The smallest buffalo 4 letters crossword. Overview of pygmy buffaloes: the smallest species

Auto 01.08.2019

pygmy buffalo- This is an artiodactyl animal belonging to the family of bovids. It attracts attention to itself by its relatively small size, which is unusual for other buffaloes. Let's talk in more detail about what these unusual midgets are remarkable for.

The African dwarf buffalo is common in African countries. Representatives meet at equatorial forests Western and Central parts of the continent. Also called forest or red mini-buffalo. Of the variety of subspecies of the African bull, this representative is the smallest.

Its height at the withers reaches only 120 centimeters, and its weight is 270 kilograms. The color of the hairline is red, where the head and shoulders are somewhat darkened. Fluffy fur forms tassels around the ears. The horns of the midget are directed upwards and backwards. The greatest threat is observed from leopards.

Anoa is the second name of the Malay Lilliputian and he is the most little buffalo in the world. Sulawesi Island is the only habitat for these pygmy bulls. Anoa belong to the class of mammals, the order of artiodactyls, the family of bovids. The Asian pygmy buffalo is the closest relative of the breed.

The appearance of the Malays is quite different from the appearance of their counterparts. They do not look intimidating and, oddly enough, resemble an antelope. First distinctive feature are unusual horns growing with a bend and striving upward. Their maximum length is only 25 centimeters. Their equipment is average: they are smaller than large buffaloes, but more powerful than antelopes. Anoa is a mini-buffalo, whose height usually does not reach a meter, and its weight is 2-2.5 centners.

The color of the Malay is diverse: it can go from brown to black. Surprisingly, in adult buffalo, there is practically no wool cover. Cubs of the mini-beast are born richly mottled, golden brown.

Animals are characterized by calm behavior without obvious manifestations of aggression. They prefer to move in small groups, less often alone. The forest is the habitat where they feel as comfortable and free as possible. Unfortunately, the animals are on the verge of extinction. The reason is the massive deforestation and poaching of the smallest buffaloes for making souvenirs. Twenty years is the average life span.

Some scientists divide Lilliputians into two varieties: mountainous and flat. Their distinguishing features are not so remarkable, so this classification is often omitted. However, you need to know that the plains representatives have a more elongated tail and elongated horns, which are twice the length of the horns of mountain individuals. Also, mountain buffaloes often wander into the territory of the neighboring island of Butona.

Tamarau is a pygmy buffalo of the bovid family that lives in the Philippines. There is an opinion that it is a subspecies of the Asian buffalo, but scientists attribute it to an independent breed. The animal is threatened with extinction due to active economic activity person.

The total height at the withers is about 106 centimeters, the length of the body reaches 220 centimeters, and the tail - 60. Body weight has not been unambiguously established. Presumably ranges from 180 to 300 kilograms. The horns of the animal are straight, the length of which is 35-43 centimeters. It is noteworthy that in males they are located closer to each other and are denser and flatter in structure.

Philippine dwarfs prefer solitary movement, meeting with females only during the breeding season. Cubs can stay with their mother for several years, after which, creating small groups, they move together throughout the year.

They prefer to eat herbaceous plants. The active phase of the day for them is the day. At night they like to fall asleep in dense vegetation. Communication occurs through the exchange of auditory and chemical signals. Outbursts of aggression sometimes lead to fights between two bulls. Favorite pastime - taking mud baths.

In this video you can learn interesting facts about the smallest buffalo and other dwarf animals.

habitats different types buffaloes

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The dwarf buffalo is an artiodactyl animal belonging to the bovid family. It attracts attention to itself by its relatively small size, which is unusual for other buffaloes. Let's talk in more detail about what these unusual midgets are remarkable for.

The African dwarf buffalo is common in African countries. Representatives are found in the equatorial forests of the Western and Central parts of the continent. Also called forest or red mini-buffalo. Of the variety of subspecies of the African bull, this representative is the smallest.

Its height at the withers reaches only 120 centimeters, and its weight is 270 kilograms. The color of the hairline is red, where the head and shoulders are somewhat darkened. Fluffy fur forms tassels around the ears. The horns of the midget are directed upwards and backwards. The greatest threat is observed from leopards.

Malayan midget buffalo

Anoa is the second name of the Malay midget and he is the smallest buffalo in the world. Sulawesi Island is the only habitat for these pygmy bulls. Anoa belong to the class of mammals, the order of artiodactyls, the family of bovids. The Asian pygmy buffalo is the closest relative of the breed.

The appearance of the Malays is quite different from the appearance of their counterparts. They do not look intimidating and, oddly enough, resemble an antelope. The first distinguishing feature is the unusual horns that grow in a curve and tend upwards. Their maximum length is only 25 centimeters. Their equipment is average: they are smaller than large buffaloes, but more powerful than antelopes. Anoa is a mini-buffalo, whose height usually does not reach a meter, and its weight is 2-2.5 centners.

The color of the Malay is diverse: it can go from brown to black. Surprisingly, in adult buffalo, there is practically no wool cover. Cubs of the mini-beast are born richly mottled, golden brown.

Animals are characterized by calm behavior without obvious manifestations of aggression. They prefer to move in small groups, less often alone. The forest is the habitat where they feel as comfortable and free as possible. Unfortunately, the animals are on the verge of extinction. The reason is the massive deforestation and poaching of the smallest buffaloes for making souvenirs. Twenty years is the average life span.

Anoa subspecies

Some scientists divide Lilliputians into two varieties: mountainous and flat. Their distinguishing features are not so remarkable, so this classification is often omitted. However, you need to know that the plains representatives have a more elongated tail and elongated horns, which are twice the length of the horns of mountain individuals. Also, mountain buffaloes often wander into the territory of the neighboring island of Butona.

Pygmy Philippine Buffalo

Tamarau is a pygmy buffalo of the bovid family that lives in the Philippines. There is an opinion that it is a subspecies, however, scientists attribute it to an independent breed. The animal is threatened with extinction due to active human activities.

The total height at the withers is about 106 centimeters, the length of the body reaches 220 centimeters, and the tail - 60. Body weight has not been unambiguously established. Presumably ranges from 180 to 300 kilograms. The horns of the animal are straight, the length of which is 35-43 centimeters. It is noteworthy that in males they are located closer to each other and are denser and flatter in structure.

Philippine dwarfs prefer solitary movement, meeting with females only during the breeding season. Cubs can stay with their mother for several years, after which, creating small groups, they move together throughout the year.

They prefer to eat herbaceous plants. The active phase of the day for them is the day. At night they like to fall asleep in dense vegetation. Communication occurs through the exchange of auditory and chemical signals. Outbursts of aggression sometimes lead to fights between two bulls. Favorite pastime - taking mud baths.

Video "Dwarf animals of our planet"

In this video you can learn interesting facts about the smallest buffalo and other dwarf animals.

The buffalo is a fairly well-known artiodactyl animal, which stands out for its impressive size. But among them a special species stands out - the buffalo dwarf. These are the smallest animals from this family. The habitat of mini buffaloes is very limited, there are only a few places where you can meet them. Let's take a closer look at what makes them special.

There are several types of these amazing animals. Among them are the following:

  1. African pygmy
  2. Tamarau - Filipino baby
  3. Sulawesi buffalo - anoa

African dwarf

It is also called the forest. This mini bull lives in Central and West Africa. This is the smallest of all subspecies of African bulls. Like their large relatives, undersized artiodactyls live near watering places, drink a lot and eat grass. At the withers they reach no more than 1.2 meters, and weigh about 270 kilograms. The color is red, they are also sometimes called red. Their horns are also small.- no more than 40 centimeters long. Of the features of the breed, small buffaloes have light tassels on their ears. The greatest threat to these animals is leopards, which actively hunt them.

Gallery: pygmy buffalo (25 photos)

Philippine tamarau

These small buffaloes live on the island of Mindoro, they are only slightly larger than a ram in size, about 106 centimeters at the withers. The horns of the tamarau are straight, 35–43 centimeters long. They are dark brown or completely black in color. Tamarau are solitary, they meet with females only during the breeding season, after which they leave them again. Children stay with their mother for several years, after which they leave her and move in a group for some time. Previously, tamaraus were very common on the islands, but with the advent of civilization, their population began to decline significantly. Now tamarau are on the verge of extinction, due to the reduction of forests and active hunting for these kids.

The pygmy buffalo is artiodactyl mammal belonging to the family of bovids. Currently, tamarou and anoa are fighting for the title of the smallest representatives of this family. Each of these species is distributed exclusively in a relatively small area, characteristic natural conditions which helped to form small bulls.

The dwarf buffalo is an artiodactyl mammal belonging to the bovid family.

Tamarou was formed in the closed space of the Philippine island of Mindoro. Anoya is from Indonesia. This species is endemic to the island of Sulawesi. Among other things, there is a forest dwarf buffalo, which is a subspecies of the African, but at the same time has greatly decreased in size due to living in dense vegetation.

All undersized breeds of bovids appeared as a result of adaptation to living in dense forest vegetation. For example, the red dwarf buffalo is found only in the dense equatorial thickets of Central Africa. Until recently, they were not considered a separate species of bovids, but because of their features, they gained recognition.

To distinctive features These animals include:

  • growth up to 1 m;
  • body weight from 100 to 270 kg depending on gender;
  • predominantly red fur with dark spots on the neck and head;
  • long tassels on the ears;
  • relatively small horns.

This dwarf among the buffaloes is too small compared to many other members of the bovid family, so it can live without much difficulty in dense vegetation. At the same time, the small size that distinguishes a small buffalo makes it very vulnerable to predators. Especially often they become victims of leopards.

Gallery: pygmy buffalo (25 photos)

Gangsters of the Wild (video)

Another dwarf buffalo Anoa is found only in Indonesia. These animals are very modest in size. This dwarf buffalo from the island of Sulawesi has the following parameters:

  • weight from 100 to 280 kg
  • height about 70 cm.
  • brown or black coat color;
  • curved horns up to 25 cm long.

These creatures are so compact in size that, if not carefully examined, they can be mistaken for an antelope. At present, the dwarf buffalo from the island of Sulawesi has already been well studied. A notable feature of these creatures is the rather sparse hairline in adults. Cubs of this species are born with a golden or variegated body color. This mini buffalo suffers mainly from the hands of poachers, as natural enemies they have almost none.

In nature, this small buffalo can live for about 20 years.

Tamarau is another member of the bovid family, reduced in size as a result of adaptation to dense thickets. natural environment habitat of these creatures is considered relatively small Philippine island Mindoro. The distinguishing features of these creatures include:

  • growth up to 1 m;
  • body length up to 2 m;
  • tail about 60 cm;
  • weight 200-300 kg;
  • straight horns up to 40 cm.

This undersized buffalo prefers a solitary lifestyle. Only on short periods small herds consisting of 6-10 individuals can be formed. Despite the fact that these buffaloes are small, they have a rather aggressive disposition. During the breeding season, males fight with their long horns to earn the right to participate in the emergence of a new generation. Usually, the young stay with their mothers for several years, after which they leave.

As a rule, buffaloes appear to us as large and even huge animals, full of dignity, and sometimes fury. However, in almost every species distributed in one part of the world or another, there is a pygmy buffalo. A real baby, very similar to larger brothers, but losing a lot to them in weight. The dwarf buffalo is very often smaller than domestic cows.

Malayan midget buffalo - Anoa

Perhaps the smallest buffalo can surprise with its appearance even a trained person. Anoa belong to the genus of Asian or Indian bulls, but are the owners of remarkable horns. Small, rarely reaching up to 25 cm, they are oriented backwards and completely devoid of characteristic curves - in outline they are very reminiscent of antelope horns.

Baby Anoa lives on the plains and in the mountainous regions of Sulawesi, often found in forest thickets. Given that wild stands are being systematically cut down on this Indonesian island, buffaloes are on the verge of extinction.

Anoa rarely exceeds 0.8 m in height. They have highly developed sexual dimorphism, so the females are very small - they barely reach 140–160 kg in weight. Males are larger, but in their biological genus they still remain babies: their weight is rarely more than 280-300 kg. Such parameters are valid only for flat individuals. Mountain variety, which is sometimes isolated in separate view, even less: even males rarely gain more than 150 kg. They are considered real midgets among bovids.

The color of small bulls and cows is dominated by black, turning into brown.

Pygmy buffalo from the Philippine region - Tamarau

Other relatives of Anoa, Tamarau, live in the Philippine archipelago. They also belong to the Asian bulls, but due to their island residence (they remained only on the island of Mindoro), they differ in small dimensions. The dwarf buffalo does not exceed 1 m in height, although they are comparable in weight to the Malay Lilliputians - 200–300 kg.

Tamarau are painted black, which turns into a gray or brown hue. They have triangular cross-section, rather long horns, devoid of bends characteristic of the family: they grow back and slightly upwards.

The population of wild undersized tamarau is constantly declining. This is due to the lack of strong environmental regulation in the Philippines. Forests, a natural habitat, are cut down and burned for crops. Poaching flourishes in protected lands.

If earlier the dwarf buffalo led a daytime lifestyle, now Tamarau have switched to night feeding.

Black or African buffaloes live in Africa. Among these monumental giants there are also little ones. The undersized buffalo is found mainly in wooded areas and is common in Western and Central Africa. Its other name is Forest or Red.

The pygmy buffalo differs from its counterparts not only in size, but also in external data. An adult animal weighs about 270 kg, with growth up to 1.2 m. Relatively high, compared with the babies of other species, they are just as elegant in weight.

Dwarf buffaloes from Africa are notable for their color: they are red-red with black zones on the head, legs and shoulders. Their horns are quite large, proportional to the size of the body. The ears are big. On top of that, they have characteristic tassels formed by longer light-colored hair.

The population of these buffaloes, which live in the vast African expanses, is quite large. AT wild nature they have only one enemy - the leopard. Although they have not been spared by the decrease in the number of forests, they still have well-protected protected areas at their disposal.

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