Made from environmentally friendly plastic. Harm PVC

Helpful Hints 20.09.2019
Helpful Hints

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Seaweed in the near future, apparently, will become a common material for the manufacture of various packaging. This spring new material"agar plastic", developed by the Japanese company AMAM, has won the annual Lexus Design Award 2016, held in Milan. It is developed from environmentally friendly clean plastic made from seaweed. Experiments have shown that "agar plastic" can be both soft and hard. Thanks to these features, the new material will be able to replace both foam and bubble wrap. The packaging decomposes naturally, acting as a fertilizer for the soil along the way.

By the way, in Iceland there has already been an attempt to develop self-decomposing bottles from algae, the material for which was red algae. As long as there is liquid in such a bottle, it retains its shape. Left without water, the bottle dries up, deforms and decomposes without environmental damage. True, at the DesignMarch Icelandic design festival, at which the novelty was presented, its author admitted that the water in such a bottle still has some aftertaste.

Along with eco-friendly packaging, humanity is trying to invent more and more technological packaging. American startup Kuvée has developed an electronic wine bottle that allows you to protect an alcoholic drink from the harmful effects of oxygen and sunlight, preserving the properties of the wine for a month after opening. The "smart" bottle is equipped with a touch screen and a Wi-Fi module, and the wine is stored in a sealed aluminum container with a volume of 0.75 liters. The display shows the rest of the wine in a disposable container, the brand of the drink, the grape varieties from which it is made, and even recommendations for snacks. Thanks to wireless communication, you can replenish your wine stock directly from the screen on the bottle by placing an order for the delivery of a new batch.

PepsiCo designed the Mix It Up interactive space as part of Milan Design Week, and also introduced a series of aluminum bottles called The Prestige Bottles. Pepsi Max, Pepsi and Pepsi Diet drinks received their individual color and abstract pattern. The minimalistic design created by Karim Rashid was presented on a futuristic runway. The company recently introduced a new dumbbell-shaped packaging for Pepsi Light. A package of several of these bottles is a dumbbell rack.

Unlike smart packaging, interactivity has already become a powerful competitive advantage. An agency from Yerevan has designed simple but dynamic juice cups: the fruits on the label seem to be drunk. The same technology is used on ordinary mugs. For example, the temperature of a drink can be understood through the northern lights.

British design studio P4CK has designed a cup holder. The holder for four glasses is made from one piece of cardboard without the use of glue. By dividing the workpiece in half, you can get two holders with two glasses each.

An unusual solution for egg packaging was presented by Turkish students: a triangular tube with a pull-out system, which adds aesthetics to the packaging and ensures safe storage and easy pickup.

But for fertilizers from Croatia, compact packaging was developed. Firstly, the manufacturer reduced the weight of the fertilizer package to 4 kg, focusing on urban gardeners. And so that the boxes that hold the bags of fertilizer take up less selling space, a special system has been developed so that the boxes can be stacked inside each other.

Bicycle packaging is not often pleased with design solutions. But for each model of Shulz folding bikes, branded cardboard packaging with individual design was developed. The design of each box was created on the basis of drawings made by the famous St. Petersburg artist Alisa Yufa for a series of postcards, and was timed to coincide with the entry of the Russian brand to the European market.

The Domino's Pizza pizzeria chain has radically changed the packaging design of its pizza. The traditional box has been replaced with red and blue packaging, which together make up the brand logo. New design was developed by the JKR agency, which in the course of a study found that consumers most often order on a special offer, that is, "two pizzas for the price of one." As a result, it was decided to transform the brand logo into the packaging itself, from which, moreover, all unnecessary information was removed.

But in Moscow, Domino's Pizza presented pizza packaging as part of the Ptitseriya project, which easily turns into a bird feeder.

A new trend of modern entrepreneurship today has become - social and environmental activities, in which business decides important questions for the improvement and development of cities, the search for alternative solutions in the field of energy and resource use. Here are some interesting foreign and domestic projects that help us look at business from a completely different angle.

Micromidas - biodegradable plastic

On the this moment Only about 10% of plastic is recycled in the world. The most conscientious try to sort and, if possible, use plastic products as little as possible. Savvy entrepreneurs find more progressive solutions.

Micromidas is a California company that has invented an alternative to conventional plastic - their plastic is made from inexpensive and recyclable materials (used paper, agricultural residues and wood), and therefore decomposes much faster than usual. John Bissell, co-founder of Micromidas, was named to the Forbes 30 Under 30 list last year as the world's brightest entrepreneurial talent.

In addition, Micromidas invented a formula for using bacteria to turn waste from Wastewater into high-grade plastic, which completely decomposes throughout the year. Thus, Micromidas immediately solve 2 problems:
1. Prevent pollution of the planet
2. Help clean sewage water by transforming human waste and turning it into material useful to mankind.

In addition, the technology they use is much cheaper: the oil from which ordinary plastic is made needs to be pumped, and this is a rather costly process in financial and resource terms. At the same time, sewage waste is a more accessible material.

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