Alisa Freindlich: For three quarters of my life I thought that everything was still ahead. Alisa freindlich and her quotes Alisa freindlich sayings about life

Tourism and rest 22.08.2019
Tourism and rest

My only mistake: for three quarters of my life I thought that everything was still ahead.

I take no pleasure in seeing that people, along with other freedoms, have gained freedom from conscience.

How longer man keeps childhood in himself, the longer the talent given to him by nature lasts.

I'm not interested in people who don't give their soul.

All our lives we sign that we do not know ourselves to the end.

Stress is the best diet.

Loneliness is when there is no one to give yourself to.

Some have a job, others have a destiny.

Happiness is love. Although, if love is not mutual, this, of course, can hardly be called happiness, but inside oneself it is still happiness, because it is much more harmonious, more beneficial, it is much more important to love, and not to be loved. To be loved is good, but to love is still some kind of movement within yourself, a movement of your being.

All my life I loved children's books and even now sometimes I read them.

Beauty educates people, it is one of the most serious ways of moral influence.

Sitting for a long time waiting is somehow obscene. This is wasteful and unfair to one's destiny.

Attraction of the mind gives birth to respect, attraction of the soul gives birth to friendship, attraction of the body gives rise to desire. All this together is love. If at least one component is missing, you will get anything but love.

To “ride” only on what God has given means to “fall off your horse” very soon.

When you are young, you want to receive and learn. When you are mature and have already learned a lot, you want to share it, give energy. And then, when you are already old, you need the same “potter” nearby to grow geraniums together.

Recall that we have already shared!

Alisa Brunovna Freindlikh - born December 8, 1934, Leningrad, USSR. Soviet, Russian actress theater and cinema, People's Artist of the USSR. She starred in films - "Family Happiness", "Straw Hat", "Office Romance", "D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers", "Stalker", "Cruel Romance", "Moscow Nights", "On Upper Maslovka", "Women's logics".

Aphorisms, quotes, sayings, phrases - Freindlich Alisa Brunovna

  • I rarely cry in my life.
  • I always aim for the unknown.
  • Rest on stage is a crime.
  • As long as there are forces, I will work.
  • Always felt the fashion ahead.
  • Inspiration doesn't come by order.
  • Each period of life has its own interests.
  • Without a child, I would not respect myself now.
  • In Moscow, I love separate corners, streets, and Leningrad - the whole.
  • I never allow myself to splash out in public, in front of strangers.
  • All my life I loved children's books, and even now I sometimes read them.
  • I feel very sad when I cannot get out into the forest. I love picking mushrooms.
  • All my partners, with very few exceptions, I love dearly.
  • Talent is something that you must multiply and direct in the right direction.
  • I love to look at a burning fire - whether it be a fireplace, a stove or a candle.
  • To “ride” only on what God has given means to “fall off your horse” very soon.
  • My eternal longing for a failed role is connected with Bulgakov's Margarita.
  • I will not lie and say that this is not necessary. Plastic surgery needed.
  • My only mistake: for three quarters of my life I thought that everything was still ahead.
  • It is pure madness to think that the whole world consists entirely of theatergoers and moviegoers.
  • My fans were more concerned about my work than my feminine essence.
  • The greater the interest of the viewer, the greater the responsibility to meet this interest.
  • The charm of my city from childhood entered the soul and bewitched for the rest of my life.
  • There are actors that I like as actors and I don't like at all as men. And vice versa.
  • Beauty educates people, it is one of the most serious ways of moral influence.
  • Having reached certain heights, you cannot relax, believing that you are a national treasure.
  • While I was very young, I ran through life without stopping, there was no time to even think about children.
  • I, accustomed to the atmosphere of the theater, long rehearsals, gradual comprehension of the role, it is difficult in the cinema.
  • Sitting for a long time waiting is somehow obscene. This is wasteful and unfair to one's destiny.
  • External life develops in nervous forms of staccato, while internal life, on the contrary, looks like a peaceful legato.
  • Much more I like to receive guests at home, because the atmosphere is more pleasant and everyone feels freer, more cheerful.
  • Any actor has to suffer a lot, you have to go through fire and water and copper pipes to become a true master.
  • I would prefer complete peace, but life dictates its rhythms, and they have to comply, and there are less and less forces.
  • A thread with the audience is tied only when there is an energy flow from the artist to the audience - the audience instantly responds to sincerity and depth.
  • If you spend yourself too generously on your private life, live it too passionately, then on the stage it remains only to scrape out the remnants with a spoon, and everything turns out very poor.
  • Attraction of the mind gives birth to respect, attraction of the soul gives birth to friendship, attraction of the body gives rise to desire. All this together is love. If even one component is missing, you will get anything but love.
  • When you are young, you want to receive and learn. When you are mature and have already learned a lot, you want to share it, give energy. And then, when you are already old, you need the same “potter” nearby to grow geraniums together.

Alisa Brunovna - a hereditary actress, was born on December 8, 1934 in Leningrad. Approximately six generations of her ancestors were born in St. Petersburg, who were both royal pharmacists and gardeners.

Father, Bruno Arturovich Freindlich, a German by birth, was an actor and mother Ksenia Fedorovna Fedorova was an actress, but then left the profession, worked at a factory.

Before the war, the parents broke up - the father was evacuated with the theater to Tashkent, so as not to subject the family to repression against hereditary Germans. Alice and her mother stayed in Leningrad, survived the famine and blockade.

Father returned to Leningrad after the war, but with new family. The daughter maintained a relationship with her father. It was under his influence that she decided to become an actress. In 1957 she graduated from the Leningrad Theater Institute. A. N. Ostrovsky.


  • In 1957-1961 - actress of the Leningrad Drama Theater. V.F. Komissarzhevskaya;

  • In 1961-1983 - the leading actress of the Academic Theater. Lensoviet;

  • Since 1983 he has been serving at the Bolshoi Drama Theater. Tovstonogov. Lives in St. Petersburg.

Actress Alisa Freindlich is also a singer. People's Artist USSR, laureate of four State Prizes of the Russian Federation.

The theater was always in the first place for her, and in the cinema for many years she appeared in supporting roles. 1976 was a turning point for the actress when director Eldar Ryazanov invited her to play the lead female role in the comedy Office Romance.

Today, viewers continue to watch this film again and again. The filmography of the actress includes more than 60 films.

The height of the actress is -1.53 ​​m, weight 60 kg, zodiac sign - Sagittarius.

A little about personal

First marriage to fellow student Vladimir Karasev (1956-1957).

With Igor Vladimirov

The second marriage is with the artistic director of the Lensoviet Theater Igor Vladimirov, from whom she has a daughter, Varvara, who also became an actress. After nearly 20 years life together they broke up. "We broke up with Igor Petrovich, because he was a big lover of women." (A. Freindlich)

With daughter Barbara

The third time Alisa Brunovna married Yuri Soloviev. At that time, he was a young actor at the Lensoviet Theatre. But this marriage did not last long. At present, Alisa Brunovna is completely happy, because she has a daughter, Varvara, a son-in-law and beloved grandchildren.

Quotes by Alice Freindlich

“I was born in a house on St. Isaac's Square. The cathedral was clearly visible from the windows of our apartment, and a five-minute walk from the house stood the famous Bronze Horseman, and such a breathtaking view of the Neva opened up with its kind of super beauty. The charm of my city from childhood entered the soul and bewitched for the rest of my life ... "

“I believe that something is prescribed for a person. But I understand that everyone is given a chance. Here is a fairy tale: if you go, there will be three roads in front of you - one will lead there, and the other will lead there. Story. There will always be some option. If you have enough common sense or intuition, do the right thing.

“I came to the conclusion that it is better to listen to intuition. There were times when I listened to my first inner message - and it turned out to be correct. But if I started to think and chose something else, then later I regretted it.

“Happiness is love. Although, if love is not mutual, this, of course, can hardly be called happiness, but inside oneself it is still happiness, because it is much more harmonious, more beneficial, it is much more important to love, and not to be loved. To be loved is good, but to love is still some kind of movement within yourself, the movement of your being.

“People are losing morality at such a frenetic pace that I get scared for my grandchildren. They fall into this atmosphere and will grow in it. What will come of them when they grow up and begin to choose their own values, when they have almost nothing to choose from ”

“Loneliness is when there is no one to give yourself to”

“The longer a person keeps childhood in himself, the longer the talent given to him by nature lasts”

“The attraction of the mind gives birth to respect, the attraction of the soul gives birth to friendship, the attraction of the body gives rise to desire. All this together is love. If at least one component is missing, you will get anything but love"

“While you are young, you want to receive and learn. When you are mature and have already learned a lot, you want to share it, give energy. And then, when you are already old, you need the same “potter” nearby to grow geraniums together.”

Among the actresses there are spectacular, bright, talented, and there are truly charismatic, unlike anyone else.

Among the actresses there are spectacular, bright, talented, and there are truly charismatic, unlike anyone else. They are not afraid to be funny or ugly in their roles, and this makes their true beauty only more noticeable. One of these actresses Alisa Brunovna Freindlikh.

We admire the talent and wisdom of this amazing woman.

15 graceful quotes by Alice Freindlich

1. My only mistake: for three quarters of my life I thought that everything was still ahead.

2. I do not feel pleasure seeing that people, along with other freedoms, have gained freedom from conscience.

3. The longer a person keeps childhood in himself, the longer the talent given to him by nature lasts.

4. I'm not interested in people who don't give their soul.

5. All our lives we sign that we do not know ourselves to the end.

6. Stress is the best diet.

7. Loneliness is when there is no one to give yourself to.

8. Some have work, others have fate.

9. Happiness is love. Although, if love is not mutual, this, of course, can hardly be called happiness, but inside oneself it is still happiness, because it is much more harmonious, more beneficial, it is much more important to love, and not to be loved. To be loved is good, but to love is still some kind of movement within yourself, a movement of your being.

10. All my life I loved children's books and even now I sometimes read them.

11. Beauty educates people; this is one of the most serious ways of moral influence.

12.Sitting for a long time waiting is somehow obscene. This is wasteful and unfair to one's destiny.

13. The attraction of the mind gives rise to respect, the attraction of the soul gives rise to friendship, the attraction of the body gives rise to desire. All this together is love. If at least one component is missing, you will get anything but love.

14. "Ride" only on what God has given - it means very soon "fall off the horse."

15. When you are young, you want to receive and learn. When you are mature and have already learned a lot, you want to share it, give energy. And then, when you are already old, you need the same “potter” nearby to grow geraniums together. published

Tomorrow one of the most outstanding actresses of our country, the unique Alisa Freindlich, turns 82 years old. We congratulate the charismatic artist and never cease to admire her talent and wisdom. Well, enjoy the wonderful quotes of Alisa Brunovna

My only mistake: for three quarters of my life I thought that everything was still ahead.

I take no pleasure in seeing that people, along with other freedoms, have gained freedom from conscience.

The longer a person keeps childhood in himself, the longer the talent given to him by nature lasts.

I'm not interested in people who don't give their soul.

Photo: 5

All our lives we sign that we do not know ourselves to the end.

Stress is the best diet.

Loneliness is when there is no one to give yourself to

Photo: Photo: Photo: 8

Some have a job, others have a destiny.

All my life I loved children's books and even now sometimes I read them.

Happiness is love. Although, if love is not mutual, this, of course, can hardly be called happiness, but inside oneself it is still happiness, because it is much more harmonious, more beneficial, it is much more important to love, and not to be loved. To be loved is good, but to love is still some kind of movement within yourself, a movement of your being.

Photo: 11

Beauty educates people, it is one of the most serious ways of moral influence.

Attraction of the mind gives birth to respect, attraction of the soul gives birth to friendship, attraction of the body gives rise to desire. All this together is love. If even one component is missing, you will get anything but love.

Sitting for a long time waiting is somehow obscene. This is wasteful and unfair to one's destiny.

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