Teacher's story about September. Synopsis of a thematic conversation in the senior group

Auto 06.07.2019

Each of the months of the year is beautiful in its own way, and September is no exception. Despite the waning days and a slight cooling, nature enchants with its beauty. The birches begin to put on yellow outfits, and behind them the lindens and all other trees are transformed into golden robes. There is a tart smell of rotting leaves in the air. Rowan berries are filled with scarlet color. Now they are still sour-tart, but after the first frost they will become sweet. In the swamps, you can still find cranberries; wild rose and lingonberries ripen in the forest. Mushroom pickers continue the mushroom season, in the early morning, after a night fog, the forest is full of mushrooms. These are boletus, and mushrooms, and aspen mushrooms, and milk mushrooms and many other varieties of mushrooms.

In September, there are much fewer insects than in summer, which is why birds have less food, swallows, flycatchers and swifts fly south. Behind them, other migratory birds are preparing to fly away, and waterfowl representatives of birds leave their homes later than all. Prepare for the approaching cold weather and animals. In fur animals, molting begins, which means that soon the winter coat will replace the summer one. Hedgehogs equip their homes for the cold, pulling fallen leaves on their needles. Bears intensively feed on nuts, acorns and berries, accumulating fat.

Riddles about the month of September


The collective farm garden is empty,
Spider webs fly into the distance,
And to the south end of the earth
Cranes stretched out.
School doors opened.
What month has come to us?


August comes after
Dances with leaf fall
And he is rich in harvest,
Of course we know him!

Poems about the month of September


Autumn artist

Tied Autumn colorful apron
And I took buckets of paints.
Early in the morning, walking through the park,
The leaves are gilded.



(Samuel Marshak)
On a clear morning September
Villages thresh bread
Birds rush across the sea -
And the school opened.



The summer has come to an end,
School time is coming
And in truth,
He is loved and desired
long-awaited, long-awaited
Sound holiday of September!


autumn rains

(L. Kaplenkova)
It rained in September
Before he had time to start - watered.
And green leaves in the water
Reflecting, they swam somewhere.
Who, autumn, invented you?
You came quietly and quickly.
In your gray clouds, September,
There is no light, no sun.
Outside the window, not a drop knocks,
A dull rain fills our city.
And umbrellas opened everywhere
And silently creeps into us the cold.
Only yesterday the yards were having fun,
They sat on the benches until late.
And now autumn is crying sobbing,
Branches are pulled by wet fir trees.
Everyone has the same faces
Here he passed, turned, did not notice.
And we do not see each other, no.
Who is responsible for everything that happened?
And under this rain forever
Let's turn into faceless crowds.
Stop pouring from the sky, water
You see, we don't need an umbrella!

Find out what else a child should know and be able to do at this age.

In the old days in Russia, September was the seventh month, as in Ancient Rome. From the middle of the XIV century, the beginning of the year in Russia was counted from September 1, and since 1700 September is considered the ninth month. Old Russian Slavic names September - "spring", "spring", - according to the time of flowering of heather, a low evergreen shrub.

Thunder in September portends a warm autumn.

The drier and warmer September, the later winter will come.

The web spreads over the plants - to heat.

Cranes fly high, slowly and "talk" - to a good autumn.

Leaf fall passes soon - the winter will be cold.

A lot of acorns in September on oak - for a fierce winter.

If birch leaves turn yellow from the top in autumn, then the next spring will be early, and if from below, then later.

A lot of berries on a mountain ash portends a severe winter.

If there are a lot of mountain ash in the forest, the autumn is rainy, if there are few, it is dry.

If in autumn the entrance to the wormhole is located to the north, the winter will be warm, to the south - cold, to the east - dry, to the west - damp.

Tit at the door - by the autumn.

September is the very first autumn month. What to tell children about September? Among our ancestors of the Slavs, it was called “ryuen”, which means “howler”, or “frown”, which spoke of not the best typical weather this month. Another name is "spring", "spring", which is associated with the time of flowering heather. Earlier in Ancient Russia September was the seventh in a row, as before in Ancient Rome. Until 1700, Russia celebrated New Year September 1, and after the month became the ninth in a row, and the new year is celebrated on December 31, as we are used to.

In September, the weather begins to slowly deteriorate, the sky frowns more and more often, clouds roll in, it's raining and howling outside the window the wind. Trees begin to prepare for the cold and change their color from bright green to red, brown or yellow. A beautiful time, but short-lived, gradually the leaves wither, dry up and fall to the ground, covering it with a colored carpet. The water becomes colder in reservoirs, it becomes impossible to swim.

The latest and long-awaited mushrooms appear in the forest - honey mushrooms. In the morning you can already find drizzle on the grass. But unexpectedly, for just a few days, warm and sunny weather sets in - a farewell gift of the outgoing summer. This time is called in the common people the Indian summer.

Migratory birds begin their journey south for the winter. Forest animals also sense the coming long and cold winter: someone changes the color of their fur coat, someone equips a place for hibernation, and someone makes blanks for the winter.

Holidays in September

September is rich in holidays, including those celebrated all over the world. A lot has happened this month important events, there are many important dates for the whole world and separately for our country. Consider the most basic and those that may be of interest to your baby.

Of course, the very first holiday is September 1, when Knowledge Day is celebrated. It began to be celebrated in the USSR in 1984. On this day, the new school year begins, the children go to school. This is a holiday for all students and our dear and respected teachers.

Children rush to school dressed up, with magnificent bouquets of flowers for their favorite teachers. On September 1, solemn rulers, lessons of kindness and peace are organized. Some of the guys hear their first school bell, and some the last, but this is no less solemn moment. On this day, many meet with their schoolmates, whom they have not seen for a whole summer.

To match the first day of school, on September 8, UNESCO established the International Literacy Day. So that every inhabitant of the planet has the opportunity to learn. Also on the second Saturday of September, World First Aid Day is celebrated. It is very important to know the basics of first aid.

International Beauty Day is celebrated on September 9th. The holiday will be especially interesting for girls. On this day, you can bring a marafet with your mother and have fun.

Another interesting day is September 14, when our ancestors, the Slavs, celebrated the New Year or go differently. The Slavic New Year is a religious holiday that marked the beginning of a new church year.

And September 19 is the smiley's birthday! Yes, yes, such a widely-used electronic symbol has its own birthday.

On September 21, the whole planet celebrates the International Day of Peace. Holiday introduced General Assembly United Nations. Interestingly, at first it was celebrated on the third Tuesday of September, then moved to the 7th, and after the UN made a final decision on the date of September 21st.

September 22 is also celebrated as a global holiday - Car Free Day. The holiday was invented by the British in 1997, and the very next year it became a global positive movement. Our efforts also began to celebrate this day only in 2008. On this day, we leave our iron horse at home and go for a walk.

September 27 is the most interesting event - World Tourism Day, which was also established by the General Assembly of the World Tourism Organization in the Spanish city of Torremolinos in 1979. On this day, you should go on a short trip with your baby, visit a museum or go somewhere out of town.

September 30th is once my professional holiday - International Translator's Day.

September is an amazing month, it causes a storm of emotions and is rich in events. Of course, the September weather is the favorite muse of many creators, poets and writers. Study with your child some of the works about September, this will give even more information and introduce you more closely to the ongoing autumn changes. Recommended reading:

  • Vitaly Bianchi's story "September" about how autumn comes into its own, how the weather changes with the arrival of the first autumn month;
  • fairy tale by Iris Revue "What was September upset about?" about why September is not always in a hurry to come;
  • short stories by N. Sladkov about September: "Autumn on the Threshold", "On the Great Road", "Spider", "Time", "Birds", "Belkin Fly Agaric", "Winged Shadow", "The Forgotten Owl", " Sly Dandelion”, “Friends-Comrades”, “Forest Rustles”.

Below is also a selection best poems for kids, riddles, proverbs and signs of our ancestors.

Poems about September for children

Summer flies away

It suddenly became twice as bright,
Yard in the sun.
This dress is golden
At the birch on the shoulders.

In the morning we go to the yard,
Leaves fall like rain.
Everything flies - it must be
Our summer is flying by.
E. Trutneva


On a clear September morning
Villages thresh bread
Birds fly across the sea
And the school opened.
S. Marshak


Don't whine, fool
Don't tear your caftan
Call Indian summer.

And under the sound of light
Embrace summer.
You look at yourself
Have a name day

Well, give the dawn
rowan beads,
Me and a new friend -
By maple leaf.
M. Sukhorukova


Here is a red rowan,
Here are yellow mushrooms,
And in September the basket
Full, guys!
V. Berestov

Indian summer

By Russian forests in September
A wave of leaves rolled over.
How much sadness in autumn
And what a delight for the eyes!

Withering, but the heart is warm -
From the crimson foliage, probably.
What can you do, time has passed
Young ... And it's nice to remember.

As on a woman's short eyelid,
Change is tragic in nature
But - with feminine dignity - longing
She will not show in front of the people.

Yes, a lot of sad signs
It's like I forgot about it...
The dearer farewell greetings
Outgoing Indian summer.
V. Mospan

Here comes September

The sun is hiding, the sky is gloomy.
And September is at the gates.
The grass has fallen, the bushes have fallen.
The bird's "farewell" flies to us from a height.
Summer ended quickly ... What a pity!
Timidly the leaves on the maples tremble.
But do not grieve for the summer day:
Make an autumn bouquet out of leaves.
T. Kersten

In September

In September the breeze plays
With beautifully fallen leaves
Takes you to school for a lesson
Hair confuses us playfully.
Autumn will spin in the leaf fall,
Decorate the leaves in yellow.
Golden autumn hurries to us,
And he will not ask if we are waiting for her or not.
L. Kim

Riddles about September for children

The collective farm garden is empty, cobwebs fly into the distance,
And cranes stretched to the southern edge of the earth.
School doors opened. What month has come to us?

Spinning, spinning leaf fall,
The garden was covered in gold.
From North to South of the Earth
Cranes stretched out.
School doors opened.
What month has come to us?

Who comes after August
Red summer spends
Indian summer is calling
Sending kids to school?

Rain from the sky drip-drip-drip,
Leaves turn yellow.
As you know, kids
Time to go to school...

empty fields,
the earth gets wet,
the rain pours down,
when does it happen?

Ludmila Kostenko
Abstract thematic conversation in senior group. Thematic day "September - the first month of autumn"

Synopsis of a thematic conversation in the senior group

theme day: « September first month of autumn»


cognitive development: expand children's ideas about first month of autumn september.

Speech development: develop speech, thinking, memory of children, observation, interest in the environment.

Methods: verbal, visual, game.

materials: projector illustration pictures « September» .


Here it is over warm summer, but it is replaced by autumn. name autumn months. (September, October November). Today we will talk about first month of autumn september.

September- a marvelous forest dove,

Sat outside the window on the branches.

Like with a redhead autumn foliage

This bird is similar in color!

Mushroom rains on the wings

The pattern was imprinted,

Clouds crowd in the chest

And they fly like a train behind their backs.

are called September"singer autumn» or "goldflower". Grasses in meadows, fields and forests dry up, turn yellow, leaves of trees become golden and bushes.

Viewing a presentation « September» .

3 slide. At the beginning September are warm, solar days, such weather is called "Indian summer".

5 slide. AT September the days are getting shorter, the sun no longer rises as high as in summer. Cold gusty winds are more common.

6 slide. Wet fog rolls in in the morning.

7 slide. AT it often rains in september, but not warm, summer, but cold, shallow, drizzling, and the sky is overcast with gray clouds. In the end months of frost puddles are covered with a thin crust of ice.

8 slide. In the forest in rowan ripens in september, therefore they are called September"rowanberry".

9 slide. At this time, acorns ripen on the oak, nuts on the hazel, and cranberries on the swamp.

10 slide. In the forest on old On mossy stumps, friendly families of honey mushrooms appear.

11 slide. Hiding under the fallen leaves are boletus, russula, milk mushrooms, white.

12 slide. Cranes, rooks, cuckoos, swallows, swifts gather in flocks, prepare to fly to warmer climes.

13 slide. So another name September« month of birds» .

So another name September« month of birds» .

14 slide. Getting ready to meet harsh winter animals. Hares and squirrels begin to molt.

15 slide. A bear wanders through the forest, eats ripe berries, nuts and acorns - fattens up for the winter A bear wanders through the forest, eats ripe berries, nuts and acorns - fattens up for the winter

16 slide. The mice stocked up on spikelets. Badger collects roots and mushrooms.

17 slide. AT September mushroom pickers and berry pickers walk through the forest with a basket - they pick berries and mushrooms. AT September mushroom pickers and berry pickers walk through the forest with a basket - pick berries and mushrooms

18 slide. Vegetables are harvested from fields and gardens - potatoes, cabbages, beets, carrots.

19 slide. And in the orchards ruddy ripe apples are plucked from the branches.

And in the orchards ruddy ripe apples are plucked from the branches.

20 slide. AT September winter crops are sown in the fields - rye and wheat

Now listen and guess puzzles:

August comes after

Dances with leaf fall

And he is rich in harvest,

Of course we know him!


In the morning we go to the yard -

Leaves fall like rain

Rustle underfoot

And fly, fly, fly.


Redhead Egorka

Fell on the lake

Didn't drown myself

And he didn't stir up the water.

(autumn leaf)

It pours like an oblique wall

And knocks on our windows.

Himself cold, torrential,

And in the garden gazebos get wet.

Sheet autumn circles for a long time,

To then go down into the puddle.

(Fall rain)

Signs September

Quiet September days - smartly Indian summer.

cold september, yes feed much.

The drier and warmer it stays September the later winter comes.

Indian summer - two weeks.

Father- September doesn't like to spoil.

AT September every seed floats from the ear.

AT september afternoon is nicer, but it's not good at night.

AT September the earth turns green.

AT September and the leaf does not stick to the tree.

September there is no fruit.

September - evening of the year.

September takes off the caftan from the shoulders, puts on the sheepskin coat.

September - pilot, seeing off summer.

AT September it’s not the peasant’s hut that warms, but the threshing flail.

cold September, but full; siverko - yes satisfying.

If this month there will be a lot of acorns on the oaks, then expect a lot of snow before Christmas, and by warm winter and fertile summer.

Thunder in September - to the long winter.

It will rain September is not a joy for a man.

Proverbs and sayings about September

Summer with sheaves - autumn with pies.

AT September one berry, and that one is a bitter rowan.

cold september, yes, full.

August cooks - September brings to the table.

AT September fire in the hut and in the field.

In autumn the sparrow is rich.

- Guys, let's play a game with you "Sun and Rain" Classic children's autumn game : children frolic when an adult says "Sun" and run headlong under the umbrella in his hands when he says "rain".

Outcome: What did we talk about today? (O September, and its signs). What is called first month of autumn? (September) When is Indian summer? AT september days become shorter or longer? Why september is called"Rowanberry"? Well done boys!

Reflection: Guys, did you like today talk about the first month of autumn« September» ? If yes, then take a piece of paper and collect autumn bouquet.

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September- the first month of autumn. His vernacular name- “frown”, because the sky at this time begins to frown, it often rains. At this time, there is a wonderful period - Indian summer, when a lot of cobwebs fly in the air and the weather is warm and sunny. “September sees off the red summer, meets the golden autumn,” they say among the people. AT this month the trees begin to slowly change their color from green to yellow. The days are getting shorter and cooler, migratory birds are gathering south. During this period, the harvest ends, preparations are being made for the winter. Through repeated observations of our ancestors over animals and natural phenomena, a lot of folk signs September, which allow you to predict the weather, to predict what the coming autumn, winter and spring will be like.

September weather tips

  • Thunder in September portends a warm autumn and a snowy winter.
  • The drier and warmer September, the later the arrival of winter.
  • September is cold - next year the snow may melt faster than usual.

Signs about nature in September

  • A lot of cobwebs in September for Indian summer - to a clear autumn, to a cold winter.
  • Late leaf fall - to a harsh and long winter.
  • Leaf fall passes soon - the winter will be cold.
  • If there are a lot of acorns on the oaks in September, expect a lot of snow before Christmas.
  • If in autumn the leaves of birches begin to turn yellow from the top, spring will be early, from below - late.
  • If in September ants run along the tops of the grass, then the snow will be deep and the winter will be early, and if along the bottom, then it will be long.
  • If the cranes fly high, slowly and cooing, it will be a good autumn.

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