004, N 17, art. 1658).

4. Import into the territory of the Russian Federation of food, medical devices and medicines, including those related to humanitarian assistance (assistance), is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Excisable goods (products) cannot be classified as humanitarian aid (assistance), with the exception of special-purpose vehicles financed from the budgets of all levels of state and municipal organizations for the provision of medical ambulance, as well as mobile diagnostic laboratories equipped with special medical equipment received by medical institutions for own needs; passenger cars intended for transportation of 10 people or more, imported for orphanages, orphanages, nursing homes and disabled people; passenger cars equipped with lifts for wheelchairs, imported for rehabilitation centers for the disabled, meat and meat products, which, according to the terms of import, are intended only for industrial processing, semi-finished products, minced meat and fish, mechanically deboned meat, as well as used clothes, shoes and bedding, with the exception of clothes, shoes and bedding sent to state and municipal organizations and institutions of social protection of the population, healthcare, education, penitentiary system, financed from the budgets of all levels.

5. Privileges for the payment of customs duties in respect of goods imported into the Russian Federation as humanitarian aid (assistance) do not apply to goods imported in accordance with foreign trade agreements (contracts) providing for payment for these goods by Russian legal entities and individuals.

5.1. In case of misuse of humanitarian aid (assistance), customs payments, taxes and other obligatory payments, as well as penalties and fines accrued on these amounts in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, shall be payable to the budget system of the Russian Federation.

Local self-government bodies inform the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation about the facts of misuse of humanitarian aid (assistance), which send the information received to the Commission, as well as to the relevant tax and customs authorities.

5.2. The Federal Customs Service quarterly submits to the Commission information on the customs clearance of humanitarian aid (assistance) in the form and within the time limits agreed with the Commission. The customs authorities inform the internal affairs authorities about the recipients of humanitarian aid (assistance) for their respective verification.

II. Issuance of certificates confirming that funds, goods, works and services belong to humanitarian aid (assistance)

6. Decisions on confirming the belonging to humanitarian aid (assistance) of funds and goods imported into the Russian Federation, as well as works and services, are taken by the Commission. The list of documents confirming the humanitarian nature of the assistance (assistance) provided is determined by the Commission. These documents are submitted by the recipients of humanitarian aid (assistance), as well as federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, taking into account the intended purpose of the humanitarian aid (assistance) received.

7. Decisions of the Commission are documented in protocols signed by its chairman (deputy chairman).

The Commission, on the basis of its decision, issues a certificate confirming that the funds, goods, works and services belong to humanitarian aid (assistance), in the form according to Appendix. The certificate is submitted to the tax and customs authorities for the purpose of submission to in due course tax and customs privileges determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Copies of the certificate within 3 days from the date of its issuance are sent to the Federal Tax Service and the Federal Customs Service.

The certificate is signed by the chairman, deputy chairman or executive secretary of the Commission and certified by the seal of the Commission.

The lists of funds, goods, works and services attached to the certificate are certified with a stamp with the inscription "Humanitarian Aid (Assistance)".

Sample signatures of the chairman, deputy chairman, executive secretary of the Commission, as well as the seal of the Commission and the stamp with the inscription "Humanitarian aid (assistance)" are submitted by the Commission to the Federal Tax Service and the Federal Customs Service.

The certificate is issued no later than 3 working days after the Commission makes the relevant decision on the basis of the power of attorney of the recipient of humanitarian aid (assistance) and is a document of strict accountability. The validity period of the certificate is one year from the date of the Commission's decision to confirm that funds, goods, works and services belong to humanitarian aid (assistance).

Lost credentials are not renewed. To obtain a new certificate, a second decision of the Commission is required.

8. Tax and customs benefits provided for by Article 2 of the Federal Law "On gratuitous assistance (assistance) of the Russian Federation and the introduction of amendments and additions to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation on taxes and on the establishment of benefits for payments to state non-budgetary funds in connection with the implementation of gratuitous assistance (assistance) of the Russian Federation", are provided to recipients of humanitarian assistance (assistance) only if they have a certificate specified in paragraph 7 of this Procedure.

9. Funds and goods related to humanitarian assistance (assistance) are the property of the donor until the moment of their actual transfer to the recipient of humanitarian assistance (assistance).

III. Customs clearance of goods imported into the Russian Federation as humanitarian aid (assistance)

10. Customs clearance of goods imported into the Russian Federation as humanitarian aid (assistance) is carried out in the manner determined by the Federal Customs Service.

When these goods are imported into the customs territory of the Russian Federation, the Federal Customs Service ensures their priority clearance and the application of simplified customs procedures, exempts these goods in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation from taxation and collection of fees for customs clearance.

IV. Accounting, storage and distribution of goods related to humanitarian aid (assistance), as well as the procedure for disposing of cars provided as humanitarian aid (assistance)

11. All bodies and organizations receiving humanitarian aid (assistance) are obliged to ensure accounting, storage and distribution of goods related to humanitarian aid (assistance).

Accounting and storage of these goods are carried out separately from commercial goods.

12. Ensuring the safety of goods related to humanitarian aid (assistance) during transportation is entrusted to the relevant transport organizations and internal affairs bodies.

13. The costs of transportation, unloading, storage and transfer to the final recipient of goods related to humanitarian assistance (assistance) are carried out by agreement of the parties, including at the expense of the donor, or by decision of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation at the expense of the funds provided for in constituent entities of the Russian Federation to finance measures to ensure the provision of humanitarian assistance (assistance) to the Russian Federation.

Free transfer of excisable cars classified as humanitarian aid (assistance) specified in paragraph 4 of this Procedure can only be carried out by state and municipal organizations (medical institutions, orphanages, orphanages, nursing homes and disabled people, rehabilitation centers for disabled people, financed from the budgets of all levels ) on the basis of the Commission's decision to amend the previously issued certificate. Such a decision is made on the basis of documents submitted to the Commission by the institution to which the cars are transferred, as well as by federal executive authorities and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The list of documents required for making a decision on making changes to a previously issued certificate is determined by the Commission.

Commercial use of these vehicles or their use for other purposes is prohibited.

In case of violation of these requirements, the measures provided for by this Procedure are applied to the recipient of humanitarian assistance (assistance).

to the Procedure for the provision of humanitarian
aid (assistance) of the Russian Federation
(as amended May 12, 2003,
July 23, 2004)

on issues of international humanitarian and technical assistance under the Government of the Russian Federation

Certificate from minutes N ____ of the meeting Commission on International Humanitarian and Technical Assistance under the Government of the Russian Federation dated ____ / ____/ ____ 1. Russian recipient: _______________________________________________ (name and details, including TIN) 2. Donor: 3. Country: humanitarian aid: Signature M.P.

Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation that have become invalid
(approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 4, 1999 N 1335)

1. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 18, 1992 N 170 "On measures to improve the work with humanitarian aid coming from abroad."

2. Decree of the Council of Ministers - the Government of the Russian Federation of August 10, 1993 N 760 "On Amendments to the Regulations on the Procedure for Accepting, Accounting, Transporting, Storing, Protecting, Distributing and Selling Humanitarian Aid Goods Entering the Territory of the Russian Federation due to frontier" (Collection of acts of the President and Government of the Russian Federation, 1993, N 33, art. 3094).

3. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 25, 1994 N 532 "On the International Science Foundation and International Fund "Cultural Initiative"(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1994, N 5, Art. 498).

4. Clause 2 of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 13, 1995 N 1009 "On Amending and Recognizing Some Decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation as Invalid" (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 1995, N 43, Art. 4067).

5. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 18, 1996 N 816 "On benefits for the payment of customs duties in relation to goods imported into the customs territory of the Russian Federation as humanitarian aid" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1996, N 31, Art. 3740 ).

6. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 1, 1998 N 1414 "On Making an Addendum to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 18, 1996 N 816 "On Privileges for the Payment of Customs Payments in Respect of Goods Imported into the Customs Territory of the Russian Federation as humanitarian aid" (Sobraniye zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 1998, N 49, item 6055).

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