Different cake. How to cook New Year's cakes - step by step recipes

Recipes 08.03.2018

It just so happened that not a single holiday is complete without dessert, and even more so such a celebration as the New Year. And it doesn’t matter at all whether you celebrate it at home or are invited to visit, cake recipes for the New Year 2018 will definitely come in handy! Choosing for yourself a simple and uncomplicated option for making a cake, you can please your family and friends with a piece of fragrant pastry. And how happy the kids will be at the opportunity to eat a slice of sweet cake, fruit or jelly cake!

And do not think that all the recipes for New Year's cakes for 2018 are incredibly complicated. We have selected for you excellent recipes, time-tested and varying in degree of complexity. A young hostess who is just starting to master the path to cooking will be able to please guests with a cake without baking, but more experienced craftswomen will bake a luxurious Napoleon in a pan and do it with brilliance.

By the way, do not forget about the decor - it's still the year of the Dog, which means that dessert decorations should be bright, catchy, deliberately lurid and funny.

Cockscomb Cake

Let's choose a dessert that is not the most difficult to prepare, but amazing in taste. It will be the best cockscomb cake in the world, we will prepare it with dried fruits, which will give the dessert a unique variety of flavors. So what will be required:

  • 1 glass of thick sour cream;
  • 0.5 tbsp red food coloring;
  • 2/3 st. granulated sugar;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 0.5 tsp soda (extinguish);
  • 3 art. wheat flour (possible with a slide).
  • For filling:
  • 100 gr. prunes;
  • 100 gr. dried apricots;
  • 100 gr. various nuts;
  • 100-150 gr. raisins.
  • Cream:
  • 750 gr. sour cream;
  • 0.5 st. l. red food coloring;
  • 1 st. sugar + some vanilla sugar.

You can add cinnamon or other flavorful spices of your choice to your baked goods, but don't overdo it so that you can feel the taste of the cake, and not just the aroma of the spices. Small chocolate and jelly sweets in the form of cockerels and chickens will also come in handy. These decorations are sold in any candy store, so buying them is not difficult. How to cook:

  1. Filling first. All dried fruits must be steamed in boiling water, then dried and ground all the fruits and some nuts (twist separately) in a meat grinder or in a food processor. Be sure to leave some nuts for decoration. If the mass turns out to be thick, it is allowed to dilute it with boiling water to the state of jam;
  2. Mix the egg, sour cream and dye, add flour, soda and knead the dough. It should be soft, but not stick to your fingers;
  3. Make 8 koloboks from the dough, roll each kolobok into a thin cake;
  4. Spread the mass on the cake and roll up the roll;
  5. Heat the oven up to 180C;
  6. Bake rolls until golden brown;
  7. Let the rolls cool and cut them into small pieces;
  8. For cream, beat sour cream with dye and sugar into a very thick mass.

Now it remains only to take a deep form, cover it with a film, lay out the slices of rolls in layers, sprinkle with nuts and pour generously with cream. At night, put the cake in the refrigerator, and in the morning start decorating. But first, the cake should be turned over onto a plate - the bottom, as a rule, turns out to be smoother and more beautiful. You need to decorate with nuts and symbolic figurines of sweets. Against the background of bright red cream, chocolate and marmalade cockerels will look perfect, while in the cut, the Cockscomb cake looks amazing.

Mole mink cake

The next dessert is called Mole Mink. If you take cake recipes for the New Year 2018 in terms of complexity, then you will have to tinker a little with this dessert, but the result is clearly worth it! What you need: For the test:

  • 4 chicken eggs;
  • 140 gr. flour;
  • 180 gr. Sahara;
  • 2 tbsp. l. cocoa powder without additives;
  • 1 tsp baking powder;
  • 4 tbsp. l. hot water (not boiling water).
  • Impregnation:
  • 40 gr. Sahara;
  • 60 ml of water;
  • 1.5 st. l. cognac (optional)
  • 0.5 l. whipping cream (from 33%);
  • 250 gr. cottage cheese is not granular;
  • 1 ripe banana;
  • 150 gr. Sahara;
  • 50 ml of water;
  • 15 gr. gelatin powder.
  • Stuffing and decorations:
  • 5 bananas (for filling);
  • 1/2 bar of chocolate;
  • 2-3 chocolate or marmalade sweets.

Now cooking:

  1. Separate the whites and yolks;
  2. Beat egg whites without sugar;
  3. Separately, beat the yolks, gradually adding all the hot water;
  4. Gently add sugar to the yolks, beating constantly;
  5. Add proteins, stir;
  6. Combine flour, cocoa, baking powder, add to the mass;
  7. Knead the dough from the bottom up;
  8. Preheat the oven to 180C;
  9. Line the bottom of the form with parchment, pour the dough and bake for 30 minutes;
  10. Cool the biscuit, remove from the mold;
  11. For cream, whip cream until thickened;
  12. Separately mix cottage cheese and sugar;
  13. Add to cottage cheese banana, cut into pieces;
  14. Punch the cottage cheese-banana mixture until mashed;
  15. Pour gelatin with water according to the instructions, leave to swell;
  16. Put gelatin on water bath, dissolve;
  17. Pour the melted gelatin into the banana mass in a very thin stream and mix with the cream, refrigerate until thickened.

It remains only to mold the entire Mink Mole cake for the New Year 2018:

  1. In a biscuit, choose the middle, cutting off the top crust. Leave the bottom and sides at least 1 cm thick;
  2. Dissolve sugar for impregnation in hot water, pour in cognac and stir;
  3. Impregnate the biscuit form;
  4. Lay out peeled and sliced ​​bananas;
  5. Put a layer of cream on the fruit, making a small hill (leave a little cream for decoration);
  6. Grind the biscuit crumb in a blender or tear with your hands into crumbs;
  7. Put the biscuit crumbs on the cake, as evenly and densely as possible;
  8. Decorate the top with melted chocolate, sweets and cream.

Remove the cake at night in the cold to cool and you can serve it to the table! It turns out an excellent dessert that will delight all your loved ones.

Strawberry No Bake Cake

And if you don’t want to mess with baking for a long time, take note of the recipes for cakes for the New Year 2018 without baking. For example, no-bake strawberry cake. What will be required:

  • 60 gr. melted butter;
  • 150 gr. regular chocolate chip cookies in packs;
  • 1 st. fresh strawberries;
  • 300 gr. any strawberry yogurt is thicker;
  • 200 gr. soft non-grain cottage cheese;
  • 100 gr. Sahara;
  • 200 ml whipping cream (from 33%);
  • 50 ml of milk;
  • 2 tbsp. l. gelatin.

Now you can start cooking:

  1. All ingredients except cream should be at room temperature;
  2. Get a detachable cake pan, cover with parchment;
  3. Break cookies, add in parts butter and mix;
  4. Lay the crumbs on the bottom of the form, slightly crush and remove in the cold;
  5. Cool the hot milk a little and put the gelatin there, stir;
  6. In a separate bowl, beat yogurt, cottage cheese and sugar with a blender until the mass becomes homogeneous and the sugar is completely dissolved;
  7. Cut the washed and dried strawberries, add to the yogurt-curd mass, mix;
  8. Pour gelatin (in a thin stream), mix and put everything in the cold until cool;
  9. Whip cream until stiff, add jelly to them and mix everything again;
  10. Put the cream on the cookie crust, smooth it, put it in the cold until it hardens;
  11. Decorate the finished strawberry cake without baking to taste.

As a rule, a no-bake cake cools all night, so it is worth preparing it in advance, but decorating just before serving. Berries, fruits or chocolate cockerels are perfect as decor, all these are cake recipes for the New Year 2018.

Cake Napoleon in a pan

Napoleon cake in a frying pan perfect option desserts for hostesses who do not like to fiddle with the oven for a long time. It is prepared instantly, it requires a little fuss, it only asks for aging and impregnation. So, we put on aprons, what we need:

  • 3-4 st. flour;
  • 1 pack of cream margarine (200 gr.);
  • 70 ml of cold water;
  • 700 ml of milk;
  • 5 st. l. Sahara;
  • 1 pinch of salt;
  • 1 sachet of vanilla sugar;
  • 1.5 st. l. flour for cream;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 200 gr. good butter (for cream).

How to cook Napoleon cake in a pan:

  1. Pour salt into flour, add planed margarine and cold water;
  2. Knead a tight dough, refrigerate for 35 minutes;
  3. Take out the dough, divide into 10 pieces;
  4. Roll each bun into a thin cake, cut the shape on a plate (choose a circle yourself according to the diameter of the pan);
  5. Prick each juicy with a fork;
  6. Put on a hot frying pan and quickly fry until golden on both sides (no more than a minute on each side);
  7. As soon as all the cakes are baked, boil 0.5 liters of milk;
  8. In a bowl, beat sugar and an egg with a blender, add flour (for cream) and the rest of cold milk, mix;
  9. Pour the mixed mass into boiling milk in a thin stream and continue to stir until the cream thickens while boiling;
  10. Turn off the heat, immediately add the oil;
  11. Stir until the oil is completely dissolved, let the cream cool slightly;
  12. Spread generously on the cakes, lay the biscuits one on top of the other;
  13. Top with cream, not forgetting to press a little;
  14. Remove in the cold for impregnation and proofing.

An excellent Napoleon cake in a pan is ready in 5-6 hours. You can decorate it as you like, but best of all with chocolate chips, dog figurines or other decor suitable for the cake recipe for the New Year 2018. Here are a variety of baking options you can take note of to please all your relatives and loved ones.

Do not forget that absolutely any recipe is allowed to diversify as you wish. If you don’t like cognac for impregnation, take syrup, and if there is no food coloring, berry juice will do - it will be an excellent and tasty replacement. The main thing is that you like the cake recipes for the New Year 2018, and any personality will make the recipe unique, yours and unlike others.

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I don’t know a single person who wouldn’t know that they bake cakes for the New Year. Children, of course, rejoice in advance and, of course, do not wait for adults to drink tea, but receive their portions much earlier, long before the chiming clock. Well, adults, if for some reason they cannot try on the 31st, then they come to the “cake” on the 1st and begin to evaluate what kind of cake the hostess has here, what color, what taste.

This is where the hostess can shine if she uses our recipes. Cakes, of course, are different and on kefir, and from puff pastry, and chocolate, easy to prepare, complex. Of course, "Smetannik" and "Bird's milk" are not quite simple, but rather they are complex cakes that require patience, time, effort, but if you endure and can make them, then your guests will remember for a long time that you made such cakes at home cakes and how did you manage it? The rest will take you much less time and effort. So…

Step-by-step recipes for making simple and delicious cakes for the New Year's table.

Cook and treat the guests and the husbands will reproach their wives for a long time: “you don’t do it like that”, and the wives will say to each other for a long time: “well, just think, it’s nothing complicated and we can do this” but not one of them, and can't cook it. I wish you success!

Strawberry chocolate cake


For the crust:

  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Sour cream - 1 tbsp.
  • Butter - 1 tbsp.
  • Flour - 1 tbsp.
  • Soda - 0.5 tsp
  • Salt - 1 pinch
  • Cocoa - 4 tablespoons
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.

Cooking cakes:

1. Combine flour, salt, soda, cocoa in a deep container, mix.

2. Beat eggs, sugar, sour cream, butter with a blender.

3. Add the whipped mixture to the dry mixture and mix.

4. Cover the detachable form with baking paper and grease with vegetable oil.

5. Pour the finished mixture into the mold, level it and place in the oven, preheated to 180 °, for 30-35 minutes.

6. Remove the form from the oven, let the cake cool slightly, remove it from the form,

peel off the paper and cut to length,

into two identical shells.

7. In a clean detachable form, on the bottom, put a circle of baking paper and lay one half of the cake on top.

Cream Ingredients:

  • Mascarpone cheese - 800 g.
  • Cream 34% - 400 ml.
  • Sugar - 100 g.
  • Powdered sugar - 100 g.
  • Gelatin - 20 g.
  • Milk - 150 ml.
  • Juice of half a lemon
  • Frozen strawberries - 150-200 g.
  • Walnuts - 1 handful.
  • Chocolate black - 1 bar

Cream preparation

1. Pour gelatin into a glass, pour water, leave to swell. Pour the milk into a small saucepan, bring to a boil, put the swollen gelatin into it and dissolve with constant stirring. Remove the saucepan from the heat, let the liquid cool.

2. Whip the cream in a mixer with 50 g of powdered sugar until thick.

3. Put mascarpone cheese, sugar, cooled milk-gelatin mixture into a large container, mix by hand, add whipped cream and mix the whole cream thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

4. Divide the cream into two identical halves. Grind half a bar of dark chocolate and nuts with a knife and add to one half of the cream.

5. Put this cream on the first cake in the form. Put the second half of the cake on top.

6. Without defrosting, cut the strawberries into pieces, add 50 g of powdered sugar, mix

and immediately add to the second half of the cream.

7. Put the cream on top of the second cake in the form.

8. Smooth over the entire surface and put the form in a cold place for 8-12 hours or overnight.

9. Grate the remaining chocolate on a fine grater.

10. We take out the cake from the refrigerator, remove the detachable form

and sprinkle with grated chocolate. We serve it on the table so that the guests can see how beautiful and appetizing it is.

After the guests have appreciated its beauty, we cut the cake into portioned pieces, arrange it on plates and serve each guest his portion.

Enjoy your meal!



  • Eggs - 6 pcs.
  • Sugar - 400 g.
  • Flour - 570 g.
  • Sour cream 20% - 1 liter
  • Cocoa - 30 g.
  • Powdered sugar - 200 g.
  • Soda, vinegar, sour cream thickener


2 cakes are baked, one dark, the other light.

Let's start with light:


  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Sugar - 200 g.
  • Flour - 300 g.
  • Sour cream 20% - 150 g.
  • Soda - 1 tsp
  • Vinegar


1. We take the eggs, break them into a deep container, beat until a thick homogeneous foam.

2. Add sugar and slowly add the whole glass to the beaten eggs.

3. Continue whisking as long as possible. Of course, you will not dissolve all the sugar, but still do it as much as possible.

4. Add sour cream and also beat for 2-3 minutes until smooth.

5. In this recipe, we will have one feature for sifting flour. We will sift the flour directly into a mixture of eggs, sour cream and sugar so that it draws air inside. We take half the flour and sift with any sieve that you have.

6. The first part of the flour must be beaten well so that there are no lumps.

7. Pour a teaspoon of soda with a small amount of vinegar (quench the soda) and add to the dough.

8. Mix everything well with a blender.

9. We take the second half of the flour and sift it all to the end again into the dough. Mix everything well with a blender until smooth. The dough is thick but elastic. Let the dough rest for about 10 minutes, it will begin to bubble. This means that there is a lot of air in the dough and this is very good, it will be tastier.

10. Turn on the oven. Heat up to 180 ° and put our cake there. Reduce the temperature somewhere to 135 ° -140 ° and bake for 20-25 minutes. The crust should be baked. Check by piercing the cake with toothpicks. If the toothpicks come out clean, then the cake is baked.

We proceed to the second cake.


  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Sugar - 200 g.
  • Flour - 270 g.
  • Sour cream - 150 g.
  • Cocoa - 30 g.
  • Soda - 1 tsp
  • Vinegar


11. We take a mold with a diameter of 20 cm, all ingredients are designed for this form, always with high edges. We line the bottom with parchment paper, or flour, you can grease the bottom with butter. While the edges are better not to grease, so that the dough rises well.

12. Now we are preparing a chocolate, dark cake. To do this, we will beat sugar, eggs and sour cream in the same proportions. Sift in the first half of the flour. You noticed that in the ingredients, the flour costs a little less than for the first cake. We reduced the flour by the amount of cocoa that we add in the second cake. Those. cocoa, as it were, replaced some of the flour for us. If you like cocoa a lot, you can add more, but then you need to remove as much flour as you added cocoa. Just like in the first case, after whipping the dough, we add slaked soda there and beat everything again a little.

13. When the first half of the flour is beaten, sift the second half and add cocoa to the sieve. We put everything together in our dough.

14. Manually, without turning on the mixer, gently mix this mixture into the dough so that everything intervenes and becomes wet. Otherwise, turning on the mixer, you will collect cocoa powder throughout the kitchen.

15. Having mixed cocoa into the dough, turn on the mixer and beat the dough until smooth. Let it stand for 10-15 minutes, let in air. Then we can bake.

We make sour cream.


  • Sour cream - 700-1000 g.
  • Powdered sugar - 200 g.
  • Sour cream thickener - 4 sachets

16. We take 20% sour cream, start beating with a mixer for about 1 minute, the sour cream should become homogeneous and many air bubbles should appear in it.

17. We take powdered sugar, sugar is also possible, but it is heavy and grainy, sour cream quickly settles, so powder is preferable and add to sour cream. If you like it sweeter, you can add more powder. Beat the dough and add powdered sugar in parts.

18. We take sour cream thickener and read on reverse side how much sour cream you need one pack. But of course look at the consistency of the cream. Add thickener to sour cream and beat with a mixer. The cream starts to set immediately. By the way, if there is no mixer, beat with a spoon. The cream will set due to the thickener. Beat up to 4 minutes, no more. The longer you beat, the more it thickens. If it doesn't thicken in 4 minutes, add a thickener.

Usually in a minute it becomes very thick.

Although we had 700 g of sour cream, and it was written on a pack of thickener that it was designed for 400 g, we poured 4 packs into sour cream. It depends on the sour cream, on the quality of the thickener itself. So see for yourself.

So, the cream is ready, the cakes are both ready, it is necessary that they cool completely.

19. Each cake must be cut into two in thickness. We will get 2 light cakes and 2 dark ones.

20. Lay them out alternating colors, one on top of the other. If the edges of the cakes turned out to be dried, trim them carefully. Chop them up into different bowls.

21. We smear each layer with cream. Spread on top and around the cake.

22. Sprinkle with colorful crumbs as you like. We sprinkled triangles cross on cross.

Sprinkle the sides of the cake with crumbs, from the dark side, dark, from the light side, light.

The cake is ready, but it must be infused. Place in the refrigerator overnight. Maybe 6-8 hours.

Before serving the cake, take it out of the refrigerator an hour before serving so that the cream becomes softer and more tender.

Enjoy your meal!

Bird's milk.


  • Eggs - 4 pcs.
  • Sugar - 4 tablespoons
  • Flour - 4 tbsp.
  • Gelatin - 50 g.
  • Warm water - 150 g.
  • Eggs - 10 pcs.
  • Sugar - 2 cups
  • Flour - 1 tbsp.
  • Milk - 1 glass
  • Butter - 300 g.
  • Cocoa - 150 g.
  • Sugar - 50 g.
  • Oil - 30 g.
  • Milk - 400-500 ml.


1. Prepare gelatin. Pour the gelatin into a bowl and add water. Take water at room temperature. Stir a little so that the gelatin begins to dissolve and set aside.

2. Turn on the oven so that it heats up to 180 °.

3. Take eggs at room temperature, break and separate, yolks in one direction, proteins in the other. Add a pinch of salt to the protein.

4. Beat the whites until a stable foam and beat the yolks separately.

5. Add sugar, 2 tablespoons to the proteins and 2 tablespoons to the yolks. We continue to beat. Sugar will dissolve in proteins, but not completely in yolks, grains of sugar will come across .. It's okay.

6. Mix the yolks with the proteins.

7. Gently, with a wooden or plastic spatula, so as not to fall off, mix in the proteins.

8. Add flour, having previously sifted,

and mix by hand until smooth.

If you are not sure about your oven and that your dough will rise as it should, then you can add soda or baking powder, but in classic recipe they are not added.

9. We prepare the baking dish. The cake is designed for a mold 28 cm in diameter. Line the bottom of the mold with parchment paper. Put the dough into a mold. We distribute the dough in a form so that the thickness is the same everywhere.

We put our biscuit in a preheated oven and bake for 20-25 minutes. (Test doneness with a toothpick)

10. Remove the biscuit from the oven

11. With a knife, we separate the biscuit from the mold. We understand the form.

12. Gently holding, turn the biscuit onto a large dish, baking sheet, anywhere, but better on a wire rack from the oven so that it cools evenly and so that the bottom side does not get damp.

We wash the form in which the biscuit was prepared, it will still be useful to us.

Preparing the cream:

13. Wash the eggs first with water, and then with soda for disinfection. (Buy eggs only from trusted manufacturers).

14. Divide the eggs into whites and yolks. Send the proteins in a sealed container to the refrigerator, as we do not need them yet.

15. Beat the yolks until a good foam.

16. Add 1 cup sugar, vanilla sugar and a tablespoon of flour.

17. Mix everything for 2-3 minutes. It turned out a whipped egg mass.

18. Add a glass of milk, and you can not heat it, add cold. To mix everything.

Pour the whole mass into a small saucepan.

19. Pour a little water into a larger saucepan and send a saucepan with cream there so that it hangs without touching the bottom of the large one.

20. Water should boil. The cream at this time can be stirred occasionally.

The cream should thicken and thicken. It takes approximately 20 minutes.

21. Check after 15 minutes, the cream should already be thick, but you need a little thicker, you have to wait another 5 minutes.

22. The cream is ready, remove from the stove and set aside. It should cool down to about 40°.

23. Add soft butter to the cooled cream and stir it by hand. Since the cream is still a little warm, the oil will mix with it very easily and well.

24. Here is such a homogeneous, beautiful cream turned out. We set aside.

25. We send cold proteins to the mixer, first beat at low speed, then increase and beat until a good, stable foam.

26. Add a glass of sugar, continue beating until sugar dissolves.

27. We shift the protein into a very large bowl and add cream to it.

28. We begin to mix by driving the protein with a wooden spoon or a silicone spatula from top to bottom.

29. When we mix the cream well, add gelatin at room temperature. Mix with gelatin for about 7-8 minutes.

You should get a completely homogeneous mass. We set aside.

30. We take the same form in which the biscuit was baked, lay parchment paper on the bottom. Biscuit cut into two cakes in thickness. Place one cake on the bottom of the mold.

31. We spread the mass that we have obtained before, onto the cake, distribute the entire cream evenly in shape.

32. Cover with a second cake. We tighten everything with cling film and send it to the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

Cooking fondant:

33. Pour water into the pan, put it on the stove, put a smaller pan in it, so that it hangs on the handles, without touching the bottom of the lower pan. Pour cocoa into the top pan

34. add sugar, mix.

35. Add milk in parts, stirring all the time. The amount of milk you have may differ, because different cocoa for several tablespoons.

The mixture of cocoa and milk should be the consistency of sour cream.

36. We continue to stir, without turning off the fire, so that the water boils below, since not all cocoa lumps have broken, dissolved without adding more milk, approximately 10-15 minutes. Cocoa should not boil, stir. Now we have the finished fudge mix.

Turn off the stove.

37. Add a piece of butter to the mixture, stir until dissolved. Set the fudge aside to cool down.

38. Take out the cake in the form from the refrigerator, separate the cake from the form with a knife.

39. Open the form and carefully remove it.

40. With a wooden spatula, we shift the cake to the prepared place.

41. Pour the fondant on the cake.

42. With a spoon, in a circular motion, we begin to distribute it over the top of the cake so that it begins to drain onto the sides.

43. Lubricate the sides of the cake that are not covered.

It turned out completely smeared with fondant cake. You can let it stand for 30-40 minutes to cool the fudge.

Put on the table. Cut into pieces and enjoy.

Enjoy your meal!


If the cake is on the table, it means a holiday. We, as a rule, make cakes like "Napoleon" or shortbread. In most cases, they are baked, which takes time. We, too, have already prepared a cake with you, which we named, for which we didn’t spend so much time, the game was worth the candle. And although it was prepared for a birthday, it can certainly be prepared for any occasion. Unlike the mentioned cakes, our cake is prepared very quickly.


At the word cake, adults get a feeling of celebration, salivate, children shout: “Hurrah ... ..!” Everyone is getting ready for hard work. And indeed, if the cake is really tasty, but it is not necessarily hard and complicated. It doesn't have to be expensive.

"Christmas honey log"

It must be seen and tried. This is the only way to really understand what it is and how delicious it is.

Video: "Zebra"

And at the end of the article, I want to offer you a dish that we prepare for every New Year and which completely replaces the cake, even for children, although this is actually not quite a cake. We call it:

"Snowball Pies"

Simple and very, very tasty. Try it.

Enjoy your meal!

In contact with

Cakes for the New Year 2016 recipes with photos are simple and delicious

A delicious and pleasant apotheosis of any holiday, of course, is the solemn cutting of the birthday cake. What is a festive feast without this beloved delicacy of all. Even someone who adheres to a strict diet will probably cheat if he says that he does not like sweets. Biscuit, shortbread and jelly, airy meringue cakes and high croquembush, multi-level beauties and simple cakes on hastily instantly attract the attention of guests and promise a spectacular end to the celebration. It is also customary to serve a festive cake for the new year. If this year you decide not to follow the path of least resistance by buying a confectionery delight in the nearest store, but to bake a cake yourself, we offer you our interesting cake recipes for the New Year 2017.

If you have neither the time nor the desire to experiment and bake exotic 2017 recipes with photos simple and delicious, then nothing can be better than the classics. This delicate airy cake simply fascinates with its excellent taste. Crispy sheets of dough, well soaked in fragrant cream with a subtle hint of vanilla, make you forget that you have already eaten a lot of tasty things, and still allow yourself a piece of delicacy. To please guests with a delicious "Napoleon" you will need: flour, creamy margarine, chicken eggs, cold water, lemon juice, salt and sugar, butter and milk, and vanilla sugar. First you need to prepare puff pastry, which is "assembled" from two parts. First, part of the flour must be chopped with margarine and rolled into a ball. Next, add lemon juice and salt to the rest of the flour for the dough. Mix the egg with cold water and add to the dough. Knead the dough, roll out and lay out the first part of the dough. Fold the resulting "design" into an envelope and put in the refrigerator. Then roll it out and fold it again into an envelope and put it in the cold. Repeat these manipulations several times. Divide the resulting dough into several cakes, roll out thinly and bake, after pricking in several places with a fork. To prepare the cream, the egg must be ground with sugar, add milk and bring the mixture to a boil. Then cool the mixture and add softened butter, beat the cream until smooth. Grease the cooled cakes with cream, form a cake and sprinkle it with crumbs from the remains of the cakes.

This amazing cake is not in vain has such interesting name, because it is actually amazingly delicious. You only need to try this delicacy once to fall in love with it passionately and sincerely. So, to prepare the Food of the Gods cake, you will need the following ingredients: flour and sugar, vanillin, eggs, sour cream, soda quenched with vinegar, as well as boiled condensed milk, butter and chocolate. Grind the yolks with sugar and sour cream until smooth. Add vanillin, quenched soda and add flour. Bake a biscuit, cool and cut into 2 parts. Set the lower part aside for now, and cut the top into small pieces, which are dried in the oven. Cream for the "Food of the Gods" cake is made from boiled condensed milk and softened butter. You just need to mix these ingredients and add dried pieces of biscuit to the cream, mix everything. Put the resulting mass on the bottom of the biscuit and sprinkle with grated chocolate. Let the cake soak in the refrigerator.

If you prefer light fruit or berry treats, then this cake will forever take center stage in your gourmet heart. To decorate the New Year's table with this wonderful delicate cake, you will need the following products: shortbread cookies, butter, granulated sugar, sour cream, cherries, as well as gelatin and ready-made red store jelly. Crush the cookies into crumbs and mix with melted butter. Put the resulting mass into a detachable form and level it. Remove pits from cherries. Grind part of the berries into a puree with the addition of sugar. Dissolve gelatin in water and add to sour cream. Add cherry jelly to half of the sour cream-gelatin mass and stir. Spread sour cream and sour cream-cherry jelly one spoon at a time in the center of the cookie base, alternating colors. Pour the whole mass in this way and put in the refrigerator to solidify. Cut the remaining cherries in half and put on the frozen sour cream jelly. Pour diluted red shop jelly. Put the cake with jelly in the refrigerator, wait until it hardens completely and you can try.

Cakes for the New Year 2017, recipes do not have to be “heavy” and too high-calorie in winter. We invite you to remind your guests of such a distant and desired summer by preparing a cold fruit cake. To do this, you will need: milk, gelatin, cottage cheese and sour cream, granulated sugar, fruits, as well as nuts and berries. Soak gelatin in milk. Mix cottage cheese and sour cream, add chopped walnut kernels. Heat milk with gelatin, stir until smooth and pour into cottage cheese with sour cream. Fruit cut and divided into 2 parts. Put half of the fruit in a mold and pour half of the curd mass. Then repeat the fruit layer and pour over the curd with sour cream and gelatin. Place the cake in the refrigerator to set. Invert the frozen cake onto a serving platter and serve. You can experiment and make the cake two-tiered using 2 molds of different diameters.

Delicious cakes for the New Year 2017, recipes with photos are simple and tasty - the key to a successful and fun holiday, it's hard to argue with that. If among your guests there are lovers of "Bird's milk", then do not miss the opportunity to treat them to this classic treat. This cake is prepared from soufflé, base and glaze. For the base you will need flour, butter, eggs and vanilla. To prepare a souffle, you will need: butter, water and gelatin, vanilla, sugar, condensed milk, as well as egg whites and citric acid. For the glaze you will need chocolate and butter. Beat butter with sugar, add flour and eggs, without stopping beating. Bake 2 cakes from the resulting dough. For souffle, mix softened butter with condensed milk, soak gelatin in water. Make syrup from water and sugar. Beat egg whites until firm foam with the addition of citric acid, mix with hot sugar syrup, add vanilla. Add dissolved gelatin and condensed milk with butter to the future souffle. Put one cooled cake in a mold, cover with half of the soufflé, cover with the second cake and pour the remaining soufflé, put the cake in the refrigerator to harden. To prepare the glaze, melt the chocolate in a water bath and add the butter. Cover the frozen cake with icing and put it back in the refrigerator. the finished cake can be removed from the mold and cut into portions.

This gorgeous cake is guaranteed to cause a storm of positive emotions for everyone present at your New Year's table. Light, airy and amazingly delicious dessert will be a great treat if you are looking for an original cake for the New Year. This delicacy consists of protein cakes, butter cream and fruit and berry filling. For the cake you will need: proteins, salt, granulated sugar and vanilla sugar. For cream, take heavy cream, vanilla essence and powdered sugar, and for decoration - kiwi, strawberries and black currants. Beat egg whites with a small amount of salt, gradually add sugar and vanilla sugar. You should get a glossy stable mass. Using a pastry syringe or bag, lay out a round base from the mass on a baking sheet covered with foil or parchment. Lay out small rosettes of protein mass along the edge of the base, which will serve as a side for our meringue cake. Put the base in an oven preheated to a low temperature and “dry” until cooked. Remove the finished cake from the oven and cool. To prepare the cream, whip the cream with powdered sugar and add the vanilla essence. Put the finished cream on the protein cake. Kiwi peel and cut into slices, put them in a circle, leaving the center empty. Place berries in the center. the finished meringue cake should be served immediately to the table so that the protein cake does not have time to get wet.

Here are such delicious and beautiful 7 we suggest you cook. You can take our ideas as a basis and, with a little imagination, "invent" an incredibly tasty and exquisite cake that will perfectly decorate your holiday table.

Able to become a real symbol of magic, because such a dish always simply has to be original and bright, while remaining surprisingly tasty. On the pages of our site Povarenok.ru you will find many of the simplest and rather complex recipes, here are other recipes that will help make Christmas baking truly unforgettable!

- it is not only sweet, it is also a kind of unusual symbol of happiness and joy. In particular, the smallest lovers of sweets think so. Today, there are many ways to make these pastries original and memorable, while cooking does not always require an abundance of special culinary skills.

When it comes to preparing New Year's cakes, it is important to remember that not only the form, but also the content plays a huge role here. Of course, such a delicacy should be tasty. However, if you cook every year new year cake according to the same recipe, such dishes can become boring for your home. Therefore something like this great importance and acquires the very form of serving this sweetness.

If we talk about the New Year holidays, then a lot of ways to decorate cakes immediately come to mind. You can always dress these products in the form of a symbol of the coming year, as well as choose the images of your favorite fairy-tale characters, one way or another connected with these festivities. Recent times more and more housewives prefer to cook light New Year's cakes, because during such feasts all food turns out to be very heavy, and this does not always have a positive effect on health. There are many recipes for such baking, as well as ways to decorate it. In the event that you are just taking the first steps on such a culinary ladder, you should choose the most simple and win-win options. After all, a New Year's cake requires a lot of time, and in the event that something does not work out, you simply may not have time to fix it again.

Choosing what kind of cake to cook for the new year, you should not be afraid of even bold experiments. However, if you plan to create and unusual shape, you can stop at more simple recipe so that you have both time and energy to bring your fantasies to life.
New Year's cake will be a great option to give yourself, your family and friends a real piece of magic!

Cake for the New Year - the final chord of the festive evening. Do-it-yourself New Year's cakes are a real sacrament that can unite all family members. Not only the decoration of the New Year's cake, but its very shape can be themed. Prepare it in the form of a Christmas tree or the symbol of the coming year - the Fire Monkey.

What is baked in different countries of the world?

AT Scotland they bake a short New Year's cake decorated with candied nuts, almonds, sweets, marzipan figurines with national symbols. In Wales, oat cakes, puddings, steak or goose, sweet pies or baked apples are served.

H H Norway and Denmark baked goods amaze with their pretentiousness and fantasy - figured bread, cookies in the form of figures of various animals, fourteen types of different cakes, one type for every day, and for dessert - a Christmas cake, every house has its own New Year's recipe. Even for Catholics, for whom the New Year is often overshadowed by Christmas, this day is a great occasion to have an excellent dinner, tasting fruit, chocolate brownies, cookies, olibolls, washing down sweets with red wine, and generally relaxing to the fullest. Cupcakes and other types confectionery and pastries are some of the most common New Year's dishes in the world, with special significance and usually they are in the form of a circle or ring. A vivid example is Rosh Hashanah, with its round challahs and honey cakes.

AT Italy for the holiday, chiacchiere is served, a special type of curly cookie sprinkled with powdered sugar. AT Greece a special New Year's cake Vasilopitta is baked with a coin inside. At midnight or later, the cake is cut, the first piece is given to St. Basil, and the rest is distributed among the guests according to seniority.

There are similar customs in Sweden and Norway, where a whole almond is hidden in rice pudding, which guarantees great luck in the New Year to whoever finds it. However, the New Year's cake baking recipe is not always round. In Scotland, where New Year's is called Hogmanay, there is a "first-come-in" tradition. The first person to enter a house in the New Year determines what year the residents will have. The “first comer” often brings symbolic gifts, such as coal to keep the house warm, or pastries such as shortbread or oatmeal, as well as a “black bun” fruit pie, so that the hosts always have food.

How to decorate a New Year's cake?

First you need to bake cookies in the shape of stars. If you don't have the right molds, don't worry. Cut out stars from parchment and attach to dough. Then circle around the contour with a knife and you're done. A small clarification - the stars should not be the same size. Bake your cookies, cool and stack one on top of the other. Place the largest star at the bottom, and the smallest one at the top. It turned out such an original pyramid of stars. To prevent it from falling apart, connect the stars together with icing, add green food coloring there. You've got a real Christmas tree! From cookies, in general, you can think of a lot of things to decorate New Year's dishes. Build houses, and even entire cities to the surprise of the guests.

To make the houses as stable as possible, take square cookies or crackers. In order for the roofs of the houses to be covered with snow, we will prepare the glaze from egg whites and powdered sugar. By the way, the same glaze can be used to hold buildings together. For decorating houses, we use ordinary breakfast cereals. So, for starters, assemble a house out of cookies, fasten with icing, install a roof and let it dry a little. After drying, grease the roof and walls of the house with glaze and cover with cereal rings on top. When decorating, show your imagination, decorate as you like! For example, New Year's cream cakes can be decorated with chocolate chips or mastic figures.

Cakes with a New Year's theme should be decorated with the right attributes: spruce branches, edible beads, powdered sugar, reminiscent of snow, cranberries and tangerines. There are many recipes for New Year's cakes from biscuits or biscuits.

Cake for the New Year is also a fabulous culinary creation. People all over the world always want to start the new year off with a bang. Many people eat what they think should bring them good luck. Since time immemorial, there has been a special New Year's food that is considered to bring happiness in love, wealth, and improve other aspects of life. Do new year holidays full of splendor and brilliance this year, preparing mouth-watering and tempting delicacies. Below is a list of Christmas cake recipes, as well as Christmas cake decorating options.

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