Sewing curtains puffs on a curtain tape. How to make puffs on curtains.

Design and interior 08.05.2018
Design and interior

Today, designers in interior design bring not only new and original trends, but also constantly return to the roots. The same thing happened with puffs. They got new life and “played bright colors”, thanks to modern fabrics and textures. In the Middle Ages, such window decoration was the privilege of only the nobility, as it was very expensive. In the modern world, you can afford it even with a small budget, if you know how to make puffs on curtains with your own hands, without resorting to the help of designers and at no special financial cost.

New life for old folds

Puffs - tucks and folds on the fabric, which are made in the form of drapery made in non-standard ways. The result is a variety of extraordinary compositions that add high cost and gloss to the interior.

Important! Puffs have come to us since the time of Louis XIV. In those days, it was fashionable to decorate not only windows, but also clothes with voluminous folds.

Decorating a window with puffs is best when designing bedrooms, offices, living rooms or halls.

The use of puffs in a modern interior

Most often, such decorative folds are used in rooms where the interior is made in classical style with the presence of massive furniture, gilding and monograms.

They look very peculiar and extraordinary in the Art Nouveau style. AT this case, the difference will be only in the design of the fold itself. It can be made more magnificent and airy.

Types of puffs

There are only two types of such decorative folds: factory-made and those that are made independently. The only difference between them is that handmade takes a lot of time and perseverance. As far as factory production is concerned, finished work you will receive as soon as possible.

To date, several configurations of puffs are most popular:

  • Diamond;
  • Pigtail;
  • Zigzag;
  • Basket;
  • Hungarian embroidery;
  • English folds;
  • "Waffle Pie";
  • Various types of flowers.

They got their names due to the shape of the fold, which is the result.

Important! In addition to decorating curtains, puffs are also sewn onto pillows and blankets.


If you decide to create puffs on the curtains with your own hands, the result largely depends on the quality and texture of the fabric you have chosen. Thanks to a huge assortment, you can easily choose the material that will not only be an ideal option for creating decorative folds, but also fully fit into the style of the interior. In order not to make a mistake in the choice, we bring to your attention a few recommendations.

Choosing fabrics:

  • It is best to choose light fabrics for curtains with pleats.

Important! Try to pay attention to materials that have a metallic overflow. Thanks to this fabric decor, the future fold will “play out” in a new way.

  • If your choice fell on transparent fabrics, then they should be interspersed with various lurex or other mother-of-pearl threads. Due to this combination, you can create overflows.
  • For lovers of monochrome, you should make the fold on the curtain less voluminous. This way you can avoid the effect of crumpled curtains.
  • Choose contrasting fabrics that will be combined and emphasize the finished product.

Materials you need

You can sew curtains with puffs without using a sewing machine. But despite this advantage, you should stock up on a fairly large number of auxiliary tools:

  • Sewing needles (note that they should be quite long).
  • threads. They must match the fabric.
  • Sewing pins with colored heads.
  • Tape for curtains.
  • Chalk or a special sewing marker.

Important! Chalk or a tailor's marker can be replaced with a bar of soap. It draws well, while being easily erased and does not leave marks.

  • Tape measure.
  • Long line.
  • If available, a sewing machine.

Calculation of the required number of puffs

The number of elements you need depends on the width of the future curtains. To do this, you need to multiply the length of your eaves by 2.5. The number that turned out is the length of the fabric that you will need with a margin for assembly.

Important! Always take into account the amount of fabric that will go to the processing of the side cuts. Therefore, you should add 10-20 centimeters to the total footage.

After you have calculated the amount of fabric you need, you can also find out the number of future folds. To do this, you need to divide the width of the curtain by the width of the future element.

  1. You need to multiply the height of the buffer element by the future number of rows.
  2. Calculate the future width of the curtain tape, while adding about 2-3 centimeters for a free allowance.
  3. At the end, you should know the allowance for the bottom edge (about 2-6 centimeters) and the width of the hem for the bottom cut (5-7 centimeters).

The main stages of tailoring

The general algorithm for creating puff curtains with your own hands includes the following steps:

  1. The choice of the scheme of the future pattern.
  2. Transferring an already finished ornament to the fabric.
  3. Arrangement of conditional points.
  4. Pulling threads. It is carried out in the order according to the scheme of your drawing.

Drawing a diagram with subsequent markup

In order to make puffs on the curtains, you should draw a preliminary diagram. Thanks to her, you can transfer the sketch from paper to fabric as correctly as possible. The pattern should consist of dots and arrows (the direction of the thread from one point to another).

Important! The transfer of the pattern pattern to the fabric should be exclusively from the wrong side.

Always use a ruler while working. This is necessary so that the distance between the marks is equal.

There is another option. It's lighter since you're just copying the drawing. You need to divide the curtain into several conditional rectangles. With the help of a ruler and a lamp, transfer the pattern onto the fabric using the “tracing paper method”.

Important! Keep in mind that when transferring a picture, various errors may occur. You should pay attention to the equity and weft rows of threads on the fabric. So that the pattern is not skewed, the elements of the circuit must be applied parallel to the threads.

Pintuck basting

After the pattern is transferred to the fabric, you can begin the process of sewing puffs. If sewing is done by hand, the work is quite painstaking, so be patient:

  1. First, make a knot on the thread.
  2. Insert the thread with a needle at the first point. It should not be stretched all the way.
  3. The “tail” that you have left must be at least 4 centimeters. Fix the base with a knot.
  4. The rest of the thread should be threaded into the point, which is located on the diagram at the entry of the arrow.
  5. We tighten so that the first tail of the thread and the last are connected. After that, they are tied and fixed with several knots.

Important! Such tucks do not have to be done throughout the curtain. You can only decorate the top or edges this way.

Do-it-yourself curtain schemes with puffs: original solutions

We bring to your attention some simple but interesting ideas on how to decorate a window with the help of puffs.

Original decor with a simple zigzag

For this option, the first thing to do is measure the fabric. To make a calculation, the required height of the curtain should be multiplied by the fold factor. The width of the fabric cut is calculated using the same formula.

Important! The universal indicator for all types of fabric is 2.5. Depending on the taste and the volume of the future puff you need, the coefficient can be changed up or down.

Let's get to work:

  1. Place your piece face down.
  2. Divide the width of your cut by an even number of strips of the same width. Start with 15 centimeters. Label each lane.
  3. Put dots along the first strip at a distance of 15 centimeters from each other.
  4. Do the same for the second lane. The only thing is that the points must be placed between the marks of the first row. You should get a chess layout.
  5. According to the applied scheme, you need to collect warehouses along the first line. To do this, thread the needle and thread to the first point of the first row and grab the fabric down the line. After 2.5 centimeters, connect and secure with a knot.
  6. When you have finished the first row, go boldly to the second. Work the same way.


For this method, you need a transparent fabric and a sewing machine. It is thanks to the use of such a texture that future puffs will turn out to be light and airy:

  • From the wrong side, markings should be made in the form of parallel stripes. The distance must be the same.

Important! The smaller the bandwidth, the smaller the wave will be.

  • Use your sewing machine to sew the first strip. Do not cut the thread immediately. It needs to be cut, stepping back about 10-15 centimeters.
  • You sew the second strip in the same way, only now you need to change the direction of the line.
  • Then work according to the same scheme, alternating the directions of the lines.
  • After everything is finished, pull one of the threads towards you and fix the knot. This will give you a wave effect.

Austrian puffs

In order to bring notes of Austria into the interior of the room, you need a piece of light curtain fabric and a sewing machine:

  1. On the wrong side of the cut, apply strips 30-40 centimeters wide.
  2. Lay a ribbon on each strip, sew with a sewing machine. The thread should be cut with a margin.
  3. After the entire cut is processed, tighten the thread. You should get a wave, the height of which you adjust yourself.
  4. Form knots and cut off excess.

waffle pattern

To create such a pattern, you need a dense and mother-of-pearl fabric. In this case, you will have to do without a sewing machine:

  1. On the wrong side of the cut, apply parallel strips 10-20 centimeters wide from each other.
  2. Along each of the strips at a distance of 10-20 centimeters, place parallel points.
  3. Using a thread and a needle, pull together the first two points of two parallel rows and fix with a knot.
  4. Pull together the third points of the first and second rows. You should continue in the same pattern, while working only with odd marks.
  5. When you have finished working with odd, do the same with even marks.

How to sew a puff directly on the curtain?

In order to decorate the window with extraordinary folds, you do not have to purchase new ones. You can perfectly make puffs on old curtains:

  • On the wrong side, use a special marker and a ruler to make notes. For example, imitate a cell school notebook, with sizes from 5 centimeters. You do not have to process the entire curtain or tulle. For originality, 30-40 centimeters are enough.
  • Tape should be attached to the top row. First, stitch the first marks, after which - only the odd ones.

Important! For additional creation of waves, measure 8-10 centimeters from the braid while sewing.

  • Do the same with the next lines. That's just stitching already even lines.

Important! This option for making puffs can be done without braid.

We sew a lambrequin puffs according to the “Pletenka” method

In order to create puffs for a lambrequin, you need to have some sewing skills and the following inventory:

  • curtain fabric;
  • Narrow and wide braid;
  • Long ruler;
  • Scissors;
  • Special marker for fabric.

Let's get to work:

  1. Make a diagram of future puffs.
  2. You need a decorative rectangle or square about 10-20 centimeters in size. They will serve as a template for you.
  3. Take the bottom side of the fabric and make a hem on the sides, and then sew on the curtain tape.
  4. On the wrong side, using your patterns, apply a pattern according to the scheme.
  5. In place of the upper cut, leave about 50 centimeters for the future puff and 5-10 centimeters for assembly.
  6. The bottom and sides should be treated with an oblique inlay.
  7. On the wrong side, according to the scheme, sew a wide ribbon.
  8. Tighten the tape until you get the folds you need.

We arrange puffs correctly

Exist various ways how to make puffs on curtains. You can decorate them both from the inside and from the front, or experiment with fabrics. But in order for you to succeed, you should follow a few rules:

  • Always consider the density and texture of the fabric. It is best to choose light and medium light materials.
  • When choosing a fabric, you should always remember that in order to tighten dense fabrics, you need to apply strength and acquire very strong threads. Pulling together light fabrics will not require much effort, and the pattern will eventually turn out to be lighter and more airy.
  • Choose plain curtains.
  • For the manufacture of puffs, use threads twice as thick as for sewing curtains.
  • Get a set of needles with different lengths.
  • If you are a beginner, then do not take complex patterns.

In order to decorate a window with puffs, you do not have to be a noble aristocrat. Thanks to the above recommendations and rules, you can create a decor that Louis XIV himself would envy. The main thing is to have a little patience and perseverance. And then you will succeed.

Lambrequin on the curtain can be independently made in the form of lush air folds - puffs. Depending on the technology by which the tailoring will be made, its manufacture can be the simplest and take only a couple of hours or require a little work with a needle when assembling a more complex version.

Pelmet is an important part of the window decor. It will successfully hide an ugly cornice or a sagging edge of a curtain.

The simplest lambrequin "puff"

To make this finish you will need:

  • thin plastic curtain fabric;
  • wide and narrow curtain band;
  • ruler, chalk, scissors;
  • sewing machine.

Scheme for the manufacture of lambrequin "BUF" on curtain tape.

  1. You can calculate the desired length of the fabric using the formula L \u003d a x k, where a is the length of the cornice on which the lambrequin will be fixed, k is the assembly coefficient, L is the length of the strip of fabric that will be needed for sewing. Allowances for processing the edges of the strip for lambrequin should also be taken into account. Its width is chosen individually and in the manufacture of the puff in this case remains unchanged. To obtain lush folds, a fabric strip of about 40-50 cm and a gathering factor of 2.5-3 are recommended.
  2. To make the lambrequin neat, before starting work, it is necessary to decant the material or, at least, steam it. Close to the cut at the top of the strip, pull the thread out of the fabric, which will make the upper border of the lambrequin pass along the equity thread or weft of the fabric in order to avoid skew when sewing. Trim along the resulting "path".
  3. From the upper cut, lay down 40-50 cm for the folds of the puff and pull the thread again. From this line, lay down a little more in order to make a frill. Process the bottom with an oblique trim, bend the side and top sections.
  4. From the inside, sew the top of the wide curtain tape to the upper edge of the lambrequin, sew the bottom of the narrow braid along the line formed by the pulled thread.
  5. Cut out a strip from the same or another fabric, equal in length to the previous one, and about 3 times less wide than it (12-15 cm), process only the side sections. Lay the upper edge under a wide braid, stitch, connecting the front and back layers of the material together with the tape. Do the same with the bottom edge of the lining.

Pull the cords of the ribbon together, forming nice folds.

More complex lambrequin "puff"

A more complex version of the lush design for the curtains can be made from strips of fabric of the same or different colors. For its manufacture you will need:

  • wide and narrow strip of curtain fabric;
  • curtain braid of different widths;
  • measuring tool, pencil;
  • sewing machine.

Figure 1. Schemes for creating puffs: "braid" (left), "wave" (right).

  1. Cut out 2 strips of fabric of the same length. When calculating, use an assembly factor of 2.5 if puffs are needed more magnificent. The width of one of the strips should be about 10 cm larger. Process the side cuts into a hem.
  2. At a distance from the top of the larger ribbon, equal to ¼ of its width, sew a narrow braid for the curtains (from the inside). Fold both strips right sides together and align the top edges. Fasten with pins and sew along the line of a narrow curtain braid.
  3. Bend the bottom edges to the top so that the wrong sides of the ribbons are inside the folds, fold the cuts inside out and stitch everything together with a wide curtain braid. Pull out the cords, gathering the sewn ribbons into folds for the length of the curtain.

Another version of the lambrequin "puff"

You will need:

  • curtain fabric;
  • curtain braid;
  • needle and strong thread;
  • ruler, pencil.

The length of the material for sewing is calculated using an assembly factor of 2.5, the width must be selected with the expectation that in the finished product it will decrease by about 1/3. For accuracy of calculations, it is best to make a test sample by measuring the width of the fabric before making puffs and the finished sample.

The material chosen for sewing must be decatered, that is, washed and ironed so that shrinkage does not spoil the finished product.

Before sewing a lambrequin with puffs, it is necessary to mark the grid from the inside for collecting folds according to one of the schemes. Process the side and bottom sections into a hem.

  1. From top edge set aside 8 cm down for attaching the braid. Make several rows of parallel lines at a distance of 18 cm from each other. Their number depends on the desire of the craftswoman (3-5 rows). Set aside 15 cm from the sidewall and with this step make parallel lines across the fabric strip to the end. Using the "braid" (left) or "wave" (right) scheme shown in Fig. 1, or any others as desired, mark the places where the folds are laid (oblique red lines on the grid).
  2. Connect manually with a needle with a thread the points that connect the lines of laying the folds, securing the fabric with a few stitches.
  3. Bend 1 cm of fabric from the upper cut to the wrong side and stitch on the machine, securing the curtain tape. Connect its lower edge with the lambrequin canvas and make another line in the middle of the braid. Collect the folds by stretching the cords. Trim the pelmet to taste.

Sewing a lambrequin puff was not very difficult. Creative inspiration, called to help in this matter, can suggest options for combining fabrics of different shades, which will give the product an even more original look.

Lambrequin puffs, curtains for the kitchen. Master Class

If a kitchen window small, it is better to use meek curtains-curtains long to the windowsill.

Even short curtains for the kitchen involve the use of interesting design solutions.

There are a lot of design options for short kitchen curtains - for different tastes and styles.

And the most simple curtains can look elegant with the use of simple design techniques.

If you are the lucky owner of a spacious kitchen, then the design of your kitchen window allows for more complex forms of curtains.

Small touches, such as trimming the edges of the curtains with lace, will give your light white curtains an elegant and airy look.

This option of curtains for the kitchen window will allow light to easily penetrate and provide free access to the windowsill.

So that light curtains do not rise up from the wind blowing from open window, they are fixed with pickups in the center and on the side.

For those who often open the kitchen window, this window design option may be suitable - extraordinary and practical at the same time.

For lovers of experiments in the most ordinary and simple things - this avant-garde design kitchen curtain from global interior designers.

White curtains can be complemented with colored elements that are in harmony with the overall color scheme of your kitchen. To do this, it is better to choose easily draped fabrics.

Even the smallest kitchen deserves attention to the design of its window. Light white curtains will not overload the kitchen bright colors, and decorate it with their exquisite shapes and cute details.

Curtain "Cat's House" (the legacy of the magazine "Peasant Woman") - this original came to us from the Soviet magazine "Peasant Woman". It was developed by employees of the All-Union Research Institute of Technical Aesthetics. Judging by the responses and letters from readers, then this version of the curtain for the window made a splash. Its echoes have reached our days. She represents curtain with an arch flared like a sun-flared skirt. Therefore, it does not have an assembly along the cornice, the volume and tails at the bottom are formed due to the “flared” cut.

How to cut out:

  • To cut out this curtain (it can also be made as a lambrequin, if the value BUT choose not to the window sill or to the floor, but somewhere no more than 1m, like a long edge at de jabot), you need to fold the fabric in half. Line AT- fabric fold (middle),
  • line BUT- free ends (sides).
  • Line FROM- the width of the cornice.
  • With a radius equal to 1/3 of size C, draw a rounded line - this will be the top of the curtain. Set aside the required dimensions B and A. Also draw the bottom of the curtains with a rounded line.

Processing and tailoring:

Cut out the curtain, process the bottomMoscow seam, or oblique trim, or fringe. Finish the side cuts. Sew a straight belt with a curtain tape with eyelets, or a drawstring to the top of the curtain - as if you are sewing a half-sun skirt on the belt. This method of processing the top of the curtain is quite simple, and even novice dressmakers can do it.

In this master class, I will teach you how to sew a puff lambrequin on a curtain tape. For this lambrequin, it is not necessary to make swags, perekida and other details. It is sewn from a single panel, assembled on a curtain tape. You get puffs. Very cute too.

Here is what the finished product looks like:

lambrequin puffs lambrequin puffs

We will sew according to the following scheme.

If the length of the cornice is 3m, then we cut the panel with a length of 9m, if 2m, then 6m, respectively. So the build factor is 3.

(It is hard to see in the diagram that the width of the narrow strip of the lambrequin is 18 cm)

This lambrequin consists of two panels, cut out according to the scheme.

1. First, we process the sides of each canvas.


2. To a wide canvas on one side we sew (as shown in the diagram) a curtain tape, but we lay only the top line

leave the bottom of the braid unattached

3. We process the other long side of the wide canvas.

4. At a distance of 10 cm from the edge of the fabric treated with inlay, we sew another curtain tape (narrow) and also lay only one bottom line.

It turned out that the wide part of the canvas was also processed with an oblique trim and a curtain tape was sewn to it on both sides at the top of a wide puff, and at the bottom it was narrow.

However, the curtain tapes are each sewn on one end. In the middle of the canvas, they are not fixed with a line.

5. Now we insert a narrow canvas between the non-sewn ends of the curtain tape and lay lines along the non-attached ends of the curtain tapes. It turns out a sandwich: at the bottom there is a wide canvas, then a narrow one, and all this is fastened on both sides with curtain tapes.

Now you can iron everything.

Here is our finished product.

Now we tighten both the upper and lower curtain tapes to the size we need and get puffs that can be adjusted manually, if desired, where you need.

In theory, such a lambrequin should be called mechanical, since the puffs themselves in it are obtained thanks to drapery with a curtain tape (by analogy with a mechanical swag on a curtain tape).

Here's what came out of the inside:

And from the face:

And this is the result of sewing curtains fromand our lambrequin:

lambrequin puffs lambrequin puffs

lambrequin puffs lambrequin puffs

However, on the site, in the master classes there is a lesson abouts (according to the braided pattern):

From this master class, you will learn how to sew a lambrequin from a symmetrical flip, resulting in a flip lambrequin decorated with a fabric flower:

1. We process the upper and lower sagsoblique trim.

after that, be sure to iron and let the parts cool.

2. On the cutting table, lay the folds at the crossover and pin them with pins or baste them.

3. We fix the folds with a machine stitch.

4. We hang it on a special bar for assembling lambrequins, covered with insulation, and on top with a cloth. (You can adjust the back of the chair) in accordance with its length (the length of this flip over the bar is 115 cm). This bar does not have to be firmly fixed to the wall. You can nail fasteners to it (as on wall cabinets) and hang it only when you are sewing a lambrequin , so, as during assembly, they should just hang like on a cornice. And you can easily assemble any details of the lambrequin on this bar by adjusting the length of the lambrequin itself and the position of any of its details up to sewing a bar to it, which will fix exactly the model that you laid out on the bar.

And so, this is what happened:

Now let's start sewing the bar in the first way. To do this, we cut off (you can tear off) a strip of fabric 120 cm long (the length of our throw is 115 cm.) And 17 cm wide.

5. Iron the bar in half along the entire length and let the fabric cool.

6. We sew a narrow curtain tape at a distance of 7 cm from the ironed edge of the bar.

I advise you to iron it with steam before sewing on the curtain tape. The tape may shrink.

7. Cut off the excess fabric under the braid on the untreated side of the bar.

Here's what happened from the face of the bar:

And this is the view from the inside:

It is possible not to cut the fabric, but simply, when processing the plank, later tuck this protruding piece under the curtain tape.

Who likes it better.

8. We pin the prepared bar directly to the crossover hanging on the bar in this way:

9. Filming lambrequin from the bar and lay a line. We sew the bar to the crossover.

Here's what happened:

10. Fold the plank in half with the right sides inward and process the edges of the plank.

Pulling out the plank:

11. We lay a line in a line along the bar, trying to grab the bottom of the bar along with the braid.

12. Flip lambrequin on the wrong side and we lay one more line in a line along the braid. lambrequin

Good luck!

Information for webmasters: when copying materials from the site, please read

In this master class, we will learn how to sew such a puff lambrequin:

how to sew a pelmet puff how to sew a pelmet puff

The idea for sewing this lambrequin is taken from here:

It is sewn according to the braided puff pattern. Figure 1 shows the diagram for these puffs. According to this scheme, you can also assemble a beautiful decorative pillow to decorate your home. Only the sides of the square must be chosen 1-5 cm, at your discretion.

For lambrequin puffs of the side of the square, we take 15-20cm. You can build not a square, but a rectangle, where one side will be 15cm and the other 18-20cm.

Who likes it. You can try to sew in different ways.

To begin with, I build a diagram for this puff labrequin (Fig. 2):

For sewing my own, I took the side of the square, equal to 18 cm.

I needed a lambrequin with a finished length of 1.30 m along the eaves. To do this, you need 1.30, multiply by with an assembly factor of 2.5.

It turns out that along the length of the fabric I had to take 1.30x2.5 = 3.25m + 5cm for processing the sides. Equals 3.30 m.

Now we need to adjust the amount of fabric along the length so that our squares, into which the pattern is divided, fit along the length of the product completely, and do not break off somewhere in the middle. That is, we divide 330 cm by the size of the side of the square, which I have taken with a length of 18 cm, we get: 18.33. That is, I have 18.33 squares in a length of 340 cm, so I just take an integer number of squares, that is, 19 pieces. So, we multiply 19 squares by 18 cm, we get 342 cm or 3.42 m plus 4 cm (or 6 cm) for processing the sides. Total 246cm. or 2.46m. I took this length of fabric for a lambrequin with a length of 1.3m along the eaves. If you took the side of the square at 15 or 20 cm, then divide not by 18, but by 15 or 20.

We decided on the length of the fabric. Now we determine the width of the cut fabric.

See Fig. 2. It follows from the figure that I need to take the width of the fabric equal to 18x3 + 8 cm (width of the curtain tape plus 2 cm allowance for freedom) + 2 cm (allowance at the bottom of the lambrequin) + 3 cm for processing the bottom edge. Total 67 cm. In finished form, the product will be 1.30 cm long, 47 cm wide (height). If you want a different length, then do the appropriate calculations. If you want a smaller width, then take the sides of the square 15 cm, but a larger one, then you can take not 3 rows of squares in the diagram, but 4.

Now that I have decided on the dimensions of the fabric for the cut, I cut out a strip of fabric 3.42 m long and 67 cm wide. I process the bottom and sides, sew on the curtain tape. How to sew a curtain tape can be seen

Here's what happened:

The next step is to draw a diagram on paper.

I take pattern paper and draw on it a pattern in three rows with a square side of 18cm (you can take your size):

Now I cut out the drawn diagonals of the squares so that the markup is conveniently applied to the fabric:

Got the pattern. I put the pattern on the fabric and make the markup from the inside. To do this, you can use a disappearing felt-tip pen, if the fabric is transparent, if not transparent, then you can use a pencil. But not with chalk and soap, as the markings will be erased before you collect the puffs. I used a silver gel pen.

The markings are done, you can start assembling the puffs:

When all the puffs are assembled, this is what happened from the inside of the lambrequin:

And this is the front view:

The lambrequin is ready, now you need to pull the curtain tape to the desired size and hang the lambrequin on the cornice, having previously straightened all the folds-puffs by hand.

And here is a selection of lambrequins puffs, taken on the vast expanses of the Internet:

In this lambrequin, two colors of fabric are ground, yellow and green. The width of the yellow strip should be equal to the length of the side of the square you have chosen for puffs.

It's similar here.

Here, the lambrequin is sewn from a denser non-transparent fabric and, of course, it looks more beautiful than in the master class, but the manufacturing technology is the same.

But what a spectacular pickup you can do with your own hands, using the same puff technique and according to the same scheme. There are only two rows in this pickup. You can choose the size of the squares at your discretion:

Imagine, you can sew such a lambrequin puff and add ties made using the same technique to the curtains. There will be a great ensemble.

I would just like to add that this lambrequin looks better when it is sewn from denser, non-transparent fabrics.

Then the puffs themselves are laid out more clear, voluminous. The length for this type of lambrequin is also advised to choose at least 2 meters.

Photo of lambrequin puffs:

I bring to your attention a video on how to process, sew a curtain and sew on a curtain tape. This lambrequin is processed in the same way.

And from this video you will learn everything about the curtain tape:

It is becoming more and more popular and practical to sew not only clothes, but also things for everyday life with your own hands. Every keeper hearth strives to make her home special. Therefore, we often focus on exquisite details, such as, for example, curtains on the windows. The highlight in the interior will always be fashionable lambrequin-puffs.

One of the advantages of these curtains is the technique of tailoring itself. Dense fabric is then collected on a special curtain tape, and thus original puffs are obtained. Such curtains will always look rich and elegant.

How difficult is it to sew a lambrequin puff with your own hands?

It's no secret that cute puffs can be present not only on curtains, but also on pillows, sofa covers, bed linen, chair covers, etc. But it is on the windows that they look most original. There are special patterns for sewing, the simplest among them: puffed puff and braided. The braided pattern is more accessible. Most needlewomen use it, and with its help, puffs decorate interiors almost everywhere.

Schematic description of sewing puffs for curtains with your own hands

  • The pattern can be drawn directly on the fabric. Take a rectangular and square fabric 10 by 15 cm. In this case, the length of the finished pelmet will be about 1.5 m, and the width will be about 46 cm;
  • After an accurate measurement, the underside of the fabric is folded over, side seams are made, and only after that the curtain tape or braid is sewn on;
  • Decide in advance what size and shape puffs you want your fabric to have. Draw a picture on paper, cut it out, and then attach the finished impromptu pattern with reverse side matter, circle with chalk or pencil and carefully cut out;
  • Also, take care in advance of the availability of the necessary curtain fabric, narrow braid, scissors, ruler, chalk, and, of course, a sewing machine;
  • Determine the size and length of the fabric. A beautiful and neat lambrequin will turn out if the fabric is steamed;
  • On the top cut, leave a little more than 50 cm for the formation of folds and for a neat frill;
  • The side and upper parts of the lambrequin must be bent, and the lower part is treated with a special finish;
  • Previously, the curtain braid must be trimmed, and it is sewn to the wrong side of the fabric. The puffs are attached to the braid;
  • A small wide strip of fabric with processed side cuts is cut from the same fabric;
  • In conclusion, a crucial step is taken: the ribbons are pulled together by the cords, and folds and flounces are formed, that is, the puffs themselves.

Try to make them curly and lush. The tighter you tighten, the narrower each lambrequin puff will turn out. With your hands you create perfection.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of do-it-yourself lambrequin puffs?

Anyone who visits your room, decorated with lambrequin puffs, will not remain indifferent to the elegance and richness that they give to the interior.

If you seriously approach the choice of fabric for curtains, then transparent and lightweight materials will perfectly let air and light in. And your room will be illuminated by soft sunlight or moonlight to the delight of the household.

Taking into account individual preferences, as well as the features of your interior, experienced and courageous housewives can combine several shades of the same type of fabric and create a cloudy look on their window. color scheme, having received incredibly beautiful curtains.

If the puffs do not harmonize with your furniture or other decorative elements, then such decoration will look, to put it mildly, ridiculous, or simply tasteless. The hostess should know that beautiful folds are not ironed out and are not intended for too intensive washing. They only need to be rinsed a little to remove dust and maintain their external gloss and splendor.

It is easy to sew such beauty, but if at least one fold looks untidy, there will be no point in hanging the finished product for everyone to see.

Ready-made curtains with lambrequin puffs can be bought at the store or sewn to order. But it's always nicer to do something yourself.

And if you manage a difficult task once, you will probably want to consolidate success again and redo your apartment completely under this sophisticated style.

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