Believe it or not, these celebrities knew about their deaths. Celebrities Whose Death Could Have Been Faked Princess Diana of Wales

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Editorial website I found the most “survivable” conspiracy theories about the pseudo-death of stars, which, although they do not have any evidence, for some reason they want to believe.

Michael Jackson

  • Died June 25, 2009 as a result of an overdose of propofol.

The death was allegedly staged by Michael in order to get out of the debt hole and live the rest of his life in peace and quiet.

In 1993 and 2003 Jackson charged with child molestation, and in both cases his guilt was not proven. These events and constant changes in appearance (changes in skin color, face shape) were the cause of the bullying, which lasted for years.

Every year there is new "evidence" that the singer is alive, last year it was selfie his daughters Paris, where conspiracy theorists saw Michael. This year the Internet circled the picture Sergio Cortes, and this caused new wave rumors and theories.

Elvis Presley (1935–1977)

  • Elvis Presley died on August 16, 1977 from a drug overdose.

The singer allegedly deliberately carried out staging your death to get away from the boring show business and indulge in spiritual perfection.

The theory of a fictitious death in 1977 is fueled by several facts: the classified nature of the medical investigation into the cause of death; no photograph of the singer's body; incorrect middle name on the grave: instead of Aron - Aaron (Presley allegedly would not have considered himself buried in this way).

Immediately after the death of the king of rock and roll, a certain Orion appeared on the scene, who looked like an idol not only in physique, but also identical voice tone. The singer always appeared on stage and in public in a mask, for which many considered him the real Elvis.

Princess Diana (1961–1997)

  • On August 31, 1997, Diana died in a car accident in Paris.

Many people think that Lady Dee and got into an accident that fateful night, but did not die. Her injuries were allegedly compatible with life, and she was saved.

Instead of Diana, another woman was buried, and the surviving princess moved to the USA and lives there peacefully the life of an ordinary woman, from time to time communicating with her sons. But this is not the only conspiracy theory about her death.

The version of the surviving princess rests on ambiguous facts, such as the one that Diana was buried in a closed coffin. Apart from photographs of a blond woman in a car destroyed after the accident, there are no post-mortem or near-death pictures of Diana.

Kurt Cobain (1967–1994)

  • According to one version of the investigation, Cobain injected himself with an incompatible dose of heroin and shot himself in the head with a gun on April 5, 1994.

In 2016, the British tabloid Daily Mail published a provocative headline that the singer is alive, having allegedly provided video evidence.

On the video 2012 Peruvian artist Ramiro Saavedra performs Nirvana's "Come As You Are". The artist really looks like Cobain both in voice and outwardly, but hardly anyone in their right mind would think that this is Cobain.

Tupac Shakur (1971–1996)

  • On September 13, 1996, Tupac Shakur died in the intensive care unit from blood loss as a result of multiple gunshot wounds.

In theory 2Pac alive and well, lives in Cuba(where his relative has been in political asylum since the 80s). Supporters of the conspiracy theory seize on any clues that can neither be proven nor disproved.

Tupac's murder is still unsolved, the white Cadillac from which the singer was shot fled in an unknown direction in a city surrounded by desert. After the death of the rapper under his name 7 albums with new songs were released - this is more than he released during his lifetime. These and others fuel the idea that the legendary gangster rapper is still alive.

Marilyn Monroe

  • On August 5, 1962, Marilyn Monroe died due to an overdose of barbiturates, the official version of death is suicide. At the time of her death, the sex symbol suffered from mental disorders and was addicted to drugs.

death photos of the actress seem highly suspicious to fans. There are several theories, the most popular being that a chronically ill Monroe-like actress who no one knew was drugged to death and then transported to Marilyn's apartment.

A real star, pumped up with powerful sedatives kidnapped by Kennedy's men and smuggled to Switzerland, where he was placed in a private, strictly guarded neuro-psychiatric sanatorium. There she met the staff gynecologist Dr. Laube, a widower with three sons, and soon married him remaining to live in Switzerland. In the 70s, her husband died, and she is still alive and well, nursing her grandchildren from adopted children.

Celebrities have a whole life to show, it is difficult for them to hide anything. But the strangest thing is that they can die in a completely mysterious way, and the mystery of their death will haunt the minds of their fans for a long time to come. And even the police are powerless.

Natalie Wood

Natalie Wood was the darling of all America. By 1981, she was happily married to Robert Wagner and was about to star in another film, in which Christopher Walken was to become her partner. On November 28, she and her husband decided to relax on their yacht and, together with the yacht captain, went aboard on a boat. However, the next day, only Wagner returned from the yacht, announcing the loss of his wife. Natalie's body was found the next morning. She was badly beaten, traces of painkillers were found in her blood, however, according to the doctors, the cause of death was drowning. But how did she end up in the water? According to Wagner, that evening they quarreled, and he went to his cabin and does not know what Natalie did next. It would seem that everything pointed to the guilt of Wagner, but officially the police could not prove that it was he who drowned his wife.

Marilyn Monroe

The only and seemingly indisputable version of doctors has long been known, saying that the Hollywood diva died from an overdose. medicines. But conspiracy theorists are firmly convinced that Monroe was killed by American intelligence agencies to hide her affair with President John F. Kennedy, the disclosure of which could lead to the president's impeachment. Which of them is right? Everyone thinks differently.

Tupac Shakur

In the fall of 1996, Tupac Shakur received several gunshot wounds on the streets of Las Vegas. For several days, doctors fought for his life, but on September 13, 1996, he died in the hospital from internal bleeding. It is known that Tupac Shakur was one of the most active participants in the so-called “war of the Eastern and western coasts” - a conflict between two rapper groups, often resulting in gunfights. Therefore, the most plausible version says that one of the enemies-colleagues in the rap scene is behind the death of Tupac. However, neither the perpetrator of the murder, nor his customer, the police have found so far.

Notorious B.I.G.

Tupac Shakur's main enemy, East Coast rapper Notorious B.I.G., aka Christopher Wallace, was killed just six months after his damned competitor. Wallace's car, which was vacationing in Los Angeles, stopped at a traffic light when another car flew up to it, from which four shots were fired. Wallace died instantly. Despite the abundance of people on the street, no one really saw the shooter, who was never found. Wallace's death is called revenge for Tupac, and some people even suspect Los Angeles policemen, tired of endless rapper wars, of it. But no one knows the exact answer to the question of who fired and who was behind these shots.

Bruce Lee

On July 20, 1973, famous actor and karate master Bruce Lee died in Hong Kong. He was only 32 years old, and the official conclusion of the doctors - a cerebral hemorrhage - shocked everyone. How could a young athletic man die of a stroke? A variety of versions were called and were called - the revenge of the Chinese mafia, a deliberately planted headache pill that could cause brain swelling ... True, Bruce's relatives believed in the official version, saying that with his merciless training regimen, a breakdown of the body was almost inevitable. But experts do not name the exact cause of death even now.

Johnny Stompanato

Johnny Stompanato was famous in 1950s Hollywood solely for his amorous connections: he was a gigolo who specialized in aging movie actresses. At the time of his death, he lived with actress Lana Turner. Relations in a couple were scandalous: Stompanato beat his girlfriend, threatened and scoffed in every possible way. One evening, in the heat of an argument, he threatened to stab her 14-year-old daughter Cheryl. Cheryl stood outside the door and heard everything, and when Stompanato left the room, the girl stabbed him with a knife. Alphonse bled to death before the paramedics arrived. Despite the apparent clarity, this crime is still a mystery. Many believe that Turner herself killed Stompanato, and Cheryl took the blame, since she, as a minor, faced a much less severe punishment. There is another version - that Cheryl herself was in love with Johnny, and killed him, realizing that she would not get him. But to what extent these versions correspond to the truth, it is now impossible to say.

William Desmond Taylor

William Desmond Taylor was a famous film director during World War II. He was famous for his generosity, cordiality and good manners, so that, as far as we know, he had no enemies. All the more was the public's astonishment when Taylor's body was found in his Los Angeles home with a bullet in his back. No one heard the shot or saw the killer, there were no weapons at the crime scene, and all fingerprints were carefully erased. The police tried to solve the mystery for many years, but could not.

Barbara Colby

Barbara Colby was a TV show star in the 1980s. On July 24, 1975, she left the acting studio in Venice, a suburb of Los Angeles, with colleague James Kiernan. Suddenly, two men approached the couple and shot both at point-blank range. Colby died on the spot, Kiernan died shortly after her, having managed, however, to testify to the police. He said that they did not know the attackers, they did not provoke them in any way, and they did not even try to rob them. What provoked the murder is still unknown.

Christa Helm

Christa Helm was the social party star of the 1970s. A young starlet who played supporting roles in television series, she was a socialite whose fans included Warren Beatty and the Shah of Iran. At the same time, as it turned out later, she kept compromising materials on all her lovers - their letters, recordings of conversations, in a word, ready-made material for blackmail. It is not known how Krista Helm was going to dispose of these materials, because in 1977 her body was found in the back alleys of Los Angeles. The girl was beaten to death. But what is most mysterious is that all her notes disappeared from her apartment even before the arrival of the police, and where they are is still unknown. Neither is the name of her killer.

Elliot Smith

Elliot Smith was a talented and in-demand musician who wrote, among other things, the soundtrack for the movie Good Will Hunting. In October 2003, he committed suicide by stabbing himself in the chest. The extremely strange choice of suicide method gave rise to a lot of rumors that in fact Elliot was killed. Moreover, at the time of his death, his girlfriend was in the house, with whom, in her own words, they quarreled. According to her, she locked herself in the bathroom in anger for about a quarter of an hour, and when she came out, it was all over. What can be said here? Really strange story.

Jack Nance

Jack Nance is David Lynch's favorite actor, having starred in almost all of his films, from the director's first film Eraserhead in 1977 to the iconic Twin Peaks. On December 29, 1986, Nance was having dinner with friends, and they noticed a bruise under his eye. Nance brushed it off: they say, nonsense, he got into a fight with some aggressive young punks. It turned out not to be nonsense: the next morning, Nance was found dead in his own bathroom. According to doctors, the blow received in the fight caused the formation of a hematoma in the brain, which, growing, killed the actor in two days. But many did not believe in this version. Nance had a high level of alcohol in his blood, so both drinking (Nance was a well-known alcoholic) and conflicts with colleagues (even David Lynch was blamed) were called the cause of death. But confirmation of alternative versions has not been found.

Thomas Ince

Thomas Ince, the "father of the Western", who made over 800 films, died under the most mysterious circumstances. Together with his wife, he went to the yacht of his business partner, media mogul William Randolph Hearst, to celebrate his own birthday. However, a day later, Ince was brought to the shore dead. The doctor wrote in the conclusion that Ince died of a heart attack, but the port workers and sailors who saw the body observed with their own eyes Ince's pierced head with dried blood. According to rumors, Ince was shot by Hurst himself by accident - after which it was not difficult for the millionaire to inspire witnesses with the correct version of what happened.

George Reeves

George Reeves became famous for his role as Superman in The Adventures of Superman, a 1950s cult TV series. On June 16, 1959, he went down from the second floor of his house to the first, where his fiancee, Leonore Lemmon, had a party with friends. After that, he got back up and shot himself in the heart with a revolver. A typical suicide… only the revolver with which Reeves allegedly committed suicide did not have his fingerprints - and indeed, at least someone else's fingerprints. Self-motivated investigators put forward two versions. The first is Lemmon in a fever or accidentally shot the groom during a quarrel. The second is that the mafia is to blame for everything, since Reeves was the lover of Toni Mannix, the wife of Eddie Mannix, the president of the MGM studio, who is closely associated with the mafia. However, for some reason, the police were not interested in these versions, and Reeves' death remained a mystery.

Jill Dando

Jill Dando was a BBC journalist. After 14 years of career, she was shot in the head on the doorstep of her house in the suburbs of London. No one heard the shot, the body was discovered only 40 minutes later. Neighbor Dando saw some male figure moving away from the house, but could not describe the man. The death of the journalist is still a mystery, although there are many suspects in her murder: with her bold journalistic speeches, she has made many enemies - from Yugoslav terrorist groups to the pedophile mafia.

Mary Rogers

Mary Rogers was not an actress - she was a simple saleswoman who worked in the 1830s in a cigar shop in New York. However, the girl was so beautiful that she considered a real city celebrity. The city newspapers wrote about her, calling her "a wonderful cigar saleswoman." However, in 1841, Mary Rogers drowned unexpectedly in the Hudson. This death gave rise to a whole wave of rumors. One or the other of her many admirers was blamed for her death. Well, when her fiancé committed suicide a month later, it was he who became the main accused. However, no one's fault in the death of Mary Rogers has ever been proven.

According to materials:

Each of us has our favorite celebrities, whose life and work we regularly follow. But unfortunately it happens that stars die prematurely, and this is very sad. Which once again proves that no matter how much money there would be, they have not yet saved anyone from death.

There are 12 in today's collection recent photos stars made shortly before their death. Some of them knew about their imminent death, and some could not even imagine that he would soon be gone.

1: Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson, two days before his death, at a rehearsal of performances, tickets for which were sold out to one and all

The King of Pop passed away on June 25, 2009. It is known that in the morning his attending physician gave him an injection of Profol and left him alone. Two hours later, he found the lifeless singer lying on a bed with a wide open eyes and mouth...

2: Muhammad Ali

Muhammad Ali Khan's daughter shared the last photo of her father taken while communicating via Facetime: "This is the last photo of my beautiful father ... told him that I love!"

The health of one of the greatest boxers in world history has been crippled by Parkinson's disease for almost three decades. On June 2, 2016, Muhammad Ali was admitted to the hospital due to lung problems, and the next day it became known that the 75-year-old legend had died ...

3: Freddie Mercury

Freddie Mercury posing in own garden with your beloved cat for your last photo

The legendary frontman of the Queen group died at the age of 45 on November 24, 1991 from pneumonia that developed against the background of HIV infection and AIDS. By the way, Mercury openly admitted about his terrible diagnosis exactly one day before his death, unable to resist the rumors anymore. Once in an interview, he said that he did not plan to go to heaven:

“Oh, I was not made for Heaven. No, I don't want to go to heaven. Hell is much better. Think how much interesting people I'll meet you there!"

4: Amy Winehouse

Amy Winehouse a week before her death next to her house in North London

One of the most eccentric performers of our time, known for her contralto vocals and Guinness World Record record as the only British singer to win 5 Grammy awards, was found dead in her London apartment on July 23, 2011. The experts determined the cause of death only 2 years later and their results are not surprising - Amy Winehouse died of alcohol poisoning, the concentration of which in the blood exceeded 5 times the permissible norm. The singer got into the ill-fated "club 27" ...

5: Steve Jobs

The last photo of Steve Jobs two months before the sad date

One of the founders of Apple Corporation, CEO and film studio Pixar died at 3 pm on October 5, 2011 at his home in California. The pioneer of the era of IT-technologies lost in the war to a serious illness - pancreatic cancer. It is known that last words Steve Jobs verbatim were:

“Oh wow. Wow. Wow."

6: Whitney Houston

Singer the night before her death

7: Heath Ledger

The 28-year-old actor is still smiling on the set of The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus, after which he will take an incompatible dose of drugs and die

On January 22, 2008 at 3:31 pm, actor Heath Ledger was found dead in his New York apartment in Manhattan. An autopsy could not immediately determine the cause of death, so an additional toxicological examination was required. According to the results, the official cause of death was acute intoxication caused by the combined action of painkillers, sleeping pills and tranquilizers.

8: Marilyn Monroe

Movie star Marilyn Monroe on the weekend exactly one week before his death with jazz pianist Buddy Greco

It is known that the American actress, singer and model Marilyn Monroe was found dead on Sunday August 5, 1962. The official version of death is an overdose of sleeping pills.

9: Paul Walker

Paul Walker on his last journey

“…at 3:30 pm Fast & Furious star Paul Walker and his friend Roger Rodas attended the event charitable foundation to raise funds in support of the victims of Typhoon Haiyan, which raged in the Philippines. Shortly thereafter, they left in Rodas' red Porsche Carrera GT. On the way, the driver lost control, the car crashed into a lamppost and a nearby tree in Valencia, Santa Clarita, California, and immediately caught fire. The driver and passenger died at the scene of the accident, ”the news feed was replenished with such a dry and emotionless line on November 30, 2013, leaving actor Paul Walker forever in our memory at the age of 40.

10: John Lennon

John Lennon gives an autograph to Mark Chapman a few minutes before his death. But, the worst thing is that the killer is standing behind

Everyone known fact John Lennon was killed by US citizen Mark David Chapman at 10:50 p.m. as he and Yoko Ono entered the archway of his house after returning from the recording studio.

11: Prince Rogers Nelson

On April 21, 2016, the news of the death of the greatest musician, guitarist and author of hundreds of hits, Prince, sounded like a bolt from the blue. It is known that the singer did not sleep for almost a week before his death. The autopsy results showed that the cause of death was an overdose of a powerful analgesic, which Prince escaped from severe pain in the hip joint. But that's not all - six months before his death, the musician was diagnosed with AIDS.

12: Robin Williams

Robin Williams on August 9, 2014 at an art gallery event two days before her suicide. He was only 63

To list the brilliant comedians of our time, the fingers of just one hand will probably suffice, but among them there will always be a place for Robin Williams. For each of us, young and old, he left a mark in the heart in some memorable and beloved way. Alas, three years ago, on August 11, 2014, his heart stopped beating forever. A forensic medical examination found that the death of the actor was due to suffocation due to hanging on a belt. Well, after a few more days, everything secret became clear - Robin Williams suffered from Parkinson's disease for early stage, because of which he experienced a pathological feeling of anxiety and depression. Side effect from the medicine that he was prescribed, only aggravated the matter - the actor had a suicidal mood that could not stand the test of alcohol and drugs ...

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Fans carried out a huge number of idols to another world. The death of beloved celebrities always makes the hearts of people around the world shrink with grief. While the public resigned to the departure of many, there are stars in whose death people still refuse to believe. Many believe that they simply had to disappear for one reason or another.

Jim Morrison

According to the official version, the musician died at about 5 am on July 3, 1971 in the IV arrondissement of Paris in the bathroom of a rented apartment at number 17 on Rue Botreyi from a heart attack.

According to his old friend Alain Ronet, who came to Paris specifically to meet with Morrison, the day before his death, Jim did not look well and complained of feeling unwell.

Around 1:00 a.m. on July 3, Morrison and a friend took heroin. However, years of frequent alcohol and drug use severely undermined his health, and around 3:30 in the morning, a sleeping Morrison from an overdose of heroin began severe convulsions and vomiting reactions.

Pamela managed to bring him to his senses and she suggested that he call an ambulance, but Jim refused. After that Kurson went to sleep. What happened next is unknown, but around 5 am Pamela found Morrison in the bathroom in hot water, he was no longer breathing.

After the arrival of the ambulance and the police on the floor, they found traces of the fact that Morrison vomited blood heavily before his death and there were traces of nosebleeds on his face.

An autopsy was not performed on Morrison's body according to French law; he was buried the next day. This spawned many alternate versions of Morrison's death that circulated among fans.

The only person who saw the singer's death was Morrison's girlfriend, Pamela. But she took the secret of his death with her to the grave, as she died of a drug overdose three years later.

Elvis Presley

In the morning, Presley took a dose of sedative drugs, but a few hours later, unable to sleep, he took another dose, in this case apparently turned out to be critical.

Was urgently called Ambulance”, which brought Presley to intensive care, although it was obvious that all efforts were in vain. At four o'clock in the afternoon, an official announcement of death was made - due to heart failure.

However, due to the semi-secret nature of the investigation, there are also many other versions of death along with the popular legend that the singer is still alive.

According to a sociological survey, about a third of the US population believes that Elvis is alive, and there is a wax doll in his grave.

In favor of the version of falsification is the fact that many people claimed to have seen the aged Presley in different parts of the world. Also, the absence of a photograph after the autopsy and the change in one of the names on the tombstone suggest certain thoughts.

Tupac Shakur

In the fall of 1996, Shakur received several gunshot wounds: a white Cadillac approached the car in which Tupac was with a friend, after which one of the passengers lowered the window and fired instant shots, four of which hit Shakur (two bullets hit chest, one in the arm, one in the thigh).

In the hospital, after several attempts to get out of bed, the rapper, under the influence of strong painkillers, was placed on a life support machine and eventually transferred to an artificial coma with the help of barbiturates.

On the afternoon of September 13, 1996, despite attempts by doctors to stop internal bleeding, Tupac died in the intensive care unit.

However, fans around the world believe that Tupac did not die, but faked his death in order to hide from numerous enemies, of which the 25-year-old rapper had plenty.

Such theories are fueled by numerous inconsistencies in the testimony of witnesses, a photograph of the body after the autopsy, which, according to many witnesses, is not Tupac, and the mysterious disappearance of the pathologist who performed the autopsy.

Paul Walker

The actor, best known for his roles in the Fast & Furious film series, was reportedly killed in a car accident on November 30, 2013.

Immediately after the accident, fans questioned the fact of Walker's death, although many of their speculations are frankly devoid of ground.

However, the lack of video footage from surveillance cameras and the discrepancy between the number of Paul's car and the car from the accident site raise serious suspicions both among ordinary fans and among the actor's relatives.

Michael Jackson

The King of Pop died on June 25, 2009 from an overdose of propofol injected into him by his personal physician.

But many of his fans refuse to believe it.

As a result of Michael's death, the tour company received a huge amount of compensation. At the same time, the singer himself, shortly before his death, noted that he was very tired and wanted to retire.

Even the title of his last tour, "That is it" (which can be translated as "That's it"), seems to suggest that Jackson knew that this tour was his last.

Jesse James

The famous cold-blooded criminal, robber, who gained fame thanks to journalists who compared him to Robin Hood, although in fact such “exploits” enriched only himself and his gang.

Death overtook him unexpectedly, he was shot by a member of his own gang, Bob Ford, from a revolver donated by James as a sign of reconciliation. The shot was fired at the moment when Jesse, having removed all his weapons, turned his back to Ford to fix the picture on the wall.

66 years later, a 100-year-old man announced publicly that he was the notorious criminal.

This information has not been confirmed, but it is worth adding that James's mother, when she saw the corpse, claimed that it was not her son.

Kurt Cobain

The protocol of the inspection of the scene was drawn up formally, without an in-depth analysis of the details. According to one version of the investigation, Cobain injected himself with an incompatible dose of heroin and shot himself in the head with a gun.

Forensics also concluded that Kurt died on April 5 and his dead body lay in the house for three days.

However, many fans do not agree to believe in the death of an idol.

After the rocker's suicide, the results of the autopsy were never officially presented, and the face was not visible in the only photo.

Many people claim that they saw him alive and well, that the words of his song "come as you are" about not having a gun confirm that Kurt did not shoot himself, but simply decided to break up with musical career and Courtney Love.

Jimi Hendrix

According to official information, Hendrix choked on his vomit in his bed after taking nine sleeping pills.

There were many inconsistencies and questions in his death.

His fans talk about the need to take into account the fact that Jimi took acid more often than he played the guitar, and he never had a threat to his life.

In their opinion, the story of death is a simple trick to escape from the world of the music business.

Amelia Earhart

The first woman pilot to fly across the Atlantic Ocean and wrote a book about it in 1937 went on a round-the-world flight, which ended somewhere in the middle Pacific Ocean.

Huge forces were thrown in search of Emilia - many ships of the US Navy and 66 aircraft.

According to one version, after the crash, Amelia and her navigator were captured by the Japanese and were eventually executed (say, they saw a lot of superfluous things). This version has oral confirmation of some witnesses, but material evidence has not been found.

Adolf Gitler

However, there are many versions and conjectures regarding the fact that the Fuhrer survived. The press even published photos of the aged Adolf, quietly living out his life.

We tend to put celebrities on the podium. We idolize them, admiring their talent, charm and the way they look. We fall in love with them and truly rejoice in their ups and downs. That is why the death of an idol is so hard.

Death famous people many fans perceive it as the death of a relative. They take it very hard and mourn the loss as their personal loss. But it is even worse when death comes suddenly under tragic and terrible circumstances. Let's try to remember the most striking of them. Arm yourself with a napkin, because it is impossible to read without tears!

1 Whitney Houston

worldwide famous singer Whitney Houston died on February 11, 2012. She was found lying face down in a tub filled with water. A huge amount of medicines and various bottles were found in the bathroom. Initially, a version was put forward that the singer choked. After much investigation, the police put forward the final version: death due to a heart attack due to cocaine use. Sorry Whitney Houston for a long time took drugs that killed her in the prime of her life.

2. Anna Nicole Smith

The death of America's sex symbol Anna Nicole Smith was discussed by the press for a week. The model and actress died on February 8, 2007 in Florida. After her death, it turned out that Anna suffered from a serious illness - sluggish pneumonia, which, together with a weakened immune system and a huge amount of antidepressants, led to her death. The investigation did not reveal any deliberate intent from the model and concluded that she did not know about the dangers of mixing drugs.

3. Marilyn Monroe

The famous actress, model and sex symbol Marilyn Monroe, whose real name is Norma Jean Mortensen, was found completely naked on the bed on August 5, 1962, face down. The singer abused drugs, and the fateful night was no exception. She died from an overdose of Nembutal. However, there are many legends surrounding her death, including elaborate conspiracy theories. In particular, there is a version that John Kennedy, with whom the actress had an affair, initiated her murder.

4. James Dean

James Dean was only 24 years old when he tragically died in a car accident in California. Dean was into racing cars. On September 30, 1955, Dean drove out of the house in his sporty Porsche. A Ford came flying towards him at great speed. There was a head-on collision. The actor died on the spot. By the time of the accident successful career was in full swing.

5. Robin Williams

Oscar-winning actor and comedian Robin Williams died on August 11, 2014 by suicide. He was 63 years old. Investigators cited asphyxiation as the cause of death. As it turned out later, the actor suffered from Parkinson's disease and was in a state of severe depression.

6. Lee Thompson Young

The star of the popular American TV series Lee Thompson Young suffered from bipolar disorder and was in a deep depression. On August 19, 2013, the body of the actor was found in his own house, with a bullet in his head and a gun lying next to him. Yang was only 29 years old.

7. Amy Winehouse

Singer Amy Winehouse died on July 23, 2011 at the age of 27 due to an alcohol overdose. She was found dead on a bed with empty vodka bottles lying on the floor. During her lifetime, the singer abused alcohol, so the news of her death did not come as a surprise.

8. River Phoenix

Stand By Me star River Phoenix died of a drug overdose on October 31, 1993 at the Viper Room nightclub, which at the time belonged to Johnny Depp. At the time of his death he was 23 years old.

9. Kurt Cobain

Grunge rocker, leader of the legendary group "Nirvana" Kurt Cobain committed suicide on April 5, 1994. He was only 27. His body was found with a bullet wound in the head and suicide note in his own house. For a long time, the artist struggled with drug addiction and deep depression. However, it is still a mystery whether it was suicide. There is a version that the soloist's wife, Courtney Love, could have been involved in his death.

10. Paul Walker

The Fast and the Furious star - Paul Walker, like his hero - Brian O "Connor was very fond of fast driving. The love of speed played with him bad joke. On November 30, 2013, he and his friend, who was driving a Porsche, were in a car accident. According to the official version, the driver exceeded the speed limit, lost control, crashing first into a pole and then into a tree. Death came instantly. The actor was 40 at the time of his death.

11. Virginia Woolf

Virginia Woolf is one of the most influential writers of the 19th century. Virginia suffered from hallucinations, heard voices and spent several months in psychiatric hospitals. During another frenzy, at the height of the Second World War, she filled her coat pockets with stones and threw herself into the river. Her body was found 3 weeks later. Virginia was 59 at the time of her death.

12. Princess Diana

On August 31, 1997, the world was shocked by the news that Princess Diana had died in a car accident. Diana was driving with her friend, millionaire Dodi al-Fayed, when their car crashed into a convoy, hit the wall of the tunnel they were driving through, and flew several meters. Diana was alive when the ambulance arrived. However, she died in the hospital some time later.

13. Steve Irwin

"The Crocodile Hunter" That's what they called 44-year-old Steve Irwin. On September 4, 2006, Steve, along with the film crew, filmed a story about stingrays. At some point, the stingray behaved aggressively and hit the leader in the chest with its tail. Irwin immediately pulled out the spike, but it was not possible to save him.

14. Heath Ledger

Heath Ledger, best known for his role as the Joker in The Dark Knight, was found dead in his apartment on January 22, 2008. The police are still putting forward two versions of death: drug intoxication and suicide. It is known that during his lifetime the actor suffered from deep depression and was very upset by the divorce from his wife. At the time of his death he was 28 years old.

15. Heather O'Rourke

The young actress Heather O'Rourke is known to many for her role in the film “Poltergeist”. Unfortunately, the girl had acute intestinal obstruction - intestinal stenosis. It was during the operation to eliminate stenosis that the girl died. She was only 12 years old.

16. Sylvia Plath

The famous American poet Sylvia Plath suffered from depression for most of her adult life, during which she tried to commit suicide more than once. After a divorce from her husband, the writer, left alone with two children, was very upset by a family tragedy. During this period, she wrote poems, which were later included in the collection "Ariel". Unable to withstand the nervous tension, on February 11, 1963, she committed suicide with the help of gas and sleeping pills. Plath was 30 years old.

17. John Denver

Famed folk singer John Denver died in a plane crash on October 12, 1998. The experimental plane, on which the singer flew, crashed and fell into the Pacific Ocean. The alleged version of what happened is a low fuel charge. The singer was 53 years old.

18. Gwily Andre

Gwily Andre is a beautiful Danish actress who came to conquer Hollywood in the 1930s. Her career went up rapidly. She was approved for several roles of the first plan at once. However, after the failure of the film "No Other Woman", she was invited to shoot less and less. She tried to break through wherever she could, but at every step she met with refusal. The actress was emotionally unbalanced and addicted to alcohol. On the night of February 5, 1959, the actress overlaid herself with clippings from advertising brochures, which presented the life she dreamed of. She then set fire to the room, burning to death.

19. Bob Crane

Hogan's Heroes star Bob Crane was found murdered in his home on June 29, 1978. Presumably, his death was planned by his friend, with whom they once made pornographic films together - John Carpenter. But it was not possible to prove his guilt. At the time of his death, the actor was 49 years old.

20. Ernest Hemingway

On July 2, 1961, the famous writer Ernest Hemingway shot himself in the forehead on the veranda of his house. It is known that in last years life he suffered prolonged depression, paranoia and was treated in a psychiatric clinic for a long time. The writer was 61 years old.

21. Sonny Bono

Actor, singer, politician and husband of famous singer Cher Sonny Bono went skiing on January 5, 1998 near Lake Tahoe in California. At some point, he lost control and crashed into a tree while descending a slope. He was 62 years old.

22. Marvin Gaye

“The Prince of Motown,” musician, arranger, songwriter Marvin Gaye, suffered from depression for a long time. His death came as a result of an accident at the hands of his father, during another family quarrel on April 1, 1984. The 44-year-old musician has long struggled with drug addiction.

23. Natalie Wood

Natalie Wood was called "The Lady of Intrigue". The Russian queen of Hollywood - Natalie Wood (Gurdina) could only be compared with Elizabeth Taylor. Her career was at the peak of her fame when, on November 28, 1981, she mysteriously disappeared from the yacht on which she was with her husband, Christopher Walken. In the morning, she was found off the coast of the Pacific Ocean. The actress was 43 years old.

Charming Mexican singer Selena died on March 31, 1995 at the hands of her fan club president, who shot her. Until the moment of her death, she was going to release an English-language album called “I Dream of You” and hoped to reach the top of the American charts, but she never had time to fulfill her dream. The actress was only 23 years old.

25. Anton Yelchin

Movie actor " Star Trek”, 27-year-old Anton Yelchin died on June 19, 2016 under the wheels of his own car. The car crushed him to the mailbox near the house. According to the official version, the actor simply forgot to put his Grand Cherokee on the handbrake.

26. Igor Sorin

Famous member of the group Ivanushki International", who performed the hit of the 90s -" Clouds "died on September 4, 1998 at the age of 28. The official cause of death has not yet been established. Some believe that he committed suicide by jumping from the balcony of his apartment. Others claim that the man was fond of the occult and was a member of the voodoo magic worshipers. Still others say that the musician loved alcohol and used potent drugs.

27. Vladislav Galkin

The country's top trucker was found dead in his apartment on February 27, 2010. According to official data, the actor's heart stopped. Prior to this event, doctors discovered pancreatitis in Vladislav Galkin. The actor himself was in a nervous and stressful state. Vladislav's father believes that his son was killed, but there was no investigation into this statement. He was 38 years old.

28. Murat Nasyrov

The song “The Boy Wants to Tambov” was sung by the whole country in the 90s. The famous singer who performed this hit - Murat Nasyrov - died on January 19, 2007 at the age of 37. The singer fell from the balcony of his apartment. According to the official version, death was due to a long depression. A camera was found in Nasyrov's hands.

29. Viktor Tsoi

The star and idol of millions Viktor Tsoi died on August 15, 1990. He was 28 years old when a bus crashed into his car. The singer died on the spot. According to the official version, Tsoi fell asleep at the wheel.

30. Vladimir Vysotsky

The legendary Soviet poet, writer, actor and singer Vladimir Vysotsky, even after death, is surrounded by an aura of mystery. It is known that during his lifetime Vysotsky liked to indulge in drugs. It is this reason that is one of the versions of his death on July 25, 1980. There was no autopsy, so doctors only have to guess what killed the brilliant artist in the prime of his life. Vysotsky was 42 years old.

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