Ivan Vladimirovich Tsvetaev and his museum (beginning). Essay "Father and His Museum": the importance of the father in the formation of the everyday and mental-spiritual way of life of M.I.

Interesting 28.08.2019

Memory is the spiritual component of the life of a nation. It keeps events, faces, destinies, history in its arsenal... History is created by people. Some of them are born at critical moments and lead thousands of others: they win battles, change the borders of states, build cities, conquer the expanses of the sea and Mountain peaks, and their names remain in history, nature generously endows others with talents, and they write poetry, music, create beautiful canvases, and their names are also firmly included in history, in human memory.

But people are amazing… They don’t decide the fate of others, they don’t lead regiments, they don’t conquer peoples - they help preserve history itself, that beauty that has been created and multiplied by mankind for centuries. These people, as a rule, are hardworking, ready to sacrifice their time, money, and sometimes themselves, their health in order to achieve their goal, and yet they are surprisingly modest ... Ivan belongs to such people Vladimirovich Tsvetaev, philologist, European-recognized specialist in ancient Italian languages, archaeologist, founder and first director of the Museum of Fine Arts (now State Museum fine arts them. A. S. Pushkin), director of the Rumyantsev Museum in 1900-1910, father of the Russian poet Marina Tsvetaeva (she called herself a poet) and writer, memoirist Anastasia Tsvetaeva!

Marina Ivanovna herself wrote about her father: "... the son of a priest Vladimir province, European philologist (his research "Oss inscriptions" and a number of others), doctor honoris causa of the University of Bologna, professor of art history, first at Kiev, then at Moscow universities, director of the Rumyantsev Museum, founder, inspirer and sole collector of the first museum of fine arts in Russia ... ".

The Tsvetaevsky family originates from the center of one of the world's largest plains - the Russian, from the interfluve of the Volga and Klyazma, where the Ivanovo region is located, "From there - from the village of Talitsy, near the city of Shuya, our Tsvetaevsky family. Priestly ..." - so Marina Ivanovna wrote about her origins. Ivan Vladimirovich was born into the family of a poor priest in the village of Drozdovo Ivanovo region in 1847. In addition to him, Vladimir Vasilyevich and Ekaterina Vasilievna Tsvetaev had six children, however, three of them died in infancy. The sons remained - Peter, Ivan, Fedor and Dmitry. This is about them much later Marina Tsvetaeva will write:

The first grandmother has four sons,
Four sons - one torch,

Sheepskin casing, hemp bag, -
Four sons - yes two hands!

No matter how you pile a cup on them - clean!
Tea, no barchat! - Seminarians!

The children lost their mother early. She died young. When Ivan was six years old, the Tsvetaevs moved to Talitsy, now it is the village of Novo-Talitsy near the city of Ivanovo. Ivan Vladimirovich's father, priest Vladimir Vasilyevich Tsvetaev (1818-1884) was appointed to serve in the Nicholas Church of the Talitsky churchyard in 1853. Three generations of the Tsvetaev family from 1853 to 1928 they lived in a house standing on a high bank above the river Verguza, which, flooding low-lying surrounding meadows in the spring, gave the name to these places - Talitsy ... The house has been preserved, now it houses the museum of the Tsvetaev family, opened in May 1995.

I. V. Tsvetaev received his primary education at the Shuya Theological School, and continued it at the Vladimir Seminary. Theological sciences occupied the predominant role in the curriculum of the seminary, but general education sciences, included in the course of classical gymnasiums, were also taught to a significant extent, thanks to which Ivan Vladimirovich got the opportunity to study ancient languages: Hebrew, Ancient Greek and Latin.

Having received a secondary education, I. V. Tsvetaev entered the Medical and Surgical Academy, however, due to poor eyesight and a penchant for studying the humanities (while still at the Shuya Theological School, he became interested in studying Latin and Latin literature) he moved to St. Petersburg University to the classical department of historical and Faculty of Philology, where he graduated in 1870 with a gold medal and a candidate's degree and was left at the university to prepare for a professorship.

From 1871 he began to teach Greek language in one of the St. Petersburg gymnasiums, and in 1872 he was invited "to act as an assistant professor at the Imperial Warsaw University in the Department of Roman Literature." In 1874, I. V. Tsvetaev went on his first business trip abroad to Germany and Italy to study ancient Italian languages ​​and writing. In 1876, he was enrolled as an assistant professor at St. Vladimir's University in Kyiv. It should be clarified: Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva, in response to the questionnaire, the excerpt of which was given above, claimed that Ivan Vladimirovich was a "professor of art history ... at Kiev" University, but this is erroneous.

In 1877, I. V. Tsvetaev defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Roman Literature on the topic "Collection of Oscan inscriptions with an outline of phonetics, morphology and a glossary" (the Oscan people inhabited Campania: the area around the modern city of Capua was called Agro Capuano in Roman times, later Agro Campano and, finally, Campania. Now it is one of the regions of Italy, which includes five provinces. The capital of the region is the city of Naples. Osci, more than other peoples of the Apennine Peninsula, were influenced by Greek culture). Ivan Vladimirovich translated his work into Latin and published the translation in 1879, making his work available to all researchers. This essay drew the attention of the European scientific world to Tsvetaev.

One of the most prominent representatives of the Italian science of antiquity in the second half of the 19th century, with whom I. V. Tsvetaev collaborated in his research work in the field of Latin epigraphy and Italian dialectology, was Professor of the University of Turin Ariodante Fabretti. One of Fabretti's letters to Tsvetaev, kept in the Department of Manuscripts of the Pushkin Museum im. A. S. Pushkin, the Italian scientist sends Tsvetaeva as a grateful response to the two volumes sent to him of the "Collection of Osian Inscriptions ..." translated into Latin. "These studies, in which you have gone so deep, are the fruits of linguistic research, received by you with the ardent support of<итальянских коллег>, could not but please me with the fact that among your compatriots, therefore, an understanding of the importance of acquaintance with the ancient dialects of Italy is growing. It would not be enough to answer you with a thousand thanks: I will add to them that I consider your two volumes to be a precious decoration of my library.

Ivan Vladimirovich called Italy a blessed country, "to see which for a person studying the ancient world is always the crown of desires" - this is exactly what he wrote in his book "Journey through Italy in 1875 and 1880". He worked directly at the excavation site in Pompeii, copying wall inscriptions there, and collaborated with Italian archaeologists.

In 1888, Ivan Vladimirovich went on another business trip abroad, which began in Italy with the celebration of the 800th anniversary of the University of Bologna. He was awarded an honorary doctorate from this university. And many years later, in 1949, a medal was sent from Italy to Moscow to the Academy of Sciences, which was posthumously awarded to Tsvetaev in the year of the 200th anniversary of the excavations in Pompeii.

After defending his doctoral dissertation, Ivan Vladimirovich received the chair of Roman literature at Moscow University. Only in 1888, I. V. Tsvetaev moved to the Department of Theory and History of Art of the Faculty of History and Philology and in 1889 he headed it. In addition to Moscow University, Ivan Vladimirovich lectured on ancient art at the Moscow Conservatory and at the Higher Women's Courses. There was another form of manifestation pedagogical activity Ivan Vladimirovich, characterizing him as a person immensely devoted to the cause of education, ready to sacrifice personal for the sake of achieving a good goal. In one of the letters to Vera Bunina, Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva wrote: "... my father sent students abroad at his own expense, and paid for so many, and, dying, left 20,000 rubles from his hard-earned money for a school in his native village of Talitsy, Shuya district ..." .

In addition to scientific and pedagogical activity, I. V. Tsvetaev also showed himself in the museum field: in 1882 - 1910 he worked in the Moscow Public and Rumyantsev museums. Being the curator of the Department of Fine Arts and Antiquities, Ivan Vladimirovich was engaged in cataloging the engraving collection of the museum. And in the years when he became director (from 1900 to 1910), the museum collections were significantly replenished, which entailed a huge amount of work to update the exposition. The funds of the museum's library became in the future the basis of the State Public Library of the USSR. V. I. Lenin (now the Russian State Library).

Speaking of Ivan Vladimirovich, immersed in scientific, pedagogical, museum activities, one cannot help but talk about his personal life, in which great changes took place in 1880: he married Varvara Dmitrievna Ilovaiskaya, the daughter of the famous historian Ilovaisky, whose textbooks taught several generations of high school students. As a dowry, her father gave her a house in Trekhprudny Lane in the center of Moscow. Varvara Dmitrievnav was a very beautiful, artistic woman, she had a beautiful voice: she studied singing in Russia and Italy. Ivan Vladimirovich loved his wife immensely. The couple lived happily for ten years. Varvara Dmitrievna gave her husband two children: daughter Valery and son Andrei. In 1890, on the ninth day after the birth of her son, at the age of 32, she died. Daughter at that time was 8 years old ... A posthumous portrait of Varvara Ilovaiskaya, created by the artist from photographs and instructions from I.V. Tsvetaev, hung in the hall in the house in Tryokhprudny. She forever remained his first, endless love ...

Ivan Vladimirovich could not come to terms with the early death of Varvara Dmitrievna. With this unhealed wound, in an effort to replace the mother of the children, Tsvetaev married a second time in 1891. His chosen one was Maria Aleksandrovna Mein, the daughter of a rich and famous person in Moscow. She even outwardly resembled the first wife of Ivan Vladimirovich. Maria Main was 21 years younger than Ivan Vladimirovich; she lost her mother at a young age. Like the first wife of Ivan Vladimirovich, Maria Alexandrovna was a gifted person: she played music, was fond of drawing, knew several languages, wrote poetry herself in Russian and German showed a talent for painting. Books and music were her eternal companions.

At the age of 17, Maria fell in love. The love was mutual. But Alexander Danilovich Main considered his daughter's chosen one unworthy of her and demanded the end of all friendship. She had only one way out - marriage. Undoubtedly, both Maria Alexandrovna and Ivan Vladimirovich - extraordinary, gifted, interesting personalities - could not help but attract each other's attention; there was a feeling of deep respect, passion for a common cause (from the very first year of their marriage, Maria Alexandrovna shared with Ivan Vladimirovich Tsvetaev the dream of a museum and helped her husband with great enthusiasm), but there was never love ... Many years later, Marina Tsvetaeva will write in a letter to V. V. Rozanov: "Mom and dad were completely different people. Each has its own wound in the heart. Mom has music, poetry, melancholy, dad has science. Lives went side by side, not merging." Marina was born in October 1892, and two years later - Asya.

The wider the scope of Tsvetaev’s scientific and professional interests became over the years, the more the educational principle manifested itself in him, which led to the creation of the museum: having taken up teaching, Ivan Vladimirovich was faced with the fact that there was not enough illustrative material to work with students. There was a Cabinet of Fine Arts and Antiquities, but it was located in a room not suitable for demonstration and its collection was replenished irregularly. The idea of ​​creating a museum of fine arts, which performs an educational function, arose.

With great difficulty, Ivan Vladimirovich received a land plot in the center of Moscow - the area of ​​​​the former Kolymazhny yard, where the old transit prison was located. Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich became the chairman of the committee for organizing the museum. The university was unable to finance such a grandiose construction. Ivan Vladimirovich addressed the public. The committee for the creation of the museum included, in addition to representatives of the aristocracy and merchants, the artists V. D. Polenov, V. M. Vasnetsov, A. V. Zhukovsky, the architect R. I. Klein, he also created the project for the building of the future museum.

As for the first donations to the museum, I would like to recall the lines from Marina Tsvetaeva's essay "Museum of Alexander III": “The bells were ringing for the deceased Emperor Alexander III, and at the same time one Moscow old woman was departing. And, listening to the bells, she said: “I want the fortune left after me to go to a charitable institution in memory of the deceased sovereign.” The fortune was small: only twenty thousand. With these twenty thousand old women, the museum began ... ".

The main donor of the museum was a major manufacturer Yu. S. Nechaev-Maltsov (in the autobiographical works of Marina and Anastasia Tsvetaeva - Nechaev-Maltsev). Yuri Stepanovich graduated from the law faculty of Moscow University. He served in the main archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, traveled with diplomatic missions to European cities.

In 1880, Yu. S. Nechaev received an inheritance from his uncle maternal line Ivan Sergeevich Maltsov, including several factories and plants in various provinces of Russia, the largest of which was the Gusev Crystal Factory in the Vladimir province. Entering into inheritance rights, Yu. S. Nechaev also took on the surname of his uncle and became Nechaev-Maltsov. Marina Ivanovna, in the autobiographical sketch already mentioned by us, wrote: “Nechaev-Maltsev gave three million to the museum, the late sovereign three hundred thousand. .

The laying of the building took place in front of the emperor and his family in August 1898. And again, the words from Tsvetaeva's essay "Alexander III Museum": "One of my first impressions of the museum was a bookmark ... God forbid that on the day of the bookmark there was good weather. The sovereign and both empresses will be at the bookmark ... it was a shining day, mother and Lera (the elder half-sister of M. I. Tsvetaeva) went smart, and the sovereign put a coin. The museum was laid down."

In 1902, Ivan Vladimirovich, together with Maria Alexandrovna, went to the Urals to personally inspect and select marble for the construction of the museum. In addition, marble samples were requested from Tyrol and Norway.

The museum building itself was mostly completed in 1904. Casts and other copies were ordered by Ivan Vladimirovich abroad according to the forms taken directly from the originals, often - they were made for the first time. The main part of the museum's exposition was occupied by ancient art, mainly sculpture. The art of the Middle Ages, the Italian and Northern Renaissance constituted independent sections of the exposition.

The construction was carried out mainly with private funds. The names of donors were assigned to those halls, the creation of which they financed. Ivan Vladimirovich Tsvetaev himself often traveled abroad, visited many European museums, negotiated the purchase or production of copies of sculptures, got acquainted with the methods of preserving monuments. It should be noted that many of the exhibits were donated to the museum. Ivan Vladimirovich's wife, Maria Alexandrovna, became a faithful friend and assistant in the difficult task of creating a museum, collecting his collection. Marina Tsvetaeva wrote: “The closest collaborator of my father was my mother, Maria Alexandrovna Tsvetaeva, born Maine. She conducted all his extensive foreign correspondence ... The main secret of her success was, of course, not verbal turns ... but that heartfelt heat, without which verbal the gift is nothing. And, speaking of her help to her father, I first of all speak of the unflagging of her spiritual participation, the miracle of female participation, entering into everything and leaving everything as a winner. when needed, and for him."

And one more important fact: not only Maria Alexandrovna took an active part in the creation of the museum, but also her father, Alexander Danilovich. And again let us turn to Tsvetaeva's essay "Museum of Alexander III": "Speaking of my mother, I cannot but mention her father, my grandfather, Alexander Danilovich Maine, even before the old woman's thousands, before the Klein plan, before any visibility and tangibility, into his father's dream - who believed him in her, already quite sick, tirelessly supported and left part of his fortune to the museum.So I can calmly say that the museum was really founded in the house of my grandfather, A. D. Mein, in Neopalimovsky lane, in Moscow - the river ... ".

Since childhood, Marina and Asya not only constantly heard about the museum, they grew up with it, it was not for nothing that Marina Ivanovna called her father's museum "a colossal younger brother." Recreating the atmosphere of the house in Tryokhprudny, the atmosphere of childhood, in the poem "The Enchanter", written in 1914 in Feodosia, Marina Tsvetaeva writes:

Swimming into the realm of white statues
And old books.
Like a crowded honeycomb
Row of bookshelves. Touched highlight
Parchment bindings
Old books.

The color of Greece and the glory of Rome, -
Countless volumes!
Here - no matter how much sun we bring in, -
Always winter.

The last sun is rosy,
Plato lies open...
Bust of Apollo - plan of the Museum -
And everything is like a dream.

In the process of creating the museum, many difficulties arose, often completely unforeseen and even tragic: in 1904, a fire broke out in the museum, which destroyed more than one and a half hundred boxes with plaster and bronze copies of exhibits from European museums. Ivan Vladimirovich at that time was in Germany with his family (Maria Alexandrovna fell ill with tuberculosis in 1902 and left with Marina and Asya for long-term treatment in Italy, Switzerland, Germany) "... my father was with us in Freiburg. Telegram. Father silently passes to mother I remember her suffocated, choked voice, without words, it seems: “A-ah!” And her father's - she was already very ill then - pacifying, humble, endlessly broken: "Nothing. God will give. Somehow" ...) And his silent tears, from which Asya and I, who had never seen him cry, in turned away in some kind of horror." - this is how Marina Tsvetaeva described this episode in the essay "Museum of Alexander III".

But even this event could not make Professor Tsvetaev give up. He persistently walked towards the fulfillment of his dream. On this path, new troubles and trials awaited him ...

In 1906, a terrible blow of fate: in July, Maria Alexandrovna died. Marina was not yet 14 years old, Asya - 12 ... Ivan Vladimirovich lost not only his wife, a loving mother of his children, but also true friend who shared with him the work of his life - the creation of a museum.

But that was not all ... Life continued to test Ivan Vladimirovich for strength. In 1910 the minister public education A. N. Schwartz brought the accusation to court against Tsvetaev. The case, allegedly, consisted of "official negligence." The accusation was related to the loss in the Engraving Department of the Rumyantsev Museum. The person who committed the theft was quickly found, almost all the stolen engravings were found from him. The removal of Ivan Vladimirovich from office was not supported by the Senate. But Schwartz did not let up, revisions in the museum did not stop. In the same 1910, Ivan Vladimirovich was dismissed from the post of director of the Moscow Public and Rumyantsev Museums. Tsvetaev wrote and submitted to the Senate the book "Moscow Public and Rumyantsev Museums. The experience of self-defense of I. Tsvetaev, former director of these Museums." This was done to prove his innocence. The case of Professor Tsvetaev was finally dismissed.

In 1913, Ivan Vladimrovich Tsvetaev will be elected an honorary member of the Rumyantsev Museum ... but that will be later, but for now, the story of the theft of engravings and the subsequent filth artificially spread around the name of Tsvetaev dealt a severe blow to the health of the elderly professor ...

The opening of the Museum of Fine Arts named after Alexander III took place in Moscow on May 31, 1912. Everything was solemn: the presence royal family and high dignitaries, a multitude of people, a prayer service. And in the memory of Anastasia Ivanovna Tsvetaeva, first of all, the image of her father, who endured so much on the hardest path to creating a museum, was imprinted: Higher Women's Courses, where he lectured on the history of fine arts; after several exacerbations of a serious heart disease, miraculously withstood the persecution of the Minister of Education A.N. work, bright faith in the great purpose of the museum - in the education of future generations of Russia.

On the morning of the same significant day for Tsvetaev, a family friend, Lidia Alexandrovna Tamburer, crowned Ivan Vladimirovich’s head with a laurel wreath that she wove herself: “I should have been the first to thank you for the feat of your life, for the feat of your work. On behalf of Russia and on my own, I brought you - this. Before the stunned father - a laurel wreath ... And, taking advantage of the fact that my father, with a movement of embarrassed gratitude, stretches out both hands to her, she, with a treacherous, truly Italian gesture, lays, no, puts a wreath on his head.

After the opening of the museum, Ivan Vladimirovich continued to work in it as a director. His interest in science continued unabated. He was going to go to Italy in the winter of 1913 to write a book on the architecture of ancient Roman temples. On this trip, I wanted to take my daughter Anastasia with me, who, like Marina, got married in 1912, and in the same year gave him her grandson Andryusha (and Marina had a daughter, Arianda). Ivan Vladimirovich was the godfather of his grandson. He shared his plans for Italy with Asya already during his illness, at the end of August 1913. But this dream was not destined to come true ... On August 30, Ivan Vladimirovich Tsvetaev passed away ...

And the touching, bright story with the laurel wreath, presented to Ivan Vladimirovich on the opening day of the museum, received a tragic continuation, or rather the ending: "My father died on August 30, 1913, a year and three months after the opening of the museum. We put the laurel wreath in his coffin." These are the last lines of Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva's autobiographical essay Father and His Museum.

On the facade of the Museum of Fine Arts named after A. S. Pushkin in Moscow there are memorial plaques in honor of its founder and first director Ivan Vladimirovich Tsvetaev, as well as a patron of arts, who provided tremendous assistance in the creation of the museum, Yu. S. Nechaev-Maltsov. Yuri Stepanovich died shortly after Tsvetaev. In the "Memoirs" of Anastasia Ivanovna Tsvetaeva there are lines: "... on the fortieth day after the death of the pope, or a little later, his colleague in the Museum of Fine Arts named after Alexander III, Yuri Stepanovich Maltsev, died, at whose expense the Museum building was erected."

Professor Tsvetaev's life's work is his museum. Ivan Vladimirovich revealed the essence of his activity in one of his letters: "... the idea of ​​this museum is to give the university and our youth a new, ideally elegant institution. This is the whole reward, all ambition, the highest pleasure - everything else is completely excluded from the soul, like decay, nonsense, like vanity. In fact, all this completely voluntary great work is not undertaken for the rank of Privy Councilor or some star. Privy Councilors are people who have sat quietly for several chairs in the office. Professors (scientists) have other goals - altruistic good , higher education.

What is our "I" worth, our self-esteem in the sight of this good, which will bring business for a number of years that are immeasurable from here? What are our expended forces, peace, our self-love standing in front of this? .. Christ with all this, if only the conceived expensive business would move forward.

The expensive work of Ivan Vladimirovich Tsvetaev was brought to an end. Health, strength, life were placed on his altar... How great was the desire of a man to show his people the greatest examples of art, to enlighten them! And today, through the veil of "an immeasurable number of years", we, grateful descendants, thinking about this amazing person, admiring his brainchild - a museum, bow before the greatness of the soul and the significance of the life work of Ivan Vladimirovich. For a hundred years, the museum, conceived, endured, created by Professor Tsvetaev with the hardest work, introduces people to the world of beauty, helps to lift the veil of years, understand the origins of beauty and keep it in the soul forever!

Ivan Vladimirovich Tsvetaev, philologist, specialist in ancient Italian languages,
archaeologist, founder and first director of the Museum of Fine Arts
(now the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts)

Memory is the spiritual component of the life of a nation. It keeps events, faces, destinies, history in its arsenal... History is created by people. Some of them are born at turning points and lead thousands of others: they win battles, change the borders of states, build cities, conquer the sea and mountain peaks, and their names remain in history, nature generously endows others with talents, and they write poetry, music, create beautiful canvases, and their names are also firmly included in history, in human memory.

But people are amazing… They don’t decide the fate of others, they don’t lead regiments, they don’t conquer peoples - they help preserve history itself, that beauty that has been created and multiplied by mankind for centuries. These people, as a rule, are hardworking, ready to sacrifice their time, money, and sometimes themselves, their health in order to achieve their goals, and yet they are surprisingly modest ... Ivan Vladimirovich Tsvetaev, a philologist, a recognized specialist in Europe, belongs to such people. ancient Italian languages, archaeologist, founder and first director of the Museum of Fine Arts (now the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts), director of the Rumyantsev Museum in 1900-1910, father of the Russian poet Marina Tsvetaeva (she called herself a poet) and writer , memoirists of Anastasia Tsvetaeva!

Marina Ivanovna herself wrote about her father: “... the son of a priest of the Vladimir province, a European philologist (his study of the Os Inscriptions and a number of others), doctor honoris causa of the University of Bologna, professor of art history, first at Kiev, then at Moscow universities, director of the Rumyantsev Museum , founder, inspirer and sole collector of the first museum of fine arts in Russia…”.It is necessary to buy native while all the snow is not yet lying.

The Tsvetaevsky family originates from the center of one of the largest plains in the world - the Russian, from the interfluve of the Volga and Klyazma, where the Ivanovo region is located, “From there - from the village of Talitsy, near the city of Shuya, our Tsvetaevsky family. Priestly…." - so Marina Ivanovna wrote about her origins. Ivan Vladimirovich was born into the family of a poor priest in the village of Drozdovo, Ivanovo Region, in 1847. In addition to him, Vladimir Vasilyevich and Ekaterina Vasilievna Tsvetaev had six children, however, three of them died in infancy. The sons remained - Peter, Ivan, Fedor and Dmitry. This is about them much later Marina Tsvetaeva will write:

The first grandmother has four sons,
Four sons - one torch,

Sheepskin casing, hemp bag, -
Four sons - yes two hands!

No matter how you pile a cup on them - clean!
Tea, no barchat! - Seminarians!

The children lost their mother early. She died young. When Ivan was six years old, the Tsvetaevs moved to Talitsy, now it is the village of Novo-Talitsy near the city of Ivanovo. Ivan Vladimirovich's father, priest Vladimir Vasilyevich Tsvetaev (1818-1884) was appointed to serve in the Nicholas Church of the Talitsky churchyard in 1853. Three generations of the Tsvetaev family from 1853 to 1928 they lived in a house standing on a high bank above the river Verguza, which, flooding low-lying surrounding meadows in the spring, gave the name to these places - Talitsy ... The house has been preserved, now it houses the museum of the Tsvetaev family, opened in May 1995.

I. V. Tsvetaev received his primary education at the Shuya Theological School, and continued it at the Vladimir Seminary. Theological sciences occupied the predominant role in the curriculum of the seminary, but general education sciences, included in the course of classical gymnasiums, were also taught to a significant extent, thanks to which Ivan Vladimirovich got the opportunity to study ancient languages: Hebrew, Ancient Greek and Latin.

Having received a secondary education, I. V. Tsvetaev entered the Medical and Surgical Academy, however, due to poor eyesight and a penchant for studying the humanities (while still at the Shuya Theological School, he became interested in studying Latin and Latin literature) he moved to St. Petersburg University to the classical department of historical and Faculty of Philology, where he graduated in 1870 with a gold medal and a candidate's degree and was left at the university to prepare for a professorship.

art historian (from the 1880s),

Founder of the current Pushkin Museum im. Pushkin, its director and curator (from the 1890s)

Ivan Vladimirovich Tsvetaev (1847−1913) - art critic, historian, archaeologist, philologist, professor and, finally, the creator and first director of the Museum of Fine Arts named after Emperor Alexander III at the Moscow Imperial University (now - the State Museum of Fine Arts named after A.S. . Pushkin).

One of four sons country priest(mother died early), Ivan Vladimirovich was also preparing for spiritual service. However, in his youth, he was thoroughly carried away by the study of Latin and ancient Greek, and this somewhat led him away from theology - to magnificent, shining antiquity. Consequently, to the classical department of St. Petersburg University.

Monday, September 30, 2013 09:47 ()

This is a message quote

Museum of Fine Arts. A. S. Pushkin.

Founder famous museum, who celebrates his hundredth birthday these days and is rightfully considered one of the largest in our country and in the world, is the art historian, teacher Ivan Vladimirovich Tsvetaev (1847-1913). The son of a simple village priest who achieved everything in his life thanks to his own natural talents, hard work and perseverance, he always dreamed of creating a museum of fine arts in Moscow, which would become a true treasure trove of ancient, medieval and modern art.

When the professor began to realize his dream, he had neither collections nor money. The museum was built mainly with private funds.

Marina Tsvetaeva wrote about this period of her father’s life in the following way: “He sits with some Moscow merchant’s wife, sips tea and entices: “Thus, mother, there will be joy for everyone, and benefit ...”.

I. V. Tsvetaev - founder and first director of the museum

However, it should be noted that the state also made its contribution. Sovereign Emperor Nicholas II ordered to allocate 200 thousand rubles from the treasury for the construction of the museum. It was decided that the museum would be called the Museum of Fine Arts named after Emperor Alexander III.

Ivan Vladimirovich began collecting money long before the foundation of the museum. Not only representatives of the merchant class, but also the publisher K. T. Soldatenkov, P. M. Tretyakov, the famous wealthy philanthropist P. I. Kharitenko, the princes Yusupovs and many others donated for the construction of the museum. Chief, to put it modern language, the sponsor of the creation of the museum was Yu. S. Nechaev-Maltsov. The names of donors were assigned to the halls they financed.

On August 17, 1898, a solemn laying of the museum took place. It was decided to build the building in the classical, antique style, designed by the architect R. I. Klein. White marble was used for facing the facade, the plinth was lined with Serdobol granite, marble was brought from southern Hungary for facing columns, the main staircase, and balustrades.

Main staircase

The famous "Italian courtyard" of the museum

By the end of 1902, the building was erected, but finishing work continued for another 10 years. Unfortunately, the building burned several times, the exhibits, which Ivan Vladimirovich collected with such difficulty, perished, and they had to be restored, which caused the professor deep spiritual sorrow.

Museum in 1912 - opening day

Finally, the solemn and long-awaited day of the opening of the museum came. This happened on May 31 (according to the old style), 1912. Members of the imperial family honored the ceremony with the highest presence: Emperor Nikolai Alexandrovich, Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna, Grand Duchesses - Olga, Tatyana, Maria and Anastasia.

It is noteworthy that the opening of the museum was also timed to coincide with the centenary of the victory in Patriotic War over Napoleon's army.

Imperial Family at the opening ceremony

In 1932, the museum was renamed and received the name that it bears to this day.

For more than half a century, Irina Alexandrovna Antonova has been its permanent director.

Now this wonderful museum presents unique collection casts of famous works of architecture from antiquity to the Renaissance. There is also a wonderful collection of authentic Egyptian antiquities, antique vases, beautiful works of Italian painting of the 13th and 14th centuries, and many other masterpieces of world art and culture.

The pearls of the pictorial collection

No matter how you recall the wonderful statement of I. E. Repin, who wrote: “This is honor and glory to Tsvetaev! How assembled, how assembled! And all this is so placed, so presented ... ".

And Marina Tsvetaeva (back in 1936!) proudly wrote about the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, that this is a museum, “having to stand while Moscow stands ...”.

A visit to this beautiful museum left a very deep and pleasant impression in my soul!

Tuesday, January 04, 2011 18:15 ()
Born into the family of a poor priest, Ivan Vladimirovich Tsvetaev received his primary education at the Shuya Theological School, consisting of three departments with a study period of 2 years each, which he continued at the Vladimir Seminary, where he also studied ...

“This is for you, this is for Asya, this is for Andrey, and this is for the museum,” with these words, according to the memoirs of Marina Tsvetaeva, her father was returning from trips. The Museum of Fine Arts became Ivan Tsvetaev's life's work and the "giant little brother" of his four children.

“... Our Tsvetaevsky family. Priestly"

Ivan Tsvetaev was born into the family of a village priest. He, like his three brothers, received a spiritual education. Tsvetaev studied for 12 years - first at the school of the Shuisky district, then at the Vladimir Seminary. “From there - from the village of Talitsy, near the city of Shuya, our Tsvetaevsky family. Priestly…"- wrote Marina Tsvetaeva.

Then Ivan Tsvetaev became a student at the Medical and Surgical Academy, but soon made a choice in favor of classical philology and transferred to St. Petersburg University. In 1870 he graduated with a gold medal and became engaged in science: he defended his master's thesis on the work of Tacitus in Warsaw, then taught in Kyiv. Later, Ivan Tsvetaev became a professor at Moscow University. In the scientific circles of Europe, he was known for his research in the field of epigraphy - the decoding of ancient records.

Varvara Ilovaiskaya and Maria Main

In 1880 Ivan Tsvetaev married opera singer Varvara Ilovayskaya, she bore him two children - Valery and Andrey. In 1890, immediately after the birth of her son, Ilovaiskaya died. In the book of memoirs, Marina Tsvetaeva called her the first and eternal love, the eternal longing of her father.

The second time Ivan Tsvetaev married a year later. Mary Main became his chosen one. She was a creatively gifted woman, she played the piano and guitar superbly, wrote poetry in two languages, and was fond of painting. The couple had daughters - Marina and Anastasia.

“At the age of twenty-two, my mother married my father, with the direct goal of replacing the mother of his orphaned children.<...>She loved her father infinitely, but for the first two years she was terribly tormented by his unquenched love for V.D. Ilovaiskaya.

Marina Tsvetaeva

Maria Tsvetaeva (Main) (1868–1906)

Maria Tsvetaeva was engaged in the upbringing of all four children, their creative education, continued to play music. But the most valuable thing for her husband was that she shared his dream of creating a public museum in Moscow, where any resident of the city could get acquainted with the best examples of ancient and European art.

"The realm of white statues and old books"

While working at Moscow University, Ivan Tsvetaev was the curator of the cabinet of fine arts and antiquity. He noticed that his students lacked visual material. For classes in the theory and history of art, the professor compiled an Atlas of Sculpture, which included illustrations of many monuments of sculpture and architecture.

“... The idea of ​​this museum is to give the university and our youth a new, ideally elegant institution. This is the whole reward, all the ambition, the highest pleasure.- wrote Ivan Tsvetaev.

Tsvetaev often consulted with his wife's father: Alexander Main was on the committee for the arrangement of two St. Petersburg museums - the Polytechnic and the Museum of Fine Arts. The opening of the Moscow exposition was hampered by the lack of finances and buildings, the lack of exhibits.

problem Money Ivan Tsvetaev decided mainly at the expense of patrons. Money was donated by widows, merchants, members of the imperial family. Many Muscovites and Petersburgers bequeathed to the museum not only funds, but also their home collections.

“This is a born minister of finance, because it is so skillful to extract money from completely unexpected sources, as Ivan Vladimirovich knew how<...>no Count Witte will ever be able to do this.”

Matvey Lyubavsky, historian, professor at Moscow University

The museum building was laid in 1898 with the participation of the emperor. The Tsvetaevs often went on business trips, where they chose both exhibits for the collection and building materials. Marina Tsvetaeva, in her memoirs, called the museum "our gigantic little brother."

In the winter of 1904-1905, a fire broke out in the museum, which had not yet opened, and the collection was seriously damaged - 175 boxes with exhibits from Europe were destroyed - and the halls. This undermined the health of Maria Tsvetaeva, who at that moment was being treated for tuberculosis. In 1906 she died in a village near Tarusa. Today the Museum of the Tsvetaev family is open there.

Opening of the Museum of Fine Arts named after Emperor Alexander III (today the Museum of Fine Arts named after Alexander Pushkin) The ceremony was attended by Emperor Nicholas II, accompanied by Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, the Grand Duchesses and the Tsarevich. On the steps a little lower - the creator and first director of the museum I.V. Tsvetaev

Today, May 4, marks the 170th anniversary of the birth of Ivan Vladimirovich Tsvetaev, the founder and first director of the Museum of Fine Arts. Emperor Alexander III (now the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow on Volkhonka), father of the poet Marina Tsvetaeva, writer Anastasia. The name of I. V. Tsvetaev is widely known not only in Russia, but also abroad. Russian scientist-historian, archaeologist, philologist and art critic, corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (since 1904 in the category of classical philology and archeology), professor at Moscow University (since 1877), privy councilor, creator and first director of the Emperor's Museum of Fine Arts Alexander III at the Moscow Imperial University (now the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts) is now known more as the father of Marina Tsvetaeva than as the creator of the main Moscow Museum of Foreign Art of the Pushkin Museum. A.S. Pushkin. It is understandable. The Pushkin Museum - one of the main Moscow sights - is perceived as something that has always existed. Therefore, it is easier to assume that this museum was founded, for example, by Yuri Dolgoruky, and not by the son of a poor priest from the provinces.

Ivan Vladimirovich Tsvetaev was born on May 4 (16), 1847 in the village of Drozdovo, Shuisky district, Vladimir province, in the family of a village priest Vladimir Vasilyevich Tsvetaev. He studied at the Shuya Theological School (graduated in 1962) and the Vladimir Theological Seminary. After studying at the seminary (1866), Ivan Tsvetaev decided to become a doctor and entered the Medico-Surgical Academy. But after a while he transferred to St. Petersburg University "because of an eye disease and because of a penchant for studying the subjects of the Faculty of History and Philology." In 1870 I.V. Tsvetaev graduated from the university with a gold medal. In 1873 he defended his master's thesis, in 1877 his doctoral dissertation. Then, after working abroad, teaching at Warsaw and Kiev universities, in 1879 Tsvetaev became a professor at Moscow University. At Moscow State University, he was the curator of the Cabinet of Fine Arts and Antiquities (since 1879 - extraordinary, since 1885 - ordinary professor, since 1889/90 academic year - ordinary professor in the department of theory and history of art). The Tsvetaev family made a huge contribution to the spiritual and cultural life of their country, glorifying them far beyond its borders. The Tsvetaevs enlightened, admonished with words, helped with deeds, investing the strength of the heart and spirit.
Varvara Dmitrievna Ilovaiskaya (1858 - 1890) was the daughter of the famous historian Dmitry Ivanovich Ilovaisky. A professional singer trained in Russia and Italy where she spent considerable time, she married Tsvetaev in 1880, at the age of 21. Ivan Vladimirovich at that time was 33 years old. The couple settled not far from the Patriarchs, in Trekhprudny Lane, in a wooden house given as a dowry to their daughter Ilovaisky. Ten years passed happily. Varvara Dmitrievna gave her husband two children: daughter Valery and son Andrei, after whose birth she died in 1890.
Ivan Vladimirovich married a second time in 1891. His chosen one was Maria Alexandrovna Mein (1869-1906). Her father was a remarkable man in many respects - Alexander Danilovich Main. He has come a long way from a pupil cadet corps- managing the office of the Moscow Governor-General - to the director of a private bank. In parallel, Mein collaborated with various publications, translated into French "The History of Peter I" and was a member of the committee for the organization of the Polytechnic Museum, and then the committee of the Museum of Fine Arts. It is curious that, together with his young wife, Tsvetaev visited his father-in-law every day, with whom he shared his thoughts about the need for a museum, pondered its arrangement.

Maria Main, like the first wife of Tsvetaeva, played music, was fond of drawing, knew several languages. And from the very first year of their marriage, Maria Alexandrovna shared with Tsvetaev the dream of a museum and helped her husband in every possible way. Maria Main also died quite early, leaving her daughters - fourteen-year-old Marina and twelve-year-old Anastasia.
Moving to the Department of History and Theory of Art, Tsvetaev was faced with a lack of illustrative material. There was a Cabinet of Fine Arts and Antiquities, but it was replenished by chance and was located in an unsuitable room. This is how the idea of ​​a museum with an educational function was born. In addition to the struggle for the material survival of the project, the search for funds, Tsvetaev also had to endure the fire of the museum, which happened in 1904. By this time, the building itself was erected, but the finishing work was still going on. The fire destroyed 175 boxes with plaster and bronze copies of exhibits from the Louvre, Berlin, Munich and British museums. But the museum was destined to be. After the opening in 1912, visitors "fell in thousands", guidebooks disappeared. So, in two months, 12,000 copies were sold! In the same year, Tsvetaev had grandchildren - Andrei and Ariadna. A year later, on August 30, 1913, Ivan Vladimirovich died. He was buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery.

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