Secretary for the younger prince. Junior Prince's Private Secretary

Pregnancy and children 28.06.2019
Pregnancy and children

“Oh, and what a bore she is, this lady of state Pavrinia,” Illyra hissed to herself, almost running towards the far bench on the shore of the pond. The girl desperately needed to find a few dandelion stalks, and just under that bench she saw in the morning when they were taken for a walk, a lush bush of this impudent weed, which somehow escaped the attention of the gardener. However, the senorita knew firsthand how difficult it was to deal with the insidious yellow flowers, the gardener for the aunt's garden had not been hired for several years. And why spend extra money if a young and healthy orphan niece lives in the house, who has absolutely nothing to do in the morning ?!

Illyra ran to the bench, looked around and almost groaned with resentment, the dandelion was gone. Only loose earth remained, confirming her suspicions that the palace gardeners valued their work very much.

It wasn't fair. Just horribly unfair, she had placed such hopes on the long stems of simple flowers that she intended to carry into the bedroom in a purse fastened to her belt. I even prepared a small piece of paper to wrap and not stain handkerchiefs and powder box with white juice. For the sake of this juice, this whole expedition was undertaken, it invariably caused red spots on the girl’s delicate skin, similar to inflammation or burns. And not a single sane prince or noble lord would choose a girl with such spots on her face as her favorite, Illyra did not doubt this. And now, under the hoe of a hardworking gardener, her whole ingenious plan collapsed, and it was necessary to urgently come up with something else, and immediately.

Well, that's why, after she put in so much effort to achieve at least some stability in her precarious position, fate once again put her on the edge of the abyss?! And worst of all, there is no one to complain to, and no one to ask not only for help, but at least simple advice. You can't even tell the truth to anyone.

She sat down on the corner of the bench, took out a handkerchief and put it to her eyes to wipe away the tears that had involuntarily come out.

Am I disturbing you? - Wearily and slightly casually asked a male voice and Illyra hastily looked around.

A simple traveling suit, dusty boots... most likely a messenger or a guard. Although no, he doesn’t look much like a security guard, although his face is rustic, but they don’t go in such hats. So, after all, a messenger ... or maybe someone from the retinue of the younger prince, it doesn’t matter.

I'll leave now, sit down, rest, - wiping away her tears, the girl politely suggested.

Thank you, - she politely thanked with a barely perceptible mockery, and the stranger suddenly looked with interest at the neighbor.

And what are you crying about, if not a secret?

What a secret, - she ironically almost openly, - if a whole crowd of girls was brought to the palace.

That is, you are afraid that the prince will not choose you, he guessed.

Here's another! On the contrary, I am afraid that I will inadvertently like him ... or the gentlemen from his retinue, because they say that more than one prince will choose a favorite.

Well, what's wrong with that? - he was surprised, - dowry women are usually happy.

Tell this to the homeless women themselves, so that they also know that they need to rejoice, - Illyra cut off angrily and got up, - excuse me, I need to go.

Wait a minute... - an unexpected interlocutor stopped the girl, - one minute... you intrigued me. Until now, I have not heard such an opinion ... is it not difficult for you to explain how you reached your conclusions?

It’s not difficult for me, - the candidate for the legitimate favorites shrugged her shoulders, - but a friend is waiting for you.

Where?! - he looked around with the alertness of a man accustomed to danger, noticed the head of a young guy standing behind the bushes and breathed a sigh of relief, - oh, this one. Don't worry, he's just waiting... for one of our buddies. So what's your answer?

Everything is very simple, - she chuckled, - usually girls say what is expected of them. But really clever man can sincerely believe that an intelligent girl only dreams of becoming the prince's bed warmer for a year or two, so that, having earned herself a dowry in such a dubious occupation, she will become the wife of a fat widower?! After all, young and beautiful nobles do not marry former favorites, even for ardent love.

Hmmm?! - he thought, but noticed that the girl turned towards the palace, jumped up, caught up with her and walked beside her, - you know, I was interested in your view on this ... problem, but let me know what you yourself are doing here in this case?

Well, don't you think that all the girls arrived voluntarily?! she smiled bitterly.

To be honest, that's exactly what I thought until this moment, - he squeezed his sharply defined lips with annoyance, the only sign of noble blood, - but why didn't you refuse ?!

I am an orphan. I live with a poor aunt out of mercy... how could I say "no" if she was going to improve her situation in this way?!

But if you're not chosen... there's nothing you can do to help her?!

But I will help myself. If I'm lucky and the prince and company walk past this humiliating fair, I can get a job in the capital.

Let's sit for a while, - he nodded invitingly to the nearest bench, - I'm tired ... I rode all night, but I really want to know ... how a pretty girl can earn more in the capital than a favorite.

And no one says that more, - she smiled condescendingly, - freedom of choice is also worth something. Yes, and earnings are more reliable, they will not be exchanged at any time for a new toy.

Let's say, but what can you personally do? I have a few good acquaintances among the rich gentlemen, perhaps I could recommend you.

Only if I don’t owe you anything for this service, except for the usual gratitude, - Illyra knew very well what young people can hope for when they provide girls with such services.

I promise, - having measured the interlocutor with an insulted look, he said dryly, and Illyra perked up. It seems that the first impression was deceiving, and he is still not a messenger, but one of the prince's friends. And in this case, she will really be able to help her, and how to avoid the title of favorite, she will take care of herself. And it doesn’t matter that for this you have to run around all the far corners of the garden, the result is worth it.

I can work as a secretary, - the girl decisively announced, and her interlocutor grimaced in disappointment, but she was not going to give up so easily, - I have been conducting all the correspondence of my aunt and another noble lady for two years, and they are very pleased. In addition, every month I check all the accounts and calculations of Senor Pikrius, our neighbor, and have never made a mistake even by a copper. On the contrary, she found the additions made by the shopkeeper, and saved the seigneur a tidy sum. I have recommendations from them.

If you are already doing this kind of work, you should know that all wealthy seniors prefer to take special ... male secretaries, ”he remarked coolly.

Everyone I worked for used to have male secretaries, and they think that I have a lot of advantages over them, - the girl stubbornly defended her right to work.

Would like to know which ones? - In his tone, a mockery clearly slipped and Illyra realized with disappointment that her interlocutor is one of those young people who believe that girls are suitable for only one purpose ... exactly the one that she did not want for herself in any.

Firstly, I arrive at the service on time, and I never suffer a hangover for half a day, secondly, I do not pester maids and cooks in dark corners, thirdly, in case of urgent need, you can always find me in my room, fourthly , I don’t have friends crowding under the door, inciting to sneak away from work early. I also don’t drink the master’s wine and you can safely leave me in the house and not worry about your daughter, sister or young wife.

personal secretary junior prince Vera Chirkova

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Title: The Younger Prince's Private Secretary

About the book "Personal Secretary of the Younger Prince" by Vera Chirkova

This unusually sincere and warm story opens a fantasy cycle, which the writer Vera Chirkova created from 3 books: "Personal Secretary of the Younger Prince", "Trap for the Private Secretary" and "Princess for the Younger Prince".

Why would an orphan from a small provincial town, Señorita Illyre, not having a dowry, go to the official favorites of the prince? But the sincere and hardworking heroine dreams of something completely different - to get a job at the position of a personal secretary, which was considered male, which she told the stranger, who sat down on a bench in the royal garden. Forced to participate in the presentation of candidates, a young girl comes up with several tricks to "spoil" her appearance. But for some reason, the prince approached not the beauties present at the bride, but precisely to her. And the refusal to accept his attention will not be understood either by the nobility or the native aunt. But, to the surprise of the heroine, she is invited to take the place of the favorite. Now Illyra is the personal secretary of the younger prince. And although he himself at first doubted that his assistant would cope with such duties, he very quickly became convinced that he could not do without her advice. Moreover, the royal palace is crammed with someone's agents, the prince's family controls his every step, and he himself is too trusting and naive.

A smart girl knows a secret sign language that she learned from her father, who officially died, but in fact - mysteriously disappeared. She knows how to discern all the intrigues of those close to him, directed at the prince, gradually teaches him to understand the reasons for other people's actions, to see what is hidden from the eyes. The personal secretary of the younger prince becomes not only an adviser and friend for him, but also saves him from the assassination attempts that have begun on him.

Vera Chirkova chose the eternal problems of relationships between people, which will always be complex and diverse, as the theme of the book. There are philosophical discourses on its pages, and historical excursions, psychology, tears and humor. It's always interesting to read about it. But when magical creatures appear in the plot, moving between worlds, saving other people, immersing yourself in the atmosphere of unusual landscapes, you want to stay inside this fairy tale as long as possible.

The book "Personal Secretary of the Younger Prince" captivates from the first pages. When you read it, be ready to laugh and think, to accept the unforeseen last scene and foresee the future continuation of the story. Vera Chirkova invites readers to wander through the labyrinths of riddles until the very last page of her work.

On our site about books you can download for free without registration or read online book"Private secretary of the younger prince" Vera Chirkova in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and a real pleasure to read. Buy full version you can have our partner. Also, here you will find last news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginner writers there is a separate section with useful tips and recommendations, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at writing.

Vera Chirkova


“Oh, and what a bore she is, this lady of state Pavrinia!” - Illyra hissed to herself, almost running towards the far bench on the shore of the pond. The girl desperately needed to find a few dandelion stalks, and just under that bench she saw in the morning when they were taken for a walk, a lush bush of this impudent weed, which somehow escaped the attention of the gardener.

However, the senorita knew firsthand how difficult it was to deal with the insidious yellow flowers, the gardener for the aunt's garden had not been hired for several years. And why spend extra money if a young and healthy orphan niece lives in the house, who has absolutely nothing to do in the morning ?!

Illyra ran to the bench, looked around and almost groaned with resentment, the dandelion was gone. Only loose earth remained, confirming her suspicions that the palace gardeners valued their work very much.

It wasn't fair.

Just horribly unfair, she had placed such hopes on the long stems of simple flowers that she intended to carry into the bedroom in a purse fastened to her belt. I even prepared a small piece of paper to wrap and not stain handkerchiefs and powder box with white juice. For the sake of this juice, this whole expedition was undertaken, it invariably caused red spots on the girl’s delicate skin, similar to inflammation or burns.

And not a single sane prince or noble lord would choose a girl with such spots on her face as her favorite, Illyra did not doubt this. And now, under the hoe of a hardworking gardener, her whole ingenious plan collapsed, and it was necessary to urgently come up with something else, and immediately.

Well, that's why, after she put in so much effort to achieve at least some stability in her precarious position, fate once again put her on the edge of the abyss?!

And worst of all, there is no one to complain to and no one to ask not only for help, but even for simple advice. You can't even tell the truth to anyone.

She sat down on the corner of the bench, took out a handkerchief and put it to her eyes to wipe away the tears that had involuntarily come out.

Am I disturbing you? a male voice asked tiredly and slightly casually, and Illyra looked around hastily.

A simple traveling suit, dusty boots… most likely a messenger or a guard. Although no, he doesn’t look much like a security guard, although his face is rustic, but they don’t go in such hats. So, after all, a messenger ... or maybe someone from the retinue of the younger prince, it doesn’t matter.

I'll leave now, sit down, rest, - wiping away her tears, the girl politely suggested.

Thank you, - with a barely perceptible mockery, the senorita politely thanked, and the stranger suddenly looked with interest at his neighbor.

And what are you crying about, if not a secret?

What a secret, - she ironically almost openly, - if a whole crowd of girls was brought to the palace.

That is, you are afraid that the prince will not choose you, he guessed.

Here's another! On the contrary, I am afraid that I will inadvertently like him ... or the gentlemen from his retinue, because they say that more than one prince will choose the favorite.

Well, what's wrong with that? - the stranger was sincerely surprised. - Dowry women are usually happy.

Tell this to the homeless women themselves, so that they also know that they need to rejoice, - Illyra cut off angrily and got up, - excuse me, I need to go.

Wait ... - the girl was stopped by an unexpected interlocutor, - one minute ... you intrigued me. Until now, I have not heard such an opinion ... Is it easy for you to explain how you made your conclusions?

It’s not difficult for me, - the candidate for the legitimate favorite shrugged her shoulders, - but a friend is waiting for you.

Where?! - He looked around with the alertness of a man accustomed to danger, noticed the head of a young guy standing behind the bushes, and breathed a sigh of relief: - Ah, this one. Don't worry, he's just waiting... for one of our buddies. So what's your answer?

Everything is very simple, - she chuckled, - usually girls say what is expected of them. But can an intelligent person sincerely believe that an intelligent girl only dreams of becoming a prince's bed warmer for a year or two, so that, having earned herself a dowry in such a dubious occupation, she will become the wife of a fat widower ?! After all, young and beautiful nobles do not marry former favorites, even for ardent love.

The novel by Vera Chirkova "Personal Secretary of the Younger Prince" is somewhat reminiscent of a naive and good fairy tale. It is good to read it when you want to be distracted by something pleasant and bright, when you don’t want unnecessary worries. After all, you know that in fairy tales everything will always be fine, no matter what happens at first. The main character evokes pleasant emotions, she is sympathetic to the reader, because she is smart and calm, she does not do stupid things. Although she still has some feminine flaws, this does not spoil the overall impression of the novel. The story is romantic and contains intrigue, although at first it is not very noticeable. Only towards the end of the novel do you realize that the main secret has not yet been revealed, and you should quickly start reading the second book.

Illyra is an orphan living in a small provincial town. She has nothing, but all she dreams of is to be independent and earn her living. Circumstances develop in such a way that she has to become one of the contenders for the role of the favorite of the younger prince. She does not want to be chosen, and therefore decides to go to the trick. But for some reason, among all the girls, the prince chose her, although there were girls and more beautiful. But you can’t refuse, you need to give him a hand, otherwise such neglect will not be forgiven. royal family, nor a native aunt. And if you don’t want to become a favorite, then you will become a personal secretary and help the prince sort things out, and at the same time in the people around him.

On our website you can download the book "Personal Secretary of the Younger Prince" Chirkova Vera Andreevna for free and without registration in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format, read the book online or buy the book in the online store.

Chirkova Vera

Prince's private secretary

Junior Prince's Private Secretary

Oh, and what a bore she is, this lady of state Pavrinia, hissed Illyra to herself, almost running towards the far bench on the shore of the pond. The girl desperately needed to find a few dandelion stalks, and just under that bench she saw in the morning when they were taken for a walk, a lush bush of this impudent weed, which somehow escaped the attention of the gardener.

However, the senorita knew firsthand how difficult it was to deal with the insidious yellow flowers, the gardener for the aunt's garden had not been hired for several years. And why spend extra money if a young and healthy orphan niece lives in the house, who has absolutely nothing to do in the morning ?!

Illyra ran to the bench, looked around and almost groaned with resentment, the dandelion was gone. Only loose earth remained, confirming her suspicions that the palace gardeners valued their work very much.

It wasn't fair.

Just horribly unfair, she had placed such hopes on the long stems of simple flowers that she intended to carry into the bedroom in a purse fastened to her belt. I even prepared a small piece of paper to wrap and not stain handkerchiefs and powder box with white juice. For the sake of this juice, this whole expedition was undertaken, it invariably caused red spots on the girl’s delicate skin, similar to inflammation or burns.

And not a single sane prince or noble lord would choose a girl with such spots on her face as her favorite, Illyra did not doubt this. And now, under the hoe of a hardworking gardener, her whole ingenious plan collapsed, and it was necessary to urgently come up with something else, and immediately.

Well, that's why, after she put in so much effort to achieve at least some stability in her precarious position, fate once again put her on the edge of the abyss?!

And worst of all, there is no one to complain to, and no one to ask not only for help, but even for simple advice. You can't even tell the truth to anyone.

She sat down on the corner of the bench, took out a handkerchief and put it to her eyes to wipe away the tears that had involuntarily come out.

Am I disturbing you? - Wearily and slightly casually asked a male voice and Illyra hastily looked around.

A simple traveling suit, dusty boots… most likely a messenger or a guard. Although no, he doesn’t look much like a security guard, although his face is rustic, but they don’t go in such hats. So, after all, a messenger ... or maybe someone from the retinue of the younger prince, it doesn’t matter.

I'll leave now, sit down, rest, - wiping away her tears, the girl politely suggested.

Thank you, - she politely thanked with a barely perceptible mockery, and the stranger suddenly looked with interest at the neighbor.

And what are you crying about, if not a secret?

What a secret, - she ironically almost openly, - if a whole crowd of girls was brought to the palace.

That is, you are afraid that the prince will not choose you, he guessed.

Here's another! On the contrary, I am afraid that I will inadvertently like him ... or the gentlemen from his retinue, because they say that more than one prince will choose the favorite.

Well, what's wrong with that? - he was surprised, - dowry women are usually happy.

Tell this to the homeless women themselves, so that they also know that they need to rejoice, - Illyra cut off angrily and got up, - excuse me, I need to go.

Wait ... - the girl was stopped by an unexpected interlocutor, - one minute ... you intrigued me. Until now, I have not heard such an opinion ... is it not difficult for you to explain how you reached your conclusions?

It’s not difficult for me, - the candidate for the legitimate favorites shrugged her shoulders, - but a friend is waiting for you.

Where?! - he looked around with the alertness of a man accustomed to danger, noticed the head of a young guy standing behind the bushes and breathed a sigh of relief, - oh, this one. Don't worry, he's just waiting... for one of our buddies. So what's your answer?

Everything is very simple, - she chuckled, - usually girls say what is expected of them. But can an intelligent person sincerely believe that an intelligent girl only dreams of becoming a prince's bed warmer for a year or two, so that, having earned herself a dowry in such a dubious occupation, she will become the wife of a fat widower ?! After all, young and beautiful nobles do not marry former favorites, even for ardent love.

Hmmm?! - he thought, but noticed that the girl turned towards the palace, jumped up, caught up with her and walked beside her, - you know, I was interested in your view on this ... problem, but let me know what you yourself are doing here in this case?

Well, don't you think that all the girls arrived voluntarily?! she smiled bitterly.

To be honest, that's exactly what I thought until this moment, - he squeezed his sharply defined lips with annoyance, the only sign of noble blood, - but why didn't you refuse ?!

I am an orphan. I live with a poor aunt out of mercy ... how could I say - no, if she was going to improve her situation in this way ?!

But if you don't get elected... there's nothing you can do to help her?!

But I will help myself. If I'm lucky and the prince and company walk past this humiliating fair, I can get a job in the capital.

Let's sit for a while, - he nodded invitingly to the nearest bench, - I'm tired ... I rode all night, but I really want to know ... how a pretty girl can earn more in the capital than a favorite.

And no one says that more, - she smiled condescendingly, - freedom of choice is also worth something. Yes, and earnings are more reliable, they will not be exchanged at any time for a new toy.

Let's say, but what can you personally do? I have a few good acquaintances among the rich gentlemen, perhaps I could recommend you.

Only if I don’t owe you anything for this service, except for the usual gratitude, - Illyra knew very well what young people can hope for when they provide girls with such services.

I promise, - having measured the interlocutor with an insulted look, he said dryly, and Illyra perked up.

It seems that the first impression was deceiving, and he is still not a messenger, but one of the prince's friends. And in this case, she will really be able to help her, and how to avoid the title of favorite, she will take care of herself. And it doesn’t matter that for this you have to run around all the far corners of the garden, the result is worth it.

I can work as a secretary, - the girl decisively announced, and her interlocutor grimaced in disappointment, but she was not going to give up so easily, - I have been conducting all the correspondence of my aunt and another noble lady for two years, and they are very pleased. In addition, every month I check all the accounts and calculations of Senor Pikrius, our neighbor, and have never made a mistake even by a copper. On the contrary, she found the additions made by the shopkeeper, and saved the seigneur a tidy sum. I have recommendations from them.

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