The hill is sorting. Train timetable: Gorki

Fashion & Style 14.08.2019
Fashion & Style

On many major railway Stations have a simple structure called a marshalling yard. Even when I lived in Dnepropetrovsk, I repeatedly went to observe the work of the local slide at the station. Nizhnedneprovsk-Uzel. This whole process is somehow mesmerizing, when several dozen cars one after another independently scatter down the hill along different tracks, with a roar grappling with their brethren already standing on these tracks.
According to the Internet, Nizhnedneprovsk-Uzel is in second place in Ukraine in terms of sorted wagons. The sorting process there is almost continuous and it is not difficult to find a slide in work. So when last fall we dfaw were in Dnepropetrovsk, decided to look here.

Sorting hill- a special facility at some stations for quick sorting of trains and the formation of new freight trains. Why is it needed at all? It is no secret that a freight train that moves between two certain stations can simultaneously contain both wagons for which the final destination is station A, and wagons going to station B, C, etc. Therefore, sooner or later, at a certain junction station, this train will be disbanded, the cars of each separate direction will be attached to other cars moving along the same route, but arriving from a different direction, and the newly formed trains will set off again. The procedure for transferring cars from train to train can occur several times until they reach the end point of the route. In general, the trailer passenger cars have the same scheme, whoever rode them knows. But passenger cars are not sorted in such volumes as freight cars, so the usual transfer by a shunting locomotive can take a long time. To speed up this process, a marshalling hump was invented, during which the dissolution of the train and the transfer of its wagons takes a few minutes.

A classic marshalling yard has a reception park, a sorting hump, a foothill park (sorting park) and a departure park. All of this is in series. The newly arrived train enters the reception park, the numbers of the cars determine which of them go where and how they should be sorted. Then the shunting locomotive at low speed pushes the train up the hill from behind along the so-called. thrust paths. The slide in profile really looks like a slide, or rather a small hump with a height difference of 3-5 meters. Before passing the top of the hill, the cars are uncoupled (they can be uncoupled one by one or in groups) and, once on the descent, under their own weight, they roll down into the foothill park, usually having several dozen tracks. Each wagon or group of wagons is sent to its own track of the fleet - this is determined by the local dispatcher. The process of the dissolution of the composition on the hill is very fast, so the arrows in the neck of the park have increased speed. So that the "uncouplers" do not run too far after the hill or hit the cars already standing in the park, their speed is regulated by special car decelerators. In the process of the dissolution of the trains on the hill, new trains are formed on the tracks of the piedmont park, they are pulled to the departure park, the main locomotive is hooked, and the train moves on. The description of the process took a lot of letters, but these letters make it possible to sort up to 6-7 thousand wagons per day.

In large railway junctions, two slides are placed. As a rule, this is done on a two-way basis: i.e. ligaments "reception park-hill-hill park-departure park" are located in parallel, but deployed in different sides station, which allows you to quickly receive and send trains from both directions. Nizhnedneprovsk-Uzel was built according to the same scheme; at st. there are two slides: east and west. In total, both slides have almost 50 paths in the foothill parks.

1. At the station between the slides, a footbridge is very well located - exactly above the foothill parks of both slides. Come and see the sorting of wagons from the best vantage point you can get. Probably the work of the slide would never have attracted me so much if it were not for this bridge. Not so long ago, the old bridge with wooden decking was dismantled and a new reinforced concrete one was installed:

2. Podgorochny park of the western hill. Pay attention to the center of the frame, where all paths converge: a hump near a two-story house - this is the hill. Behind it are thrust paths from the reception park. At the beginning of each path of the piedmont park, you can see wagon retarders. This is the third (last) brake position on the way of rolling cars. Two more are located closer to the hill.

4. View to the other side of the western foothill park. Further on, the tracks go to the departure park, and in the upper left corner of the frame you can see the green covered wagons, which slightly go up to the edge of the frame. This is the thrust path of the eastern hill, now we will look at it in more detail:

5. Work is in full swing on the eastern hill and we can see the same green covered wagons that have actively begun to dissolve from the hill. One green covered wagon was allowed to go to the right, several more of the same wagons to the left:

6. After a couple of moments. Compare this and the previous frame and you will see the difference in the positions of the cars.

7. Podgorochny park of the eastern hill. On the right, in the distance, you can see how the first green car has almost caught up with the platform lowered from the hill in front of it:

8. While we were looking at the eastern hill, movement also began on the western one. At first, single gondola cars were disbanded:

9. The same thing after a couple of seconds. By the distances between the cars on the descent from the hill, you can judge how quickly the train is disbanded. Unfortunately, the photo is somehow static, in dynamics it looks more exciting: cars rolling down one after another, the squeal of slowing devices, the squeal of wheels and, finally, the rumble when the cars are coupled ... Real railway romance:)

10. Catchers:

11. Bang! At the moment of coupling of wagons with grain, sand or other bulk material, as a bonus, clouds of dust also rise up.

12. More catch-ups:

13. There is a contact!

14. After the gondola cars, the strings of tanks were dismissed from the hill for a long time:

15. Meanwhile, on the eastern hill, the dissolution of the train ended and a pusher appeared in the form of an electric locomotive VL8:

16. On the eastern hill, work soon began to boil again. From this point, the height difference of the hump of the hill is clearly visible:

17. And a few trailers of the hillside park.

23. Alas, there was not much time and they did not manage to go down directly to the hill. We sat down with Denis on the train and left in the direction of the central station to ride the local metro.

Thematic video:

1. Video directly from under the hump of the slide next to the first braking position. You can clearly see the work of car retarders:

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An integral part of freight rail transportation is sorting work, within which trains are completed for shipment in one direction or another. The stations at which the redistribution of goods is carried out are called sorting stations. In their work, they use many special devices, the main of which is a sorting hill. Let's find out what it is and how it functions.

general characteristics

A marshalling hump is a structure located on the territory and intended for the formation or disbandment of freight trains. In fact, it is an embankment on which railway tracks are laid. The design consists of three main sections: the sliding part, the hump and the lower part. The train moves up the hill with the help of a locomotive. Then, under the influence of gravity, each car rolls independently to its destination along the lowering part, which is located on a slope. Between wagons or cuts (several connected wagons) rolling down the hill, an interval is formed that is sufficient to transfer the arrows in accordance with the plan for the formation of trains. The rolling speed of the wagons is controlled by brake positions, which are equipped with wagon retarders.

Basic concepts

The top of the hill is called its very high point. Usually its height is from 3.5 to 4.5 meters. Here, wagons or cuts are sent to the subhill tracks according to their destinations. The height of the hill is the difference between its top and the calculated point of the most unfavorable for rolling downhill path. The height is calculated in such a way as to ensure the passage of a wagon with poor driving performance under adverse conditions. natural conditions to the calculated point, which is taken with a margin at a distance of 50 m from the end of the braking position of the most difficult path. The hump of the hill is called its pass part, from which the wagon or cutter begins its independent movement down.

The sliding part is the area between the last turnouts of the foothill mouth of the receiving park and the top of the hill. This zone, as a rule, is equipped with an anti-slope for the convenience of uncoupling the cars and stopping them. The descent part, respectively, is called the area between the top of the hill and the beginning of the marshalling yard. In this case, the section of the path with the greatest steepness is called high-speed.

Types of sorting hills

Hill complexes can be either one-sided or two-sided. The latter are typically used in particularly large marshalling yards, with a high volume of work in both directions. Previously, slides were built only in areas with a natural slope of the earth. Many of these slides are still in operation today. Later they began to build slides with an artificial slope.

The methods used for braking wagons may also differ. It all depends on the point at which the sorting hill is located. Stations that were built around eventually turned out to be within the city. These have special requirements. It's about about the silent operation of retarders and turnout drives, special rules for the dissolution and limited access to the territory of the station.

Types of marshalling yards

The marshalling yard may be the same length as the other yards in the station, or shortened. Shortened parks are most common in America, where favorable terrain and long distances between stations make it possible to form especially long trains. Shortened trains, assembled in one marshalling yard, are connected on the departure routes with other semi-trains. At the same time, there are cases when it is more expedient to design long marshalling yards. It all depends on the specific region.

The latest generation of hump yards provide local control of elements such as turnouts and signaling devices for incoming/outgoing parks, with the ability to check all necessary closures and dependencies. Less common is the railroad, the marshalling yard in particular.

Deceleration of cuts in the hump zone

The first braking of the uncoupler takes place in hump zone for the formation of intervals. It is carried out by one or two TP (brake positions). The next braking is aimed, it takes place in the park area, when the car reaches its destination.

In addition to those known at the stations of OAO Rossiyskiye railways» pliers-press retarders, other systems for braking are also used. For example, at stations located near residential areas, rubber-coated rails are used to dampen the speed of trains. The friction force arising from the movement of a metal wheel on a rubber coating is regulated by a retarder. The most promising are the braking positions of the hump, equipped with permanent magnets. They are most effective at high speed uncoupling movement (more than 20 km/h).

Deceleration of cuts in the park area

In park areas, for braking cars or cuts, a certain number of point retarders are installed, which provide quasi-continuous speed control. The most recognized this moment are point hydraulic piston models of retarders. They are activated when the wheel flange runs over the retarder piston mounted on the rail neck. If the rolling speed is exceeded (registered using a special sensor), the excess kinetic energy extinguished when the piston moves down.

In Europe, the hydraulic helical retarder has also become widespread. When the wagon passes over it, the wheel flange enters with the spiral protrusion of the cylinder, the latter makes a revolution, taking part of the energy of the wheel. The resistance that the car retarder will provide depends on how much the speed of the car exceeds the norm.

Braking at stations with a natural gradient

At marshalling yards with a natural slope, speed control usually occurs along the entire descent, including the pre-park area. The slides of the latest generations are equipped with car-loaders, which are located directly inside the rail track and can be moved using automatically controlled cables. If necessary, the wagon evacuator can even bring the cutter to the wagons to which he is to join. Such devices are found wide application at railway stations in Munich, Zurich and Rotterdam.

In addition to braking devices, hump yards are also equipped with hydraulic accelerators. They are usually located in the park area and are activated if the cutter moves at a speed below the norm.

The first slide systems

The first inclined track for wagon distribution was built in Dresden in 1946. At that time, another way of disbanding trains was common in Europe - with turning circles. In 1858, the first semblance of a hump system was built at the Leipzig station. In the form in which the marshalling yard functions today, it was first built in 1863 at the French station Ter Nord.

First counterslope

In 1876, at the German station Speldorf, the first sorting separate station was built with an anti-slope on the sliding part and an intermediate platform. Previously, slides were built on a natural slope, without a counterslope. In 1891, they began to use the division of the marshalling yard into bundles (groups of tracks). Instead of braking devices, these simple devices can still be found today at stations with a natural slope.

First moderator

In the twenties, centuries passed in Europe and America began to use a beam-type car retarder. In 1923, a mechanized complex of four hydraulic retarders was launched at the European station Hamm. Thanks to the mechanisms of electromechanical interlocking that appeared at about the same time, it became possible to carry out remote control railroad on the site of the marshalling yard. Somewhat later, the first electrical devices were created that memorize the order in which the cars passed. In accordance with the established task, they independently adjusted the switch drives of the beams.

Full automation

In 1955, the first controlled hump complex was launched at the Kirk station in Chicago. By the 1970s, most major stations had fully automated hump yards. A little later, they began to use the radio channel to control locomotives, which made it possible to increase work productivity.


In the second half of the twentieth century, there was a trend towards the predominance of small freight shipments. Due to the growing competition between rail and other types of freight transport, container transportation has become relevant, which allows minimizing the cost of transshipment and enjoying the advantages of each type of transport. In order to reload containers from railway wagons to road and sea transport, special sites with crane mechanisms were equipped. With the development of container shipments, many sorting stations in Europe have transferred their functions to fleets that can reload containers from wagons not only to sea and road transport, but also to other trains.

Complex MSR 32

Siemens has developed a special MSR 32 complex for the construction and modernization of railway sorting yards. Depending on the type and capacity of the required hump, as well as its profile and local conditions, it creates a model that is tested using electronic computers. The model shows where it is most expedient to place speed sensors, weight meters, cut gauges, brake positions and other elements of the marshalling yard.

The system adapts to any customer requirements thanks to its modular design. It is implemented in slides with different profiles, braking concepts and processing capacities. For example, in Zurich, a hump equipped with the MSR 32 system handles 330 wagons per hour. The locomotive is controlled by radio. In Vienna, a similar split point has a capacity of 320 wagons per hour. The locomotive of this slide is radio-controlled. The system provides a continuous exchange of information with dispatch centers on all slides. The hump operator only has to make sure that everything works as it should. First village former USSR where Siemens has installed its technology is the Vaidotai station in Lithuania. Gradually, MSR 32 technology is spreading around the world. They are also being tested at the stations of Russian Railways OJSC.

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Sorting hill- a station device that, due to the slope of the railway tracks, makes it possible to use the gravity of the cars for their independent movement (rolling) onto the branching tracks of the marshalling yard.

Humps are arranged at the stations of disbandment and formation of trains. The sorted train along the hump sliding track is gradually and continuously pushed by the locomotive onto the hump of the hump, having crossed it, the uncoupled wagons (cuts) then roll down a steep descent under the action of gravity.

There are the following types of slides:

  • Low-capacity hump - a marshalling yard designed to process 250 - 1500 wagons per day on average, with the number of tracks in the marshalling yard from 4 to 16.
  • Medium power hump - a mechanized or automated hump designed for processing in the mode of sequential dissolution of 1500 - 3500 wagons on average per day or having from 17 to 29 subhill tracks.
  • High power hump - an automated or mechanized hump designed for processing in the mode of (mostly) sequential dissolution of 3500 - 5500 wagons on average per day or having from 30 to 40 subhill tracks.
  • High power hump - an automated hump designed for processing in the mode of (mainly) parallel dissolution of more than 5,500 wagons on average per day or having more than 40 subhill tracks.

In the longitudinal profile of the hump sorting device there are sliding, overpass (hump), downhill parts of the hill and sorting ways (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Plan and longitudinal profile of a marshalling yard.

H g - the height of the hill - the difference between the marks of the levels of its top and the calculated point on the most difficult under the conditions of rolling down the piedmont path.

In the lower part of the hill, the following sections are distinguished: High speed section design as steep as possible, but not more than 50 ‰. The difference in the steepness of this element and the next one is allowed no more than 25‰. The straight (in profile) section must be at least 20 m long (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Plan and longitudinal profile of the high-speed section.

Section of the first braking position it is necessary to place at least 12‰ on the slope (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Plan and longitudinal profile of the section of the first braking position.

Slope intermediate section it is designed not steeper than the slope of the first braking position and not lower than the slope on which the second braking position is located (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Plan and longitudinal profile of the intermediate section.

Section of the second braking position it is necessary to place it on the slope with a slope that ensures, under unfavorable conditions, starting off from the place of calculated bad runners, but not less than 7‰, and in cold temperature zones - not less than 10‰ (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. Plan and longitudinal profile of the second braking position.

Section steepness switch zone should be designed in the range from 1.0 to 1.5‰, on the extreme beams - up to 2.0‰ for slides of medium power and up to 2.5‰ for more powerful slides (Fig. 6).

Rice. 6. Plan and longitudinal profile of the section of the switch zone.

Section steepness sorting ways should be designed in a curve according to the norms for the switch zone, and on straight sections of tracks up to 1.5‰ (Fig. 7).

Rice. Fig. 7. Plan and longitudinal profile of the marshalling track section from the last limit post to the parking brake position.

Park brake position when equipped with double-rail retarders on newly constructed slides and favorable local conditions, it can, if justified, be located on a slope with a steepness of up to 8‰, in other cases, if it is located in a curve on a slope of up to 2.0‰, on a straight line - 1.5‰ (Fig. 8 ).

Rice. 8. Plan and longitudinal profile of the park braking position.

The sorting tracks behind the sorting park should be designed on a uniform descent with a steepness of 0.6‰, except for the last section 100 m long, which, together with the outlet neck of the marshalling yard, should be located at an elevation of 2.0‰ (Fig. 9).

Rice. Fig. 9. Plan and longitudinal profile of marshalling tracks from park braking position. RT - the estimated point of the sorting track (the point to which a cutter with poor driving characteristics must reach in adverse conditions: winter, headwind).

Intervals are formed between the rolling cuts, allowing you to switch switches and direct the cars to different tracks of the marshalling yard in accordance with the train formation plan.

The lift available in front of the hump facilitates the uncoupling of the wagons.

To control rolling speeds and intervals between cuts, braking positions are arranged on the hump, equipped with wagon retarders or brake shoes. Brake positions are also available on the tracks of the marshalling yard to prevent damage to wagons moving at high speed (more than 5 km/h) with wagons standing on the tracks.

Hump ​​yards, both mechanized and non-mechanized, are equipped with traffic signaling and park radio communication, with the help of which the operator can transmit information about the composition of the cuts, the route of each cut and other necessary instructions and orders to the sorting park.

Humps of large marshalling yards are equipped with devices for complex mechanization and automation of the wagon sorting process - hump automatic centralization (HAC), systems for automatic control of the speed of cut rolling (ARS), automatic setting of the speed of dissolution of trains (AZSR) with remote control of hump locomotives (TGL) and others.

Automation of the sorting yard is based on the use of electronic equipment and computer science. Hump ​​automation allows you to significantly increase the processing capacity of the sorting hump.

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