Fallout 3 help outcast suitcases. Walkthrough Operation Anchorage

Health 25.07.2019

Fallout 3: Operation Anchorage

On the capital wasteland, you once again caught a radio signal for help. Having gone to the place of the signal, you will have to help two soldiers armed to the teeth to break through the crowd of aggressive super mutants-beasts. Going down the elevator, you will find yourself in a small but well-maintained dungeon. Here you will not be particularly welcome, but out of courtesy they will lead you to the leader. Follow the constantly grumbling guy. After the conversation, it turns out that you are able to help them. You have to pull on a suit with neural implants and sit in a capsule that looks like an egg. The main thing is not to forget about safety, because the protocols of this particular safety do not work in the simulator, and death there means your death in reality.

So, you have successfully loaded. First of all, you will be met by a guy who will provide you with a lot of different accessories. One of these things will be the cell-boy. Apply it before sending forward. The main target is the Chinese artillery platform, which is being cleared. Get over to the opposite side. Pick up on the right sniper rifle. You can also improve your health by using the red tanks scattered throughout the territory. Now go inside the bunker. Pick up a Chinese machine gun and replenish ammunition near a special contraption. Do not rush to leave the shelter, but rather start shooting enemies on the opposite side.

By that time, the action of the invisibility will stop. Climb up the torn bridge, lying on a huge pipe, on the boxes on the right you will find another stealth. Then move to the opposite side. Climb up and go through the red doors. Now your goal is to meet Benjamin Montgomery, who will be waiting for you on the opposite side of the tunnel. You can also ask your partner for ammo, who will gladly provide them to you.

The next goal will be three huge artillery guns, which haunt your allies. Move forward along the cliff, trying to go and make the first shot at the enemies, otherwise your partner will start firing first, and with his shooting, the battle may drag on. After making your way into the bunker, the road ahead will be fired upon from cover. Don't despair, there should be a tunnel on the right, with which you can bypass the enemy.

The further path will lie through the doors leading to the Chinese artillery outpost. Move forward. As the tremors intensify, get ready to meet the Chinese invisible people. They will be safe at a distance, as they will only have melee weapons. When you get to the top, turn right and start placing the detonators you have in the flashing boxes. When the last weapon is destroyed, you will be transferred to the headquarters of the allies.

So, you distinguished yourself in combat with better side. The command will raise you in rank and put a group of soldiers at your disposal. There will be two computers in the tent. On one it will be possible to recruit a squad. On the second - you will be able to choose your equipment (first select the type of weapons, to get a receipt, click the top position in the list). When all preparations are completed, you will finally be released from the headquarters. On the street, a detachment formed by you will be waiting for you, led by Montgomery. After talking with your friend, you will be able to give orders to the whole group, and through him it will be possible to call a replacement for the place of a soldier killed in battle. Send a detachment to the enemy radio post, and run to the quartermaster yourself. During the conversation, give the storekeeper an application for ammunition. Also, using your reputation, you can ask him for some special weapon, namely the Gauss rifle. Ammunition can be replenished in the tent behind the quartermaster. Collect batteries and rockets scattered nearby, also do not disdain grenades.

Now it's time to go to your squad. Exit the camp to the right. Order the detachment to start the assault and keep up with your partners. After your road turns left, move slowly, stealth soldiers will sit on boxes and rocks. Your next goal is to break through to the doors leading to the post. After clearing the premises, be careful, invisible soldiers will hide everywhere. You will find yourself in front of large red doors that will lead you to the roof. After killing the last enemy, wait until you are transferred to the headquarters.

camps on ice

After you find yourself at the headquarters, it is better to change your weapon to heavy weapons. When you form a request on the computer from the headquarters, take it to the head of the military warehouse and ask to exchange the weapon for a new one. Shells for the grenade launcher can be picked up near gizmos that give out cartridges for machine guns and rifles. Now instruct your squad to go to the Camps on the Ice and turn left yourself and move to the far left corner. After clearing the camp for a bit, head forward until you reach the tank station. Having penetrated inside, your goal is to destroy two huge tanks of fuel. One is located near the tank standing on the repair site. The second one is on the left around the corner, guarded by a tank, so you will have to use a grenade launcher, or, at worst, grenades. To plant bombs on them, go to the installed lever on the left side of the tanks and press E. Having dealt with the next task, your simulator will automatically transfer you to the headquarters.

The last task is to disable the protective field and break into the Chinese headquarters

Now it's time for the final task. Get out of the headquarters to the left, then turn right and, without fear for your life, move to the trenches. As you emerge from the trenches, you will find yourself in the crossfire. They will shoot from the front and left. Move to the left and make your way to a large snow-covered field. Move along it to the right, to a small tower where you can turn off the protective field on the control panel. When the deed is done, cross the field and head towards the gate guarded by two enemy turrets. After dealing with them with a grenade launcher, enter the courtyard. Now the last important battle remains. Before you will be the task - to kill the enemy general. You don't need to look for him, he will run after you with his sword. by the most the best way to win there will be a grenade launcher. The officer is too healthy, so hand-to-hand combat you are contraindicated. As soon as the enemy is defeated, the fight will end and you will be taken out of the simulator.

Now is the time to get your reward. Exit the room and go to the closed doors. Open them using the computer terminal hanging on the right. In the open room, you can pick up whatever you want. Good luck.

And now your Pip-Boy 3000 has caught a signal from the outcasts. Go look for the source given signal. Following him, sooner or later you will stumble upon a lift and a walkie-talkie. Press the switch and the found lift will begin to lower you deeper. As you find yourself below, you will meet two people and you will have to talk with one of them. This person will be called Protector Sibley and he is going to take you to Keeper McGraw. Therefore, you need to go to the control room, where you will meet the Guardian. From him you can find out that he wants to enter the arsenal. But to get there, he needs your Pip-Boy 3000, although that's not even all. You also need to go through one of the simulations. In this simulation, a very important, long-forgotten event will take place. historical event, namely the liberation of Anchorage, which is located in Alaska. As you finish your conversation, then move to Sibley and continue with him to the simulator. A man named Olin can practically say you are forced to sit in a chair. Now put on a specially equipped helmet and climb onto the lounge chair of this simulator.

Anchorage guns

You will find yourself in the snowy mountains, where you will be guided by a sergeant named Benjamin Montgomery. He will also tell you the purpose of your operation. Pass along the outskirts of the rocks and shoot back from any enemy. Fight your way to the Chinese artillery complex. Then you will go to the Cave outpost and again meet the already familiar sergeant. The sergeant will move with you. As you exit the caves, you will immediately notice a suitcase with reconnoitered and a holodisk (there are only ten of them). Moving on, you can find more similar things. Collect them all. In the end, you will reach the artillery crews. Once you reach them, you will need to destroy them all. There will be four in total. In order to destroy all the weapons, you will need to plant bombs in the control boxes, and then simply retreat to a safe cover. Once everything is destroyed, the sergeant will be very happy about this, and your screen will turn white and the download will begin to take place.

Road laying

Now you need to submit a report to General Chase. He is close to you. You will be told that at the time of your absence, your detachment was attacked and one of the commanders-in-chief was killed. Instead, they put you in the position of commander in chief, so you will be given armor of the corresponding rank. Now follow him to learn new details of the task. After a short instruction, you will be sent to Lieutenant Morgan. He will tell you about the fact that you can hire brave guys in your squad and tell you how to get new armor. Move on, a group of fighters and a sergeant named Montgomery will be waiting for you outside. He will give you instructions on how to properly lead your group. In the medical tent there is an entry about drugs called "Psycho", also in the arsenal you can take suitable guns for yourself, but if you have enough eloquence skill, then you can arrange for you to be given a Gauss rifle. After that, you can safely move on. Now you need to clean up one of the Chinese posts that are wiretapping. Clear and the task will be completed.

Operation Anchorage

And here is the most basic event of the entire DLC, you need to cut down the enemy's impulse field. This time, only the sergeant and you will go on a mission, you need to know that now the battles will be very difficult, but you simply have to reach the units in power equipment and cut down the field above the base. After you can cut down the enemy's force field, the sergeant will report to the headquarters that the operation was successful and you can already storm the enemy's combat base. First you need to smash the turrets that guard the gate to the base. Once you can enter the city itself, you will then find a general named Qingwei who will immediately commit suicide. And at this point, the entire simulation will be completed. You will be returned to your real world. You can now open the doors to the armory, where you will find a very cool armor T51b, and indeed a lot of different yummy. Path through snowdrifts

Anchorage, Alaska - the winds howl, carrying huge clods of snow with them, giant cannons rumble, plowing the frozen ground. China and the US are fighting to the last drop of blood for valuable oil. The Battle of Anchorage is a dark page in the history of the Fallout world, but now you can look at it. Even though in virtual reality, and not for long, but we become not a simple soldier, but one of the heroes of the war for a vital oil pipeline. "Operation Anchorage" is one very big job located in its own location. Secrets and secrets are above the roof - we will analyze the most important and useful ones.

Secret briefcase

Go! Ahead - the snow-capped cliffs of Anchorage.

In the course of the passage of the "Operation Anchorage" you will come across suitcases with valuable intelligence. Most of them are hidden behind closed doors with a low lock difficulty - "easy" or "very easy", so they can be opened even by force. Who and why scattered secret information along the player's path (and we are fighting even in different years) is unknown. Another thing is known: if you collect all the suitcases, General Chase will give out a unique ability - Covert Ops. It improves skills light weapon”, “science” and “hacking” by 3%. The benefits of the ability are not too significant, but nine skill points will still not be superfluous.

There are ten suitcases in total: four at the Guns of Anchorage stage, and the rest at Paving the Way and Operation: Anchorage. It is important to find the first four before the end of the level, because it will no longer be possible to return to it.

So, the first suitcase is the easiest to find. After Sergeant Montgomery leaves at the very beginning, you will see a large black pipe between two rocks. Go down there - it's not slippery at all. Go to the other end and open the bunker door. There is a suitcase inside. Sergeant Montgomery will help in the search - if he says something about a cat walk (catwalk), then you should go back - the pipe is left behind.

Right after the first stash, you will come to a bridge of power cables. On the other side there is a secret entrance to a small bunker, where the second copy of the intelligence lies.

The third suitcase lies at the entrance to the artillery outpost. You will see a ladder and a guard climbing it. Deal with him and go up - you will find a Chinese rifle near the overturned table, and behind it is a corridor, go there and turn left. A little locksmith skill and the closed door will swing open, and behind it is a prize suitcase.

The last case at this stage can be found if you pay attention to the Chinese tank "Chimera", which will ride on the lower cliff, behind the cliff. You will hear Sergeant Montgomery's comment, and a second later you will enter the room. There is a terminal and a table littered with all sorts of junk. In the same room there is also a door behind which lies a suitcase.

Strange prisoner, isn't it? Hands are not behind the back, they even left the machine gun. Good Chinese.

The fifth suitcase lies in the repair depot of the Chimera tanks. The location is simple, and there are only two rooms. Go behind the crane and a broken tank, right behind the wall you will stumble upon a Chimera patrolling. Deal with it (Gauss helps best of all), and then go to the left corner of the courtyard - there is a suitcase.

The sixth piece of classified data is quietly waiting at the Chinese intelligence post. Go inside and see a metal staircase upstairs. Go around the steps and reverse side notice the usual shelf, where, along with all the rubbish, a suitcase was hidden.

The seventh briefcase can be found in the mining town in the Paving the Way stage. It is impossible to miss it - after a short fight at the rails, go ahead, but keep to the right edge. At the ascent to the rock, you will notice the ruins of the building, and inside it are wooden boxes. On the boxes on the left are ammunition and explosives, and on the right is the case you are looking for.

The eighth suitcase is the easiest to find - it lies in the Ice Camp. The camp is almost empty - there is nothing here but a couple of observation towers and a few tents. One of them is intelligence. Listen to your companions, if one of them says that "there is nothing to take here" - you are on the right track.

The ninth suitcase is waiting on the way to protective screen. Walk along the west side and you will see a long trench. In the middle of this trench there is a first aid kit and a captured American soldier. Right next to him on the barrel is a secret briefcase. Why he was left next to the prisoner is not clear.

The last data case is waiting in the security barrier control building. It is impossible to miss - on the boxes to the left of the main switch lies the desired item.

And here we landed. The beauty.

Cunning tricks

Operation Anchorage is not without sin. There were no “bad” errors in the add-on (Xbox owners were much less fortunate), but there are “good” ones - they help the player become stronger, albeit not in a very honest way.

One of these useful bugs is the “correct” conversation with the storekeeper. So instead of one set of barrels, you will have everything you want. The system for issuing weapons works as follows: you go to the computer, select a set, receive a cassette and take it to the storekeeper and receive an order from him. To cheat the game, exit the building and discard everything in your inventory. Then go back to the computer and select another set - the game will report that the weapon has been seized, but it will lie where you threw it away. Repeat the trick until you get everything you want. Using this method imposes some restrictions - the inventory may return to the correct state (weapons only from the set) if you talk to an invisible Chinese dragoon or a soldier in power armor.

The add-on has a built-in ammo limit for each weapon. You can carry no more than a dozen missiles, no more than a couple of hundred rounds of ammunition for a machine gun - before, people were not strong men and kept a small amount of ammunition with them. A tribute to realism imposes some restrictions - there are a lot of enemies, but there may not be enough cartridges. It doesn't matter - you can overcome the limit. Go to the ammo point and discard everything in your pockets, then use the restorer. Pick up everything on the floor and throw it out again. The limit will increase and you will be able to receive more cartridges from the device. The most patient can obtain a theoretically infinite number of ammunition.

Allies are still useful - they shoot very accurately, but die in one moment.

In addition to infinite ammo, you can gain experience as many times as you like. In the Paving the Way stage, you can type a team: a robot, an arrow, a rocket man. And even all at once, if there are enough "team" points. We only need a robot - any will do. Now collect as many powerful weapons as possible - grenades, mines, rockets and, of course, Gauss. Send a team to the Chimera depot, and when you move to the next location, turn this trick. You need to stand so that the robot is exactly between you and Sergeant Montgomery. This is important, because then you need to kill the robot, but so that Montgomery does not rush to attack him or you. The essence of the bug is that for killing a robot you will gain experience, and you can call it back as many times as you like - you just have to approach Sergeant Montgomery. Summon, kill - get levels.

The most useful simulation bug is "Gary's bug". This little thing allows you to take out of the supplement the whole inventory. This opportunity will allow you to quickly earn very a lot of money (especially on cartridges), and a Gauss rifle with infinite durability will not be superfluous.

First, save before the simulation capsule - if something goes wrong, you can start over.

The first step is to talk to Colonel McGrave and Olin. Get a special suit, but do not sit in a chair, but go to a closed room where Gary No. 23, a clone from Vault 108, is lying on the floor. Take the corpse by the scruff of the neck and drag it to the room with the simulator. Slide the body into the capsule so that it lies directly in front of your nose when you are inside. Make sure you can search Gary right away, without having to search with the mouse. Save again and go to Anchorage.

A shot of "Gauss" literally tears to shreds - it's a pity there are not enough cartridges.

After completing all the missions and talking with General Chase, you will be sent back. As soon as the download starts, quickly press the "E" key and immediately after the download, the search menu will open. Unload all inventory and close the menu. The game will honestly take all your inventory from you - this is how it is supposed to be according to the algorithm, but there will be nothing to take away - all items will remain in Gary's body. Almost all weapons from Anchorage (armor too) have very large margin of safety. For example, a Chinese rifle from a simulation is 999 times stronger than a regular one.

Something interesting

Gentleman's set - health, ammo, rockets, mines, grenades and capsules for the Gauss rifle.

In fact, the end of the pipeline is not in Anchorage, but in the city of Valdez. And even though the battle of Anchorage, even General Chase shows Valdez on the map. Such is the injustice.

The only truly living person in the simulation is the storekeeper. Everyone disappears, but he alone saves not only himself, but also the contents of his pockets.

Even after the victory in the war and the end of the simulation, you will receive messages that Sergeant Montgomery is unconscious. The comrade is obviously fighting somewhere in the other world of imagination.

Information can be eaten - if you have the ability "Cannibal" - you can taste the Chinese.

Tanks "Chimera" - robots. If the character has the Roboticist trait, you can turn them off, but be careful - caterpillar drills will still take away health and knock you down.

After the first mission in Paving the Way, you will see three soldiers and a photojournalist. He asks them to take a heroic stance. After the shoot, he says something along the lines of "you guys are going to make history." If you look at the trinity from the right angle, you can clearly see that it was they who froze in the form of the Anchorage Memorial.

On the way to Ice Camp, you can see an American soldier killing prisoners. He shoots his gun straight at the heads - a reference to the brutal annexation of Canada and to the opening cinematic of Fallout 1.

25 July 2009 10285 0

Your Pip-Boy 3000 has picked up the rogue audio signal. You need to find the source of this signal. After following it, you come across an amateur walkie-talkie and a lift. Activate the switch and the lift will begin to lower you down. Having gone down to the desired level, you stumble upon two people, one of whom you should talk to. His name is Guardian Sibley and he wants to take you to Guardian McGraw. Follow him to the control room. We meet with the Guardian and find out from him that he wants to get into the arsenal. And to get into the arsenal, he needs your Pip-Boy 3000. But everything is not so simple. Not only do you need a Pip-Boy, but you also need to complete a simulation. An important historical event awaits you in it: the liberation of Anchorage in Alaska. After the conversation, we follow Sibley to the stimulator, where Olin can be said to make you climb into a deck chair. We put on the neural interface suit and climb into the simulator's deck chair!

After the mission "Help the Outcasts" we find ourselves in the mountains, where Sergeant Benjamin Montgomery tells us about the operation and what we need to do. We go along the outskirts of the rocks and shoot with enemies. I advise you to take, activate all the things that blink red and make your way further into Chinese artillery complex. When you enter the Cavern Outpost you will meet with Sergeant Benjamin and continue on your way. After leaving the caves, you can walk through the pipe and find one of the ten suitcases with intelligence, as well as a holodisk. As you continue on your journey, you will often stumble upon similar intelligence and holodisks. Collect them. When you approach the artillery pieces, you will need to destroy them. There are only three of them. To destroy these weapons, you need to place explosives on the control unit for these weapons, and then run away to a safe distance. After the destruction, the sergeant will be happy for you and the screen will fill with white light and the download will begin.

You will need to report to General Chase about the completed task. He will stand right in front of you. It turns out that they were attacked and one of the commanders-in-chief of the detachment died. You have now been promoted to Commander-in-Chief of the Squad and have been given a new set of armor. You need to follow him to find out the details of the operation. After a short briefing and familiarization with the operation, you will be sent to Lieutenant Morgan. He will tell you that you can hire soldiers to help you and tell you how to get a set of armor. Choose what you want and go! Outside, your soldiers and Sergeant Montgomery will be waiting for you. He can tell you how to command your strike team. In the medical tent there is a holodisk with a record of the "Psycho" drugs, in the arsenal you can take a weapon for yourself (if you manage to persuade, you may even get a Gauss rifle). You can move out. Now we need to clear the Chinese wiretap post and destroy two fuel tanks in the Chimera depot. Let's say you chose to destroy the tanks. Everything is simple and clear - we are going to destroy two tanks by placing charges on them. It looks like a normal shooter. After completing the task, you will be teleported to the headquarters. After clearing the wiretapping station, you will be sent back to the headquarters. This will end the task.

On the capital wasteland, you once again caught a radio signal for help. Having gone to the place of the signal, you will have to help two soldiers armed to the teeth to break through the crowd of aggressive super mutants-beasts. Going down the elevator, you will find yourself in a small but well-maintained dungeon. Here you will not be particularly welcome, but out of courtesy they will lead you to the leader. Follow the constantly grumbling guy. After the conversation, it turns out that you are able to help them. You have to pull on a suit with neural implants and sit in a capsule that looks like an egg. The main thing is not to forget about safety, because the protocols of this particular safety do not work in the simulator, and death there means your death in reality.

So, you have successfully loaded. First of all, you will be met by a guy who will provide you with a lot of different accessories. One of these things will be the cell-boy. Apply it before sending forward. The main target is the Chinese artillery platform, which is being cleared. Get over to the opposite side. Pick up the sniper rifle on the right. You can also improve your health by using the red tanks scattered throughout the territory. Now go inside the bunker. Pick up a Chinese machine gun and replenish ammunition near a special contraption. Do not rush to leave the shelter, but rather start shooting enemies on the opposite side.

By that time, the action of the invisibility will stop. Climb up the torn bridge, lying on a huge pipe, on the boxes on the right you will find another stealth. Then move to the opposite side. Climb up and go through the red doors. Now your goal is to meet Benjamin Montgomery, who will be waiting for you on the opposite side of the tunnel. You can also ask your partner for ammo, who will gladly provide them to you.

The next target will be three huge artillery cannons that haunt your allies. Move forward along the cliff, trying to go and make the first shot at the enemies, otherwise your partner will start firing first, and with his shooting, the battle may drag on. After making your way into the bunker, the road ahead will be fired upon from cover. Don't despair, there should be a tunnel on the right, with which you can bypass the enemy.

The further path will lie through the doors leading to the Chinese artillery outpost. Move forward. As the tremors intensify, get ready to meet the Chinese invisible people. They will be safe at a distance, as they will only have melee weapons. When you get to the top, turn right and start placing the detonators you have in the flashing boxes. When the last weapon is destroyed, you will be transferred to the headquarters of the allies.

So, you distinguished yourself in battle from the best side. The command will raise you in rank and put a group of soldiers at your disposal. There will be two computers in the tent. On one it will be possible to recruit a squad. On the second - you will be able to choose your equipment (first select the type of weapons, to get a receipt, click the top position in the list). When all preparations are completed, you will finally be released from the headquarters. On the street, a detachment formed by you will be waiting for you, led by Montgomery. After talking with your friend, you will be able to give orders to the whole group, and through him it will be possible to call a replacement for the place of a soldier killed in battle. Send a detachment to the enemy radio post, and run to the quartermaster yourself. During the conversation, give the storekeeper an application for ammunition. Also, using your reputation, you can ask him for some special weapon, namely the Gauss rifle. Ammunition can be replenished in the tent behind the quartermaster. Collect batteries and rockets scattered nearby, also do not disdain grenades.


Now it's time to go to your squad. Exit the camp to the right. Order the detachment to start the assault and keep up with your partners. After your road turns left, move slowly, stealth soldiers will sit on boxes and rocks. Your next goal is to break through to the doors leading to the post. After clearing the premises, be careful, invisible soldiers will hide everywhere. You will find yourself in front of large red doors that will lead you to the roof. After killing the last enemy, wait until you are transferred to the headquarters.

camps on ice

After you find yourself in the headquarters, it is better to change your weapons to heavy weapons. When you form a request on the computer from the headquarters, take it to the head of the military warehouse and ask to exchange the weapon for a new one. Shells for the grenade launcher can be picked up near gizmos that give out cartridges for machine guns and rifles. Now instruct your squad to go to the Camps on the Ice and turn left yourself and move to the far left corner. After clearing the camp for a bit, head forward until you reach the Chimera Tank Station. Having penetrated inside, your goal is to destroy two huge tanks of fuel. One is located near the tank standing on the repair site. The second one is on the left around the corner, guarded by a tank, so you will have to use a grenade launcher, or, at worst, grenades. To plant bombs on them, go to the installed lever on the left side of the tanks and press E. Having dealt with the next task, your simulator will automatically transfer you to the headquarters.

The last task is to disable the protective field and break into the Chinese headquarters

Now it's time for the final task. Get out of the headquarters to the left, then turn right and, without fear for your life, move to the trenches. As you emerge from the trenches, you will find yourself in the crossfire. They will shoot from the front and left. Move to the left and make your way to a large snow-covered field. Move along it to the right, to a small tower where you can turn off the protective field on the control panel. When the deed is done, cross the field and head towards the gate guarded by two enemy turrets. After dealing with them with a grenade launcher, enter the courtyard. Now the last important battle remains. Before you will be the task - to kill the enemy general. You don't need to look for him, he will run after you with his sword. The best way to win would be a grenade launcher. The officer is too healthy, so hand-to-hand combat is contraindicated for you. As soon as the enemy is defeated, the fight will end and you will be taken out of the simulator.

Now is the time to get your reward. Exit the room and go to the closed doors. Open them using the computer terminal hanging on the right. In the open room, you can pick up whatever you want. Good luck.

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