Curtains on a braid. How to sew curtain tape and get a beautiful drapery

Design and interior 29.01.2018
Design and interior

Many people think that curtain braid is the most inconspicuous interior detail. This piece is sold separately and is sewn on by hand.

In almost every house, curtains and tulle hang on the eaves, which protects the room from excessive sunlight. As a rule, decorative oblong pieces of fabric, which are called braid, are sewn to tulle. At first glance, it may seem that the tape ribbon performs only a decorative role, but in fact it performs many different functions, and carries a huge burden.

How to sew on a braid? The tape is able to transform the oldest and most boring curtains of various textures and styles. Experienced professionals can perfectly combine curtain tape with curtains made from a variety of fabrics, ranging from light and airy fabrics (organza, chiffon), to weighted velvet and other materials. Any fabric will look advantageous against the background of a properly selected braid.

Nowadays, in any specialized store you can find hundreds of various kinds ribbons and other decorative fittings for curtains.

The most common is braid with cylindrical folds. These types of braid are able to create clear shapes and contours on curtains. If necessary, they can create various geometric shapes, which is why they are in demand among numerous buyers.

The main condition for creating the correct shape is the formation of neat and uniform folds. Drapery in this case looks calm and restrained. This option, according to professionals, should be sewn on curtains made of very strong fabrics, or if the material is light and simple enough, and the curtain is equipped with an additional lining. Its width should be 3 times the width of the cornice itself. Only then the curtains equipped with this fittings will look right.

The next variety is the variant with folds, which looks like a so-called cartridge belt. If the braid is sewn to the curtain, fairly regular and neat folds are formed, having a cylindrical shape, between which smooth gaps are formed. Such decorative braid can give any curtain austerity or grace. appearance. Often this type of fittings is equipped with hinges. This decoration option is ideal even for business office space. Apply to heavy fabrics.

The next option is "smoked" braid. This variety is very unusual, because thanks to it the effect of weaving folds occurs. Usually this option is equipped, which makes it even more unusual.

There are many options, among which there is a bow or triple ribbon braid. Often the tape forms interesting folds in the form of rays. In the modern market, they still distinguish. Everyone can choose the ideal option for themselves, even a buyer with exquisite tastes.

How to choose the right ribbon?

Going to any textile store to buy some kind of braid, you should consider the basic rules. The choice of any curtain tape depends primarily on:

  • type of textile;
  • curtain fabric textures;
  • length and width of the canvas;
  • density of the material from which these products are made.

If your interior is dominated by a restrained style, then a wide braid is well suited. When choosing this fitting, you should consider the color and shade of your curtains. It is very important that they either coincide or harmoniously combine with each other. When choosing such a braid, you should be very vigilant, as an incorrectly selected option can ruin the most ideal curtains.

For it is better to choose a narrow braid, which will be barely noticeable. Not bad in this case, suitable lace-braid. It looks especially advantageous in light and delicate rooms, decorated in cold shades. In this case, the color of the tape should practically match the color of the curtains. Experienced designers say that the more inconspicuous the difference in shade, the better. Some experts argue that in the case of using a narrow version of the braid, it should not be visible at all.

How to sew this element to the curtain yourself?

Each curtain is equipped with a decorative braid, but sometimes even experienced housewives do not know.

In fact, the sewing process does not take much time and does not require special knowledge and skills. First you need to carefully sew it on the inside of the curtains. To do this, you need to create 2 parallel lines of seams. At the end, even lines are formed that are invisible. Do not forget that the color of the threads should match the color of the curtains and braid, respectively.

After sewing, pull on the cords that run across the entire width of the curtain. Subsequently, all the curtains are going into folds. Next, the hostess should straighten the curtains in such a way that it turns out even. The size and number of folds is usually adjustable. Each woman can straighten the curtains to her taste, and thereby create an interior detail on her own. When it is almost ready, all the folds will be formed, you can tie threads into knots on both sides. You need to be very careful in this process, as there will be no right to correct errors after linking. The remaining ends of the threads can be carefully trimmed.

Having chosen window curtains, cornices and accessories, it's time for practical work.

Now you have to finish the curtains with braid, on which there are special pockets for hanging the curtains on hooks. Keep in mind that not all hooks are suitable for every webbing. This material is devoted to a description of the types of braid for curtains and how to sew it on.

The choice of braid for curtains and the calculation of the length

When sewing curtains, due attention should be paid to the choice of braid for curtains. It allows you to figuratively fix the curtains on the cornice and do without a lambrequin, and most often when designing curtains, the final result depends on its type.

All types of braid for curtains are made of polyester - a material whose unique properties allow it to fit snugly to the fabric and firmly attached to its surface. High-quality braid does not sag or deform over time. A huge variety of types of braid allows you to decorate curtains in a certain way in each case, making them unique.

When choosing fittings, you should think about what kind of fold you would like to see on the product. The quality of the webbing can be checked by stretching the elastic band. If at the same time the pattern is not lost, the structure remains clear, and the folds are not deformed, the braid can be bought.

The type of curtain braid is also selected in accordance with the properties of the fabric.

For chintz and one-layer curtains, use a simple band that gathers the top of the curtain into an assembly.

For heavy curtains (for example, velvet), fittings with triple or cylindrical folds are suitable. Note that ray folds are difficult to form on heavy material.

For fabrics of medium weight, a curtain tape-braid that forms triple folds is suitable.

And what braid is used to decorate curtains made of light and translucent fabrics? In this case, choose fittings with assembly.

For plain fabrics, braid with decorative effects is suitable.

For fabrics with a pattern, you should choose a braid with standard pleats.

Mainly care curtain tape is not difficult. It can be washed, dry cleaned, ironed, machine and hand washed. However, some types of braid require special care. It is possible that this type of fittings will require dry cleaning. Therefore, before you start washing the finished product, read the instructions for the braid.

If you need a simple assembly into folds, you should give preference to braid with a factor of 1.5. For puffs, waffles and ruffles, you will need a braid with a coefficient of 2. A braid with a coefficient of 2.5 allows you to form byte folds. Coefficient 3 indicates the purpose of the braid for the formation of cylindrical and triple folds.

The calculations look like this. To determine the width of the curtain panel, you need to multiply the length of the cornice by 1.5 (this principle applies to braid with a coefficient). The required length of the braid will be the width of the unassembled curtain plus the allowance for finishing the ends of the braid.

What braid decorate curtains: types with names and descriptions

Modern braid can be combined with any fabrics, but, nevertheless, when choosing it, you should proceed not only from your own preferences, but also from the style in which the curtains will be designed.

Traditional braid styles include regular gathering, as well as pleats (beam, cylindrical, byte, triple) and tulip trim.

Normal Assembly. This braid is suitable for any fabric and forms a neat and at the same time simple top of the curtains. When using a regular assembly, the fabric is bought 1.5 times more than the length of the cornice.

Ray folds. The braid is suitable for most styles and types of curtains and gives them an elegant look. Most often it is used when sewing long curtains. With its help, folds of different depths can be formed, therefore, when choosing a braid with radial folds, it is necessary to proceed from the fact that the longer the curtain, the deeper the braid should be. When using a braid of this type of fabric, it is purchased 2.5 times more than the length of the cornice.

Cylindrical folds. The lace is ideal for curtains made of heavy fabrics or curtains sewn with lining. When forming cylindrical folds, it is necessary to ensure that they are symmetrical in the center or at the place where the curtains overlap. Hooks on the curtain rod should be placed at the edges of the curtain and behind each pleat. When using braid with cylindrical folds, the fabric is purchased 2.5 times more than the length of the cornice.

Byte folds. Using braid, you can form strict symmetrical folds - they look especially interesting on long curtains sewn from plain fabrics. Fabric for byte folds will need 2.5 times more than the length of the cornice. Byte pleats can be used for more than just decorating curtains. With it, you can decorate the edge of the tablecloth, a cape on an armchair or bed.

Triple (French) pleats. The braid is suitable for medium weight fabrics. When using such braid, hooks must be placed behind each fold. The fabric must be purchased at the rate of three lengths of the cornice.

Tulip finish. With the help of braid, you can form folds that resemble a tulip in shape. The fabric will need 3 times more than the length of the cornice.

Special braid. For tulle and transparent curtains, a special braid is needed, made of a transparent and lightweight material. Fabrics must be bought 2 times the length of the cornice.

AT recent times Braid in a modern style has become very popular. It allows you to create fancy folds on the curtains, such as ruffles, puffs and waffles.

ruffles. The braid forms decorative folds, reminiscent of radial folds, but gathered in the form of thick and dense assemblies. Ruffles on curtains made of plain fabric look especially elegant. The amount of fabric for the formation of ruffles is calculated based on the fact that the fabric will need 2 times more than the length of the cornice.

Puffs. The braid forms folds that look like honeycombs. The finish looks good on any fabric - patterned and plain, heavy and transparent. Fabrics must be bought 2 times the length of the cornice.

"Waffles". The waffle finish looks stylish and modern. This braid is used on curtains made of plain and printed fabrics. When using it, the fabric will need 2 times the length of the cornice.

The density of the folds formed with the tape can be changed, thus varying the width of the finished curtain. An exception is tape with cylindrical or triple folds, which does not allow you to change the parameters of the curtain. Therefore, be careful when measuring and purchasing required amount fabrics.

Braid of any kind has special pockets for hanging curtains on hooks. However, not all hooks are suitable for certain braids.

Basically, the pockets are arranged in such a way that the curtain can be hooked at different levels and used at the same time. different types eaves - rod or rail. But, for example, on a braid with triple folds, the pockets are in a certain position, and it will not work to hang the curtain at a different level from the floor. Therefore, before buying a braid, you should pay attention to this and get acquainted with the manufacturer's instructions.

Below you will learn how to properly sew the braid on the curtains and pull it off.

How to sew and pull off curtain tape

Curtain braid is sewn after processing the edges of the curtain. To do this, the edges need to be tucked to the wrong side and stitched to the edge. The top edge is also tucked on the wrong side - the width of the tape or a little more. If the hem is wider than the braid, its edge must first be processed on an overlock so that it does not crumble later.

Then you should check the length of the curtain again. It must correspond to all measurements, taking into account the allowance for processing the top.

The upper edge must be ironed and the braid applied to the front side of the curtain so that the margin from the edge is 1-2 cm. an indent of 1 cm, and if a lambrequin is not provided, a margin is also made of 4 cm.

The edge of the curtain tape is detached. The braid turns to the wrong side of the curtain. Next, you need to stitch the product so that the new line follows the already made line. If you plan to create a scallop on the fabric that will cover the hooks on the eaves, it must be formed at this stage. For this curtain tape it is necessary to pull back from the upper edge of the curtain by 0.5-1 cm. The scallop is laid in the preliminary calculations of the fabric, for which its estimated height is multiplied by 2.

When sewing braid on curtains, the second line is laid along the bottom edge. If your sewing machine does not have a top differential (so-called non-stop sewing), the fabric must be pulled slightly at the speed of the machine while sewing on the curtain tape. In this case, the seam will not work tight. Then the curtain needs to be ironed, and the braid must be assembled to the desired width.

After sewing the curtain tape to the curtain, the fittings need to be pulled off. Usually at least 3 cords are laid in the curtain tape for tightening. The cords are pulled together not from one, but simultaneously from both edges of the braid. For convenience, this can be done together with an assistant, who should hold one edge of the braid, while the other edge will gradually tighten. You can get out of the situation even when there is no assistant, for example, fix one end of the braid by throwing it over the doorknob.

At the moment of tightening, the braid should be pulled, trying so that the curtain does not sag. With one hand, you need to hold the knotted laces, and with the other, move the fabric from the edge to the middle. If the folds stop moving, they must be moved to the fixed edge of the braid.

As the braid gathers into folds, the cords become longer. For convenience, they are wound on cardboard or on special plastic clips, which are sold in fabric stores. After fixing the curtains on the cornice, the clamps should be hung behind the curtain, fastened in a loop on the braid.

When the braid is completely tightened, it must be measured again with a centimeter tape and adjusted to the required curtain width, and the assemblies should be evenly distributed and the bundle of cords fixed. At the same time, many seamstresses cut off excess cords, but we should not forget that some types of fabric are recommended to be washed, dried and ironed in a straightened form. Therefore, the cords can still come in handy.

Ribbon trim for curtains

In addition to the usual, one more type of braid for curtains deserves attention - a decorative finishing tape, which is a dense woven or woven strip.

Braid can be simple, patterned, embroidered, looped or scalloped.

With its help, you can not only decorate the edge of the curtain, but also use it to process the edge of the product or mask the seams.

Thanks to the decorative braid, the edge of the curtain becomes more durable, and its appearance is more attractive.

Braid and edging, as its variety, effectively emphasize the sophistication and elegance of finished curtains.

To sew a decorative braid, first you need to determine exactly where it will be laid - along the perimeter, along the sides or the bottom edge of the curtain.

After that, you can take the appropriate measurements and purchase a braid with a small margin for hem.

The curtain must be laid out and its edges smoothed where it is planned to sew on the braid. Tape for curtains is fixed with pins and sewn on a sewing machine in one line. Choose a medium-sized stitch for this - about 2 mm.

The edges of the braid are folded to the wrong side and sewn by hand with blind stitches. After that, the curtains can be ironed and hung on the ledge.

Initially, curtain tape was intended for processing seams and decorating the edges of curtains. With the help of beautiful ribbons embroidered with various patterns and ornaments, you can not only perfectly decorate the curtains, but also make them more beautiful view, but also completely transform the entire curtain composition. Today, this type of curtain accessories includes a lot of varieties that differ in purpose: functional and decorative. So, for example, Initially, curtain tape was intended for processing seams and decorating the edges of curtains. With the help of beautiful ribbons embroidered with various patterns and ornaments, you can not only perfectly decorate the curtains, give them a more beautiful look, but also completely transform the entire curtain composition. Today, this type of curtain accessories includes a lot of varieties that differ in purpose: functional and decorative. So, for example, mounting tape allows you to quickly arrange the top of the curtain, and form even, neat folds. There are many types of functional tape. They differ from each other not only by the material from which they were made, but also by the width, the number of broaches, the value of the assembly coefficient, and other indicators. The functional options also include grommet tape, which is applied to upper edge curtain fabric before punching holes for eyelets. There is also a special braid with eyelets. And, of course, we shouldn't forget about the beautiful - decorative braid is still relevant, does not go out of fashion, and is used almost everywhere in curtain production. The jacquard braid looks especially elegant. Its use can make your home curtains truly aristocratic curtains. In our online store "World of Manufactory" this curtain accessory is presented in a huge assortment. You can buy curtain tape for any purpose at the most favorable prices from us absolutely inexpensively. low prices. Delivery of the goods you have purchased will be guaranteed on time. There are many types of functional tape. They differ from each other not only by the material from which they were made, but also by the width, the number of broaches, the value of the assembly coefficient, and other indicators.

The functional options also include, which is applied to the upper edge of the curtain fabric before punching holes for the eyelets. There is also a special braid with eyelets. And, of course, we shouldn't forget about the beautiful - decorative braid is still relevant, does not go out of fashion, and is used almost everywhere in curtain production. Looks especially elegant. Its use can make your home curtains truly aristocratic curtains. In our online store "World of Manufactory" this curtain accessory is presented in a huge assortment. We can absolutely inexpensively buy curtain tape for any purpose at the best low prices. Delivery of the goods you have purchased will be guaranteed on time.

Curtain tape is one of key points in the process of modeling curtains. After all, it depends on this element what type of folds the curtain fabric will fit into and how exactly the finished curtains will look on the window. If for the manufacture of the curtains it was required a braid not of a frame, but of a decorative type, then in this case it is important to be able to correctly calculate the amount of consumable material. There are several types of curtain tape, each of which is designed for the manufacture of a particular type of curtain. Therefore, when choosing a frame tape, it is worth considering the type of curtain, namely the type of fastening of the curtain fabric to the eaves.

The main types of braid for curtains

Today on sale you can easily find different types of curtain braid, which differ from each other in their configuration. There are models of curtain tape in which fastening to the eaves is provided only when using Velcro or hooks. This is a webbing for fastening only a certain kind curtains. And there are also universal types of curtain tapes that can be used regardless of the type of attachment to the eaves. In such frame tapes, loops for hooks and special pockets for eaves-pipes are provided. Depending on the features of use, the braid for curtains is conditionally divided into the following types:

  1. For string cornice.
  2. For cornice-pipe.
  3. For curtains of lifting type.
  4. To perform vertical drapery curtain fabric.
  5. For draping only the upper edge of the curtain.
  6. For curtains with eyelets.

Curtain braid is also selected depending on what kind of folds should be formed on the curtain fabric. If the drapery on the curtain will be done manually, then in this case it is worth using a frame tape made of horsehair or beading. The width of such a braid is from 8 to 10 cm.

A carcass tape with special cords quickly and easily allows you to form an assembly with folds of the different type. Decorative braid for curtains, which allows you to get the effect of waffle folds or glass folds, has recently been very popular. Curtains with such drapery look especially elegant.

There is also a special tape on sale, using which a Roman blind is made. In such a braid, special loops with a decorative cord or rings are initially provided. The length of the tape required to make the curtain depends on how many rows you need to sew in order for the Roman curtain to look spectacular in the photo.

If a Roman blind is made using one type of braid, then French curtains are sewn using two types of curtain tapes - a wide one, which is sewn along the upper edge, and a narrow one, which is used to form scallops.

How to calculate the length of the curtain tape

The production of curtains begins with the calculation of the material necessary for work (fabric, braid, tassels, etc.). There are many videos on how to correctly calculate the curtain tape, depending on the texture of the fabric and on the model of the curtain. For example, if it is planned to manufacture a Roman curtain, then in this case the calculation of the braid will directly depend on its type. If the Roman blind is without overlap, then in this case the length of the required braid is calculated as follows - the width of the curtain fabric is multiplied by the number of curtain segments. If a curtain with an overlap is planned, then in this case the length of the curtain tape is the length of the curtain fabric multiplied by 2 + allowances.

Decorative braid is calculated according to a different principle - here the coefficient of drapery of the fabric is taken into account. For example, if the curtains are sewn from satin with deep bow folds, then in this case both fabric and curtain tape must be purchased 3.5 times more than the length of the cornice. French curtains are a special type of curtains, in the manufacture of which two types of curtain tape are used. For the manufacture of curtains, a braid was required with a length that is equal to the width of the curtain fabric + the length of the curtain multiplied by the number of scallops. French curtains look spectacular in the photo, especially if decorative tassels are provided at the bottom of each scallop.

How to sew braid to curtains

Correctly sewing the forming tape to the curtains is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. It is not difficult to find special photo instructions for this process in various sources. First of all, it is necessary to prepare the curtain fabric for work - measure the width of the upper edge of the curtain. The braid that will be sewn along the upper edge should be 3-5 cm. longer than the received parameters. Then the upper edge of the curtain fabric must be folded inside out according to the size of the braid (you can leave an allowance of a few millimeters) and be sure to iron it. The braid is located on the wrong side of the curtain fabric. Before sewing it on a sewing machine, it is fixed to the fabric using pins or a hand seam.

Decorative braid is sewn to the curtain first along the top and then along the bottom edge. If the braid is wide and the loops on it are arranged in two rows, then in this case it is also necessary to sew it to the curtain fabric with a third additional line. The edges of the forming tape are folded under the main braid. When processing the edge, make sure that the threads for tightening remain free. After all, if you accidentally sew them on any part of the curtain fabric, then it will no longer work out evenly, pull the curtain fabric into beautiful folds. Decorative braid, if it is sewn to the curtain correctly, is almost invisible in the photo, but the finished product looks very beautiful.

Braid for curtains is like a "fighter of the invisible front." Everyone knows about it, but no one notices on the curtains and drapes. It is considered the most inconspicuous element of fittings. Yes, at first glance, this ribbon does not carry a functional load. But a professional seamstress or atelier specialists know for sure: modern and luxurious curtains are the result of the “work” of the braid.

Going to buy curtains, everyone dreams that they are beautiful, fashionable, exclusive. Beautiful curtains- these are products of modern style made of expensive fabric, individual or delicate tailoring, rich in folds and draperies. Have you ever wondered how the folds on the curtains are formed? Why are some folds small and others large? The answer is obvious: in order to achieve drapery on the curtains, you should slightly trim them. But what element of fittings is able to hold weighty folds in unlimited quantities? There is no secret here - this is a special braid, a curtain tape. Very rarely this happens when the function of the part is significant, and the price is affordable.

Curtain tape: opportunities and limitations

Braid for curtains is a ribbon that looks like a woven strip or a dense braided cord. The tape can be made of mesh or textile, into which dense threads or cords are stretched at regular intervals. They are responsible for the rhythm and step of the resulting folds.

Using braid, you can drape almost all types of curtains:

  • tulle;
  • curtains;
  • curtains;
  • lambrequins;
  • curtains.

Perhaps only blinds exclude its use.

Decorative side of the issue

According to its functional purpose, the tape is of two types.

  • Decorative - fully realizes its potential, being a worthy decoration for curtains. Chic, shine, beauty - the properties that a curtain acquires, draped with a special braid. Together with her, even ordinary products look different.
  • Finishing - is used when it is necessary to tie, pull, drape a product made of textile fiber.

Finishing curtain tape opens up wide possibilities for curtains, facilitates the laborious process of drapery. With such a braid, draping them with even the most inventive folds is a pleasure.

Curtain braid is made of threads with relative strength:

  • linen;
  • cotton;
  • silk;
  • woolen.

The width of the tape is so diverse that it will satisfy all wishes and preferences: it ranges from 6 millimeters to 15 centimeters. Therefore, without any problems, you can drape both curtains for a small kitchen and weighty curtains for a concert hall.

Types of curtain braid

Do you want to decorate curtains economically, simply and elegantly? Try to "make friends" with the braid. Braid for curtains will help to design curtains of absolutely any style and different textures in an original and stylish way. It goes well with fabrics of any size: from delicate tulle to weighted velvet.

The textile market is so rich and diverse in terms of decorative elements and accessories that there are about 100 types of curtain tape.
It is worth studying the main types of folds, the choice of which is dictated by the type of fabric.

  1. Braid with box folds or cylindrical pleats. These types of braid create clear and correctly defined shapes on the curtain. geometric shape. And the clarity of the form determines the correctness of the formed fold. The drape looks neat and well fixed. It is desirable to use such a braid for dense fabrics or if the curtains are lined. For sewing curtains, follow the ratio: the width of the fabric is 3 times the length of the cornice.
  2. Braid with folds that look like a "bandolier". When using such a braid, the folds are obtained in a cylindrical shape, regular and equal gaps appear between them. Curtains with such curtain braid and with loops acquire a strict appearance. And the ideal option is achieved if the fabric used for sewing is heavy.
  3. Braid "smoked"- an unusual look that allows you to achieve the effect of weaving folds. If the fabric is flexible and lends itself to shape changes, choose braid with loops.
  4. Plain draperies - successful assemblies on absolutely any type of fabric, but the width of the fabric should be 1.5 times greater than the length of the cornice.
  5. Ray folds. If the size of the cornice is 3 meters, then the length of the fabric should be 7.5 meters. The ratio of the cornice and fabric - 1:2.5
  6. Bow pleats accept plain textiles. As in the previous case, the width of the fabric should be 2.5 times greater than the length of the cornice used.
  7. Triple folds look restrained and elegant. The length of the fabric is three times the length of the cornice.

Rule Based Choice

Going to the store of curtains, fabrics and accessories, remember that the choice of curtain tape depends on the following components:

  • type of textile;
  • fabric texture;
  • fabric dimensions;
  • matter density.

If the choice is made in favor of classical style curtains, purchase an exceptionally wide curtain tape. Be carefull! An incorrectly selected additional detail can radically change the original image of the curtains you like.

Tape for curtains does not imply clear restrictions when choosing, but tailoring experts and interior designers recommend matching the color of the tape to the color of the curtains themselves. In other words, harmony in everything.

  • The closer the colors are to each other, the more perfect the result.
  • Are your chintz curtains? Stop your choice on the simplest braid, which will easily, simply and reliably drape the fabric into an ordinary well-known assembly.
  • Porters in a velvet living room? A tape with triple or cylindrical folds would be more appropriate.
  • If the textile is not bright, but calm and even muted, the ribbon, if possible, should also be of this color.
  • Variegated and even "provocative" fabric? Curtain tape should repeat the color of the fiber as much as possible.

When choosing curtain tapes, be sure to consider the ability of the fabric to drape and do not neglect its weight.

On weighty fabrics, it is much more problematic to get radial folds. The cylindrical appearance of the folds looks very interesting on such fabrics.

In any case, whether you are an experienced seamstress or a beginner, contact a consultant in an atelier or specialty store. Do not neglect the advice of professional designers if you suddenly find yourself in the studio.

Calculate the length

The type of curtain tape has been determined, and now is the time to calculate the required footage.

Remember that the length of the tape directly depends on the desired density of the drapery. Some types of braid have special coefficients, given which, you can achieve the perfect look for curtains. The ratio has the form of two numbers, where the first is the value of the ribbon size, and the second is the length of the straightened canvas. In other words, this expression will help you calculate how much ribbon and fabric you need to buy so that the curtains look organic.

For example, a ratio of 1:3 means that in order to sew curtains with a sufficient number of ready-made folds 1 meter wide, it is necessary to purchase fabric material 3 meters wide. It is desirable that a couple more centimeters be added to these dimensions for seam allowances.

Decorative nature of the braid

The sewing industry does not stand still, but develops, introducing new varieties of decorative braid for curtains into our lives.

  • Ruffle braid. It is recommended to use for plain fabrics. The decorative orientation of the ruffle is one of the options for beam drapery.
  • Braid for creating puffs. Looks original on any type of fabric, regardless of color saturation and pattern. This decorative finish looks more self-sufficient on plain textiles and printed fabrics. Organically accepts tulle.
  • Braid "waffles". Using this finish option, you will achieve an elegant look for curtains.

Very often you can see that manufacturers put in a kit with a tape for curtains:

  • rings for eyelets;
  • special pockets for hooks;
  • seals for lambrequins;
  • two, three, four lines.

  1. Sew the ribbon on the inside of the curtain using two parallel stitches.
  2. Pull on the laces that are threaded through the braid.
  3. Gather the fabric into folds.
  4. Determine the size and quantity yourself by adjusting the cord.
  5. Tie the threads in a knot at the ends of the ribbon.
  6. Don't cut them.

Thanks to the curtain tape, the curtains will look as attractive for a long time as they did in the first days of operation. Choosing curtains is a task based on preferences and taste, choosing a curtain tape is also a solvable task, but requires calculations of length, color selection and type. It will no longer be possible to buy what "fell to the soul." You should rely on the selected type of curtains.

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