How to make big pancakes in milk. Delicious pancakes with milk - help in the form of a step-by-step recipe with a photo. Thin pancakes on the water.

Recipes 06.08.2018

If you ask a foreigner what popular dishes of Russian cuisine he knows, he will certainly remember pancakes. This traditional Slavic pastry is famous all over the world, and its history goes back to ancient times. Then, as now, pancakes played a special and even mystical role. They were wealth and family well-being. They were prepared on the eve of summer, with the hope of a rich harvest, and they also saw off the summer. Nowhere in the world do they celebrate Maslenitsa like we do, with all the breadth of the Russian soul.

Honey Stuffed Cinnamon Pancakes - Step by Step Recipe

Remove milk and eggs from the refrigerator 30 minutes before you cook both raw and at room temperature. We will need 80 g of plain prosciutto flour, 2.1 dl of semi-fat milk, 3 eggs, 1 pack of cinnamon sugar and a pinch of salt. Then we will have a large bowl, a whisk, saliva, pancakes, a toaster and a turner.

Mix well enough not to have chunks in the dough, but don't go in too long

A regular pan should be cleaned with oil before each new pancake is baked.

Place a bowl of cottage cheese in a bowl, peel 1 egg yolk and sweeten with honey. We love honey, add 2-3 tablespoons. Shake the copper curd into a smooth cream. On both sides of the pancake, we baked and put on a heated plate. So we go with each other with a pancake, the dough turns out to be about 6 pieces.

Initially, pancakes were cooked on a yeast dough, and then they were baked. Today, it is almost impossible to repeat this process, if only because there are no ovens in our apartments. The old recipes were replaced by new ones, modernized, but no less successful. What is the most Surely the one that enjoys unquestioned success in your family. Usually such a dough is prepared in milk, with the addition of eggs and flour - this recipe can be called traditional today. But in fact, the variety of this treat is very large. Pancakes are baked with yeast and kefir, brewed with boiling water and a variety of flours are used. Today we will tell you how to bake pancakes correctly so that they are thin, tender and certainly tasty.

We can cut the pancakes in half and then in half again to create triangle pancakes. But this does not change the taste of pancakes. Cinnamon pancakes can be decorated with the rest of the cottage cheese, spilled with hot chocolate, sprinkled with whipped cream. This recipe contains flour in a minimal amount and serves more or less only for thickening.

They are slightly healthier and they look like dessert. And it's the perfect weekend breakfast for me. Enough batter to cover the pan while moving, but not too much to make the pancakes greasy. Fry on one side until they are slightly golden and turn with a turner. Turn over and fry on the other side. Repeat with the remaining dough. Decorate with nuts, banana, strawberry sauce, yogurt, sour cream.

  • Place the almonds and cereal in a blender and blend together.
  • Place in a large bowl, add flour, stir.
  • Gradually add milk, cracked egg, vanilla, brown sugar and salt.
  • We mix it with metal.
  • Put in a pan and pour the dough on it.
Eat at a lower stage, at a high one can burn quickly.

A little about pancakes

If the hostess has lacy and thin pancakes, this is a sign that she is an excellent cook. But not everyone manages to master baking a fastidious dish the first time. The first pancake is lumpy for everyone, but it’s much more offensive if the second and third, and the subsequent ones turn out exactly the same. To prevent this from happening, you need to know a few tricks on how to bake pancakes, and we are happy to share these secrets with you.

Thin pancakes with holes in milk and cognac

If the bubble is made directly onto the dough, the dough is too sparse and more flour is added. Don't use butter or oil for frying, just use a good non-stick pan, ideally a pancake. Be patient when rotating and don't worry about breaking it.

The easiest pancake recipe

Traditional Polish pancake recipe. Also, you can fry the pancakes right away, you don't have to leave the cake settling down. Prepare about 8-10 thin pancakes. Gradually add milk while stirring, adding only enough milk to lightly mix the dough. Add the egg and mix thoroughly, resulting in a velvety cake that is already much weaker. Let's make sure the cake has the right consistency. It should blow like sour cream, that is, freely, but have some density. Heat about 0.5 teaspoons of oil or less in a saucepan. Pour the soup into the hot oiled saucepan over a spoonful of soup. If you find that the cake is melting too slowly in the pan, add some milk. We fry pancakes on one side for toasting, then roll. We fry each side only once, several times we miss the pancakes. Put on a large plate and fry the next one, fill in the toppings when it's done.

  • Put flour and salt in a dish, mix with fried.
  • Mix gently until the dough is thick but without lumps.
  • Only then do we gradually add the remaining milk, stirring constantly.
How delicious pancakes are up to you, but remember that if you fill them with stuffing, you will fry them again, one side should be very bright.

To begin with, we will focus on the technique of baking pancakes, it is the same for all recipes, and then we will move on to various options for making dough. By following our simple guidelines, you can easily bring to life the most delicious pancake recipe for your family, even without such experience at all.

Briefly about the main

The main components of pancake success are a frying pan and dough. They often argue about frying pans, some argue that they must certainly be made of thin metal, because this is what a real pancake pan looks like. And others insist on using cast iron with a thick bottom. Which of them to believe? Both are right, making pancakes depends more on how hot the pan itself is and how it was used before.

Pancakes can be covered in foil after chilling and refrigerated for up to 2 days. Pancakes are a versatile and easy-to-make dish that doesn't require a lot of money or effort. To prepare the simplest version, you need flour, milk and an egg.

How to make pancake filling: spinach with feta cheese

Pour the milk into a bowl and pour it into one bowl with one hand and mix with the other with a spoon or whisk. You can also use a mixer if you want, but set it on low to avoid splashing milk all over the kitchen. You need to make sure the pancakes can stick to the surface. When this happens, add more oil and wait until the pan is really hot. Use the ladle to pour the pancakes into the pan. Do this slowly, pouring a narrow stream of mass to spread it over the entire surface of the pan. When the dough is too thin, add half a tablespoon of flour to it, and if we have the opposite situation - the dough is too dense, just add 2 tablespoons of milk. After 2-3 minutes, pour the pancake on the other side. When the cake turns golden brown, you can remove it from the pan.

  • This will help you avoid dough pieces.
  • Add eggs, oils and a pinch of salt to the mass.
  • Heat a frying pan with oil on the stove over low heat.
Ready-made pancakes can be given in two forms: sweet and salty.

Give preference to the one whose bottom is perfectly flat and does not contain scratches. Rinse it well and dry it, and then pour in a little oil or other fat and heat it well on fire. Let it cool like this. Drain the oil and feel free to take on the preparation of pancakes.

Most often, pancakes are prepared for filling. Combined with garlic sauce, cheese, vegetables with meat, a slice of ham, cheese and vegetables can also be added to pancakes - cooked once on both sides, the delicious dish is commonly referred to as a "hot sandwich". How to cook spinach.

One bag of frozen spinach, feta cheese, garlic, oil for frying, cream for soups and sauces, salt and pepper.

  • Heat oil with finely chopped garlic in a saucepan.
  • You add frozen spinach to it and heat it slowly.
  • When you see that the spinach is thawed, add the feta cheese into pieces.
  • At the end, thicken the cream filling and, if necessary, add salt and pepper.
Pancakes without milk flavor are better than traditional pancakes. Well-chosen ingredients make pancake pies not stick to the pan.

Traditionally, the pan is greased with unsalted piece of lard strung on a fork. They wipe the hot surface, and then pour the dough. This is worth repeating if you notice that the pancakes have begun to stick a little. You can also use ordinary vegetable oil, dropping a little into the pan, but it should be quite a bit, otherwise the pancakes will turn out greasy.

Pancakes without milk - about 10 pancakes are given in the recipe

Milk-free pancakes are slightly brittle and have a delicious, mild taste. If you are making sweet pancakes, the water in the recipe can be converted into your favorite juice. A Teflon pan will make roasts easier because they won't stick to the surface. Mix all ingredients with a whisk, barbell, mixer or blender.

Mix the ingredients until the lumps disappear. Pour the pancake pan into the hot skillet. Check the fork to see if you can roll the dough. If the dough is fried on one side, place the pancake on the other side with a wooden spatula. Repeat until the end of the pie.

Test preparation

What is the best pancake recipe? It is not so important what proportions of products you will use, it is important to prepare everything properly. Regardless of the ingredients that will be used, the dough should be homogeneous and liquid. This is a guarantee that the pastries will turn out very thin and tender. In terms of density, it should resemble ryazhenka and spread quickly over the surface.

  • You don't like carton milk?
  • You don't need many ingredients.
  • How do you eat almonds?
Pancake batter is a basic culinary art and often people think that making regular pancakes is the easiest thing under the sun because the ingredients for pancake batter are simple. At the same time, it turns out that to make really delicious thin pancakes, you not only need to choose the right proportion of ingredients, but also combine them in a reasonable and intelligent way - and it doesn't matter if you make them without a mixer or a mixer!

Scoop up some of the batter, lift the ladle over the bowl, and pour it back slowly. The jet must be smooth, uniform and uninterrupted. If the dough is thick, add a little water, if liquid - flour.

It is best to mix the ingredients with a mixer, it is easier to avoid lumps, but you can use a whisk or a regular fork, whichever is more convenient for you. All ingredients must be introduced slowly, vigorously whipping the mass.

Basic ingredients for pancakes

Eggs - 4 or 5 pieces Wheat flour - ½ kilogram Milk 3.2% fat - 1.2 liters Rapeseed oil - 15 large spoons Salt - 1 small, flat teaspoon.

How to Make the Perfect Cake for Delicious Pancakes

Prepare a container with a capacity of about 3-3.5 liters, wash it and dry it thoroughly, especially inside. Insert 4 whole eggs into the pot and mix thoroughly until frothy on the surface. Shrovetide cake can be easily made without a mixer! Just beat the eggs with a metal whisk.

Add a tablespoon of vegetable oil to the dough, then the pancakes will not stick to the pan, and it will not need to be constantly lubricated. A pinch of soda added to the dough will give the most important pancake attribute - holes.

Pancakes are often wrapped with a variety of fillings, if you plan to cook sweet pancakes, add a little more sugar.

Gradually add the ingredients to the dough

Add four large spoons of flour to the mixed eggs - blend them or beat them thoroughly. The mass of the uprising must be smooth and not have a single piece. This is the "base" for the pancake dough.

  • It must be made from a smooth cake.
  • Add one small flat spoon of salt to this dough.
Cook the pancake batter for at least half an hour at room temperature.

Slight overload and dough density check

After 30 minutes, take the choker, fluff up the cake and make sure it's burdensome enough. If it's too thick, add some milk, but be careful not to thin the cake too much. In my experience, this is usually about 0.2 liters, but pour the milk in small portions, mix the dough and check the consistency. Once the cake is smooth and filled with honey, you can start frying.

pancake baking

Heat up a frying pan and grease with lard. Raise its canopy and pour a little dough into the center, about half a ladle or a little more will take about one pancake. Tilt the pan away from you and begin to turn in a circle, making sure that the dough completely covers the surface. You need to do this quickly so that it does not "grab". Put the pan on the fire. As soon as the edges of the pancake acquire a golden color, it's time to turn it over. Slightly lift the edge, insert a spatula under it completely and turn the pancake over. Movements must be careful, this is a very delicate product, and it can be easily torn. Ready pancakes are stacked, lightly smeared with melted butter.

How to fry perfect thin pancakes?

Remember that extra milk is poured out only after half an hour of the “rack” of the dough, only then you can determine if the sequence is suitable.

Place a large, Teflon, or ceramic pot over the largest burner over medium heat. Add 2 tablespoons of canola oil to the pan and let it heat up properly - the pan should be so hot that a drop of water falling into the oil sizzles loudly. Only the first pancake that we fry in oil to prepare the pan for work - the remaining pancakes will be fried without adding fat.

If your frying pan is well fried, then you can simply throw the pancake into the air and turn it over. To do this, shake the pan sharply from side to side, if the pancake slides on the surface, feel free to toss it up. It just looks complicated, but in fact everything is very easy, and this way you can bake your favorite pancakes faster.

Simple tips end here, it's time to proceed to no less important - recipes for making dough.

Classic milk pancakes

This is perhaps the most delicious pancake recipe, well, or one of the best. Pancakes are very tender, they will appeal not only to adults, but also to children. Before preparing the dough, you need to cool the milk and eggs a little. So the protein and flour will better contact, and the dough will be smooth, without lumps.

Break 4 eggs into a deep bowl, add a teaspoon of salt, 1.5 tablespoons of sugar and pour in a liter of milk. Work with the mixer a little. Continuing to beat, gradually add flour (400 g). Leave for 15 minutes to "rest". Before baking, pour in a tablespoon of vegetable oil and mix well. The dough is ready.

Custard pancakes

It happens that the milk bought the day before suddenly turns sour, or kefir remains, which no one drinks anymore. Where can you use all this miracle? Cook pancakes in boiling water. We will add a little soda - and our treat will turn out to be attractively openwork.

Take 2 cups of sour milk (kefir), beat 3 eggs into it. Add 2 tablespoons of sugar and a teaspoon of salt. Beat a little, then slowly add 2 cups of flour and mix. You will need a glass of boiling water, add a teaspoon of soda to it, mix and immediately pour the water into the dough. Add a tablespoon of vegetable oil. Work a little with a mixer, and you can start baking.

Lace pancakes (by yeast)

This recipe is just amazing. Surely your grandmother or mother cooked just such pancakes - “lace”. This recipe involves the use of only warm products. For him, we will prepare a yeast

In slightly warmed milk (2 cups), add 2 tablespoons of sugar, a teaspoon of salt and a bag of dry yeast. Put in heat and wait until the yeast rises from the top of the foam. Beat eggs (4 pieces) a little in a separate spacious bowl. Add yeast mixture to them and mix well. Gradually add 400 g of flour, leave for 20-30 minutes in a warm place. Boil 2 cups of water and, stirring, pour boiling water into the mass, beat well. Add a tablespoon of vegetable oil to the dough. Now you can safely bake lace pancakes. This recipe is simple, it will take no more than 30 minutes to prepare the test.

From rye flour

Have you ever tried such a treat? Not? Then you just need to cook pancakes according to this recipe. Flour today you can buy absolutely any, and even rye and even more so. So why not add a little variety. Such a dough for pancakes in milk is prepared very quickly.

Break 2 eggs into a bowl, add 2 salt spoons of sugar, a teaspoon of salt, beat the mass a little and pour in half a liter of milk. Stirring constantly, gradually introduce a glass of sifted wheat flour and a glass of rye flour, add a whisper of soda and mix thoroughly. Then add a spoonful of vegetable oil and you can start baking. Pancakes will not be gray, despite the color of rye flour, but on the contrary, they will acquire a golden blush when fried. They will be thin and very soft. You should definitely try it.

Sweet chocolate pancakes

Sweet pancakes will delight both children and adults. This is a great breakfast and a great platform for making dessert. They can be wrapped in sweet cottage cheese with raisins and vanilla, or simply served with jam, honey or fruit. So let's get started.

Mix 2 tablespoons of cocoa with 3 tablespoons of granulated sugar, beat in 2 eggs and salt a little. Pour in a glass of milk, and then gradually add a glass of flour. Mix thoroughly, gradually add water to the dough - 1 cup, add a tablespoon of vegetable oil. You can start frying.

If you get a little creative, you can make original two-color pancakes. To do this, prepare white and dark dough. Pour the dark dough into a hot frying pan with arbitrary curls in a thin stream, and fill the gaps with plain white. You will certainly like the result. There will be something to surprise guests and pamper yourself.

banana pancakes

The recipe is a little unusual for our cuisine, and this is a great reason to try it. You will get a complete dessert that does not need any additives. Interestingly, it does not require either yeast or eggs. So let's get started.

You should grind 100 g of sugar with 100 g of sour cream, then add a pinch of salt and soda. Pour 2 cups of milk into the mass, mix. Enter a little 350 g of flour and mix well, we do not need lumps. In a separate plate, mash one peeled banana into a homogeneous gruel with a fork, it must be added to the dough. Pour in a spoonful of vegetable oil and mix again. The original dough is ready.

Instead of an epilogue

As you can see, the recipes for such a capricious dish as pancakes are quite simple, and for sure there are products for them in everyone's house. They will help to realize dozens of your most daring culinary ideas, because they are often cooked with all sorts of fillings. You can prepare a wonderful treat for any holiday and please the household with delicious desserts. Not everyone can resist such diversity. Mastering the technique of baking pancakes is not at all difficult. If you stick to the elementary rules, you will certainly succeed. Good luck in your culinary endeavors.

Pancakes are one of the most popular dishes in the world. There are countless ways to make pancakes. Dough for pancakes is prepared with yeast, soda or without the use of leavening ingredients, in a double or non-dough method, in milk, kefir or water, with or without eggs, by boiling the dough with boiling water, etc. Thus, depending on the preparation methods , pancakes are thick or thin, loose or dense, smooth or openwork. The list is endless, but one thing is certain - they are all incredibly tasty, especially when you consider that all pancakes can be served with an endless variety of fillings, sauces and other additional products.

Today we will tell you how to cook tender thin pancakes in milk. Such pancakes are prepared very simply, the most important condition is a light thick-bottomed pan with a non-stick coating and a comfortable handle so that when pouring the dough, you can easily maneuver it so that the dough is evenly distributed over the bottom of the pan. Pancakes have a pleasant neutral taste, so they can be filled with both salty and sweet fillings.


  • Milk - 2.5 cups;
  • Premium wheat flour - 1.5 cups;
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • Vegetable (refined) oil - 3-4 tablespoons;
  • Sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • Salt - 1/2 teaspoon.

Cooking time - 40 minutes.
Calorie - 140 kcal.

Step by step cooking pancakes:

1. Pour half of the indicated norm of milk into a deep container, add granulated sugar and salt, break the eggs.

2. Beat the mixture thoroughly with a mixer, adding the remaining milk.

3. Pour vegetable oil into milk, beat again with a mixer so that the oil is completely combined with the milk mixture (and there are no oil drops left on the surface of the milk).

4. Sift wheat flour into the mixture, beat again with a mixer.

5. The dough should turn out to be liquid, easy to pour.

6. Before baking pancakes, generously grease the pan with vegetable oil. Place the skillet over moderate heat, let it warm up well.

7. In order for the dough to lay down evenly and in a thin layer, you must act quickly: take the pan in one hand, add the dough with the other and immediately turn the pan in a circular motion so that the dough is evenly distributed over it.

Note: For convenience, pour the dough into a measuring cup with a spout.

8. As soon as the openwork pancake is baked on the bottom side, turn it over to the other side.

Note: it is enough to oil the pan after 1-2 pancakes.

They can be served with sour cream with sugar, honey, condensed milk or jam.

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