Fatal encounters with UFOs. The fatal consequences of an encounter with a UFO. Latest encounters with a UFO.

Health 11.07.2024

Humanity is obsessed with facts about UFOs - unidentified flying objects that allegedly periodically visit our planet. The existence of extraterrestrial civilizations is indeed possible. There is even a holiday associated with extraterrestrial civilizations and the science that studies them - UFOlogist Day (July 2). Even official science does not deny the possibility of extraterrestrial life. Unfortunately, finding truthful eyewitness accounts or photographs and videos of UFOs today is problematic, since this topic has been heavily overused and overloaded with all sorts of fake facts. This article presents events associated with contact with extraterrestrial civilizations that are recognized as real and genuine.

United States, 1964, "The Socorro Men"

The events took place on April 24, 1964, when police officer Lonnie Zamora from Socorro noticed a speeding car and then decided to catch up with the criminal. He almost caught up with the intruder, but then he heard a strange roar, similar to the sounds of a jet engine. The policeman stopped, got out of the car and looked at the sky, in which he saw an object emitting a bluish-orange flame, rapidly losing altitude. The setting sun allowed the police to see the aircraft in more detail.

The policeman decided to follow the UFO, which was flying towards the nearby hills. Getting out to them was problematic, since the road there was bumpy. By the time Lonnie reached his target, the roar mentioned earlier had ceased. Fortunately, Zamora managed to notice the object that was making such strange sounds. It landed between the hills and was a shiny egg-shaped device made of white metal. Zamora clearly saw the mark on the side of the UFO, which he later drew. Then he realized that he was not alone near the object:

Two short figures, vaguely reminiscent of a man, were moving next to the UFO. They were most likely examining damage to the hull, since their aircraft landed unsuccessfully. One alien creature turned its head towards the car, after which it gave a sign to the others, and they, in turn, quickly climbed back into the device and started the engines. A loud roar was heard again, after which the device quickly took off and disappeared.

Zamora ran to his car and called the patrol department, ordering his partner, who answered the phone, to look out the window. He asks what he should see there. The policeman began to indistinctly describe what happened to him. Unfortunately, his partner ignored this story and did not notice anything suspicious in the sky.

An interesting factor was that at the UFO landing site there were clear traces of 4 supports, as well as traces of the crew members. In addition to Zamora, the NOL was observed by 3 more people at that time - residents of the outskirts of Socorro, who were also attracted by the strange noise.

Zamora officially reported what had happened, passed all sobriety and sanity tests, and drew up a detailed drawing of the UFO and the sign he saw on board. At first everything went well, the authorities believed him and began to investigate the incident. But soon Zamora was asked to change his testimony in favor of the fact that he had not seen any UFO. Subsequently, this person was fired, declared insane.

Iran, 1976, UFO interception over Tehran

On the evening of September 18, residents of Tehran called the local airport with a request to find out what kind of object was moving slowly over the city. The call was received by airport worker Hussein Peruzi, who then stated:

After the call, I went outside to find out what was so strange flying in the sky. I saw a rectangular unidentified object, the length of which was 7 or 8 meters. Looking at it more closely, I can tell that its shape was cylindrical. The width of the aircraft is approximately 2 meters. A multi-colored fire burned around the middle part of the bottom of the apparatus.

Perusi immediately called the Air Force duty officer after what he saw, and he informed his superiors. The Air Force general, taking the news lightly, went out onto the balcony and, to his surprise, also witnessed a UFO. He ordered the F4 fighter to take off. When the plane approached the object at a distance of 25 miles, all communication and control systems suddenly failed. The pilot, frightened by what was happening, decided to turn around and return. After it flew away from the object at a certain distance, all systems started working again. Perhaps the UFO crew intentionally turned off the fighter's equipment because they considered it dangerous.

After 10 minutes, Air Force personnel decided to re-approach the object. This time the fighter was flown by the squadron commander, Lieutenant P. Jafari. The next morning, all media outlets wrote about this event on the front pages of their publications.

P. Jafari reported after landing:

I flew up to the object at a safe distance, but close enough to examine it fully. It was difficult to determine its size, since the bright lights with which it sparkled from all sides were in the way. At a certain point, smaller flying vehicles separated from the UFO. As they approached me, my fighter’s weapons stopped functioning, and the control systems and communications failed. The UFO, which was one of those that separated from the main one, pursued me as I returned to earth. One of the objects landed not far from me, emitting such a bright light that it was able to illuminate the entire nearby area.

After the incident, the Iranian government asked for help not only from the United States, but also from the Soviet Union. In a telegram addressed to the Chairman of the Council. Ministers, it was said that after landing from the UFO, two tall creatures came out, speaking in an unclear and unintelligible language. They stood peacefully for a couple of minutes near their ship, after which they boarded it and disappeared. This is exactly what P. Jafari said.

United States, 1980, Flying Terror

On December 29, a small restaurant owner named Betty Cash, her employee and her seven-year-old grandson were driving along a highway near the small town of Huffman. Suddenly they saw a bright light above the treetops, and then noticed a UFO rapidly flying towards them, surrounded by helicopters. Betty tried to break away from the object by exceeding the speed, but she did not succeed, since it was moving faster. The woman had to stop the car, after which the UFO hovered in front of her, spewing bright flames from its bottom.

The shape of the UFO resembled two cones connected at the tops. Periodically, pillars of fire erupted from the lower part of the object. Betty and her employee got out of the car to take a closer look at such a strange phenomenon. They had not stood on the street for more than a couple of minutes when they felt intense heat emanating from the flame that the object was shooting. Employee Betty immediately returned to the car, and she continued to look at the UFO, not looking away and not paying attention to the heat.

When the object flew off to the side and then disappeared into the sky, Betty approached the car, but was not immediately able to open the door handle, as it was incredibly hot. After she returned home, she noticed the color of her skin, which was burgundy, like that of a sunburned person.

The next morning Betty became very ill. Her face and neck were swollen, blisters appeared on her eyelids, and her general health was disgusting. The woman’s companions, who were in the car most of the time, experienced almost the same thing, but in a less severe form.

Betty almost immediately turned to doctors, who could not determine what caused her such severe burns, reminiscent of chemical or radiation. Some time later the woman died. Her employee, who survived with her grandson, partially lost her hair, developed various types of chronic diseases and developed restrictions that prevented her from continuing normal life activities. They filed complaints with the US government. Representatives of various organizations refused to consider the case, since the UFO was not a US-owned device, and therefore they had nothing to answer for.

The flight on the alien saucer was carried out by me with a strong mind and sober memory. I declare with all seriousness that I was not under the influence of narcotic or other psychotropic drugs.

The story of an eyewitness and participant in a UFO encounter


I don’t understand, especially after my meeting (contact with aliens), why everyone is making up all sorts of fables. Yes - I had contact with them, and in a very hospitable environment, albeit in the forest...

One day, while going to bed in my hut, I noticed that one of the dogs was missing. I took my rifle and went to comb the immediate surroundings. Screaming and swearing, I gradually wandered into a forest clearing. A fire was lit in the clearing and people were sitting around it.

I walked up and said hello and asked about the dog. They pointed to Jack, who was lying near the feet of one of them and gnawing on some callus. I shouted at him, but they stood up for him and Jack waved his tail at me in a friendly manner.

Gatherings and conversations

I was invited to the fire and given a mug of hot tea. I sat down and took a sip of tea and began asking them about their lives. What I liked about them is that they didn’t beat around the bush, but honestly admitted everything...

The eldest of them, who was sitting closest to me, patted me on the shoulder in a friendly manner and said:

Just don’t faint and don’t get scared, but we are from another planet, even a system...

I laughed and said that I was from the moon. They became interested and began to ask me where exactly, on the Moon, do I live? I said it was on the east side and quickly changed the subject.

What are you flying on, guys? - I asked. They answered and named some word (I didn’t remember, sorry). I asked to see the device. The elder told one of the young men to accompany me...

Getting up, I went with the young man and, just in case, prepared to fire with a doublet. In addition, just in case, rather out of habit, I carried a slingshot with me. Walking through the forest, I began to ask the young man about their appearance.

What do you think we should look like? - he grinned. I described our films about aliens to them, to which he laughed hard and asked - Why are they really portraying us like that?

I said that I could even show him a movie (I took a tablet with me into the forest and had movies downloaded on it, including science fiction and about aliens).

Lie or truth - shock!

I didn’t believe it until the very end, but when we entered another clearing, we saw a pile of spruce branches. The young man scattered the branches and I saw a UFO with my own eyes! I opened my mouth in amazement and the young man, seeing this, laughed.

He opened the door and we went inside. The interior of the dish was just right - leather interior, chrome surfaces, they even had acoustics from Pioneer!

Flight in the night on a plate

What would you do if you were me? That too!

Listen, let's cut a circle around the Earth? - I asked pleadingly. - I would be glad, but we only have fuel for the return trip, and you have expensive fuel here, it’s cheaper on Mars. - he answered.

Listen, let's fly to Mars and refuel? The young man doubted and then smiled and waved his hand - Come on! Was not! You only live once!

I decided to be insolent to the end! - Will you let me steer? He looked at me appraisingly and asked:

Do you have any rights? If you understand correctly, then they will check your DNA and punish you! I silently took out and showed my license to the tractor.

“He’ll go,” he whispered and pressed the purple button. The plate hummed quietly and we soared into the night sky. I looked out the windshield and was stunned with joy. The ground shimmered with lights below.

Then I felt the young man pat me on the shoulder and whisper in my ear:

Ruli, you wanted it!

I sat down in a soft brown chair that creaked with leather and grabbed two chrome levers. He started to explain to me how to control it, but I waved it off:

Like on a tractor, what’s unclear here. Then I pressed the pedal to the floor with all my might, and we rushed to Mars. On Mars, he did not allow me to go out and, taking my wallet, ran away and paid for three thousand liters of fuel.

Return to Mother Earth

Having landed and disguised the flying saucer, we quickly returned to the fire. After sitting a little longer, I whistled for Jack and we went to the hut.

In the morning I woke up and went to that place. From their stay there were only traces of a fire and nothing more.

I hunted a little more and, with a basket full of mushrooms, returned home. I didn’t tell anyone about this until I again met one of them (the very young one) on duty.

Unexpected meeting

I was working on a shift as an oil worker, and one day I saw among the shift workers a familiar face in the smoking room. We waited until everyone left and started talking.

“What a fate, my friend,” I said, shaking his hand! He also shook my hand and answered: “You can live!” After talking, he told me that when we flew to Mars, I dropped my license there (I had been looking for them for so long and, by the way, it was because of them that I had to take this shift).

He took out his license and gave it to me. I was delighted and asked what happened next. He replied that the elder found out that we were going to Mars and wrote a complaint against him. So he was exiled to Earth (moreover, his rights had to be returned).

I sympathize, tramp - I encouraged him. He said that this was his last watch on Earth, and he was being restored to his previous service. We talked some more and remembered our flight on the alien saucer and parted ways. I ran to the boss and wrote a letter of resignation...

Contact with an unidentified flying object can be disastrous. On April 23, 1976, dozens of residents of the Brazilian municipality of Quixada noticed a mysterious object in the night sky. It was a huge disk that flew silently across the sky, emitting a bright light. It was also seen by participants in night maneuvers at the training ground of the Tiro de Guerra military base.

Fatal meeting

Luis Barroso Fernandez's farm was located a few kilometers from Quixada. Louis lived in the city, twenty kilometers from the farm, but from time to time he came to inspect his property and give tasks to the workers. Instead of a car, Louis preferred to ride a two-wheeled carriage. The mule, which knew the road well, took its owner to the farm and home.

Luis Barroso Fernandez, suffering from an unknown disease, at a meeting with a ufologist

On the day in question, Louis drove back around two in the morning. Suddenly he heard a sound similar to the buzzing of a swarm of bees, coming from somewhere above. The farmer looked up and was stunned: a huge disk was hanging right above his head.

The frightened mule shied away. A bright beam of light struck from the disk, paralyzing the animal and its rider. The object landed on the road 30 meters from the cart.

The glow emanating from the disk began to weaken, and I saw in front of me something resembling a huge tractor wheel or an aluminum-colored turtle shell,” Luis told ufologist Reginaldo Atayde. - A small door opened in it, and two creatures came out. They looked like ordinary people, but smaller and wearing strange clothes. In their hands they held something similar to flashlights. One of them shone a light in my face and I lost consciousness.

When Louis woke up, he was still sitting in the carriage, but the landscape around him was different. Now the farmer was only three kilometers from Kishada. Perhaps the mule continued to follow its usual route. Or maybe the UFO itself carried the cart. The unfortunate rider was shaking, he felt dizzy and nauseous.

Louis's eyes burned as if pepper had been poured into them, and his head was pounding with pain. The left side of his body turned red, his arms could barely move. Fortunately, another belated traveler appeared on the road - shepherd Joao Francisco. It was he who helped Louis get home.

Mysterious disease

Once at home, Louis asked his wife to call a doctor. Antonio Moreira Magalhaes, one of the best doctors, could not make a diagnosis. Meanwhile, Louis was getting worse. The body began to swell, the eyes bulged like a frog's. The mule did not touch food for several days and shied away from any sounds.

Dr. Magalhaes did not believe Luis’ story about meeting aliens, but soon 23-year-old student Francisca Rosette da Silva was admitted to the hospital. Together with her 12-year-old brother Antonio Leido da Silva, she walked in the forest in the morning, after the events described. Suddenly, a beam of light came from behind the trees, aiming straight at the girl’s face. A few moments later the beam went out, and the girl felt so weak that, leaning on Antonio’s shoulder, she barely made it home and fell unconscious there.

Francisca's symptoms were the same as Louis's, but in a milder form. She soon made a full recovery. Meanwhile, Louis was fading away before our eyes. The 53-year-old man turned gray in a couple of days and almost lost his memory. When Magalhaes visited the patient again, Luis did not recognize the doctor. Doctors decided to send Louis to the state capital to undergo further examination. In the accompanying sheet, Antonio Magalhaes wrote: “The patient experienced a close contact with a UFO.” Louis was examined by 17 doctors, but no one could explain the strange symptoms. Two weeks later, Luis was returned to Quishada, with parting advice to get plenty of rest.


Louis did not recognize his relatives and friends, and forgot how to read and write. There are three words left in his vocabulary, like those of a one-year-old baby: “mom,” “give,” and “scary.” He uttered the last word when the flash of the camera in the hand of a capital reporter went off. Dr. Magalhaes had no doubt that his patient had suffered terrible light-related trauma. Soon he stopped moving. “This is something incredible,” said Dr. Magalhaes. “It’s not just the brain that has returned to its infant state. Changes have also occurred in the skin.

She became thin, smooth and without a single wrinkle, like a young man. Although Louis lies in bed without moving, his muscles are in good shape. He is in excellent health, except for his failing head. We took his encephalogram, but there is no pathology on it. He does not have paralysis, sclerosis or a stroke. If you change the position of his limbs, Louis will slowly return them back. This means that he is able to move, but does not make any movements due to problems in the brain. Louis lay motionless for 17 years. He died in 1993 - apparently simply from old age. The farm and store in Quixa de were inherited by one of Luis Francisco Leonardo Barroso's sons. - Father, while he could still speak, kept repeating: “I had to hide from them in the forest.

They wouldn’t have found me under the roots of the tree,” he said. - I believe him, because I myself saw a UFO when I was riding a motorcycle along the same road. The object emitted a very bright light. I had to slow down and turn around so that the light wouldn't blind me. Ufologist Reginaldo Atayde learned of Luis' death too late. He insisted on exhuming the body, but Francisco did not agree to disturb his father’s ashes for the sake of the curiosity of the capital’s researchers.

Eternal paralysis

Another Brazilian was a little luckier. Jose Dos Santos retained his sanity, but an encounter with a UFO left him confined to a wheelchair. Jose, 22, lived on a farm near the coastal town of Carnaubinha. He was the only son of a widowed mother and took on all the housework. Dos Santos never went to school - there was no time for that. The young man taught himself to read and write. On a warm May evening, Jose went to church for service. Deciding to take a shortcut, the guy crossed the field and was about to climb over the low fence. “I was almost on the other side when a beam of yellow-green light hit my neck,” Jose told ufologist Jose Alencar. “The beam came from an object hanging about ten meters above the ground.

It was about two meters in diameter. A hole was visible in the bottom of the UFO, and lights were burning on the body, but I did not have time to count them. I fell and tried to crawl into the bushes, but I couldn’t move. Five seconds later, the object flew towards the ocean. Dos Santos lay near the fence for three days. No one was looking for him: his mother had gone to the state capital for several days, and the neighbors thought that her son had gone with her. Jose lay in the mud, devoured by mosquitoes, but could not drive away the bloodsuckers. Then flies appeared, attracted by the smell - the intestines, and the unfortunate man's bladder also got out of control.

He was lucky in only one thing: Jose lay in the shade of the bushes and avoided sunstroke. “I was scared, but I didn’t feel any pain,” Dos Santos recalled. - Only hunger and thirst tormented me. I didn't even sleep at night. Jose was found on the fourth day. Dos Santos thanked his rescuers: he could speak, although with great difficulty. The neighbors took care of the guy until his mother returned, but they didn’t call the doctor - no one had extra money. The doctor was at the guy’s bedside only a few weeks later, when it became clear that Jose was getting worse. As in the case of Louis, medicine soon reached a dead end. Dos Santos was confined to a wheelchair

“I dream of only one thing,” he said eight years later. “I want the aliens to come back and cure me.” There is no one else except them.

Hunting for people

Ufologist Jacques Vallee came to Brazil in 1988 to study cases of UFO aggression. He met with eyewitnesses, interviewed doctors and police officers, and copied dozens of official documents. The conclusions reached by the famous researcher are frightening and puzzling. - UFO rays lead to disorders of the nervous system and in some cases to death. At the same time, luminous rays are not an effective weapon. You can hide from them in the forest or under a cliff.

Sometimes UFOs spent hours trying to “grope” people hiding from them. A sniper with a night vision scope could shoot them down in a matter of minutes, but they remained out of reach of the aliens. Most often, hunters became victims of the rays emitted by UFOs. The subjects followed the tactics used by the hunters themselves when tracking animals. UFOs do not attack to kill or injure people. This task can be accomplished much more efficiently even with primitive weapons.

Their activity should be viewed not as direct hostility, but as the fulfillment of a certain task, and its performers do not care about our feelings and health. This activity can be compared to the work of zoologists shooting wild animals with darts containing sleeping pills. To animals, their actions will seem like aggression, although scientists act with the best intentions, trying to minimize harm. A wrong shot can also be fatal.

Zoologists kill some animals in the interests of science... The aggressiveness of UFOs increases in direct proportion to the distance from cities. Those who walk at night in the countryside without the cover of trees risk being left alone with unknown hunters.

Humanity has always wondered what is beyond the Universe, what secrets it hides. One of the biggest mysteries is the existence of extraterrestrial life. Many are confident that aliens exist, and provide evidence of numerous encounters with them.

Official science has still not recognized the fact of the existence of “flying saucers.” But ufologists have been studying them for a long time, and many enthusiasts are uniting to hunt for them.

Despite its position on this issue, official science has not been able to find convincing explanations for some eyewitness accounts, photographs and video evidence.

One of the most famous confirmations of the existence of UFOs is considered to be the Roswell incident, which occurred June 2, 1947 in New Mexico, USA. As many residents of the state testify, in the evening of that day they saw a certain luminous object in the sky, which was moving at high speed in a southeast direction. The next day, its wreckage was found scattered over a large area.

As ufologists later claimed, it was nothing more than a UFO that crashed near the city. Local farmer William Brazel was one of the first to find the wreckage. According to the farmer, the debris resembled heavy-duty and very flexible foil. In addition, the material returned to its original shape after deformation. He also found beams with strange writing written on them. They resembled hieroglyphs.

90 kilometers from the discovery site, a certain Grady Barnett discovered the main part of the alleged ship, as well as members of its crew. According to Barnett, from a distance they resembled people, but were very small. The height of the aliens did not exceed 140 centimeters. In addition, they were completely devoid of body hair, had huge eyes and a slit where the mouth should have been. There were only four fingers on the “hands”. The skin of the creatures resembled the skin of reptiles and was yellow in color. Their clothes were gray and resembled overalls.

The very next day, the entire area of ​​the crash was cordoned off by the military. They seized all evidence of the crash and sent it to Wright-Patterson Army Base, Ohio, for examination.
The information was immediately classified, and journalists were told that the debris found belonged to an American probe.

Case in the Cascade Mountains

In 1947, an American businessman flew over the Cascade Mountains. At a distance of 25 miles from his plane, he noticed nine flying objects that were maneuvering smoothly one after another among the mountains. According to him, they resembled saucers on water. It was after this description that UFOs received another name - “flying saucers.” Arnold claims that the observed objects were moving at speeds that exceed the speed of sound, which is why he is sure that they could not be airplanes.

They tried to investigate the case, but to no avail. Two weeks later, Kenneth made a second flight to the Cascade Mountains with journalist David Johnson. He was supposed to film the “flying saucers” on camera, but their research ended in failure. Kenneth was no longer able to see the mysterious objects.

Thus, the case was not officially confirmed, but it received wide public attention. Over the next two months, more than 800 people reported that they had witnessed a UFO.

Washington Carousel

This is one of the most widespread cases of UFO sightings that occurred in Washington in 1952. Many residents watched a UFO circling over the city for two weeks. The appearance of "flying saucers" caused panic among the city's population. There are many documents, videos and photographs that confirm their presence. In addition, the event was covered by all American publications. One of the photographs showed a UFO over the White House building.

To reassure residents and answer questions from journalists, the Air Force was forced to hold a press conference. Pentagon leaders were unable to give a precise definition of the objects, but announced that they were made of non-solid material, so there was no point in using fighter jets. In addition, the Pentagon admitted that they are observing hundreds of such objects over other territories.

Hinson-Parnell meeting

At night October 11, 1973 two fishermen from Pascagoula, Mississippi, witnessed a UFO. They were Charles Hickson and Calvin Parner. They claim that they not only saw UFOs, but also came into contact with aliens. According to the description, they looked like humanoids with rough skin and an ovoid head.

The fishermen claim that Hickson was taken onto an alien ship and examined there using an instrument that resembled an unattached eye. The partner remained in place at this time, as he lost consciousness. After 20 minutes, Hickson was returned to earth, and the alien ship quickly flew away. Only a few hours later the fishermen were able to come to their senses and tell the local police sheriff about this event. Thus, the incident became public knowledge. Residents of the state showed particular interest in it, since several other similar cases were registered there. Hickson's testimony is not in doubt because he passed the lie detector test.

UFO over Europe

March 30, 1990 Numerous witnesses observed Belgian fighters attempting to pursue the three-star luminous object. Rapidly descending and rising, he escaped his pursuers three times, and his acceleration reached 150g, which is a fatal threshold not only for a person, but also for the aircraft itself.

Stories about alien visitors are almost as old as humanity itself. And this is not an exaggeration: the first evidence of a UFO encounter dates back to 1440 BC. Every year, in every country in the world, people turn to the authorities with information about what they have seen, touched, and even been abducted by aliens.
Naturally, most of these stories are stupid fiction. However, there is another category, which includes information documented and verified by specialists. How can such evidence be ignored?

Foo Fighters

The popular rock band took the name of this particular frightening phenomenon, documented in November 1944. Small metal balls that seemed to glow red - those same Foo Fighters - were photographed many times by bomber pilots. Mysterious objects were encountered especially often in the Indian Ocean.

Case in the Cascade Mountains

The Cascade Mountains incident occurred on June 24, 1947. Private pilot Kenneth Arnold claimed he saw a line of nine shiny unidentified flying objects flying peacefully past Mount Rainier, Washington. The story could not be ignored by national news: Arnold's description has since become a standard cliché for much of the country.

Green cars

Many ufologists consider the appearance of green fireballs over New Mexico to be the most reliable evidence of the existence of UFOs. Since the late 1940s, the US government has been forced to allocate additional funds for air defense of research and military facilities such as Los Alamos and Sandia National Laboratory - for some reason strange balls appeared there most often.

Gorman fight

The fight between US Air Force pilot George Gorman and a suspected UFO occurred on October 1, 1948. Faced with a mysterious ball, the brave warrior attacked a possible enemy, but he chose to flee. Gorman pursued the UFO for another half hour, then the object rapidly gained altitude and disappeared into the endless sky.

Nick Marian incident

In August 1950, a baseball field hovered over Great Falls during a game. The general manager of the local baseball team, Nick Mariana, managed to capture the event on color film. A few days later, guys from the CIA knocked on the door of the newly minted documentarian and politely asked him to hand over the film for storage. No one ever saw her again.

Lubbock Lights

The incident with unusual lights near the city of Lubbock received national publicity. About a hundred witnesses had photo and video recordings of the phenomenon, which ruled out the possibility of falsification. The history of the Lubbock Lights has been carefully verified by representatives of the US Air Force. The subsequent official statement stated that the incident was identified as a very commonplace and easily explained natural phenomenon. True, the government has not yet provided a more specific answer to the question about the nature of this “banal phenomenon.”

Flatwoods monster

Also known as the Braxton County Monster and the Flatwoods Phantom. An incomprehensible but very scary creature terrorized Flatwood for several days from September 12 to 17, 1952. Most of the witnesses described the “little animal” in the same way: two meters tall, a completely black body and a head shining in the darkness.

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