Restaurateur as a child. Biography of Alexander Timartsev (Restaurateur) and his career

Auto 02.08.2019

Restaurateur - Locomotive of noise
Restaurateur - Nastroenice (feat. Sasha Skul)
Restaurateur - Memory
Restaurateur - In a circle
Restaurateur - Jealousy (x Zorin)
Restaurateur - Chronicles
Restaurateur - I'm going (x MFaTLee)

Restaurateur (Alexander Timartsev) biography

Real name: Alexander Timartsev.
Was born: July 27, 1988 (Age, now: 31)
Profile: Co-owner, host of VERSUS BATTLE, singer.
Car: The last brand he drives is the BMW 7 Series.

Restaurateur, he is Alexander Timartsev - the creator, organizer and host of "Versus Battle", a performer from Murmansk, living in St. Petersburg. Born July 27, 1988. Many are interested in his height, we answer - 195 centimeters! A few words about his personal life: married (the wedding took place in 2013, his wife's name is Evgenia). Has two children: daughter Vika (2013), son Arthur (2015).

In a recent interview with NEVSKIY NOVOSTI, Garry Topor recalled how VERSUS began: “It’s very cool to be at the forefront, then it wasn’t something special. That is, it was some kind of strange and muddy movement. "Invited me to take part in it. He said:" There will be some kind of battle without music with prepared lyrics, where popular artists will collide with each other. I thought it was a strange idea and, they say, who would be interested in this, because "It's not popular with us in Russia. Then I looked at foreign analogues and decided, why not try it? Initially, my opponent was supposed to be a member of the Black Economy group, but in the end, something did not grow together with him.

Then I flew to Serbia and right before the plane I found out that they had found another opponent for me and it would be St1m in my new image of Billy Milligan. At that time, no one knew how to battle and did not know exactly how to do it. None of the audience, in fact, also did not know how to behave.

I wrote the text in Serbia. It took about two weeks to prepare. As soon as the first issue ended, and I came home, I saw that the news was talking about the appearance in St. Petersburg of a new kind of closed rapper battle. Everyone became very interested in what kind of event it was.

On September 1, 2016, it was exactly three years since Petersburg had "Versus Battle", and "Versus Battle" had thousands of fans and millions of views on the YouTube channel.

At first, neither the heroes nor the organizers of the project knew that the idea would turn into a real movement and become so popular, but in 2013 the “pendulum” was swung. Now this is, if not a new direction in the culture of rap music, then certainly a significant part of it. "Leningrad rap club" - that's what they called "Versus Battle" in one of the issues of "Evening Urgant".

"Versus" is a truly St. Petersburg phenomenon, which usually takes place in the bar 1703, which is located near Ligovsky Prospekt. Two participants, three judges, three rounds and no beats or microphones. Everything is as simple as possible if you watch a video while sitting in a cozy home armchair, but is it really so?...

How much does a Restaurateur earn with VERSUS?

We decided to clarify this issue, however, friends! Money loves silence! Satisfying your desire, we can give a few very modest comments of the Restaurateur about money in Versus Battle: “Alas, the accountant of me is worse than the creative. After the “Off-season”, some money remained in the project, but it is completely spinning in it, but I still continue to work five days a week and live on it, and not on rap "I don't see anything shameful in this. In the West, such battle projects only began to bring serious profits over the years. We have everything ahead."

What else can be said about this? In the summer of 2016, a battle took place between Oksimiron and Sasha ST, before everything starts, short interviews are taken from opponents ... So, Oksimiron accidentally mentioned the bets on winning, and this is obviously not accidental, since in addition to CODERED advertising, DroP! , etc., an advertisement for the bookmaker's office LEON appeared! Little information: LEON bookmaker is a brand owned by Leon Gaming Limited. One of the main tasks of Leon Gaming Limited is to create an Internet site for accepting bets on sports events with a European level of quality, not only for players from Western Europe, but also for the Russian-speaking audience. Having carefully studied the site, where there are a lot of transitions to other parental resources, we came to the conclusion that it is possible to place bets on Versus himself. We don’t know if our answer to the question “How much Versus earns” satisfied you, friend, but you got something... We'll keep you posted. In general, being interested in other people's money is bad! Watch and enjoy! We continue!

In February of this year, the Restaurateur released a full-fledged release "Five Bottles of Vodka", consisting of 6 tracks, describing it as an album with a very "specific" sound.

September 2, 2016 The restaurateur presented his new job called "I'm Going", which was made in collaboration with MFaTLee. The track came out quite aggressive and with an interesting chorus, so it's definitely worth a listen.

On September 9, a joint release with Lyokha Med took place, a track called "COPY". Very soon, a bright participant in the Fresh Blood league of the Versus battle, Lyokha Med, will celebrate his 26th birthday and, apparently, on the eve of a personal holiday, the performer decided to unload a little, uploading a rather large amount of material to the network. Just the other day, another video from the “Pick-ups” series was released, followed by a pilot release of a new show in the next few hours. Between the two videos, the performer decided to present a track called “Copy”, which was recorded together with the Restaurateur, and which could have been released six months ago, and this is what was said: "Ayo, Kentukhi, I would like to say a few words: This track is a kind of starting point for me, so I would like to tell a little about the way it was created. A year ago, namely on September 6, 2015, an offline selection for the second season of fresh From that moment on, the stage of trial, error and accumulation of experience began, looking back I see a lot of mistakes in my performances, but still without them I would not have become who I am now. I don’t remember exactly on which one, I suggested to the Restaurateur to record the fit, he agreed. for a long time could not prescribe a cap. Probably more than six months passed, and a couple of weeks ago Sasha called me and said that he would prescribe caps the other day, which happened. You know, I'm really glad that things turned out the way they did. Due to the irrelevance at the current creative stage of the material that I wrote six months ago, I decided to rewrite the verse and chorus from scratch. I wrote, then prescribed caps and mixed this composition.

Willy-nilly, people judge their lives by time periods, on Sunday there will be an official reference point, I will turn 26. Time goes by, there is little behind it, but no more ahead. It is precisely because of the coincidence of the release with this starting point that I manage to draw a similar parallel, about what has been accomplished. I repeat once again that this release was a wonderful gift for my birthday, because listening to the verse from it and the verse that was recorded for this minus six months ago, I hear the difference, I hear significant improvements, I hear the way. The path I have traveled during this time and I am satisfied with this path. There were many mistakes, a lot of laziness, but also a lot of experience. Per last year creativity began its journey along several vectors. Over the past year, you, Kentukhs, have appeared who are actively following the development of my omnidirectional creativity, and this is certainly pleasant.

Respects to Sasha, his work has been inspiring me since the moment I heard it, I am sincerely glad that our fit took place and took place right now, and not six months ago. Respect to the dude who made a minus for this fit. Double Respect to all Kentucks who are waiting, reacting and picketing."

On September 27, the host, one of the main founders and the face of the VERSUS project, the Restaurateur, presented his new work called Wing Chun, which was made in collaboration with MFaTLee. Production was handled by Loqiemean and the original cover art was done by waise art.

Restaurateur in 2017

New car of the Restaurateur!

In early March, host and co-owner Versus battle gives an interview to Yuri Dudyu, in particular, he spoke about Oksimiron, censorship and the bubble - the latter was most interested in the interviewer, and here's the most important thing - Sasha slept told about his new car. As it became known, this is a BMW 7-series, a "space car" worth more than 4,000,000. rubles. For the first time everyone saw this car at VERSUS BPM: DZHARAHOV vs LARIN. It was done very effectively, a new snow-white "seven" with Versus numbers rolls up to the bar and Timartsev comes out of it.

In 2013, a battle platform was founded, which initially differed little from similar Internet shows. Founder - Alexander Timartsev. The name of the rap artist and host of Versus Battle became widely known in 2017. In terms of the number of views, the fight, which took place in August, broke the world record in the history of battles.

Childhood and youth

There are many white spots in Timartsev's biography, which gives rise to myths. Murmansk is called the hometown of the rap artist, while the Restaurateur was born in northern capital. According to Timartsev, he studied poorly. After graduating from high school, he entered a technical school. In 2008, Alexander was drafted into the army.

Restaurateur in the army

The pseudonym of the famous figure in the Russian rap battle is Restaurateur. Alexander is often asked about the origin of the nickname. Doesn't give clear answers. It is possible that Timartsev worked in the bar "1703" - an institution where battles are held today. However, the Restaurateur himself did not confirm this version. Once he uttered a meaningful phrase:

“I know everything about this kitchen.”

The enigmatic remark, as usual, was flavored with foul language.


Timartsev served in Murmansk. This is probably where the nickname “Team 5-1” comes from. The numbers are the number of the region of the region where the military service. The tracks that Timartsev recorded under this nickname: “Black and White”, “Past”, “It Doesn't Matter”, “Make a Choice”, “White Stripes”.

In childhood and youth, Alexander listened to foreign music. Now he prefers Russian, because he does not speak well English language and does not understand the meaning of the songs. Today, the main thing for the Restaurateur is rhymes and content.

Returning to St. Petersburg, Timartsev made acquaintance with several performers, entered the rapper party. Once I got into a freestyle battle. It was a project called Huyaks. Timartsev took part. The first duel inspired further writing of lyrics for rap battles. Timartsev would later say of this experience:

“It was cool there. I drank a lot there. There is cheap alcohol.

Alexander decided in a creative direction, however, participation in verbal battles did not bring money. I had to get a job in a digital technology store. First he worked as a salesman. By the time Versus Battle appeared, he was the director.

Another version of the origin of the pseudonym: when choosing a place for the next verbal duel, Timartsev suggested an inconspicuous, little-visited bar. Like-minded people endowed Timartsev, not without irony, with the nickname "Restaurateur". And he later glorified the institution, located on Ligovsky Prospekt. Today in "1703" the hall is full both during the day and in the evening.

Having become famous thanks to the Internet show, the rap artist recorded an album. But this, according to Timartsev, is not a serious hobby. Alexander considers the recorded tracks specific and does not recommend listening. The album, released in 2016, is called "5 Bottles of Vodka".

This name did not come about by chance. The author once said: good thoughts come in a state of intoxication. Alcohol and its influence on the state of mind is the main theme of Timartsev's albums. In addition, Alexander is a fan of Oksana Baskova's work. The title of the album is an allusion to one of the director's films.

The restaurateur emphasizes that when creating the tracks, he did not seek to demonstrate rhythm or technique. There is neither the first nor the second in his work. Tracks Timartsev recorded for himself, listens mostly in a state of intoxication. The reluctance to promote the album is confirmed by the page in "Instagram" where there are no advertisements. Only photos with friends, battle participants and musicians.

Information about the album appeared on VK back in January 2016. However, Timartsev asked subscribers not to repost. Few complied with the request. In battles, Timartsev prefers beer to vodka. The verbal skirmish of rappers is followed with the same plastic glass in his hands.

Alexander has not changed his hair since army times. His image is strict and impressive (height 195 cm). AT drunkenness Timartsev can be different: both cheerful and aggressive. A lot of views were collected by the video of the defeat of "1703", in which the Restaurateur was directly involved. However, this is an isolated case. During the interview, Timartsev creates the impression of an open and direct person.

Versus Battle comes out twice a week. Timartsev can be safely called the "shark of YouTube." By the end of 2017, more than 3 million people subscribed to the channel. When choosing a name for the battle site, another name was also considered - "Opposite". Initially, Alexander invited exclusively famous performers. Later, the format of the Internet show changed. Novice rappers also got the opportunity to participate in verbal duels.

In 2017, a video was released with the participation of and. In just one day, the video was watched by 9 million users. Since then, the question of earnings has become a frequent question for the Restaurateur. Ilya Stogov asked Alexander during an interview:

"Did you manage to earn a million on the popular battle?".

Alexander answered positively. Speaking about the monetization of the channel, he said with a smile:

"Laveshka is upset."

In 2016, TV people called the Restaurateur with a proposal for cooperation. The conversation led nowhere. Timartsev later stated that the Versus Battle project and television are incompatible. During verbal fights, rappers use obscene language. The Restaurateur himself starts the battle with a signature phrase, which only once he had to replace with “Let's make some noise, damn it!”. If the participants speak exclusively in the literary language, the battle site will lose its specificity.

Personal life

Timartsev is married. There are two children in the family.

To the question of how his wife reacts to the activities of the organizer of the battles, Alexander answered with his characteristic spontaneity:

“I bought myself a BMW 7 and gave her my car. So he reacts well."

Alexander Timartsev now

The presence of swearing in the texts of the participants in the battles does not mean the complete absence of censorship. Timartsev does not accept disputes on political topics and nationalist sentiments. Restaurateur's statement:

"Versus is not intended to offend anyone."

Timartsev's popularity is growing. TV people are interviewing. In 2017, the Restaurateur visited the Evening Urgant program.

He performed in his usual role - the role of the host. The verbal duel took place between and. In an interview, the Restaurateur called rap battle a new form of poetry. The texts of the Versus participants, Alexander believes, will be included in the school curriculum in 20-30 years.


  • 2012 - "Huyaks" (participation)
  • 2013 - Versus Battle (foundation)
  • 2016 - "5 bottles of vodka"
Alexander Timartsev, better known as the Restaurateur, is the creator of Versus, the most popular rap battle platform in Russia, as well as its offshoots: Versus BPM, Versus Fresh Blood and Versus x SLOVOSPB.

Childhood and youth

Alexander was born and raised in Murmansk, which is confirmed by the number 51 (region number), which is a kind of talisman for him. She can often be seen on Timartsev's T-shirts, his first tracks were also released under the pseudonym Tim 51.

As a child, Sasha was not distinguished by exemplary behavior and good academic performance, often got into fights and caused a lot of trouble to parents and teachers. As a teenager, he became interested in rap music and, like many of his peers, admired the work of Western artists.

After graduating from eight classes, Timartsev entered the local trade and economic college, where he mastered the specialty of a catering technologist. In 2009, he joined the army, served in the medical special forces, whose task was to quickly deploy field hospitals in conditions close to combat.

After demobilization, Alexander moved to St. Petersburg, where he met the rapper Jubilee and thanks to him he got into the St. Petersburg rap party. Soon he began to participate in freestyle fights, which were arranged as part of the Huyaksy impromptu rap battle. Timartsev offered to arrange one of these fights in the restaurant where he worked then. From that moment on, the pseudonym "Restaurateur" was firmly entrenched in him, under which he is now known to millions of viewers of versus battles.


The idea of ​​​​organizing a professional rap battle in Russia came to Alexander's mind when he saw on the Web a duel between Blizzard and Mark Grist, ("student against teacher") from the English battle site "Don" t Flop ".

He began to study foreign experience in holding such competitions, and two years later, thanks to his acquaintance with clip makers from Cuts & Scratches, he managed to realize his plan. At first, they wanted to call the project "Suprotiv", in the Slavic manner, but nevertheless they decided to stop at the English language "Versus", which literally translates as "against".

Restaurateur before he became famous

The difference between the new brainchild and the usual battle was that the participants had to prepare their performances in advance, which made the duel even more spectacular and hot. Everything happens live, without cuts and glues, it is recorded on camera, and then laid out on YouTube. When creating Versus, all roles and responsibilities were strictly delineated: the Restaurateur was engaged in the selection of participants and organizational issues, and the guys from Cuts & Scratches were responsible for high-quality shooting and placement on the channel.

It is now that there is no end to those who want to compete in the battle, and then the most difficult thing was to convince the well-known benchmarks of the success of the new enterprise. But the first match between Harry Ax and Billy Milligan clearly demonstrated that the project has a great future ahead of it. It took place on September 1, 2013 - this date is considered the official birthday of Versus. The bar "1703" was assigned as the main venue for the event.

The absolute star of Versus was the invincible Oxxxymiron, all of whose performances caused a strong reaction on the Web (rapper Slava KPSS became the first to defeat him).

By 2016, the Versus channel had surpassed the millionth bar of subscribers and began to bring considerable profits to its creators. The starting point of large-scale success is considered by many to be the famous battle, in which not rappers met, but bloggers Yuri Khovansky and Dmitry Larin. The video of their performance has garnered over 24 million views. Even the organizers of the largest American battles were impressed with the number of views that other popular releases of Versus subsequently collected.

All this allowed the Restaurateur to quit the electronics store, where he sold Cell phones, and the latest BMW model settled in his garage (it “lit up” in the Versus issue “Eldar Dzharakhov VS Dmitry Larin”). He became a frequent guest on television: in 2016 he appeared in the evening program of Ivan Urgant, and in 2017 he gave a detailed interview to Yuri Dudyu.

Restaurateur at Evening Urgant

Now, in addition to the "original" Versus, there are two spin-offs: Versus: Fresh Blood, where novice rap artists compete (appeared in 2014), and Versus X #SLOVOSPB, where the "residents" of the Restaurateur's project meet with the performers of another battle - Petersburg "Slovo". There is also Versus BPM: if before that the performers rapped in silence, then in this version their recitative is accompanied by beats.

Restaurateur's personal life

In 2013, Alexander married his beloved girl Evgenia, whom he had known since his life in Murmansk. In the same year, their daughter Vika was born, and a couple of years later, baby Arthur.


Real name— Alexander Timartsev

Place of Birth— Leningrad

Family status- Married

Activity- Organizer of the rap battle "Versus"

Restaurateur biography

I think everyone was wondering: “who is a Restaurateur?”

So, the Restaurateur is Alexander Timartsev (according to his passport), the organizer of the most famous rap-battle site on YouTube, called "Versus" (Versus).

The restaurateur is easy to recognize by his tall stature and famous bald head.

Restaurateur to Versus

Since childhood, Sasha has been connected, one way or another, with rap culture, it all started with listening to cassettes with albums of Western hip-hop artists. The social circle was also made up of lovers or rap figures, so the Restaurateur was at the very beginning of the hip-hop culture in Leningrad.

In 2012, he took part in the then popular freestyle battle "Huyaks", along with Galat, Jubilee and many others on this moment famous battle ms. At the same time, he recorded his tracks, but did not find fame.

Why Restaurateur?

The story began from the time of the "huyaks", the guys were thinking where to hold the next battle, since they did not have a specific site. Sanya offered to hold it in the restaurant where he worked at that time, by the way, the battle was not held, but the nickname remained.

How was the Versus battle created?

In 2013, Restor decided to organize his site, together with videographers Cuts & Scratches, thought for a long time about the name, there were two options: "Support" and "Versus", well, I think you understand which option you chose. In order to shoot the first battle "Harry Ax" vs "Billy Milligan" from beginning to end, Sana had to invest about 200,000 rubles in the project, and since he then worked in an Apple equipment store, this was a significant amount for him. As you can see now, Versus Battle fully paid off the money invested.

Personal life

Alexander Timartsev is married to his wife Evgenia. In 2012, an acquaintance took place, and in 2013 the couple had already tied the legal knot. The restaurateur has two children: son Arthur and daughter Vika.

At the moment, the Versus battle, led by the Restaurateur, is the largest battle platform not only in Russia, but also in the world, although basically, the participants are rappers, people of different incarnations are increasingly starting to resolve issues through the versus battle. Videos with battles gain tens of millions of views, they are commented on by TV stars, great athletes, politicians. Versus made a lot of people stars, or resurrected a career, for example: Oxxxymiron, Rickey F, Lonely Old Woman Hip Hop, Teeraps, Purulent, etc.


Real name: Alexander Timartsev
Date of birth: 07/27/1988

Place of birth: Murmansk

Restaurateur to Versus

Alexander Restaurateur was born in Murmansk. At the age of 8, Sasha's mother decided to move to St. Petersburg with her son. The Restaurateur has been associated with hip-hop since childhood. Then he, like many of his friends, admired the work of Western performers. Thanks to his sociability, Sasha was familiar with almost all St. Petersburg rap parties. But most of the time he spent with Jubilee and his guys. It was thanks to communication with these guys that Sasha visited several battles of HUYAX. The network still has videos with the performances of the Restaurateur at KHUYAKS.

Restaurateur - creator of Versus Battle

In 2013, the Restaurateur meets the guys from Cuts & Scratches with whom they decide to create their own battle project. The guys thought about the name of the battle for a long time. Initially, there were 2 options - "Suprotiv" and "Versus". In the end, the choice fell on the latter option. In order to organize the first battle between Harry Ax vs Billy Milligan, Sasha first had to save up a decent amount of money.

At that time, the Restaurateur was selling iPhones. After the release of the first release of Versus, Sasha realized that battle rap had a chance to become popular in Russia. That is why Sasha continued to invest the accumulated money in the business he had begun. As we now see, the Restaurateur was right. For 3 years of existence, Versus Battle has become the most discussed topic in Russian rap. It was Sasha the Restaurateur who introduced most listeners of Russian rap to battle culture.

Personal life

Few people know, but the Restaurateur is married, and moreover, he has 2 children. Sasha met his wife Evgenia in 2012. The couple played the wedding in 2013, in the same year the first-born of the newlyweds was born - the daughter of Vika. In 2015, the couple had a son, Arthur.

Thanks to Versus, Sasha became very rich. At first, the Restaurateur can’t even imagine that he can earn big money on the project. But now 4 years have passed since the founding of Versus, and what we see is mainstream battle rap, and the Restaurateur is driving around in the latest BMW model.

Creativity of the Restaurateur

The very nickname Restaurateur was attached to Sasha due to the fact that once he offered the guys from HUYAX to hold a battle in the restaurant where the Restaurateur worked at that time. The battle in the restaurant was never held, but the nickname Restaurateur was forever assigned to Sasha.
It should be noted that under this nickname Sasha occasionally releases tracks, and even has a full-fledged album "Five Bottles of Vodka" on his account. The Restaurateur also recorded joint tracks with Vitya Classic and Sasha Skull.
In 2016, Sasha Restaurateur took part in the filming of the release of the program of the First Channel "Evening Urgant".

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