High-ranking heirs: what do the wives and children of the Russian prime minister, his deputies and presidential envoys do? High-ranking heirs of the Wives and children of members of the Russian government

Tourism and rest 24.11.2023
Tourism and rest

For my son - an airplane and an elite military ID, for my daughter - a tutu and assets

First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov has four children. Two of them had already reached adulthood - and immediately fell into a share. Family hectares of land near Moscow and foreign real estate are now in “children’s” accounts. The eldest daughter of Igor Shuvalov dances at the Bolshoi, and during breaks inspects the estates. Alexandrina Elagina, Sofya Savina and Mikhail Shubin found out how the children of Igor Shuvalov settled down.

Father: the beginning of a career path

The small village of Bilibino in Chukotka. It was here that the future Deputy Prime Minister, lover of luxurious life and mansions, Igor Shuvalov, was born. Who his parents were - the official biography is silent, but after some time the family moved to Moscow.

In 1993, Shuvalov graduated from the Law Faculty of Moscow State University and went to work as an attaché in the legal department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In the same year, the minor official was introduced to businessman Alexander Mamut, who invited him to work at his law office, ALM-Consulting. Shuvalov is tasked with transporting cash and selling offshore companies.

Two years later, Shuvalov heads the law office, and Mamut introduces him to Roman Abramovich, Alisher Usmanov and Oleg Boyko, who at that time were clients of ALM-Consulting. The latter made Shuvalov a partner, offering him a share in his business.

By 1997, Shuvalov became a dollar millionaire. In the same year, according to Meduza, three businessmen with whom Mamut introduced Shuvalov got him a job at the State Property Committee (the department was responsible for the privatization of state property). From this moment on, Shuvalov's career is rapidly going up.

Igor Shuvalov

A year later, he rose to deputy head of the State Property Committee, then headed the Russian Federal Property Fund, and by 2000 became chief of the government apparatus. After a conflict with Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov in 2003, Shuvalov moved to the presidential administration to the position of assistant to Vladimir Putin. There he coordinates a working group that developed measures to double GDP and eliminate poverty. These topics were the main ones in the Federal Address of the President in May 2003. In 2005, Shuvalov became Putin's personal representative in the G8.

Nine years after starting his career in the public sector, in 2008, Shuvalov was appointed to the post of first deputy chairman of the Russian government. Only President Dmitry Medvedev, who has taken office, does this. The First Deputy Chairman is trusted to head the commission for the development of the Far East and the Baikal region, as well as the commission to counter the consequences of the global financial crisis.

In subsequent years, Deputy Prime Minister Shuvalov was involved in priority projects. He prepares the APEC 2012 summit in Vladivostok, is responsible for the Universiade in Kazan, and holds a closed meeting with the heads of Russian state-owned companies after the collapse of the ruble in December 2014. After the start of the war in Ukraine and Russia’s attempt to “turn to the East,” it was the first deputy chairman of the government who was responsible for economic relations with Asian countries. Until 2016, the Deputy Prime Minister coordinated the preparations for the FIFA World Cup, which will be held in 2018 in Russia.

Palaces and planes

While working on the most important tasks for the country, Shuvalov did not forget about himself. During this time, he acquired luxury apartments, palaces, his own plane and corgi dogs.

By 2012, Shuvalov began to earn more than anyone in the government. His income for that year was 226 million rubles. His wife earned no less - her income amounted to 222 million rubles. In the same year, the Financial Times and The Wall Street Journal published materials stating that the Shuvalov family bought Gazprom shares in the amount of $18 million in 2004. The deal was registered in the offshore fund of the official’s wife.

A year later, trade in Gazprom shares was liberalized, the Shuvalovs received a profit of $100 million. At that time, Shuvalov was an assistant to the president, and according to publication sources, he could not directly lobby the decision on liberalization. The Shuvalov family earned another $70 million through joint transactions with Usmanov’s structures on the eve of the 2008 global financial crisis. Sources close to Shuvalov categorically denied the promotion of Usmanov’s interests in Russia by the Deputy Prime Minister.

In 2012, oppositionist Natalya Pelevina published photographs of the Shuvalov Palace in the village of Zarechye near the Moscow Ring Road. One and a half thousand square meters of living space, a tennis court and a swimming pool, fenced with a high fence and hidden in the forest.

Real estate of the Shuvalov family: an apartment in London, a palace in Zarechye, a castle in Austria, the Tsar’s apartment on Kotelnicheskaya Embankment in Moscow. Photo: navalny.com

Two years later, it turned out that the Shuvalov family had a house in Austria with an area of ​​1,480 square meters. meters. For a long time, Shuvalov denied ownership and stated that he was only renting this castle. However, he later confirmed that the house was registered to a company that belongs to his wife.

Shuvalov's daughter and corgi in Austria. Photo: Instagram.com

In the same year, Maria posted a photo with the geotag Salzburg: in it, together with a corgi, she stands on the pier of the Austrian Shuvalov Castle, which Alexei Navalny told about. The lanterns from the pier in the photographs he published exactly match the lanterns on Maria Shuvalova’s Instagram. In the same place in January 2017, Shuvalov’s youngest daughter, Anastasia, was photographed. Judging by the photographs, she also stayed there in June.

Shuvalov's children in an Austrian castle

© Slon.ru, 05/28/2010

Ivan Golunov

State banks and state-owned companies seem to have already become traditional places for employment of children of high-ranking officials. And the 32-year-old son of Nikolai Patrushev, Dmitry, has risen highest on this path. He headed the fourth bank in terms of assets and capital in the country - Rosselkhozbank.

The editors of Slon.ru decided to collect information about where the wives and children of other high-ranking Russian officials work. It turned out that not only the son of the Governor of St. Petersburg Valentina Matvienko, Sergei, works in VTB structures, but also the eldest son of Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak, Alexey, who gave up trying to create his own business during the crisis. The son-in-law of the presidential envoy to the Northwestern Federal District Ilya Klebanov, Andrey Praskurin, works as a top manager at the National Media Group. And the children of Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov work at Gazprombank and VEB.

But, however, there are other examples. Some heirs prefer to build a career without the protection of their parents. The son of Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Zhukov, Peter, is a co-owner of the small Moscow bank Unifin, the daughter of Alexei Kudrin teaches vocals and acting, her mother opened the Brothers Karamazov mini-hotel in St. Petersburg, and the sons of the plenipotentiary representative in the Siberian Federal District Alexander Kvashnin are professional racing drivers.

Vladimir Putin
Victor Zubkov
Igor Shuvalov
Sergey Ivanov
Dmitry Kozak
Alexey Kudrin
Igor Sechin
Sergei Sobyanin
Alexander Zhukov
Georgy Poltavchenko
Ilya Klebanov
Vladimir Ustinov
Alexander Khloponin
Grigory Rapota
Nikolay Vinnichenko
Anatoly Kvashnin
Victor Ishaev

Wives and children of members of the Russian government

Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich

Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation
Marital status: married, two daughters.

Wife: Putina Lyudmila Alexandrovna(maiden name - Shkrebneva)

Head of the Russian Language Center in Kaliningrad.
Born on January 6, 1958 in Kaliningrad. In 1975, she graduated from Kaliningrad secondary school No. 8. She worked as a postman, then as an apprentice revolver turner at the Kaliningrad Torgmash plant, where she received the 2nd category, and as a flight attendant on domestic routes in the Kaliningrad air squad. In July 1983 she married Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. In 1986 she graduated from Leningrad State University with a degree in philologist and novelist. From 1990 to 1994 she taught German at the teacher training department of Leningrad State University. In 2001, she took the initiative to create a Russian Language Center in Kaliningrad, which she later headed.

Daughter: Putina Maria Vladimirovna Born on August 31, 1986 in the German Democratic Republic. She graduated from the German school in Moscow. Gaza at the German Embassy. In 2009, she received a bachelor's degree from the Oriental Faculty of St. Petersburg University, majoring in Japanese. Zubkov Viktor Alekseevich


Wife: Zubkova Zoya Mikhailovna
Born in the Novgorod region. Graduated from the Leningrad Agricultural Institute. She worked as deputy chief accountant at the Pervomaiskoye state farm (Priozersky district of the Leningrad region), headed by her husband. Then she worked in an industrial agricultural association. In 2007, she headed Nefertiti Salon LLC.

Daughter: Pokhlebenina Yulia Viktorovna
Head of the aqua fitness club "Parus" in St. Petersburg.
She graduated from high school in Priozersk, Leningrad region. In 1985 she entered the Institute of Finance and Economics (now St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance). At the end of 2006, having defended a dissertation on the topic “Justice as a form of state activity and a legal guarantee of ensuring the legal status of an individual: a theoretical and legal aspect” in graduate school at the St. Petersburg Humanitarian University of Trade Unions, she became a candidate of legal sciences. Pokhlebenina is also the author of the article “Guarantees of human and civil rights and freedoms in the field of justice.”

She worked in a number of banks in St. Petersburg.

The first time she married the son of the first secretary of the Priozersk city committee of the CPSU Gennady Pokhlebenin - Nikolai. According to the Unified State Legal Entities, Yulia and her first husband founded JSC Sever in 1993. In 2002 she married Anatoly Serdyukov.

In a number of media outlets, Yulia Pokhlebenina appeared as the head of the Parus aqua fitness club in St. Petersburg. Parus is owned by Salon Nefertiti LLC (Revenue in 2007 - 4.7 million rubles), which also owns two beauty salons in St. Petersburg. According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the sole owner of Nefertiti Salon LLC is Viktor Mikhailovich Smirnov. However, in 2007, the company was headed by Yulia Pokhlebenina’s mother, Zoya Zubkova.

Married to Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov, daughter Anastasia from her first marriage, daughter Natalya from her second marriage. Shuvalov Igor Ivanovich

First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation

Wife: Shuvalova Olga Viktorovna
Born on March 27, 1966. She worked as a secretary in court for several years, and then entered the law faculty of Moscow State University, where she met her husband, Igor Shuvalov. In 1993, she graduated from Moscow State University with a diploma in civil law. She got a job at the Institute of Public Law of the Academy of Sciences, and for some time she worked with her husband at the ALM-Consulting company. According to SPARK, in 2009 Olga Shuvalova became a co-owner of the Zarechye-Development company, which owns land in the village of the same name in the Odintsovo district near the Moscow Ring Road, where the Skolkovo business school is located, and plans to build a Russian “silicon valley” (before crisis, the owner of these lands was the Norteko Development company of Roman Abramovich, who donated a small plot of his property for the construction of the Skolkovo business school). According to minimal estimates, Zarechye-Development owns more than 250 hectares near Skolkovo. It is still unclear whether the Kremlin “innograd” will occupy this territory. The company is currently building a business center on lands adjacent to the Moscow Ring Road.

Son: Shuvalov Evgeniy Igorevich
Born in 1993. Receives secondary education at the private Moscow Economic School. He is interested in swimming, sambo and horse riding.

Daughter: Shuvalova Maria Igorevna
Born in 1998. She studies rhythmic gymnastics with Irina Viner.

Daughter: Shuvalova Anastasia Igorevna
Born in 2002 Ivanov Sergey Borisovich

Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation
Marital status: married, two sons.

Wife: Ivanova Irina Sergeevna
Born in 1953. Has a higher economic education. In 1999–2004 was responsible for corporate finance and reporting at Solvay Pharma LLC, which is the representative office of the Belgian chemical and pharmaceutical concern Solvay Pharmaceuticals in Russia. According to Novaya Gazeta, Irina Ivanova has been working at the Central Bank since 2004.

Son: Ivanov Sergey Sergeevich
Deputy Chairman of the Board of Gazprombank
Born in 1980 in Leningrad. In 2002, he graduated from MGIMO with a degree in finance and credit. In 2002–2003 worked as a leading specialist in the investment attraction department of the Gosinkor company. From 2003 to 2005 - chief expert of the international projects department of Gazprom. In January 2005, he was appointed vice president of Gazprombank, in charge of the client block, and since February 2008, a member of the board. He is on the boards of directors of Atomstroyexport, Gazprombank-invest, Gazprombank Leasing and other companies.

Son: Ivanov Alexander Sergeevich
Vice President of the State Corporation "Vnesheconombank"
Born in 1977 in Leningrad. Graduated from an economics university. From 2004 to 2006, he worked at VTB Bank and served on the board of directors of its Ukrainian subsidiary Vneshtorgbank (Ukraine). Since 2007, he has worked at Vneshenokombank as director of the structured and debt financing department.

In May 2005, he hit and killed an elderly woman crossing the street in Moscow. In November 2005, the criminal case was closed. Kozak Dmitry Nikolaevich

Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation
Marital status: married for the second time, two sons from his first marriage.

Wife: Kvacheva Natalia Evgenievna Born on November 15, 1962. According to SPARK, in 2004 she co-founded Gift Studio LLP LLC, which was subsequently liquidated.

Son: Kozak Alexey Dmitrievich

Investment manager of the department of direct investments and special projects at VTB Capital (since 2009). Born on January 12, 1984. In 2005, he graduated from the Higher School of Economics with a diploma in “Specialist in Economics and Firm Finance.” After graduating from university, he took the position of head of the capital markets department at MacBright&Partners, a company specializing in real estate transactions. According to SPARK, Alexey Dmitrievich Kozak is a co-owner of Red LLC, McBright LLC and Yuva LLC (field of activity: civil works). In 2008, he worked at the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation.

Son: Kozak Alexander Dmitrievich President of the Northern Crown Charitable Foundation
She received a higher education with a degree in journalism. Before her marriage to Alexei Kudrin, she worked at RAO UES of Russia as an assistant for a member of the company’s board of directors, Andrei Trapeznikov, and after her marriage, for some time, as a financial observer at the Interfax agency. In 2000, together with Elena Voitsekhovich (the wife of Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Zhukov’s assistant) and Maria Margevich, she established the Northern Crown charity foundation, which helps orphanages and boarding schools. According to Tinyakova, in 2008 the annual budget of the fund was about $150,000 - 250,000, of which 20% went to administrative expenses. Northern Crown has branches in New York and London.

In 2002, Tinyakova, together with producer Alexander Dostman, metal trader Alexander Karmanov (ETK-Holding) and fashion designer Valentin Yudashkin, established Valentin Yudashkin Group OJSC, in which she received a 13.5% stake. According to SPARK, the turnover of one of the subsidiaries of the Valentin Yudashkin Group - Trade Union LLC - in 2007 amounted to 47 million rubles.

At the same time, Tinyakova took part in another business project - Ambi XXII LLC, which planned to start producing artificial sapphires. Tinyakova’s partner in this business was Murtazali Rabadanov, who headed the laboratory of X-ray structural analysis at the Institute of Crystallography of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the director of which was the brother of a major entrepreneur, a friend of Vladimir Putin, Yuri Kovalchuk, Mikhail.

Ex-wife: Sharova Veronika Olegovna
Director of the Brothers Karamazov Hotel
Born on May 31st. In the 1980s, she worked at the Institute of Socio-Economic Problems, where she met her husband, then a correspondent for the newspaper St. Petersburg Echo, press secretary of the Imperial Bank. She divorced Alexei Kudrin after he moved to Moscow. In the mid-2000s, next to the museum-apartment of Fyodor Dostoevsky in St. Petersburg, she opened the Brothers Karamazov mini-hotel.

Daughter: Kudrina Polina Alekseevna

Born in 1987. Graduated from gymnasium No. 56 in St. Petersburg. In 2004 she entered the Faculty of Journalism of St. Petersburg University. In October 2009, together with friends, she founded Art Center Grand Prix LLC, which offers training services in vocals, acting, and music theory. In April 2010, she got into an accident: her friend, businessman Mikhail Matvienko, lost control of his Range Rover and drove into the window of a lingerie store on Nevsky Prospekt.

Son: Kudrin Artem Alekseevich
Born in 1998 Sechin Igor Ivanovich

Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation
Marital status: married, daughter.

Wife: Sechina Marina Vladimirovna
According to media reports, he is engaged in the construction business.

Daughter: Ustinova Inga Igorevna
Born in April 1982. Graduated from the St. Petersburg Mining Institute. In 2004, she worked at Surgutneftegazbank. In 2005, she went on maternity leave. She is married to Dmitry Ustinov, the son of the presidential envoy to the Southern Federal District Vladimir Ustinov, and has a son born in 2005. Sobyanin Sergei Semyonovich
Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation
Marital status: Married, two daughters

Wife: Sobyanina Irina Iosifovna (nee Rubinchik) Student at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts and Industry named after. A.L. Stieglitz.
Born on October 2, 1986. She studied at gymnasium No. 1 and the children's art school in Khanty-Mansiysk. In 2003, she entered the full-time department of the Faculty of Monumental Art of the St. Petersburg State Academy of Arts and Industry named after. A.L. Stieglitz. She dreams of becoming a designer and loves the work of Dima Bilan. Lives in St. Petersburg.

Daughter: Sobyanina Olga Sergeevna

Born in 1997. She studies at a Moscow school. Zhukov Alexander Dmitrievich

Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation

Wife: Zhukova Ekaterina Vladimirovna
Received a legal education. Since 2004, he has been a member of the board of trustees of the children's social fund "Republic of Sports". According to her husband, she is engaged in housekeeping and charity: she helps orphanages in the Moscow region.

According to SPARK, Ekaterina Vladimirovna Zhukova is the founder of Studio Image LLC (field of activity - engineering) and co-owner of Scientific-Editorial Technologies-21st Century CJSC, which is headed by the head of the church-scientific center of the Russian Orthodox Church "Orthodox Encyclopedia" and the executive secretary of the "Bolshoi" Russian encyclopedia" Sergey Kravets. Previously, Zhukova was a co-owner of Raduga-P ​​CJSC (field of activity - marketing and engineering) and Art-K LLC (organization and holding of exhibitions), which were subsequently liquidated.

Son: Zhukov Petr Alexandrovich
Member of the Supervisory Board of Bank Unifin
In 2004, he graduated with honors from the Faculty of Law of the Higher School of Economics. Candidate of Economic Sciences (dissertation topic: “Sustainable development of an enterprise in market uncertainty and the mechanism for ensuring it”). According to SPARK, in 2003, Zhukov, together with his fellow students, established Corporate Projects LLC and First Independent Rating Agency LLC, which carries out market research on behalf of clients (revenue in 2008 - 21.2 million rubles). For some time he worked at Vneshprombank, co-owned by the son of State Duma Deputy Speaker Artur Chilingarov, Nikolai, and the brother of former Minister of Health Mikhail Zurabov, Alexander. From 2004 to 2007 he worked in the London office of the Swiss UBS Investment Bank. Since January 2006, he owned 20% of the shares of the small Moscow bank Unifin. In the spring of 2007, when UFG Private Equity Fund I, managed by Boris Fedorov, acquired 50% of the shares of this credit institution, Zhukov reduced his stake to 4.6%. Since March 2007, Zhukov has been a member of the bank's supervisory board.

In April 2007, Pyotr Zhukov was sentenced to 14 months in prison by the London Southwark District Court for beating British banker Ben Ramsey. After serving his sentence, Zhukov returned to Russia.

Wives and children of presidential envoys

Poltavchenko Georgy Sergeevich

Presidential Envoy to the Central Federal District
Marital status: married, son.

Wife: Poltavchenko Ekaterina Leonidovna
Translator and art critic

Son: Poltavchenko Alexey Georgievich
Born in 1985. Studied at gymnasium No. 631 in the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg. Graduated from the Moscow Law Academy. Klebanov Ilya Iosifovich

Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy to the Northwestern Federal District
Marital status: married, son and daughter.

Wife: Klebanova Evgenia Yakovlevna
She worked in the LOMO association, where she met her husband.

Son: Klebanov Konstantin Ilyich
Born in 1988. Third-year student at the St. Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics.

Daughter: Praskurina Ekaterina Ilyinichna
General Director of Viribus LLC
Born in 1977. Graduated from St. Petersburg University of Economics and Finance. He has headed Viribus LLC since 2003 (this company is one of the major shareholders of OJSC LOMO (16.129%), in 2004 it owned 4.9% of St. Petersburg Promstroybank, which was subsequently sold to VTB Bank). Since 2008, Viribus has owned 38.89% of FOR Group LLC, a large fishing company that has ten vessels with a total capacity of up to 800 tons of fish products per day. The fishery is conducted in the northern, northeastern and southern parts of the Atlantic.

In 2008, Viribus LLC was at the center of a scandal: officials of the city property management committee of St. Petersburg tried to evict the tenants of several premises on Moskovsky Prospekt and lease them to Viribus LLC.

Married to Andrei Praskurin. In 2000, their son was born.

Son-in-law: Praskurin Andrey Vitalievich

Deputy General Director for Economics and Finance of National Media Group CJSC, First Deputy General Director of the Ren TV media holding
Born on May 30, 1977 in Leningrad. In 1999 he graduated with honors from the Faculty of Economics of the St. Petersburg University of Economics and Finance. From 1997 to 2000 he worked in an investment company. In 2000–2002 - Auditor of financial organizations at PricewaterhouseCoopers, 2002–2004. - Deputy Director of the Corporate Finance Directorate of OJSC Industrial Construction Bank (now VTB North-West). In 2004–2008 - member of the board of directors and chairman of the board of CJSC Russian Industrial Bank (the bank served the financial flows of a number of companies included in Svyazinvest, organized their bond issues and owned 34.7% of the RTK-Leasing company, which purchases equipment for the companies of this state holding ). From 2007 to 2008, he headed the board of directors of OJSC RTK-Leasing. Since February 2008 - Deputy General Director for Economics and Finance of CJSC National Media Group. Since October 2009 - First Deputy General Director of the Ren TV media holding. Ustinov Vladimir Vasilievich

Presidential Envoy to the Southern Federal District
Marital status: married, has a son and daughter.

Wife: Ustinova Nadezhda Alexandrovna

Son: Ustinov Dmitry Vladimirovich
Born in 1979. Graduated from the FSB Academy. In 2005–2007 worked as an employee of the presidential administration of the Russian Federation. In the summer of 2006, he contacted the police about the theft of a briefcase containing 16,000 rubles from his Toyota car, parked in Moscow on Nezhinskaya Street.

Married to Inga Igorevna Ustinova (daughter of Deputy Prime Minister Igor Sechin), they had a son in 2005.

Daughter: Ustinova Irina Dmitrievna
Assistant prosecutor of the Khostinsky district of Sochi. Lives in Sochi. Khloponin Alexander Gennadievich

Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy to the North Caucasus Federal District, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation.
Marital status: married, daughter

Wife: Khloponina Natalya Zurabovna(Maiden name - Kuparadze)
Born in Moscow, in a Georgian family. Graduated from the Moscow Financial Institute (now the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation). I was assigned to the tax office of the Kyiv district of Moscow, but immediately went on maternity leave. She is engaged in interior design and architectural projects; it is known that she was responsible for the redevelopment project of the governor's office in Krasnoyarsk, made after her husband took over the post of head of the region.

In 1999, Khloponina, together with the architect Dmitry Dolgiy, registered LLC Architectural Studio “Koncept Design KD” (K.D. Concept Design). Since 2000, Natalya Khloponina left the company’s founders, but this did not affect the studio’s relationship with clients in the regions led by her husband: in the mid-2000s, the company carried out projects to paint residential buildings in Norilsk “in bright, positive colors » commissioned by Norilsk Nickel and the administration of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Daughter: Khloponina Lyubov Alexandrovna

Student at the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation.
Born on August 14, 1987. Graduated from school in Moscow. After graduating from school, she entered the London School of Economics in the Department of Economics and Politics, scoring 43 points with a passing level of thirty-eight. In 2007, after completing her first year, she dropped out of school in London and returned to Moscow, entering the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation at the Faculty of International Economic Relations. Rapota Grigory Alekseevich

Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy to the Volga Federal District.
Marital status: married, son and two daughters.

Wife: Samolis Tatyana Viktorovna
Consultant to the Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service on issues of interaction with the media
Since 1974, she worked at the Pravda newspaper, where she rose from correspondent to deputy editor of the department of letters and public opinion research. In 1986, she published the famous article “Cleansing,” in which she criticized the system of party nomenklatura, which was slowing down perestroika. From 1991 to the early 2000s, she worked as press secretary of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation.

Son: Rapota Maxim Grigorievich
Deputy Head of the Financial and Economic Department of the State Corporation "Russian Technologies"
Born in 1969. From 2000 until the liquidation of the Federal Agency for Industry (Rosprom), he held the position of deputy head of the property complex department. Since 2009 he has been working at the Russian Technologies State Corporation. At first he was a specialist of the 2nd category in one of the departments of the financial and economic department, then he became the deputy head of this division.

Daughter: no data

Daughter: no data Vinnichenko Nikolay Alexandrovich

Presidential Envoy to the Ural Federal District.
Marital status: married, son.

Wife: Ilyicheva Elena Vladimirovna
Judge for civil cases of the second instance of the St. Petersburg City Court
Graduated from the Faculty of Law of Leningrad University. Zhdanova. Since the early 1990s - people's judge of the Vasileostrovsky District People's Court of St. Petersburg. Since 1999 - judge of the St. Petersburg City Court.

In 2005, in St. Petersburg, Ilyicheva was attacked by robbers; they took her bag, which contained about 5,000 rubles, mobile phones, work ID and car documents.

The son was born in January 1993. He studied at a regular St. Petersburg school. According to his father, “he’s a good guy, but there needs to be more discipline.” Kvashnin Anatoly Vasilievich

Presidential Envoy to the Siberian Federal District.
Marital status: married, two sons.

Wife: Kvashnina Natalya Petrovna

Manager of the Business Development Department at the Siberian Branch of NPF Norilsk Nickel
Born in the village of Kirovo, Kurgan region. I met my future husband at school. In 1970 she graduated from the Kurgan State Pedagogical Institute with a degree in English teacher. After college, she taught language at school and kindergarten in the city of Mirny. After her wedding with Anatoly Kvashnin, she moved to Dushanbe, where her husband served in a tank division. Then, together with her husband, she “served” in Kazakhstan and Belarus. She accompanied humanitarian supplies to Chechnya.

From 2000 to 2002, she worked as deputy head of the department for work with enterprises of the military-industrial complex of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "State Investment Corporation" (Gosinkor). In 2002, Natalya Kvashnina was invited to work at Rosoboronexport, but she refused. From 2002 to 2007, she held the positions of Deputy General Director for Development of Oranta Insurance Company LLC and Deputy General Director of the Promregionsvyaz Pension Fund. In 2007, she moved to her current place of work.

Son: Kvashnin Alexander Anatolievich

Born on April 1, 1973 in Dushanbe. Secondary education. After completing military service in the border troops, he became interested in auto racing. He made his debut in 1998 in autocross in UAZ cars. In 1998–2006 repeatedly became the winner and prize-winner of stages of the Russian autocross championship using cars of this brand. In 2007 he became the silver medalist of the European Autocross Championship in the first division. Champion of Russia and Europe in autocross. In the current team he drives a Renault Clio Turbo 4x4. Single.

Son: Kvashnin Sergey Anatolievich

Member of the ProtechMSport racing team - CSKA
Born June 12, 1975. Race driver, competes for the ProtechMSport team - CSKA. In 2005, he took 3rd place at the European Autocross Championship, and in 2008, he won one of the stages of this championship.

At the end of 2008, he was detained for beating a police officer. Subsequently, the Moscow prosecutor's office refused to initiate a criminal case against Sergei Kvashnin, citing reconciliation between the parties.

He is married to Nelly Kvashnina, they have a son, Grigory Sergeevich Kvashnin.

According to SPARK, Alexander and Sergey Kvashnin are co-owners of CNN Guaranty LLC and Intas LLC. Their partner in Intas is the president of the Rostix Group, Ordovsky-Tanaevsky Blanco, and the “daughter” of Intas is the Academy of the Union of Cossack Troops, which owns buildings in Tsaritsyno Park. In addition, Sergey Kvashnin may be related to the Moscow Ford car dealer - the Avtopassazh company. Ishaev Viktor Ivanovich

Job title: Presidential Envoy to the Far Eastern Federal District
Marital status: married, two children

Wife: Ishaeva Lyubov Grigorievna
According to Khabarovsk media, he is involved in charity work.

Daughter: Ishaeva Yulia Viktorovna
She studied at the Faculty of Finance of the Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law. Lives in Moscow

Son: Ishaev Dmitry Viktorovich
Consultant at Petrotrade-M LLC
Born: September 17, 1972 Graduated from the Pacific Naval University (TOVMU) in Vladivostok. From 1998 to the early 2000s. - Advisor to OJSC NK Rosneft. Since the mid-2000s, he has lived in Moscow and, together with partners Vadim Zak and Oleg Lamnev, has been engaged in the wholesale sale of petroleum products, building materials and metal. According to SPARK and the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Dmitry Ishaev is a co-owner of the companies Transbunker-Center LLC, TD Mezhresurs CJSC, Petrovsky Zavod Trading House LLC, LuxExpoService LLC, Petrotrade-M LLC (the latter’s revenue in 2008 - 2.5 billion rubles). These companies have repeatedly taken part in tenders announced by various government agencies of the Khabarovsk Territory, in particular, for the supply of fertilizers for agriculture, as well as thermal and electrical energy.

Dmitry Ishaev appeared in criminal chronicles several times: in the case of beating a policeman and in the case of the suicide of his girlfriend in Ishaev’s Moscow apartment..

Married to Olesya Ishaeva (maiden name - Quiet). He is raising his son, Igor Dmitrievich Ishaev.

Despite the fact that Igor Ivanovich Shuvalov occupies a high position (and was considered as a candidate for even higher positions), he shies away from publicity. He is shown infrequently on TV, so it is unlikely that the majority of the Russian population knows him by sight. On the one hand, he is a performer to the core, who does not have his own opinion and easily changes patrons. On the other hand, Shuvalov is really rich, has serious administrative experience, and has established connections in the government apparatus and among big business.

Shuvalov Igor Ivanovich, born on January 4, 1967, native of the village. Bilibino, Chukotka National District, Magadan Region.

Graduated from the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov. Has an academic degree of Candidate of Legal Sciences.

After graduating from university, he worked for some time as an attaché in the Legal Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry, then was a senior lawyer and director of the ALM-Consulting law bureau. At the same time he was engaged in business.

In 1997, he was appointed head of the Department of the State Register of Federal Property of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for State Property Management. In 1998, he became Deputy Minister of State Property, overseeing issues of cooperation with financial institutions. He also became a member of the board of directors of ORT OJSC.

In 1998, Shuvalov was appointed chairman of the Russian Federal Property Fund. At the same time, he represented the interests of the state in a number of large commercial structures, such as Gazprom, OJSC Russian State Insurance Company and OJSC All-Russian Exhibition Center.

In 2000, he became the head of the apparatus of the Government of the Russian Federation with the rank of minister. In 2003, for a short time he was an assistant to the President of the Russian Federation, then he was appointed deputy head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

Since May 12, 2008, he has been First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. Supervises the economic block, as well as transport and communications issues. Chairman of a number of government and interdepartmental commissions.

Shuvalov I. I. has the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III and IV degrees, the Order of Honor, the Order of Alexander Nevsky, the Order of Merit for the Republic of Tatarstan. Honorary citizen of Kazan.

Married, has three children.

Closest relatives:

Sister (step-sister): Lebova-Shuvalova Elena Ivanovna, born June 18, 1962, director of the Istok children's creativity center in the Severnoye Chertanovo district of the Southern Administrative District of Moscow.

Wife: Shuvalova Olga Viktorovna, born March 27, 1969, housewife. Journalists have repeatedly written that in reality she is engaged in the sale of land plots in the near Moscow region, offshore business and trading in shares of Russian raw materials companies, but she officially denies all this.

Son: Shuvalov Evgeniy Igorevich, born 05/06/1993. He is known for the fact that in the period from 2011 to 2012 he served in military service at the Pacific Fleet reconnaissance point on Russky Island near Vladivostok. According to some reports, he appeared there only once - at the oath-taking ceremony.

Daughter: Shuvalova Maria Igorevna, born on August 4, 1998, student at the School of Ballet Arts at the Moscow Academy of Choreography. Previously, she studied rhythmic gymnastics with Irina Viner.


Voloshin Alexander Stalyevich, born 03/03/1956, Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC Uralkali and OJSC First Freight Company, former head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. Shuvalov met him through Mamut. It was Voloshin who lobbied for the appointment of Shuvalov to the cabinet of Mikhail Kasyanov, and then recommended him to Dmitry Medvedev for the post of deputy head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation. Currently there is no relationship.

Dvorkovich Arkady Vladimirovich, born March 26, 1972, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, former assistant to the President of the Russian Federation. Close business contacts were established with Shuvalov. They are hardware allies.

Ivlev Pavel Petrovich, born on January 6, 1970, lawyer. Currently wanted and permanently residing in the United States. We have known Shuvalov since the 1990s, from the time we worked together at the ALM law office. Currently they are in an extremely hostile relationship. According to some reports, it was through Ivlev that information about Shuvalov’s illegal income came to Alexei Navalny.

Kasyanov Mikhail Mikhailovich, December 8, 1957, former Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation. Voloshin recommended him to Shuvalov. While working in Kasyanov’s office, Shuvalov actually took charge of all issues. Ultimately, their relationship deteriorated and Kasyanov initiated the removal of Shuvalov from the Government of the Russian Federation.

Medvedev Dmitry Anatolyevich, born September 14, 1965, Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation. Despite the fact that Shuvalov is his deputy in the cabinet of ministers and oversees the economic bloc, he is making every effort not to be considered “Medvedev’s man.”

Mamut Alexander Leonidovich, born January 29, 1960, entrepreneur, financier. Shuvalov owes his career to Mamut. However, Shuvalov subsequently “changed the alliance”, moving from Mamut to Voloshin.

Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich, born 10/07/1952, President of the Russian Federation. Shuvalov demonstrates in every possible way that he is a loyal member of the “Putin team.” However, despite all the demonstrations of loyalty, Putin completely does not trust Shuvalov, although he does not give rise to accusations against him.


According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Igor Ivanovich Shuvalov is the founder of the following structures:

1. Limited Liability Company "Sova Real Estate". TIN 5032268112; OGRN 1135032005734. Main activity: Preparation for sale, purchase and sale of own real estate.


The remaining share of 2,000 rubles belongs to Sova Real Estate LLC itself.

2. Limited Liability Company "Open Assets". TIN 7704840190; OGRN 1137746612101. Main activity: Investments in securities.

The function of the sole executive body was transferred to Profdir Management Organization LLC, TIN 7704707670.

The size of the authorized capital is 100,000 rubles.


Shuvalov Igor Ivanovich, share in the authorized capital - 49,000 rubles;

Shuvalova Olga Viktorovna, share in the authorized capital - 49,000 rubles.

The remaining share of 2,000 rubles belongs to Open Assets LLC itself.

In addition, Olga Viktorovna Shuvalova is the founder and general director of the Non-Profit Partnership for the operation of residential buildings and improvement of local areas “Zarechye-4”. TIN 5032152076; OGRN 1065000028444. Main activity: Management of the operation of non-residential assets.

The general director was Olga Viktorovna Shuvalova.

No authorized capital is provided.

The founders were:

ArbaTower LLC, TIN 7704230282;

Shuvalova Olga Viktorovna.

The son of Shuvalov I.I., Shuvalov E.I., is the founder of the Limited Liability Company “Marine Fortune Investments”. TIN 5032269035; OGRN 1135032006548. Main activity: Real estate management.

The function of the sole executive body was transferred to Profdir Management Organization LLC, TIN 7704707670.

The size of the authorized capital is 100,000 rubles.

The founder was Evgeniy Igorevich Shuvalov.

Food for thought:

Despite the fact that Igor Ivanovich Shuvalov was born in the village of Bilibino on the very edge of the vast Soviet Union, where his parents were on a geological expedition, his entire adult life was spent in Moscow. He graduated from a Moscow school, tried, unsuccessfully, to enter the economics department of Moscow State University, then worked as a laboratory assistant at the Moscow Ecos Research Institute, which was an analytical center of the USSR Ministry of Communications Industry.

But in 1985, Igor still had to leave Moscow in order to pay his civic duty in the ranks of the Armed Forces. Shuvalov first served in the 63rd Guards Training Division of the Leningrad Military District in Sertolovo, and then in the 75th Guards Tank Regiment of the 45th Guards Motorized Rifle Division of the same district in Kamenka, Leningrad Region. Having retired to the reserve with the rank of sergeant, Igor entered the preparatory department (the so-called workers' faculty) of Moscow State University and in 1988 became a student at the university's Faculty of Law.

Igor Ivanovich studied quite well, at the same time he went in for sports and was active in the Komsomol. The girls were simply crazy about him, so Shuvalov literally basked in the rays of female attention to his person. But, ultimately, his classmate Olya, with whom he is still happily married to this day, won the victory for Igor Ivanovich’s heart. And, it should be noted, she was right with her choice.

It seemed that after graduation, Shuvalov had a good career ahead of him. However, by the time Igor Ivanovich received his diploma from Moscow State University, the situation in the country had changed dramatically. The USSR collapsed, “wild capitalism” came to the country, and once prestigious structures suddenly lost their attractiveness. But Shuvalov was not at a loss. After working for a while in the Legal Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he went to work at the ALM-Consulting law bureau of the Moscow Bar Association, where they paid much more than at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The name of the bureau in which Igor Ivanovich got a job as a senior lawyer stood for “Alexander Leonidovich Mamut.” The son of a Moscow State University professor, himself a lawyer by training, Mamut did not get lost in the murky waters of Russian business in the “roaring nineties” and occupied a strong niche in it, going from a simple co-operator to the owner of the Imperial Bank, which serviced the accounts of Gazprom and Lukoil. Shuvalov was behind Alexander Leonidovich, like behind a stone wall. Soon Igor Ivanovich headed the law office. At the same time, he became the founder of a number of companies. One of these companies, CJSC ORT - Consortium of Banks, united the capital of banks that hold shares in Public Russian Television (ORT), in the creation of which Shuvalov’s boss Mamut actively took part.

In 1997, Igor Ivanovich, under the patronage of Mamut, entered the public service, taking the position of head of the Department of State Register of Federal Property of the State Property Committee. At the same time, Shuvalov’s candidacy was approved by the then all-powerful First Deputy Prime Minister Anatoly Chubais. Anatoly Borisovich liked Igor Ivanovich, so much so that when the State Property Committee was transformed into a ministry in 1998, Shuvalov became deputy minister. In this position, he oversaw issues of cooperation with financial institutions.

In May 1998, Igor Ivanovich, again under the patronage of Mamut, was appointed acting. about the chairman of the Russian Federal Property Fund (RFFI) in place of Igor Lipkin, who left this post officially for health reasons, but in reality due to the fact that he “did not work well” with Mamut. Three months later, Shuvalov was appointed to the position by decree of Yeltsin, who worked with documents “without regaining consciousness.” On it, he outlasted not only Sergei Kiriyenko, but also the next heads of the Government of the Russian Federation - Yevgeny Primakov and Sergei Stepashin, passing from them “by inheritance” to Vladimir Putin. Igor Ivanovich’s acquaintance with the head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, Alexander Voloshin, also dates back to this period. Since Voloshin was at loggerheads with Mamut, Shuvalov quickly took his bearings, going over to the side of Alexander Stalyevich, breaking off all contacts with Alexander Leonidovich.

In 2000, the new President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, instructed Mikhail Kasyanov to form the cabinet of ministers. On Voloshin’s recommendation, Igor Ivanovich received the post of chief of staff of the prime minister with the rank of minister. In his new post, Shuvalov acquired serious influence. He adjusted the clerical work of the apparatus, took over all paperwork, began to slowly interfere in the work of ministries, and ultimately actually turned into Kasyanov’s unofficial deputy. It got to the point that problems began to be “solved” precisely through Igor Ivanovich, bypassing the prime minister, who was losing weight in the apparatus.

Of course, Kasyanov could not like all this. Mikhail Mikhailovich repeatedly complained to both Voloshin and Putin himself about the arbitrariness of his deputy. Finally, his complaints had an effect. Shuvalov was replaced by Konstantin Merzlikin, who was Kasyanov's man. And Igor Ivanovich became an assistant to the President of the Russian Federation. Five months later, he was appointed deputy head of the Presidential Administration. Moreover, Voloshin recommended him for this post to his successor Dmitry Medvedev.

Informed people said that Shuvalov's appointment was made with a long-range view. It was expected that after his victory in the 2004 elections, Putin would replace the head of the Government Kasyanov, and Igor Ivanovich was named as a possible candidate for his place. However, the cabinet of ministers was headed by Mikhail Fradkov, and Shuvalov remained on Staraya Square for the entire second term of Putin, being a deputy first to Medvedev and then to Sergei Sobyanin.

In his post, Igor Ivanovich was remembered for being the representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the G8 and preparing the St. Petersburg summit of this organization in 2006. In narrower circles, he is also remembered for the fact that he managed to “botch” the preparation of the annual message of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly. As a result, this message, scheduled for the end of April 2006, was announced by Putin only in May. However, no organizational conclusions were made regarding Shuvalov and he remained in his position.

In 2008, after Medvedev became President of the Russian Federation, Igor Ivanovich took the post of assistant to the new head of state, but literally a few days later, at the request of Vladimir Putin, he became first deputy prime minister. In this position, he coordinated the activities of the Government of the Russian Federation to mitigate the consequences of the global financial crisis, dealt with issues of socio-economic development of the Far East, headed the government commission on economic development and integration within the CIS, and prepared Russia's accession to the WTO. Well, after the resignation in 2011 of Deputy Prime Minister and permanent Minister of Finance Alexei Kudrin, the entire economic bloc of the Government was focused on Shuvalov.

Literally immediately after his appointment as First Deputy Prime Minister, Igor Ivanovich headed the organizing committee for preparations for the 2012 APEC summit in Vladivostok. The city soon turned into a giant construction site. At the same time, a cable-stayed bridge across the Eastern Bosphorus Strait to Russky Island, a similar bridge across the Zolotoy Rog Bay, and a new campus of the Far Eastern Federal University were erected. All these projects were criticized due to high costs, but Shuvalov did not react to it, declaring that there would be no “Potemkin villages” in Vladivostok. True, the Accounts Chamber subsequently revealed large-scale financial irregularities in the process of preparing the summit, but “second-order” officials, such as former Deputy Regional Development of the Russian Federation Roman Panin and head of the Far Eastern Directorate of the Ministry of Economic Development Oleg Bukalov, answered for them. Igor Ivanovich remained above suspicion.

Shuvalov also actively lobbied for the idea of ​​​​creating a giant state corporation for the development of the Far East. But, ultimately, this idea of ​​Igor Ivanovich did not receive the approval of President Putin, who did not want to create another bureaucratic center of power, of which there were already many. Instead of creating a state corporation, the positions of Minister for the Development of the Far East and Plenipotentiary Representative of the Far Eastern Federal District were divided, and Viktor Ishaev, who occupied them, resigned. Yuri Trutnev, close to Shuvalov, became the plenipotentiary representative, and Alexander Galushka, a completely colorless and dependent person, became the minister. Igor Ivanovich had to be content with at least this half-hearted hardware victory. Shuvalov also “quietly” managed to “break through” the program for the socio-economic development of the Far East and Transbaikalia for the period until 2025, for the implementation of which it is planned to allocate about 10 trillion rubles.

In addition to Far Eastern affairs, Igor Ivanovich also headed the organizing committee of the 2013 Universiade, which was held in Kazan, and after that he almost immediately began coordinating the preparation process for the 2018 World Cup. In a word, Shuvalov always stayed close to financial flows. At the same time, neither President Putin nor the head of the Government Medvedev had and never had any questions for Igor Ivanovich. However, it cannot be said that questions do not arise for Shuvalov at all.

Thus, in 2011, the US Securities and Exchange Commission released information about Igor Ivanovich’s participation in transactions for the acquisition of assets on American territory in the amount of $319 million, as well as the provision of a loan to him for these purposes in the amount of $119 million at astronomical 40 percent per annum. Meticulous journalists got to the bottom of the fact that the Shuvalov family acquired Gazprom shares worth approximately $18 million through the Sevenkey company registered in the Bahamas. This information was published on Alexei Navalny’s blog. At the same time, an opposition blogger posted scans of documents indicating that tens of millions of dollars were transferred to Igor Ivanovich’s accounts from the companies of Roman Abramovich and Alisher Usmanov.

Shuvalov immediately countered these accusations, saying that he earned these funds as an entrepreneur, and now they are in trust. That is, there is no violation of the law. Soon the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation did not discover any violations. Well, the most honest Igor Ivanovich, as it turned out, was most vilely slandered by his former lawyer Pavel Ivlev, who is wanted by Interpol in the case of embezzling $2.4 billion that belonged to the YUKOS company. It was Ivlev, allegedly manipulating the facts, who “leaked” false information to Navalny. Shuvalov even held a special press conference on this issue. Journalists, of course, believed his arguments, but still an unpleasant aftertaste remained.

It did not strengthen faith in Igor Ivanovich’s crystal honesty that at the end of December 2013, the co-chairman of the RPR-PARNA party, Boris Nemtsov, using a public service on the website of the Federal Tax Service for checking tax debts, determined that Shuvalov allegedly had arrears in payment transport tax in the amount of more than 300,000 rubles. Of course, almost immediately it became clear that the Federal Tax Service service has a number of shortcomings and is not able to promptly reflect recently paid taxes; in fact, as of the end of December, all the debts of the First Deputy Prime Minister and members of his family were repaid, and Nemtsov was simply engaged in unconstructive "trolling". But just in case, access to the Federal Tax Service service was limited.

If we are talking about Igor Ivanovich’s family, then I would like to say a few words about his wife. He has been married to Olga Viktorovna for more than twenty years. Moreover, he acted like a true gentleman, walking his classmate down the aisle after she found out that she was expecting a child from him. Currently, Olga Shuvalova is engaged in business, and quite successfully, her annual income ranges from 300 to 500 million rubles, and some media outlets even wrote that she sells land plots in close proximity to the Skolkovo innovation center.

However, Olga Viktorovna herself indignantly rejects all this. According to her, her annual income is a consequence of the fact that her husband, when leaving for civil service, transferred all his assets to her and officially indicated this in the declaration. In fact, Olga Shuvalova does not have any business. The specified condition and assets are actually located in the management company, and Shuvalova does not have access to operational decisions on the management of these funds. And again, everyone took the venerable Olga Viktorovna at her word, despite the fact that the Shuvalov family owns two apartments in the center of Moscow, a country plot near Skolkovo that looks more like a count’s estate, and a whole fleet of expensive foreign cars.

People who know him note that Igor Ivanovich knows how to make an impression. He dresses stylishly, has excellent manners, is erudite, in a word, he does not give the impression of a stupid boss. Although, if there are no TV cameras or ladies nearby, he might sneak a salty word into his speech. By the way, as for ladies, Shuvalov is a big fan of them. And how can such an impressive man not be a ladies' man? So, Olga Viktorovna is always forced to be on the alert and keep herself in shape, so that her husband will look around less.

Despite the fact that Igor Ivanovich Shuvalov occupies a high position (and was considered as a candidate for even higher positions), he shies away from publicity. He is shown infrequently on TV, so it is unlikely that the majority of the Russian population knows him by sight. On the one hand, he is a performer to the core, who does not have his own opinion and easily changes patrons. On the other hand, Shuvalov is really rich (despite the fact that, acting like a fool, he portrays himself as a disinterested person), has serious administrative experience, has established connections in the government apparatus and among big business, and knows how to work with people. In a word, he is quite capable of making a career leap to the very top of the imperious Olympus. In addition, he was not originally part of the current St. Petersburg team.

Maybe that’s why Igor Ivanovich never became Putin’s “successor” in 2008, or even prime minister. In addition, evil tongues claim that Shuvalov’s true interests lie outside Russia. That’s why President Putin keeps him in the position of First Deputy Prime Minister without any prospect of “promotion.” And the “stuffing” about Shuvalov’s unjust capital is not done without reason. Despite the fact that Igor Ivanovich always gets away with it, successfully fending off accusations against him, a certain residue still remains. As they say, either it was stolen from him, or he stole it.

State banks and state-owned companies seem to have already become traditional places for employment of children of high-ranking officials. And the 32-year-old son of Nikolai Patrushev, Dmitry, has risen highest on this path. He headed the fourth bank in terms of assets and capital in the country - Rosselkhozbank.

The editors of Slon.ru decided to collect information about where the wives and children of other high-ranking Russian officials work. It turned out that not only the son of the Governor of St. Petersburg Valentina Matvienko, Sergei, works in VTB structures, but also the eldest son of Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak, Alexey, who gave up trying to create his own business during the crisis. The son-in-law of the presidential envoy to the Northwestern Federal District Ilya Klebanov, Andrey Praskurin, works as a top manager at the National Media Group. And the children of Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov work at Gazprombank and VEB.

But, however, there are other examples. Some heirs prefer to build a career without the protection of their parents. The son of Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Zhukov, Peter, is a co-owner of the small Moscow bank Unifin, the daughter of Alexei Kudrin teaches vocals and acting, her mother opened the Brothers Karamazov mini-hotel in St. Petersburg, and the sons of the plenipotentiary representative in the Siberian Federal District Alexander Kvashnin are professional racing drivers.

Wives and children of members of the Russian government

Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich

Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation
Marital status: married, two daughters.

Wife: Putina Lyudmila Alexandrovna(maiden name - Shkrebneva)
Head of the Russian Language Center in Kaliningrad.

Born on January 6, 1958 in Kaliningrad. In 1975, she graduated from Kaliningrad secondary school No. 8. She worked as a postman, then as an apprentice revolver turner at the Kaliningrad Torgmash plant, where she received the 2nd category, and as a flight attendant on domestic routes in the Kaliningrad air squad. In July 1983 she married Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. In 1986 she graduated from Leningrad State University with a degree in philologist and novelist. From 1990 to 1994 she taught German at the teacher training department of Leningrad State University. In 2001, she took the initiative to create a Russian Language Center in Kaliningrad, which she later headed.

Daughter: Putina Maria Vladimirovna

Born on April 28, 1985 in Leningrad. She graduated from the German school in Moscow. Gaza at the German Embassy. Maria was on the list of students at the Faculty of Biology at St. Petersburg University. Upon admission, I scored eight out of ten possible points.

Daughter: Putina Katerina Vladimirovna

Born on August 31, 1986 in the German Democratic Republic. She graduated from the German school in Moscow. Gaza at the German Embassy. In 2009, she received a bachelor's degree from the Oriental Faculty of St. Petersburg University, majoring in Japanese.

Zubkov Viktor Alekseevich


Wife: Zubkova Zoya Mikhailovna

Born in the Novgorod region. Graduated from the Leningrad Agricultural Institute. She worked as deputy chief accountant at the Pervomaiskoye state farm (Priozersky district of the Leningrad region), headed by her husband. Then she worked in an industrial agricultural association. In 2007, she headed Nefertiti Salon LLC.

Daughter: Pokhlebenina Yulia Viktorovna
Head of the aqua fitness club "Parus" in St. Petersburg.

She graduated from high school in Priozersk, Leningrad region. In 1985 she entered the Institute of Finance and Economics (now St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance). At the end of 2006, having defended a dissertation on the topic “Justice as a form of state activity and a legal guarantee of ensuring the legal status of an individual: a theoretical and legal aspect” in graduate school at the St. Petersburg Humanitarian University of Trade Unions, she became a candidate of legal sciences. Pokhlebenina is also the author of the article “Guarantees of human and civil rights and freedoms in the field of justice.”

She worked in a number of banks in St. Petersburg.

The first time she married the son of the first secretary of the Priozersk city committee of the CPSU Gennady Pokhlebenin - Nikolai. According to the Unified State Legal Entities, Yulia and her first husband founded JSC Sever in 1993. In 2002 she married Anatoly Serdyukov.

In a number of media outlets, Yulia Pokhlebenina appeared as the head of the Parus aqua fitness club in St. Petersburg. Parus is owned by Salon Nefertiti LLC (Revenue in 2007 - 4.7 million rubles), which also owns two beauty salons in St. Petersburg. According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the sole owner of Nefertiti Salon LLC is Viktor Mikhailovich Smirnov. However, in 2007, the company was headed by Yulia Pokhlebenina’s mother, Zoya Zubkova.

Married to Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov, daughter Anastasia from her first marriage, daughter Natalya from her second marriage.

Shuvalov Igor Ivanovich

First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation

Wife: Shuvalova Olga Viktorovna

Born on March 27, 1966. She worked as a secretary in court for several years, and then entered the law faculty of Moscow State University, where she met her husband, Igor Shuvalov. In 1993, she graduated from Moscow State University with a diploma in civil law. She got a job at the Institute of Public Law of the Academy of Sciences, and for some time she worked with her husband at the ALM-Consulting company. According to SPARK, in 2009 Olga Shuvalova became a co-owner of the Zarechye-Development company, which owns land in the village of the same name in the Odintsovo district near the Moscow Ring Road, where the Skolkovo business school is located, and plans to build a Russian “silicon valley” (before crisis, the owner of these lands was the Norteko Development company of Roman Abramovich, who donated a small plot of his property for the construction of the Skolkovo business school). According to minimal estimates, Zarechye-Development owns more than 250 hectares near Skolkovo. It is still unclear whether the Kremlin “innograd” will occupy this territory. The company is currently building a business center on lands adjacent to the Moscow Ring Road.

Son: Shuvalov Evgeniy Igorevich

Born in 1993. Receives secondary education at the private Moscow Economic School. He is interested in swimming, sambo and horse riding.

Daughter: Shuvalova Maria Igorevna

Born in 1998. She studies rhythmic gymnastics with Irina Viner.

Daughter: Shuvalova Anastasia Igorevna

Born in 2002

Ivanov Sergey Borisovich

Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation
Marital status: married, two sons.

Wife: Ivanova Irina Sergeevna

Born in 1953. Has a higher economic education. In 1999–2004 was responsible for corporate finance and reporting at Solvay Pharma LLC, which is the representative office of the Belgian chemical and pharmaceutical concern Solvay Pharmaceuticals in Russia. According to Novaya Gazeta, Irina Ivanova has been working at the Central Bank since 2004.

Son: Ivanov Sergey Sergeevich
Deputy Chairman of the Board of Gazprombank

Born in 1980 in Leningrad. In 2002, he graduated from MGIMO with a degree in finance and credit. In 2002–2003 worked as a leading specialist in the investment attraction department of the Gosinkor company. From 2003 to 2005 - chief expert of the international projects department of Gazprom. In January 2005, he was appointed vice president of Gazprombank, in charge of the client block, and since February 2008, a member of the board. He is on the boards of directors of Atomstroyexport, Gazprombank-invest, Gazprombank Leasing and other companies.

Son: Ivanov Alexander Sergeevich
Vice President of the State Corporation "Vnesheconombank"

Born in 1977 in Leningrad. Graduated from an economics university. From 2004 to 2006, he worked at VTB Bank and served on the board of directors of its Ukrainian subsidiary Vneshtorgbank (Ukraine). Since 2007, he has worked at Vneshenokombank as director of the structured and debt financing department.

In May 2005, he hit and killed an elderly woman crossing the street in Moscow. In November 2005, the criminal case was closed.

Kozak Dmitry Nikolaevich

Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation
Marital status: married for the second time, two sons from his first marriage.

Wife: Kvacheva Natalia Evgenievna

Candidate of Legal Sciences, in 1996 she defended her dissertation “Constitutional consolidation of the principles of the rule of law.” 2004–2005 - Deputy Chief of Staff of the State Duma Committee on Credit Institutions and Financial Markets. Since 2005 - lawyer at the Moscow Region Bar Association.

Ex-wife: Kozak Lyudmila Vladimirovna

Born on November 15, 1962. According to SPARK, in 2004 she co-founded Gift Studio LLP LLC, which was subsequently liquidated.

Son: Kozak Alexey Dmitrievich

Investment manager of the department of direct investments and special projects at VTB Capital (since 2009). Born on January 12, 1984. In 2005, he graduated from the Higher School of Economics with a diploma in “Specialist in Economics and Firm Finance.” After graduating from university, he took the position of head of the capital markets department at MacBright&Partners, a company specializing in real estate transactions. According to SPARK, Alexey Dmitrievich Kozak is a co-owner of Red LLC, McBright LLC and Yuva LLC (field of activity: civil works). In 2008, he worked at the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation.

Son: Kozak Alexander Dmitrievich

Kudrin Alexey Leonidovich

Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation
Marital status: married (second time), daughter (from first marriage), son (from second marriage)

Wife: Tinyakova Irina Igorevna
President of the Northern Crown Charitable Foundation

She received a higher education with a degree in journalism. Before her marriage to Alexei Kudrin, she worked at RAO UES of Russia as an assistant for a member of the company’s board of directors, Andrei Trapeznikov, and after her marriage, for some time, as a financial observer at the Interfax agency. In 2000, together with Elena Voitsekhovich (the wife of Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Zhukov’s assistant) and Maria Margevich, she established the Northern Crown charity foundation, which helps orphanages and boarding schools. According to Tinyakova, in 2008 the annual budget of the fund was about $150,000 - 250,000, of which 20% went to administrative expenses. Northern Crown has branches in New York and London.

In 2002, Tinyakova, together with producer Alexander Dostman, metal trader Alexander Karmanov (ETK-Holding) and fashion designer Valentin Yudashkin, established Valentin Yudashkin Group OJSC, in which she received a 13.5% stake. According to SPARK, the turnover of one of the subsidiaries of the Valentin Yudashkin Group - Trade Union LLC - in 2007 amounted to 47 million rubles.

At the same time, Tinyakova took part in another business project - Ambi XXII LLC, which planned to start producing artificial sapphires. Tinyakova’s partner in this business was Murtazali Rabadanov, who headed the laboratory of X-ray structural analysis at the Institute of Crystallography of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the director of which was the brother of a major entrepreneur, a friend of Vladimir Putin, Yuri Kovalchuk, Mikhail.

Ex-wife: Sharova Veronika Olegovna
Director of the Brothers Karamazov Hotel

Born on May 31st. In the 1980s, she worked at the Institute of Socio-Economic Problems, where she met her husband, then a correspondent for the newspaper St. Petersburg Echo, press secretary of the Imperial Bank. She divorced Alexei Kudrin after he moved to Moscow. In the mid-2000s, next to the museum-apartment of Fyodor Dostoevsky in St. Petersburg, she opened the Brothers Karamazov mini-hotel.

Daughter: Kudrina Polina Alekseevna

Born in 1987. Graduated from gymnasium No. 56 in St. Petersburg. In 2004 she entered the Faculty of Journalism of St. Petersburg University. In October 2009, together with friends, she founded Art Center Grand Prix LLC, which offers training services in vocals, acting, and music theory. In April 2010, she got into an accident: her friend, businessman Mikhail Matvienko, lost control of his Range Rover and drove into the window of a lingerie store on Nevsky Prospekt.

Son: Kudrin Artem Alekseevich

Born in 1998

Sechin Igor Ivanovich

Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation
Marital status: married, daughter.

Wife: Sechina Marina Vladimirovna
According to media reports, he is engaged in the construction business.

Daughter: Ustinova Inga Igorevna

Born in April 1982. Graduated from the St. Petersburg Mining Institute. In 2004, she worked at Surgutneftegazbank. In 2005, she went on maternity leave. She is married to Dmitry Ustinov, the son of the presidential envoy to the Southern Federal District Vladimir Ustinov, and has a son born in 2005.

Sobyanin Sergei Semyonovich

Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation
Marital status: Married, two daughters

Wife: Sobyanina Irina Iosifovna(nee Rubinchik)

Born in Tyumen. She received a higher education as a civil engineer. Cousin of the former mayor of Kogalym Alexander Gavrin, Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation in 2000–2001, and now a member of the Federation Council from the Tyumen region. I met Sergei Sobyanin in Kogalym. According to Tyumen media reports, Irina Sobyanina owns a road construction company. In 2004–2005 taught children the art of collage and floristry at the Tyumen Child Development Center named after. P.I. Podarueva. Lives in Moscow.

Daughter: Sobyanina Anna Sergeevna
Student at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts and Industry named after. A.L. Stieglitz.

Born on October 2, 1986. She studied at gymnasium No. 1 and the children's art school in Khanty-Mansiysk. In 2003, she entered the full-time department of the Faculty of Monumental Art of the St. Petersburg State Academy of Arts and Industry named after. A.L. Stieglitz. She dreams of becoming a designer and loves the work of Dima Bilan. Lives in St. Petersburg.

Daughter: Sobyanina Olga Sergeevna

Born in 1997. She studies at a Moscow school.

Zhukov Alexander Dmitrievich

Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation

Wife: Zhukova Ekaterina Vladimirovna

Received a legal education. Since 2004, he has been a member of the board of trustees of the children's social fund "Republic of Sports". According to her husband, she is engaged in housekeeping and charity: she helps orphanages in the Moscow region.

According to SPARK, Ekaterina Vladimirovna Zhukova is the founder of Studio Image LLC (field of activity - engineering) and co-owner of Scientific-Editorial Technologies-21st Century CJSC, which is headed by the head of the church-scientific center of the Russian Orthodox Church "Orthodox Encyclopedia" and the executive secretary of the "Bolshoi" Russian encyclopedia" Sergey Kravets. Previously, Zhukova was a co-owner of Raduga-P ​​CJSC (field of activity - marketing and engineering) and Art-K LLC (organization and holding of exhibitions), which were subsequently liquidated.

Son: Zhukov Petr Alexandrovich
Member of the Supervisory Board of Bank Unifin

In 2004, he graduated with honors from the Faculty of Law of the Higher School of Economics. Candidate of Economic Sciences (dissertation topic: “Sustainable development of an enterprise in market uncertainty and the mechanism for ensuring it”). According to SPARK, in 2003, Zhukov, together with his fellow students, established Corporate Projects LLC and First Independent Rating Agency LLC, which carries out market research on behalf of clients (revenue in 2008 - 21.2 million rubles). For some time he worked at Vneshprombank, co-owned by the son of State Duma Deputy Speaker Artur Chilingarov, Nikolai, and the brother of former Minister of Health Mikhail Zurabov, Alexander. From 2004 to 2007 he worked in the London office of the Swiss UBS Investment Bank. Since January 2006, he owned 20% of the shares of the small Moscow bank Unifin. In the spring of 2007, when UFG Private Equity Fund I, managed by Boris Fedorov, acquired 50% of the shares of this credit institution, Zhukov reduced his stake to 4.6%. Since March 2007, Zhukov has been a member of the bank's supervisory board.

In April 2007, Pyotr Zhukov was sentenced to 14 months in prison by the London Southwark District Court for beating British banker Ben Ramsey. After serving his sentence, Zhukov returned to Russia.

Wives and children of presidential envoys

Poltavchenko Georgy Sergeevich

Presidential Envoy to the Central Federal District
Marital status: married, son.

Wife: Poltavchenko Ekaterina Leonidovna
Translator and art critic

Son: Poltavchenko Alexey Georgievich
Born in 1985. Studied at gymnasium No. 631 in the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg. Graduated from the Moscow Law Academy.

Klebanov Ilya Iosifovich

Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy to the Northwestern Federal District
Marital status: married, son and daughter.

Wife: Klebanova Evgenia Yakovlevna

She worked in the LOMO association, where she met her husband.

Son: Klebanov Konstantin Ilyich

Born in 1988. Third-year student at the St. Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics.

Daughter: Praskurina Ekaterina Ilyinichna
General Director of Viribus LLC

Born in 1977. Graduated from St. Petersburg University of Economics and Finance. He has headed Viribus LLC since 2003 (this company is one of the major shareholders of OJSC LOMO (16.129%), in 2004 it owned 4.9% of St. Petersburg Promstroybank, which was subsequently sold to VTB Bank). Since 2008, Viribus has owned 38.89% of FOR Group LLC, a large fishing company that has ten vessels with a total capacity of up to 800 tons of fish products per day. The fishery is conducted in the northern, northeastern and southern parts of the Atlantic.

In 2008, Viribus LLC was at the center of a scandal: officials of the city property management committee of St. Petersburg tried to evict the tenants of several premises on Moskovsky Prospekt and lease them to Viribus LLC.

Married to Andrei Praskurin. In 2000, their son was born.

Son-in-law: Praskurin Andrey Vitalievich

Deputy General Director for Economics and Finance of National Media Group CJSC, First Deputy General Director of the Ren TV media holding
Born on May 30, 1977 in Leningrad. In 1999 he graduated with honors from the Faculty of Economics of the St. Petersburg University of Economics and Finance. From 1997 to 2000 he worked in an investment company. In 2000–2002 - Auditor of financial organizations at PricewaterhouseCoopers, 2002–2004. - Deputy Director of the Corporate Finance Directorate of OJSC Industrial Construction Bank (now VTB North-West). In 2004–2008 - member of the board of directors and chairman of the board of CJSC Russian Industrial Bank (the bank served the financial flows of a number of companies included in Svyazinvest, organized their bond issues and owned 34.7% of the RTK-Leasing company, which purchases equipment for the companies of this state holding ). From 2007 to 2008, he headed the board of directors of OJSC RTK-Leasing. Since February 2008 - Deputy General Director for Economics and Finance of CJSC National Media Group. Since October 2009 - First Deputy General Director of the Ren TV media holding.

Ustinov Vladimir Vasilievich

Presidential Envoy to the Southern Federal District
Marital status: married, has a son and daughter.

Wife: Ustinova Nadezhda Alexandrovna

Son: Ustinov Dmitry Vladimirovich

Born in 1979. Graduated from the FSB Academy. In 2005–2007 worked as an employee of the presidential administration of the Russian Federation. In the summer of 2006, he contacted the police about the theft of a briefcase containing 16,000 rubles from his Toyota car, parked in Moscow on Nezhinskaya Street.

Married to Inga Igorevna Ustinova (daughter of Deputy Prime Minister Igor Sechin), they had a son in 2005.

Daughter: Ustinova Irina Dmitrievna
Assistant prosecutor of the Khostinsky district of Sochi. Lives in Sochi.

Khloponin Alexander Gennadievich

Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy to the North Caucasus Federal District, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation.
Marital status: married, daughter

Wife: Khloponina Natalya Zurabovna(Maiden name - Kuparadze)

Born in Moscow, in a Georgian family. Graduated from the Moscow Financial Institute (now the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation). I was assigned to the tax office of the Kyiv district of Moscow, but immediately went on maternity leave. She is engaged in interior design and architectural projects; it is known that she was responsible for the redevelopment project of the governor's office in Krasnoyarsk, made after her husband took over the post of head of the region.

In 1999, Khloponina, together with the architect Dmitry Dolgiy, registered LLC Architectural Studio “Koncept Design KD” (K.D. Concept Design). Since 2000, Natalya Khloponina left the company’s founders, but this did not affect the studio’s relationship with clients in the regions led by her husband: in the mid-2000s, the company carried out projects to paint residential buildings in Norilsk “in bright, positive colors » commissioned by Norilsk Nickel and the administration of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Daughter: Khloponina Lyubov Alexandrovna
Student at the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation.

Born on August 14, 1987. Graduated from school in Moscow. After graduating from school, she entered the London School of Economics in the Department of Economics and Politics, scoring 43 points with a passing level of thirty-eight. In 2007, after completing her first year, she dropped out of school in London and returned to Moscow, entering the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation at the Faculty of International Economic Relations.

Rapota Grigory Alekseevich

Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy to the Volga Federal District.
Marital status: married, son and two daughters.

Wife: Samolis Tatyana Viktorovna
Consultant to the Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service on issues of interaction with the media

Since 1974, she worked at the Pravda newspaper, where she rose from correspondent to deputy editor of the department of letters and public opinion research. In 1986, she published the famous article “Cleansing,” in which she criticized the system of party nomenklatura, which was slowing down perestroika. From 1991 to the early 2000s, she worked as press secretary of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation.

Son: Rapota Maxim Grigorievich
Deputy Head of the Financial and Economic Department of the State Corporation "Russian Technologies"

Born in 1969. From 2000 until the liquidation of the Federal Agency for Industry (Rosprom), he held the position of deputy head of the property complex department. Since 2009 he has been working at the Russian Technologies State Corporation. At first he was a specialist of the 2nd category in one of the departments of the financial and economic department, then he became the deputy head of this division.

Daughter: no data

Daughter: no data

Vinnichenko Nikolay Alexandrovich

Presidential Envoy to the Ural Federal District.
Marital status: married, son.

Wife: Ilyicheva Elena Vladimirovna
Judge for civil cases of the second instance of the St. Petersburg City Court

Graduated from the Faculty of Law of Leningrad University. Zhdanova. Since the early 1990s - people's judge of the Vasileostrovsky District People's Court of St. Petersburg. Since 1999 - judge of the St. Petersburg City Court.

In 2005, in St. Petersburg, Ilyicheva was attacked by robbers; they took her bag, which contained about 5,000 rubles, mobile phones, work ID and car documents.

The son was born in January 1993. He studied at a regular St. Petersburg school. According to his father, “he’s a good guy, but there needs to be more discipline.”

Kvashnin Anatoly Vasilievich

Presidential Envoy to the Siberian Federal District.
Marital status: married, two sons.

Wife: Kvashnina Natalya Petrovna
Manager of the Business Development Department at the Siberian Branch of NPF Norilsk Nickel

Born in the village of Kirovo, Kurgan region. I met my future husband at school. In 1970 she graduated from the Kurgan State Pedagogical Institute with a degree in English teacher. After college, she taught language at school and kindergarten in the city of Mirny. After her wedding with Anatoly Kvashnin, she moved to Dushanbe, where her husband served in a tank division. Then, together with her husband, she “served” in Kazakhstan and Belarus. She accompanied humanitarian supplies to Chechnya.

From 2000 to 2002, she worked as deputy head of the department for work with enterprises of the military-industrial complex of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "State Investment Corporation" (Gosinkor). In 2002, Natalya Kvashnina was invited to work at Rosoboronexport, but she refused. From 2002 to 2007, she held the positions of Deputy General Director for Development of Oranta Insurance Company LLC and Deputy General Director of the Promregionsvyaz Pension Fund. In 2007, she moved to her current place of work.

Son: Kvashnin Alexander Anatolievich

Born on April 1, 1973 in Dushanbe. Secondary education. After completing military service in the border troops, he became interested in auto racing. He made his debut in 1998 in autocross in UAZ cars. In 1998–2006 repeatedly became the winner and prize-winner of stages of the Russian autocross championship using cars of this brand. In 2007 he became the silver medalist of the European Autocross Championship in the first division. Champion of Russia and Europe in autocross. In the current team he drives a Renault Clio Turbo 4x4. Single.

Son: Kvashnin Sergey Anatolievich
Member of the ProtechMSport racing team - CSKA

Born June 12, 1975. Race driver, competes for the ProtechMSport team - CSKA. In 2005, he took 3rd place at the European Autocross Championship, and in 2008, he won one of the stages of this championship.

At the end of 2008, he was detained for beating a police officer. Subsequently, the Moscow prosecutor's office refused to initiate a criminal case against Sergei Kvashnin, citing reconciliation between the parties.

He is married to Nelly Kvashnina, they have a son, Grigory Sergeevich Kvashnin.

According to SPARK, Alexander and Sergey Kvashnin are co-owners of CNN Guaranty LLC and Intas LLC. Their partner in Intas is the president of the Rostix Group, Ordovsky-Tanaevsky Blanco, and the “daughter” of Intas is the Academy of the Union of Cossack Troops, which owns buildings in Tsaritsyno Park. In addition, Sergey Kvashnin may be related to the Moscow Ford car dealer - the Avtopassazh company.

Ishaev Viktor Ivanovich

Position: Presidential Envoy to the Far Eastern Federal District
Marital status: married, two children

Wife: Ishaeva Lyubov Grigorievna
According to Khabarovsk media, he is involved in charity work.

Daughter: Ishaeva Yulia Viktorovna
She studied at the Faculty of Finance of the Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law. Lives in Moscow

Son: Ishaev Dmitry Viktorovich
Consultant at Petrotrade-M LLC

Born: September 17, 1972 Graduated from the Pacific Naval University (TOVMU) in Vladivostok. From 1998 to the early 2000s. - Advisor to OJSC NK Rosneft. Since the mid-2000s, he has lived in Moscow, together with partners Vadim Zak and Oleg Lamnev, engaged in the wholesale sale of petroleum products, building materials and metal, building materials and metal. According to SPARK and the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Dmitry Ishaev is a co-owner of the companies Transbunker-Center LLC, TD Mezhresurs CJSC, Petrovsky Zavod Trading House LLC, LuxExpoService LLC, Petrotrade-M LLC (the latter’s revenue in 2008 - 2.5 billion rubles). These companies have repeatedly taken part in tenders announced by various government agencies of the Khabarovsk Territory, in particular, for the supply of fertilizers for agriculture, as well as thermal and electrical energy.

Dmitry Ishaev appeared in criminal chronicles several times: in the case of beating a policeman and in the case of the suicide of his girlfriend in Ishaev’s Moscow apartment..

Married to Olesya Ishaeva (maiden name - Quiet). He is raising his son, Igor Dmitrievich Ishaev.

And exotic spending. "I'm a rich man!" – the official himself said the other day during a meeting with students. The children also followed in their father's footsteps.

Sleepless beauty

What girl doesn't dream of becoming a ballerina? If you are the daughter of a deputy prime minister, then your dream comes true at the highest level: 20-year-old Maria Shuvalova dancing on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater.

The path to a career as a ballerina was, of course, not quick: at the age of three the girl was sent to the rhythmic gymnastics group of the Olympic reserve school Irina Viner. As a gymnast, Masha did not declare herself, but the training was not in vain - after school, the athlete was able to enter the Moscow State Academy of Choreography at Bolshoi Theater. At graduation, the ballerina with a sonorous surname danced one of the main roles, and immediately after receiving her diploma she was enrolled in the troupe of the most famous ballet stage in the country - the Bolshoi Theater.

They say that the passion for ballet is in fashion among officials today. Many high-ranking leaders are passionate fans of this art. But only Maria Shuvalova was able to find herself on the other side of the ramp.

In the two years since joining the troupe, the young ballerina has been involved in three productions. Her roles, of course, are very small, but solo. Many at the Bolshoi have been waiting for this for years. In 2017, Maria danced the milkmaid in The Bright Stream and Columbine in The Nutcracker. In 2018, she appears on stage as Little Red Riding Hood in every third production of Sleeping Beauty (in line with other artists).

The young dancer does not go on international tours yet. But she can afford to arrange individual “tours” literally all over the world. In 2016, the ballerina, judging by her Instagram page, visited Holland and Singapore. In 2017 - in Milan, Cannes and Bali .

The girl does not hide her movements around the world, but today only a select few can see them - Maria has closed her page from outsiders. Shuvalova’s revelations about a “picnic on a jet” and her humorous phrase “I’m a simple girl, I wipe my crown once a day” evoked the most responses.

You can’t earn much in ballet, as Maria herself once admitted to journalists. But the girl is not in danger of poverty. Immediately after graduating from the academy, in 2017, she became the sole founder of LLC Nemchinovo-Investments“- the company was passed on to her from her older brother, Evgeniy. The company was created to service the former home of the Shuvalovs in the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region - Nemchinovo. Here, a young businesswoman owns her own plot of 14 acres and a house of 204 square meters. m. The company has a plot of 4 thousand sq. m. m and a four-story residential building with an area of ​​734 sq. m. m. Houses in Nemchinovo cost from 10 to 100 million rubles.

In 2017, the daughter of the Deputy Prime Minister also received the family’s foreign asset – the company Regional Property Developments Limited, registered in England. Previously, it also belonged to the eldest of the children, Evgeniy Shuvalov, but now the rights have passed to his sister. Regional Property Developments Limited is a subsidiary of Sevenkey Limited, registered in the Bahamas. In 2011, it became known that the beneficiary of Sevenkey was Igor Shuvalov.

College for 3 million

“Zhenya’s classmates are Abramovich, Aven, Jordan,” Igor Shuvalov himself said about his eldest son Evgenia in an interview in 2002. - So he is far from the wealthiest. One day, after a trip to visit a friend, the son asked: “Dad, why do we live in such a small house?” I explained that his friend's dad worked in a very competitive, life-threatening environment. People who have a fortune greater than mine took more risks in life, it was more difficult for them. He said that when he grows up, the situation will be different. And he will have to compete with his knowledge and abilities.

After graduating from a super-elite Moscow school, Evgeny Shuvalov, like most of his difficult classmates, went to study in the UK, choosing Wellington College in Berkshire, England. A trimester of education here costs £12,740, or about 3 million rubles per year. A young gentleman from Russia planned to continue his studies at Oxford, but the family council decided to return. After the introduction of sanctions and several noticeable antics of the Russian golden youth, it was no longer comfortable to stay behind the hill, regardless of the size of the parents’ fortune.

An unusual alternative to Oxford has been found. Shuvalov Sr., as part of his work, has repeatedly visited Russky Island, which is closed from prying eyes, where Russian naval reconnaissance officers GRU, an analogue of the American Navy SEALs, serve. They are called the “Kholuay” unit, and all the neighboring military units are shaken by the antics of the “Kholuayites”.

“They have, for example, an ordinary task - to remove the guard, get into the unit unnoticed, steal the banner and leave unnoticed. Some kind of ninjas, say the Far Easterners.

They say that the test for a “Kholuaevite” is to get to Moscow without money or documents, get to a secret enterprise/object, steal something to prove his penetration and return back.

“Formally, such a unit does not exist,” the Ministry of Defense responds. Which only proves the level of super secrecy.

It is clear that the selection for such a unit is very strict, and the “introductory” tasks are inaccessible to most, even physically trained people.

– We were called up in the spring, in May, the next intake traditionally comes to the unit in November - December. Zhenya Shuvalov was called up for military service and arrived at the unit from Moscow alone, in September 2011, alone and as an external student, he completed the “young fighter course”, alone took the military oath in front of the special forces formation, Shuvalov Jr.’s colleague Nikita told Far Eastern journalists Malinin.

The son of the Deputy Prime Minister ended up in a company of reconnaissance divers - his sports background had an impact. Evgeny Shuvalov is a good swimmer, and at an English school he even took part in a relay race across the English Channel, swimming several 3 km stages at a water temperature of 15 degrees.

According to a colleague, Shuvalov Jr. served like everyone else. Well, as far as possible, when dad, with the rank of second person in the government, periodically comes to the unit for visits.

After a year of service, Evgeny Shuvalov transferred the company to his ballerina sister, apparently making a choice in favor of continuing his own career. And it doesn’t have to be military.

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