Seeing blue sky in a dream. Seeing the starry sky in a dream

Family and relationships 19.07.2024
Family and relationships

The explanation of why the sky is dreamed of depends on how it looked. If there were no gloomy clouds or rain, then the dream book gives, in most cases, a positive interpretation. Darkness and thunderstorms seen in a dream often promise difficulties and disappointments.

Birds in the sky

If a young man dreams of a flying eagle, then in reality he will have to work hard. Only then will luck turn its face. The modern dream book believes that looking at such a bird in a dream is a sign of success. Do you dream that white birds are soaring in the sky? Get ready to receive the good news. It will bring many positive experiences. If storks appear to you in a dream, be very careful. The universal dream book is convinced that your enemies are plotting intrigues and insidious plans behind your back. Did you dream that cranes were flying? Your loved one will remain faithful to you for many years. A flock of birds seen in a dream is a symbol of prosperity. Aesop's Dream Book believes that you will succeed in any business you decide to take on.

Heavenly bodies

If you dream that you are looking into the heavens and seeing a falling star, prepare in advance for a series of griefs and disappointments. The Dream Book of Health predicts problems with the body and long-term treatment. Looking up in a dream and seeing two moons means losing your life guidelines. If you dreamed of planets instead of moons, then the issues that are tormenting you at the moment will be successfully resolved. It just takes a little effort. Aesop's Dream Book believes that dreaming stars in the night sky promise the fulfillment of almost all your desires at the moment. According to Shereminskaya, seeing the starry sky in a dream means having a fun time and meeting quite interesting, versatile people. You usually dream about constellations if you manage to find a way out of a difficult situation in reality.


Airplanes seen in a dream are a sign of impending turning points in life. Seeing a lot of planes is good luck. The universal dream book believes that fearlessness, courage and a sharp mind will help you overcome all sorts of difficulties that arise on the way to your dream. Looking at a helicopter in the sky is a sign of success, rockets are a sign of happiness in married life, and a UFO ship is a sign of surprise. Surprise will arise as a result of meeting an old acquaintance or acquaintance.
Grishina's dream book believes that military aircraft are a sign of the struggle that will have to be waged for your family, health or workplace.

Appearance of the sky

If you dream of a black stormy sky, then in real life the situation will turn out to be very dangerous for you. The problem can easily develop into a very threatening situation. Miller's dream book recommends not to be a hero and not to fight alone. Remember, you will always benefit from wise advice and moral support from caring people. In a dream, seeing a clear blue sky and beautiful clouds on it means boundless happiness and fulfillment of desires. Seeing a dark gray sky with heavy blue clouds means danger, problems, worries.

If you dream of bright red skies, you will experience such a wonderful feeling as love at a fairly mature age.

A number of additional interpretations

If stones or any objects fall from a height, then you will have to deal with material problems. Fish may fall from heaven to earth if the family is soon preparing for the birth of a baby. If instead of fish you saw angels in your dream, your health will be in serious danger. Balloons are often dreamed of by those people into whose lives something new will come. Perhaps it will be a new friend, lover, or new knowledge and experience. If the clear sky was decorated with a colorful rainbow, there are many happy moments ahead. A dream about a staircase to heaven promises the fulfillment of all dreams. The modern dream book suggests that fire and the cross are signs of retribution for previously made mistakes. Also, the interpretation of dreams warns of serious losses and a series of sufferings. Dreaming of fireworks is a sign that you will be invited to a noisy and fun event. Hearing an explosion and seeing ash falling from above is a sign of tragic events. The Wanderer suggests that the rockfall is a harbinger of serious difficulties.

I'm 27, gender female. After intensive studies in practical psychology, I had a dream that I was riding on a tram to heaven. Passengers take the trip quite calmly, I'm surprised.
At the final station everyone gets off, I am the last one. I look out and see that a narrow board runs from the trolleybus to a translucent white tent hanging right in the air. The driver says that this passage is not the most difficult, you will still have a lot to learn. Couples are sparring in the tent, I am with an instructor. She says, “Hit me as hard as you can.” I hit somehow sluggishly (in life I can’t hit anyone either). And then she kicked me in the groin with all her might...

AnaLitik Reply

The tram symbolizes dependence on social stereotypes. (In a car you can be driving, but in a tram - never). In addition, the tram denotes submission to a programmed situation in the sexual sphere, empty eroticism.

Mei Reply

Last night I set my alarm for 4:40
morning, I really wanted to see that meteor shower, oh
which everyone was talking about. Moreover, I didn’t go to bed for so long, until 2:00
and she kept going out to look at the sky to see if there were any more meteorites. In short, I got up when the alarm clock rang,
I stood for 10 minutes looking at the stars, but didn’t see any meteorites. They say they were there, but I somehow managed to miss them.
Maybe because the sky was covered in clouds on one side, maybe the time wasn’t quite right. Long story short, I went back to sleep.
And what do you think I dreamed? It's like a meteor shower, but not like reality.
In a dream I saw my street, children, parents (in fact they live far away), everything was strange, changed and completely
not like the real thing. And in the night sky above all this, a real extravaganza was playing out - rainbow flashes flashed every now and then,
resembling either some kind of hologram or the northern lights. Beautiful! And I kept thinking, wow, what amazing meteorites!

Alexander Reply

Perhaps the night sky, after the sea, is most similar to the true Unconscious in the form in which it appears to consciousness - therefore, observing stars, falling meteors and comets carries multiple symbolism, further reflected in dreams and deepening self-knowledge. What a pity that psychic astronomy today is in the same state as real astronomy was in the time of Galileo! After all, from this dream one could say a lot about the structure of your universe. For now, we have to limit ourselves to the interpretation that the dream, through a direct childish mechanism, realized a strong dream.

Mei Reply

Yeah, I also thought that somehow it came out too literally. On the other hand, such coincidences don’t happen very often, like I see in a dream what I was going to see in reality, and what’s also happening in reality. (Many of my friends did observe meteors last night.) As I understand it, this is not a coincidence, because it might not have happened in a dream. And the meteors could have been normal, and not rainbow holograms.

Astupka Reply

I had a dream that I was standing in my yard at night and paying attention to the sky, from which snow was still falling, but the red stars were already something. I felt a sense of fear, I wanted to run away so as not to fall under one of these stars, which were more like meteorites. Unfamiliar old women came up to me and explained that there was nothing to be afraid of, because that night everyone would find out who loved whom. At first I didn’t quite understand what it was about, but then I thought, what if they find out about me... That’s where the dream ended. I dreamed about him on January 13, 2002.

Somna Reply

It was a huge, ultramarine sky, through which the stars shone. It was not the night sky, it glowed like during the day in good weather, only the color was saturated. And along the horizon there is bright sunlight, turning into all sorts of shades of yellow and red. As if at sunset or dawn. I wanted to show this beauty to everyone, but as soon as someone raised their head up, the stars disappeared and the colors became muted. But as soon as I was alone, everything became the same.

Atosina Reply

I dreamed of the sky, dark, night. It was not in the stars, but in the figures. Moreover, the figures hung in the sky. They were golden light. And very different. And they hung to the ground. There were even some compositions there. I remember that everything was very bright. Dark blue sky, and golden figures... And people walk and touch them. And I remember that these figures are connected with me. And in this dream there was a woman who said that in a moment she saw people whom others could not see.


I see the whole dream in separate images not related to each other by one plot. The first image: my happy face, long flowing hair, a wreath of white roses. I dance in the sky barefoot in a simple white dress and in the dance a wreath falls from me. The sky is friendly black with emerald stars becomes dark blue with purple and blue circles. At the top stands a man in white clothes with crystal clear, clear blue eyes. I kneel in front of him: I feel that I once betrayed him, but there is pain and bitterness No. I believe that he has forgiven me and still loves me. He puts a fallen wreath on my head. He takes my hand and lifts me up to a clot of hot energy. Then he leaves me, kissing my forehead goodbye. Second image. I am in a hot desert. I am wearing brown clothes. I look around and see animals. They are standing near a drying stream. A little further away there are corpses of animals. Near the stream a skinny camel and a huge hippopotamus are looking for water. They saw me. The camel looked with full eyes melancholy and sadness and said: what are you doing. We are dying because of you. I experience terrible fear and horror. Third image: the sky is divided into two parts - cavalry is walking along the black one, perfectly equipped, spears raised up. I am walking along the white one. Again in a white dress with a wreath on her head dancing. A wizened old man with a donkey follows me. I begin to sing. We walk slower than the cavalry, but I know that we will win. Fourth image: a church flashes by. Someone is running from it man. I also run and run, as if through him.

Uuu Reply

I'm standing on the river bank. I see the sky divided into levels. Colors, smells, sounds, paints are very clearly and clearly perceptible. Everything is so beautiful, there is nothing like it on earth. People don't walk there, they float. I enter into a conversation with those people in an unfamiliar, very beautiful language. I'm trying to sing and read poetry in that language. What a beautiful voice the singing soul has! I take the flowers in my hands and smell them, taste them. Everything is so beautiful and delicious that words cannot describe it. I return to earth and come out of my coma.

233 Reply

I dreamed that it was as if some person invited me to take a walk in heaven. I was surprised. He then led me to a huge building, very tall, something like a church. We climbed into some strange device, something like a cradle, and went up. And we found ourselves at the very top, there were clouds and the city was barely visible from above. We walked on the roof of this building, and then I flew!!! It flew a little and landed on the ground.

319 Reply


Ma-online-com-ua Reply

Suddenly I recognized and felt that I was not in this real world, but somewhere in the other world. It was not scary, but incredibly interesting, curious, what and how it is here in the new world. It seems to me that I have already passed some kind of registration. I met my very good friend, he and I were sitting on a bench in a small, densely green park, it was sunny, quiet and calm. He said that he was waiting for his wife. (By the way, they are both alive at the moment, and live in America. ) He offered to show me what was what. We suddenly found ourselves in a building. I didn’t see any windows with average brightness. I didn’t see any windows. Long empty clean (linoleum?) corridors, many doors, but my friend was no longer with me . I looked at the nearest door, there was no one. In the other, I met my classmates, but I recognized only one, it looked like they had just been there after registration. In general, everyone was several people together. In the room there were beds with linens (white), a round table with white tablecloth. We talked and they were allowed to go everywhere. Then I all of them and everyone I met were in this park. I went further. I saw the registration desk (like in a regular clinic), the lobby, at the counter there was a line of children-boys 6 -8 people, the children were looking around and were scared, A cleaning lady was washing the floors in the lobby, she said that the children had just arrived after the plane crash. Suddenly I saw that a girl of about 5 appeared out of thin air with a doll in her arms, before I had time to be surprised - a girl disappeared again, then appeared again. I wanted to pick her up in my arms, but the cleaning lady shouted “DO NOT COME, YOU CAN’T”, the child disappeared again, a few minutes later the girl with the doll finally appeared. And then I woke up. I am 55 years old, female

Alexander Reply

I’m lying in a cart, probably sick, because people are pulling the cart. There is another person lying nearby. There is no fear, no pain, there is only contemplation. I look at the sky, it is high with small gray clouds. I look very closely and admire. Then a miracle: the clouds scatter, against the backdrop of the blue-blue sky - a heavenly city, towers, magnificent palaces, there are many of them, this is a piece of the kingdom, I can’t express in words how beautiful it is. I am amazed, I repeat all the time in admiration, in amazement: Lord, Lord, Lord... Strongest emotions... But I can’t say “Lord” out loud, my tongue doesn’t obey, no one can hear me.. And I endlessly repeat this word about herself, moved her hand, touched the man lying next to her, then pointed her finger at the sky so that he would look... But those who were taking us said that he was dead... And they themselves did not see anything in the sky. Then I had mixed thoughts, I couldn’t understand whether the sky was calling me (and I’m scared of this, I still want to live, here on Earth), or whether I should understand, see, recognize, tell something... I I want to know the purpose of the vision.. Then it’s as if I’m trying to tell my sister what I saw in the sky. And as soon as it comes to the word “Lord”, to the description of the wonderful city, I am speechless.. My sister cries and wants to understand me.. And I have so many emotions, but I cannot convey them, words do not come.. And I am powerless. Then another person to whom I tried to tell - and the same story: I suddenly became numb... I understand that this vision should remain in me, as it was for me.

Often, in dream books you can find quite favorable forecasts for the future. But before you look for information, you need to remember exactly what kind of sky you saw in your dream: gloomy, clear, with thunderclouds, etc. This will answer the question: “Why do you dream about the sky?”

The sky in a dream symbolizes your character and state of mind. Therefore, if you are very worried that, for example, the event you organized will not go according to plan, then you should not wait for clear skies in your dream. The further success of the dreamer’s events depends on what kind of sky was seen in the dream:

What color was the sky?

  • The dark sky symbolizes that you have accumulated a sufficient number of problems and responsibilities that you still cannot figure out;
  • Black sky is an extremely negative sign. Anyone who sees hopeless darkness in a dream may not count on positive changes in life in the near future. The outcome can be anything: from dismissal from work to the death of a relative;
  • Night sky. Dream books give both positive and negative predictions. If you saw the night sky without stars, then this is a symbol of good luck and wealth. But if the sky was covered with stars, then you will be faced with many problems that will be extremely difficult to solve. This effect is enhanced if you saw a starfall. It is also worth taking care of your health, since treatment during this period may require a considerable investment of money and time;
  • Seeing a pink sky in a dream is a very good sign. Such a dream signifies good luck in your career and love affairs;
  • You noticed planets in the clear sky - a favorable symbol. All problems will finally be solved if you put a little more effort into it;
  • In a dream, a clear sky with lush, beautiful clouds means your desires will come true. All your affairs will go uphill, there will be no big problems at work and in the family.

Birds flutter

  • For a man, seeing eagles in the sky is a symbol of the fact that you need to work hard to achieve your goals;
  • White birds - good news;
  • Take a close look at your surroundings if you saw fluttering storks in your dream. Some of your friends may turn out to be a “wolf in sheep’s clothing”;
  • Cranes - for long and strong family relationships;
  • A flock of birds means good luck. Any task entrusted to you will be within your reach.

Other objects in the sky

  • Airplanes in a dream will bring good luck in reality. Perhaps an event will happen that will completely change your life;
  • Helicopters in the sky - to financial well-being in the family;
  • If you saw a rocket in a dream, then in real life you will have long, happy and strong family relationships;
  • A UFO dreams of an unexpected meeting with old friends. Perhaps someone is preparing a pleasant surprise for you;
  • You dream of military equipment in the sky when in reality you will have to fight hard for your place. Athletes often have such dreams before important competitions. For ordinary people, such a dream serves as a warning that someone is encroaching on their family, health or workplace;
  • Some objects fall from the sky - to material problems in the family budget;
  • Fishes fall from the sky - to replenish the family;
  • You dream of angels in heaven when serious health problems may begin in your family;
  • You can find quite favorable forecasts for the future when balloons fly in the sky in a dream. Such a dream is a symbol of success; fate is preparing pleasant surprises for you;
  • A rainbow in the sky signifies true friends;
  • Stairway to heaven - to fulfillment of desires;
  • Fireworks in the sky herald the wild party you'll be attending;
  • When ash falls from the sky, then fate is preparing something unpleasant for you. Possible financial losses, bad news in the family, etc.;
  • Dreaming of a rockfall foretells great difficulties on the way.

Dream Interpretation: sky - Miller's interpretation

  • Clear skies in a dream signify an exciting journey with pleasant company;
  • The crimson sky promises misfortune and loss;
  • The starry sky in a dream signifies struggle. Many enemies will try to push you off your chosen path, but their attempts will be useless;
  • Climbing a ladder into the sky - society recognizes you, but you will not receive moral satisfaction from this, since you yourself do not put enough effort into it. But you will need to try to stay in the “heaven”, otherwise the flight down will be very rapid.

Why do you dream about the sky according to Freud's dream book?

  • Seeing a clear sky in a dream is a symbol of the fact that everything in your personal and sexual life suits you. Sigmund Freud only recommends enjoying these moments to the fullest, as they may not last long;
  • Cloudy sky - something is bothering you and bothering you. But this has nothing to do with romantic relationships and sex life. Perhaps you have had many difficult days at work. You should rest well and gain strength. Consider a short trip;
  • The starry sky is a dream on the eve of a very successful romantic date. At this meeting, you need to completely relax in order to give maximum pleasure to yourself and your partner.

Loff's Dream Book

  • A gloomy sky marks a series of unpleasant events associated with all areas of life. It is recommended to hold off on new activities and plans for some time;
  • In a dream, climbing a ladder to heaven - you are often distracted from your studies by useless things. You need to concentrate more on your work to achieve your goals.

Collection of dream books

Why do you dream about Heaven in a dream according to 55 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Sky” symbol from 55 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

Look at the sky, stars- have high goals.

Dark clouds in the sky- difficulties in life.

If you dream that you are ascending to heaven- You will not be satisfied with the position you will achieve, and joy will be replaced by sadness.

If young people dream that they are ascending to heaven on a ladder- they will go from obscurity to glory, but will not find any pleasure or satisfaction in it.

Dream Interpretation 2012

The sky is a reminder that there are no limits to growth. A reminder of the enormous possibilities of man. A reflection of enlightenment, bliss, unity and peace.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why did you dream about Heaven in a dream?

If you see a clear and clean sky in a dream- this is a sign that you will be given all sorts of honors or you will go on an exciting journey.

Seeing blue sky in a dream- a harbinger of your success, a sign of overcoming difficulties; starry sky - to joy; red sky - to a quarrel; see the sky with lightning- to a happy occasion.

Gloomy, cloudy sky- serves as a call for patience and overcoming temporary difficulties.

Being in the clouds means receiving news, a new position.

If in a dream you throw your head back and look at the sky- this is a harbinger of wealth and nobility; if the sky clears after rain- this is a sign that all sorrows and worries will pass.

Azar's Dream Book

Heaven - peace of mind, long life.

Dream book of the future

If the sky is clear, this is good news; in the stars - to joy; in clouds - to sadness, failure, problems.

Dream book for lovers

If you dreamed of a clear cloudless sky- such a dream promises a pleasant romantic journey, during which you have a chance to meet your chosen one.

Cloudy and gloomy sky- portends disappointment in love and women's grievances.

If you dream that you are climbing a ladder to heaven- this means that thanks to a successful marriage you will occupy a prominent position in society, but this will not bring you satisfaction, since it will require practically no effort from you.

Dream interpretation horoscope

Sky strewn with stars- indicates that the trip you are going on will be happy.

The sky is blue and cloudless- step back from your worries, otherwise a nervous breakdown cannot be avoided.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

The sky is the image of the soul, the picture of its life.

The daytime sky always symbolizes such phenomena in the life of the soul that you can clearly understand.

See clear, pure- quiet hours and internal composure are ahead; can be used for spiritual development.

There is honor above your head.

Thunderstorms, storms high in the sky- disharmony in the life of the soul.

The sky is an unnatural color- strange, sometimes dangerous states in the life of the soul.

Red - quarrel, disagreement.

Yellow or greenish- anger, envy, etc.

To ascend is to live in constant labor.

The night sky symbolizes a phenomenon in the life of the soul that is beyond the limits of waking consciousness, which is a mystery to it.

Sky with stars- fulfillment of cherished secret desires, joy, a sign that your soul is in the hands of your higher self.

Brightly burning stars- happy future.

Foggy, shrouded in a light haze- secret sadness.

Blue sky means a better life.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

The sky is cloudy right above you- to natural disasters.

Seeing the palate burnt by hot milk or tea- they don’t let you say honestly how things are going at your work.

Blue sky - there will be an explanation that you will be happy about.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Seeing and admiring the summer blue sky in a dream- for good weather.

Dreaming about how you burned your palate while drinking tea- to lawlessness.

Blue sky - you will be very happy for your children.

Dream Interpretation of Love Relationships

If the sky in your dream is clear and clean- this means that there is no need to worry about your personal life, everything is going as well as possible. You are happy with sex, but this time can quickly end.

Cloudy sky without sun- means hidden anxiety associated with intimate life. You think that the reason lies elsewhere, but your problems will disappear if you improve your relationship with your partner. New hobbies are welcome.

The starry sky symbolizes a romantic meeting. When it happens is entirely up to you. Everything will work out well if you do not behave selfishly and try to please your loved one.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Heaven is joy; gloomy - sadness.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if you dream of Heaven in a dream?

Clear skies - success in enterprises; covered with clouds - overcome obstacles; in the clouds of fire- great joy awaits; star studded- you will receive a large inheritance; rise into the sky- you will achieve protection; dark is a formidable danger.

Miller's Dream Book

A dream about the sky promises exceptional honors and an exciting journey in the most refined society if the sky in your dream is clear and pure. Otherwise, this dream means broken hopes and women's grievances.

If you dream that you are flying through the sky surrounded by bizarre faces and fantastic animals and are amazed at what is happening either in a dream, or when you wake up from a dream- this means that all the grief, all that excruciating pain that touches even coarse, undeveloped souls, will flow out with a drop of jealousy, which your unhappy love will contain, and infidelity will be debunked.

Seeing a purple sky in a dream

A starry sky means that you are embarking on the path of a real struggle for the right to incarnate in this life, but this struggle will be successful for you.

If you see an illuminated sky with celestial bodies- the dream promises a huge work of spirit ahead of you, a return to nature, which will give you wisdom and consolation.

If you see yourself ascended to heaven- then this dream foreshadows your unsuccessful attempt to take advantage of the wonderful opportunities that have opened up to you and achieve success in your work.

The dream promises you a quick rise in society, which, however, will not bring you the desired satisfaction, since you will not pay for it with any effort.

Chinese dream book

Sleeping as the sky clears and the rain stops- all sorrows and worries will pass.

Throwing your head back, looking at the sky-great wealth and nobility.

The sky is splitting- there will be sadness in connection with the division of the state, country.

Heaven and earth unite- you will achieve what you are trying to achieve.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

If the sky in your dream is clear and clean- fame, respect and an exciting journey in the most sophisticated society await you. Otherwise, this dream foreshadows broken hopes and other people’s resentment towards you.

Seeing a crimson sky in a dream- a sign of riots and social unrest.

A starry sky means that you are entering into a struggle for the opportunity to realize yourself in this life, and this struggle will be successful for you.

If the sky is bright with stars and moon- a huge work of spirit awaits you, a return to nature, which will give you wisdom and consolation.

If in a dream you were taken to heaven- this dream foreshadows an unsuccessful attempt to take advantage of the wonderful opportunities that have opened up before you.

If in a dream you climb a ladder to heaven- a quick and easy rise in society awaits you, which, however, will not bring you the desired satisfaction.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see Heaven in a dream?

Clear blue sky in a dream- portends you success in your enterprise, honors and money that you can spend without stinting. Cloudy sky with low clouds- a sign of serious obstacles in love and absurd grievances.

Stormy sky with lightning flashes in black clouds- a harbinger of great joy and a solemn gathering of guests on this occasion. If the sky keeps raining- this promises you reliable protection in the person of faithful and devoted friends, if it snows or hails- this portends troubled times and the likelihood of losing your fortune.

The night sky strewn with bright stars with a month in the middle- the prospect will open before you to achieve everything you want if you sacrifice something dear to you.

The dark, completely hopeless abyss of the night sky- receive an unexpected inheritance from a relative who appears out of nowhere.

Fire flashes in the sky- portend sweet family joys and love joys on the marital bed.

The sky, brightly illuminated in the middle of the night by the flash of a falling large meteorite- such a dream speaks of an upcoming foray into the bosom of nature in a cheerful company of friends.

If in a dream you are flying in the sky, flapping your arms like wings- this means that immeasurable happiness awaits you, which you have been seeking for so long. See birds, insects or animals fluttering in the sky- achieve protection of your legal rights when dividing property or inheritance.

Take to the skies on an airplane or other aircraft- means an unsuccessful attempt to achieve success through illegal means.

Climb into the sky along the endless staircase hanging from there- promises you a successful career and a smooth family life.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of the dream: Sky according to the dream book?

The sky is light, bright, clear- favor in everything.

Dark, gray, cloudy- troubles, failures, illnesses.

Crimson, bloody- unhappiness in the family, trouble in the personal.

Something in the sky can be a sign of dreams, realistically achievable or fruitless.

Dream Interpretation of Signs

Stars falling from the sky- to fulfill your main desires.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Blue sky - predicts happy love.

Low, gloomy sky- warns of unhappy love.

Crimson - to troubles on the love front.

Starry sky - dreams of a romantic date in an intimate setting.

If you dreamed that you fell from the sky- you can be accused and even arrested.

In your dream, you saw someone or something fall from it- one of your relatives may be in trouble.

Freud's Dream Book

Clear sky seen in a dream- this is a good sign, it shows that everything in your personal life is going well, you feel on the crest of a wave, all the failures that befell you in the sexual field will disappear. Enjoy this time, it may be very short.

If the sky in your dream was cloudy, the sun was not visible on it- this means that something is bothering you, but you do not in any way connect this concern with your sex life, although it is completely in vain that if you improve your relationship with your partner, then life will go better. New acquaintances are also not forbidden.

See the starry sky- to a romantic meeting that you really hope for. It all depends on you, how much you can relax and enjoy yourself, without forgetting to give it to your loved one.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Bright sky - success; blue - expect good; red - quarrel; starry - fulfillment of desires, a large inheritance; dark, no stars- danger; in the clouds of fire- great joy; in red, crimson clouds- serious illness.

Heaven is the place where we turn our eyes and hopes, from where both happiness and sorrow can be sent to us. The heavenly light will “shine” in a dream in reality.

If you see a clear sky- a high position awaits you, both in the spiritual and earthly fields.

All the rays of light in the sky- fortunately; to patronage in business.

Clear, bright sky- success; blue - wait for the successful completion of all your affairs.

The sky in the stars - fulfillment of desires, a great inheritance; night, dark without stars- danger.

Lightning in the night sky- a sign of a false alarm; your fears and concerns are unfounded.

Aesop's Dream Book

The sky is a symbol of purity and inaccessibility. People consider heaven to be the place where God lives and from where he looks at human sins. When the weather suddenly deteriorated and thunderclouds appeared in the sky, it was believed that this was the wrath of God, who was dissatisfied with the behavior and thoughts of people. In prayers and repentance, people turn their faces and hands to the sky, asking for forgiveness and help from the Almighty. The heavenly life that all believers dream of is life in heaven, hence the expression “happy as in seventh heaven.”

To have a dream in which you soar carefree in the sky- a harbinger of a successful resolution of complex issues; to luck; to find you innocent.

Seeing a sky full of heavy thunderclouds that are literally bursting with precipitation, but still do not give birth to rain- this dream warns of the danger that hangs over you; do not take risky steps; don't trust strangers because it can end very badly; to complicated matters and unclear problems.

To dream that you are going to pray, but various things constantly distract you, and you regretfully put off what you want- to disbelief, doubt and disappointment; to implement your plans, you will have to try hard; to long and tedious tasks.

Medieval dream book

See clear skies- to travel.

See the stars in the sky- to great joy.

See the heights of heaven- to joy.

See the blazing sky- this portends disturbances in the city or strife.

Seeing the sky means sadness or difficulties

See the blazing sky- to some kind of heartache.

See stars falling from the sky- means that the people will die as a result of the war or die out.

See Christ in heaven- to joy.

French dream book

Seeing a clear sky in a dream- a good sign. Your dream foretells prosperity in the home.

If you dreamed of the sky on fire- you will be attacked, followed by poverty and despair.

The sky is in flowers - promises that soon a certain cherished truth will be revealed to you.

If in a dream you rise to the sky- great honors await you.

Ukrainian dream book

If you see a clean, clear sky in a dream- this is a beautiful sign that something new and better will happen in life.

The sky is red - anxiety, rebellion, war.

Universal dream book

Creative people say that inspiration often comes from the sky, so if you dream about blue skies- it means you are hungry for inspiration. The sky also symbolizes limitlessness. Is this how you perceive life at the moment? Is it spread out before you and has no boundaries? Is this an exciting or scary prospect?

The color of the sky in a dream reflects your mood.

For example, gray skies- a sign of melancholy, while the sky is blue- a sign of a joyful, bright mood.

The sky is also a symbol of peace, since it is the shelter of God.

Do you associate heaven with heaven in a spiritual sense?- what is your impression of the sky?

At this moment in your life, do you feel particularly good, as if you have achieved the highest good? Or do you feel insecure, uncomfortable, as if you want to catch a pie in the sky?- perhaps you have a secret, a skeleton in the closet, and you are afraid that everything secret will become apparent?

Esoteric dream book

The sky is space for thoughts.

Clean - there is complete order in your thoughts.

Night - thoughts about the secret, you have to gain secret (esoteric) knowledge.

Stormy, gray in your head- too many negative thoughts.

Drawings, words, images in the sky- you are invited to think about them, to concentrate your attention on mysterious phenomena.

Erotic dream book

A dream in which you see a clear blue sky- promises an exciting journey, where there is a chance of meeting an interesting, pleasant person. He is the one you have been waiting for all your life, he is the one who can give you the joy of love and the happiness of family life.

If in a dream you fly across the sky and see the earth from a bird's eye view- watching carefully and with interest what is happening below, this suggests that in real life you are careful before entering into an intimate relationship with someone.

Seeing in a dream the sky overcast, cloudy, with rain and lightning- you will face the collapse of the hopes that you placed in your loved one, and the grievances that he will cause you in the near future.

Online dream book

Meaning of the dream: Sky according to the dream book?

Dream Interpretation explains clear skies- as evidence that you will have universal respect, and also have a pleasant time with worthy people.

More interpretations

If it's cloudy and gray- your plans are not allowed to come true, this promises huge problems for the girls.

It seemed like it was turning red- you will be in conditions of social instability and popular protest.

Rise to the sky in a dream- your hopes will not come true, and changes will bring only grief.

Float in it among ephemeral creatures- to big trouble.

Signs in the sky indicate that you do not clearly understand what is happening to you now, and you need the advice of a wise and experienced person.

If flashes of bright light appear in it- complete mutual understanding and well-being will reign in your home, you will enjoy each other’s company in an intimate atmosphere.

If in a dream you dreamed of a rope ladder to the sky, and you climb it- rapid advancement in service and family well-being awaits you.

Seeing steps leading to heaven in a dream- circumstances will be as successful as possible, and you will achieve great social and material benefits without the slightest effort, but you will be disappointed that everything came so easily to you.

According to the dream book, look to the sky- soon you will be able to restore your physical strength and find inner harmony.

A dream in which you saw a sky dotted with stars- promises you an increase in your well-being; suddenly you will become much richer. This also means that your deepest desire will come true, but for you it will be a complete surprise, a pleasant surprise.

If the sky is black- be prepared for the fact that fate is preparing serious trials for you, problems and disappointments await you, everything that is dear to you will be at stake.

According to the dream book, blue light sky- this is a sign that soon you will have a very entertaining and educational trip, during which you will meet someone with whom you could connect your entire future destiny, with whom you will create a harmonious and happy union.

See the sky dark- a reflection of your current mental mood, you are overcome by negative emotions, and everything that happens to you will also have a negative connotation. Therefore, try to think only about the good, and your problems will be solved quickly and easily.

If you dream about the sky at night- it means that there is something in your subconscious that you cannot understand, but it is rushing out, try to fully understand yourself.

A dream in which you saw a cross in the air- says that you are leading a life pleasing to God, and if you continue to do good, the Higher powers will support you in everything.

Video: Why do you dream about the Sky?

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Did you dream about Heaven, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about the Sky in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    Hello! I really want to understand the dream, please help me explain it. I see the starry sky, I look at it with my head thrown back. I see entire clusters, and someone next to me asks for the names of the constellations, I name them, but I can’t name one, bright, unusual one (the stars in it are arranged like a kite). And then I guess!! After all, this is Pisces, my sign!! I’m very happy about this, especially since this constellation even begins to move across the sky, like, indeed, a kite! Krastoa! And then this someone says that a new bright star has lit up in the sky. I look at the sky and see: among all there is one, the brightest! Miracle! But this someone says: “The real miracle is over there!” And I see a picture in the sky, as it seems to me, on a religious theme: some saint at the throne... I vaguely remember the plot, but I understand that seeing this in the sky is a real miracle! I repeat this word several times. And then it starts snowing. And I look at this wonderful, starry sky through the flying snowflakes... The dream is very embedded in my consciousness. I think he is prophetic. I had a dream on the night of November 1st. Help me understand it. Natalia

    I dreamed of a starry sky. The stars didn’t just sparkle, but rotated, danced, and wrote some words. I called a man whom I really like to join me and watch this spectacle together. As soon as he approached, I immediately woke up.

    Hello, Tatyana! I dreamed of a wonderful landscape: a clear blue sky, trees with bright yellow foliage, everything was bathed in bright sun, summer, in the sky to the left and in front were two huge bright rainbows. My husband and I were driving a car and I shouted, “Stop immediately, we need to take a picture of this beauty!” Please help me decipher.

    as if I went out onto the balcony and saw three fish drawn in the sky in clouds, one big one looked like a catfish with a mustache. And two small ones. And then it all disappeared and a falling star appeared, it exploded and fell with sparks right in my face......

    went out of the house into the garden. and there everything is green, emerald in color, and there are large bell peppers hanging there, also green. and then she raised her head and admired the clear, clear, blue sky for a long time.

    Scenes from cartoons. Fairytale flowers. Patterns flying like clouds, a large dark bird, at the bottom of the sky and several small ones, I shot down one of them with a flashlight beam. It fell at my feet and turned out to be paper. Something else, but I can’t remember exactly.

    I dream that my dad and I are going to the store, we stop, my dad went to the store and asks what to buy, I shout that it’s ice cream and say which one. dad left, and I stayed in the car (but we don’t have a car like in life, but a completely different model) and suddenly I wanted to look at the sky, or rather, I saw something bright and wanted to take a picture on my phone when I got out cars, this inscription in the sky seemed to be moving away from me, and in order to take it off I walked closer to that inscription! and I found myself in some kind of market with a very narrow road between the stalls and the most interesting thing is that the sellers were all Vietnamese, and so I reached a place where the inscription was clearly visible and got lost, then I called my dad and told where I was, he didn’t understand, but we It turns out they were on the same street, only this street was, as it were, divided into two worlds! And then I’m about to go to my dad, I turn around and look at two people in a wheelchair, a woman and a man, aged 40-45, and for some reason I ask them to build a wheelchair that I got from somewhere! The woman initially answered me negatively - no, but then, when I said that it was literally for 7 minutes, she agreed and I woke up!!!

    Hello Tatyana. I dreamed of a cloud descending from the sky. We are playing a game, several players need to take off. I look around and think how to do this. suddenly I see a cloud falling from the sky. On the ground, it was divided into several equal parts, similar to bubbles. I was the first to run up to the middle bubble, sat on it, but could not take off. I looked into the sky and saw other players already flying in the sky. What does it mean? Thank you.

    Hello, I had a dream - against the background of the sky and twigs with leaves, the passports of my daughter and the guy who is harassing her in class, the passports are open and in the places where champagnes should be (0) What does this mean, please tell me.

    I dreamed of signs in the night sky and at first I didn’t understand what they were. Then the signs turned into pictures with people and I thought that this was some kind of message from aliens, but I didn’t understand which one. These were everyday and work pictures of people and children.

    hello. help me deal with this dream please. I look out the window at home, a terrible snowstorm is blowing, there seems to be little snow, but the wind is terrible. I raise my head, and the sky is clear, starry, not a single cloud and it’s snowing

    I was driving in the car with my parents, and I looked at the sky and there was a woman’s eye, it was open and then closed, then the eye turned into a man and a woman and they kissed.
    I don’t understand why this is?

    At first I see my room, but everything is somehow... gray or something, and strangers are nearby, a dialogue ensued between them, I don’t remember. I look out the window, my street, and behind me there are other buildings, tall, beautiful. What attracted me most was the sky, which was not ordinary, many beautiful flowers and stars, despite the fact that it was daytime. Then I turn around, and the room is all gray, and there are no more people, then I wake up.

    I was in a house (I don’t know the house and neither do the neighbors) with my two children (the eldest daughter, she is 15 years old, and the youngest son, he is 4.10 years old). I was eating soup (most likely soup) and suddenly I saw small, plump black fish in it, alive) and was horrified. then the nightmare began... the bed in the house began to inflate, the walls too, there was a feeling that water would break through them. I told my daughter to take my brother and go outside while I collect documents, things and money. My daughter was in a strange state, as if she was ignoring me and chatting with someone on the phone. I had to yell at her and at that moment I felt panic inside me. Having collected everything I needed, I also went outside and saw that the neighbors (a private house, the window was open) were in a panic, drinking alcohol and talking about how we were in the center of a big hurricane and we couldn’t all escape. Then the children and I returned to the house and the only place where we could hide was the wardrobe, so we hid there. I was scared because I understood that he would not save us and the house was the oldest among other houses. We were sitting inside the wardrobe, I looked up and saw the sky, clouds were circling above us and I even felt the wind. For some reason, the wardrobe began to move like transport along the city streets and I saw other people who were more calm about this situation, although there was clearly a hurricane gathering in the sky (the clouds were gathering and moving in a circle) and a strong wind, some were simply discussing this, some Of course I was hiding, I saw two girls just walking and calmly walking. I felt confused. Then I looked at the sky again and saw that the clouds began to turn white and disperse, the sky became very beautiful. The white clouds seemed to turn into white birds and fly (like in a cartoon), a warm yellow light shone from the right, I showed all this to the children and said look how beautiful it is. At first I was delighted by this spectacle, and then at some point I began to think that this was a sign that either we would die or, on the contrary, all the bad things would end. As a result, the hurricane passed and we all remained alive, but I heard from somewhere that there were casualties and deaths somewhere. After everything, I remembered my husband, who left us to live with his parents (there was a safer house there) and did not come to our aid. I was overcome by feelings of resentment, betrayal and hopelessness. But realizing that we were saved and everyone was alive and well, I breathed a sigh of relief and hopes for a new good life.
    I had this dream today after 9 o’clock in the morning; I only have such dreams with meaning during the daytime and characterize my life situations. In real life, my husband really left us for his parents, in our lives there were many situations that caused me pain and the same feelings in the dream (resentment, hopelessness, betrayal). I remembered the dream in detail, I’m sure that it means something, I can roughly explain it, and the end of the dream makes me happy, it’s like liberation from dependence on this person and the epiphany that it would be better for me and the children to live without him. A sign that we need to leave everything in the past and move towards a new bright future. This is approximately how I understand this dream, but I would really like to read the opinion of a specialist in this field. Therefore, I will be very glad to receive an answer from you and will look forward to it. Thank you in advance, Anna.

    I saw a winged dragon in a dream, its color was blue, it flew in and always helped me, protected me from ill-wishers, or when I needed it, I could call it myself. One day in winter I was standing on some hill and looked into the sky, the weather was very clear and the sky was clear, and he appeared in the sky, hovering in the sky, appeared out of nowhere, and when I saw him, I ran after him to meet him. and when I looked back into the sky again, there were some signs in the sky following the dragon, I remembered only one sign, it was the face of a man, an adult man with a beard and shoulder-length hair with a white cape, but it was just silhouettes from a white cloud, the rest beat me; I didn’t remember the signs. but when the dragon flew in, I felt happiness, love, warmth, confidence. but at the end of the dream this dragon became my husband.

    I bring my old mother to the open window, and there is a blue sky without clouds and a warm wind. I tell her - look what my sky is like! She rejoices and says that her sky is gray and cold...

    I dreamed that it suddenly became very dark outside the window and that bad weather seemed to be gathering. Then, against the same dark background, a beautiful large rainbow appeared, and then several more. then the sky brightened and the sun came out. At the same time, I was with my ex-husband and called him by name

    Hello. I dreamed of my dead father, the atmosphere around me was calm. Then a huge hand appeared from the sky behind the clouds and took the deceased into heaven. Then the second hand began to gather, I ran into the building to take cover. But there were no walls. I was covered in a shroud of fog, and I felt freedom. I was wearing a white jacket and hat. What’s more, in my dreams I can always leave my shell.

    I dreamed of a pregnant friend, we were walking in a crowd on the seashore, there was a beautiful table, she was cheerful, many friends had gathered. Then the sky began to get cloudy and we collected all the food and went to the house, where it was light and cozy, candles were burning, some child gave me a cactus with a flower, and then this cactus became a small animal, I don’t even know what kind of animal it is, but then there were two of them, something like this.

    I feel strong male hands holding my waist and we are flying high into the sky, the sky is blue, white, fluffy, a pleasant feeling of flying. We flew to some barn, and there were my children’s toys, and there were a lot of them. When I woke up, it felt like I was still flying.

    Hello. Last night I had an amazing dream. I saw a huge bottomless night sky. Fantastic pictures were visible on it like mirages. The dream was not scary or alarming. I looked with bated breath at what was happening there. I wanted the dream not to end)

    Hello. I had an interesting and picture-quality dream, which I cannot fully understand. That night before going to bed, I asked a question to my subconscious: what is my calling? The main passion of my soul? The dream itself began like this. I was in one familiar place: near the entrance to the school, near our house. I look at the night sky. There are many stars clearly visible there. At some point, they gather into a colorful milky way! the picture is bright and clear. I take out my binoculars and point them at the sky. I see part of our galaxy. I turn back several times. Once something flashed there, but I didn’t notice anyone. Then I look at the sky again and see an interesting sign. A man of golden appearance and shine, standing with outstretched and half-bent arms. He looked to his left and stood in profile. There is a small solar disk overhead. There are small rays around the disk. Already in reality it reminded me of Egyptian paintings. In appearance, it looked more like an emblem (it did not move). He stood “in Egyptian style.” The image was clear, bright and fixed. The dream was vivid, like all the others, however. Especially lately, everything seems to be real. It also really hinders me that I cannot understand the language of the subconscious myself.

    I dreamed that I went outside at night wearing a jacket, it seemed like it was winter. The street was unfamiliar (I didn’t recognize it), there was almost no light in the windows and on the street, there was a full moon in the sky. And someone seemed to start talking to me, feeling sad that they couldn’t come down to Earth as a human. Then shining lines appeared in the sky, the wind blew from the sky, and I rose above the ground (in some dreams I fly, although wires (mostly) and a fear of heights constantly interfere with me, but there was nothing like that). I haven’t had dreams like this before, and I don’t know how he can be understood.

    In a dream I went into a temple. In front of the icons there were large unlit candles, 3 of them near 3 icons. As I moved through the temple, the temple attendant lit candles. There was a woman lying on a bench near the window who touched me and called me to her. Finding herself next to this woman, she looked out the window, which opened and saw a fabulous picture - a blue sky, with white clouds and the sun far away, like at sunset and dawn. the woman felt sorry for me, next to her I felt such calmness and tranquility, as if in reality. It turned out that I was pregnant, she told me that I had a son and that he would be born in June. I replied that I would soon find out and come to her and tell her. She also told me that this child, a boy, is a reward for me, since I have three daughters, for my mother.

    I dreamed that my friend and I were climbing up some mountain to the very sky, when we climbed up behind the mountain there was a cliff, but it was beautiful there, we stood, looked, and went back. Even in this dream, several times I found myself in a store where I was constantly arguing with the sellers. What does this dream mean?

    Hello. Today I dreamed of the sky - at first it was dark, then the darkness went away, the sky became bright blue and suddenly first one, then a second white silhouette of a man appeared, then one turned away and disappeared. In a dream I experienced severe fear, as if the beginning of a war, there was a feeling of suffocation, it was hard to breathe.

    Hello. I always have dreams and mostly they come true, but I can’t understand this dream. I dreamed that a large tanned male hand was pointing at me from the sky. I hid in the barn, but she still points at me from the sky through the crack.

    a dream in which a green New Year tree with toys flies across the sky... then disappears behind a black cloud. but of those looking out the window, only my husband’s sister, daughter, and I could see husband couldn’t see...

    At first the sky was ordinary blue and ordinary clouds, then it became clouded with thunderclouds and a strong wind rose, at some point the horizon became crimson-crimson, then the clouds cleared, a light blue sky and small clouds like lambs appeared.

    I dreamed that I was looking at the night sky, it was very beautiful with stars. Then a galloping herd of white horses (about 5 horses) appeared in the sky, three of them had riders and each was wearing a bright jacket - the designs on the jackets seemed to symbolize flags from different countries. They quickly disappeared behind the white clouds. Then a picture appeared in the sky - the heads of dragons, they all go in a spiral in the form of a round flower. This drawing was drawn as if with a white pencil.

    I dreamed that I was walking down the street, looking at the sky, and there... A very beautiful sunset (colors: orange, pink, red). And then, out of nowhere, it got a little dark, the colors changed and an eye (orange) appeared in the sky. I stood looking at him, and then went home... Take pictures

    I looked into the horizon and saw gray clouds in the sky, everything around was gray. There was nothing around. suddenly, for some reason, I needed to cover some kind of greenhouse with something to protect against the approaching clouds, but I don’t see how they are approaching

    I dreamed that I was sitting on the balcony and saw a bird, but then I realized that it was not a bird but something like a UFO. Then, after landing, I realized that it was a car with a large chair on a trailer, after I went downstairs, a woman came out of the car’s cabin and said, “Let me check you? Let’s find out what’s going on with your health.” I nodded silently and sat down in that chair. The woman came up and took a test from the oral cavity with a cotton swab. The examination process was about to begin, but then the alarm went off. I wanted to fall asleep and finish the dream, but I never dreamed of a continuation.

    Today I saw in a dream a herd of horses floating across the blue sky. The horses seemed to be made of white clouds. The herd was lined up like a wedge and floated across the sky, rising higher and higher. All the people around in the dream said that it was very good to see them, you need to watch them and supposedly there will be gold there.

    I dreamed of a silhouette in the sky of either a person or a bird with spread wings like an angel. There was some kind of anxiety and fear, I even ran away from there with my mother, as if it was a sign of some kind of natural disaster and we ran away with fear. There were two of these silhouettes in different places, to the right and to the left of me.

    I was visiting a friend, a thunderstorm began. Then I went to the window and saw a black hole in the sky. After some time, two newly built neighboring houses collapsed like houses of cards. And with that I woke up.

    I see houses in the sky hanging on wires and they look like icons. I leave them and a large iconostasis appears, very beautiful. My late mother is with me, I tell my mother let’s go home and step over something. I remain in reality after leaving this beauty.

    I dreamed that the end of the world was going to happen when it started the sky changed 12 times and then there was supposed to be an earthquake tsunami (what I remembered maybe something else) that’s all I saw before it started in the dream then it started only the sky changed changed until 6 and a black hole came out in the sky and sucked in this sky which changed the whole sky and the end of the world never happened. In short, the first time I saw the end of the world, I was already saving myself in the water, but the second time it never happened

    Good morning. I dreamed about the sky today. The sun exploded in the sky, or rather something huge separated from it, but at the same time the sun remained the same. I also saw some big planet, as if it was very close. Then 3 fluffy red kittens looked at me from the clouds, one of them finally jumped to the ground. In the same dream, some people cut a mountain in half and threw it into the ground.

    I dreamed of the sea, it was evening. There are a lot of people on the beach and I wanted to swim. I asked the girl if the water was cold, because she had just taken a swim. She said I won't freeze. Because I have a strong body. And the weather was great and pointed to the starry sky...

    I remember that I was lying on some roof with some guy (in real life I don’t know him) and we looked at the night sky, at first it was without stars, and a second later there were billions of stars, and they were all very bright brightly, a second later I was in some car with my mother (in real life this is not my mother, and I don’t know this woman), she said that I had won something and should go to study in another city... I don’t remember further

    hi Tanya.. I dreamed that I was looking at a church in the sky with the same reflection only in the halo everything was glowing. There are a lot of people and not everyone believes what I say. then the sign does not disappear, but begins to either burn or move across the sky with very bright colored beautiful lights and descend to the left across the sky. and I tell people who believe me that this war is coming to Ukraine

    I immediately dreamed of a fire. Bright, high, without blackness. I looked, admired such a bright fire without smoke and moved on. Then I saw flashes and looked at the sky. The sky was clear and clean, the flashes came from the sun, which I could calmly look at. Suddenly, about two dozen white dots separated from the sun and began to approach me. As they approached, I saw that they were people in white clothes. They laughed merrily and talked to each other. One of them flew up to me, showed his hand on which there was a silver bracelet with a watch and asked me “what is this?” I answered “hours”. With a joyful cry, “This is a watch, this is a watch!” He returned to the other men in white and I woke up

    I dreamed of a bright starry sky, very beautiful. The stars gathered into constellations and rotated across the sky. It was very beautiful and you couldn’t take your eyes off it, it was breathtaking. Then something between a robot and a human came down to me, extended its hand, and I cautiously extended mine. There was a handshake and it flew away again.

    I was standing outside with my son and the sky began to be covered in a dust storm, a strong wind blew, my mother and son and I decided to hide in the store and wait until we were in the store, the wind died down and the sky cleared, looking out the window I saw the sky behind the trees big temple.

    I dreamed about the evening sky, I left the house upset, looked at the sky and could not take my eyes off, the evening sky was beautiful without clouds, but there were many birds circling with large wings of different bright colors. For a long time I looked at these beautiful birds, as if from a fairy tale, and at the sky.

    I dreamed that I was standing in the sky, bright blue, like the sea... Or rather, higher than the sky, above it, and looking down at it. I first ran through a beautiful forest, then climbed a hill, and suddenly the sky was under my feet. And I can’t possibly understand what solid ground I’m standing on, because there’s nothing under my feet.

    I dreamed that my friend and I went to some kind of concert in my village, but we didn’t get to it because I noticed incredible beauty in the sky, or rather there were several trees and above them there was a colorful shimmering from light blue to pink from pink to purple . but the sky was not somber, then it all disappeared, as happens in life, I still tried to take pictures on my phone, then we went back

    Hello. the dream was strange. as if I had come to some kind of sect, a group of people, their leader was a man, constantly smiling, then everyone began to pray, and the prayer was somehow not standard, everyone just said something different to themselves and looked at the sky. everything happened in an open space, the sky was covered with gray even clouds, the sky was all gray, but warm colors, when the prayer became more frequent, the leader of this sect showed me to the sky, I looked - the clouds began to disperse in one place, a round hole was formed from which smiling sun. then the sky darkened again, the sun disappeared, and the leader seemed to mentally say to me - look, if you turn to the Sky and the Sun with special prayers, they will be heard, and then again everyone prayed, again he pointed to the sky and again it parted and appeared Sun. then it dragged on again, and the leader smiled and again mentally said - pray and you will be heard. something like this.

    I had a dream in which there was a gloomy, even eerie sky, swirling with black and gray clouds... Immediately (in the dream) there was a call from my cousin’s sister, with whom she had a difficult relationship since childhood. She enthusiastically says that she is now in dentistry, she met a very interesting person (I understand that this is a man with whom I work (and with whom the relationship is also strained)... Then in the rain I catch up with the girl who stole my car keys... K what's all this?

    I dreamed that I saw through the window of the room how many planes were flying over our house. They fly very low. Then the colors in the sky began to change. Very bright colors, it looks like paints were sprayed in the sky one by one.

    I dreamed that I was driving with a girl in her bright Matiz, we were eating, eating, and then out of nowhere a Kamaz appeared, and we somehow found ourselves on the side of the road, without a car, the Matiz disappeared, she ran under the wheels of this Kamaz, well, after the car, and he is at speed, and then he stops, but there is no Matiz, and she crawls out of there, alive and normal, then it’s like we’re eating the second story again and as if I’m already alone on the side of the road, and they and the Matiz are under the wheels and they get them, she’s unconscious, but with the car, and the police interrogate me about what I supposedly set up, and I cry, I say no, what are you, then I come home, as if in the village, and at home my mother and her sister, with whom they are in a disagreement, hug, and I I'm crying all over, and I look out the window, and there is the sky, at first it was clear, bright blue, and then it was clouded, with such terrible terrible black clouds, and the sky tells me, don't ever ask for anything, so that something will happen... I woke up just terrified

    I'm standing on the street with multi-story buildings around me. A dead, unfamiliar man is looking at me from every window. and from the window of my apartment too. then they fly towards me and surround me. I start clapping my hands. and the men lift me up into the sky by my legs and arms. I'm taking off. I wake up scared.

    I dreamed of a dark gray sky, I look up at the sky, and from the sky a blue road with an image of a river and a swan goes from the sky. I look up and a bright blue flash comes from the sky and I fall to the ground.

    I dreamed of the sky, and in it a brown horse was flying, with a rider on it, the horse stopped on the roof of a store, stood and the rider looked at me, as if watching me, and I stood with my daughter below and looked at each other like that

    I dreamed that I left the house, a shadow appeared in front of me and she said look at the sky, I looked, then the shadow said look for 5 minutes, I stood there for 5 minutes, when I looked at the place where she was standing, she was not there, but there was a table with some kind of... then with a stick, and then I woke up from fright

    Hello, Tatyana! I don’t often see dreams, and usually they are never remembered and I don’t attach any importance to them, but yesterday I had a dream that made me feel uneasy, it was a very bright and clear vision, as if in reality, which I remembered very clearly, when I woke up, for some time I could not understand whether it was in a dream or in reality, I was standing on the street and suddenly I saw some kind of glow in the sky, then some image appeared, like a portrait, and began to approach me, I was so scared, I covered my face with my hands and didn’t see who was in this image, but it touched me, or even entered me, and suddenly everything lit up, sparkled, for some reason I blew and the sparks flew like fireworks for the New Year, I blew like that several times, it was very beautiful and bright and I was happy, but then, suddenly it turned out that from summer I found myself in winter, in an unfamiliar city, I had to walk barefoot and naked through the snowdrifts, but I knew where to go, I knew which bus I should take, and It seems I got on this necessary bus, but I didn’t have money to pay for the fare, here the dream was already blurry and I woke up, it was night, I couldn’t sleep for a long time

    gray sky, clouds. In the center there is a clearing, but not complete: the sun is covered by clouds, you can just see a light yellowish spot in the sky. I usually walk calmly. I walk on the ground, and around me on all sides and above is the sky. I look up. My father is walking right in front of me, but he is constantly doing some somersaults. does somersaults and so on. The dream is bright, clear, memorable.

    I sat with the men at night. I stood and they sat. He tilted his head and saw a beautiful starry sky with a huge blue planet with one ring. Before this, the sun quickly disappeared from the sky, literally flying by like a ball of fire.

    On November 30, my son died. this was 8 years ago. Yesterday, on this occasion, according to custom, sweets and baked goods were distributed. At night I had a dream: I was driving in a car in the back passenger seat. And I saw that my son’s name and surname and the name of his girlfriend were floating out of the clouds. First, the inscription was in small letters, and then the inscription and the red heart were enlarged.

    I dreamed that I was on a balcony in the dark at night.. the sky is brightly dark and there are bright patterns on it, very beautiful green blue red tones throughout the sky.. and it is low overhead.. the feeling of something beautiful and unusual

    Hello! Well-being! Health, wealth, love!!! I dreamed that I was standing with my daughter on the balcony admiring the starry sky with bright stars, and on the ground there was a sea with waves on which running horses were depicted. Thank you

    I dream that I am going “home” where I used to live, but I got off the bus at the stop and you will see the sky from the south-eastern side of an unusual color, it was painted like a beautiful expensive carpet, bright, with geometric patterns, a lot of gold in paints and Egyptian jugs .I began to call people to look at the sky, but I heard voices that they had already seen it but were not there yet, I turned around, and the bus left, leaving me alone, I saw my friends who died a year ago had left on the bus, and with them those that were still alive, I ran after them, and they left, I began to get there on foot, trying to stop at least some transport, but if someone was driving, they turned away from me, the white car actually drove uphill along a stone fence and fell into the abyss , it was getting dark outside and I decided to spend the night on the outskirts of the city (I needed to go to the village), I saw that my friend had entered one of the houses and I quickly ran after her, but when I entered the house there was one large apartment, dark and my dead friends were sitting there, who had left without me, I was offended by them and they were not happy with me, they again showed me the same sky, but not solid anymore, but in pieces and said that they had not been there yet, but it was very good there and there are even better places, everything that I wanted to tell them they already knew beforehand, they answered, they told me to leave, they didn’t have enough space, but I asked to stay somewhere, even for the night, but they were not begging, they said that Sveta is now being bought and will be with them (she is still alive), I felt so offended and I left, walked with some man and told him everything I saw in the sky, like my friends did to me, for the bus and for the car that he drove up the hill smiled and distorted, if Ruslan hadn’t flown like that, everything would have been different, I got scared and woke up, and lay there for a long time and thought, connecting who and the dream and the dream that I had a few years ago, and which had already come true for more than half. If you want, I’ll describe it. We worked together, were friends, went to the sea in Crimea, all the holidays together, forays into nature, we were four families and one woman later joined us. We are all the same age. In 2010 I was diagnosed with breast cancer, I refused surgery, girls I was scolded and I had a dream: I found myself far from home and night again overtakes me, I want to spend the night somewhere, I see a large green iron fence, I knock on this gate in a panic, and suddenly one of my friends opens this gate for me (at that time they were all still alive), I looked, and there was a big black abyss outside the gate, my friend said, “You can’t come here, it’s too early,” and I understand that this is already the world of the dead and I ask her, what are you doing here? , and she says we’re all here already, as I ask everyone, and she and Sergei (her husband) and grandfather and Yurka and me and…. I don’t remember who she’s calling, but you can’t go here, I was so offended too, but she closed the morning. And then suddenly her husband died, then her grandfather, then her son, the husband of another friend died, one friend died, another followed, and I had such a dream again on the old New Year.

    Hello, I first dreamed of the night, then I looked at the sky, it was blue on the horizon, like in the picture with clouds, a month and a star, for some reason there was a hand nearby (I thought you could get a star from the sky), then I looked in the other direction and I already saw another moon, it seemed not full, but it was in a haze, then another and another (in total four) And at that time I was talking to my late mother on the phone, told her to look at four moons, and suddenly I heard her scream, like as if someone had attacked her, and then in the twilight she saw that someone in the form of a huge dog or a werewolf was actually dragging her and attacking her, she was screaming either for help, or for me to run away and save myself , in the end, there was quite a large distance between us, I whistled, hoping to scare him away, but it wouldn’t have helped and I woke up in horror

    When I looked at the sky it was so beautiful, warm, clean. I looked at him in surprise, he was so beautiful that I looked at the sun and sky for about 2 minutes. And then I woke up. and yes, next to me was my friend, who seemed to want to go to the sun. and when I dragged her there she refused. And I'm like, okay. And when we looked at the sky from the other side, I asked her, look how beautiful she is. And they answered: not very much. I ask her again, look, this is beauty
    , don't you see it? She said no

    I dreamed that I was standing with friends on the street at night, it was summer. And we looked at the sky, and there was panic, because some signs were flying in the sky, they became bigger and bigger, they already occupied almost the entire sky (there were two signs, I don’t remember which ones, but I remember the colors, one was red, and the second was green (or blue, one of these two) and they didn’t merge. But we didn’t leave, we didn’t run, we just stood there and watched. I was scared, but not really, it was a strange feeling. escape from there, but it was as if something was holding me... it's hard to explain

    I came to my educational institution, there we began to break through an underground passage, this was initially in the form of a task. In our school The court came to the institution, and so I went there to attend. I came and sat down, they called me, I started responding to them with rudeness (in life I can do the same, so I didn’t attach any importance) and they kicked me out, after that I came to a completely different place and it resembled a locker room from school and almost all of my classmates were there, although I haven't studied there for a long time. Our teachers and head teachers talked to us, and after that I went out to my guys, who were waiting for me to continue the excavations. We were doing everything and suddenly a classmate called me, I came into the office and we quarreled over the cap and not that I was wearing it. Then I walked down the hall and talked with our master (like a class teacher). When I arrived at the excavation site, I was no longer in a dress, but in other clothes, and then I had to go down, but Dylan O’Brien (actor) didn’t want to, he was afraid and I needed to cheer him up (we liked each other but hid this, perhaps it was my “classmate”, they are similar in appearance, so I kissed him and we went down) we went down, but I don’t know how I ended up in front of another entrance that we were digging. It was necessary to go down there (I was with my friends, but there were none of those who had been there before). I started to descend and got a little stuck, but a couple of deft movements helped me get through. Our 3 “rivals” arrived on the street and we were already downstairs. There were about 6-7 of us, all my friends. The place resembled a farm or an unfinished building, the walls were made of concrete slabs in which there was a hole for windows, but without frames or glass. The inside of the entire building was covered with fine black mesh. To the left and to the right there was a lowered net and the window was at a height of a meter from the floor, you had to crawl through there and go out that way. The second team also climbed into the building. We all got out. You had to jump over the first meter-high grass, run across the second grass a little lower and run into a field where you couldn’t stop. While we ran across the second section of grass with a friend, I felt worm grass and a bracelet in my mouth (which I had previously taken into my mouth). She spat it out and we continued on our way. Around us there was a field with low, very bright green grass and a blue sky, there was serenity, it was so calm. With all this, we were going to heaven, everyone knew or thought that if we reached the end of this field, we could come to heaven or something like that. We walked for a reason, but for some reason we wanted to get something. But there you had to constantly either walk or run, but not stop. And we were walking with a girl I knew, and I had a bruise on one arm and 3 very small wounds on the other. With every step, dark spots began to appear on my hands, like bruises, but for some reason we began to say that my hands were festering and it became more and more painful for me. I became afraid and woke up abruptly. What could this mean?

    Or airplanes. These families were from China and India, someone told me. They flew in the literal sense of the word. As a result, they circled near my house, and I knocked down an Indian family with my hands. He reached out and knocked them down, they fell on the grass. They flew at low and medium altitude, which is why I got them. They survived after falling on the grass and flew on. And the Chinese family flew far beyond my yard, I didn’t see them. What kind of nonsense is this? Hello!!! In a dream, I, my common-law husband, and my 9-year-old daughter were flying in the sky on an incomprehensible roofing felt. On my husband’s side there was a curb, I was lying in the middle, but from my daughter’s efforts there was nothing and she was afraid. I was drawn to me so that she didn’t fall. When we were flying, a UFO flew by not far from us. One elongated one round plate and a red light illuminated and lit up.

    Hello) I saw in a dream a blue sky, white clouds, the earth 🌏 with its continents and the moon nearby was visible in the sky, this happens during the day, we see the moon, that is, in white, also through the doorway I saw people praying, I felt the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was there, but I saw him rather in profile and not clearly, clearly only who was next to him, he looked at me, but his face was not human, of an unearthly race, they were in white , I also prayed in Arabic, I said the prayer “Bismillah Rahman Rahim” 3 times

    I went to the window, there was a very beautiful sky, and the color was so rich, beautiful, I decided to take a photo, went to get a camera, went to the window, and there was already an ordinary sky without any beautiful features

    I’m walking and it’s as if there’s a ray of light in the sky, and behind it there’s like two small balls of fire, I start to run home, it’s become very warm, and it’s as if everything is blurry in my eyes, but that’s not for long

    Hello, I had the following dream: I was at work, they asked me to fill out a form or take a test, they gave me a notepad, there was a blank sheet of paper. I look at the notepad and a screen appears in the air in front of me, like on a computer, and a social video starts showing. And as I understand it, this is the very test that I look at in the notebook. I don’t remember all the slides, but one of them, for example, if late at night you go for a walk and not go home... Then... I understood the meaning that if you don’t pay attention to your family and friends, you can lose them. Then I seem to be sucked into this social media video and I find myself in heaven. And other people too. Everyone has boards in their hands. Like surfboards. Everyone holds it upright. And they rush upward with great speed. Me too. Having reached a certain height, people's hair turned white. I understood that they had turned gray, that perhaps they had died and were flying further into the sky. I turned my board horizontally and stopped. I was left alone at that height above the clouds. Blue endless sky and many white fluffy clouds like snow. I didn't see the earth. Because the clouds. Silence and beauty. And I’m swaying on this board as if on the waves. Suddenly I hear my mother from above shouting at me to go back downstairs. Thank God my mother’s hair was dark and not white gray. I pointed the board down and flew. First I landed in the bushes, there was a hut in a hut, homeless people, drunks, I asked if they had seen people, they showed me the way. I went out into the city. There were houses and people in the distance. They didn’t see me and I thought that I should go to the bus stop unnoticed and go home. Woke up.

    Hello. I see the same dream, but always in different ways. All sorts of miracles happen in the sky, like white clouds, a blue sky and a pink sunset. Like in a fairy tale. It’s very beautiful, and all sorts of interesting phenomena appear in the sky, sometimes Letters, sometimes different signs that I don’t know, then the planets line up in a row, and all sorts of figures line up from the stars. This dream does not scare me, but it leaves a precipitate for several days. I keep thinking about him. What could this mean?

    I wake up in a spacious apartment with panoramic windows on a high floor. It turned out that this was my friend’s apartment. The bed on which I slept in the dream was slightly to the left of the window, almost opposite. Through the window I see a bright blue sky and, in my opinion, there were a couple of small fluffy white clouds. And tall, beautiful residential buildings. Like expensive new buildings. And I understand that I am in the same rich house. The feeling was breathtaking. I really liked and was inspired by what I saw.

    I dreamed that I recognized a window for a long time, I tried to sit on the windowsill more comfortably, it was the last floor of a high-rise building, I find it difficult to say which one I was on, there were trees around, platforms, cars in the yard, a pooping woman in canvas walked to and from the car home, I think she carried something from the car, I don’t remember exactly, there were several more houses in front of the house, I still couldn’t fit on the window sill, but there was some kind of protrusion under the window, the window frame was in the way, and I climbed out onto the floorboard, and then I finally sat down on the windowsill, and then I saw that the cloudy sky was not cold, everything was as if in a haze, there was a feeling that now there would be rain with thunder, hail and lightning, and I felt so calm, so good, I was waiting for that It’s about to start, but then I woke up. Strange dream. I very rarely have dreams.

    The river is not very clean, it’s dirty, and someone is pulling me by the hand into it, it’s not a pleasant feeling.
    And in my mind I think I need to get out, it doesn’t work out right away, but after a moment I fly high into the sky, and I see how everything dark and unpleasant remains at the bottom, at the top there is a very saturated blue color around, and a lot of light, and this light removes everything that is below dirty and unpleasant becomes clean, the space around shines.

    Hello! I had an unusual dream about the firmament, as if it was cloudy there, with gray clouds like a veil. I noticed that large fish were swimming in the sky, I sat down on a bench and tilted my head back to watch. I see two pairs of whales, they swim synchronously in pairs, gray whales. The two turtles are unusual. There are no such things in nature; they have, as it were, velvet shells. and two kind of fish. It was the whales that attracted attention. During the day I walk around under the impression, it’s so beautiful!!) It’s interesting to know: what is this for?

Why does a woman dream about the sky:

Seeing a clear sky means travel.

Seeing stars in the sky is a great joy.

Seeing the heights of heaven is a sign of joy.

Seeing a blazing sky foretells disturbances in the city or strife.

Seeing the sky means sadness or difficulties

Seeing a blazing sky means some kind of heartache.

Seeing stars falling from the sky means that the people will die as a result of the war or die out.

Seeing Christ in heaven is a sign of joy.

1 Sky by Dream Interpretation of the Subconscious

Seeing the sky in a dream means:

What does Heaven mean in a dream? People have always associated the sky with the awe-inspiring presence of divine powers. Thus, dreams about the sky often represent the highest level of realization of ambitions that the dreamer strives for.

Positive value

Clear skies may foretell a period of contentment ahead, when nothing can stop you. This is also a sign of a future solution to the problem, which will become crystal clear to you.

Negative implications

Dreams of a cloudy sky foretell turbulent times. Perhaps there is a “cloud” pressing on you, in other words, you are carrying the burden of difficult problems.

The vast sky in a dream can mean enormous creative potential. Was it pleasant for you to see this sky or did it seem to you that it was unattainably far away?

Flight. If you were floating in the sky in a dream, try to understand why this happened. Maybe you've tried to take a bird's eye view of real life problems? Blue sky. According to some analysts, a bright blue sky means you will find a lost or stolen item. This is also a sign that the upcoming journey will be successful. Colorful sky. He is associated with romantic interests. This is a symbol of a current relationship or a warning about an unpleasant date.

1 Sky by Creative dream book

You dreamed about Heaven, what is this for. 1. In dreams, the sky represents the mind or our hidden potential. To fly or float through the sky: these actions have a dual meaning, as they can either mean an attempt to escape everything earthly, or an exploration of other possibilities. If the sky is dark, then it reflects our gloomy mood, if it is light, it reflects our joy. 2. The sky represents the unattainable. No matter how hard we try, we will never be able to make the sky tangible. 3. From a spiritual point of view, the sky represents eternity, but also denotes order - especially that applied to the intuitive function.

The stranger a dream seems to us, the deeper its meaning.

Sigmund Freud

1 Sky according to the Online Dream Book

Dreaming about the sky means:

The dream book explains clear skies as evidence that you will have universal respect, as well as have a pleasant time with worthy people.

If it is cloudy and gray, your plans will not come true; this promises huge problems for girls.

If you dreamed that it turned red, you will be in conditions of social instability and popular protest.

In a dream, rising to the sky - your hopes will not come true, and changes will bring only grief.

Soaring in it among ephemeral creatures is a big disaster.

Signs in the sky indicate that you do not clearly understand what is happening to you now, and you need the advice of a wise and experienced person.

If flashes of bright light appear in it, complete mutual understanding and well-being will reign in your home, you will enjoy each other’s company in an intimate setting.

If in a dream you dreamed of a rope ladder to the sky and you climb it, rapid advancement in the service and family well-being awaits you.

To see steps leading to heaven in a dream means that circumstances will be as successful as possible, and you will achieve great social and material benefits without the slightest effort, but you will be disappointed that everything came so easily to you.

According to the dream book, turning your gaze to the sky means you will soon be able to restore your physical strength and find inner harmony.

A dream in which you saw a sky dotted with stars promises you an increase in your well-being; suddenly you will become much richer. This also means that your deepest desire will come true, but for you it will be a complete surprise, a pleasant surprise.

If the sky is black, be prepared for the fact that fate is preparing serious trials for you, problems and disappointments await you, everything that is dear to you will be at stake.

According to the dream book, a blue light sky is a sign that you will soon have a very entertaining and educational trip, during which you will meet someone with whom you could connect your entire future destiny, with whom you will create a harmonious and happy union.

Seeing the sky dark is a reflection of your current mental mood, you are overcome by negative emotions, and everything that happens to you will also have a negative connotation. Therefore, try to think only about the good, and your problems will be solved quickly and easily.

If you dream of the sky at night, it means that there is something in your subconscious that you cannot understand, but it is rushing out, try to fully understand yourself.

A dream in which you saw a cross on high suggests that you are leading a life pleasing to God, and if you continue to do good, the Higher powers will support you in everything.

1 Sky by To the Dream Interpreter of 1829

Sky dream meaning:

To see the sky clear and bright on the road - portends a happy journey, recovery for the sick, those who have lost what they have lost from searching, those looking for places to fulfill their desires, those planning to get into a profitable marriage; a gloomy sky and covered with clouds means illness and failure in any undertaking; burning sky - foreshadows persecution from a strong person, also marks lack and hunger; a sky dotted with stars means the discovery of secrets and the patronage of a noble person.

1 Sky by Dream Interpretation of Stealing Veles

Buy land, success; red - there will be a war, a quarrel, a win; dark - pestilence; gloomy - obstacle, sadness, illness; starry - fulfillment of desires, inheritance; pure - good, good luck, recovery, find lost things, wedding; in crimson clouds - illness; to climb to the sky is labor.

Inside everyone, even the best of us, lies an uncontrollable wild beast that wakes up when we sleep...


1 Sky by ABC of dream interpretation

Symbolizes a state of mind that correlates with the view of the sky.

Beautiful sky - harmony, lightness of feelings; dark, gloomy - heavy forebodings, threatening events.

Flying in the sky means experiencing elation and success.

Look at the sky and stars - have high goals.

Dark clouds in the sky mean difficulties in life.

Diverging clouds - clarification of circumstances.

1 Sky by Dream book of catchphrases

Sky in a dream means:

NEBO (heaven) - “to be in seventh heaven,” “to smoke the sky” (aimless existence), “promised heaven” (paradise). "Ascend to heaven" or "go to heaven" - die; spiritual revelation. “Heavenly powers” ​​- patrons, protectors - call on these forces - for trouble or help; “cloudless sky” - favored; “throw lightning” - get angry. See add. clouds, weather.

1 Sky by Dream interpretation horoscope

A sky strewn with stars means that the trip you are going on will be happy.

The sky is blue and cloudless - step back from your experiences, otherwise a nervous breakdown cannot be avoided.

1 Sky by Imperial dream book

Why does a woman dream about the sky?

The sky in Chinese mythology is the highest category of the universe: all transformations of the five fundamental principles of the world (earth, metal, water, wood, fire) take place under the sky; man lives between Heaven and Earth, obeying their laws. At the same time, Heaven itself participates in all earthly transformations, pouring pure light and heat onto the Earth with yang energy: from heavenly light fire is ignited and warms the earth, which gives birth to metal and the like. Heaven and Cosmos need man, just as man needs them. Both the earth and the Cosmos need a human observer living among heaven and earth to realize themselves as a single living body.

For a person, looking at the sky means a symbolic action, comprehension of the complexity of the universe, awareness of oneself as a particle of the Cosmos.

Looking into the sky in a dream means contemplating pure yang light, making up for deficiencies in yang energy.

Looking at the sky/seeing the sky in a dream with satisfaction/watching clouds running across the sky - a dream means a favorable coincidence of the dreamer’s rhythms with the seasons or rhythms of winter, at other times it is a coincidence of personal rhythms with the rhythms of nature and the Cosmos as a whole.

The thirst to look at the sky in a dream arises either in childhood, when a person is not yet torn from the sky by earthly problems, or in more conscious years, when the most earthly part of the path has been successfully passed and the person realizes that all this was done for something even higher - the dream foreshadows the discovery of creative possibilities and assistance in their implementation.

Looking at the sky covered with heavy clouds, but without fear and the desire to hide, means an unfavorable external situation: some unfinished business or an incompletely developed worldview prevents you from taking a new path, but the desire is there and you just need to move forward.

Looking/seeing a low, heavy sky with fear and a desire to hide - the sum of wrong actions and an inadequate worldview closes the path to Heaven from the dreamer. Fear indicates his personal, internal problems and primarily weakened kidneys, liver, bladder, and gall bladder. Problems with the intestines are also possible: not only the absorption of physical food, but also the reception of information in general depends on the intestines. Correcting yourself and the situation around you should begin with health (the light of the sky does not reach the dreamer).

When in a dream it seems that someone is waking you up and calling you, do not respond and do not look out the window - this is one of your deceased relatives calling you to them.

1 The sky according to Freud's dream book

Why does a woman dream about the sky:

Seeing a clear sky in a dream is a good sign; it shows that everything in your personal life is going well, you feel on the crest of a wave, all the failures that befell you in the sexual field will disappear. Enjoy this time, it may be very short.

If the sky in your dream was cloudy, the sun was not visible on it - this means that something is bothering you, but you in no way associate this concern with your sex life, although it is completely in vain if you improve your relationship with your partner, then life will go on okay. New acquaintances are also not forbidden.

Seeing the starry sky is a sign of a romantic meeting that you really hope for. It all depends on you, how much you can relax and enjoy yourself, without forgetting to give it to your loved one.

1 Sky by Family dream book

Seeing the sky in a dream means:

A dream about a clear and clean sky promises refined society, honors and exciting travels.

A gloomy sky promises broken hopes and women's grievances.

The purple sky is a sign of rebellion and unrest.

Starry sky - portends the beginning of a successful struggle for the right to self-realization.

If you saw yourself ascended to heaven, your attempt to take advantage of the opportunities that have opened before you will be unsuccessful.

If in a dream you climbed a ladder to heaven, you will have a rapid rise in society. True, it will not bring much satisfaction, since you will not put any effort into it.

1 Sky by Dream Interpretation of Schiller-Schoolboy

A dream with the sky in the dream book is interpreted as:

pure, clear - joy, peace and pleasure; gloomy and covered with clouds of melancholy, sadness and failure.

1 Sky by Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Dreaming about the sky means:

You see a clear sky in a dream - you will receive honors; you will be honored to be present in high society; perhaps the reward for your services will be a pleasant trip. The night sky is clear, but there are no stars - the dream warns you from some danger. The sky you see in a dream is gloomy - your hopes are not destined to come true; in your thoughts you will constantly return to your offense. You dream that the sky is purple - perhaps you will take part in a rebellion. It’s as if you see a starry sky - the dream suggests that you know your place in society very well and understand your purpose; you unswervingly follow your destiny and therefore will definitely achieve your goal. You see several luminaries in the sky - living with the pleasures and interests of the average person is boring for you; you are looking for entertainment of the highest order - as a rule, this is entertainment of thought; you will be consoled in wisdom where another will not be consoled in material acquisitions; the transience of life is not a revelation for you: first all name days and weddings, then more and more often funerals, this is how life goes by. You seem to be flying through the sky along with fantastic or mythical creatures - you will have to overcome physical or mental pain; you will not allow jealousy to take over your power; unrequited love will not unsettle you; your time will come and you will achieve everything you want. You climb into the sky along an endless staircase - your activities will elevate you in the eyes of people; your selflessness will make you rich; you will be offered a responsible position; however, it is possible that all the benefits will awaken to you with some delay, when you are already burned out - so you are unlikely to experience satisfaction.

1 Sky according to Dream Book 2012

Sky dream meaning:

A reminder that there are no limits to growth. A reminder of the enormous possibilities of man. A reflection of enlightenment, bliss, unity and peace.

1 Sky by Esoteric dream book

What does it mean if a woman dreams of the sky:

Space for thoughts.

Clean - there is complete order in your thoughts.

Night - thoughts about the secret, you have to gain secret (esoteric) knowledge.

Stormy, gray in your head - too many negative thoughts.

Drawings, words, images in the sky - you are invited to think about them, to concentrate your attention on mysterious phenomena.

If someone shudders in a dream, it means that person is growing.

1 Sky by Icelandic dream book

What can the sky mean in a dream:

Rising into the sky means earning money.

1 Sky by Star Dream Book

Sky in a dream means:

Blue - for luck and pleasure. Peace in the soul. Vacation possible. A sky covered with clouds means problems.

1 Sky by Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

If a girl dreams of the sky, it means:

Seeing and admiring the summer blue sky in a dream means good weather.

Seeing in a dream how you burned your palate while drinking tea means lawlessness.

Blue sky - you will be very happy for your children.

1 Sky by Eastern dream book

Why does a woman dream about the sky?

Seeing a clear blue sky is always a sign of prosperity and well-being in life; seeing the starry sky means achieving the highest goals.

1 Sky by Dream Interpretation of Vrublevskaya

Seeing the sky in a dream means:

Symbolizes aspiration to high goals, especially flight to heaven. A dark, gloomy sky with clouds reflects heavy forebodings and threatening events.

1 Sky by Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Interpretation of a dream about the sky:

Joy; gloomy - sadness.

1 Sky by Danilova's erotic dream book

Interpretation of a dream about the sky:

A dream in which you see a clear blue sky promises an exciting journey, where there is a chance of meeting an interesting, pleasant person. He is the one you have been waiting for all your life, he is the one who can give you the joy of love and the happiness of family life.

If in a dream you fly through the sky and see the earth from a bird's eye view - carefully and with interest watching what is happening below, this suggests that in real life you are careful before entering into an intimate relationship with someone.

Seeing in a dream the sky covered with clouds, cloudy, with rain and lightning - you will experience the collapse of the hopes that you placed in a loved one, and the grievances that he will cause you in the near future.

1 Sky by Tsvetkov's dream book

The sky in a dream predicts:

Light - success;

blue - expectation of good;

red - quarrel;

starry - fulfillment of desires, a large inheritance;

dark without stars - danger;

in the clouds of fire - great joy;

in red, crimson clouds - a serious illness.

Also see Fly, Hum.

1 Sky by Vedic dream book of Sivananda

Why do you dream about Heaven:

For the rest of your life you will feel spiritual peace. A peaceful death awaits you.

1 Sky according to Azar's Dream Interpretation

Peace of mind, long life.

1 Sky by Dream book of Nina Grishina

The image of the soul, the picture of its life.

The daytime sky always symbolizes such phenomena in the life of the soul that you can clearly understand.

Seeing something clear and pure means quiet hours and inner composure; can be used for spiritual development.

There is honor above your head.

Thunderstorms, storms high in the sky - disharmony in the life of the soul.

The sky is an unnatural color - strange, sometimes dangerous states in the life of the soul.

Red - quarrel, disagreement.

Yellow or greenish - anger, envy, etc.

To ascend is to live in constant labor.

The night sky symbolizes a phenomenon in the life of the soul that is beyond the limits of waking consciousness, which is a mystery to it.

The sky with stars is the fulfillment of cherished secret desires, joy, a sign that your soul is in the hands of your higher self.

Brightly burning stars - a happy future.

Foggy, shrouded in a light haze - secret sadness.

To see the bright milky way is not the hope of the strength of the soul and help from above / the inextricable connection of external life with otherworldly existence.

Fire signs in the sky represent evil of all kinds: war, pestilence, etc.

There is a great flame in the sky - unpleasant news / death of a high-ranking person.

Fire falls from it - good.

An instant lightning in the sky is news of an event that produces a revolution in life.

1 Sky by Dream Interpretation of Otavalos Indians

If you dreamed of the moon in the sky, which is located inside the semicircle of the rainbow, difficulties and problems await the white man. I dreamed of a rainbow in the sky - according to the Otavalo Indians, this is a bad sign. If a rainbow is in the middle of a high-mountainous steppe (“paramo”), then this means heavy rains, downpours, or even an earthquake.

1 Sky by Dream Interpretation by E. Ericson

Clear is the reward. Seeing a clear sky from edge to edge means being in the company of well-mannered, noble people. A gloomy sky means disappointed hopes, for men - troubles with women. Part of the sky is scarlet - riots, solid red sky - popular unrest. Blue sky - expectation of goodness. Stars are visible in the daytime sky - receiving an inheritance. A night sky without stars is dangerous. A walk under such a sky together promises separation forever. The sky in crimson dark clouds is a disease. Bright fiery clouds are a great unexpected joy. Flying high in the sky and feeling the joy of flight is a joyful and happy event. To rise into the sky - to achieve protection or justice.

1 Sky by Dream Interpretation by E. Ericson

Why do you dream about Heaven:

If the sky in your dream is clear and clean, this means that there is no need to worry about your personal life, everything is going as well as possible. You are happy with sex, but this time can quickly end.

A cloudy sky without sun means hidden anxiety associated with intimate life. You think that the reason lies elsewhere, but your problems will disappear if you improve your relationship with your partner. New hobbies are welcome.

The starry sky symbolizes a romantic meeting. When it happens is entirely up to you. Everything will work out well if you do not behave selfishly and try to please your loved one.

1 Sky by American dream book

Much will become available.

1 Sky by American dream book

Blue sky - aimless avoidance: unrealized potential. Super Self

Something powerful descending from heaven, such as a giant hand, storm or figure, as a symbol of truth - God's intervention in the affairs of the individual.

1 Sky by Modern dream book

The sky in your dreams is a sign of exceptional honors and an interesting journey in a cultural society. All this will happen if the sky in your dream is clear.

But if the sky is gloomy or overcast, it predicts dashed hopes and troubles for women.

Seeing that you are flying through the sky surrounded by fantastic faces and animals is an extremely bad omen. All grief, all excruciating pain will merge into one tormenting sting of jealousy, which will pierce your love and destroy it.

Seeing the sky turning purple is a harbinger of social unrest and rebellion.

If you dream that you are ascending to heaven, you will not be satisfied with the position you will achieve, and joy will be replaced by sadness.

If young people dream that they are ascending to heaven on a ladder, they will go from obscurity to glory, but will find neither pleasure nor satisfaction in this.

1 Sky by Dream Interpretation of Artemidor

A clear blue sky means luck, a cloudy sky means trouble.

1 Sky by Egyptian dream book of pharaohs

Why do you dream about Heaven:

If a person sees himself in a dream seeing the sky with rain, it is bad, it means that quarrels will begin against him.

1 Sky by Ukrainian dream book

If you see a clean, clear sky in a dream, this is a beautiful sign that something new and better will happen in life.

The sky is red - anxiety, rebellion, war.

1 The sky according to Miller's dream book

A dream about the sky promises exceptional honors and an exciting journey in the most refined society if the sky in your dream is clear and pure. Otherwise, this dream means broken hopes and women's grievances.

If you dream that you are flying through the sky surrounded by bizarre faces and fantastic animals and are amazed at what is happening either in a dream, or when you wake up from a dream, then this means that all the grief, all that excruciating pain that touches even rough, undeveloped souls will flow out in a drop. jealousy, which will accommodate your unhappy love, and infidelity will be debunked.

Seeing a purple sky in a dream is a sign of riots and social unrest.

A starry sky means that you are embarking on the path of a real struggle for the right to incarnate in this life, but this struggle will be successful for you.

If you see an illuminated sky with celestial bodies, the dream promises a tremendous work of spirit ahead of you, a return to nature, which will give you wisdom and consolation.

If you see yourself ascended to heaven, then this dream foreshadows your unsuccessful attempt to take advantage of the wonderful opportunities that have opened up to you and achieve success in your work.

If in a dream you climb a ladder to heaven, the dream promises you a quick rise in society, which, however, will not bring you the desired satisfaction, since you will not pay for it with any effort.

1 Sky by Dream Interpretation of Happy Omens

Stars falling from the sky - to the fulfillment of your main desires.

1 Sky by Russian dream book

Clean, clear blue sky - good news; with white clouds - successful work; dark clouds - to sadness, failure, problems; fiery red clouds - serious illness; starry - to joy.

1 Sky by Dream book of the future

Why do you dream about Heaven:

If the sky is clear, this is good news; in the stars - to joy; in clouds - to sadness, failure, problems.

1 Sky by Dream book of symbols

The symbol of what is given comes down from above.

Depending on the type of heaven, these are troubles (the sky in black or dark bloody clouds) or gifts, fulfillment of desires (starry sky); hopelessness (dark) or good opportunities opening up (clear, light blue, sunny sky).

The sun, moon, month, clouds, stars, comet, meteor... - depending on their contrast, brightness, color scheme, they give the event the appropriate specificity and coloring and have a separate meaning of their own.

Various signs, inscriptions, images and objects in the sky also receive their additional enhanced meaning during interpretation, since they are a message from Her Majesty Lady Fate herself. Sometimes signs in the sky report something unrealistic, illusory.

1 Sky by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

A symbol of purity and inaccessibility, the abode of God.

The sky is covered in thunderclouds - danger looms over you; soaring in the sky means good luck and resolution of complex issues.

1 Sky by Persian dream book Tiflisi

Blue sky - to abundance.

The scarlet sky promises crop failure and loss of property.

A yellow sky is a harbinger of a serious illness.

1 Sky by Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Burnt palate - dreams of deprivation of rights. To put it bluntly, they will shut your mouth.

Blue sky means a better life.

1 Sky by Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya

Why do you dream about Heaven:

Blue sky - predicts happy love.

A low, gloomy sky warns of unhappy love.

Crimson - to troubles on the love front.

Starry sky - dreams of a romantic date in an intimate setting.

If you dreamed that you fell from the sky, you could be accused and even arrested.

In a dream you saw someone or something fall from it - one of your relatives may be in trouble.

1 Sky by Russian dream book

Blue sky - great happiness and prosperity; in heavy black clouds - grief, sadness, sadness.

1 Sky by Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

You can grow in all directions.

1 Sky by Dream Interpretation of Health

Seeing a clear sky is a sign of a calm and favorable course of events; the sky is covered with clouds - difficulties and conflict situations are outlined; the sky is dark with thunderclouds - a dangerous situation is being created.

1 Sky by Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

This is the place where we turn our eyes and hopes, from where both happiness and sorrow can be sent to us. The heavenly light will “shine” in a dream in reality.

If you see a clear sky, a high position awaits you, both in the spiritual and earthly fields.

All rays of light in the sky are fortunate; to patronage in business.

A clear, bright sky is success; blue - wait for the successful completion of all your affairs.

The sky in the stars - fulfillment of desires, a great inheritance; night, dark without stars - danger.

Lightning in the night sky is a sign of a false alarm; your fears and concerns are unfounded.

1 Sky according to Dream Tarot

The yellow sky symbolizes positivity (sunny skies, sunshine). On night maps the sky is blue. In Tarot cards, the most important thing in the image of the sky is the weather. This is where the meaning of this symbol comes from. For example, a thunderstorm in the Five of Swords or Knight of Swords cards denotes swiftness and destructiveness of actions. In the Ten and Three of Swords, the sky is gloomy and gloomy, covered with clouds, which symbolizes suffering and pain. In the Five of Pentacles, the sky is snowy, which also indicates sadness and suffering. As we can see, the sky is most often accentuated in the suit of Swords, because air (and Swords is the element of Air) is closely connected with the sky. Large clouds in the sky (from which the hands in the Aces are often drawn in the Tarot) symbolize mysticism, the intervention of higher powers. For example, in the Five of Cups, one of the Cups is offered by a hand, and in the Seven of Cups, cloud hands surround the cups. The World arcana depicts flying characters in the corners of the map, with clouds.

1 Sky by Danilova's children's dream book

If the sky is clear, it means a cloudless life awaits you.

If the sky is gloomy, it means that “clouds are gathering” above you - some problems will soon begin.

The sky also symbolizes the nature of your life.

1 Sky according to Hasse's dream book

clear - success in enterprises
covered with clouds - overcome obstacles
in fiery clouds - great joy awaits
studded with stars - you will receive a big inheritance
rise into the sky - you will achieve protection
dark is a formidable danger.

1 Sky by The correct dream book

Red - quarrel; blue - joy; clear - big win; starry - fulfillment of desires; ascend - success in business

1 Sky by French dream book

Seeing a clear sky in a dream is a good sign. Your dream foretells prosperity in the home. If you dreamed of the sky on fire, you will be attacked, followed by poverty and despair. The sky is in flowers - promises that soon a certain cherished truth will be revealed to you.

1 Sky by Muslim dream book

If anyone sees the sky in a dream, he will be blessed with greatness and a high position. If someone sees in a dream that he is ascending to the sky, he will make a long and long journey, from which he will benefit. If anyone sees that he has ascended almost to heaven, he will acquire a high position both in religious matters and in worldly affairs.

1 Sky according to the Small Dream Book

If in a dream you see a clear blue sky, then you are destined for meetings with interesting people and exciting trips. But if the sky is gloomy or overcast, then such a dream symbolizes the collapse of hopes. A dream in which you are flying through the sky surrounded by fantastic creatures is a bad omen. Beware of your jealousy, do not let it take over you. If in a dream the sky turns from blue to crimson, then cataclysms in the form of social unrest and rebellion are possible. A dream in which you ascend to heaven means that you will be able to achieve your goal, but this will not bring you the expected joy. If a young man has such a dream, it may foreshadow his ascent up the ladder of fame.

1 Sky by Dream interpretation of birthday people of May, June, July, August

The cloudy sky right above you means natural disasters.

Seeing your palate burnt by hot milk or tea means you are not allowed to say honestly how things are going at your work.

Blue sky - there will be an explanation that you will be happy about.

1 Sky by Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra

The sky is a symbol of purity and inaccessibility. People consider heaven to be the place where God lives and from where he looks at human sins. When the weather suddenly deteriorated and thunderclouds appeared in the sky, it was believed that this was the wrath of God, who was dissatisfied with the behavior and thoughts of people. In prayers and repentance, people turn their faces and hands to the sky, asking for forgiveness and help from the Almighty.

To see a dream in which you soar carefree in the sky is a harbinger of a successful resolution of complex issues; to luck; to find you innocent.

Seeing a sky full of heavy thunderclouds that literally burst from precipitation, but still do not give birth to rain - this dream warns of the danger that hangs over you; do not take risky steps; don't trust strangers because it can end very badly; to complicated matters and unclear problems.

To dream that you are going to pray, but various things constantly distract you, and you sadly put off what you want - to unbelief, doubts and disappointment; to implement your plans, you will have to try hard; to long and tedious tasks.

1 Sky by Dream Interpretation of Lovers

If you dreamed of a clear, cloudless sky, such a dream promises a pleasant romantic journey, during which you have a chance to meet your chosen one.

A cloudy and gloomy sky portends disappointment in love and women's grievances.

If you dream that you are climbing a ladder to heaven, this means that thanks to a successful marriage you will occupy a prominent position in society, but this will not bring you satisfaction, since it will require practically no effort from you.

1 Sky by Dream interpretation for a bitch

The sky is clear and pure - joy, peace, pleasure, an exciting journey with interesting fellow travelers.

A gloomy, cloudy sky means sadness, sadness and disappointment.

Starry sky - a long and difficult struggle for the right to be called the best of all will end in your favor.

Seeing a sunny sky means a rich spiritual life, a change in lifestyle that will bring wisdom and peace.

1 Sky according to the Dream Book of the 21st century

If you see a clear and clean sky in a dream, this is a sign that you will be given all sorts of honors or you will go on an exciting journey.

Seeing a blue sky in a dream is a harbinger of your success, a sign of overcoming difficulties; starry sky - to joy; red sky - to a quarrel; Seeing the sky with lightning is a happy occasion.

A gloomy sky covered with clouds serves as a call for patience and overcoming temporary difficulties.

Being in the clouds means receiving news, a new position.

If in a dream, with your head thrown back, you look into the sky - this is a harbinger of wealth and nobility; if the sky clears up after rain, this is a sign that all sorrows and worries will pass.

1 Sky according to the Dream Book of the 21st century

Heaven. Limitlessness. Everything is available.

Freedom; expansion.

1 Sky by Dream book alphabetically

A clear blue sky in a dream foretells you success in your enterprise, honors and money that you can spend freely. A cloudy sky covered with low clouds is a sign of serious obstacles in love and absurd grievances.

A stormy sky with flashes of lightning in black clouds is a harbinger of great joy and a solemn gathering of guests on this occasion. If it rains incessantly from the sky, this promises you reliable protection in the person of faithful and devoted friends, but if it snows or hails, this portends troubled times and the possibility of losing your fortune.

The night sky, strewn with bright stars with a month in the middle - the prospect will open before you to achieve everything you want if you sacrifice something dear to you. The dark, completely hopeless abyss of the night sky - you will receive an unexpected inheritance from a relative who has appeared out of nowhere. Flares of fire in the sky foreshadow sweet family joys and love joys on the marital bed. The sky, brightly illuminated in the middle of the night by the flash of a falling large meteorite - such a dream speaks of an upcoming foray into the bosom of nature in a cheerful company of friends.

If in a dream you fly in the sky, flapping your arms like wings, this means that immeasurable happiness awaits you, which you have been seeking for so long. To see birds, insects or animals fluttering in the sky - you will achieve protection of your legal rights when dividing property or inheritance.

Taking to the skies on an airplane or other airborne vehicle means an unsuccessful attempt to achieve success through illegal means. Climbing into the sky along the endless staircase hanging from there promises you a successful career and a well-functioning family life.

1 Sky by Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

To dream of a high, blue sky with white clouds floating across it - honors and an exciting journey await you. If the sky was absolutely cloudless, a cloudless life awaits you, full of joy and pleasure. A cloudy gray sky foreshadows a dull, hopeless life, routine worries and constant fatigue. If you see that the clear blue sky has suddenly darkened and a black cloud is approaching you, your hopes will be dashed against an insurmountable obstacle. If you see the night sky, filled with the light of the moon and the shine of the stars, great opportunities will open up for you to realize any goal. Soar in the sky high above the earth - you will be elevated. However, if you fell from the sky, such a dream means that you are too arrogant and this may soon become the reason for your failure. If a girl dreams of the daytime sky, on which a thin strip of the moon is visible, she will soon have a groom. For a young man who sees the disk of the moon in the daytime sky, the dream promises a quick marriage.

Imagine that the sky is absolutely clear. If it’s daytime, it’s bright blue, huge, tall. If it is night, then it is flooded with the radiance of millions of stars.

1 Sky by Dream book of the 20th century

Symbolizes fate, which a person cannot change.

To dream that some event is unfolding in the sky means that in reality you can experience something similar.

Most often, such dreams carry not a direct, but a symbolic meaning.

Clean, clear sky: portends good luck and prosperity.

Thunderclouds: This is a warning of danger. Perhaps in reality you risk causing someone's anger.

Crimson clouds: warn of sudden outbreaks of aggression, of which you may become a victim. After such a dream, it is better to avoid conflict situations.

White clouds in the sky: a sign of your daydreaming. It seems that your life plans lack clarity and certainty.

1 Sky according to Rommel's Dream Book

A bright, cloudless sky - to success, peace, pleasure or moral purification.

Dark, gloomy, with heavy clouds - to danger, illness, adversity.

Blue sky means something good.

Spangled with stars - to fulfillment of desires, inheritance.

Rays of light in the sky - fortunately, high patronage.

Red sky - to quarrels.

With lightning - to a happy accident.

With crimson clouds - to social unrest.

The sky with planets - to turn to nature, which gives wisdom and fortitude.

Being ascended to heaven in a dream means an unsuccessful attempt to use everything possible to advance one's affairs.

Climbing a ladder to heaven means quickly achieving a high position in society.

Flying through the sky means suffering from infidelity in love.

1 Sky by To the newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Starry sky - your choice will be justified.

1 Sky by Dream book for girls

Dreams about heaven characterize the state of the soul.

The daytime sky symbolizes simple, clear feelings.

Blue sky and light clouds - peace.

A dazzling blue, cloudless sky is a joy.

A lonely light cloud above your head is an honor.

Cirrus clouds - secret light sadness.

Flying into the sky is joyful work, happy chores.

Having your head in the clouds is the desire to see life in pink.

Clouds piling up in the distance - your fears, anxiety.

The night sky in a dream talks about the secret sensations of your soul.

Gloomy, starless night sky - you anticipate a time of testing.

The night sky, across which snow clouds rush low - you will fight for your views.

A clear, quiet night sky means peace: you feel in a dream that your efforts will be crowned with success.

Wow! How much you see and know! Maybe you'll become an astrologer?

1 Sky by Dream Interpretation of a Path Seeker

The sky is light, bright, clean - favorable in everything.

Dark, gray, muddy - troubles, failures, illnesses.

Crimson, bloody - misfortune in the family, trouble in the personal.

Something in the sky can be a sign of dreams, realistically achievable or fruitless.

1 Sky by Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina

Honors and an exciting journey await you. Imagine that the sky is absolutely clear. If it’s daytime, it’s bright blue, huge, tall. If it is night, then it is bathed in the radiance of a million stars.

1 Sky by Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Intelligence. The color of the sky is a vision of your life at the moment. Clean, clear sky - joy, peace; gloomy and cloudy sky - melancholy, sadness; crimson sky - anxiety; starry sky - dreams; illuminated sky with celestial bodies - work on yourself; climbing a ladder to heaven means elevation in society; ascension to heaven is an attempt to take advantage of the opportunities that have opened up to achieve success.

1 Sky by Dream book for the whole family

A clear blue sky has always symbolized peace, a calm, cloudless life, so you can hope that this grace will descend on you, a cloudy sky - unfulfilled desires, a blue sky with clouds - new ideas, lightning in the sky - unexpected help.

Night sky - loss of self-confidence.

The starry sky is a sudden insight.

1 Sky by Universal dream book

Creative people say that inspiration often comes from the sky, so if you dream of a blue sky, it means you are thirsty for inspiration. The sky also symbolizes limitlessness. Is this how you perceive life at the moment? Is it spread out before you and has no boundaries? Is this an exciting or scary prospect?

The color of the sky in a dream reflects your mood.

For example, a gray sky is a sign of melancholy, while a blue sky is a sign of a joyful, bright mood.

The sky is also a symbol of peace, since it is the shelter of God.

Do you associate heaven with heaven in a spiritual sense? - what is your impression of the sky?

At this moment in your life, do you feel particularly good, as if you have achieved the highest good? Or do you feel insecure, uncomfortable, as if you want to catch a pie in the sky? - perhaps you have a secret, a skeleton in the closet, and you are afraid that everything secret will become apparent?

1 Sky by Chinese Dream Book of Zhou Gong

As you sleep, the sky clears and the rain stops - all your sorrows and worries will pass.

Throwing your head back, you look into the sky - great wealth and nobility.

The sky is splitting - there will be sadness in connection with the division of the state, country.

Heaven and earth unite - you will achieve what you want.

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