Twice hero of the Soviet Union from Altai. Nikolai nuzhdov

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Heroes of the Soviet Union from Gorny Altai - page No. 1/1

Altai Republic

Municipal Municipality "Shebalinsky District"

Municipal educational institution "Diektiekskaya sosh"

Ceremonial line,

dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the Victory

Soviet people

in the Great Patriotic War

Subject : “Heroes of the Soviet Union

from Gorny Altai"

Date: 03/15/2010

Prepared and conducted by L.P. Shadrina,

teacher of Russian language and literature

With. Diektiek

2009-2010 academic year

Subject:"Heroes of the Soviet Union from Gorny Altai"

Target: 1) instilling in students an interest in the heroic past of the people; 2) instilling respect and love for the defenders of the Motherland and its liberators, its most courageous and illustrious sons - Heroes of the Soviet Union; to their feat of arms; 3) broadening the horizons of students.

Equipment: flag of the Soviet Union, date “1941–1945”, portraits of heroes, kerosene lamp, books “Memory of the Fiery Years” (Gorno-Altai branch of the Altai Book Publishing House, 1985), “Book of Memory” of the Republic of Armenia.

Time: 15 minutes.

Responsible: 9th grade students.


1.Reading of D. Bedny’s poem “People’s Power”(student performance).

German tanks rushed along the clearing.

They couldn't see the gun behind the hill.

This was a Soviet-made cannon.

There are thirty of them, and there is only one cannon.

She famously smashed tanks

And in the tail, and in the mane - and in the rear, and in the front.

Fourteen tanks were destroyed,

Sixteen fought back.

This was the work, this was the work,

And the strength - in appearance - was equal.

German tanks - you'll lose count,

There are thirty of them, and there is only one cannon.

One dealt with a tank gang,

Because she is strong with a formidable force.

There were seven brave fighters under her command

Lieutenant Ilya Shuklin.

Eight heroes with a cannon behind the hill,

And she took the Germans into such a turn.

Because behind this heroic eight

The mighty Soviet people stood.
2. Opening speech by the presenter.

This poem was written by a poet of the 1st half of the 20th century, a contemporary of M. Gorky, V. Mayakovsky, S. Yesenin - Demyan Bedny. It is dedicated to our brave fellow countryman - Hero of the Soviet Union Ilya Zakharovich Shuklin. Today we light a lamp in honor of the war participants who were awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union. (Lighting up the lamp). I.Z.Shuklin was born in the Ust-Kansky region, he was only 19 years old (the same age as Paraev K., Plugar S.) when the war began. And 2 years later he died. Died at 21! It was only the summer of 1943, the middle of the war, and he had already been awarded the title of GSS, posthumously. In Gorno-Altaisk, not far from the station, there is school No. 6. Whose name does it bear? Yes, I.Z.Shuklina. But sometimes front-line roads are unpredictable and surprising. In August 1942 Another great writer, who also fought, K. Simonov, learned about the exploits of the artillery battery under the command of Shuklin, who wrote down the story of the brave artilleryman, and this essay was immediately published in the newspapers “Red Star” and “Pravda” under the heading “Combat”. Listen to excerpts from this story. ( Reading excerpts from the book. “Memory of the Fiery Years”, p. 152). Ninth-graders will briefly talk about other heroes or simply name them.

B) history of the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

3. Student performances (stories about heroes).

Tartykov Semyon Vladimirovich, Maskaev Mikhail Filippovich,

Trofimov Evgeny Fedorovich;

Tugambaev Kydran Aleksandrovich, Shuklin Ilya Zakharovich,

Eleusov Zhanbek Akatovich;

Kamzarakov Dmitry Konstantinovich, Ermolaev Feogent Filippovich,

Strenin Fedor Mikhailovich;

Semenov Ivan Ilyich, Trofimov Nikolay Andreevich,

Gordopolov Gennady Dmitrievich;

Bolyaev Yakov Illarionovich, Kharitoshkin Vasily Ivanovich,

Morozov Lavrenty Ilyich;

Styazhkin Mikhail Mikhailovich, Lenkin Alexander Nikolaevich,

Kazakov Temirey Tokurovich;

Osipov Ilya Timofeevich, Parshutkin Timofey Ivanovich,

Nalimov Sergey Venediktovich;

Mary Arnold Konstantinovich, Chevalkov Veniamin Vladimirovich,

Ufimtsev Sergey Kirillovich;

Fedorov Nikolay Dmitrievich, Nogovitsyn Pimen Nikolaevich,

4. Presenter. The Altai land is rich in its faithful sons and defenders. Among the named people were natives of all regions of the Altai Republic: Ust-Koksinsky, Ust-Kansky, Ongudaysky, Turochaksky, Gorno-Altaisk... And, of course, the Shebalinsky region: you know their glorious names - N.D. Fedorov and S.V. Nalimov . And in the war they became artillerymen and infantrymen, snipers and reconnaissance officers, pilots and machine gunners, sailors and radio operators, pontooners... They had different job ranks: private, sergeant, lieutenant, captain, major. But they all have one common title - Hero of the Soviet Union. Many died, some managed to return from that difficult war. Now streets and schools bear their names. In the village of Shebalin there is Nalimova Street (who after the war lived in our regional center and visited our village Diektieke, met with school students, there are materials about him in the school museum), Fedorova Street (Heroyski died in 1944 in Crimea). Materials about these heroes are in the “Book of Memory” of the RA and the book “Memory of the Fiery Years”.

5 .Reading excerpts from the book “Memory of the Fiery Years” :

p. 32 – letter from Fedorov I.D., p. 67 – military affairs of the warriors of Oirotia: Zh.A. Eleusova, S.V. Nalimov, M. Maskaev..., pp. 148-149 – about A.N. Lenkin... In the corridor there will be a stand dedicated to the theme of today's lineup. Come and read.

6. Presenter. Guys, know the heroic pages of the past of your people and remember this. Let this unquenchable light burn in honor of the famous Heroes of the Soviet Union from Gorny Altai!


1. Poor D. Collection. Soch., vol. 5, Moscow, 1954.

2. Book of memory. Book publishing house "Yuch-Sumer" of the Altai Republic, 2000.

3. “Memory of the fiery years.” Gorno-Altai branch of the Altai Book Publishing House. 1985

“Indicators of the Altai Territory” - Construction of analytical reports in the form of diagrams. Filling in the values ​​of OIV indicators. 1. Stage. Formation of MO passports, indicative plans of MO, reports according to Presidential Decree No. 607. 4. Stage. Integration with the Monitoring system. Analytical reports of the system. Maintaining a register of municipalities, a register of indicators of socio-economic development of municipalities, target programs of municipalities.

“Soviet War” - Subsequently became the head of the department of the Dzerzhinsky district committee of the Komsomol. Born in 1908 in the village. Ushakovo, Gaginsky district, Nizhny Novgorod region. Here he became a communist. In November 1943, more than 1,900 front-line brigades worked at the city's factories. Gorky residents also fought with the Nazis in partisan detachments. Started working at the Chernorechensky chemical plant.

“Spelling of conjunctions” - Spelling of derivative conjunctions. Now let's create a self-instruction. Try lowering it. Try one of the following methods. Draw a conclusion. Write down new sentences. Write pairs of sentences using parentheses and punctuation. What is the same? Conjunctions derived from other parts of speech are called derivatives.

“Soviet Russia” - Ancient Rus'. He emphasized the importance of exploring the Northern Sea Route and developing Siberia. Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (RSFSR) within the USSR. He developed a charter that limited the arbitrariness of moneylenders. Flight on Vostok-6 (June 1963). Discovered the atmosphere on Venus. He developed atomic and molecular concepts about the structure of matter.

“Altai region” - Altai is called the land of blue lakes. Rich deposits of polymetallic ores are located in Rudny Altai. The Altai Mountains consist of ridges with a complex arrangement. Lakes of Altai. There are many ornamental stones in Altai. Relief. Currently, there are eight waterfalls and one waterfall on the Shinok River. The subsoil of the Altai Territory is rich in minerals.

“Heroes of the Soviet Union” - Sergei Konstantinovich Krikalev 8/27/1958 Hero of the Soviet Union, Hero of Russia. Heroes of the USSR, Heroes of Russia. Polyakov Valery Vladimirovich April 27, 1942 Hero of the Soviet Union, Hero of Russia. “Leonid Petrovich devoted his entire life to the noble profession of firefighting. Viktor Petrovich Nosov 26.3.1923 - 13.2.1945 Hero of Russia.

Altai Republic

Municipal Municipality "Shebalinsky District"

Municipal educational institution "Diektiekskaya sosh"

Ceremonial line,

dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the Victory

Soviet people

in the Great Patriotic War

Subject : “Heroes of the Soviet Union

from Gorny Altai"

Date: 03/15/2010

Prepared and conducted


1.Reading of D. Bedny’s poem “People’s Power” (student performance).

German tanks rushed along the clearing.

They couldn't see the gun behind the hill.

This was a Soviet-made cannon.

There are thirty of them, and there is only one cannon.

She famously smashed tanks

And in the tail, and in the mane - and in the rear, and in the front.

Fourteen tanks were destroyed,

Sixteen fought back.

This was the work, this was the work,

And the strength - in appearance - was equal.

German tanks - you'll lose count,

There are thirty of them, and there is only one cannon.

One dealt with a tank gang,

Because she is strong with a formidable force.

There were seven brave fighters under her command

Lieutenant Ilya Shuklin.

Eight heroes with a cannon behind the hill,

And she took the Germans into such a turn.

Because behind this heroic eight

The mighty Soviet people stood.

2. Opening speech by the presenter.

This poem was written by a poet of the 1st half of the 20th century, a contemporary of M. Gorky, V. Mayakovsky, S. Yesenin - Demyan Bedny. It is dedicated to our brave fellow countryman - Hero of the Soviet Union Ilya Zakharovich Shuklin. Today we light a lamp in honor of the war participants who were awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union. (Lighting up the lamp). born in the Ust-Kansky region, he was only 19 years old (the same age as Paraev K., Plugar S.) when the war began. And 2 years later he died. Died at 21! It was only the summer of 1943, the middle of the war, and he had already been awarded the title of GSS, posthumously. In Gorno-Altaisk, not far from the station, there is school No. 6. Whose name does it bear? Yes, . But sometimes front-line roads are unpredictable and surprising. In August 1942 Another great writer, who also fought, K. Simonov, learned about the exploits of the artillery battery under the command of Shuklin, who wrote down the story of the brave artilleryman, and this essay was immediately published in the newspapers “Red Star” and “Pravda” under the heading “Combat.” Listen to excerpts from this story. ( Reading excerpts from the book. “Memory of the Fiery Years”, p. 152). Ninth-graders will briefly talk about other heroes or simply name them.

B) history of the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

3. Student performances (stories about heroes).

Tugambaev Kidran Alexandrovich,

Eleusov Zhanbek Akatovich;

Ermolaev Feogent Filippovich,

Kazakov Temirey Tokurovich;

Nogovitsyn Pimen Nikolaevich,

4. Presenter. The Altai land is rich in its faithful sons and defenders. Among the named people were natives of all regions of the Altai Republic: Ust-Koksinsky, Ust-Kansky, Ongudaysky, Turochaksky, Gorno-Altaisk... And, of course, the Shebalinsky region: you know their glorious names - and. And in the war they became artillerymen and infantrymen, snipers and reconnaissance officers, pilots and machine gunners, sailors and radio operators, pontooners... They had different job ranks: private, sergeant, lieutenant, captain, major. But they all have one common title - Hero of the Soviet Union. Many died, some managed to return from that difficult war. Now streets and schools bear their names. In the village Shebaline has Nalimova Street (who after the war lived in our regional center and visited our village of Diektieke, met with school students, there are materials about him in the school museum), Fedorova Street (Heroyski died in 1944 in Crimea). Materials about these heroes are in the “Book of Memory” of the RA and the book “Memory of the Fiery Years”.

5 .Reading excerpts from the book “Memory of the Fiery Years” :

p. 32 – letter from I. D. Fedorov, p. 67 – military affairs of the warriors of Oirotia: , M. Maskaev..., pp. 148-149 – about... In the corridor there will be a stand dedicated to the theme of today's lineup. Come and read.

6. Presenter. Guys, know the heroic pages of the past of your people and remember this. Let this unquenchable light burn in honor of the famous Heroes of the Soviet Union from Gorny Altai!


1. Poor D. Collection. Soch., vol. 5, Moscow, 1954.

2. Book of memory. Book publishing house "Yuch-Sumer" of the Altai Republic, 2000.

3. “Memory of the fiery years.” Gorno-Altai branch of the Altai Book Publishing House. 1985

September 1 It is with trepidation that we will once again cross the threshold of our home school. Traditionally Day of Knowledge begins with a school-wide ceremonial assembly, smoothly transitioning into an equally solemn class hour.

The Department of Education and Youth Affairs of the Altai Territory recommends holding a Knowledge Day on September 1, dedicated to the theme “Altai Territory - the Homeland of Heroes”, in order to increase interest in the history and culture of the Altai Territory among teachers, students and the general public of the region.

The modern comprehensive school determines the future of Russia and is the guarantor of its revival. It is designed to contribute to the preservation of the historical continuity of generations, the development of national culture, the cultivation of a caring attitude towards the historical and cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia, the formation in students of a civic position and an understanding of the values ​​of a democratic society. Of great importance in the process of socialization of the personality of schoolchildren is turning to the deeds and creations of outstanding figures of our Fatherland, who have made an invaluable contribution to the development of art and culture in Russia. Among the famous heroes of war, labor, and artists, one can highlight the feat of our fellow countrymen - pilot-cosmonauts G. Titov and V. Lazarev, because 2011 has been declared the year of cosmonautics in Russia, as well as I. Panfilov, N. Malakhov, A. Petrov, V. Kashcheev, WITH. Pyatnitsa, V. Bakholdin, M. Lisavenko, M. Yudalevich, V. Shukshin, V. Zolotukhin, V. Khotinenko. Speaking about the heroes of our countrymen, known throughout the world and Russia, we should not forget about the heroes of the region, village or city.

A class hour dedicated to the topic “Altai Territory - the Homeland of Heroes” will awaken in students an awareness of the uniqueness of man’s connection with the world, its initial origins and future achievements.

1.The streets are named after them.

2. “I” as a “crossroads” of cultures (heroes of family, clan,...).

3. Because of their feat we are alive (heroes of labor, war...).

4. We stand on their shoulders (labor dynasties in all spheres of activity).

5. People known throughout the world, whose destinies are connected with Altai.

6. The sound of my homeland (about the music and musicians of Altai, poets, artists, directors...).

7.Hero: victim or righteous? (Based on the film by our fellow countryman Vladimir Khotinenko “Pop”) (see Appendix 2).

Purpose of the event dedicated to the heroes of the Altai region, is to create conditions forformation in students of interest in their homeland, in the historical roots and traditions of the Fatherland, instilling love and respect for past generations, for outstanding creative personalities of the Altai Territory.

The proposed recommendations are intended to help teachers organize and conduct a class hour on the specified topic, taking into account their own teaching experience, the level of preparation of students, their age characteristics and the specifics of education in primary, secondary and high schools.

Websites of museums of the Altai Territory

comedy -map of memorable places of Barnaul

Sites about pilot-cosmonauts

Sites about fellow countrymen - heroes of the Soviet Union and Russia Heroes of the country. The website contains a list and short biographies of heroes of the Soviet Union, including our fellow countrymen. Heroes of the Soviet Union of the Altai Territory. Lists of heroes of the Soviet Union, our fellow countrymen, are provided, memories of veterans about the days of the Great Patriotic War, names of close relatives of teachers and students of school No. 13 in Barnaul who died at the front or died from wounds after the war are presented. Book of Memory, volume 10. Background information about the fellow countrymen-heroes of the Soviet Union, whom we are proud of, whose biographies are connected with the Altai Territory. May 9 - Victory Day - heroes of the Great Patriotic War. Brief biographies of heroes of the Soviet Union of the Altai Territory, Heroes of the Soviet Union, whose biographies are connected with the Altai Territory, missing persons: prisoners of war - natives of the Altai Territory. Festival of pedagogical ideas “Open Lesson”. "Heroes of the Soviet Union are our fellow countrymen." Extracurricular activity of Marina Vladimirovna Ermolenko, history and English teacher.

The title was first established by the Decree of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR dated April 16, 1934; an additional insignia for the Hero of the Soviet Union, the Gold Star medal, was established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated August 1, 1939. The author of the award sketch is architect Miron Ivanovich Merzhanov

The title “Hero of the Russian Federation” was established 15 years ago - March 20, 1992. At the same time, the Gold Star medal was established. It so happens that the fates of more than three hundred Heroes of the Soviet Union are connected with the Altai Territory, one way or another (it should be especially noted that this is more than in other regions of the country). And there are probably more Heroes of Russia who were born, educated or served in Altai than in other regions of the country.

1 Senior sergeant of contract service Wolf Vitaly Aleksandrovich. Born on July 14, 1972 in the village. Malinovsky, Zavyalovsky district. He served as commander of the communications department in the 345th Guards Parachute Regiment as part of the Russian peacekeeping forces in Abkhazia. Died on March 27, 1993. The title of Hero of Russia was awarded (posthumously) on July 26, 1993. By order of the head of the administration of Yarovoye, Baikalskaya Street was renamed Vitaly Wolf Street. By decision of the Yarovoye Education Committee, a memorial plaque was installed on the building of Yarovskaya Secondary School 14, where Vitaly Wolf studied.

2 Lieutenant Tokarev Vyacheslav Vladimirovich. Born on February 19, 1972 in Biysk. Graduated from the Novosibirsk Higher Educational Institution in 1993. Died on the Tajik-Afghan border on August 18, 1994. The title of Hero of Russia was awarded (posthumously) on October 3, 1994. By the decision of the Biysk City Duma, a memorial plaque was installed at school No. 40 in Biysk, where the Hero studied. On the territory of this school, by the decision of the Biysk City Duma of February 15, 1998, his bust was installed. On the house where the Hero lived in Biysk, a memorial plaque was installed on August 18, 1996. A bust of the Hero was installed in the Novosibirsk VOKU in September 1997. In the village. Kosh-Agach is located at the Biyskaya border post, named after the Hero of Russia Vyacheslav Tokarev (order of the Commander of the Border Troops dated December 22, 1994).

3 Major General Viktor Martynovich Chirkin. Born on July 13, 1944 in Barnaul. He graduated from AVVAUL Air Defense Forces with a diploma of “pilot engineer”. Studied at the Central Research Institute of the Air Force, Akhtubinsk, Astrakhan region. Graduated from the Akhtubinsk branch of the Moscow Aviation Institute with a degree in aircraft engineering. Leading test pilot for State tests of MiG-29M, MiG-31, MiG-31M, Su-27 aircraft. Honored Test Pilot of the USSR (), Major General of Aviation ().MiG-31MiG-31M The title of Hero of Russia was awarded on August 17, 1995 - for the courage and heroism shown in testing, fine-tuning and mastering new aircraft.

4 Senior Lieutenant Dmitry Vladimirovich Erofeev. Born on April 2, 1973 in the village. Topchikha. Graduated from the Novosibirsk Higher Educational Institution in 1994. Served as commander of a reconnaissance platoon of a military unit (Berdsk). He died in Chechnya on January 1, 1995. The title of Hero of Russia was awarded (posthumously) on October 13, 1995. School 1 in Topchikha, where he studied from the first to the tenth grade, was named after the Hero. In Berdsk, on the territory of the unit, a memorial stele was unveiled with the names of sixteen special forces soldiers who died in the first Chechen war. A bust of Hero of Russia Dmitry Erofeev was installed at the Novosibirsk Command School.

5) Guard senior lieutenant BOCHAROV Andrey Ivanovich. Born on October 14, 1969 in Barnaul. He graduated from the Moscow Suvorov School and entered the Armed Forces. He graduated from the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School in 1991. He served in the 104th Guards Airborne Division (Ulyanovsk). In March 1995, at the head of a reconnaissance company, he acted in the Grozny - Argun - Gudermes direction. For the courage and heroism shown during the performance of a special task, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 20, 1996, he was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation. Since 1998, he has been Chairman of the Council of the Union of Heroes of Russia.

6 Senior Lieutenant Gurov (Lyagushin) Igor Vladimirovich. Born on May 6, 1970 in the village. Novoelovka, Troitsky district. In 1992 he graduated from the Novosibirsk Military School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Deputy commander of a special forces group of internal troops. He died in Chechnya on March 6, 1996. He was awarded the title of Hero of Russia (posthumously). Comprehensive secondary school in the village. Novoelovka of the Troitsky district is named in honor of Gurov (Lyagushin) Igor Vladimirovich, a memorial plaque was installed at the school. On June 22, 2005, by decree of the head of the West Siberian Railway, the electric train ED9M 0113 was named after Igor Gurov.

6 Police Lieutenant Colonel Rodkin Evgeniy Viktorovich. Born on December 20, 1951 in Rubtsovsk. Graduated from the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 1988. Over the years, as a specialist of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he assisted in the formation of law enforcement agencies of the Republic of Afghanistan. He went on business trips to Chechnya twice. Head of the special rapid response department of the Department for Combating Organized Crime of the city of Kurgan. He died in an unequal battle in Grozny on the same day as Igor Gurov - March 6, 1996. The title of Hero of the Russian Federation was awarded (posthumously) to Evgeny Viktorovich Rodkin on September 6, 1996. In the city of Kurgan, at house 42 on Karl Marx Street, where the Hero lived, a memorial plaque was installed. School 75 in Kurgan is named after E.V. Rodkina.

7 Major General Shamanov Vladimir Anatolyevich. Born on February 15, 1957 in Barnaul. In 1978 he graduated from the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School, in 1989 - from the Military Academy named after. Frunze, in 1998 - Academy of the General Staff. From September 1999 to March 2000, he commanded the Western group of federal forces in the North Caucasus during the anti-terrorist operation in Chechnya. By decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 4, 1999, Major General Vladimir Anatolyevich Shamanov was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation for the courage and heroism shown during the liquidation of illegal armed groups.

8 Senior Lieutenant Mikhail Anatolyevich Minenkov. Born on July 25, 1977 in Aleysk. Graduate of the Sverdlovsk Suvorov School in 1994. In 1998 he graduated from the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School, after which he was appointed commander of a reconnaissance platoon in the 247th Stavropol Cossack Air Assault Regiment. By decree of the President of the Russian Federation on January 17, 2000, for the courage and heroism shown during the performance of a special task, he was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation. Having survived the amputation of his leg and having been fitted with a prosthesis, the young officer returned to duty, repeatedly went on “hot” business trips, and graduated from the academy.

9th Guard senior sergeant of contract service Medvedev Sergey Yurievich. Born on September 18, 1976 in Biysk. He served in the 6th company of the 104th parachute regiment (76th Guards Airborne Division, Pskov). Died on March 1, 2000. The title of Hero of Russia was awarded posthumously. In PU 3 in Biysk and at school 9 in Biysk, where the Hero studied, memorial plaques were installed by decision of the Biysk City Duma.

10 Private Chernyshev Alexander Viktorovich. Born on April 10, 1979 in the village. Altaisky Altai region. Served as a sniper in the Internal Troops division of the North Caucasus Military District. The title of Hero of Russia was awarded in February 2000. In 2004, he completed his studies at the Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

11 Senior sergeant of contract service Shreiner Sergey Aleksandrovich. Born on April 1, 1979 in the village. Veseloyarsk, Rubtsovsky district. Served in the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Died on July 14, 2000 in Chechnya. The title of Hero of Russia was awarded (posthumously) on March 5, 2001 by the Decree of the Administration of the Rubtsovsky District at school and PU-75 p. Veseloyarsk, where the Hero studied, memorial plaques have been installed.

13 Vashchuk Yuri Mikhailovich was born on June 12, 1963 in Barnaul. In December 2002, the professionalism and courage of Yuri Vashchuk made it possible to minimize the threat to people in an emergency situation (resulting in the death of the aircraft during the Su-35 test program), and at the same time subsequently recreate the full picture of the incident. Technical conclusions made during the investigation into the causes of the accident made it possible to develop a set of measures to increase the service life of combat aircraft. On November 27, 2003, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation “for the courage and heroism shown during testing of aviation equipment,” test pilot of the Sukhoi Design Bureau Yuri Mikhailovich Vashchuk was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

14 Lieutenant General Kalashnikov Mikhail Timofeevich - an outstanding designer of small arms, Doctor of Technical Sciences, twice Hero of Socialist Labor, Hero of Russia. Born on November 10, 1919 in the village. Kurya, Altai province.. In 1971, based on a combination of research and development work and inventions, Kalashnikov was awarded the academic degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences. He is an academician of 16 different Russian and foreign academies, the only person awarded the title of Hero of Russia and twice the title of Hero of Socialist Labor at the same time.

15 A native of the village of Lenki, Blagoveshchensky district, Altai Territory, Grigory Viktorovich Shiryaev served in the special forces detachment of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation “Vyatich” in Armavir, Krasnodar Territory. He took part in more than 50 combat missions, of which 30 were as part of reconnaissance and search groups, more than 10 were combat guards when escorting military columns in various regions of the North Caucasus. Unfortunately, the operation in the Urus-Martan region of Chechnya was his last.

By presidential decree of November 18, 2010, for courage and heroism shown in the performance of military duty in conditions involving risk to life, Captain Grigory Viktorovich Shiryaev was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation (posthumously). On December 7, Grigory Shiryaev would have turned 33 years old... The Hero was buried in the village. Kulunda, Altai region.

16 Captain Lelyukh Igor Viktorovich. Born on December 28, 1967 in Vitebsk. Served in the military unit (Berdsk) as deputy commander of a special forces company for educational work. Graduated from Topchikha Secondary School 1. Died in Chechnya on January 1, 1995. The title of Hero of Russia was awarded (posthumously) by Presidential Decree of December 7, 1995.

17 Senior Lieutenant Zakharov Petr Valentinovich. Born on September 12, 1977 at the Kok-Su station in the Taldy-Kurgan region (Kazakhstan). Graduated from high school. Laptev Log, Uglovsky district. In 1999 he graduated from the Novosibirsk Military Institute (VOKU). Served as platoon commander of a separate reconnaissance battalion (Moscow Military District). He died in Chechnya on March 3, 2000. The title of Hero of Russia was awarded (posthumously) on August 7, 2000. By resolution of the district council, the school was named after the Hero, on the central square of the village. Uglovskoe has a memorial plaque installed in the Alley of Heroes.

18 Private Lais Alexander Viktorovich. Born on May 13, 1982 in Gorno-Altaisk, in 1997 he graduated from 9th grade at school in the village. Neninka, Solton district. He served in the 218th battalion of the 45th separate parachute landing regiment of the Airborne Forces special forces (Moscow Military District). He died in Chechnya on August 7, 2001, covering his commander. The title of Hero of Russia was awarded (posthumously) by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation 762 of July 22, 2002.

19 Colonel Yurchenko Vladimir Vladimirovich, born on September 7, 1959 in the city of Uzhur. Krasnoyarsk region. Graduate of Barnaul VVAUL in 1980. Reserve colonel, test pilot, Hero of the Russian Federation, now a civil aviation pilot, lives in Moscow.

21 Senior Lieutenant DOROFEEV Dmitry Yurievich. Born on October 12, 1974 in Chirchik. He graduated from the Barnaul special boarding school with initial flight training in 1992. In 1998 he graduated from the Syzran VVAUL. Served in the North Caucasus Military District, participated in hostilities on the territory of the Chechen Republic. Died on September 26, 2002 by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 2, 2003 (722) for courage and heroism shown in the performance of military duty in the North Caucasus region , senior lieutenant Dmitry Yuryevich Dorofeev was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation (posthumously).

22Grigorevsky Mikhail Valerievich was born on February 28, 1985 in the village. Topchikha, Topchikha district. In 2000, he entered the Barnaul special boarding school with initial flight training. In 2006 he graduated from the Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. For the courage and heroism shown in the performance of military duty in the North Caucasus region in conditions involving risk to life, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation 1302 of August 25, 2008, Lieutenant Mikhail Valerievich Grigorevsky was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation (posthumously). 23 Makarovets Nikolai Alexandrovich. Born on March 21, 1939 in the city of Krolevets, Sumy region (Ukraine). Graduated with a gold medal from Krolevets school 1. Graduated from the Tula Mechanical Institute with a degree in aircraft engines. He worked as a distribution worker in Biysk at the Altai Research Institute of Chemical Technology. By decree of the President of the Russian Federation in 1997, “for outstanding services in the development of multiple launch rocket systems,” Nikolai Aleksandrovich Makarovets was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation with the Golden Star medal. Lives in Tula. Served in Barnaul.
24 Bondarev Viktor Nikolaevich, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Air Force. Born on December 7, 1959 in the village of Novobogoroditskoye, Petropavlovsk district, Voronezh region. Graduated from Borisoglebsk VVAUL in 1981. After which he was appointed to the position of instructor pilot at the Barnaul VVAUL Siberian Military District. During the second Chechen war, he made over 300 combat missions against illegal armed gangs. For the courage and heroism shown during the counter-terrorist operation in the North Caucasus region, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on April 21, 2000, he was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

25 Chief of Staff of the North Caucasus District of Internal Troops, Major General Nikolai Vasilievich Skrypnik. Born on January 26, 1944 in the Krasnodar region. In 1965 he graduated from the Ordzhenikidze Military School of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. After graduating from the Military Academy named after M.V. in 1973. Frunze held the positions of battalion commander, deputy regiment commander, regiment commander, Barnaul brigade of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (military unit 6515), division chief of staff, division commander in the Siberian region and Transcaucasia. He died in April 1996 near the Chechen village of Bamut. Posthumously awarded the title Hero of Russia.

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