Khabensky gives all the money to charity. Charitable Foundation Konstantin Khabensky: history of creation, reviews

Helpful Hints 14.07.2019
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Konstantin Yuryevich Khabensky is a name that almost all the inhabitants of our country know or have heard. This is a famous theater and film actor with millions of fans. Fans love him for his brilliantly played roles in the series "Deadly Force", "Method", in such films as "On the Move", "Own", "Night Watch", "Day Watch", etc. But Konstantin Khabensky is not only wonderful actor. This is also a man with a capital letter. He does not seek to spend his fees on expensive things, luxury housing. The actor sends the earned money to his own charitable foundation.

Love and tragedy

Every step in their life people take for a reason. Every action has certain prerequisites. The creation of the Konstantin Khabensky charitable foundation also has its own background. And it is very sad and tragic. This story is connected with the life and fate of the actor's beloved wife - Anastasia Khabenskaya.

Konstantin Yurievich met his future wife in 1999. The introduction was pretty simple. Khabensky did not see another fan in the girl, and Anastasia did not think of him as a movie character. They talked like ordinary people who liked each other at first sight. Gradually, their relationship became more and more serious. In 2000, the young couple decided to tie the knot.

Konstantin and Anastasia lived in love and harmony for several years, but happiness was destroyed in an instant by the news of a terrible illness. Khabensky's wife was diagnosed with oncology - a brain tumor. The actor did everything necessary measures to save his beloved wife, but all efforts were in vain in the end. The disease got stronger. Anastasia Khabenskaya passed away on December 1, 2008.

In memory of wife

The death of Anastasia for Konstantin Khabensky was an unexpected shock and terrible event. The loss loved one changed the outlook of the actor. It became difficult for him not to notice the grief of other people. Yes, and Khabensky realized that some diseases are very serious, deadly and expensive to treat. All this prompted the opening of a charitable foundation. The actor realized his plans in 2008. The Konstantin Khabensky Foundation was opened in memory of Anastasia.

The famous actor understood that it was impossible to help absolutely all people, so he clearly outlined the area of ​​charitable activities. He decided to save the lives of children with cancer and other severe brain diseases. The created fund began to provide assistance in organizing the examination and treatment of children, buying medicines, and organizing rehabilitation programs.


At first, Konstantin Khabensky helped the children on his own. He sent a part of the funds from the money he earned to the needy. The actor also communicated with business representatives and invited them to participate in charity. People, of course, did not refuse, but after a while Khabensky realized that it was impossible to ask all the time. To replenish the fund, an effective and at the same time interesting mechanism was required. And Konstantin Yurievich invented it. He organized a charity performance "Mowgli's Generation".

How was such an idea born? It all started with the creation of studios creative development at the Konstantin Khabensky Foundation. They opened in different cities of Russia. In these studios, children were taught creative disciplines, learned to speak correctly, think independently, and qualified specialists helped them in this. But not only in classes with teachers was pastime in the studios. Young wards were still being prepared to go on stage and participate in the play "Generation of Mowgli". Anyone could come to it, having previously bought a ticket. All cash collected in the end, sent to the treatment of children with cancer.

The success of the charity performance

Today, the Konstantin Khabensky Charitable Foundation continues to be replenished with funds collected through charity performances of Mowgli's Generation. All children are happy to take part in the performances. They understand that they go on stage not only to show themselves, but also to save someone's life.

Over the entire existence of the charity project, the Konstantin Khabensky fund has replenished by several million rubles. For example, only in 2016 it was possible to collect 1,607,434 rubles. All this amount was given for the treatment of 3 children - a 10-year-old girl and 4-year-old boys. And if we analyze the entire period of the performance's existence, we can conclude that the money raised helped 23 children with severe brain diseases.

Other ways to replenish the fund

The fund has other sources from which the funds come. Konstantin Khabensky regularly organizes charity events. For example, in July 2017, the actor, together with Alexander Tsypkin, held "Unprincipled Readings" and invited everyone to buy a ticket and come and listen to the young writer's lyrical and hooligan stories.

Charitable Foundation periodically holds promotions in conjunction with various organizations. One of the companies is Aqua-Elite. On the this moment she offers charity packages. With each purchase, the company transfers part of the funds to the Khabensky fund. For those who do not plan to make any purchases, but want to participate in charity, there is an online project "Sberbank Together". Various trusted charities are listed on this site. Among them is the Khabensky Foundation.

Reviews about the Konstantin Khabensky Foundation

The charity project has existed for almost 10 years. Over the years, a huge number of small lives have been saved. Many children received a chance for recovery and the opportunity to undergo examination, treatment and rehabilitation. Parents and relatives of such children thank Konstantin Yuryevich for charity, for the hope that a terrible disease can be defeated.

Friends and acquaintances of the actor also speak positively about his project. What the Konstantin Khabensky Foundation is doing is what they call a great deed. The actor not only helps sick children, but also gives other people an example, shows that in this world there is nothing more valuable and more important than human life.

People who leave positive reviews note that the fund works in accordance with the law. All are decorated Required documents- certificate of TIN, certificate of PSRN. There is also a charter for the charitable foundation of Konstantin Khabensky. It spells out the goals of creation, describes the structure, and indicates the rights of the founders.

Real stories

The lists of those in need who received assistance contain dozens of names. For different amounts of money for children of different ages, the fund paid for flights to foreign clinics, operations, and the purchase of medicines. One of the youngest wards is Sonya Nekrasova. At the age of one month, the specialist revealed a neoplasm in the brain of the girl. For the operation, the fund raised an amount of just over 155 thousand rubles.

The Konstantin Khabensky Foundation does not refuse even those children who need very expensive treatment. An example is the story of Alina Badretdinova. A 5-year-old girl presented with suspicious symptoms. Doctors after the examination informed the relatives of a terrible diagnosis - a brain tumor. Alina was first scheduled for surgery, and then courses of radiation and chemotherapy. After all the measures taken, magnetic resonance imaging revealed a residual tumor. A second operation was scheduled to remove it. To help the girl cope with the disease, the fund raised more than 1 million rubles.

sad moments

Unfortunately, cancer and other brain diseases are very insidious. Due to the unpredictable course of ailments, sometimes the outcome of treatment is deplorable. The history of the Konstantin Khabensky Charitable Foundation stores information about those children who could not be helped. The fate of each child is not forgotten, because it is an example of the fight against the disease.

All the children who are no longer with us dreamed of recovery, courageously endured all medical procedures. Their lives were cut short. In order to reduce such deplorable cases, the specialists of the Konstantin Khabensky Foundation advise relatives and parents to seek help earlier, because it is very important not to miss the time when a child can be helped on early stages overcome the disease.

After the actor Konstantin Khabensky had a son in 2007, his wife Anastasia fell ill with cancer. He sold the house, gave all the fees for treatment, he got into debt. But a year later, in Los Angeles, she died. Since then, the actor lives in an ordinary apartment, and gives almost all his earnings to charity. So far, he has saved about 150 children from brain cancer.

The actor supports many community projects. Under his leadership, there is a charitable foundation that provides assistance to children with cancer. He does not do charity "to nowhere" and believes that it is necessary to help those who still have a chance.

It all started with a call from a hospital where people with leukemia are lying. According to old memory, the doctors kept Khabensky's phone. And they gave it to a woman who needed two hundred thousand rubles for an operation for her son. Simply because they are tired of looking at the suffering of their mother, who struggles in search of money. Hearing such a request, the actor immediately brought the money to the hospital, the child was put into surgery.

Since then, his phone has become a "rescue service" for those who treat their children for cancer. But, oddly enough, they ask not only for money. Sometimes Khabensky is required to have his connections with doctors. Konstantin receives calls from distant cities, where a child with such a complex illness cannot be provided with any help. Doctors say: “Go to Moscow!”, but it is difficult for people from a village or a small town to figure out where to go with their trouble. Therefore, Khabensky helped several unfortunate mothers - he arranged for the reception of their children from the capital's doctors. And he made sure everything went well.

Such an attitude towards someone else's grief, apparently, has always been generally accepted in the Khabensky family. After all, as it turned out later, his wife Anastasia, already being sick, helped save a girl suffering from multiple sclerosis.

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Egor Beroev and Ksenia Alferova

The couple has been helping children with cerebral palsy, Down syndrome and autism for several years now. Three years ago, they opened their own charitable foundation "I am!" Egor and Ksenia are trying to make the life of their charges brighter and more colorful, for this they arrange various holidays, exhibitions and concerts. They also try to create for such children all the conditions for a healthy adaptation in adulthood.

Orlando Bloom

The famous actor has been a Goodwill Ambassador since 2009 Children's Fund United Nations Organization (UNICEF). For several years, Bloom managed to visit many countries as part of charitable projects. Including he visited with humanitarian missions in Ethiopia, Jordan, Syria and Macedonia.

Chulpan Khamatova and Dina Korzun

In 2006, friends and actresses jointly established the Gift of Life Foundation, which has since helped children with severe oncological and hematological diseases. Today in Russia more and more children with such terrible diagnoses get a chance for recovery and happy life This is largely due to the assistance of the Khamatova Foundation.

Keanu Reeves

This Hollywood actor has long been famous for his - in a positive sense - eccentricity. Quite often, Keanu gave almost the entire fee for the film to the needs charities. Reeves knows firsthand about serious illnesses - his sister has been fighting cancer for 10 years, so the actor does not spare money to support cancer funds.

Natalya Vodyanova

The beautiful Russian woman Natalya Vodianova became famous all over the world not only as a super-successful model, but also as a philanthropist. The actress has been actively involved in charity work for many years. Vodianova's younger sister has been suffering from a severe form of autism since birth, and Vodianova knows from her own experience that children with such diseases need special care and attention. Natalia heads the Naked Heart Foundation, annually holds charity concerts, marathons and auctions - all the money from such events goes to help children in need.

Oprah Winfrey

The legendary American TV presenter, producer and actress Oprah Winfrey has been actively involved in charity work for many years. In addition to the financial support of many foundations, Winfrey is the founder of a special school for girls in South Africa. In a country where violence and killings are a daily reality, it is almost impossible for girls to finish school. Through the efforts of Oprah, several hundred graduates of this school already have diplomas from prestigious American universities.

Maria Mironova, Igor Vernik and Evgeny Mironov

In 2008, the actors jointly established the Artist Charitable Foundation, designed to help elderly artists. In addition to providing all kinds of material assistance to veterans of the theater and cinema, the foundation's volunteers also provide moral support: they go to visit their wards, give gifts for the holidays, arrange impromptu concerts.

Brad Pitt

A few years ago, the famous actor founded the Make It Right charity foundation to help New Orleans residents affected by the devastating Hurricane Katrina. In less than 10 years, Pitt and his organization managed to build more than 109 houses. The best architects and engineers were invited to work on the project. The actor personally supervised the work of volunteers and controlled the construction process at all stages.

Konstantin Khabensky

The activities of the Konstantin Khabensky Charitable Foundation are aimed at helping children with severe brain diseases. The fund's motto is "One life saved is one life saved." The actor spares neither time nor money for charitable work. During the work of the foundation, more than 150 children were saved - this, undoubtedly, is a great merit of Konstantin Khabensky personally.

Leonardo DiCaprio

Leonardo DiCaprio is famous not only for his phenomenal film roles, but also vigorous activity for the protection environment. In 2012, the actor became the UN Peace Ambassador. The choice of DiCaprio for such a high position was not accidental - the actor in Hollywood is considered the main supporter of the "green" lifestyle. In 1998, Leo created his own charitable foundation, the main goal of which is to foster a harmonious relationship between people and nature. Every year, the actor spends huge sums from his fees on solving environmental problems.

Angelina Jolie

It is difficult to name all the charity projects in which Angelina Jolie took part. She is a United Nations Goodwill Ambassador for Refugees. For more than 15 years of charitable work, she managed to visit many hot spots with humanitarian missions (including Iran, Syria, Jordan, Kosovo, Pakistan). Together with Brad Pitt, Jolie created the Jolie / Pitt Foundation in 2006, the funds of which go to finance the programs of Doctors Without Borders.

This wonderful and talented actor the whole country knows, but few people know him as a merciful and kind person!

In 2007, Kostya had a son, and shortly after giving birth, his beloved wife fell ill with cancer. Immediately and without hesitation, he sold his house, all the fees (at that time Khabensky was starring in the lead roles "Irony of Fate-2" and "Admiral") immediately gave for treatment, but this was still not enough, he had to get into debt.
In this battle, he lost - a year later his wife died. Since then, he lives in a completely ordinary apartment and donates almost all of his fees to charity. To date, Khabensky has saved about 150 children from brain cancer.

In the spring of 2014, Kostya came to Kazan just to visit terminally ill children and hold a charity premiere of his play. Money from this premiere saved 4 more children.

This worthy and modest man deserves deep Respect!

In 2013, Konstantin Khabensky married the actress of the Moscow Art Theater named after A.P. Chekhov Olga Litvinova, who gave birth to his daughter Alexandra. Olga became the second wife of the artist. In 2008, Khabensky was widowed: his wife, journalist Anastasia Smirnova, died at the age of 33 from a brain tumor. From Anastasia, the artist has a son, Ivan, in September the boy will be 11 years old.

Konstantin was very upset by the death of his wife and for a long time did not comment on personal life. In a recent interview with Vladimir Pozner, the actor said that when Anastasia was still alive, they decided to do charity work with her - to help children with cancer and other brain diseases. When his wife died, Khabensky continued this business by creating his own fund.

About how Anastasia struggled with the disease, Konstantin spoke on Yuri Dud’s show “vdud”. According to the Actor, his first wife turned to healers for help. Now Khabensky believes that it was a mistake.


“Then I thought that a person has the right to use all chances in order to be saved. First of all, these are healers who have a colossal talent for talking to you. Such thimblers who cut such money ...<…>This appeal, it seems to me, took the whole story in the wrong direction at some point. We used his tricks. I brought him to Moscow. And it was a big mistake that was worth the second operation, ”the artist shared.

Anastasia began to feel bad during pregnancy. Then the doctors suggested that the malaise was due precisely to her position. The actor's wife was diagnosed with cancer at an advanced stage. Konstantin does not hold a grudge against doctors who did not immediately make a diagnosis. “If they had found it earlier, it’s not a fact that Vanka would have been in the world,” the artist said. Konstantin added that the son knows what happened to his mother, he periodically talks to him on this topic.

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