Sorting hill. Grading hump Deceleration of cuts in the hump zone

Technique and Internet 14.08.2019

On many large railway stations there is a simple structure called a sorting hill. Even when I lived in Dnepropetrovsk, I repeatedly went to observe the work of the local slide at the station. Nizhnedneprovsk-Uzel. This whole process is somehow mesmerizing, when several dozen cars one after another independently scatter down the hill along different tracks, with a roar grappling with their brethren already standing on these tracks.
According to the Internet, Nizhnedneprovsk-Uzel is in second place in Ukraine in terms of sorted wagons. The sorting process there is almost continuous and it is not difficult to find a slide in work. So when last fall we dfaw were in Dnepropetrovsk, decided to look here.

Sorting hill- a special facility at some stations for quick sorting of trains and the formation of new freight trains. Why is it needed at all? It is no secret that a freight train that moves between two certain stations can simultaneously contain both wagons for which the final destination is station A, and wagons going to station B, C, etc. Therefore, sooner or later, at a certain junction station, this train will be disbanded, the cars of each separate direction will be attached to other cars moving along the same route, but arriving from a different direction, and the newly formed trains will set off again. The procedure for transferring cars from train to train can occur several times until they reach the end point of the route. In general, the trailer passenger cars have the same scheme, whoever rode them knows. But passenger cars are not sorted in such volumes as freight cars, so the usual transfer by a shunting locomotive can take a long time. To speed up this process, a marshalling hump was invented, during which the dissolution of the train and the transfer of its wagons takes a few minutes.

A classic marshalling yard has a reception park, a sorting hump, a foothill park (sorting park) and a departure park. All of this is in series. The newly arrived train enters the reception park, the numbers of the cars determine which of them go where and how they should be sorted. Then the shunting locomotive at low speed pushes the train up the hill from behind along the so-called. thrust paths. The slide in profile really looks like a slide, or rather a small hump with a height difference of 3-5 meters. Before passing the top of the hill, the cars are uncoupled (they can be uncoupled one by one or in groups) and, once on the descent, under their own weight, they roll down into the foothill park, usually having several dozen tracks. Each wagon or group of wagons is sent to its own track of the fleet - this is determined by the local dispatcher. The process of the dissolution of the composition on the hill is very fast, so the arrows in the neck of the park have increased speed. So that the "uncouplers" do not run too far after the hill or hit the cars already standing in the park, their speed is regulated by special car decelerators. In the process of the dissolution of the trains on the hill, new trains are formed on the tracks of the piedmont park, they are pulled to the departure park, the main locomotive is hooked, and the train moves on. The description of the process took a lot of letters, but these letters make it possible to sort up to 6-7 thousand wagons per day.

AT major railway nodes place two slides. As a rule, this is done on a two-way basis: i.e. ligaments "reception park-hill-hill park-departure park" are located in parallel, but deployed in different sides station, which allows you to quickly receive and send trains from both directions. Nizhnedneprovsk-Uzel was built according to the same scheme; at st. there are two slides: east and west. In total, both slides have almost 50 paths in the foothill parks.

1. At the station between the slides, a footbridge is very well located - exactly above the foothill parks of both slides. Come and see the sorting of wagons from the best vantage point you can get. Probably the work of the slide would never have attracted me so much if it were not for this bridge. Not so long ago, the old bridge with wooden decking was dismantled and a new reinforced concrete one was installed:

2. Podgorochny park of the western hill. Pay attention to the center of the frame, where all paths converge: a hump near a two-story house - this is the hill. Behind it are thrust paths from the reception park. At the beginning of each path of the piedmont park, you can see wagon retarders. This is the third (last) brake position on the way of rolling cars. Two more are located closer to the hill.

4. View to the other side of the western foothill park. Further on, the tracks go to the departure park, and in the upper left corner of the frame you can see the green covered wagons, which slightly go up to the edge of the frame. This is the thrust path of the eastern hill, now we will look at it in more detail:

5. Work is in full swing on the eastern hill and we can see the same green covered wagons that have actively begun to dissolve from the hill. One green covered wagon was allowed to go to the right, several more of the same wagons to the left:

6. After a couple of moments. Compare this and the previous frame and you will see the difference in the positions of the cars.

7. Podgorochny park of the eastern hill. On the right, in the distance, you can see how the first green car has almost caught up with the platform lowered from the hill in front of it:

8. While we were looking at the eastern hill, movement also began on the western one. At first, single gondola cars were disbanded:

9. The same thing after a couple of seconds. By the distances between the cars on the descent from the hill, you can judge how quickly the train is disbanded. Unfortunately, the photo is somehow static, in dynamics it looks more exciting: cars rolling down one after another, the squeal of slowing devices, the squeal of wheels and, finally, the rumble when the cars are coupled ... Real railway romance:)

10. Catchers:

11. Bang! At the moment of coupling of wagons with grain, sand or other bulk material, as a bonus, clouds of dust also rise up.

12. More catch-ups:

13. There is a contact!

14. After the gondola cars, the strings of tanks were dismissed from the hill for a long time:

15. Meanwhile, on the eastern hill, the dissolution of the train ended and a pusher appeared in the form of an electric locomotive VL8:

16. On the eastern hill, work soon began to boil again. From this point, the height difference of the hump of the hill is clearly visible:

17. And a few trailers of the hillside park.

23. Alas, there was not much time and they did not manage to go down directly to the hill. We sat down with Denis on the train and left in the direction of the central station to ride the local metro.

Thematic video:

1. Video directly from under the hump of the slide next to the first braking position. You can clearly see the work of car retarders:

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A marshalling hump (in railway terminology and in jargon - just a “hill”) in marshalling yards is a type of railway sorting device for accelerating the disbanding of trains from freight cars, using gravity to move cars, that is, rolling cars and groups of cars down a slope.

Sorting humps are one of the most high-performance sorting devices. The first sorting hump in Russia was built in 1899 at the Rtishchevo station of the Ryazan-Ural railway.

At the beginning of my trip to BAM, I visited the marshalling yard at the Irkutsk-Sortirovochny station.

1. First, some theory. Scans from an old textbook on railway stations and junctions.

7. You can download the entire chapter about slides. Weighs a little :)

8. Sorting ways.

9. The shunting locomotive drags the train up the hill.

10. The composition can be fed to the hill either by special separate ways or through the hill itself.

11. Every year the volume of work of the slide decreases due to bureaucracy and security. Don’t let it down the hill, don’t push it, don’t let it go down either. Thus, the list of goods that cannot be lowered from the hill is constantly growing.

12. But the forest will never be on this list, so let's roll!

14. The first (upper) braking position provides the intervals between the moving cuts for their separation on the switches and retarders (interval braking). The second (middle) braking position, in addition to the intervals, provides joint control of the cut rolling speed, the third braking position provides targeted braking of the cut, depending on the occupancy of the hump path.

15. On slides, there are special requirements for turnouts. They must quickly (according to the standards no more than 0.6 s) switch.

16. The locomotive went for the next train.

17. In winter and summer, the speeds of cars, other things being equal, are different. Therefore, they usually make two slides - winter and summer. They differ in the height difference to which the car rises before uncoupling.

18. One of the car retarders of the second brake position.

19. Snow fighting.

20. All arrows and retarders must be regularly cleared of snow.

21. Retarders of the third position.

22. Sorting ways.

23. As you can see, the retarder works simply - it compresses the shoes and slows down the car by influencing the wheel sets.

24. A composition with coal is being prepared for sorting.

25. In the meantime, part of the paths are being cleaned. Pay attention, one works, and the second controls the situation.

26. Sorting hill.

27. There are usually two slides at the stations - in an even and an odd direction.

28. For compactness in hump turnouts, especially at their beginning, symmetrical turnouts with transfer curves of very small radii, as well as double or even triple turnouts, are widely used.

29. There are several types of slides with different profiles and work technology. In Irkutsk, the most common is presented.

30. The speed of hump switch electric drives is achieved by reducing the gear ratio of the gearbox (43.69 instead of 70). To further accelerate the transfer of the arrow, a voltage of 200 V is applied to an electric motor with a rated voltage of 100 V, which increases its power to 740 W.

31. In their development, hump yards have gone from shoes and manual shooters to fully automatic systems.

32. Thank you so much for organizing the shooting to all employees of the East Siberian Railway, its press service and Arkady Petshik personally.

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