Turtles hibernate in winter. How and when aquatic red-eared turtles hibernate at home

Tourism and rest 18.09.2019
Tourism and rest

Some species of turtles that live in natural conditions hibernate. This helps them survive starvation and other adverse seasonal changes that occur in nature. But not all turtles living with humans follow their natural instincts, sometimes they do without a long rest. And representatives of some species do not need hibernation at all.

Sleeping and not sleeping turtles

When buying a turtle for keeping at home, you need to find out as much information as possible about it - what does it eat, does it hibernate? If your turtle in nature does without rest, then at home you should not force her to sleep like a naughty child. And if there is no way without hibernation, you need to try to create all the conditions for this. And then help her come out of hibernation and come back to life.

In nature, the following types of turtles hibernate: Central Asian, Mediterranean, Herman's tortoise. Living at home, these turtles can also plunge into winter sleep, although this does not always happen.

All types of tropical tortoises, Egyptian, Tunisian, Panther, Indian, African tortoises, as well as the kinix tortoise, do without hibernation. A warm climate and an abundance of food help reptiles do without rest. Biologists warn that if you try to hibernate turtles that do not need wintering, they may die.

Some types, for example, red-eared turtles, may sleep or not sleep in winter, depending on the climate, the area in which they live. As a rule, the red-eared turtle lives in fresh water. If it freezes for the winter, the turtle goes to winter quarters and sleeps peacefully until spring. If the climate is warm and the pond is not freezing, the turtle may not sleep all winter.

At home, hibernation of the red-eared tortoise is not an obligatory phenomenon. If she likes everything, enough food and warmth, she can survive the winter without rest. Sometimes hibernation may occur in individuals that have recently been removed from natural conditions and continue to live according to the laws of nature. It goes away with time in some individuals.

Hibernation is also necessary for the red-eared turtle if it is planned to get offspring from it next year.


In autumn, when the turtle is about to hibernate, it starts eating less, no need to be surprised. Metabolism in turtles is truly "turtle", the activity of the digestive system slows down, the body digests food within 2-4 weeks.

It is not necessary to put the turtle into hibernation if undigested food remains in the intestines. The gases that are released during this can cause serious harm to the health of the turtle. If you notice that the reptile has become slow and inactive, stop feeding it, for it during this period, hunger is better than feeding. The ambient temperature can be slightly reduced, and the daylight hours can be reduced.

But 2 months before hibernation, the turtle needs to be well fed so that it can accumulate enough nutrients and nutrients in the body. Indeed, during wintering, the reptile loses up to 50% of its weight.

Warm baths that can be done for the turtle 1-2 days before hibernation will help activate digestion. While bathing, she will be saturated with water, because she has the ability to absorb water with her skin, and get rid of food debris in the intestines.

On the eve of hibernation, the turtle should be healthy, with a normal weight. If the weight and general condition of the animal cause you concern, you should not artificially hibernate it. And if she fell asleep herself, keep her in a warm and dry terrarium with good ventilation.

In nature, the turtle hibernates, burrowing into the sand or silt, the same conditions should be tried to create for her at home. It is not necessary to carry silt home, but dry, clean sand in a box will do just fine. Good material fallen leaves or moss will become for our purposes, thanks to them there will be normal temperature and humidity in the terrarium.

You can do without sand and leaves if you put small pieces of paper into the box. The newspaper is not suitable for these purposes - it has harmful printing ink. A box with a sleeping turtle should be in a dry room with a positive temperature.

It is advisable to maintain the temperature during hibernation at the same level, within + 5-6 degrees. Temperature from +2 to +10 degrees Celsius is allowed. If a for a long time keep a sleeping turtle at a temperature of +2 and below, or +10 and above, it can become seriously ill or die.

The duration of wintering depends on the size - 3-3.5 months will be enough for small turtles to hibernate. The red-eared turtle hibernates for 4-5 months.

Can you sleep in the refrigerator?

Biologists recommend placing turtles in the refrigerator during hibernation, because it is easy to maintain the same temperature there. First, the turtle is placed in a cardboard box, which is not much larger than the animal, the voids are covered with torn paper, and placed in a refrigerator with a temperature of +12 degrees. The temperature is reduced every day by 1 degree, until it reaches +5.

For wintering in the refrigerator, the turtle can be buried in a substrate of soddy soil, sand and fine gravel. The mixture layer above the turtle should be within 8-9 cm, but so that it does not suffocate, the refrigerator door should be opened for 10-15 minutes every 2 days.

Pleasant awakening

Coming out of hibernation important point in the life of a turtle, and she needs help to cope with this task. How to bring a turtle out of hibernation? All autumn supplies are used up, the turtle wakes up weak, emaciated and vulnerable to infections. At this moment, she needs care and quality nutrition more than ever.

After the turtle comes out of hibernation, it is warmed with a lamp or a fan heater, then a “bath day” is arranged - in a small container with warm water. The turtle should bathe for about 10 minutes, so the water balance in her body will be restored.

After hibernation, water procedures should be repeated every day for a week. They can be stopped when the reptile urinates for the first time. At first, her urine will be thick and dark yellow, but gradually the toxins will come out, and she will again acquire a light color.

Now you can “sit down at the table”, of course, if her appetite woke up along with the turtle. At first, the reptile may refuse food, this is normal, everything will gradually recover.

By what signs can you determine that the turtle has safely emerged from hibernation? A healthy reptile will have a pink or orange tongue with no coating. If it is bright red, the animal may be infected with something. The eyes should be clear and clean, also free of plaque and secretions.

which differ in size. They are not difficult to keep at home, but some species require the organization of sleep, and in this regard, the owners have a number of questions:

  • Does the red-eared turtle need to hibernate if it is not in natural conditions?
  • Why do they hibernate?
  • What needs to be done so that the turtle does not fall asleep?
  • What is the function of hibernation for turtles?
  • What is the sleep period of the red-eared turtle?

Hibernation of red-eared turtles at home

Usually, under conditions, they do not need hibernation, especially if it is supported. They may hibernate or low temperatures, or at high, thus escaping from cold or heat, and sometimes from a lack of food.

But there are instances that are ready to hibernate, regardless of the conditions of detention. In this case, they should be helped and organize a kind of wintering. Hibernation of red-eared turtles has a positive effect on individuals in terms of obtaining offspring.

Arrangement of hibernation

The fact that the turtle should organize hibernation can be determined by the following outward signs: the turtle moves little, and, at the same time, often yawns. It can hide in the corner of the aquarium and stay there for a long time in a stationary state. To begin with, you should consult with a veterinarian and, if her behavior is not associated with some kind of disease, begin preparing the turtle for hibernation.

Two months before the start of hibernation, the turtle should also increase the number of feedings. This is necessary so that the turtle can stock up on all the necessary nutrients. During hibernation, the turtle loses up to half its weight.

During the last week, the turtle is not fed at all, and during the day she needs to arrange several bath procedures so that she can completely empty her intestines.

But that's not all, the main thing is to find a suitable place with a temperature of +1°С to +6°С. Such a room may be a cold basement, but in our time it is very difficult to find. It must be accustomed to such a temperature gradually, otherwise it can die if it is immediately transferred to such a place.

But that's not all. It is very important that in such a place it is supported high humidity air. You can prepare a special mixture of leaves and moss: the moss will retain moisture, and the leaves will let air through freely. In this state, it can be from 3 to 5 months.

The process of bringing a turtle out of hibernation is gradual. First, raise the temperature in the room, and then bathe the turtle in warm water. After wintering, return to normal life it will be difficult for the turtle, therefore, for the first 2-3 days it does not need to be fed, and then you can gradually offer it this or that food in small quantities. As soon as the pet starts to eat, then everything is in order, and he is ready to start a new life.

As can be seen from the organization of the process, this is a rather difficult process that is very difficult to organize artificially. In nature, the turtle itself knows when to hibernate, what needs to be done for this, and how long it needs to sleep. Moreover, she does the exit from hibernation on her own, since her body is programmed in the appropriate way. In addition, she herself is able to find an appropriate place, especially since in natural conditions this is not a problem.

It is much more difficult to organize this process at home, so everything must be done so that the turtle does not sleep.

So, you have acquired an exotic beauty - a red-eared water turtle. How do you know if red-eared turtles hibernate? You notice that the pet began to behave strangely: yawns, does not show its former activity, is in some kind of stupor for a long time. This is not a reason for premature excitement. Just a reptile falls into seasonal hibernation. Hibernation of red-eared turtles at home is common, although not always desirable. Remember! Hibernation turtles at home is not a necessity for a reptile! This condition is due to climate change in natural environment habitat, and at home can be detrimental to your pet.

There are also individuals in whom the natural instinct manifests itself in any microclimate in the house. This is for the best, because such individuals reproduce better. In winter and autumn, daylight hours are significantly reduced, and not only reptiles, but also people lack natural light. If you decide to breed reptiles or just want to put your pet into hibernation, you need to do this from about November to February, even if the pet does not show obvious signs of sleep.


So, how does the hibernation of red-eared turtles go at home? Approximately 2 months before hibernation, transfer the pet to enhanced nutrition so that she can store as much as possible. nutrients. This is important, because during hibernation, animals lose weight by almost 2 times. It is useful to give the turtle special nutritional supplements (they are sold in a pet supply store). But a week before bedtime, the animal needs to stop feeding altogether.

In order for the red-eared turtle to hibernate, gradually reduce the temperature of the pet's content to 10 degrees. It is impossible to sharply reduce the temperature, as this can provoke the death of a reptile from temperature shock. Just before hibernation, do not forget, at the same time it will cleanse the intestines.

Ideal temperature regime during sleep - from 1 to 6 degrees of heat. This mode can be provided by placing the animal, for example, in the basement. However, be careful. Hypothermia is disastrous for red-eared turtles. It is also necessary to maintain an optimal mode of humidity. It can be provided by moistened moss and leaves. This environment is well ventilated.


A few words about how to bring the red-eared turtle out of hibernation. If the conditions are good, then the duration of hibernation is 3-5 months. Immediately after waking up, you can’t feed the animal, you need to wait until it digestive system won't start working. Wash the animal in warm water, this will speed up the awakening process. The hibernation must not be too long. Gradually raise the temperature of the reptile, thereby stimulating the process of awakening. If you do not do this, the animal can completely weaken.

Many animals living in the temperate climate zone, hibernate to better survive the winter. In the cold season, the total number, as well as the duration sunny days decreases sharply, and due to the fact that the body temperature of turtles directly depends on temperature environment, these animals are forced to hibernate in winter so as not to die from hypothermia. In the state of hibernation, their heart rate noticeably decreases, metabolism and respiration also slows down, and any movement is minimized, which makes it possible to rationally use the fat reserves accumulated during the active period of the year.

The process of hibernation for turtles is extremely important, because it directly affects the production of offspring. Experts say that adults should sleep for about 6 months, from about October to the end of March, and for young animals, as a rule, this period can be 1-2 months. With age, the duration of the winter sleep period should only be increased. In the event that the turtle is unhealthy, then before falling into hibernation, it must be cured.

How do you know when a turtle is about to hibernate?

As a rule, turtle activity drops sharply in October. You can easily notice that the animal begins to eat poorly, the reaction becomes dull, and the movements become slower than usual. In addition, the animal is constantly looking for a quiet dark place where it usually tries to hide its head. It is during this period that you need to start preparing the turtle for winter sleep.

In mid-September, the turtle must be taken to the veterinarian to make sure that the animal is completely healthy. In the terrarium, dim or completely turn off the lighting and, thus, reduce ambient temperature up to 18C.


If the turtle does not fall into a state of perfect rest within 8 to 10 days after all these events, it is likely that she is sick with something.
How to take care of a turtle during hibernation?

The most suitable place for the wintering turtle can be an ordinary cardboard box or a wooden box. In this case, it will be easier to observe the animals. Immediately during hibernation, it is necessary to weigh the turtle every 5-6 weeks and monitor the decrease in its body weight. Normal weight loss is up to 10% of the total weight in adults and up to 15% in young animals. In the event that the turtle loses weight more than these allowable norms, it is recommended to interrupt the hibernation process and show the animal to the veterinarian.

Equipment for wintering:

The box or box should be chosen from solid grades of cardboard, preferably with a lid. It should be approximately 70x70x80 cm in size, and there must be holes or slots in the lid so that a sufficient amount of oxygen enters the turtle. You can do without a lid, but then the box must be filled with a large amount of dry leaves or hay. Before that, about 10 cm, the box must be filled with ordinary earth, taking care that it does not contain clay, impurities and various small debris.

Room temperature:

The ideal temperature of the room, for example, the basement in which the box will be located, should be +5 - +8 C.


It is not necessary to feed the turtle during hibernation.

Awakening after hibernation

After about 3 to 4 months of winter sleep, the turtle should wake up on its own. If this did not happen, then the animal should be removed from the box and placed in a terrarium, after raising the temperature in it to 20 - 22C. You can also leave the turtle in the crate, but move it to room temperature. After the turtle has woken up and started moving on its own again, the following steps must be taken. The first step is to bathe the animal in cool from 24 to 26C. At the same time, the turtle must drink a lot, restoring the water balance in the body. After that, place her in the terrarium, turn on the lights and offer fresh food. In the first days after hibernation, the turtle may consume a minimal amount of food, but this is normal.

Wintering in the ground

If the premises desired temperature it was not possible to pick up, it is quite possible to equip a place for hibernation on personal plot or in the garden. To do this, the box must be placed in the ground, and on top and sides, so that the animal does not suffer from frost, insulate it with a half-meter layer of leaves or straw, having previously secured the turtle's winter shelter from rats and other animals with a protective metal mesh.

Wintering in the fridge

Another alternative to a suitable cool room for successful wintering is the use of a refrigerator. In this case, the following factors must be taken into account. First, the refrigerator must be large enough so that the box can be freely in it for a long time. And secondly, it should not be used to store food. When doing this, you should keep in mind that the back wall of the refrigerator is usually colder than the front, so the box with the turtle should not be placed close to the walls. In addition, once a day, you need to open the refrigerator for a while, thus maintaining natural air circulation. The temperature should be kept constantly at the level of +4 - +7C.

1. After waking up, the turtle must be bathed in water, the temperature of which should be approximately 24 - 26 C. At the same time, the turtle should drink a lot. After that, you should move the animal to a terrarium or a special box and turn on the lighting.

Like any other creature on the planet, the turtle can die. This happens due to illness, improper maintenance, old age. Death from old age is extremely rare, especially when kept at home. Usually, by adulthood, a turtle accumulates and makes itself felt a number of diseases. To prevent premature death, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the pet, create for him all the necessary and close to natural conditions maintenance and feeding. And in case of malaise, apathy, lack of appetite or other alarming signs, contact a veterinary herpetologist. At the initial stage of the disease, the percentage of successful treatment is higher.

But often in an animal like a turtle it is difficult to determine whether it is really dead or is in a state of hibernation, a coma. In doubtful cases, it is better to leave the turtle for a day, and then re-determine (usually after such a period the picture becomes clearer).

To do this, we will describe some criteria by which you can make a conclusion about the condition of the turtle.

  1. If the turtle was kept on a cold floor, in a terrarium or was in a state of hibernation, transported in a container without heating, then first such an animal must be warmed by placing it in warm water (but so that the turtle does not drown and choke), and then under a heating lamp . If there is no activity after that, then evaluate the following items.
  2. Determine the presence of reflexes. The corneal reflex and the pain reflex are especially indicative. To determine the pain reflex, you can prick the paw of the turtle with a needle, in the presence of pain, the turtle pulls back the paw, moves it. The corneal reflex is expressed in the closure of the eyelid in response to irritation of the cornea. That is, it is necessary to touch the cornea and determine whether the turtle reacts to this by closing the lower eyelid.
  3. The next thing to do is to open the turtle's mouth and check the color of the oral mucosa. In a live turtle, it is pink (may be pale or bright pink, depending on the condition), in a dead one, it is bluish-gray (cyanotic).
  4. When checking the color of the mucous membranes in the mouth, one can assess the presence of respiratory movements by opening and closing the laryngeal fissure at the base of the tongue. The laryngeal fissure opens during inhalation and exhalation, the rest of the time it is closed. If there is no movement of the laryngeal fissure, or it is constantly open, then, most likely, the turtle is no longer breathing.
  5. If after you open your mouth, it remains in such an open state, this already indicates that the turtle has rigor mortis.
  6. Heartbeat, unfortunately, cannot be determined at home without special medical equipment.
  7. Sunken eyes can serve as an indirect sign of death. But, of course, you should not use it as the only sign.
  8. At the stage of cadaveric decomposition, a characteristic unpleasant odor appears from the animal.

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