History test 1953 1964. Poem by R. Rozhdestvensky “History”

Health 01.07.2024

Test: USSR in 1953 - 1964: attempts to reform society.

1. Identify the main contenders for power after Stalin’s death:

A) Malenkov G.I.

B) Molotov V.M.

B) Beria L.P.

D) Khrushchev N.S.

2. Select the reason for the arrest of L.P. Beria.

A) accusation of illegal repression

B) accusation of mismanagement of the MGB

B) accusation of collaboration with imperialist intelligence services

D) accusation of conspiracy to restore the rule of the bourgeoisie

3. In what year did the company begin to develop virgin lands?

A) 1954

B) 1955

B) 1956

D) 1957

4. Which of the reforms in the economy does not apply to the reforms of N.S. Khrushchev?

A) increasing purchase prices for collective farm products

B) reduction of unprofitable enterprises

C) increasing the technical level of production

D) development of nuclear energy

5. Find reforms carried out in education:

A) new rules for admission to universities

B) introduction of eight-year education

C) consolidation of schools by closing small ones

D) opening of a vocational school

6. Continue the verbal series:A. Akhmatova, A. Tvardovsky, M. Zoshchenko……

7. Match the terms and their meanings

A. the most important component of the nomenclature.


B. form of national intolerance, hostility towards Jews.


B. relocation of management personnel


D. political actions aimed at gaining public trust through obviously impossible promises


D. the predominance of power of one person in a state or in a collective.


E. restoration of rights, restoration of a good name.

8. In what year was the Warsaw Pact Organization founded?

A) 1953

B) 1954

B) 1955

D) 1955

9. What was the peak of the confrontation between the systems of capitalism and socialism

A) “Carribean crisis” of 1962.

B) the position of the USSR on the German question

C) the problem of relations with “third world” states

D) the introduction of USSR troops into Hungary

10. what are the reasons for the resignation of N.S. Khrushchev

A) administrative impromptu of Khrushchev, personnel leapfrog

B) reduction of the Armed Forces

B) failure of economic policy

D) normalization of relations with Western countries

Answers: 1a,c,d; 2c,d; 3a; 4b; 5c; 6…..; 7. 1-d,2-a,3-e,4-b,5-d,6-c; 8c; 9a; 10b.

Task 1. Read the documents provided and answer the questions posed

1. What is common in the economic strategy proposed by G. M. Malenkov and N. S. Khrushchev in 1953?

Ideas for the development of agriculture, the development of virgin and fallow lands

2. What, in your opinion, is the fundamental difference in the approaches to the development of industrial production proposed by G. M. Malenkov and N. S. Khrushchev?

G. M. Malenkov insisted on the development of light industry. N. S. Khrushchev proposed developing heavy industry

3. What do you see as the fundamental difference in the approaches of these politicians to agricultural development?

G. M. Malenkov is a supporter of easy reform. N. S. Khrushchev - supported more radical measures

4. Is there a difference in the attitude of G. M. Malenkov and N. S. Khrushchev to the personal subsidiary farming of peasants?

G. M. Malenkov had a positive attitude towards the personal subsidiary farming of peasants, Khrushchev had a negative attitude

5. Through what sources did N.S. Khrushchev intend to ensure large investments in agriculture, pay off the debts of collective farms to the state and maintain and even reduce retail prices for agricultural products? Were these projects realistic, given the situation in the food supply of the early 60s? Why?

Through the development of virgin lands, buying livestock from state farm workers; increasing the area under corn, which did not produce any results, since weather conditions and an ill-conceived land use system led to soil erosion

Task 2. Analyze the given data and answer the questions

Growth of area under corn in 1955-1962.

1955 - 18 million hectares

1962 - 37 million hectares

1. How can you explain the priority development of corn in these years?

Corn was easy to plant and harvest and was very popular in the United States. Khrushchev sought to imitate the development of agriculture in the United States

2. What consequences did the “corn campaign” have for the development of agriculture?

There was a general decline in grain harvests, leading to massive grain purchases abroad. Food prices increased, which resulted in mass discontent among citizens and their repression. Khrushchev's authority fell. The agricultural development plan failed

Task 3. Read the documents and answer the questions

1. How can you explain the need to develop virgin and fallow lands?

The development of virgin and fallow lands was necessary to provide the country with scarce food

2. Were there other ways to solve the problem of providing the country with grain?

“Intensive path” - Malenkov’s program aimed at increasing productivity

3. What do you see as the reasons for the enormous costs of developing virgin lands?

Large territories, undeveloped infrastructure, ill-conceived land use system

4. Do you agree with the Tselinnist’s statement that “another approach was impossible at that time”? Why?

It was urgently necessary to provide the country with food; a different approach was possible, but would require more time and effort

Task 4. Analyze the data and documents provided, answer the questions

The growth rate of industrial production in the USSR in 1951 - 1965.

1. Analyze the data in the first graph. What do they show?

The growth rate of industrial production in the USSR in the period from 1951 to 1965 fell from 85% to 51%

2. What do the facts shown in the second graph indicate?

Similar to industrial agricultural production, the rate also decreased from 20.5% to 11%.

3. What do you see as the objective and subjective reasons for the decline in the growth rate of industry and agriculture in the early 60s?

Wrong approach to solving problems that hindered the development of production. Transition of the economy to a new regime, post-war time

4. What did the leadership of the CPSU proceed from when presenting the Program for building communism in the USSR by 1980?

The country was developing the material and technical base of communism, the growth of industry, and meeting the needs of the population

5. How do you feel about the forecasts of the Western media about the impossibility of implementing the CPSU Program? What were their forecasts for the decline in economic growth in the USSR based on?

Western media forecasts were not subjective and were based on their own conclusions about the Cold War stage and the post-war decline in the USSR economy

Task 5. Read the document and answer the questions

1. Which of the above provisions do you think were included in the draft Constitution of 1962-1964? for the first time (in comparison with previous constitutions of the country)?

For the first time, a provision was introduced on the right to use personal property (labour income and savings, residential house and subsidiary plot, household and household items), including its inheritance

2. How can you comment on the property relations recorded in the draft Basic Law of the country?

The means of production are state property. Personal ownership (private ownership) of the means of production is prohibited

3. How do you understand what the “consumer nature” of the personal property of citizens is under socialism?

Lack of right to dispose of private property. It is not allowed to use personal property to extract unearned income, as well as for other purposes contrary to the interests of the state.

4. Can you name any natural and economic objects that are not recorded in the Constitution as belonging to state property?

Natural: atmospheric air, ozone layer of the atmosphere and near-Earth space

5. What was the effectiveness of the economic system that existed in the USSR?

At that time, the economic system in the USSR was the most effective in the world

6. What should have been done, in your opinion, to increase the efficiency of the Soviet economic system?

To increase the efficiency of the Soviet economic system, it was necessary to increase crop yields and improve industrial production

Task 6. Reconcile the table data

1) 1954 A a) The beginning of the development of virgin lands
2) 1953 To b) Beginning of a widespread campaign for the cultivation of corn
3) 1957 e c) Approval of the sixth five-year plan
4) 1957 and d) Beginning of large-scale housing construction
5) 1955 G e) Abolition of MTS
6) 1956 V f) Elimination of the sectoral economic management system
7) 1961 And g) Launch of the first artificial Earth satellite
8) 1958 d h) Establishment of a 7-hour working day
9) 1960 h i) Currency reform. First manned flight into space
10) 1963 l j) The beginning of the fight against peasant subsidiary plots
11) 1959 b k) The beginning of the food crisis and massive purchases of food abroad

Option 1

A1. N. Khrushchev’s activities in the economic sphere include:

1) permission to privatize land

2) creation of ministries

3) rejection of administrative management methods

4) liquidation of subsidiary farms of collective farmers

A2. What definition characterizes the intensive path of production development?

1) increase in productivity

2) increasing the number of workers at the enterprise

4) construction of new enterprises

A3. As a result of the “thaw” in the cultural sphere:

1) press censorship was completely abolished

2) party control over the spiritual sphere disappeared

3) avant-garde became the official direction in painting

4) a deep impetus was given for the development of domestic education, science and art

A4. Building the foundations of an industrial society in the USSR in the late 1950s - early 1960s. led to:

1) introduction of compulsory higher education

2) permission to study abroad

3) closing of humanitarian institutions

4) creation of a compulsory eight-year polytechnic school

A5. Events N.S. Khrushchev in the field of international relations:

1) ending the Cold War

2) deterioration of relations with China

3) creation of CMEA

4) conclusion of the Soviet-German Non-Aggression Pact

A6. One of the directions of USSR foreign policy in the 2nd half of the 1950s - early 1960s:

1) intensifying arms race

2) cessation of contacts with third world countries

3) rejection of forceful methods in politics

4) creation of a collective security system in Europe and Asia

A7. What is a refusal or delay in fulfilling certain obligations of the state called?

1) moratorium 3) ultimatum

2) denunciation 4) provocation

A8. Cause of the Cuban Missile Crisis:

1) the invasion of American troops in Cuba

2) uprising in Cuba under the leadership of F. Castro

3) the seizure of a Soviet ship by Caribbean pirates

4) placement of Soviet nuclear missiles in Cuba

A9. In the “Brezhnev” Constitution, in contrast to the “Stalinist”:

2) The USSR was declared a state of the dictatorship of the proletariat

3) the leading role of the CPSU in Soviet society was consolidated

4) the federal structure of the country was consolidated

A10. During the agrarian reform of 1965:

1) collective farms were liquidated

2) the export of Russian bread abroad has increased

3) purchase prices for agricultural products increased

4) farms were created

A. The first launch of an artificial Earth satellite in the history of mankind

B. Formation of NATO and Comecon

B. XX Party Congress

G. Resignation of N.S. Khrushchev

A. Creation of the Warsaw Pact Organization

B. Cuban Missile Crisis

B. XX Congress of the CPSU

B3. What is the name for running an enterprise on the basis of self-sufficiency, self-financing and self-government?

C1. Read an excerpt from the memoirs of A.A. Gromyko and answer the questions.

Rightly, the period of that time was called “stagnant.” It was stagnant in the economy, science and technology, the social sphere...

The country then purchased a lot of industrial equipment abroad. Our industry could not cope with its development... After lying there for years, it became outdated from a technology point of view and became virtually unusable...

The country also purchased grain almost systematically. Agriculture of the Soviet Union was going through extremely difficult times...

All this could not but have a negative impact on the living standards of the population...

It was clear that our science and technology in many respects lag behind the development of science and technology in the advanced capitalist countries...

The very assessment of the situation in the country... was somewhat sluggish, given from time to time. Many facts were simply hidden.

To what period of the country's history do the events described in the text belong? Who was the head of state at this time? What facts of “stagnation” does the author of the memoirs talk about? Based on your knowledge of history, provide at least two additional facts that confirm the assessment of this period given in the document.

General testing on the topic: “USSR in 1953-1982.”

Option 2

A1. N. Khrushchev’s activities in the social sphere include:

1) deprivation of collective farmers freedom of movement

2) development of personal subsidiary farming

3) large-scale housing construction

4) introduction of tuition fees in universities

A2. What definition characterizes the extensive path of production development?

1) increase in productivity

2) introduction of new technologies

3) expansion of cultivated areas

4) increasing labor productivity

A3. Positive results of the “thaw” in the cultural sphere:

1) expanding relations with the foreign public

2) establishing an ideological framework in creativity

3) destruction of party and government control over the spiritual sphere

4) proclamation of socialist realism as the only direction in literature and art

A4. Events N.S. Khrushchev in the field of international relations:

1) the beginning of the Cold War

2) severance of relations with Yugoslavia

3) creation of the UN

4) agreement to end the war in Indochina

A5. What caused the Soviet leadership to revise its foreign policy line in the 2nd half of the 1950s?

1) the danger to human civilization of the use of nuclear weapons

2) weakening of the USSR’s position on the world stage

3) the transformation of the United States into a superpower

4) deterioration of relations with China

A6. Which countries are called third world countries?

1) who became members of the Department of Internal Affairs

2) became members of NATO

3) located on the African continent

4) economically underdeveloped

A7. As a result of the entry of Soviet troops into Hungary:

2) the threat of nuclear war has disappeared

4) economic ties with Western Europe have strengthened

A8. The desire of the Soviet leadership to achieve military-strategic parity with the United States led to:

1) the increasing role of the military-industrial complex

2) improving the standard of living of Soviet citizens

3) reducing the share of military spending in the country’s budget

4) the use of military-technical developments in civilian production

A9. The reason for the emergence of the dissident movement:

1) influence of Western intelligence services

2) crisis of the official communist ideology

3) the end of the Cold War

4) softening of party control over the life of society

A10. Reason for the failure of the 1965 agrarian reform:

1) unfavorable weather conditions

2) use of administrative controls

3) development of market mechanisms

4) destruction of collective farms

B1. Determine the sequence of events.

A. Death of I.V. Stalin

B. Creation of the Warsaw Pact Organization

B. Speech by N.S. Khrushchev with a report at the XX Congress of the CPSU “On the cult of personality and its consequences”

D. The first human flight into space in history

B2. Match the elements of the left and right columns.

B3. The period marked by a decrease in the rate of development of the Soviet economy and an increasing lag behind Western countries in the scientific and technical sphere was called the “era of ___________”.

C1. Read the passage from the document and answer the questions.

Using current terminology, we can say that his approach (our approach!) to interstate relations was extremely ideological. Promoting the principles of peaceful coexistence, he never tired of repeating in one way or another the thought that teased and embittered the Americans: “We will bury you.” He recognized the right of every nation to choose one system or another, but at the same time declared: “The liquidation of the capitalist system is a fundamental issue in the development of society.”

What political figure are we talking about? What name did this period in the history of our country receive? Confirm with facts the inconsistency of the foreign policy pursued by this statesman.

Option 1

Option 2


The events described in the text refer to the mid-1960s-1980s. The country was headed by L.I. from 1964 to 1982. Brezhnev. The author cites the following facts of stagnation in the economy, science and technology, and the social sphere: the purchase of equipment and grain abroad, the decline in living standards of the population, the low level of science and technology in the USSR compared to advanced capitalist countries.

N.S. Khrushchev. "Thaw"

Test on the topic “USSR in 1953-1964.” 1 option

1. Policy that does not take into account objective laws, real conditions and opportunities (1 point):

A) Conservatism B) Liberalism C) Voluntarism D) Radicalism

2.The report “On Stalin’s personality cult” was made public at (1 point):

A) X Congress of the CPSU B) XX Congress of the CPSU C) XXX Congress of the CPSU D) V Congress of the CPSU

3. “Queen of the fields” in the Khrushchev era was called (1 point):

A) rye B) wheat C) corn D) buckwheat

4.Cultural figures of the Khrushchev period were called (1 point):

A) “twenty-five thousanders” B) “pentecostals” C) “sixties” D) “seventies”

A) 1961 B) 1962 D) 1963 D) 1964

A) E. Evtushenko B) D, Granin C) K. Paustovsky D) B. Pasternak

7. Insert the missing words (2 points): “In _______ the development of _________ lands began in Kazakhstan and Western Siberia.”

A) Rehabilitation is ______________.

B) A moratorium is _________.

A) A. Voznesensky

1) fantastic prose

B) G. Chukhrai

2) poetry

B) A.N. and B.N. Strugatsky

3) sculpture

D) E. Unknown

4) film art

B) Launch of the first artificial Earth satellite into space

D) Khrushchev's removal from power

11. Name who is depicted in the portrait. What do you know about them? (4 points):

A) B)

IN) G)


Describe the cartoon (3 points):

Who is depicted on it? What event is it dedicated to? What do you know about him?

From 0 to 5 points – “1”

From 6 to 10 points – “2”

From 11 to 15 points – “3”

From 16 to 20 points – “4”

From 21 to 25 points – “5”

Test on the topic “USSR in 1953-1964.” Option 2

1. Restoration of rights, restoration of a good name (1 point):

A) Repatriation B) Rehabilitation C) Restoration D) Restitution

2. In 1956 it took place (1 point):

A) X Congress of the CPSU B) XX Congress of the CPSU C) XXX Congress of the CPSU D) V Congress of the CPSU

3. Ivan Brovkin in the film of the same name by Ivan Lukinsky leaves for development: (1 point):

A) Primorsky Krai B) Siberia C) virgin lands D) desert

4.Instead of the “five-year plans” under Khrushchev, the following were introduced (1 point):

A) “six-year plans” B) “seven-year plans” C) “eight-year plans” D) “nine-year plans”

5. The first manned flight into space was made in (1 point):

A) 1958 B) 1959 D) 1960 D) 1961

A) A Voznesensky B) D, Granin C) K. Paustovsky D) A Fadeev

7. Fill in the missing words (2 points): “Since 1955, the area under __________ crops has almost doubled. This was an attempt to solve the food _________ in the USSR using this cereal.”

8. Complete the sentences (2 points):

A) Svnarkhoz is ______________.

B) Voluntarism is _________.

9. Match (4 points):

A) E Yevtushenko

1) prose

B) G. Chukhrai

2) poetry

B) D. Granin

3) sculpture

D) E. Unknown

4) film art

10. Place in chronological order (4 points):

A) Construction of the Berlin Wall

B) Launch of the first astronaut into space

B) Beginning of issuing passports to collective farmers

D) Khrushchev’s rise to power

USSR 1953-1964 Option 1

1. In 1953 event occurred:

1) the beginning of reforms in agriculture; 3) creation of economic councils;

2) adoption of a new program of the CPSU; 4) XX Congress of the CPSU.

2) the scale of repression against dissidents has decreased;

3) the activities of parties other than the CPSU were allowed;

For each position in the first column, select the corresponding position in the second and write the result in your NOTEBOOK


A) Construction of the Berlin Wall 1) 1956

B) Increasing conflict with China 2) 1963

B) Caribbean crisis 3) 1954


4. Establish a correspondence between events, phenomena and periods, years to which they relate. For each position in the first column, select the corresponding position in the second and write it down in your NOTEBOOK


A) attempt by Molotov, Kaganovich to remove Khrushchev 1) 1956

B) arrest and execution of L.P. Beria 2) 1953

B) 20th Congress of the CPSU 3) 1957

D) the first manned space flight 4) 1955

5) 1961

A) repatriation 1) justification and restoration of citizens’ rights

B) reparations 2) compensation by the state for damage caused

D) re-Stalinization 3) return of prisoners of war and others to their homeland. persons who find themselves outside of it

4) limiting or ending the arms race

5) refusal to criticize the cult of personality, a return to certain features of autocracy of the totalitarian type

A) launch of the first artificial Earth satellite

B) development of nuclear energy

D) ban on the development of cybernetics

D) launch of the world's first jet passenger aircraft TU-104

E) widespread introduction of robots and computers into industry

Please indicate the correct answer.


USSR 1953-1964 Option2

1. In 1954 event occurred:

1) XX Congress of the CPSU. 3) creation of economic councils;

2) the beginning of the development of virgin lands; 4) the beginning of reforms in agriculture;

2. In the period 1953 - 1964, in contrast to the period 1945 - 1952:

1) creative unions controlled by the CPSU were dissolved;

2) the activities of parties other than the CPSU were allowed;

3) mass housing construction began;

4) individual labor activity was encouraged.

3. Establish a correspondence between events, phenomena and periods, years to which they relate.

For each position of the first column, select the corresponding position of the second and write it down in your NOTEBOOK


A) first manned space flight 1) 1955

B) arrest and execution of L.P. Beria 2) 1956

B) 20th Congress of the CPSU 3) 1953

D) attempt by Molotov, Kaganovich to remove Khrushchev 4) 1961

5) 1957

4. Establish a correspondence between events, phenomena and periods, years to which they relate.For each position of the first column, select the corresponding position of the second and write the result in your NOTEBOOK


A) Cuban missile crisis 1) 1956

B) Increasing conflict with China 2) 1961

B) Construction of the Berlin Wall 3) 1954

D) Use of force against Hungary 4) 1962


5. What was one of the manifestations of the “thaw” in the spiritual and cultural life of the USSR?

6. Establish a correspondence between the given concepts and their characteristics. For each position of the first column, select the corresponding position of the second and write it down in your NOTEBOOK

A) reparations 1) justification and restoration of citizens’ rights

B) repatriation 2) compensation by the state for damage caused

B) rehabilitation to another state

D) re-Stalinization 3) limitation or cessation of the arms race

4) refusal to criticize the cult of personality, a return to individual traits. totalitarian autocracy

5) return of prisoners of war and others to their homeland. persons who find themselves outside of it

7. Which of the listed events, phenomena of scientific and technological development of the USSR relate to the period 1953 – 1964?

A) widespread introduction of robots and computers into industry

B) wide export of industrial products of the USSR to Western countries

C) a ban on the development of cybernetics

D) development of nuclear energy

D) launch of the first artificial Earth satellite

E) launch of the world's first jet passenger aircraft TU-104

Please indicate the correct answer.


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