The doctor gives an injection to small children. How to give intramuscular injections to yourself, children and animals.

Health 29.10.2017

Children are the most vulnerable patients, because it is in childhood that fears are formed, including before injections. Therefore, it is very important not to emotionally traumatize the child by giving the first healing injections in his life.
On this page of the site, we will tell you how to give a child a vaccination or an intramuscular injection, without pain and consequences.

Preparing for an injection: how to prepare a baby at home before going for a vaccination or an injection to a clinic

Familiarize the child with the possible procedures that he will have to undergo in the clinic, at home using familiar objects

It is important to prepare a child for various events in life, including communication with doctors. So that examining the neck, washing the wound or inoculation does not become a shocking event, psychologists advise introducing the child to these events in a playful way using familiar objects.
Check the necks of the dolls with a beautiful spoon, treat the wound of the toy with mom's cotton balls for cosmetics.

Regarding injections, you can first introduce the baby to syringes without needles. "Look, the syringe is small and useful. And the baby is big and strong."
Take BogMark colored syringes for play - the manufacturer produces syringes for injections for children in orange and blue, they really are like toys. And studies have shown that this "friendly" look of medical devices generally reduces the degree of anxiety of children and adults before and during the procedure.

Psychologically prepare the baby for the procedure, calm down, if possible - put it in your arms during the injection. Do not deceive the child by saying that he will not feel anything at all, and, of course, in no case should you give an injection on the sly! So you will not only lose the trust of the baby, but for many years you will form in him a fear of this simple medical procedure.
After all, in fact, an injection today is not as terrible as it was 20 years ago! Fortunately, we have the opportunity to buy modern three-component syringes with sharp thin needles - with a good syringe, the injection is really almost not noticeable (if the medicine itself is not painful). Therefore, when giving an injection to a child, do not be nervous yourself, and create an atmosphere of calm for the child.

No need to deceive the baby, claiming that the injection is not painful and not scary. In fact, how is it not scary if he is afraid?
Treat with respect and understanding to his fear.
It’s better to tell the baby something like “It hurts a little, but it’s not dangerous at all, and after the injection your tummy (leg, etc.) will not hurt. The less you are afraid, the faster the medicine can help you. Take my arm. If you can relax your ass, we will quickly give you an injection and your tummy will immediately begin to feel better. "

An injection to a baby in a treatment room (in a hospital, in a clinic)

How to behave in the office before an injection.
It is categorically impossible to make fun of the child's fears of strangers (nurse, doctor) - "Imagine, doctor, he is afraid! So big, shame on you!". With such an attitude, the next time the child will become isolated, he will not trust either you or the doctor.

Mom should be a friend - and in the case of medical manipulations with a child, this feeling in the baby should be one hundred percent.
Don't dismiss the child's feelings, don't say "Don't make it up! Stop it!".
It is important for a child to understand that his problems are important for his mother and no matter what happens, he is not alone in this medical office, he has a friend and protector, mother.

How to give an injection to a child at home on your own

Note to parents: In no case should you scare a child with a doctor, an injection, a hospital.
A visit to the doctor is not a punishment, not an educational measure. And the disease is not the fault of the child.
Parents must convince the child that the doctor is a friend, an ally who knows how to help the child if something hurts him.
Psychologists believe that the child should not lie about the upcoming unpleasant procedure in the clinic (for example, an injection), and it is better to explain in advance the purpose of the visit (for example, vaccination).
In the doctor's office, parents should not conflict or argue with the doctor in the presence of the child. The psychological attitude of the parents is the main guideline for the behavior of the child.
Take your child's favorite toy to the doctor's appointment. Surrounded by familiar things, children feel safe.
After an unpleasant procedure, do not forget to encourage the child: the little hero deserves praise.

1) cotton balls soaked in alcohol tincture - 2 pcs
2) syringe: there is a special syringe for injections for children - this is a syringe BogMark 2 ml
3) drug: check the expiration date, correlate the appearance of the contents of the ampoule with what is written in the instructions under the heading "description" (according to appearance solution or powder for administration must comply with the description in the instructions)

As with an injection for an adult, first prepare the syringe. More information on how to open an ampoule, how to knock out air bubbles, etc. - on this page of the Site about syringes and injections site
There is no need to carry out preparatory "work" in front of the baby - draw the medicine into a syringe in another room, come to the child for an injection with fully prepared tools (syringe, cotton wool, etc.)
It would be useful to massage the muscle into which the injection will be carried out: before the procedure, knead the muscle to the child with your fingers for several minutes.

When giving an intramuscular injection to an infant, take the child in your arms, try to create conditions so that the child does not twitch (as an option, put the child on your tummy on your knees).
Take off your baby's clothes so that nothing squeezes the buttocks and legs.
Wipe the injection site with an alcohol swab.
Insert the needle at a 90 degree angle. If you use a children's syringe BogMark 2 ml, the baby's skin should not be taken into a fold, since the needle of this syringe is shorter than on syringes for adults, and the likelihood of touching the periosteum is practically reduced to zero.
If the child is worried, inject quickly, if the situation allows - do not rush to administer the drug (the slower the medicine is injected, the less painful the injection, and the less likely it is that there will be seals after the injection).
After the injection, press the injection site with a clean cotton swab dipped in alcohol tincture, put on clean underwear.

When giving an injection to a child at a conscious age, you can not take him in your arms, but it is important to provide him with physical contact with his mother during the injection.
Take the child by the hand, if the injection is carried out by one of the relatives, the mother can lie down next to the child and hug. It is important to create a calm and trusting atmosphere.

For the rest, do the same. An injection at an angle of 90 degrees, it is not necessary to take the skin into a fold when using a children's syringe BogMark 2 ml.
If the child's weight is above the norm, as well as for children over 10 years old, use syringes "for adults", with standard needles - 2.5 ml and 5 ml.

Details on how to choose a syringe for a child are on this page.

Well, if before the injection the child screams, gets nervous, beats in hysterics, does not want to listen to anyone?

Almost any medical procedure for a child is stressful, and an invasive one (such as an injection) is even more so.
And to give an injection by force, holding the three of us writhing and screaming child - doubly stress.
In our opinion, it is not necessary to injure the child, forming in him fear and distrust of doctors, treatment, and even his own parents, after all.
Therefore, our opinion is that it is necessary to negotiate.
But how is an individual question, it depends on the age of the child, character, etc. Each mother herself knows better what arguments her child listens to.
If there is a scandal before vaccination, postpone the procedure, arrange with the child and come to the clinic tomorrow.
If there is a scandal before the injection of the drug for the child’s illness, which needs to be done today, postpone it for 30 minutes, take the child out of the state of hysteria, agree with the child and give the injection in a calm atmosphere.

As the baby matures, it is important to select the correct injection behaviors.
The well-known researcher of child psychology Jean Piaget singled out four stages of the intellectual development of the child, accepting such a classification, one can achieve an effective dialogue with the child during medical procedures.
1. sensory-motor period (from birth to two years) - children acquire primary sensations of taste, touch, signals, sounds and manipulations; When giving an injection, tell the child what will happen, carry out the manipulation itself quickly, the assistant must hold the child so as not to accidentally injure him during the injection.
2. prefunctional period (from two to seven years) - children in this stage have the ability to think intuitively, but in most cases sensations are based on perception. Children believe in everything they see and hear - they should not be frightened by "horror stories" about injections and doctors. Speak the truth, express support.
3. a specific operational period (7-11 years) - children during this period acquire the ability to reverse their thoughts and feelings logically; it is quite possible to explain the benefit of the injection compared to the pain of the disease.
4. formal functional period (11-14 years) - when adolescence begins, a higher and richer level of intellectual development begins: the ability to think abstractly.

The attitude of the child to the world, including medical procedures, largely depends on the attitude of the parents. Do not be afraid yourself, do not deceive the child, invite medical specialists to injections - but only as friends, helpers, and in no case as enemies (if you don’t obey, the doctor will come and give you an injection).
Let the children grow up healthy and get sick less, and GodMark syringes, if necessary, will always help to make a neat and less traumatic injection.

Not enough information? Something is not clear? Read: popular questions about syringes and injections.

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Unfortunately, no one is immune from disease. It is especially unpleasant and always difficult when a child is sick. Depending on the form of the course and the severity of the problem, the doctor prescribes various medications, however, they can only act on the disease and help get rid of it if they enter the body.

In more or less mild cases, the baby, of course, will be prescribed syrups, potions or tablets, but it happens that the disease is too serious, which means that treatment without injections will be ineffective and impossible.

If you are with a child on inpatient treatment in a hospital, then, of course, the nurse will do the injections, however, what if, due to some circumstances, you have to get sick at home, and it is not possible to call a qualified specialist for manipulation every day? In this case, it is worth mastering the injection technique on your own, especially since such a skill can come in handy more than once in life.

What are injections for young children: the main types of injections and their features

First of all, it is worth understanding some important nuances and types of procedure.

Popularly referred to as an "injection" process, in medical terminology it is called an "injection" and means the introduction of fluid into the body using a syringe.

The appointment of injections is considered a rather controversial and controversial issue, since the achievements of modern pharmacology today make it possible to do without injections in most cases of diseases, including even pneumonia and other equally serious diseases.

The desire to limit the number of injections as much as possible and narrow the range of indications for them makes the best pharmaceutical companies in the world create new ones. fast-acting drugs, which will provide the same effective action, like injections, but without the possible unpleasant injection consequences:

  • for example, the risk of infection during manipulation due to violation of sterile conditions is not at all uncommon - we can talk about both banal staphylococcus aureus and such terrible diseases as viral hepatitis B or AIDS;
  • sometimes the tissues of the body react to the injection with severe redness, irritation and swelling, and in addition, if the drug is administered incorrectly, a hematoma or abscess may form at the injection site, which is fraught with new troubles and problems;
  • if a pill or medicine can simply provoke an allergic reaction, then an injection can cause anaphylactic shock fatal;
  • many injections have a whole range of side and specific effects, like magnesia or hot injections of calcium chloride;
  • drugs in injections are always more expensive than their tablet counterparts, plus - take into account the work of a nurse if for some reason you cannot administer the medicine yourself;
  • after all, not only children, but also adults are afraid of injections, because this is a really unpleasant and very painful process.

However, even taking into account all the above disadvantages of injections, many are still at the mercy of the stereotype, believing that effective treatment there are no injections, and doctors prescribe them, wanting to play it safe and please demanding patients. Although, of course, there are cases when an injection is almost the only way to help.

Therefore, you should not use injections for safety net, because there must be certain indications for the appointment of injections:

  • if necessary, an immediate therapeutic effect;
  • if a small patient cannot drink the medicine due to loss of consciousness / severe vomiting, etc.;
  • the medicine cannot be taken orally because it does not have the ability to absorb into the blood or is destroyed in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • the drug will have a stronger effect or its effect will be much longer when injected.

Types of injections

If we talk about the types of injections, then there are several of them. The following three types are considered the most common.

  1. Subcutaneous administration of the drug (abbreviated designation - s / c).
  2. Intramuscular injections (in / m).
  3. Intravenous administration of drugs and solutions (in / in).

The first type of injection is mainly represented by vaccinations. It is used in cases where the immediate effect of the administered drug is not required, since it can only begin to act when it enters the bloodstream, and there are fewer vessels under the skin than in the muscle.

To make such an injection, you need to pull back a little and take the skin on the shoulder, under the shoulder blade, on the thigh or the lateral surface of the abdomen into a fold, and then put the needle between the muscle and the skin and inject the drug under the skin.

The second type is the most common: doctors prescribe intramuscular administration of vitamins and antispasmodics, antibiotics and antipyretics. The popularity of intramuscular injections is also due to their availability and relatively simple technique, so if you wish, you can and should learn how to do this type of injection yourself.

Intramuscular injection of the drug, as a rule, occurs in the buttocks, that is, in the ass, since it is in the gluteal muscles that there is the most powerful layer of muscle tissue that has a small number of nerve endings. However, drugs can be injected into both the thigh and upper arm.

Intravenous drug administration requires professional medical training, so it is recommended that only nurses and doctors perform such procedures. There are two types of intravenous injections:

  • "Jet" injection of the drug with a syringe into a vein - the manipulation is performed at least slowly, but not for long;
  • infusion or the introduction of a large volume of liquid using a dropper - is used in cases where the drug will be more effective when administered slowly and diluted.

In addition, there are some other types of injections: for example, sensitivity tests to antibiotics or before the administration of therapeutic sera are done intradermally, and an injection can also be made into the spinal canal (for meningitis) or into the joint cavity (for arthritis), and if necessary local anesthesia, as in the case of tooth treatment, the doctor will inject directly into his nerve trunks.

Choosing the right things

Now let's look at the preparation and selection of everything necessary for the injection.

So, here's what you need to purchase at the pharmacy.

  • Medicine your child has been prescribed by a doctor. Be sure to check the expiration date on liquid ampoules or dry powder vials. Also, do not forget to pay attention to the fact that the dosage is consistent with the prescribed prescription.
  • If the drug is not in ampoules, but in the form of a dry powder, then a solvent will still be needed for the preparation of injections - it can be lidocaine or novocaine, saline or some other means. Be sure to look in the instructions for the drug, with what and how it should be properly diluted.
  • Syringes - take only disposable. With regard to size, it is necessary to take into account the amount of medicine that will need to be injected, however, often a two milliliter syringe will be enough for children, although sometimes a smaller or larger syringe may be needed.
  • Needles - usually come with disposable syringes. You should check if the needle is suitable for the injection you need, as they are designed for oil injections and water injections.
  • In order for the needle to easily and less painfully enter under the skin, you need to choose it correctly: for crumbs younger than a year old, there is no reason to take a syringe of more than one milliliter - the thinnest needles are included with them, for children from one to five years old, as mentioned, syringes will be needed a volume of two milliliters with needles measuring 0.5 × 25 millimeters, for an older child, the same syringe may be suitable, or the size of the needle will be slightly larger - 0.6 × 30 millimeters.
  • You will also need 96% medical alcohol as an antiseptic.
  • Do not forget to prepare both sterile cotton wool or cotton balls, and a special nail file, with which the ampoules are opened.

Getting ready for manipulation

Having prepared everything you need for the procedure, you can proceed to its direct implementation.

In order for this not too pleasant process to pass for the baby as calmly and painlessly as possible, it is worth adhering to some simple, but mandatory rules:

  • before proceeding with the manipulations, it is necessary to wash your hands well with soap and water, and it is better to additionally disinfect them with medical alcohol or alcohol wipes;
  • neither the syringe nor the needle needs to be opened in advance - it is better to print the kit just before the injection is made;
  • since it is still not clear to the baby what the meaning and purpose of your preparations are, try to do everything quickly, but carefully and calmly, as chaotic movements or panic can frighten him and set him up in advance that an unpleasant procedure is ahead;
  • taking an ampoule with medicine, warm it a little in your palm so that the injection is not cold;
  • if there are no special prescriptions from the doctor, then the injection should be done in the ass, especially since if you are a non-professional in terms of injections, then after injections into the arm or thigh, some negative consequences may occur;
  • before giving an injection, it is better to stretch the muscles of the baby's buttocks with light massage movements that do not cause tension, while your hands should be warm;
  • the procedure should be carried out in a place where both you and the child will be comfortable - keep in mind that the baby should lie on the tummy during the injection, and also make sure that there is enough bright lighting;
  • before opening the medicine, check its expiration date again and be sure to check the dosage and name of the drug with the prescription;
  • the ampoule should also be wiped with sterile gauze or cotton wool soaked in medical alcohol;
  • do not break off, do not beat off and, of course, do not bite off the tip of the ampoule - to open it correctly, use a special nail file, otherwise there is a risk that small fragments will get inside when opened;
  • using this device, you need to make a small incision / notch on the ampoule along the line of the alleged break - that is, just press it several times with a nail file, but before that, shake the ampoule a little and tap its tip with your fingernail so that the medicine glass down;
  • if you are afraid of cutting yourself, wrap the ampoule with a napkin and press its tip away from you;
  • after opening the medicine, set it aside for a couple of seconds and take care of the syringe;
  • unpack it from the side of the piston and connect it to the needle right inside the package without removing the protective cap from it;
  • well, if there are two needles in the kit - the one that is long and coarser, you will pierce the stopper of the vial with the drug or you can lower it into the very depths of the ampoule, and the other - small and thin - then you will make an injection, they should come with and sterile tweezers, with which you can change the first needle to the second;
  • so, remove the cap from the needle and lower the plunger of the syringe with the needle all the way into the ampoule or vial of medicine, so that no air enters the syringe;
  • slowly and carefully draw fluid by pulling the piston towards you;
  • it is better to take the medicine a little more than necessary, since then it will be necessary to release excess air from the syringe - to do this, make a few clicks on the syringe so that the air bubbles rise up, and, turning it vertically, gradually press the piston until a drop of liquid will not appear at the tip of the needle;
  • after that, you can close the needle with a cap.

If the medicine that is prescribed to the child is not sold in liquid ampoules, but in dry powder vials, then you will need to do the following:

  • all manipulations with the preparation of the syringe will be the same;
  • taking a vial of powder, also wipe it with sterile gauze or cotton swab with ethyl alcohol and open the metal lid;
  • then wipe the rubber cap that was under the metal one, pierce it with a needle and inject the solvent;
  • shake the bottle for a while so that the powder is completely dissolved and there are no grains or lumps left;
  • turn the vial upside down and draw the solution into the syringe;
  • release excess air and, replacing the needle, close it with a cap.

Pediatricians advise to carry out all preparations out of sight of the child, so as not to once again frighten him with incomprehensible medical manipulations. Better get ready in another room or in the kitchen, and then come to the baby, who at this time may be distracted by another family member.

How to do an intramuscular injection in the buttock: step by step instructions and a detailed explanation

When you have already prepared everything, then you should not gather strength for a long time and waste time. Your movements should be accurate and measured, but fast.

In no case do not panic, because the entire success of the procedure depends on the accuracy of your actions.

  • Visually divide any baby's buttock into four identical square-shaped sectors, that is, as if draw a cross in the middle to get four identical squares.
  • Your task is to inject into the center of the extreme upper square or quarter of the gluteal muscle, since it is there that there are no vascular nerve bundles, if you hit them, you can provoke bleeding, cause pain, numbness of the limb and other unpleasant consequences.
  • Wipe the area where you will inject with a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol.
  • Try to fix the child as much as possible so that he does not accidentally twitch during the injection and break the needle. It’s good if someone from the family will help you - while you are administering the medicine, the baby needs to be kept, distracted, and consoled.
  • If you give the baby an injection yourself, then you can put it with your tummy on your knees and fix it with your other hand.
  • After massaging the baby's buttocks, with your free hand, grab the area into which you will inject - the upper extreme part of the priests, and gather it into a fold.
  • Then, with an accurate and quick movement, insert the needle into this thick fold two-thirds strictly at an angle of ninety degrees.
  • Continue to hold the needle perpendicular to the plane of the priests, release the buttock, and fix the syringe in your hand with your index and middle fingers, while holding your thumb on its piston.
  • Slowly press the plunger and inject the medicine.
  • Press the place on the pope where the needle is inserted with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol, and pull the needle out with a quick, clear movement.
  • Massage the injection site a little with a cotton swab so that the alcohol can disinfect the wound, and the medicine is quickly absorbed.
  • Close the syringe needle with a cap and discard the used syringe.

That's all, the unpleasant procedure is over, but if you do everything right, then the child should practically not feel pain.

Injections without painful consequences: how to do it to avoid bumps, bruises and seals after injections

Even professional doctors fail - they can also accidentally get into a nerve or vessel, hurt the patient, and what can we say about those who are trying to give an injection to their baby for the first time in their lives.

The main task of mom or dad in this case is to overcome their own fear and cope with their own naughty nerves. You may first try to practice on a pillow or dummy like medical students, or ask the nurse to observe your actions and correct them if you make a mistake.

Well, to minimize the discomfort and pain of the procedure, try to take into account the following nuances:

  • use three-component syringes of modern production with a rubber seal on the piston;
  • do not insert the needle slowly and gradually - by doing this you only stretch the pain and flour, remember the sharpness, speed and clarity of movements;
  • but the medicine must be administered really slowly - the more accurately and smoothly you inject the liquid, the less likely it is that bruises and seals will form after the injection;
  • rapid administration of the drug is allowed only if the child is hysterical and breaks out;
  • alternate the sides of the priests - one day inject into the upper right square, and the next - into the left;
  • give injections at a distance of at least one to two centimeters from each other;
  • if oil injections are prescribed for the baby, then do not forget to warm them up a little in warm water before use, and when you insert the needle into the ass, pull the syringe plunger slightly towards you;
  • the appearance of blood may indicate that you have hit a blood vessel directly - try to carefully change the depth of the injection or its direction;
  • regularly massage the child's buttocks so that the medicine is better absorbed and bumps do not form;
  • if seals or bruises still appear, warm the problem areas with a heating pad and draw an iodine mesh on the baby's pope;
  • you can smear the bumps with Heparin ointment, Levomikol and Traumeel S also help well;
  • have and folk remedies struggle with seals - someone puts a plate of thinly sliced ​​\u200b\u200bunsalted cheese on them, others - cabbage leaves with honey.

How to calm the child and persuade him to carry out the procedure?

However, the procedure will be best if you first agree with the baby and prepare him mentally for what should happen.

Initially, the child does not know what an injection is, how unpleasant or painful it is, scary, etc. However, many parents use the medical topic as the main deterrent of their child, telling him that if he does not eat porridge / be well to lead or obey, then you will immediately call a doctor who will make an injection with a syringe with a huge needle.

Do you think, after such colorful descriptions, will the baby be afraid of all the people in white coats and their terrible weapon- injections? Well, of course, yes.

Of course, you will not be able to explain to a newborn or one-year-old baby that this procedure is vital or very necessary for him, that after the injection his tummy, pen or head will stop hurting, that after that he will become healthy again and you can go for a walk / in a cafe for ice cream / for a visit or another place desired by the baby. However, already from two years of age all this can and should be said to the child, correctly setting him up for the procedure.

Buy a doctor's toy kit for your child, read him a fairy tale about the kind and wonderful doctor Aibolit, play with him in the hospital - let him give injections and give medicine to his animals, dolls or cars. At the same time, explain what could be the “cause of illness” in toys: unwashed hands, bathing in cold water, overeating ice cream, etc.

You can give a joint injection - you are a baby, and he is a favorite bear for “one-two-three”. Some parents try to distract the baby during the procedure with new toys, interesting cartoons, or other maneuvers.

Do not deceive the child by telling him that the injection is not painful or scary at all, because, firstly, he is really scared, and secondly, it still hurts. Also, you can’t hide from a baby with a syringe and try to prick him on the sly or in a dream - in this case, the stress and nervous shock from the procedure can simply lead to unpredictable consequences.

It is also not allowed to swear or blame the baby in front of strangers, humiliate him and shame him for being afraid of an injection or crying. The child expects support and help from you, especially during illness, and if you also inflict an additional portion of pain, shame and fear on him, then he will generally withdraw into himself, stop trusting you, and the memory of this will remain with him for the rest of his life. life.

Do not restrain a baby who is breaking out and thrashing in hysterics by forcibly trying to give him an injection, unless it is vitally necessary. It is better to postpone the procedure and try to calm the child first, talk to him, look for an individual approach, create a comfortable environment, and only then try again.

According to medical statistics, every fifth adult in the post-Soviet space has an overwhelming fear of injections. This problem is called "trypanophobia" and is considered a specific disorder.

One of the factors of its appearance and progression is precisely the negative experience from childhood. Therefore, try to do everything possible so that your baby understands the need for injections, manages to cope with his fears and overcome them.

After the procedure, be sure to praise your little hero for the fact that he steadfastly endured everything.


Intramuscular injection is one of the simplest medical manipulations. However, even it requires compliance with certain rules. If you have patience and confidence, then you will definitely succeed. Try to respect your child, love him - always and no matter what. And let the skill of giving injections be needed as rarely as possible, and the children grow up healthy!

Intramuscular administration of the drug is better for several reasons at once: it is not injured gastrointestinal tract, the medicine begins to act faster. It is not always possible to hire a professional worker, since the services are not cheap. Every parent should know how to give injections to children with their own hands correctly.

Rules and features of the procedure

Doing the right intramuscular injection is easy if you follow the recommendations. The procedure is carried out in several stages, each of which must be approached with seriousness.

What is needed for injection

Before giving intramuscular injections to children, it is necessary to purchase the drug. The doctor will tell you the dosage. We do not recommend taking a larger dosage drug and dividing the ampoule, since each medicine needs to be stored in its own way. A person without knowledge can harm his child, but you need to do everything right.

Second important component- cotton wool. It is correct to take a sterile one in a pharmacy. But it is more convenient to use cotton pads. Price in the store from 20 rubles.

The procedure is properly carried out under sterile conditions, so alcohol must be purchased. It can be replaced with vodka, but we do not recommend doing this. Vodka does not kill all bacteria, since the alcohol in it is diluted. You can buy ready-made liquid for injection at a pharmacy, it costs from 70 r.

Syringes with a thin and sharp needle. For children under 3 years old, you can take two cubic syringes; for older children, a needle from a small syringe may not be enough to make an intramuscular injection in the buttock correctly.

If the medicine is administered not intramuscularly, but subcutaneously to the child, then complications are possible: a lump, an abscess.

It is better to purchase an imported syringe with a rubberized piston. The medicine is introduced smoothly in this way and the medicine will be better absorbed, and it will be easier to do the procedure in the buttock.

Preparing for the injection correctly

Wash your hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap before injecting your buttocks. If not, wipe them with alcohol.

An intramuscular injection is given to the child in the buttock. To determine the place of insertion of the needle into the buttock, conditionally divide the muscle into 4 parts. An injection should be made in the upper right part of the buttock. If there are several injections, then the buttocks are changed.

The needle should be inserted into the buttock with a confident and quick movement, it depends on how painful it will be for the child.

The ampoule with the drug is wiped with alcohol and opened. If there is no fracture, then use a special knife. The tool is included in the package. The syringe is unpacked, the needle is put in its place.

Dry medication is diluted with a special composition for injection or painkillers (ledocaine). The better to dilute the powder, the specialist will tell you. You need to stir directly in the vial without opening. To do this, another needle is taken and liquid is collected, poured into a vial and everything is well shaken. It is drawn into a syringe and the needle is replaced.

To collect medicine from a vial with a tight rubber cap, use a different needle, since the tip can become blunt and when injected, it will experience pain.

The medicine is drawn into a syringe. It is turned upside down with a needle and lightly tapped on the walls. This procedure will help expel the air. Then pull on the plunger so that the medicine comes out a little from the needle.

You can start the procedure.

We put an intramuscular injection in the buttock

In the buttock, an intramuscular injection to a child can be done by the following actions:

An intramuscular injection was delivered to the child. And how they talk about the procedure in the program of E. Malysheva, let's look at the video:

Every day, repeat the procedure in different buttocks, otherwise the child will have bumps from the accumulation of medicine. If the bumps hurt, lubricate the place with traxevasin and draw an iodine mesh.

Forewarned is forearmed

  1. Before the procedure, you need to play with the baby. You can buy a doctor's kit with plastic syringes and show on toys how the injection will be done. The kid should not be afraid and strain the muscle, otherwise the needle will break. If this happens, call an ambulance immediately.
  2. The child needs to perform all the manipulations confidently, children should not see the fears of adults. Otherwise, the baby will start to get even more nervous.
  3. If an intramuscular injection calls out fear in a child, calm him down and distract him.
  4. Do not deceive the baby, saying that the procedure is completely painless. On the contrary, say that it will hurt, but he is strong and brave, how proud you are of him.
  5. Throw away the needle, having previously closed the cap. The syringe can be washed in hot water and given to the child. Let the baby also treat his dolls or bears. So, psychologically, the procedures will be easier.
  6. After the injection, praise the baby and give him something, such as candy or a toy. This will be a great motivation to be patient next time.

Follow the rules and intramuscular injections it will be easy for children to put their own hands. A little practice and the procedure will not cause fear.


Amina is a little girl blogger who runs her children's channel "Detki Konfetki TV" ("Detki Konfetki TV"). Amina recently turned 7 years old. She is an ordinary girl, and like all ordinary children, Amina loves to play children's games, loves to run with friends on the street, watch cartoons, play with dolls, collect construction sets, draw, play pranks, play pranks and much more. Amina loves to watch cartoons "My Little Pony", "Peppa Pig", "Doctor Plusheva", "Sofia the First", "Masha and the Bear", "Fixies", "Hi, I'm Nicola", "Gravity Falls", "Club Winx" etc. Likes to play with Barbie doll, Steffi, Evie, Baby Alive, Baby Born and ponies. She really likes the pony Twilight Sparkle because she is very smart and beautiful.

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If a we are talking not about intravenous, but about intramuscular injections to newborns, then any of the parents can easily cope with this task. It goes without saying that without theoretical knowledge about how to inject a baby, it is better not to start this procedure: first you should acquire theoretical skills, and then try to inject adult family members by introducing harmless drugs (preferably vitamins).

How to give injections to babies

Talking about how to properly give injections to newborns, we will not go into the specifics of administering drugs to children through a vein or in another similar way - at home, without the appropriate education and practice, this can end very badly.

Subcutaneous, intradermal and intramuscular injections for babies are done in the same way as for adults. But this way of administering drugs is not very effective - they begin to act in 10-20 minutes, and sometimes there is simply no such time. The fact is that any disease in children develops at lightning speed. The simplest and safest thing is to put a microclyster in a sick baby; medicine diluted with warm (37-40 "C) 0.9% sodium chloride solution (3.0-5.0 ml) with the addition of 70% ethanol (0.5-1.0 ml). 1.0-10.0 ml of the drug is injected through the rectum.

Every person should be able to do injections. Of course, we are not talking about such complex manipulations as intravenous injections or dropper placement, but the usual intramuscular or subcutaneous administration of drugs in some situations can save lives.

Currently, disposable syringes are used for all types of injections, which are sterilized at the factory. Their packaging is opened immediately before use, and the syringes are disposed of after injection. The same applies to needles.

Before giving injections to infants, you must thoroughly wash your hands and put on sterile disposable gloves. This allows not only to observe the rules of asepsis, but also protects against possible infection with infectious diseases transmitted through the blood (such as HIV, hepatitis).

To give an injection to the baby, the syringe package is torn already with gloves on. The needle is carefully placed on the syringe, while holding it only by the sleeve.

Medicines for injection are available in two main forms: liquid solution in ampoules and soluble powder in vials.

Before opening the ampoule, its neck is treated with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol. Then the glass is filed with a special file and the tip of the ampoule is broken off. To avoid injury, it is necessary to take the tip of the ampoule only with a cotton swab.

To give an injection to an infant, the drug is drawn into a syringe, after which air is removed from it. To do this, holding the syringe up with the needle, gently squeeze the air out of the needle until a few drops of the drug appear.

Before use, the powder is dissolved in distilled water for injection, saline or glucose solution (depending on the preparation and type of injection).

Most dissolvable drug vials have a rubber stopper that is easily pierced with a syringe needle. The necessary solvent is preliminarily drawn into the syringe. The rubber stopper of the vial with the drug is treated with alcohol, and then pierced with a syringe needle. The solvent is released into the vial. Shake the contents of the vial if necessary. After dissolution of the drug, the resulting solution is drawn into the syringe. The needle is not removed from the vial, but removed from the syringe. The injection is carried out with another sterile needle.

How to make a baby intradermal and subcutaneous injection

intradermal injections. To make such an injection to an infant, you need to take a small-volume syringe with a short (2-3 cm) thin needle. The most convenient injection site is the inner surface of the forearm.

The skin is preliminarily treated with alcohol. The needle is inserted almost parallel to the surface of the skin with the cut up, the solution is released. When properly administered, a bump or “lemon peel” remains on the skin, and blood does not protrude from the wound.

Subcutaneous injections. The most convenient places for subcutaneous injections: the outer surface of the shoulder, the area under the scapula, the anterior and lateral surfaces of the abdominal wall, the outer surface of the thigh. Here the skin is quite elastic and easily gathers into a fold. In addition, when injecting in these places, there is no risk of damaging superficially located vessels and nerves.

For subcutaneous injections, syringes with a small needle are used. The injection site is treated with alcohol, the skin is captured in a fold and a puncture is made at an angle of 45 ° to a depth of 1-2 cm. Solution medicinal product slowly injected into the subcutaneous tissue, after which the needle is quickly removed, and the injection site is pressed with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol. If you need to inject a large amount of the drug, you can not remove the needle, but disconnect the syringe to refill the solution. However, in this case, it is preferable to make another injection in another place.

Intramuscular injections for newborn babies: how to give an injection to a baby

Most often, intramuscular injections for a newborn are performed in the muscles of the buttocks, less often in the abdomen and thighs. The optimal volume of the syringe used is 2 or 5 ml. If necessary, a 10 ml syringe can also be used.

An intramuscular injection of the baby is made in the upper outer quadrant of the buttocks. The skin is treated with alcohol, after which the needle is injected with a quick movement at a right angle to 2/3-3/4 of its length. After injection, the syringe plunger must be pulled towards you to check if the needle has entered the vessel. If no blood enters the syringe, slowly inject the drug. When the needle enters the vessel and blood appears in the syringe, the needle is slightly pulled back and the drug is injected. The needle is removed in one quick movement, after which the injection site is pressed with a cotton swab. If the drug is difficult to absorb (for example, magnesium sulfate), a warm heating pad is placed at the injection site.

If an intramuscular injection is made into the muscles of the thigh, it is necessary to stick the needle at an angle, while holding the syringe like a writing pen. This will prevent damage to the periosteum.

The video "Injections for newborns" clearly demonstrates how subcutaneous, intradermal and intramuscular injections are performed for infants:

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