Cheesecake recipe made from curd cheese without baking. Homemade no-bake cottage cheese cheesecake with gelatin

Auto 02.02.2024

Delicious no-bake cheesecake, homemade recipe with photos

When you want to treat yourself to something tasty, even gourmet, but it’s hot outside and you don’t have the strength to stand at the stove, recipes for desserts without baking come to the rescue. Such desserts come in very handy in the summer, as they refresh, cool and saturate the body with useful minerals (yes, fermented milk products are record holders for calcium content). Although, cheesecake is great at any time of the year. And today I want to introduce you to a simple no-bake cheesecake with cottage cheese and cookies, and, of course, I’m attaching its recipe with step-by-step photos.

Cheesecake is considered a dish of European and American cuisine. The name of the dessert literally translates as “cheese pie.” For a classic cheesecake, use soft cheeses like mascarpone, Philadelphia or high-quality curd cheeses. But when you prepare cheesecake at home, you can easily replace expensive cottage cheese with homemade cottage cheese - it will be doubly tastier and healthier. The site already has a recipe for no-bake cottage cheese cake with pineapples and gelatin. Cheesecake is prepared according to a similar recipe, only additional ingredients are used in its preparation, thanks to which the cheesecake turns out to be incredibly tender, aromatic and melting in the mouth. It can be served with tea, coffee, cocoa. The dessert is so tasty and beautiful that you can arm yourself with this recipe for the holidays.
Cheesecake preparation is described step by step. First we prepare the shortbread, then the most delicate curd mass and cream for decoration. Using such a detailed recipe with photos is not only convenient, but also enjoyable. It's immediately obvious what should happen. And you will definitely succeed with this curd cheesecake the first time! Everything is simple, without unnecessary hassles and burnt dishes. Let's make a homemade cheesecake from cottage cheese and cookies together to see what we're talking about.


for making cheesecake:

  • 300 g shortbread cookies;
  • 150 g butter;
  • 30 g gelatin;
  • 100 g powdered sugar;
  • 100 g white chocolate;
  • 500 g soft homemade cottage cheese;
  • 500 ml cream with a fat content of 33-35%;
  • 5-6 drops vanilla extract or 2 tsp. vanilla sugar;
  • half a lemon.

Additionally, you will need a springform pan with a diameter of 23-25cm.

for curd cream:

  • 200 g powdered sugar;
  • 250 g cottage cheese;
  • 150 g butter;
  • half a lemon;
  • 3-4 drops vanilla extract or 1 tsp. vanilla sugar;
  • 10 g gelatin.

No-bake cheesecake recipe with cottage cheese and cookies

Preparatory stage.

1. Soak gelatin in cold water (1 tbsp.). Set aside to swell; we’ll deal with it later.

2. Three lemon zests on a fine grater so that the maximum of essential oil comes out, and the pieces themselves are not felt in the cookie crust. It will give the cake a refined citrus aroma. We do not reach the white fibers, as they give unnecessary bitterness. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon.

Preparing the cookie crust for the cheesecake.

3. Shortbread is always used for the cheesecake base. It is better to take a square one, which crumbles easily (“for tea” or “baked milk”). Turn the cookies into fine crumbs. I knead it with my hands, but you can do it with a knife or wrap it in a bag and beat it with a rolling pin.

4. Add softened butter to the cookies and mash everything with a fork. Add the zest of one lemon.

5. You should get a sticky mass. If it doesn’t stick, add more oil. We do not add sugar, the cookies are sweet on their own.

6. Line the bottom of the cheesecake pan with parchment. And so that the finished cheesecake stays out of shape better, you can grease the sides with a thin layer of vegetable oil.

7. Place cookies with butter on the bottom, level and press, then put them in the refrigerator.

Preparing curd mass with gelatin for cheesecake.

8. Place cottage cheese with powdered sugar and vanilla in a separate bowl.

9. Puree everything using a blender.

10. Meanwhile, the gelatin has already swollen.

11. Place it in a water bath and heat until the grains dissolve.

12. Add broken white chocolate to the container (porous will also work).

13. Stir until the chocolate is completely dissolved.

14. Move on to the cream. Perhaps this is the most sensitive moment, since problems often arise when whipping cream, especially for beginners. But in order for the cream to whip well into a fluffy foam, you need to strictly follow the instructions, and you can even play it safe a little. The main thing is that the cream, like the container itself in which it will be whipped, must be very cold. Just in case, the whisks with a deep bowl can be placed in the freezer for 5 minutes. In addition, the dairy product must have a fat content of at least 33%. If you use cream in a box, it is better to cut it and remove all the fat from the walls and bottom. And if you are still afraid that the cream will not whip, you can purchase a special thickener at the store.

So, pour the cream into a deep cold bowl and arm yourself with a mixer.

15. Beat the cream at medium speed until stiff peaks form. This stage takes approximately 10 minutes. But now the main thing is not to over-whip the cream, otherwise it may turn out to be butter.

16. Now carefully add them to the curd mass and carefully mix with a spoon in a circle from the bottom to the top of the bowl.

The texture of the cheesecake should under no circumstances be porous, so we mix exclusively with a spoon, and a blender is not our help in this matter.

17. Next, pour in the gelatin and chocolate.

18. And immediately mix everything until smooth.

19. Take out our springform pan with the cookie crust and pour the cheesecake mixture into it, level it with a spoon. We send our curd cake to the refrigerator until completely hardened. It may take 4-6 hours, but it's better to play it safe and leave the cheesecake in the refrigerator overnight.

Prepare curd cream for decoration.

20. Soak the gelatin for the cream in a separate container. Place all the ingredients for the cream in another deep bowl.

21. Puree them with a blender.

22. Heat the gelatin for the curd cream in a water bath until the grains are completely dissolved and pour it into the curd mass.

23. Mix the curd cream and put it in the refrigerator until completely hardened. Don't be afraid that the cream looks too liquid; after a few hours it will hold its shape well.

Decoration of curd cheesecake.

24. We begin preparing for decoration when the cheesecake is completely frozen. We twist and turn, tilt the mold and look: if our curd friend is not going to slip out of it, then he is ready. Cut the lemon and prepare a pastry bag with nozzles.

25. Carefully remove the form. Most likely, the cheesecake will easily separate from its walls. But if the shape doesn’t want to lag behind the delicious cheesecake, there are 2 options. 1: lightly moisten the towel with boiling water and wipe the sides of the mold so that the curd mass leaves them faster. Then put the cheesecake in the freezer for 5-10 minutes so that the sides harden again. 2: separate using a sharp long knife.

26. The curd cream also froze, but at the same time it became very plastic and soft.

27. Place the cream in a pastry bag.

28. Decorate the cheesecake with a pattern of curd cream.

29. Place lemon slices on top. Citrus sourness is what the high-calorie curd dessert lacks. Place the decorated dessert back in the refrigerator to cool a little more. Serve the cheesecake cold.

Delicate homemade no-bake curd cheesecake with cookies is ready. Bon appetit!

The cheesecake is very airy, although it does not have a porous structure.

I often hear that the main ingredient for making cheesecakes - cream cheese - is now an expensive pleasure. But there is, I won’t say that it is an adequate replacement, but still a replacement - cottage cheese.

Today we are preparing a no-bake cottage cheese cheesecake with gelatin. Of course, this is not quite a cheesecake, more of a cottage cheese dessert, but it turns out very tasty!

I draw your attention to cottage cheese. Its fat content can be anything. I have 3%.

The cookie crumbs you will see in the steps are different: chocolate and regular. This is because the packets of biscuits had to be disposed of. You can take only chocolate cookies, or just regular ones.

We use a mold with a diameter of 21 cm.

To prepare cottage cheese cheesecake, we will prepare the ingredients.

Fill the gelatin with water and leave for the time indicated in the instructions.

Let's start preparing the base. Grind the cookies in a blender or crush them using a rolling pin. Melt the butter and add to the crushed cookies. Mix well. The result will be a mass resembling wet sand.

Place the cookies in the mold. We compact it. Let's put it aside.

Punch the cottage cheese with a blender or rub it through a sieve. Add powdered sugar and vanillin. Mix. We work with a silicone spatula or a wooden one. No whisks and no beating! We don't want air bubbles in the finished dessert.

Melt the chocolate in a water bath and add it to the bowl with the curd mass. Mix.

Dissolve the gelatin in a water bath or in the microwave. Add to the curd mass. And mix again.

Whip the cream to soft peaks and place in a bowl. And mix again.

Place cottage cheese on a sand base.

Then my son and I decided to recycle Oreo cookies and did this: we laid out part of the curd mass, cookies on top of it, and covered with the remaining curd mass.

Level the surface. Cover with film and put the cheesecake made from cottage cheese with gelatin without baking in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. Maybe overnight.

The finished cheesecake can be decorated as desired. I whipped the cream with powdered sugar.

Enjoy your tea!

If you want to stay away from the oven during the hot summer, check out this no-bake Oreo cheesecake recipe. The luxurious, smooth flavor of the filling with the crunchy Oreo filling is a luxury that everyone can afford. Especially if . Believe me, it's not difficult at all! Yesterday I talked in detail about how to make this cheese at home, follow the link (there are a lot of photos and a step-by-step guide).

Cheesecake recipe

For the base you will need:

  • Butter - 50 g
  • Oreo cookies - 220 g (about 30 pcs) and a little more for decoration

For cream:

  • Curd cheese - 500 g (you can make it yourself, see the previous site recipe)
  • Granulated sugar - 70 g
  • Vanilla extract - 1 tsp.
  • Heavy cream (33-35%) - 130 g

For decoration:

  • Whipped cream - 50 g
  • Cream cheese - 50 g
  • Oreo Cookie Crumbs - 25 g

How to make cheesecake without baking:

First, turn the cookies into crumbs: break them into halves and place them in a blender bowl. A couple of presses and the crumb will be ready.

Despite the creamy layer, the mixture turns out dry and crumbly, just the way we want it!

Melt 50 g of butter in the microwave or on the stove. Pour into crumb mixture and stir.

Transfer the wet crumbs to the bottom of the pan and press down with the palm of your hand to create a compact surface. Take a form with detachable sides! I use a mold with a diameter of 18 cm, the bottom is pre-lined with baking paper.

Place the pan with the base in the refrigerator to harden.

No-bake cheesecake filling

Place cream cheese (you can use Mascarpone, Almette, Hochland, Philadelphia) in a deep bowl and add granulated sugar (70 grams). Pour in 1 tsp. vanilla extract. Mix all ingredients.

Use the mixer to mix evenly, but keep the speed low so as not to overbeat the mixture.

In a separate bowl, whip 130g heavy cream until soft peaks form. Don't work the mixer too hard, as this will turn the cream into butter.

Attention! If such a failure does occur - the cream has become thick and oily, do not throw away the product and do not be upset! I’m sharing a little secret: you just need to add a couple of spoons of cold cream to this over-whipped mass and stir - the cream will become homogeneous and tender again.

To prevent such an incident, follow the rules for whipping cream: it must be cold. It is advisable to keep the whisk and bowl in the freezer for 10 minutes before starting to beat. I usually put the cream in a bowl, unfasten the mixer attachments into it and put everything together in the freezer for 10 minutes. Then I take it out and start whisking.

Break the cookies into quarters and add to the cream filling.

Using a spatula, gently stir the cream mixture into the cookies.

Remove the base from the refrigerator, place the filling on the cookies, and smooth with a spatula.

Using a silicone tip, smooth the surface as best as possible and return the cheesecake to the refrigerator.

How to decorate cheesecake without baking

Leftover filling can be used to make an excellent cream for decoration.

To do this, add cookie crumbs to the creamy curd mass and mix. Place in a pastry bag fitted with a piping tip and pipe cream decorations onto the surface of the cheesecake. Place half a cookie in each flower. Cheesecake can be served with tea!

How to decorate the cheesecake is up to you. You can use fresh berries and fruits, small candies, marshmallows or cut into beautiful pieces.

The peculiarity of Oreo cookies is that they do not become soggy upon contact with the cream and remain crispy in the mouth. The cooled cheesecake is easy to cut into portions; it does not fall apart and retains its shape.

Note to everyone who likes recipes without an oven:

Bon appetit!

If you make cheesecake using this recipe, add a photo to Instagram or here in the comments. I will be very grateful! On Instagram, indicate the tag #pirogeevo or #pirogeevo so that I can find these photos on the Internet!

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Hello friends!

Fidan Amirbekova is with you again. A couple of days ago I promised that I would write more often, remember? And here I am again, I hasten to tell you about another birthday cake recipe.

When we first got married and moved into our own apartment, we had a lot of free time, and even more so the desire to please our young husband.

This desire was slightly overshadowed by the lack of an oven. Therefore, I was looking hard for recipes for delicious “lazy” (this is a must) desserts without baking.

And one day I found a recipe for this curd soufflé. I liked it so much that I began to cook it often with the addition of various fruits. Moreover, none of those who tried it could remain indifferent.

Time passed, my dessert skills improved and, taking advantage of the occasion of my birthday, I decided to make a real cheesecake out of this soufflé. The result is a full-fledged curd cheesecake without baking with gelatin and fruit.

Here original soufflé recipe, and I will talk about my findings and additions below.

This is a list of foods per serving. I (for a shape of 26-28 cm) needed two.


  • 1 pack of cottage cheese (200 gr.), can be with raisins or any dried fruits
  • 1 jar of sour cream (180 gr.), no less than 20% fat content
  • 1 package of cream (200 gr.), I had 26%
  • ½ cup granulated sugar (110 g), if cottage cheese is without fruit, then 1 cup
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of gelatin + ½ tbsp. for filling (10−15 g), if you want the soufflé thicker, then add more

Cooking method:

And now about my finds

For the base of the curd cheesecake, I took additionally:

  • 200−300 gr. cookies
  • 50−100 gr. oils

The volume will vary depending on the size of your pan and how thick you want your cheesecake base to be.

And another variation on the theme of curd soufflé

A crazy feast was planned for the New Year with a million appetizers and two hearty hot dishes, so it was decided to make dessert light, and my husband really asked for it. And then I came up with a new presentation option - in separate bowls.

In fact, I just remembered the cute pot-bellied glasses that I have. I also had food paints purchased for the occasion and I decided that this was a great occasion for their premiere.

So I bought different fruits, made a base for the soufflé and began experimenting with colors. And this is what I got.

No-bake cheesecake with cottage cheese and cookies will definitely appeal to all lovers of homemade sweets. But before you start cooking and consider the step-by-step recipe for cheesecake, which does not need to be baked, since its base will be cookies, I would like to say a few words about the dish itself. America is considered to be the birthplace of cheesecakes, although some culinary experts believe that the dish was born in Great Britain.

In some sources, in particular on Wikipedia, you can read that the birthplace of the first cheesecakes is Ancient Greece. Perhaps this is so, because even in ancient times the Greeks knew how to produce a large number of different types of cheese and prepared numerous dishes from them.

It's no secret that cheesecakes are made from cottage cheese and they come in completely different types. There are cheesecakes that are baked in the oven, just like cheesecakes, and there are also those that do not require baking. Probably the second type of cheesecake is more popular. Personally, I like no-bake cheesecakes much more, since they taste like cottage cheese mousse or soufflé, and the base of crackers, cookies or cereal makes them even more tasty and satisfying.

In the summer, you can add fresh berries and fruits to the cheesecake, which will have a beneficial effect not only on its taste, but also on its appearance, because a beautifully decorated cheesecake always looks appetizing.

Today I want to offer you a British version of cooking Cheesecake with cottage cheese and cookies according to a step-by-step recipe.

Ingredients for the cheesecake base:

  • Cookies for tea - 300 gr.,
  • Dark cocoa - 3 tbsp. spoons,
  • Walnuts - 100 gr.,
  • Sugar - 0.5 cups,
  • Butter - 100 gr.,

Ingredients for the creamy cheesecake base:

  • Cottage cheese - 400 gr.,
  • Sour cream 20% fat - 1 cup,
  • Gelatin - 25 gr.,
  • Vanillin - 1 sachet,
  • Sugar - 5 tbsp. spoons,

For the apricot confit:

  • Apricot jam - 300 ml.,
  • Gelatin - 15 g.,
  • Hot water - 100 ml.

No-bake cheesecake with cottage cheese and cookies - recipe

Let's start making no-bake cheesecake by preparing the base. Melt the butter in a water bath and wait until it cools.

Pour the cooled gelatin into the curd cheesecake base. Using a mixer or immersion blender, beat the mass again. That's it, the no-bake cheesecake base is ready.

Remove the mold from the refrigerator. Pour out the curd mass.

Place the cheesecake in the refrigerator for about 3-4 hours until the curd layer hardens and becomes dense. Prepare the confit. Boil the apricot jam. Pour hot water over gelatin. After it dissolves and the water becomes viscous, add to the jam. Stir.

Pour the prepared apricot confit over the curd cheesecake. Place in the refrigerator until this layer hardens completely.

As I wrote earlier in some recipes, you can speed up the thickening process of dishes that contain gelatin using the freezer. When preparing cheesecake using the freezer, it is important not to overfreeze it.

Serve the no-bake cheesecake with cottage cheese and cookies immediately after cooking, more precisely, after its two layers have hardened. By the way, I would also like to add that instead of apricot confit, you can prepare absolutely any other confit from various jams, confitures, preserves, or even fresh berries and fruits.

No-bake cheesecake with cottage cheese and cookies. Photo

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