Poems about autumn - the best poems about autumn. Poems about autumn - the best poems about autumn Autumn for children 3 years old about birds

Design and interior 06.07.2019
Design and interior

Well, here is autumn, it's time to prepare poems about this time of year for kids. For your preschoolers, the best, short and children's poems about autumn are collected, not only in quatrains, but also in pictures.

Before the children had time to go to school or kindergarten, they immediately began to prepare for the Golden Autumn holiday. As a rule, this event requires certain scenarios, which can not do without poems.

It is for this that my selections by category for preschool children are collected.

Short poems about autumn for children 3-4 years old

I will not provide a scenario for autumn in kindergarten, but I have short poems about autumn for kids ready.

Here is a maple leaf on a branch.

It looks like new now!

All ruddy, golden.

Where are you, leaf? Wait!

Full of colors and wonders

Every park, square, and forest! —

The whole palette between the pines

Splashed generously autumn.

If in the trees

The leaves turned yellow

If in a distant land

The birds have flown

If the sky is gloomy

If the rain is pouring down

It's the time of year

It's called autumn.

Autumn has come,

Our garden turned yellow.

Leaves on a birch

They burn with gold.

Don't hear merry

Nightingale song.

The birds have flown away

To distant lands.

Crow screams in the sky: - Kar-r!

There's a fire in the forest, there's a fire in the forest!

And it was just very:

Autumn settled in it!

Autumn in the yard is frowning,

Water filled all the streets!

I'll put on my boots

That my feet didn't get wet!

I can wander through the puddles

Give smiles to passers-by!

Dripping more and more often

Rain outside our window!

Autumn is real

It will be cold later!

Leaves are spinning, flying

They all want to fly!

To far, far away lands

They are accompanied by the kids!

And then everyone jumps through the puddles

And kicking their legs merrily!

Autumn, autumn, don't rush

And wait with the rain!

Give us more summer

Sunshine and light.

I hope you liked these little poems about autumn for children 3-4 years old, for kindergarten great options.

Poems about autumn for preschoolers 5-6 years old for kindergarten

Here the autumn verses are longer than in the previous paragraph, but at 6 years old they are great for memorization.

Another new time!

Rushing to school kids.

There are often puddles on the asphalt

But there is no frosty cold.

All trees are colored again

Filled with yellow gloss.

It has become less warm

This autumn has come to us!

Birch braids unraveled,

The maples clapped their hands,

The cold winds have come

And the poplars flooded.

Willows drooped by the pond,

Aspens trembled

Oaks, always huge,

It's like they've gotten smaller.

Everything calmed down, cringed,

It drooped, turned yellow.

Only the Christmas tree is pretty

She got better for the winter.

I have a girlfriend

Red fire colors

This autumn is golden

I love and adore her!

You can jump in the puddles

Of course, be careful!

Escort the birds south

And run after them!

You can play burners

Like squirrels in the trees!

Again matinee in the garden with us

Welcome to golden autumn!

And we see off the summer in a good hour

To the country of expectations, big!

The colors outside the window have changed

And the earth was adorned with puddles,

But we are all waiting for summer again,

When the fields are green!

Evil clouds have come

And puffed out their cheeks at once!

Big tears flowed

We are all in the puddles now!

And we are not on the street

Do not get on this day!

The sun is shining like

Has entered very on a threshold!

Hello golden autumn!

How many colors - look.

I'll paint a picture

To give to my grandfather.

Here is a birch, there is a mountain ash,

Christmas tree green.

Above the sky is blue

The sun is fun.

Autumn walks along the alleys,

To visit us, she went into the yard,

Decorated the trees

She turned on the shower and left.

Mixed rain and leaves

Puddles with gurgles sing,

On a birch, a fox coat,

Terrible clouds are floating.

Light handle breeze

Picked up a leaf in the garden

And let's roll with him

How to play with a kitten.

On the autumn cobweb

Hanging like fluff

Holding hands, flying

And they hit me in the palms!

Poems about autumn in pictures

See what pictures with poems about autumn I have collected in this category, you can download them for free to decorate the hall.

I didn’t forget about the kids, for the smallest children there are also pictures about autumn with poems that will fit for a matinee.

Children's beautiful poems about autumn for children 6 - 7 years old

And here are poems about the beginning of autumn, about love for her, about nature and golden autumn. Children preschool age, including first-graders, will be able to pick up for the holiday or for homework beautiful autumn poems.

The fairy tale begins

Autumn is quiet.

She walks through the forest

Like a moose

Can't see

Don't hear

As follows the branches.

But behind it we are with you

Let's hurry ourselves.

You see it flared up

Clusters of September rowan.

You see, the mushroom turned red

Under the ringing aspen.

Hangs in a light haze

On the pine cobweb.

Summer is tangled up in her

Aspen leaf.

It suddenly became twice as bright,

Yard in the sun

This dress is golden

At the birch on the shoulders.

In the morning we go to the yard -

Leaves fall like rain

Rustle underfoot

And fly... fly... fly...

Gossamer webs fly

With spiders in the middle

And high from the ground

Cranes are flying.

Everything flies! It must be

Our summer is flying by.

In a golden carriage

What's with the playful horse

Autumn galloped

Through forests and fields.

good sorceress

Changed everything:

bright yellow color

Decorated the earth.

Sleepy month from the sky

Miracle is surprised.

Everything around sparkles

Everything spills over.

Indian summer has come -

Days of farewell warmth.

Warmed by the late sun

The fly came to life in the crack.

Sun! What in the world is more beautiful

After a chilly day?

Gossamer light yarn

Wrapped around a knot.

Tomorrow it will rain fast,

A cloud covering the sun.

Silver gossamer

There are two or three days left.

Have pity, autumn! Give us light!

Protect from winter darkness!

Have pity on us, Indian summer:

These cobwebs are us.

All rain and rain. puddles everywhere,

Streams are pouring onto the ground from the roofs.

Every day is cloudier and worse,

And from the sharp autumn cold

Don't know where to find shelter.

All rain and rain ... In the misty haze

A sad forest became a little visible,

The wind blows relentlessly,

And rarely a warm ray desired

Throws the sun from heaven.

All rain and rain ... The roses withered,

Flowers are frozen, do not bloom,

And there are only tears on the trees...

Another week and frost

They will come to us menacingly from the north.

Gathered and flew

Ducks on a long journey.

Under the roots of an old spruce

The bear is making a lair.

The hare dressed in white fur,

The bunny got warm.

Wears a squirrel for a whole month

For reserve mushrooms in the hollow.

The wolves roam the dark night

For prey in the forests.

Between the bushes to the sleepy grouse

The fox is escaping.

Hides the nutcracker for the winter

In the old moss nuts cleverly.

Capercaillie pinch needles.

They came to us for the winter

October has already come - the grove is already shaking off

The last leaves from their naked branches;

The autumn chill has died - the road freezes through.

The murmuring stream still runs behind the mill,

But the pond was already frozen; my neighbor is in a hurry

In the departing fields with his hunt,

And they suffer winter from mad fun,

And the barking of dogs wakes the sleeping oak forests.

Boring picture!

Clouds without end

The rain is pouring down

Puddles on the porch…

stunted rowan

Wet under the window

Looks village

Gray spot.

What are you visiting early

Autumn, come to us?

Still asks the heart

Light and warmth!

It rained in September

Before he had time to start - watered.

And green leaves in the water

Reflecting, they swam somewhere.

Who, autumn, invented you?

You came quietly and quickly.

In your gray clouds, September,

There is no light, no sun.

Outside the window, not a drop knocks,

A dull rain fills our city.

And umbrellas opened everywhere

And silently creeps into us the cold.

Only yesterday the yards were having fun,

They sat on the benches until late.

And now autumn is crying sobbing,

Branches are pulled by wet fir trees.

Everyone has the same faces

Here he passed, turned, did not notice.

And we do not see each other, no.

Who is responsible for everything that happened?

And under this rain forever

Let's turn into faceless crowds.

Stop pouring from the sky, water

You see, we don't need an umbrella!

Dear parents and children, learn poetry, develop memory, participate in kindergarten matinees. These spiritual poems for preschool age about autumn carry the beauty of nature and deep meaning. For children 3-4 years old, you can choose short quatrains, for 5 or 6 years are longer, and remember to recite them expressively.

Interesting and informative poems about autumn, autumn weather, about the signs of autumn. Poems for kindergarten. Poems for middle group kindergarten.

Poems about autumn for children


Damp in the clouds -

Shines even at noon

Dull and timid.

From the cold grove

On the path

The hare blew -


T. Belozerov


Snow flutters, spins,

It's white outside.

And the puddles turned

In cold glass

Where the finches sang in summer

Today - look! -

Like pink apples

On the branches of snowmen.

3. Alexandrova

Here comes autumn

Here is autumn before us:

The field is compressed, the meadow is mowed.

And over the forest shoals

The geese are heading south.

Behind the barn a stack of straw

And rowan in the yard

From the window of my home

It can be seen by rural children.

Frequent rain in the window ringing.

Wind roaming everywhere

Golden leaves drives

By silver water.

V. Prikhodko

Golden Rain

The leaves were flooded with sunshine.

The leaves are soaked in the sun.

Poured, weighed down,

Run and fly

Rustled through the bushes

They jumped over the branches.

The wind turns gold

Sounds like golden rain!

M. Lessovaya

It's raining, cold as ice.

Leaves swirl across the fields.

And geese in a long caravan

They fly over the forest.

I. Bunin

"It's raining down the street..."

It's raining down the street

wet road,

Many drops on glass

And a little warmth.

Like autumn mushrooms

We carry umbrellas

Because in the yard

Autumn has come.

V. Semernin

We can not live in the world without miracles,

They meet us everywhere.

Magic, autumn and fairy forest

He invites us to visit.

The wind will spin to the song of the rain,

Throw leaves at our feet.

It's such a beautiful time

Miracle Autumn came to us again.

M. Sidorova

"Autumn has come..."

Autumn has come,

Our garden turned yellow.

Leaves on a birch

They burn with gold.

Don't hear merry

Nightingale song.

The birds have flown away

To distant lands.

A. Erikeev


Birch braids unraveled,

The maples clapped their hands,

The cold winds have come

And the poplars flooded.

Willows drooped by the pond,

Aspens trembled

Oaks, always huge,

It's like they've gotten smaller.

Everything calmed down, cringed,

It drooped, turned yellow.

Only the Christmas tree is pretty

She got better for the winter.

M. Sadovsky

Melting in the high skies

Lonely thin beam

Flocks of birds fly away

Clouds are flying.

Natalya Nedovideeva
Card file "Poems about autumn" for children 3-4 years old

Poems for children 3 - 4 years old about Autumn.

Well, here she came, not for everyone long-awaited autumn. Less sun less light, more rain. But there is less fuss. However, who - who, and our children think about it least of all. They just enjoy every day, even if it autumn. Let's take an example from them. Let's open the book and read children's books together with the kids. poems about autumn. And on this page I have collected for you those poems about autumn for children which I considered to be the best.

Autumn, autumn, do not rush

And wait for the rain.

Give us more summer

Sunshine and light.

(A. Teslenko)

Here is a maple leaf on a branch.

It's just like new now.

All ruddy, golden.

Where are you, leaf? Wait!

(V. Berestov)

A hedgehog curled up under a bush

Wet and prickly.

And the rain falls over the forest,

Dispersing clouds.

Dressed in red leaves

Smiling stump.

Stayed dry all summer

And now it's soaking wet.

(I. Mogilevskaya)

autumn song

The summer has passed.

Autumn has come.

In fields and groves

Empty and dull.

The birds have flown away.

The days got shorter.

The sun is not visible.

Dark, dark nights.

Raindrops are flying

Flying, raindrops are flying

You won't leave the gate.

Along the wet path

Raw fog creeps.

For the saddened pines

And fiery rowans

Goes and sows autumn

Fragrant mushrooms!

(I. Demyanov)

Rain, rain, drip, drip!

You wouldn't drip on dads

You would not drip on moms -

It would be better to come us:

Dads - damp, moms - dirty,

You and I are great!

Following the summer autumn is coming,

Quiet songs the wind sings to her.

Leaves spread the red front of the legs,

(V. Stepanov)

Has come autumn,

Our garden turned yellow.

Leaves on a birch

They burn with gold.

Don't hear merry

Nightingale song.

The birds have flown away

To distant lands.

(A. Erikeev)

The sun rarely shines

Warm rays.

To the south a flock of birds flies,

Breaking up with us.

Frequent rain outside the window

The sky is crying

Leaves yellow all around:

it autumn, means.

(G. Sorenkova)


walks autumn in our park,

Gives autumn gifts for everyone:

Pink apron - aspen,

Red beads - rowanberry,

Umbrella yellow - poplars,

Fruit autumn gives us.

(I. Vinokurov)

In the aspen forest

In the aspen forest

Aspens tremble;

Breaks the wind

From aspens scarves.

He is on the path

Throw off scarves:

In the aspen forest

will come autumn.

(V. Stepanov)


Autumn has come -

The flowers have dried up.

And look sad

Bare bushes.

Wither and turn yellow

Grass in the meadows.

Only turns green

Winter in the fields.

A cloud covers the sky

The sun doesn't shine.

The wind howls in the field

The rain is pouring…

Noisy water

Fast stream.

The birds have flown away

To warm climes.

(A. Pleshcheev)

It's raining down the street

wet road,

Many drops on glass

And a little warmth.

How autumn mushrooms,

We carry umbrellas

Because in the yard

Has come autumn.

(V. Semernin)

All year round. September

On a clear September morning

Villages thresh bread

Birds fly across the sea

And the school opened.

(S. Marshak)

All year round. October

In October, in October

Frequent rain outside.

Grass is dead in the meadows

The grasshopper was silent.

Firewood prepared

For the winter for stoves.

(S. Marshak)

If it's pouring rain

I take an umbrella with me

Very bright and big


Whoever meets

Very surprised.

People are talking around:

“This is such a miracle! The umbrella is coming!

Even a little embarrassing

That I can't see at all.

(M. Sidorova)

The winds are blowing

winds are violent,

The clouds are walking

The clouds are dark.

Can't see them

white light;

Can't see them

Red sun.

(A. Koltsov)

Aspen chills,

Shaking in the wind.

Moaning in the sun

Freezes in the heat.

Give Aspen

Coat and boots.

Gotta get warm

Poor donkey.

(I. Tokmakova)

For the spring, the beauty of nature,

The sultry summer will pass -

And fog and bad weather

Late autumn brings:

People are bored, people are sad;

Bird to distant lands

To a warm land, beyond the blue sea

Flies away until spring.

(A. Pushkin)

rain and wind oak

Not afraid at all.

Who said that oak

Scared to catch a cold?

After all, until late autumn

It stands green.

So the oak is hardy,

So it's hot!

I. Tokmakova

Here is a maple leaf on a branch.

It looks like new now!

All ruddy, golden.

Where are you, leaf? Wait!

V. Berestov

colorful wind

Following the summer autumn is coming,

The wind sings yellow songs to her.

Leaves spread red underfoot,

A white snowflake flies into the blue.

V. Stepanov

leaf fall

Leaves flutter in the air

All Ufa is in yellow leaves.

We are sitting at the window

And we look outside.

Leaves whisper:

Let's fly away! -

And dive into the puddle.

Y. Korinets

autumn treasure

Yellow coins fall from a branch.

There's a treasure under your feet!

it autumn golden

Gives leaves, not counting.

Gives golden leaves

To you and to us

And everyone in a row.

I. Pivovarova

Got up, making noise

bad weather,

Low boron raw

Leans over.

Walk, swim

Clouds across the sky.

Night autumn

Blacker than a crow.

I. Nikitin

looked in autumn in the garden -

The birds have flown away.

Outside the window rustling in the morning

Yellow blizzards.

Under the feet of the first ice

Crumbles, breaks.

The sparrow in the garden will sigh

And sing -

He is shy.

V. Stepanov

The birds have flown away

Will not freeze

Until spring -

Warm the forest in winter

S. Ostrovsky

Why trees autumn

Dropping leaves?

Why are trees in winter

Stripping around?

Trees also need

Undress before bed!


Falling, falling leaves

Leaf fall in our garden.

yellow, red leaves

They curl in the wind, they fly.

Birds fly south

Geese, rooks, cranes.

Here is the last flock

Wings flapping in the distance.

Let's take a basket in our hands,

Let's go to the forest for mushrooms

Stumps and paths smell

delicious autumn mushroom.

M. Evensen


Crow screaming in the sky:

There's a fire in the forest, there's a fire in the forest!

And it was just very:

She settled in it autumn.

E. Intulov

We didn't see the beetle

And the winter frames were closed,

And he's alive, he's still alive

Buzzing in the window

I spread my wings.

And I call my mother for help:

There is a live beetle!

Let's open the frame!

Poems about autumn for children 3-4 years old

Autumn festival in the forest

And light and fun.

Here are some decorations

Autumn is here.


Every leaf is golden

Small sunny-

I'll put it in a basket

I'll put it on the bottom.

I take care of the leaves

Autumn continues

I've been at home for a long time

The holiday doesn't end.


golden leaves

They fly from the tree

The wind is spinning the leaves

This is leaf fall.


A. Teslenko

Autumn, autumn, wait!
And don't rush with the rain
Give us more summer
Sun and light

The leaves started to turn yellow
The sun got hotter
it autumncame,
Showered us with rain.

G. Shestakova

The rain is pouring, trying
Even if they don't ask him.
The sun is in the clouds,
So this autumn.

N. Letoshko

In leaf fall, bright,
What a miracle, you ask? -
rich in gifts
Season autumn.

T. Yakovenko

Gray asphalt road
Autumn painted yellow, bright.
I walk on it and imagine
That from summer to winter I walk on the bridge!

Berestov V.D.

Here is a maple leaf on a branch.
It looks like new now!
All ruddy, golden.
Where are you, leaf? Wait!

Y. Veramey

"Yellow is full.
Do you agree?" - "Of course!"
thickets are thinning.

S. Ostrovsky

There are few leaves on the trees.
On earth, it's a mess.

Patchwork blanket


E. Pimenova

leaf fall, leaf fall,
Leaves fall, fly.
Leaves turn yellow
And everyone falls to the ground.

V. Malchevsky

The branches in the garden are intertwined.
Someone put on a coat.
wind blown leaf
asks: "For what?"

L. Shkileva

Decorate the forest with foliage
Red, yellow, gold -
Between rowans and pines
walks quietly autumn.

V. Rechits

Yellow leaves fall from the branches
Birds fly and say goodbye to summer
The nights are getting colder
The hot summer is followed by autumn.

S. Prigotskaya

Again bunches of rowan
Weaves into braids autumn.
In a bright outfit of leaves
Visiting among the pines.

O. Karelin

Autumnwill come with rain -
The forest will become beautiful naked.
We ask for warmth and sun
But autumn wets us with rain.

Sad weather and cheese
The cat does not want to go for a walk,
And through the wet window

Maple and birch leaves are shed.
Drops a cloud of crying tears.
Darker evening and late dawn...
Comes Autumn, replacing Summer.

Autumn, rain, wind and bad weather
Summer grace was driven away.
We take the harvest from the garden,
We clean in the cellar - to winter.

S. Tsapaeva

Full of colors and wonders
Every park, square, and forest! -
The whole palette between the pines
Spilled generously autumn.

M. Korneeva

autumnfor a long time going strong rain,
You won’t go for a walk in the slush in the yard.
Blue clouds run in succession
Everyone is poured with cold water.

N. Polarus

A flock of leaves swirled
And settled down by the water.
This wind sweeps
yellow autumntraces.

E. Zikh

Golden leaves fly in the wind.
And the school meets dear children.
Rain oblique shelter asks.
It's already here autumn.


Yellowed foliage.
The wind blows away easily.
The calendar "read" the chapter.
It has arrived, brothers. autumn.

N. Agoshkova

Who are maple palms
Scattered all over the track?
I counted eight
Guessed - autumn!

I. Esaulkov

Here the winds rose above the forest.
The leaves swirled in a dance.
It got cold in the morning
Winter is at hand!

O. Kisileva

There are many yellow leaves everywhere.
The bear is looking for a lair.
The hedgehog climbed into the mink to sleep -
So they will winter.

E. Nikolaeva

Autumn. The leaves are turning
On the paths - puddles,
And everywhere, like flowers,
Umbrellas unfurl.

V. Zubkova

Again autumngolden
She came to us from afar.
Birds fly south
Overtaking the clouds.

Again with an invisible brush
Autumnpainted the leaves.
Everything became elegant at once:
Bright yellow, red, scarlet!


Koz, koz, koz

Kozsez kүnelsez!

Sap-sary yafraklar yes

Whole synthesis!


Yaratam min sary tosne

Boten dөnҗya, altyn tosle.

Ocha yafrak, smart yafrak

Khavalarda Aylanep.

Bugen, bugen, bugen, bugen

Yafraklarnyn bairame.


Koz kilde, ulәnnar

Sargaydy kham kipte

Sap-sary yafraklar

Җmgә sibelde.

On a bush-bush -
yellow leaves,
A cloud hangs in the blue, -
So it's time for autumn!
In the red leaves of the bank.
Each leaf is like a flag.
Ivan Demyanov

V.D. Berestov
Here is a maple leaf on a branch.
It looks like new now!
All ruddy, golden.
Where are you, leaf? Wait!

V. Lunin

Decorated by autumn.
I like donkey
She shines with gold
There is only one regret -
Flies around.

D.B. Kedrin

It's been raining since morning
It pours as if from a bucket,
And like big flowers
Umbrellas unfurl.

N. Nishcheva

One, two, three, four, five
Let's collect the leaves.
birch leaves,
rowan leaves,
poplar leaves,
aspen leaves,
oak leaves
We will collect
Mom will take the autumn bouquet.

V. Orlov

Why are trees in winter?
Stripping around?
And trees also need
Undress before bed!

Y. Korinets

Leaves flutter in the air
All Moscow is in yellow leaves.
We are sitting at the window
And we look outside.
Leaves whisper: - Let's fly away! -
and dive into the puddle.

A. Teslenko

Autumn, autumn, wait!
And don't rush with the rain
Give us more summer
Sun and light

G. Sorenkova

The sun rarely shines
Warm rays.
To the south a flock of birds flies,
Breaking up with us.
Frequent rain outside the window
The sky is crying
The leaves are yellow all around.
It's autumn, then.

G. Shestakova

The rain is pouring, trying
Even if they don't ask him.
The sun is in the clouds,
So it's autumn.

T. Lavrova

Autumn is a generous mistress,
He gives us everything without concealment:
Pumpkins, apples, watermelons,
Grapes and corn.
Makes jams and preserves
Pickles, treats.
Autumn is a good friend!
A feast for the whole district!

T. Rezvova

Spread maple leaf
Separate your fingers
Our mother wind is quiet
Whispered about autumn
Leaves fall dropped
Made us a carpet
We run along it with my mother
And we rustle together

T. Yakovenko

Gray asphalt road
Autumn painted yellow, bright.
I walk on it and imagine
That from summer to winter I walk on the bridge!

E. Erato

Autumn, sad time
Here comes the rain in the morning
On the glass of rain
Run away like tears
Autumn is crying, that's the trouble
The street became empty
Now all the kids
Reading books at home.

S. Loseva

Capricious autumn
With wet eyes
Walks along the paths
In a yellow hat.
What are you, Autumn, wandering
sad on the tracks
And you stealthily look
In the yellow boxes?
- The sun is so early
leaves me,
Seen to visit the children
Comes in in the evening.

V. Trop

Red autumn - we ask you to visit!
Color nature brightly for us autumn.
The leaf is orange, the leaf is crimson,
Draws furiously, draws zealously.
Draw while - winter said
And then she took all the paint and licked it off.

L. Firsova

More and more rain, cold wind,
Autumn, yellow leaf fall,
The sun is shining weaker
And rowan bonfires are burning.
Only firs are green.
And the fogs to the ground ...
And flew over the house
To the south, a wedge of cranes.

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