Recipes for making your own horseradish. Peel horseradish root quickly and without tears: useful tips Vegetable appetizer with horseradish

Tourism and rest 05.02.2024
Tourism and rest

Horseradish is a wonderful gift that Mother Nature gave us. The root of this garden plant with a pronounced taste and spicy rich aroma is unusually healing. It is a natural antiseptic, rich in vitamin C and other elements that are so beneficial to our body. The root of the plant has been used in cooking since time immemorial. We will also make our contribution to the general collection of recipes.

How to chop horseradish without crying

When housewives wonder about it, they mean the very seasoning that goes so well with meat and other dishes. Even 30 years ago it was considered obligatory on the festive and everyday table, and our ancestors a couple of centuries ago practically could not do without it at all. For example, pig with horseradish was a real hallmark of Russian national cuisine.

Therefore, how to make horseradish so that it is moderately “vigorous”, with a pleasant sweetish-sour taste, is an urgent task during autumn preparations and canning. After all, seasoning from the root can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time without losing its high nutritional and medicinal qualities. Of course, the main difficulty facing the housewife is how to make horseradish, protecting herself from the pungent aroma of the root during its processing. We cry when we cut onions. And we cry like Princess Nesmeyana when we grind the root in a meat grinder. Therefore, the first trick on how to make horseradish and not cry is to put plastic bags over the neck of the device and the outlet. Naturally, this will make work more difficult, but it will not allow tears to flood the entire world. Or, as an option, you can turn on the fan and open the kitchen window. The second method is also good when the horseradish is grated.

Culinary experts have developed many options for preparing the seasoning. This is both classic - with beet juice, and original - with the addition of various berries and vegetables. But no matter what horseradish is combined with, recipes strongly recommend grinding it as efficiently as possible. And this can be done using the smallest grater, by hand. However, if you have a lot of roots and you have an electric juicer in the house, it will help you out. Grind the horseradish (recipes recommend doing the same) through it, then combining the juice and cake into a total mass. Before processing, rinse the roots thoroughly and scrape off the outer skin. By the way, you can make fresh horseradish all year round. Recipes for any dish with it indicate that the roots of the plant are perfectly preserved in the freezer. And another important point: the seasoning is always diluted only with chilled boiled water. If the recipe calls for vinegar, only fruit - apple or grape - is added to the horseradish.

Beetroot horseradish

To make this tasty and healthy seasoning, you will need: 250 g of the root itself, half a kilogram of beets (not fodder, but table!), fruit vinegar - 50 g (the amount is determined by the sweetness of the beets), water - 200 g, salt - to taste. How to prepare horseradish from the listed products: the recipe instructs that the washed and peeled roots be thoroughly grated. Wash the raw beets, cut off the peel, and chop the vegetable on a grater. Mix both ingredients. Add cold boiled water, vinegar and salt, stir. If the horseradish prepared according to the recipe for the winter seems too strong to you, the amount of beets can be increased. Or, conversely, reduce it to emphasize the spiciness of the seasoning. Transfer the preparations into jars, close with nylon lids and store in the refrigerator.

Horseradish is spicy

There is a wonderful recipe for grating horseradish with other ingredients that will highlight its unique taste. You will need: roots - 300 g, beets - 300 g, garlic - 1 head (approximately 50-60 g), 50 g of fruit vinegar, 200 g of water and about a teaspoon of salt. Horseradish is washed, peeled, passed through a meat grinder or grated. Boil the beets until tender. Peel the skin and chop it too. Peel and mash the garlic in a garlic press or mortar. Place the ingredients in one bowl, add water and vinegar, add salt, and stir. Transfer the finished seasoning to a jar, cover with a plastic lid and store in a cool place.

Horseradish berry

Horseradish turns out wonderful at home if you cook it with currant juice. It not only softens the harshness and acridity of the root, adds a piquant sourness to the seasoning, but also colors the finished product in a bright red color. That is why red currants are suitable for horseradish. You can make it this way: take 500 g of root, peel and chop it. Half a liter of currant juice is added to it. You can squeeze it out of the berries yourself or buy a package of ready-made ones. The juice itself is quite sour. Therefore, you need to add sugar to your snack - from 100 g and further to taste. Although sugar is optional. As you may have noticed, this recipe does not require any water or vinegar. Transfer the finished seasoning into jars, cover with plastic lids and place in a cool place.

Horseradish with fruit

Horseradish root can be prepared in another original way - with plums. Or with cherries, quince - that is, with a fruit and berry additive. The technology is approximately the same in all cases. For every 250 g of root you will need 250 g of fruits or berries, about 100 or more grams of sugar, 100 g of water. Prepare horseradish as usual. Wash the plums, remove the seeds, rub the pulp through a sieve or chop with a blender. If you make horseradish with quince, then cut it into pieces and grate it. Mix the fruit mixture with grated horseradish, pour in water, add sugar. Add a little salt if desired. Place in a glass container, cover with a lid and store in the refrigerator.


Horseradish seasoning is good on its own, without additional components. The taste of the root is best felt in it. Horseradish is prepared as follows. Grind half a kilogram of root. Add 30 g of sugar. Dilute fruit vinegar (50 g) and salt (5 g) in 200 g of water, season with horseradish. If you find it a little harsh and dry, add a little more water to the product, stirring well. The consistency of the product should be puree-like, but not liquid. Keep the seasoning in a glass container. This horseradish retains its natural color, but it can be “colored” by sprinkling it with chopped herbs when serving.

Horseradish "sunny"

Your seasoning will get an elegant, truly festive, golden-orange color if you include carrots in its composition. And the taste will also be special, pleasant, sweetish, with a slight sour aftertaste. Take equal quantities - 250 grams each - of roots and carrots. Wash, peel, grind on a grater or meat grinder. Mix both products in a common bowl, add 100 g of water and 50 g of vinegar. Add salt to taste. This horseradish can be used not only as an appetizer, but also as a preparation for hot sauces or first courses (borscht).

Vegetable appetizer with horseradish

If you haven’t stocked up on adjika for the winter, it doesn’t matter. A great dish will come to the rescue - horseradish with bell pepper. The snack turns out to be moderately spicy, original and very pleasant taste. What you need for cooking: roots - 100 g, red bell pepper - 200 g. And also 50 g of garlic (you can just use a head), a tablespoon of sugar, salt to taste and lemon juice (squeeze from 1 citrus). The technological process of preparation is as follows: grind the peeled horseradish twice through a meat grinder. Do the same with seeded peppers. Crush the garlic with a mortar. Squeeze the lemon for juice. Combine all ingredients, add sugar and salt, mix. Store in jars with lids in the refrigerator. The beauty of this snack is its amazing subtle smell and original taste.

Horseradish in tomato sauce

We are accustomed to using horseradish as a seasoning. However, it is also closed for the winter with tomatoes. This preservation has its fans among gourmets. Surely you will like it too. Product consumption for 1 batch: roots - 1 kg, tomatoes - 4-4.5 kg, bell pepper - 500 g, hot pepper - 1 pod, 100 g salt and 5 heads of garlic. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes and remove the skins. Blanch the peppers, remove the stems and seeds. Peel the horseradish and garlic. Grind all components through a meat grinder. Salt the resulting mass, pour into jars, close and store in the refrigerator. This seasoning can also be added to borscht and sauces.

Horseradish pickled

And finally, a recipe for pickled horseradish. The root is prepared like this. Wash 2 kg of roots and leave in cold water for a day. Then rinse again, peel and chop. Now make the marinade. For the specified amount of horseradish, half a liter of water, 250 g of vinegar (9%), 30 g of salt and sugar are required (a little more is possible). For the marinade, dissolve salt and sugar in hot water, let the mixture boil, pour in vinegar. Season the horseradish with hot pouring, mix well, transfer to jars, sterilize for 20 minutes, and roll up.

Thrills add spice to everyday life. And if this statement is applied to gastronomy, then horseradish as a seasoning or snack can give food a completely unique flavor. To prepare it, it is necessary to take into account a number of nuances related to peeling. And ways to wash your hands after contact with such a fragrant plant will also not be superfluous in the arsenal of household life hacks.

Do I need to peel horseradish root?

Horseradish contains a valuable set of vitamins and minerals, is used for inflammation of the joints, urolithiasis, in cosmetology to remove age spots, freckles and tan marks, and also stimulates appetite and helps improve digestion.

Due to its healing properties, horseradish was highly valued in Rus'. Peter I even issued a decree according to which every house had to have several bottles of bad vodka.

Both the leaves and rhizomes of the plant are eaten. But if the former find their use mainly only in preservation, then the latter are also the basis for unique sauces for meat, fish and jellied dishes. In this case, the skin is cut off, as it is too tough. The only exceptions are thin young roots - the peel on them is still quite soft, and it is not necessary to remove it.

Horseradish seasoning has only one parameter that is significantly inferior to mayonnaise, mustard or ketchup - a limited shelf life, which is only 14–15 hours.

Horseradish-based seasonings are an integral part of Russian cuisine

How to properly and quickly peel the root

Since horseradish produces substances that cause watery eyes, it is important to minimize the discomfort associated with this. The only way to do this is to take into account all the intricacies of the preparation and the peeling process itself.

Ideal for harvesting are horseradish roots about 30–50 cm long and approximately 3–6 cm in diameter, dug up in September.

Horseradish dug up in September is considered the most evil.

To work you will need any of the following tools:

  • a sharp knife (it cuts the skin thinly);

    To peel horseradish roots you need a sharp knife

  • device for peeling vegetables;

    You can remove the skin from the horseradish roots using a vegetable peeler, which is usually used to peel carrots or potatoes.

  • steel wool (for scraping the skin on young horseradish).

    You can quickly clean young horseradish roots of dirt with an iron sponge.

Preparing for work

This stage includes only two steps:

  1. Place fresh horseradish in cold water for 5–6 hours, and if the vegetable has already been sitting, then soak it in water for 3–7 days. Such procedures will give the skin elasticity and help better remove dirt.
  2. Put the horseradish in the freezer for 1.5–2 hours: this will peel off the skin faster.

Removing the peel

There are several ways to quickly and easily remove the skin from the root.

Peeling horseradish with a knife


  1. Soak the vegetable in water, wash it well and cut off the root tendrils and hard-to-reach dirty spots.
  2. Wet the horseradish with a napkin.
  3. Use a knife to cut off thin strips of peel.

To peel horseradish, the knife must be sharp.

The advantages of this method are speed and accuracy (no peelings fly around), but the disadvantage is that the root itself is cut off along with the skin.

Using a vegetable peeler


  1. Wash the roots well.
  2. Lightly wet them with a napkin.
  3. Scrape the skin off the horseradish with a vegetable peeler.

Using a vegetable peeler, removing the skin from horseradish is not difficult.

The advantage of this method is that it reduces the volume of waste, but the disadvantage is that it is not always possible to control the direction of flight of the skins. In addition, lovers of preparations with horseradish claim that using a knife still cleans the roots a little faster.

Video: two ways to peel horseradish

Original approach

If the young roots are approximately the same size, this method will work:

  1. Wash the vegetable well.
  2. Using a sharp knife, cut off the tendrils, flaccid ends and other unnecessary parts of the stems.
  3. Brush off any remaining dirt with a toothbrush and rinse again with water.

Before peeling the horseradish root, the flaccid edges need to be cut off.

A Karcher mini-wash will help you solve the problem even faster. If you have such a device, use it to quickly remove the peel, after placing the washed horseradish roots in a fine-mesh mesh.

Video: cleaning horseradish using a Karcher device

How to wash your hands after processing horseradish

Having cleaned the roots, we are faced with another problem - dirty hands. It's quite easy to deal with:

Video: how to clean soil-stained hands

To prepare any dish, it is not enough to choose the ingredients; you need to wash and clean them properly. Especially when it comes to vegetable preparations. The tips described above will help you quickly and easily remove the skin from horseradish.

Horseradish is a useful plant that is widely used in cooking. The leaves are used in preserves, and the root is used in preparing all kinds of dishes and sauces. You can also buy ready-made paste in the store, but it is known that the plant, when crushed, loses most of its beneficial properties within 14–15 hours. For this reason, it is more rational to prepare the mass yourself and eat it as quickly as possible. The root needs to be grated before cooking, but this is where the main problem lies. Is it possible to do this at home without tears?

Why is it so difficult to grate horseradish root?

It is much more difficult to grate horseradish without tears than onions. Irritated red eyes, salty streams running down my face, and even a swirl in my nose. Such unpleasant side effects can discourage any desire to independently prepare dishes from this useful plant. The fact is that it contains essential oils, which, when the root is crushed, quickly enter the air, making it burning and irritating to the mucous membranes. This is why it is so difficult to grate it by hand, especially in large quantities. In addition, the roots must be washed from dirt and cleaned.

Peeling horseradish is much easier than grating it, if only for the reason that less burning substances are released. To make cleaning easier, it is advisable to pre-soak the roots in cold water for 5-6 hours. It is best to wash under the tap using a brush or kitchen sponge. Remove the peel using a sharp knife, vegetable peeler or steel wool.

Turning horseradish root into fine shavings is not an easy task.

To learn more about methods for cleaning horseradish, follow the link:

Grinding tools and optimal working conditions

To prevent this process from turning into a real test of endurance, we recommend doing this in the fresh air. On the street, the smell of essential oils evaporates faster, so there is less discomfort. If you decide to shred at home, then at least open a window or turn on the hood at full power.

The following tools and devices are suitable for grinding:

  • sharp knife;
  • fine grater;
  • meat grinder;
  • blender;
  • food processor;
  • juicer.

Grating horseradish is the most difficult thing to do. Here the risk of injury and discomfort arise to a greater extent. It is better to use a grater if you need to grate a small root, or when there are no other utensils.

You need to grate it on the finest grater, the one on which onions are usually grated. Then it will be in a pulp state and suitable for preparing hot paste-like sauces.

You can approach the process with humor and wear swimming goggles, which will protect your eyes from burning

It is much easier to twist the root in a meat grinder, but it will not be possible to achieve a porridge-like consistency. Pre-peeled root vegetables are cut into small portions. The ideal option is a blender or food processor. The machine will do everything for you efficiently and, importantly, quickly and without tears.

Grinding methods at home, their pros and cons

Inventive cooks come up with everything they can to minimize the discomfort when grinding this sharp, burning root. They put on a diving mask, goggles, and even a gas mask. The whole process of grinding horseradish turns into a comedy performance to the delight of those present in the house. But there are less fun ways to turn the stinging root into pulp without tears or sobs. Let's look at each of them.

Grating with a food bag

This is probably one of the oldest methods. Modern housewives practically don’t use it anymore due to its labor-intensive and time-consuming nature compared to other methods. If you don’t have any suitable tools in the kitchen other than a grater, then you will also need a regular food bag for storing food. Of course, it should be transparent, clean and quite spacious.

Step-by-step instruction:

Do not use bags not intended for food storage. The ideal option is a spacious transparent cellophane bag, into which vegetables or bread are usually placed.

The disadvantage of this method is that it is quite difficult to grate a large amount of horseradish. Moreover, doing this in a package is not very convenient. The advantage is that substances that irritate the mucous membranes remain in the bag and the grinding process takes place practically without tears.

It is better to use a grater only if you need to grate a small piece of horseradish

Freezing and grinding in a meat grinder

It is much easier to grind horseradish in a meat grinder. To prevent it from eating your eyes out during grinding, it must first be frozen. When frozen, it does not lose its beneficial properties, it becomes soft and less pungent.

Before putting the peeled roots in the freezer, it is advisable to immediately cut them into small pieces. Then they are taken out, defrosted and started chopping. How to do:

  1. Wash and clean the horseradish.
  2. Cut into pieces 3–4 cm long.
  3. Place in a plastic bag and place in the freezer for 4-5 hours

    The peeled roots are placed in a bag and sent to the freezer.

  4. Remove from freezer and defrost.
  5. Place a sufficiently deep container under the outlet of the meat grinder.
  6. Pass the horseradish through a meat grinder.
  7. When all the pieces are ground, start preparing the dish.

    Using a meat grinder will not grind the root into pulp.

The big advantage of this method is that after defrosting the root becomes softer and much easier to twist. This is doubly good if you have an old Soviet meat grinder and have to work with your hands. The downside of this method is that twisting a large amount of horseradish by hand is not as easy as it seems. In addition, you first need to freeze the root, then defrost it, etc.

Twisting in a meat grinder + bag

If you are the happy owner of a modern electric meat grinder, then grinding horseradish will not be difficult at all. In addition to the miracle device, you will also need a spacious food bag. It is he who will save you from the pungent aroma and tears. The bag is placed over the opening of the meat grinder, from which the ground mass comes out. The ends are tied tightly or secured with an elastic band.

Since peeled horseradish tends to darken when exposed to air, we recommend placing it in a deep bowl and pouring cold water over it.

To prevent the peeled root from darkening, it is poured with cold water.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Cut the pre-washed and peeled horseradish into pieces.

    To make the root easier to grind in a meat grinder, it needs to be chopped into small pieces

  2. Place the bag over the outlet and tie the ends.

    The bag must be tied tightly so that it does not slip off when twisting.

  3. Turn on the meat grinder and twist the horseradish.

    Due to the fact that the ground particles immediately fall into the bag, there is no unpleasant sensation

  4. Untie the bag and remove from the device.
  5. Pour the chopped root into a suitable container.

    It is better not to store crushed horseradish for longer than 15 hours - it begins to lose its beneficial properties

As you can see, with the help of a modern electric meat grinder and a little trick, you can really grind horseradish easily and, importantly, without tears. In this way, you can use a regular manual meat grinder.

To make this method even easier, place the bowl directly into the bag. The crushed pieces will fall directly into the container.

With this trick, the chopped horseradish root immediately falls into the bowl

Another way to twist

There is a very interesting know-how on grinding horseradish. You will need a modern electric meat grinder, a narrow plastic bag without handles, a half-liter glass jar and two rubber bands. There is no need to freeze the root, just cut it into small pieces. Do the following:

  1. Cut the welded end of the bag to create a “sleeve”.
  2. Place one end of the “sleeve” over the neck of the jar and secure with an elastic band.
  3. Move the jar closer to the outlet of the meat grinder.
  4. Place the free end of the “sleeve” over the outlet hole and also secure with an elastic band.
  5. Turn on the electrical appliance and twist the horseradish.

Using this simple method, the chopped root goes directly into the jar. You don’t suffer or cry at all, but just quickly pour the chopped root into the meat grinder and enjoy the process. This method is good if you need to twist a large amount of horseradish, and requires virtually no effort on your part.

Video: how to quickly grind horseradish in a meat grinder without tears

Easy grinding in a blender

You will need a stand blender with a glass or plastic blending bowl. Pay attention to its power - devices with a power of less than 700 W are unlikely to cope with this task.

Important: do not fill the bowl to the very top, tightly stuffing it with pieces of horseradish. The device will not completely chop the roots and may even break. It is also useless to throw in a few pieces and turn on the blender - it will not grind them.

So, you have a good stand-up blender and some horseradish roots that need processing. In this case, it is important to completely cut off the hard skin when cleaning - it will be easier to chop and you will get a uniform consistency. You will also need a cutting board and a knife, since the peeled roots need to be cut into circles. If the root is large, it is better to cut it lengthwise into two parts and then cut into pieces.

Using a powerful blender, you can quickly chop horseradish without spilling even a tear.

Since horseradish root itself is dry and hard, it is quite difficult to chop it. To make his work easier, we recommend adding a little water.


You don’t have to pour water right away. Look at the situation and how the chopper copes. If the motor turns easily, do not add water.

To grind horseradish faster and more efficiently, you should add a little water to the bowl.

A huge advantage of this method is that even small roots are suitable for processing. There are practically no disadvantages. But if you decide to add water, then keep in mind that the crushed mass will be a little liquid and is not suitable for every dish.

You can also use a regular immersion blender, in which the chopper is attached to a handle with a motor.

Grinding in a food processor or juicer: how to do it correctly

Probably the easiest and fastest way. A food processor will easily cope with this task. The big advantage is that it is not necessary to first cut the root into small pieces. This will save significant time.

So, you will need a nozzle with small holes. Instructions:

As you can see, everything is very simple, quick and without tears.

If you don't have a food processor, but have a powerful juicer for hard fruits and vegetables, feel free to use it. The roots can be cut into pieces or left as is. As in the case of fruits and vegetables, you will get juice and cake separately. Once you have chopped all the horseradish, simply mix everything together in a bowl until you get a uniform consistency. The big advantage of this method is that the horseradish is ground very finely, literally into a pulp. No deficiencies found.

Preparation of dry seasoning in powder form: recipe

Horseradish is also prepared in dry form. Most often, the dried roots are ground into powder and used to make hot sauces. Dry in a conventional oven at a temperature of 50–60 °C or in a special electric dryer for fruits and vegetables. Grind into flour using a manual or electric coffee grinder or blender. You can also crush it in a mortar.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Wash and clean the roots.
  2. Cut into thin slices.

    Thinly chopped roots are suitable for drying.

  3. Place on a baking sheet in one layer.
  4. Place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 50 °C.
  5. Leave the oven door slightly open so that the moisture can evaporate freely.

    To help moisture escape faster, you can place a wooden stick between the door and the oven itself.

  6. After 3 hours, increase the temperature to 60 °C.
  7. After 2 hours, remove the baking sheet and turn off the oven.
  8. If you see that the pieces are not dry enough, extend the drying for another hour.
  9. Let the horseradish cool.

    Dried horseradish flour can be stored for 2 years

You can first crush the horseradish in a mortar and then grind it in a blender or coffee grinder. This seasoning is stored in tightly closed glass jars all winter and used as needed. Before you start cooking, the powder is diluted in water to the desired consistency.

In order to obtain fine flour without pieces, we recommend sifting the resulting powder through a sieve. If there are a lot of hard pieces, grind them again or grind them in a mortar.

You can also dry the root, grated on a coarse grater or in a food processor using an attachment with larger holes. Then the drying process will be reduced by at least half.

Video: how to prepare horseradish powder

How to wash your hands after working with horseradish

It’s probably unnecessary to say that when working with horseradish you need to wear gloves. Since most housewives do not do this, after cleaning, rubbing and other manipulations, their hands are usually dirty. The fact is that horseradish juice tends to darken in the air, because of this the skin of the hands and nails get dirty in a dark color. The pigment penetrates into cracks and hangnails, so you won’t be able to completely wash your hands with warm water and soap. Lemon juice, table vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, and ammonia will help restore cleanliness. Here are some effective ways:

  1. Lemon. To remove minor stains, rub your hands with a slice of lemon. To whiten your nails, cut a lemon in half and soak your fingers in both halves for a few minutes. If you have wounds and hangnails on your hands, then it is better not to use this method. The acid irritates the lesions on the skin and a strong burning sensation is felt.
  2. Vinegar. Apply a little table vinegar to a clean sponge and scrub your hands. Do not use this method if your skin is damaged.
  3. Hydrogen peroxide. Apply the product to a cotton pad and scrub your hands until they are clean and beautiful again.
  4. Hand bath. Make a warm hand bath from 2 tbsp. water, 1 tsp. ammonia, 2 tsp. hydrogen peroxide and 3 tbsp. spoons of dishwashing detergent. Soak your hands in the solution for 10 minutes and then scrub with a brush. If you can't stand the smell of ammonia, then use only peroxide.

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The root of this plant contains several times more vitamins than citrus fruits. It can have a beneficial effect on the body's immune system, stimulate the digestive system, and increase muscle tone and endurance. This is not ginseng, as one might assume, but a simple horseradish root, known to everyone. You can use it to prepare various homemade sauces, pickles, soft or hot drinks by taking your favorite horseradish recipe from the selection below.

There are different recipes for sauces based on the horseradish root, but most appreciate the classic table horseradish recipe for its ease of preparation and purity of taste.

For a small portion of sauce you will need:

  • 300 g horseradish;
  • 200 ml hot boiled water;
  • 5 g salt;
  • 20 g sugar.

Recipe step by step:

  1. Wash the horseradish roots, peel them and finely grate them. You can grind them in a blender, but the most reliable way is grandma’s hand grinder.
  2. Dissolve salt and sugar in hot water. When the temperature of the solution reaches 40–50 degrees, pour it into the crushed main ingredient and mix.
  3. Divide the dressing into small, tightly sealed jars. Before using, let the sauce sit for at least 2-3 hours.

It can be stored for up to 2-3 days. To extend the shelf life, add a little vinegar.

How to prepare food for the winter?

The easiest way to prepare horseradish for the winter is to make a “breathtaking” sauce from it with a minimum of ingredients:

  • 1000 g horseradish roots;
  • 30 g salt;
  • 60 g sugar;
  • 1 lemon (can be replaced with a few drops of apple or wine vinegar);
  • water.

How to make a blank:

  1. Grind the roots into a paste using any available method, add salt and sugar to it. Mix everything well and add boiling water until the cream becomes thick.
  2. Place the workpiece in sterile small containers and sterilize for five minutes. Then add a few drops of lemon juice or vinegar to each jar, seal with lids and store in a cool, dark place.

To prevent the aroma of the dressing from dissipating after opening the seamer, you should choose small containers.

Cooking "Chrenoder" at home

Gorloder, horseradish, hrenoder are the names of the same sauce with a strong taste, the main ingredients of which are only three products: horseradish root, garlic and tomatoes. In addition to excellent taste, this dressing also has a number of useful properties, including enhancing the immune functions of the body.

And the proportions of products for its preparation will be as follows:

  • 2000 g ripe tomatoes;
  • 200–300 g horseradish roots;
  • 30–50 g garlic;
  • 30 g salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the tomatoes, dry them, cut them into slices and cut off the place where the stalk is attached. Remove the peel from the garlic cloves. Peel, wash and chop the horseradish into pieces that will be convenient to put into a meat grinder.
  2. Grind all prepared sauce components in a fine-hole meat grinder, add salt, mix and place in prepared sterile jars.

After a day, all the components of the sauce will combine, making it as rich as possible.

Beet juice recipe

Horseradish with beets is a combination loved by many spicy lovers, since such an addition to meat and fish dishes not only gives an unforgettable taste sensation, but also pleases the eye with a pleasant color.

To prepare sauce with beet juice you need to take:

  • 400 g horseradish roots;
  • 150 ml water;
  • 150 ml vinegar;
  • 50 ml beet juice;
  • 30 g salt;
  • 20 g sugar.


  1. The main ingredient of the sauce must be prepared: peeled, washed and soaked for two days in cold water. After such preparation, the horseradish is crushed as finely as possible (in a meat grinder, blender or grater).
  2. Pour sugar and salt into the root pulp, pour boiling water over it and stir. Grind a certain amount of beets and squeeze out the amount of juice required by the recipe through several layers of gauze.
  3. Mix beet juice and vinegar, pour into horseradish, stir. Place the finished dressing in prepared sterile jars, close the lids tightly so that the aroma does not dissipate, and store in the refrigerator for up to six months.

In order not to wash your face with tears when grinding the root through a meat grinder, you need to tie a thick plastic bag (for example, for freezing food) to the grill of the device.

Homemade with apples

This sauce is perfect not only for jellied meat, boiled tongue or lard. A small spoon of dressing in a plate of borscht or okroshka will have an “incendiary” effect on the taste buds.

Apple-horseradish sauce contains:

  • 200 g horseradish;
  • 100 g sweet and sour apple;
  • 5 g powdered sugar;
  • 3 g salt;
  • 15 ml apple cider vinegar;
  • 30 g sour cream.

How to cook horseradish with apples:

  1. Grind the prepared horseradish root using the finest grater. Do the same with the peeled and cored apple. To prevent the pungent aroma of the root from irritating the mucous membranes, you can grind the sauce components in a blender bowl.
  2. Add salt, sugar, sour cream and vinegar to the apple and horseradish pulp. Mix the sauce well. Store the snack in a tightly sealed container in a cool place.

Option with sour cream added

Homemade horseradish sauce with the addition of sour cream is good because you can independently adjust its spiciness by increasing or decreasing the amount of dairy product.

Basic ratio of filling components:

  • 250 g horseradish root;
  • 100 ml vinegar;
  • 400 ml water;
  • 20 g salt;
  • 20 g sugar;
  • sour cream to taste.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Grind the vigorous root using a grater or a meat grinder, pour boiling water over it in the amount specified in the recipe, and leave until it cools completely.
  2. Add salt, sugar and vinegar to the cooled horseradish. Mix everything thoroughly and put it in the refrigerator for at least 2-3 hours.
  3. Next, just before serving, mix a small amount of the product with sour cream to taste, for example, in a ratio of 1:2.

The easiest way to prepare horseradish roots

Among all the options for horseradish-based sauces, perhaps the simplest is Pechora-style horseradish with honey. This sauce can be stored for up to three months, since both honey and cranberries act as natural preservatives, but you should not prepare it for future use. The taste of the vigorous root becomes softer over time.

To make Pechora sauce you need to prepare:

  • 200 g horseradish roots;
  • 200 ml water;
  • 50 g cranberries;
  • 50 g honey.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Grind the prepared fresh horseradish roots. Together with them, pass the cranberries through a meat grinder.
  2. Dissolve honey in warm, but not hot water. The water temperature should not be more than 70 degrees to preserve all the beneficial properties of the bee product.
  3. Next, you just need to pour the honey solution into the crushed products, mix them and place them in prepared jars.

Homemade sauerkraut with horseradish

The benefits of such a snack for the human body are invaluable: fermentation products have a beneficial effect on the microflora of the stomach, and the spicy root will help cope with harmful bacilli, which often cause colds.

To prepare it you will need:

  • 2000 g white cabbage;
  • 1500 ml water;
  • 200 g carrots;
  • 100 g horseradish root;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 50 g salt;
  • 3–4 bay leaves;
  • 8–10 black peppercorns.

How to ferment cabbage with horseradish:

  1. Cut the stalk from the cabbage fork and chop the leaves into thin strips. Grind the carrots using a coarse grater, and the horseradish root using a fine grater.
  2. Mix all the vegetables well, add spices and pack tightly into a glass or enamel container.
  3. Boil water, dissolve salt and sugar in it. When the solution has cooled, pour it over the prepared cabbage.
  4. Cover the container with a lid and leave at room temperature to ferment.

After three to four days the cabbage is ready. For further storage, it is moved to the refrigerator.

Step-by-step recipe for horseradish

By decree of Peter the Great, this drink was to be given (in small quantities, of course) to all people working in the cold. But those who don’t spend a lot of time in the cold will also like horseradish tincture, since honey makes the drink soft, and horseradish completely deprives it of the alcoholic smell.

List of products used:

  • 500 ml vodka;
  • 50 g fresh horseradish root;
  • 50 g honey.

Technology for preparing the tincture:

  1. Place the peeled horseradish and cut into small pieces into a container of a suitable size and pour in the honey. Pour vodka over everything.
  2. Next, take an immersion blender and blend everything as thoroughly as possible. Pour the resulting mixture into a container of a suitable size, seal it tightly with a stopper and put it in a dark place for 4–5 days.
  3. Every day you need to shake the contents of the bottle and check if the smell of alcohol has disappeared. As soon as this happens, you should strain the tincture through a paper towel to get rid of not only the crushed root, but also the honey, since it tends to precipitate in flakes.

Horseradish should be stored in the refrigerator.

Homemade horseradish kvass

The benefits of the vigorous root are invaluable not only in the cold season. Even on hot summer days it can give you that much-desired coolness. Those who do not believe in its refreshing effect can try making kvass at home from rye bread and horseradish.

This drink contains:

  • 6000 ml water;
  • 1400–2100 g rye bread;
  • 250 g horseradish root;
  • 250 g sugar;
  • 50 g pressed yeast;
  • 50 g honey (it is better to take meadow honey or herbs);
  • 30 g white raisins.

Prepare a soft drink as follows:

  1. Cut the rye bread into small pieces and dry in the oven until it becomes crackers with a thick crust. Place the bread in an enamel or glass container and pour boiling water over it. Leave for 3–6 hours.
  2. Strain the cooled and infused wort, dissolve sugar and yeast in it. As soon as foam appears on the surface of the liquid - the result of activation of yeast - add grated horseradish and honey.
  3. After steeping the kvass for three hours, filter it and pour it into bottles, putting a few raisins in each. After this, the drink should ripen for another two to three days in a cool place. Then you can put it in the refrigerator.
  4. For a spicy sauce made from horseradish rhizomes with spicy notes of cinnamon and cloves, you need to take:

  • 600–800 g horseradish roots;
  • 500 ml water;
  • 55 ml table vinegar;
  • 25 g salt;
  • 45 g sugar;
  • 4 buds of cloves;
  • 5–10 g cinnamon powder.

Preparation procedure:

  1. Place the peeled, washed and chopped roots into a dry glass jar of a suitable size. After this, you can start preparing the spicy filling.
  2. After dissolving crystals of sugar and salt in water, bring this mixture to a boil. Place the clove buds into the bubbling solution and boil for three minutes.
  3. When the filling has cooled to room temperature, you need to strain it and add cinnamon and vinegar. Let it brew for a day.
  4. Pour the aromatic spicy filling into the grated horseradish and leave for a day or two.

Horseradish is a useful plant that is widely used in cooking. The leaves are used in preserves, and the root is used in preparing all kinds of dishes and sauces. You can also buy ready-made paste in the store, but it is known that the plant, when crushed, loses most of its beneficial properties within 14–15 hours. For this reason, it is more rational to prepare the mass yourself and eat it as quickly as possible. The root needs to be grated before cooking, but this is where the main problem lies. Is it possible to do this at home without tears?

Why is it so difficult to grate horseradish root?

It is much more difficult to grate horseradish without tears than onions. Irritated red eyes, salty streams running down my face, and even a swirl in my nose. Such unpleasant side effects can discourage any desire to independently prepare dishes from this useful plant. The fact is that it contains essential oils, which, when the root is crushed, quickly enter the air, making it burning and irritating to the mucous membranes. This is why it is so difficult to grate it by hand, especially in large quantities. In addition, the roots must be washed from dirt and cleaned.

Peeling horseradish is much easier than grating it, if only for the reason that less burning substances are released. To make cleaning easier, it is advisable to pre-soak the roots in cold water for 5-6 hours. It is best to wash under the tap using a brush or kitchen sponge. Remove the peel using a sharp knife, vegetable peeler or steel wool.

Turning horseradish root into fine shavings is not an easy task.

To learn more about methods of cleaning horseradish, follow the link:

Grinding tools and optimal working conditions

To prevent this process from turning into a real test of endurance, we recommend doing this in the fresh air. On the street, the smell of essential oils evaporates faster, so there is less discomfort. If you decide to shred at home, then at least open a window or turn on the hood at full power.

The following tools and devices are suitable for grinding:

  • sharp knife;
  • fine grater;
  • meat grinder;
  • blender;
  • food processor;
  • juicer.

Grating horseradish is the most difficult thing to do. Here the risk of injury and discomfort arise to a greater extent. It is better to use a grater if you need to grate a small root, or when there are no other utensils.

You need to grate it on the finest grater, the one on which onions are usually grated. Then it will be in a pulp state and suitable for preparing hot paste-like sauces.

You can approach the process with humor and wear swimming goggles, which will protect your eyes from burning

It is much easier to twist the root in a meat grinder, but it will not be possible to achieve a porridge-like consistency. Pre-peeled root vegetables are cut into small portions. The ideal option is a blender or food processor. The machine will do everything for you efficiently and, importantly, quickly and without tears.

Grinding methods at home, their pros and cons

Inventive cooks come up with everything they can to minimize the discomfort when grinding this sharp, burning root. They put on a diving mask, goggles, and even a gas mask. The whole process of grinding horseradish turns into a comedy performance to the delight of those present in the house. But there are less fun ways to turn the stinging root into pulp without tears or sobs. Let's look at each of them.

Grating with a food bag

This is probably one of the oldest methods. Modern housewives practically don’t use it anymore due to its labor-intensive and time-consuming nature compared to other methods. If you don’t have any suitable tools in the kitchen other than a grater, then you will also need a regular food bag for storing food. Of course, it should be transparent, clean and quite spacious.

Step-by-step instruction:

Do not use bags not intended for food storage. The ideal option is a spacious transparent cellophane bag, into which vegetables or bread are usually placed.

The disadvantage of this method is that it is quite difficult to grate a large amount of horseradish. Moreover, doing this in a package is not very convenient. The advantage is that substances that irritate the mucous membranes remain in the bag and the grinding process takes place practically without tears.

It is better to use a grater only if you need to grate a small piece of horseradish

Freezing and grinding in a meat grinder

It is much easier to grind horseradish in a meat grinder. To prevent it from eating your eyes out during grinding, it must first be frozen. When frozen, it does not lose its beneficial properties, it becomes soft and less pungent.

Before putting the peeled roots in the freezer, it is advisable to immediately cut them into small pieces. Then they are taken out, defrosted and started chopping. How to do:

The big advantage of this method is that after defrosting the root becomes softer and much easier to twist. This is doubly good if you have an old Soviet meat grinder and have to work with your hands. The downside of this method is that twisting a large amount of horseradish by hand is not as easy as it seems. In addition, you first need to freeze the root, then defrost it, etc.

Twisting in a meat grinder + bag

If you are the happy owner of a modern electric meat grinder, then grinding horseradish will not be difficult at all. In addition to the miracle device, you will also need a spacious food bag. It is he who will save you from the pungent aroma and tears. The bag is placed over the opening of the meat grinder, from which the ground mass comes out. The ends are tied tightly or secured with an elastic band.

Since peeled horseradish tends to darken when exposed to air, we recommend placing it in a deep bowl and pouring cold water over it.

To prevent the peeled root from darkening, it is poured with cold water.

Step-by-step instruction:

As you can see, with the help of a modern electric meat grinder and a little trick, you can really grind horseradish easily and, importantly, without tears. In this way, you can use a regular manual meat grinder.

To make this method even easier, place the bowl directly into the bag. The crushed pieces will fall directly into the container.

With this trick, the chopped horseradish root immediately falls into the bowl

Another way to twist

There is a very interesting know-how on grinding horseradish. You will need a modern electric meat grinder, a narrow plastic bag without handles, a half-liter glass jar and two rubber bands. There is no need to freeze the root, just cut it into small pieces. Do the following:

  1. Cut the welded end of the bag to create a “sleeve”.
  2. Place one end of the “sleeve” over the neck of the jar and secure with an elastic band.
  3. Move the jar closer to the outlet of the meat grinder.
  4. Place the free end of the “sleeve” over the outlet hole and also secure with an elastic band.
  5. Turn on the electrical appliance and twist the horseradish.

Using this simple method, the chopped root goes directly into the jar. You don’t suffer or cry at all, but just quickly pour the chopped root into the meat grinder and enjoy the process. This method is good if you need to twist a large amount of horseradish, and requires virtually no effort on your part.

Video: How to quickly grind horseradish in a meat grinder without tears

Easy grinding in a blender

You will need a stand blender with a glass or plastic blending bowl. Pay attention to its power - devices with a power of less than 700 W are unlikely to cope with this task.

Important: do not fill the bowl to the very top, tightly stuffing it with pieces of horseradish. The device will not completely chop the roots and may even break. It is also useless to throw in a few pieces and turn on the blender - it will not grind them.

So, you have a good stand-up blender and some horseradish roots that need processing. In this case, it is important to completely cut off the hard skin when cleaning - it will be easier to chop and you will get a uniform consistency. You will also need a cutting board and a knife, since the peeled roots need to be cut into circles. If the root is large, it is better to cut it lengthwise into two parts and then cut into pieces.

Using a powerful blender, you can quickly chop horseradish without spilling even a tear.

Since horseradish root itself is dry and hard, it is quite difficult to chop it. To make his work easier, we recommend adding a little water.


You don’t have to pour water right away. Look at the situation and how the chopper copes. If the motor turns easily, do not add water.

To grind horseradish faster and more efficiently, you should add a little water to the bowl.

A huge advantage of this method is that even small roots are suitable for processing. There are practically no disadvantages. But if you decide to add water, then keep in mind that the crushed mass will be a little liquid and is not suitable for every dish.

You can also use a regular immersion blender, in which the chopper is attached to a handle with a motor.

Grinding in a food processor or juicer: how to do it correctly

Probably the easiest and fastest way. A food processor will easily cope with this task. The big advantage is that it is not necessary to first cut the root into small pieces. This will save significant time.

So, you will need a nozzle with small holes. Instructions:

As you can see, everything is very simple, quick and without tears.

If you don't have a food processor, but have a powerful juicer for hard fruits and vegetables, feel free to use it. The roots can be cut into pieces or left as is. As in the case of fruits and vegetables, you will get juice and cake separately. Once you have chopped all the horseradish, simply mix everything together in a bowl until you get a uniform consistency. The big advantage of this method is that the horseradish is ground very finely, literally into a pulp. No deficiencies found.

Preparation of dry seasoning in powder form: recipe

Horseradish is also prepared in dry form. Most often, the dried roots are ground into powder and used to make hot sauces. Dry in a conventional oven at a temperature of 50–60 °C or in a special electric dryer for fruits and vegetables. Grind into flour using a manual or electric coffee grinder or blender. You can also crush it in a mortar.

Step-by-step instruction:

You can first crush the horseradish in a mortar and then grind it in a blender or coffee grinder. This seasoning is stored in tightly closed glass jars all winter and used as needed. Before you start cooking, the powder is diluted in water to the desired consistency.

In order to obtain fine flour without pieces, we recommend sifting the resulting powder through a sieve. If there are a lot of hard pieces, grind them again or grind them in a mortar.

You can also dry the root, grated on a coarse grater or in a food processor using an attachment with larger holes. Then the drying process will be reduced by at least half.

Video: how to prepare horseradish powder

How to wash your hands after working with horseradish

It’s probably unnecessary to say that when working with horseradish you need to wear gloves. Since most housewives do not do this, after cleaning, rubbing and other manipulations, their hands are usually dirty. The fact is that horseradish juice tends to darken in the air, because of this the skin of the hands and nails get dirty in a dark color. The pigment penetrates into cracks and hangnails, so you won’t be able to completely wash your hands with warm water and soap. Lemon juice, table vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, and ammonia will help restore cleanliness. Here are some effective ways:

  1. Lemon. To remove minor stains, rub your hands with a slice of lemon. To whiten your nails, cut a lemon in half and soak your fingers in both halves for a few minutes. If you have wounds and hangnails on your hands, then it is better not to use this method. The acid irritates the lesions on the skin and a strong burning sensation is felt.
  2. Vinegar. Apply a little table vinegar to a clean sponge and scrub your hands. Do not use this method if your skin is damaged.
  3. Hydrogen peroxide. Apply the product to a cotton pad and scrub your hands until they are clean and beautiful again.
  4. Hand bath. Make a warm hand bath from 2 tbsp. water, 1 tsp. ammonia, 2 tsp. hydrogen peroxide and 3 tbsp. spoons of dishwashing detergent. Soak your hands in the solution for 10 minutes and then scrub with a brush. If you can't stand the smell of ammonia, then use only peroxide.

A brush will help you wash your hands after peeling horseradish.

Video: how to clean and grate horseradish

As you can see, grating horseradish is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Thanks to our tips, chopping this pungent root vegetable can even turn into a very interesting activity. Therefore, feel free to prepare dishes from horseradish and delight your family with delicious, healthy food.

My name is Olya, I am 29 years old. I like to write articles and create artistic descriptions of products for websites. The priority topics are: jewelry, clothing, interior items, cooking, as well as useful tips (everyday life). It is very important for me that my texts are liked by readers, customers and, of course, myself!

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