Short quatrains about star people. Poems about stars and constellations

Fashion & Style 19.06.2019
Fashion & Style

Children's funny and beautiful poems about an asterisk:

Sergey Yesenin.

The stars are clear, the stars are high!
What do you keep in yourself, what do you hide?
Stars, concealing deep thoughts,
By what power do you captivate the soul?

Frequent stars, tight stars!
What is beautiful in you, what is powerful in you?
What do you carry, heavenly stars,
The power of the great burning knowledge?

And why is it that when you shine
Beckon to the sky, into wide arms?
Look so gently, caress your heart,
Heavenly stars, distant stars!

T. Goethe

Behind the grove, a Star fell into the river.
I ran straight there!
She didn't break, she lay at the bottom!
Or maybe it was me?

Riddles about the stars

And next to the Star! And to the left there are five of them!
Yes, who came up with the idea to bathe the Stars here?
And here's the culprit - it's the moon!
She started it all, Just her!
The mischievous girl is tired of hanging in the sky,
Decided to cool off in cold water
And with the moon behind the star, the star
In the river to splash down here!

Happinessvirus. Asterisk quatrain.

In the evenings the earth is covered with haze,
The night in the blue sky lit a star.
Tiny star! Bright beams!
Light the way for the traveler in the night.

M. Petrov

Hiding behind a cloud
Little star.
Dozed off in the sky
Weak light.
Didn't sleep, probably
Mischievous by day.

V. Fedorov

I sat by the window at night.
A light breeze blew from the sea.
And then, suddenly, one star
Fell from top to bottom!
I ran out into the yard
After all, it's still dark! -
At night can a thief
Steal my good!
I was looking for her for an hour,
Until dawn.
And the stars all went out at once -
They must have gone to sleep.
Now she can't see the eye
Forever lost.
Didn't save another star
Slutty man!
Just imagine: "aground",
One, all alone!
No brothers, no sisters, in the dust
and, the eye is not visible

T. Efimova

We are two evenings in a row
Watched a starfall.
The stars fell from the sky
Into the snow-covered forest
And they went out in the snowdrifts -
So we sincerely believed!
But today we Cyril,
He explained with an air of importance:
That every starfall
For a forest animal - a treasure!
Animals have adapted
Set up star traps
Divide the stars among themselves
And they carry home as soon as possible:
Who is in the den, who is in the hollow,
Let there be light!
And then the mother wolf
Can count the kids.
Hedgehogs won't prick
O sister or brother,
And the fireflies will charge
Bright beacon light.
If the stars burn out
Starfall starts again!
Their traps again
There will be animals to collect.
That's why from heaven
The stars are falling into our forest!

A. Alferova

In the evening sky, the stars were shining,
descended along the moonlit path to the lake.
One star looked into the water,
plunged into the lake to the very bottom.
And at the bottom of the lake, catfish worked in a hole.
He saw a star - he was very surprised:
- How did you get here? bright Star?
He moved his mustache - he stopped swimming.
The guest is beautiful both in the sky and in the water.
She looked into the mink - she asked the catfish:
- How can I find a way from the bottom to heaven?
After all, I can’t become a star of the lake.
AT blue blue sky flashes shone -
weaved golden nets of rays.
Retrieving captives from deep waters,
on the waves rocked a star dance.

I. Ashomko

How beautiful is the sky!
The stars lead a round dance.
My teacher is an astrologer -
keeps a strict account of them.
I'm just a student.
Starry I keep a diary.
Each star's route
I write here.
Secrets of the Star Trek
not always easy to find.
I try as best I can.
I keep the secrets of the stars.
There is a favorite star.
Every day I look there
where she is all alone.
How I need her!
How beautiful is the light of the star!
I would like magical gardens
wanted to plant on it,
to keep her alive!
I'm growing up a little.
And I will fulfill my dream!
I'll fly to my star
with a caravan of ships.
There is no better one in the world!
The brightest of the planets
will be a lovely star
How do I get there!
And now I'm going to sleep
to become strong, to become an adult.
I'll grow up a little in my dreams
I will meet my star.


Arsen Geodakov

In a clear cloudless night sky
There is such a vision:
Suddenly the stars fly, blazing with fire,
Silently burning in the fall.

Beautiful in the expanses of heaven is a starfall,
Magic splashes of the Universe,
Then ripe fruits fly to us from the branches
From the Garden of Eden above the abyss.

Although we know now: a meteor is not a star,
He is only a fragment of a comet,
And yet, as before, we hasten to guess
Desire in a flash of light.

If you want to find love in your life -
On the night when the stars fall
AT magic sky turn your gaze
And just guess it simply.

And again Orion looked out the window to me

Vasilisa Light

And Orion looked out the window again.
Cold night bright constellation.
He is fascinated by the Eternal whirlwind.
He flew across the sky along the Milky Way.

The ground beneath him sparkled and swam.
Crystal snow fell asleep all around.
I saw him, I didn't sleep
The Pleiades swam side by side like friends.

Behind him, two dogs ran at his heels.
And next to Lebed played with Lyra.
He floated across the sky, the cities slept.
People did not wake up in them until the morning.
constellation riddle

Vasilisa Light

Stars formed into a picture
We'll take a look at her
Tell me kids soon
How do we name the picture?

I want to light up the stars

Victoria Doroshenko

I want to light the stars
Touching the sky.
It's quite simple to do this:
Throwing off laziness daytime bliss,
Go to the field on a dark night
And, catching the wind by the wing,
Curbing his free temper,
Fly into the clouds together.
Stroking the dome of heaven gently
Light candles in the black
So that the star parade is the same
Was at our meeting with you.

Star dance

Golubeva Nina

From the cycle "Visiting the Stars"

The sun walked across the sky
Tried so hard, shone so much
Tired, went to sleep.

Then a clear moon woke up:
"I'm wasting my time
The time has come to walk.

Quiet and cool at night.
Just boring and annoying
To wander all night alone.

Need all your girlfriends
All heavenly laughter
Wake up quickly.

Come on stars, wake up
Get together, get together
Let's lead a round dance.

And in the starry sky
In this marvelous round dance
Until the morning we swim and swim ...

space dream

Golubeva Nina

Lost teddy bear...
Where is his mother?
There is an elephant and a baby elephant,
There is a she-wolf and a cub.
And the bear has no one.
Here forty flying,
On the fly drops the news:
"There is a Big Bear
Shines in the sky at night.
Yes, and Malaya is there.
"Mom, maybe he's walking there?
I'll go look for her
Because she doesn't know at all
How her son misses her
And one cannot sleep."
Our bear is climbing on a pine tree,
Where is the top - you can't see ...
Cones fall to the ground
And from the minks they see mice -
He was able to reach the sky.
And to the Heavenly Bears
He's on the Milky Way
Singing songs out loud
To fly to mother to lead,
Want to get there quickly.
Suddenly I stumbled on an asterisk,
He began to fall to the ground,
Turned over in the air
Groaned menacingly, woke up -
Turned out it was a dream.
There is a big shaggy paw
The side was stroked by his dad,
Well, mommy son
Brought honey barrel.

burnt out star

Elena Sergeevna Safronova

Cut through the golden moon
Wonderful velvet of the firmament.
Loving every star
Wise nature froze.
The star broke and flies
Against the heavenly guard.
The night bird only screams
And as if crying about the loss.
Burning bright, in a hurry
And someone's soul lived in it.
Fell into eternity Dissolved
And there she found freedom.



We each have our own star
In the sky of life shines,
She always lights the way for us
And, like a beacon, leads into the future.
Its rays burn in my soul
And their warmth warms my heart
And year by year it gets stronger, stronger
I feel her attraction.
The day will come and the light of my soul
With her trembling radiance will merge
And this day will probably end
My entire earthly journey is at sunset.

In the constellation of the window

Igor Shevchuk

Glows through the window all night
I have one star
Don't meet on the street
She is among other stars.

When, holding your breath,
I will raise my eyes to them,
I know:
mine is somewhere.
What - I do not understand.

But just a pillow
Sticks to my cheek,
My friend is in the window
Wink secretly.

In a square narrow window,
In the constellation of the window
Falling out of a starry handful,
I alone can see.

Igor Shevchuk

In the night sky -
Not in a fairy tale, but in were -
Born from the dust
Far from Earth
Constellations are bored...
We wrote them
And wander forever
Doomed away.

Creators, where are you?
Forgotten yourself!
Whose strange whim
The world was inhabited
Leo and Libra,
More Gemini
And a well-aimed Sagittarius?

Wearily sighs
sad maiden,
Braiding in a braid
Worlds fireflies:
"Snowdrops, where are you?
Grasshoppers, where are you?
And the right mirror
Quiet river?

The she-bear is looking
Burlog in vain.
Prey will not be found
Neither Leo nor Sagittarius.
And for Gemini
colored lollipops
Hasn't been sleeping for a long time
On Libra, the seller ...

In the night sky
Dawns they shoot,
colored decoration
Summer, spring and winter.
The constellations shine on us
And scared to stay
Im in the starry wilderness
One day one...

Why does the star burn?

Irina Senchukova

Why does the star burn?
Who turns it on?
What's inside the star
Who knows about it?

Who lives on an asterisk?
Maybe Thumbelina.
I will build a starship
From a big box

And I fly myself there
For stellar exploration!
I'll find out everything then
About the moon and stars.


Kira Shagron

Breaking off the steep parabolas,
From cosmic tangled lines,
constellation peacock tail
One day it fell to earth.

Sparkled with fireflies,
Hidden in the wells of the night,
Illuminated in my beloved eyes
Scattered with children's dreams.

Falling from the sky,
In smiles, dewdrops, flowers,
In dawn rhyming lines
Made with clear thought.

And to every person
Having given a small star,
Shine on Earth left
Constellation to us forever.


Lyubov Achelova

At night, moonlit and frosty,
I stand looking at the stars
Stars wink at me from above.
They are there, invisible
They shine amazingly
Stars are a symbol of faith and dreams.

We are on our way, the stars are shining for us,
Evening or late night
They will show us exactly the way to the house.
The stars are shining with joy
Eyes sparkle from the sky,
That's right, we are led by heavenly lights.

I know: there are people-stars.
I'll tell myself that it's too late
I can never be a star
And I wouldn't want to
Probably none of my business...
I like the familiar path, the earthly path ...


Lyudmila Akbarovna Komarova

Paying tribute to samsara
From the buckets of the Bears night
It pours stars and gives the sky.
In a golden splashing container,
Stars pour out not away
Into the world of tempting freedoms.

Breaking the network of orbits
Breaking the sky
Fall into the looking glass of waters
Without tantrums and resentment.

hand star

Nadezhda Radchenko

Let someone get a puppy
Kitten, cockatoo parrot,
Guinea pig or hamster...
I'll give myself a star!

A star is not like a different animal,
Her mother will allow her to start:
There is no wool, no dirt from it,
Can't get an infection.

I will have a manual star,
All other stars are more beautiful and clearer.
I will give her a harmonious name,
In the evenings we will walk with her.

One warm night I will go
Follow her across the field to the pond,
Then we swim in the pond:
I will swim, and next to me is a star.

I'll crumble bread crumbs into the grass for her,
She will drink water from the pond.
And before going to bed I will call the star,
I gently stroke her rays.

I'll wave goodbye to her.
She blinks, melts in the sky.
I'll tell the guys about it
Everyone will immediately envy me,

They will ask: "Give me your star!"
But I will never leave her
With a beautiful
my star
Which I will get myself!

Star Rescue

Nadezhda Radchenko

A star rolled and fell
Lost in the grass by the pond.
I felt very sorry and sad:
This star is gone!

I'll look for her tomorrow morning
I'll wipe it gently with a handkerchief,
So that she glows with mother of pearl.
And I'll stick it in place later.

Let, as before, shine at night.
I will always be proud
What lives somewhere in the sky above us
The one I saved, the star!

star map

Nina Khmel

Bear walks across the sky at night
And Bear cub leads with him.
This is how miracles come to our house.
A bear's ladle hangs over the window.

The swan flies high above the world,
As soon as the night falls on the Earth.
He spread his wings wide
He has a huge space among the stars.

A constellation flies over the world at night,
Everyone brings this message:
The stars scattered in the Milky Way
Densely covered with star miles.

Let's look at the sky - we see it right away,
As if sour cream was spilled in the sky.
Their path lies along a winding tape.
How many stars are there? It's worth a mystery.

But, even the Milky Way is called Chumatsky.
He showed the Chumaks the right path.
For a long time they were sent to the Crimea for salt.
By the stars then they were looking for their way.

They helped the ships to sail.
Glory to the North Star always be!
The stars in the sky are like a map of the universe
And their beauty will be imperishable!


Svetlana Pivovarova

Throw me down, sky, millionaire!
- Million? No problem!
And I was thrown out at night
A million brightest stars.

God, I got into the kingdom
Rising above the ground,
But how to take wealth?
I'll take it with my soul.

shone, shone
Every glitter of silver!
So much would not fit in the hands,
How much I took into my soul.

And now my millionaire
I give to good people...
Substitute and you can -
I will pour love for you!

I will unbutton the buttons of the stars in the sky ...

Tanya Rudakova

I will unbutton the buttons of the stars in the sky.
I'll grab the red comet by the tail.
On the road of the Milky I will merrily rush
And on it I will leave all earthly sadness.
Dissolve, forget in unearthly happiness...
Only suddenly something about the past became sad.

lone star

Tatyana Butakova 3

After all, she is surrounded by friends,
Indeed, they are all very far away.
And it's hard to think about it.

We describe it beautifully
We write lines above all
And who is next, we don’t know at all
And it has always been so for a long time.

So we circle around the cosmos of life,
Looking for a river that will flow back
And it's just not there, only thoughts,
That we drive back and forth.

Who said a star is lonely?
We just need to get close to her.
Warm up and understand how cruel
When you can't find a way to your neighbor.

Astronomy lesson

Svetlana Sevrikova

And the stars are little suns...
which are actually more
It shone that in the morning in your window
Knocking with a timid finger of the dawn.

Which by noon will be bolder,
Go crazy, go crazy, get bold,
And so warmly warm the earth,
That foam bubbles on the asphalt.

And the stars are bigger ... A hundred times and more ...
How many times more powerful is love than pain
So many times they are bigger than him,
But more merciful to the small Earth ...

And it's not all about distance.
And in compassion and understanding,
That people too are tiny suns
In the pitch lost haze ...

To the stars

Yuri Milov

I turn my gaze to the stars
I can't sleep at night
They all blink
To rush to them.

And find the planet there
With unearthly life
And to rational beings
Fly with love.

How not to get infected
Their enmity and malice,
How to forget about wars
And fight with nature.

I'll go through the cleansing
Banish the bad
I'll take only the good
The matter is simple.

Cosmonautics Day is our joy and pride.
The day when man rushed to fly.
Astronauts are characterized by hardness,
She leads you to victory with faith in success.

Those who no longer fly into space today,
And now, as before, Russia needs you,
Dear astronauts, Russia loves you
And your earthly affairs are also important.

Cosmonauts of the Earth, let me congratulate
Happy Cosmonautics Day, wish you all:
Leave an autograph on a distant planet,
And send a smile to Earth from there.

Gavryushkin Alexander Evgenievich

Tsiolkovsky prophesied to us,
That a man will go into space.
Put an end to his dreams
Our rebellious twentieth century.
Away, fear, disbelief, doubts,
And the Russian could do it:
Breaking through the gravity of the earth
He made a circle over the Earth.
Just one turn - the beginning
The way we don't know...
And the dreamers said:
- Apple trees bloom on Mars!
Will it be so? Until we know
And there are countless problems on Earth ...
But "near space" is inhabited,
And yet there is something in it!
Let not for a thousand parsecs,
A little closer to the moon
A man's foot has set foot
Taking another barrier.
And satellites to distant stars
The news of earthlings was carried away -
Accept, great cosmos, formidable,
Hello from little Earth!
Motorina Nadezhda Viktorovna

Said "let's go" Gagarin,
The rocket flew into space.
That was a risky guy!
Since then, an era has begun.

The era of wanderings and discoveries,
Progress, peace and labor,
Hopes, wishes and events
Now this is all forever.

Days will come when space
Who wants to, can plow!
Even to the moon, please, wander!
Nobody can forbid!

That will be life! But still remember
That someone was the first to fly ...
Major Gagarin, modest guy,
He managed to open the era.
Mahmud Otar-Mukhtarov


He is an example for all children.
They call him a hero.
Proudly wears an astronaut
The title is like that.

To become an astronaut
You have to make an effort:
Start the day with a charge
Study well.

See a doctor too
Here the exam is rigorous.
Weaklings can't do it
Star roads.

The ship can take
Only strong, dexterous.
And that's why you can't
Here without training.

Pressure chamber, swimming pool,
Where we are weightless...
This is for all astronauts
Well familiar.

Here is the cab carousel
Circle after circle.
Not a projectile, but just a beast
This centrifuge.

There's a lot to come
Various tests.
The one who goes into space
Must pass them.

He is any profession
Gotta know the secrets
After all, at such a height
Don't ask for advice.

Pilot, doctor, astronomer,
engineer, photographer,
And he is also a gardener.
Also a cartographer.

He accurately portrays
Mountains, rivers, hills.
The fishermen will determine
Where the herrings float.

And hearths of fire
From above, he will indicate -
To save the taiga
It is very important.

We rejoice in spring
In the summer - for mushrooms ...
Astronaut in the sky
Circling above us.

We send him greetings
Let him warm up:
“On Earth, everyone is waiting for you -
Come soon!"

Our starship
(song about space)

First couplet:

Here is our starship flying forward
Towards the stars.
Goodbye home! Let us wag our tail
comet and then


Second couplet:

Yes! Let's fly where we're going
Stepping is not easy!
We will open everything, we will demolish all barriers,
We will save everyone from monsters


Second couplet:

Everyone is happy there! spacepot
Invite us to visit!
Thousands of planets tell us: “Hi!
Stay here! But no -


In space
Chain of riddles for children.

To arm the eye
And make friends with the stars
Milky way to see
We need a powerful ... (telescope)

Telescope hundreds of years
Studying the life of the planets.
Will tell us everything
Smart uncle ... (astronomer)

Astronomer - he is an astrologer,
Knows everything!
Only better than the stars visible
The sky is full ... (Moon)

A bird cannot reach the moon
Fly and land
But he can do it
Make fast ... (Rocket)

The rocket has a driver
Weightlessness lover.
English: astronaut
And in Russian ... (Cosmonaut)

Astronaut sits in a rocket
Cursing everything in the world - In orbit, as luck would have it
Appeared ... (UFO)

UFO flies to a neighbor
From the constellation Andromeda
It howls like a wolf from boredom
Evil green... (Humanoid)

The humanoid has strayed off course
Lost in three planets
If there is no star map,
Speed ​​will not help ... (Light)

Light flies the fastest
Kilometers are not counted.
The Sun gives life to the planets
We are warm, tails are ... (To comets)

The comet circled around
I looked at everything in the sky.
He sees a hole in space - This is a black ... (Hole)

Darkness in black holes
Something black is busy.
There he completed his flight
Interplanetary ... (Starship)

Starship - steel bird,
He travels faster than light.
Learns in practice
Stellar ... (Galaxies)

And the galaxies fly
Loose as they want.
Very hefty
This whole universe!

108 minutes

In a spacesuit, in a working way, as he was,
The Volga is in sight, familiar to him,
On the plowed ground he stepped
And he walked, trampling the clods.
On the coppice, I looked at the arable land.
Earth! And her appearance has not changed.
Today he took off from her into space,
Today, he returned to it.
All the same low clouds run,
All the same, pines guard the sky,
All the same day
Hours are the same measure ...
It's only been a hundred
One hundred and a few minutes.
And on Earth it's a different era,
Whose space is called! ..

Vysheslavsky L.

All the planets in order
Call any of us:
Once - Mercury,
Two - Venus,
Three - Earth,
Four is Mars.
Five - Jupiter,
Six - Saturn,
Seven - Uranus,
Behind him is Neptune.
He is eighth in a row.
And after him already, then,
And the ninth planet
called Pluto.
Arkady Khait

space fairy tale(fragment)
Painted space black
Because there is no atmosphere
There is no night, no day.
There is no earthly blueness here,
Here the views are strange and wonderful:
And the stars are all visible at once,
Both the Sun and the Moon.

A star is visible in the north
And she's called
Polar star.
She is a reliable friend of people
And two Bears with her
Among the cosmic fires
Everything is running in sequence.

Not far away, the Dragon fell silent.
He squints at the Bears,
Chews the ends of the mustache.
And the Eagle watched for a long time,
Like a skinny wolf wandering somewhere
And bypassed
Constellation of the Hounds of the Dogs.

The heavenly lion slept peacefully,
Opening your terrible snapdragon
(Don't mess with lions!)
The whale swam up to Andromeda,
Pegasus galloped fast
And proudly the swan flew
Along the Milky Way.

Hydra guarded someone
After all, the Hydra was a Hydra
Forever, friends!
Through the giant sky
She crawls mysteriously.
Who is Hydra guarding?
It is impossible to say yet.

And near the Milky Way,
Where neither to pass nor pass,
Lies a huge Cancer.
Lies in space dust
Lightly wiggles claws
And all for the Hydra is watching.
(Cancer, apparently, is not a fool!)

Here the raven waved its wings,
Phoenix rose from the ashes
Tail fluffed peacock,
Here the snake writhed,
Chanterelles ran, frolicking,
And the Lynx sat, hiding,
The singer was saved by Dolphin.

The giraffe walked like a god
Here is the Hare, here is the Unicorn,
Crane, Chameleon.
And there is a Dove with a Lizard ...
No, apparently, I can't count
All these fabulous creatures
Who inhabited space.
Quoted from the edition:
V.P. Lepilov "Space Tale"
Astrakhan: "Volga", 1992, pp. 34-35

If the month is the letter "C",
So, the old month;
If the stick in dovez
You attach to it
And you'll get the letter "R"
So it's growing
So, soon, believe it or not,
He will become fat.
author unknown

An astrologer lived on the moon
He kept a record of the planets:
MERCURY - time,
VENUS - two-s,
Three - EARTH,
Four - MARS,
Seven - Uranus,
Eight - NEPTUNE,
Nine - the farthest PLUTO,
Who does not see - get out!
author unknown

There is one garden planet
In this cold space
Only here the forests are noisy,
Calling birds of passage,

Only on it one bloom
Lilies of the valley in green grass
And dragonflies are only here
They look into the river in surprise ...

Take care of your planet - After all, there is no other similar one!

- What kind of relative of the moon is there,
Nephew or granddaughter
Flickers between the clouds?
- Yes, it's a satellite!
- Here are those times!
- He is the companion of each of us
And in general - the whole Earth.
The satellite was created by hands,
And then on a rocket
Delivered to these.
Y. Yakovlev

Every planet has something different
What makes her stand out the most.

You will certainly recognize Saturn by sight - He is surrounded by a large ring.

It is not continuous, from different bands.
Here is how the scientists solved the problem:

Once upon a time, the water froze there,
And Saturn's rings of snow and ice.
Rimma Aldonina

What a luxurious wonder!
Almost occupying half the world
Mysterious, very beautiful
A comet hovers over the Earth.

And I want to think:
- Where
Did a miracle come to us?
And I want to cry when
It will fly away without a trace.

And they tell us:
- It's ice!
And her tail is dust and water!
It doesn't matter, a miracle is coming to us,
A miracle is always great!
Rimma Aldonina

Spreading its fiery tail,
The comet rushes between the stars.
- Listen, constellations,
Last news,
wonderful news,
Heavenly news!

Rushing at wild speeds
I was visiting the Sun.
I saw the earth in the distance
And new satellites of the Earth.
I flew away from the earth
Ships flew after me!

belt of the zodiac
January snow on the road
The sun shines in Capricorn.

In February the day is longer
The sun shines in ... (Aquarius).

In March there are a lot of snow blocks,
The sun is somewhere among ... (Pisces).

And in April from ... (Aries)
The sun is already warming up.

In May, the sun is in ... (Taurus) - Wait for freckles on your face.

In June, the Sun is in ... (Gemini),
Fanta children drink in the bushes.

In July, the sun rolls to ... (Cancer),
Music lover - in the garden to the poppy.

August opens schools
... (Lion) runs away for the sun.

Outside the window "september",
... (Virgo) The sun will shelter.

In October, according to owls,
The sun shines from ... (Libra).

November in the sky
The Sun shines in ... (Scorpio).

In December, like a tomboy,
He will hide behind the Sun ... (Sagittarius).
A.G. Novak

The asterisk fell on the palm.
A feast for the eyes of an asterisk - a mimosa,
Butterfly itself fluttered to me,
She told the story and blinked...

I gently circled her
And let her go home to her sisters ...
Tomorrow at midnight dear star
Come to me for tea

With pretzels, honey and strawberries
Happiness, joy and blueberries.
Now I'll tell her about the tundra,
About cute deer in the father's sutra *.

The star smiles brightly
A ray of fireweed will spill into tea.
"Drink, minx, - I will teach, - do not ...

Asterisk, an asterisk looks into my eyes from the sky.
Showing me the way, but not giving, not giving even a drop of warmth.
The sun, the sun will warm me with warmth.
And the day will come, come and life is sweet to me!

But it blinds, the radiance of the sun blinds, blinds the eye.
And I can't look, I can't look at him at all.
Will you upset life or make us happy today?
And spinning and spinning, flying somewhere in space, the Earth.

After the night there will always be, there will be a bright day.
And grief will still go away, go away, there is no need to rush time.
Well, on...

The asterisk fell, made a wish.
I want to believe it will come true.
The song of the nightingale is like a declaration of love.
Let him sing and I will open the window.

Nights - summer nights, full of warmth.
In the rainy autumn, remembering you - I'm sad.
Autumn without fire again lit the forest,
I'm red to her, I'll forgive the rain for beauty.

Why do cranes cry sadly
Flying through the blue sky above me
They fly to a distant land for the winter,
I'll tell them: - Happy! - and wave my hand.

Autumn - the cycle is over, the harvest is ripe.
We conclude with...

I will put the sky in the palm of my hand,
I'll find a lucky star
Don't be afraid the sky won't drop,-
I will whisper in her ear with the sun ..

Don't worry, everything will be fine
Just as it was meant to be by heaven
You yourself pour out in starfall,
Illuminating the bottom of the sea with love.

And you will see - gentle waves,
Gently rock the cradle..
Night and day have been debatable forever
You will smooth their bed with the dawn.

Released the star
Having drunk her to the bottom with the sea ..
She nodded her head from the sky
Wise and kind moon...

Poems about love
flow through the cracks in the souls.
Let them often tell me that they are useless ...
After all, in order to understand them
You don't need eyes or ears.
They listen with their hearts.
It does not want to be iron.

In the dark I'm looking for the Muse, but only the memory of the crumbs
In pitchless moonlessness, a hand can grope.
A mean legacy of an era that has sunk into oblivion,
Alluring, teasing, caressing out of the blue…

Vain searches! Where to find inspiration?
I've looked under the bed a thousand times.
And how, it is not clear, their ...

You don't even need poetry.
There is cuteness in them, prettiness and pretense.
Men's eyes would be tender.
His soul would not become a crust of callousness.

And he keeps looking away.
On those who are younger, more naive.
That unreasonably cheerful, then angry,
Either sunny or gloomy, like a ruin.

Your birthday. Celebration in the house.
But the mood will not raise the mirror.
Yes, and wine is so tart.
Is it possible that children are copies of him ...

Poetry is not my destiny,
But I can't understand my feelings otherwise.
From your bitter words turned a little grayer,
A lump in my chest and my heart is crying.

You give yourself to him in a fleeting passion,
But you won't get affectionately "I love you" in return,
For pleasure, he will ask for monetary bribes,
And I loved without self-interest, but I no longer exist.

Probably so inscribed by fate,
What will you be my aching wound.
Unmerciful and cruel you are with me
And fill your soul with bitterness.
Now let's see...

Verse number two, child of the night and great countries,
Where the great Welles-An beats in the heart,
Where on a moonlit night you can not overcome
Sweet love attraction
Verse number two pours,
Tears, runs from the chest.
Where the princess of great countries played with her foot,
The young admirer of fishing desired her very much,
Contemplating the formation of fingers, heel,
Nails and leg movements.
Catch Fan Fetish
Followed the feeling in my chest.
The stars are shining in the sky, the flames of the fire are measured in the night,
The sand rustles underfoot, the chest sways and...

The small, twinkling dots that dot the night sky are distant stars. It is because of the huge distance that separates our planet from the stars that they seem so tiny to us. In fact, many of them more Earth and even the sun. And if the stars are connected by conditional lines, then different Constellations will be obtained. Below you will find poems about stars and constellations, as well as poems about comets and asteroids x for children of all ages.

There is one star in the sky

There is one star in the sky
Which one, I won't say
But every evening from the window
I look at her.

She shimmers so bright!
And somewhere in the sea
Now, probably a sailor
It guides the way.

(G. Kruzhkov)


What are stars?
If they ask you -
Answer boldly:
Hot gas.
And also add
What is always
Nuclear reactor -
Every star!
(R. Aldonina)

To the stars

We Star Trek let's build
Along the Milky Shores
Opening to earthly passers-by
Constellations of the worlds.

Life there is extraordinary.
In everything - a different way,
Joy awaits us and mystery
Every spirit there is like a brother.

So rush, earthling,
And celebrate with your heart!
Wish, dare and act -
Realize dreams!

Strive into the expanse of the Universe -
In the constellations of the worlds
In a burst of inspiration
Along the Milky Shores.

Together we will pave the way
Luminary comprehend the essence.
It's enough to be a passerby -
Be a pioneer!

(V. Asterov)

Here is the starry sky!

- Here starry sky! What can be seen on it?

- The stars there shine with a distant fire!

Are only the stars shining in the sky?

- Not! Planets roam among the stars!

- How do they wander? Roads do not know?

- Not! It looks like they're wandering!

All of them are the Sun's big family.

And under the influence of his attraction

Always making circular motions!

And with them my planet -

The one that is called the planet "Earth"

The one where you and I live!

starry dream

Star swarm in the dark sky

It flashes to me from above.

Whispering stars, twinkling:

“We know your dreams.

Of course you really want

Be brave astronaut

You want to go to the moon

Yes, walk on Mars.

Look out the window

Flying over the earth.

Grow up, my friend, rather

Let's meet you!"

Here is a wish

The star swarm whispered to me.

"Good!" I wanted to shout to them

But I couldn't... I slept soundly...

(N. Migunova)

Star handwriting...

star handwriting

Not everyone understands

He's not that simple.

Star Trek,

What is written there

Do not cross out with a pen.

Let it ring over us

And rumbles

merciless pipe,

We live in the silence of this night

Where are the poems, and the stars, and - fate!

(N. Tikhonov)

Poems about the stars

And in blue ominously black,

Standing up on heavy stocks,

The rocket will flinch, doomed

But things won't work out that way.

And there will be full solemnity,

And firm faith in success,

And outright identity

Yourself in the soul with yourself for everyone.

Untroubled by hindrances,

He will rise, majestic and simple,

And smiles: "Well, let's go!"

And fly to the blue stars.

But years, years, years go by...

Thunder will sweep from the horizon.

And he - gray-haired, eagle-eyed, proud -

Will descend to the forgotten spaceport.

He will listen to festive speeches,

Face in the earth will dip the flowers.

And out of the crowd to meet him

Not a pitiful likeness of saints,

Not a ghost, aged and ridiculous,

worshiping eternal fasts,

And the woman in all her splendor

Blooming maternal beauty.

And the young man, shy and bold,

A hot forehead presses against his shoulder.

And he will say: “I have known about you since childhood.”

And he will say: "Tomorrow I will fly to the stars."

(M. Borisova)

The star is pulsating

The star is pulsating.

What do the callsigns mean?

Earth stations do not know.

The star is pulsating.

Is it hope? A distress signal?

Over the track, over the impassability,

In the night, boundless and disturbing

The cry of the star does not stop.

What is worse than loneliness!

The blue planet is silent.

And, only blinking with flashes,

A storm passes over her.

And oceans of mirrors

Blinking, they will reject the beam a hundred times,

And the echo will rush back

Flying off the salty wing.

I'm standing by the Milky Way

Where the waves hit the granite shell.

A star pulsates in a handful,

And her light flows through her fingers.

She is like a little chick

Pecks someone's share from the palm

And waiting for the last time

I will set her free.

What does she know about love?

About our life? Our death?

What does she have to do with us? - earthly children...

Starlight is not in our blood.

But why, through the thickness of years,

Has she been following us since childhood?

And the human heart

It flies like a butterfly into the light ...

(L. Dubaev)

Space Tale (fragment)

Painted space black
Because there is no atmosphere
There is no night, no day.
There is no earthly blueness here,
Here the views are strange and wonderful:
And the stars are all visible at once,
Both the Sun and the Moon.

A star is visible in the north
And she's called
Polar star.
She is a reliable friend of people
And two Bears with her
Among the cosmic fires
Everything is running in sequence.

Not far away, the Dragon fell silent.
He squints at the Bears,
Chews the ends of the mustache.
And the Eagle watched for a long time,
Like a skinny wolf wandering somewhere
And bypassed
Constellation of the Hounds of the Dogs.

The heavenly lion slept peacefully,
Opening your terrible snapdragon
(Don't mess with lions!)
The whale swam up to Andromeda,
Pegasus galloped fast
And proudly the swan flew
Along the Milky Way.

Hydra guarded someone
After all, the Hydra was a Hydra
Forever, friends!
Through the giant sky
She crawls mysteriously.
Who is Hydra guarding?
It is impossible to say yet.

And near the Milky Way,
Where neither to pass nor pass,
Lies a huge Cancer.
Lies in space dust
Lightly wiggles claws
And all for the Hydra is watching.
(Cancer, apparently, is not a fool!)

Here the raven waved its wings,
Phoenix rose from the ashes
Tail fluffed peacock,
Here the snake writhed,
Chanterelles ran, frolicking,
And the Lynx sat, hiding,
The singer was saved by Dolphin.

The giraffe walked like a god
Here is the Hare, here is the Unicorn,
Crane, Chameleon.
And there is a Dove with a Lizard ...
No, apparently, I can't count
All these fabulous creatures
Who inhabited space.

(V. Lepilov)


All night the constellations are shining
Do not slow down the round dance
Around one star standing
As if in the center of the sky.

The axis of the earth leaned towards her,
We named it Polar.
Where is the north, we will know from it
And she is grateful for that.

(R. Aldonina)

Fun astronomy for kids

They stood in a circle and danced nicely
With Capricorn Aquarius,
Fish flap their fins
Aries in a circle hurries quickly.
And Taurus will be with him,
He tap-dance famously beats.
There will be a dance until you drop,
The round dance will be good.
The twins are dancing
Cancer is behind them:

Circle or belt? - Zodiac!
Leo and Virgo make friends
They swirled in a round dance,
Taking Libra with you
Amazing beauty.
scorpion squat dance
And he waves his claw to Sagittarius.
This glorious dance
The sun will go around in a year.
There are twelve of them in a round dance,
And in the sky more like?
"How many constellations are there?" - ask!
"Exactly eighty-eight!"

(R. Aldonina)

Over the Earth at night late ...

Over the Earth late at night,
Just reach out your hand
You'll grab onto the stars
They seem to be nearby.
You can take a peacock feather,
Touch the hands on the clock
Ride a Dolphin
Ride on the Scales.
Over the Earth late at night,
If you look into the sky,
You will see, like clusters,
The constellations are there.
Over the Earth late at night,
Just reach out your hand
You'll grab onto the stars
They seem to be nearby.
(A. Hite)

Sadness of a cat

I have bad news.

I'm sad like never before.

I learned: among the constellations

No constellation Cat!

There is a Wolf and a Hare in the sky,

Dove, Lizard, Whale.

Starry swan flies:

Even the fly is sitting there!

And around - Dogs, Pisces,

Two Bears and Lions,

Wandering horse with a shaggy mane

Among the cosmic grass:

Just no cat. I'm crying!

There is no star cat!

Not even Cat's Whiskers

No Cat Tail!

I've been looking at the sky all night!

Just got exhausted!

Why am I so strong

Did you annoy the astronomers?

(O. Akhmetova)

Constellation of the Hounds of the Dogs

Past the constellation Virgo,
Constellations Leo and Libra,
Flying across the dark sky
Constellation of the Hounds of the Dogs.

It swirls, rustling in their wake,
Space blizzard.
Are they chasing a comet?
Or driven in the darkness of the enemy?

I saw their shadows tight
Through the haze of boyish dreams.
And they were alive
Besides, the words are:
"Constellation of the Hounds of the Dogs"!

Childhood is gone
Disappeared without a trace
And the song remained in my soul
And it seems forever.

A pack of dogs is rushing
Millions of centuries ahead.
And I, as a child, wonder:
Where are they? Who is waiting for them?

What mystery drives them
In the midst of the cold and silence?
And suddenly they are there desperately
Looking in the darkness for the owner
Who are you separated from?

He is kind, funny, stellar.
But from a very distant time
Somewhere in the frosty haze
Captured by monsters.

In the vastness of worlds and centuries,
Where there was neither sound nor sight,
He is to the black giant planet
It is pressed with a magnetic ring.

There are strange measurements:
A hundred miles is just a small step,
A century is a moment
And the lake is liquid darkness...

Monsters swimming in the rivers
And after drying on the rock,
Star Man
Kept in the cave mist.

Stole Electrids -
In each paw there is a brain,
They inspire him to give
He's everything he's ever seen
And most importantly - the secret of the stars!

How they light up
Chasing cold from the planets?
What are they chilling with?
How to extinguish their light?

So silent and ugly
Chewing the gelatinous haze,
Your will patiently
They inspire him.

And he doesn't answer.
And only stubborn: SOS! -
From a planet as black as darkness
Sends stars to the bright world!

The call to the universe rushes
And everything that even lives somewhere,
He says: Leap year. -
Or: - The year of the active sun.

And only in the bottomless darkness,
Where there are neither nights nor days
fire dogs
Run even faster!

Eyes sparkle brighter and brighter
Ridges tensed like a string,
And hot sparks drop
Flame tails.

The universe beats with clubs
Space dust in the chest.
And subtly rings under the claws
Silver Milky Way...

But through the ages and spaces
They will home and find
Planet of the Black Kingdom
And monsters will be gnawed.

Paws - on the shoulders of the owner,
And the stellar Man will sigh.

Here it is, the main secret,
The basis of the whole universe:
In love at any trial
And devotion forever!

Trouble is over! Victory!
Thunder, bells of stars.
Let the waves of heat and light
Rush to all ends!

And rush to the right and to the left,
Carrying a silvery din.
And the Virgin will scream joyfully,
Believe afraid of the news!

Grab your heart with your hand,
The cheek clings to the Taurus,
And star tears will roll
On the flushed face!

Fantasy? Let! I know!
And yet since childhood
I believe in a stubborn flock
What rushes after another!

Everything mortal falls from the soul,
Stories strike the clock
The universe is ringing with silver.
Dogs fly through the universe ...

Fantastic colors are burning
And, no matter how wise the head,
You still believe the story.
The story is always right!
(E. Asadov)


Stars, stars, for a long time
you chained forever
Man's greedy gaze.

And sitting in an animal skin
By the red fire
Inseparable in the blue dome
He could watch until the morning.

And looked in silence for a long time
Man in the expanse of the night -
That with fear
That with delight
That with a vague dream.

And then with a dream together
The tale is ripe on the lips:
About mysterious constellations
About unknown worlds.

Since then, they live in heaven,
As in the night land of miracles, -
Sagittarius and Swan
Lion, Pegasus and Hercules.

(Yu. Sinitsyn)

Fairy tale world of constellations

If you don't snore at night
And look at the sky
That you can see
Stars of marvelous beauty.
The world of constellations is full of colors,
There are many stories about him.
These tales, as everyone knows,
Greeks consider myths.
Ah, what outlines!
The Greeks gave them names.

On the black velvet of heaven
Stands with a club Hercules,
Taurus shines with delight
Aldebaran red eye.
But the Pleiades have gathered,
Yes, the whole family together!
And then there is the stellar zodiac.
Do you know what he looks like?

(J. Paramonova)

In the sky - Ursa

In the sky - Bears,
Dogs and Taurus
In the sky - Libra,
Bootes and Sagittarius
Fish, Dolphins,
Cancer and Dragon...
How many constellations
So many names.
Who can do them
Find on the map
He won't fall off
In flight out of the way

(G. Sapgir)

Big Dipper

Big Dipper
In the big sky
Why something big
Turned into a Bucket.

Probably for the night
She's from a bucket
Drink milk
Your baby.

For cream
Way to the Milky Way
After all, Ursa Minor
Gotta grow!

(G. Dyadina)

Big Dipper

There is a golden dipper in the sky
It's called Big Bear.
The secret to finding where north is is simple:
In the direction of the extreme stars
Lead a straight line
Find the polar star
Stand up straight, look at her
And the north will be ahead.
(R. Aldonina)

Big Dipper

At the Big Dipper
It hurts the pen is good!
Three stars - and everything in a row,
Like diamonds, they burn!

Among the stars, big and bright,
One more is visible:
In the middle of the handle
She took shelter.

You take a better look
You see
Two stars merged?

The one that is bigger
It's called the Horse.
And the baby next to her -
Riding on it.

wonderful rider,
This star prince Alcor,
And carries him to the constellations
Horse Mizar at full speed.

The gold-maned horse trembles
Gilded knot.
Silent rider rules
To the North Star.

(Yu. Sinitsyn)

We heard

We heard: two bears
Glow in the sky at night.
At night we looked up -
We saw two pots.
(G. Sapgir)

Two Bears

Here is the Big Bear
Starry porridge interferes
big bucket
In a large cauldron.
And next to it dimly glows
Ursa Minor.
small ladle
Collects crumbs.
(G. Sapgir)

Bucket Stars

Here is the edge of the handle, where our ladle is
Benetnash is marked with a star.
You will cast a glance in the neighborhood -
You will see Mizar and Alcor.
And here is the turn of the handle
Aliot leads to the star.
Well, then we finally
We will see the edge of the bowl - Megrets.
And we will go through the bottom just like that,
Seeing Fekda and Merak.
And above shines as always
Nam Dubhe is a bright star.

(L. Tkachuk)

Space Tale (fragment)

"Now answer me, young friend,

What is the zodiac circle

And where to find it?

- They go all over the ecliptic

constellations. We have them here

They are called zodiacal

Twelve of them in total.

Their names: Aries, Taurus,

Leo, Pisces, Gemini, Sagittarius,

Plus Scorpio and Cancer,

Both Capricorn and Aquarius

And Virgo, and Libra with her -

Everything in its entirety

Make up the Zodiac.

And our Sun for the whole year

It will pass through all the constellations,

Will stay every time.

The planets also move here

They crawl along the Zodiac,

But this is only the visible path.

From Earth to our eyes.

(V. Lepilov)

zodiac constellations

They stood in a circle and danced nicely
With Capricorn Aquarius,
Fish flap their fins
Aries in a circle hurries quickly.
And Taurus will be with him,
He tap dance famously beats.
There will be a dance until you drop,
The round dance will be good.

The twins are dancing
Cancer is behind them:
“What is this strange dance?
Circle or belt? - Zodiac!
Leo and Virgo make friends
They swirled in a round dance,
Taking Libra with you
Amazing beauty.

scorpion squat dance
And he waves his claw to Sagittarius.
This glorious dance
The sun will go around in a year.
There are twelve of them in a round dance,
And in the sky more like?

How many constellations are there? - ask!
"Exactly eighty-eight!"

(J. Paramonova)

belt of the zodiac

January snow on the road

The sun shines in Capricorn.

In February the day is longer

The sun shines in ... (Aquarius).

In March there are a lot of snow blocks,

The sun is somewhere among ... (Pisces).

And in April from ... (Aries)

The sun is already warming up.

In May, the sun is in ... (Taurus) -

Expect freckles on your face.

In June, the Sun is in ... (Gemini),

Fanta children drink in the bushes.

In July, the sun rolls to ... (Cancer),

Music lover - in the garden to the poppy.

August opens schools

... (Lion) runs away for the sun.

Outside the window "september",

... (Virgo) The sun will shelter.

In October, according to owls,

The sun shines from ... (Libra).

November in the sky

The Sun shines in ... (Scorpio).

In December, like a tomboy,

Behind the Sun will hide ... (Sagittarius).

(A. Novak)


What a luxurious wonder!
Almost occupying half the world
Mysterious, very beautiful
A comet hovers over the Earth.
And I want to think:
- Where
Did a miracle come to us?
And I want to cry when
It will fly away without a trace.
And they tell us:
- It's ice!
And her tail is dust and water!
It doesn't matter, a miracle is coming to us,
A miracle is always great!
(R. Aldonina)


Spreading its fiery tail,
The comet rushes between the stars.
-Listen, constellations,
Last news,
wonderful news,
Heavenly news!

Rushing at wild speeds
I was visiting the Sun.
I saw the earth in the distance
And new satellites of the Earth.
I flew away from the earth
Ships flew after me!

(G. Sapgir)

comet tail

At the mirror, the lady measured the coat,
She put beautiful fur coats on herself,
But for some reason it wasn't right for her.
The lady was sad and wrinkled her lips:

“The fox doesn’t suit my face color,
And in a mink I am somehow ridiculously dressed.
Why do I need a simple fox collar?
I want a comet tail collar!”

And in the sky with spruce cones of stars
The comet flew like a fluffy squirrel,
And she had a wonderful tail,
But she did not want to part with him!

(G. Dyadina)


The ancient people were afraid of the comet.
The tailed star was nicknamed for this.
Great sins were attributed to her:
Diseases and wars - a whole bunch of nonsense!
However, the comet does not know about it.
And, spreading its tail, it flies around the Sun.
The tail of a comet of enormous length,
Can reach from the Earth to the Moon.
He's so transparent, so airy,
It is unlikely that he will disturb anyone's peace.
Comets have heavy heads.
And, having flown its thousands of years,
The comet ages and dies
And colorful, starry rain falls.

We all confess without any fuss -
There are no more people in our System!
People are only earthlings,
Where do aliens live?
And if you raise your eyes to the sky,
Beautiful constellations you will see a pattern.
And these stars in the sky can not be counted.
So, maybe there is life on some?

(J. Paramonova)

Milky Way

Doesn't know the city of darkness.
Showcases sparkle at night in it,
The billboards are on fire
And the lanterns are like tangerines.

Light everywhere, as if in the daytime,
Flashing lights and headlights.
And electric fire
The long boulevards are filled.

I'm glad to go through them.
And only one thing is insulting to tears:
What is the light of the Milky Way
You can't see the city at all!

In some remote village
He is in the sky, as in the palm of your hand,
It's like the Milky Way leaked out
There through the hole in the can.

And only in our city
It was only taken out once -
When suddenly the lights went out
And there was no electricity.

(G. Dyadina)

Milky Way

black velvet sky
Embroidered with stars.
light path
Runs across the sky.
Edge to edge
Creeps easily
Like someone spilled
Milk across the sky.
But no, of course, in the sky
No milk, no juice
We are a star system
We see ours from the side.
This is how we see galaxies
Native distant light -
space for astronautics
For many thousands of years.
(R. Aldonina)

My star

It was getting dark, and in the dark sky
The star lit up. The whole milky way
I see, as if in the palm of your hand,
I dream to cling to that star.

Now, if the lunar path
We have shortened a long way,
I would calm down a little
To meet her someday.

And reflected in the moonlight
She burns in my window
As if agreeing with me
Laughing, he winks at me.

(I. Schastneva)

milky sky

Look at this milky sky

To this world of endless worlds,

And understand that being angry is ridiculous

For fate, food and shelter,

After all, the stars of the universe are beautiful,

Proud path to the universe torya,

Somewhere they fall, somewhere they do not go out,

Somewhere they just hang, not burning ...

(A. Prelovsky)


I don't trust the telescope!
I don't see something in it!
I see strange Europe
Without Madrid and Paris!

There is no curve of the Leaning Tower of Pisa -
So, did it fall?
The Colosseum has disappeared forever,
And there are many other losses.

Suddenly Moscow and St. Petersburg swam -
Maybe the flood washed them away?
Jupiter answers me:
"This is my companion - Europe!"

(G. Dyadina)

blue meteorite

Somewhere in space
Blue meteorite.

You're going,
And he flies.
You lie,
And he flies.
You fell asleep,
But everything flies
In space

You grow up little by little
Become an astronomer
And one evening
You will go to your friends.

Suddenly loudspeaker
He speaks:
"A meteorite fell into the taiga."
The whole world is excited
The world is noisy:
- A meteorite fell into the taiga!

The next morning
Will you tell your friends
Saying goodbye to the capital:
"I will not come to you today,
I'm leaving at noon
From one of the expeditions.

…To you today
Eight years,
In front of you
All white light
But somewhere
In the Universe
Your blue meteorite
A precious gift.

So here it is:
While he's running
Hurry up to learn.
(R. Sef)

asteroid belt

Whirling in a waltz, the stones rush like a whirlwind.

Too bad we don't know where they come from.

Maybe it was a planet?

Yes, it exploded into rubble to the ground!

The stone is big, if it breaks from the circle,

It destroys everything - it's called an asteroid.

If a smaller piece flies,

Jupiter will meet us with light in the window?

(J. Paramonova)


If an asteroid falls from the sky
(Or some meteorite)
He will dig a big hole in the Earth
Or drill through the planet.

There will be an Earth with an ugly hole,
As if pierced by kung fu.
So that an asteroid does not fall from heaven,
Do this:
“knock-knock-knock”, “pah-pah-pah”!

(G. Dyadina)

meteor shower

When the forecast promises us rain,
We will not show our nose to the street,
We sit in apartments, miss and wait
When will the rain clouds end.

But if it turns out that ahead
There will be meteor showers
Then late at night, breaking the regime,
We run to admire them in the yard!

A meteor glides, entering the atmosphere,
The shining first drop of rain.
The moon is hanging in the sky
And the meteor rain drizzles all night.
(G. Dyadina)

Tunguska meteorite

There is enough space for everything in space.
It is infinite, not cramped, not narrow.
How to collide with the Earth in it, I don’t understand,
Did the Tunguska meteorite manage?

He could easily pass by -
There is a lot of free space in space!
But for some reason from many roads
He chose the road straight to Earth.

Exploded loudly, mowed down the taiga!
I almost made a funnel in the planet!
It would be better if he politely asked,
For the Earth to step aside.
(G. Dyadina)


Not afraid of winter and cold,

girded tighter,

Equipped for hunting

Orion speaking.

Two stars from the big leagues

In Orion it is Rigel

In the lower right corner

Like a bow on a shoe.

And on the left epaulette -

Betelgeuse shines brightly.

Three stars obliquely

Decorate the belt.

This belt is like a clue.

He is a heavenly guide.

If you go to the left

You will find Miracle Sirius.

And from the right end -

Path to the constellation Taurus.

He points straight

In the red eye of Aldebaran.

(N. Tennova)

Galileo Galilei

Galileo Galilei -
There is no sweet name.
Like a song, cherishing the hearing,
The name of Galileo is pouring.

Galileo Galilei -
He loved the stars from the manger
And watched for hours, melting,
Behind Halley's comet.

Everyone shouted: “Galileo!
Take your eyes off the sky!
Why are you not regretting your eyesight
Everyone is looking at Aquarius!

And why are you, Galileo,
Stuck into the sky like a burdock?
Hurry up
From your Cassiopeia!"

But Galileo does not hear,
At least scold him, at least hit him.
Don't drag Galileo away
From the constellation Perseus!

Galileo loves the sky.
Do not spill them with water.
Look, ask Aquarius -
He spilled Galileo.

(G. Dyadina)

polar Star

Not the brightest star
But important and popular.
Hanging like an icicle, always above us
Ice polar star.

Hanging and does not think to melt in the spring,
On the roofs with drops shaking.
And in the summer the heat will not melt it!
This is the straight forward thing.

And if I go camping with someone,
I look at her regularly.
To the north helps me find the way
Ice polar star.

(G. Dyadina)


Not visible near the constellation Taurus
No bovine body, no bovine face.
But the whole night sparkles "bull's eye"
And looks suspiciously at us.
Like a new ram on the gate,
The star Aldebaran looks from heaven!

Therefore, if life is dear to you
And I'm afraid to get caught on the horns,
Don't need it in the midnight hours
Wear big red underpants!
And then the "bull's eye" will be filled with blood -
And there will be holes in your ass!

(G. Dyadina)


Spreading the two starry wings,
The eagle soars above our world.
And the heart of the proud Eagle
It burns with the star Altair.

(G. Dyadina)

white dwarfs

Sometimes the stars
How people age
Shine get tired
And almost no heat.

From ardent, ruddy,
Like apples, ripe,
They turn
In white dwarfs.

The rays of the luminaries
Thinning at the back of the head,
And red curls
They turn gray over the years.

I sigh about the sun
Sometimes it's hard for me
After all, it will be later
And it's old.

Cool down, shrink
White dwarf.
I'm sad to imagine
His elderly...

(G. Dyadina)


Look at the distant stars at night:
They look like insects in the sky,
No more than the sequins of a girl's bow
And yet each has the size of a giant.

They are not insects at all, but elephants!
From the other end of the universe are visible!
And if there were no bulky stars,
We wouldn't have sparkles in the sky.

(G. Dyadina)


Do you look at the sky in summer, in autumn -
You will immediately see the radiance of Deneb.
The most beautiful and brightest of the stars
He sat down on the tail of the constellation Cygnus!

Well, in winter you look at the sky -
And you will not notice the radiance of Deneb.
By the first snow Deneb shone -
Apparently, the Swan flew south.

(G. Dyadina)


With a lion next door
(namely on the left)
Squinted from fear
Pale Maiden.

She is afraid
move involuntarily,
After all, lions, as you know,
They bite painfully.

But next to the Virgin,
(namely right)
Leo is located
Harmless disposition.

Shy girls
He is extremely
Afraid of a finger
Hit them by accident.

And he would turn pale
From female anger!
fierce looking,
And timid as a maiden.

(G. Dyadina)


Chapel glows in the sky.
The bright light dazzles the eyes.
My mother used to sing about her:
This is a goat star...

Do not see her hooves,
The horns are hidden by darkness,
But it sparkles all night
Golden bell.

It sparkles bright, bright
Dindylenkaya away:
“Milk the goat, milkmaid!
Ding-deelen, dilen-dili ... "

* From the Latin language, the name of the star "Capella" is translated as "goat".

(G. Dyadina)


This sheep has a golden fleece.
It sparkles and looks great.
Curly horns, hooves and tail
Cast from the pure gold of the stars!

(G. Dyadina)


During the day any normal cancer
Waiting in the hole of the night,
And when darkness falls
Creeps out of the hole.

Every cancer is a sworn enemy
Bright sunbeams.
Therefore, star Cancer
In the sky only at night.

(G. Dyadina)


The brightest star in the sky
Pleases everyone, but never cats!
Sirius is disgusting for cats.
I want them to hiss at him!
Their backs are hunched like a wheel -
They probably smell that he smells like a dog!
Sirius, glorious in all heaven -
This is a star from the constellation Canis.

*More precisely, Big Dog. Sirius is the brightest star in the night sky. Next to the Big Dog there is also a Small Dog, the two of them are the hunting dogs of Orion.

(G. Dyadina)

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