Why is it warmer when it snows? Question: Why does the air temperature usually rise during snowfall?

Career and finance 12.08.2019

Why does the temperature usually rise during snowfall?


falling snowflakes have a temperature lower than the ambient air (in the upper layers of the atmosphere it is always colder than in the lower ones), therefore, on them, as on crystallization centers, the moisture always present in the air crystallizes, releasing the latent energy of crystallization, which increases the air temperature. A similar phenomenon (only related to condensation) is used to preserve gardens during spring frosts. in spring, with a sharp drop in temperature, water vapor in the air becomes saturated, but its condensation is difficult, because there are few condensation centers (there is little dust in the air in spring). smoky fires are made in the gardens, smoke particles are excellent centers of condensation, moisture condenses on them, the latent energy of condensation is released and the air is heated a few degrees, but this is enough to save the trees. while the air is heated only where there is smoke. it is precisely because of the abundance of centers of condensation and crystallization in cities that it is always warmer than outside the city.

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1. What kind precipitation characteristic of the Russian winter?

2. White, not sugar, no legs, but walking. What's this?

3. Why does the snow creak underfoot?

(The creaking is caused by the friction and breaking of small snow crystals. The sound from the breaking of one crystal is not heard, but when many crystals are broken, the creaking is clearly audible.)

4. Why does the air temperature usually rise during snowfall?

(This is because when snow forms, heat is released from water droplets or water vapor.)

5. What is the name of an elementary particle - a crystal of snow?


6. How many rays does a snowflake have?

7. In which ballet by Tchaikovsky is the Waltz of the Snowflakes?


8. You saw two snowflakes on your mitten. different shapes. One is simpler, and the other is the form of a complex openwork pattern. Which one fell from the highest height?

(With a complex pattern. The more complex the shape of the snowflake, the greater the height it fell, since its circling in the air was accompanied by a process of crystallization - the addition of new moisture particles to it, which provided additional sophistication of the form.)

9. Name famous painting, which depicts a paramilitary game traditionally played by Russians on Shrove Tuesday.

("The capture of the snowy town.")

10. What is the name of the round ammunition made of snow for your favorite winter fun?

11. How do you talk about something completely unexpected (about an event, a guest, etc.)?

(Like snow on the head.)

12. How do they say who is very greedy?

(You can’t interrogate him for snow in winter.)

13. How do they talk about something completely unnecessary?

(Needed like last year's snow.)

14. What is another name wild cat snow leopard

(Snow Leopard.)

15. What is the name of your favorite winter folk sculpture made of snow?

(Snowman, snowman.)

16. What hats high mountains fashionable?

(In the snow.)

17. Who has his whole short winter life lumpy?

(At the snowman, snow woman.)

38. Where do black grouse usually spend the night in winter?

(In the snow.)

39. What is the name of a hairy creature with a large body, like apes, a face resembling a man, with hands to the knees, moving on powerful legs?


40. What name mountain system Asia means "abode of snows"?


41. In what mountains was the most searched for Bigfoot?


42. What is the special term for the accumulation of snow in the fields to increase the moisture reserve in the soil and warm wintering plants?

(Snow retention.)

43. More… – more snow, more snow - more bread. Fill in the missing word in the Russian proverb.

(Forest. " More forest More snow, more snow, more bread.)

44. What flowers are the first to bloom in early spring?


45. Which garden tree has the Snow Calvil variety?

46. ​​About what tree did Yesenin write the lines “Covered with snow, like silver”?

(About birch.)

47. Finish with the surname the title of Sergei Yesenin's poem "Anna ...".

("Anna Snegina")

48. What poem by Tyutchev begins with the line: “Snow is still whitening in the fields ...”?

("Spring Waters")

49. What is the popular name for falling snow?

a) gray moths; b) White flies;

c) Crystal mosquitoes; d) Silver bees.

50. Which of these bulk products is used during scoring of the film to imitate the creaking of snow in severe frost?

a) flour; b) Starch;

c) soda; d) powdered sugar.

(And preferably not corn, but potato.)

51. What is the name of the house of the Eskimo made of snow?

a) Chum; b) Needle;

c) Yurt; d) Wigwam.

52. On what planet can you find the plain of the Snow Maiden?

a) Jupiter b) Earth;

c) Venus; d) Mars.

(There is also Lada Land, Baba Yaga Canyon. All objects on Venus bear only female names.)

53. On what canvas did Vasily Surikov not have to paint snow?

a) "Boyar Morozova"; b) "The capture of the snowy town";

c) "Siberian beauty"; d) Winter in Moscow.

54. Which city of the Golden Ring of Russia has recently been recognized as the birthplace of the Snow Maiden?

a) Kostroma; b) Vladimir;

c) Sergiev Posad; d) Yaroslavl.

55. If in spring the snow melts very quickly, then such a spring is called:

a) friendly; b) sociable;

c) Contact; d) family.

56. Insert the missing word in the title of our cartoon “It was falling ... snow” (in it, the wife sent a man to the forest for a Christmas tree)?

a) fresh; b) last year;

c) Artificial; d) gold.


(On the eve of the holidays, even dictations can be festive.

Useful should also be enjoyable!)

Find all words with the root "snow" / "snow"

Our snow-covered yard shines brightly,

The snow fortress in it rings with laughter.

Sculpts snowballs kids day-to-day.

The roofs boast of a border of snow.

A snowman stands with a new whisk.

The excess snow was hauled away by a truck.

We prepare snowflakes, figurines for the Christmas tree,

We put on a play, a cheerful Snow Maiden.

We don't miss spring yet

But here we see snowdrops in a dream.

(I. Ageeva)

Danced through the snow


Bullfinches for snowmen

The song was whistled.

By the snowy river

In the snow lane

The snowballs are rolling,

Snowmen cut snow.

What type of precipitation is typical for the Russian winter?

(Snow .)

Bel, not sugar, no legs, but walking. What's this?

(Snow .)

From what snow creaking underfoot?

(The creak is caused by friction and the destruction of small crystals snow . The sound from the destruction of one crystal is not heard, but when many crystals are destroyed, the creak is clearly audible.)

Why during snowfall Does the air temperature usually rise?

(This is because when snow forms, heat is released from water droplets or water vapor.)

What is the name of an elementary particle - a crystal snow?

(Snowflake .)

How many rays do snowflakes?


Which ballet by Tchaikovsky has Waltz snowflakes»?


On your mitten you saw two snowflakes different shape. One is simpler, and the other is the form of a complex openwork pattern. Which one fell from the highest height?

(With a complex pattern. The more complex the shape of the snowflake, the greater the height it fell, since its circling in the air was accompanied by a process of crystallization - the addition of new moisture particles to it, which provided additional sophistication of the form.)

Name the famous painting by V.I. Surikov, which depicts a paramilitary game that Russians traditionally played at Shrove Tuesday.

("Take snowy township.")

What is the name of round ammunition from snow for your favorite winter fun?

(Snowballs .)

How do they talk about something completely unexpected (about an event, a guest, etc.)?

(How snow on the head.)

What do they say about someone who is very greedy?

(Him snow you won’t interrogate in winter.)

How do you talk about something completely unnecessary?

(Needed like last year snow .)

What is another name for a wild cat irbis?

(Snow leopard.)

What is the name of the favorite winter folk sculpture from snow?

(snowman, snowy woman.)

In what hats are high mountains fashionable?

(In the snow .)

Who has his whole short winter life lumped together?

(U snow ovica, snow noah women.)

name the hat snow ovik.


What is the name of the brave red-breasted songbird?

(Snegir b.)

Precipitation for a skier is... What?

(Snow .)

hardened snow- what's this?


What must be added to the wind to make a blizzard?

(Snow .)

Which fairy-tale heroine was contraindicated to be in the sun?

(Snow lesson.)

What is the name of the skates for the little ones?

(Snow urki.)

What is the name of a natural or artificial elevation for sledding?

(Snowy mountain.)

Name the sports equipment, whose name is translated as " snowy boots".


What are the short relatives of skis called, for walking in deep snow?

(Snow steps.)

What is the name of the car for moving in the deep snow?

(snowmobile .)

What special skids for movement snow equipped with airsleds?


What special vehicles are used to clear streets and roads from snow and snowy drifts?

(snow plows and snow loaders .)

What color should a soccer ball be? snowy field?


The name of which sports equipment is translated from of English language into Russian as " snowy board"?


In which country is the world's largest palace built every year? snow?

(In Finland.)

What is the name of the painful condition of the eyes caused by irritation from bright sunlight snow?

(Snowy blindness or snowand tsa.)

What cereal does not grow in the field and does not go to porridge?

(Snowy , ice pellets snow in the form of small round grains.)

What is the name of the melt water that forms on the surface of the ice in spring and has healing properties?

(Snowball or snowball .)

What berries are stored under the snow, and can they be harvested in the spring?

(Cranberries, lingonberries.)

Where do grouse usually spend the night in winter?

(AT snow .)

What is the name of a hairy creature with a large body, like apes, a face resembling a man, with hands to the knees, moving on powerful legs?

(Snow human.)

The name of which mountain system in Asia means "abode snow»?


Which mountains were most searched for snowy human?


What is the term for accumulation? snow in the fields to increase the supply of moisture in the soil and warm wintering plants?

(Snow retention .)

More - more snow, more snow- more bread. Fill in the missing word in the Russian proverb.

(Forest. “More forest - more snow, more snow - more bread.”)

What flowers bloom first in early spring?

(snowdrops .)

What garden tree has a variety Snow calvil?

(Apple tree.)

About what tree Yesenin wrote the lines “Covered snow, exactly silver "?

(About birch.)

Finish with a surname the title of Sergei Yesenin's poem "Anna ...".

("Anna Snow ina.")

What poem by Tyutchev begins with the line: “Even in the fields it turns white snow…»?

("Spring Waters")

What is the name of the falling snow?

a) gray moths; b) White flies;

c) Crystal mosquitoes; d) Silver bees.

Which of these bulk products is used to simulate squeaking during film scoring snow in extreme cold?

a) flour; b) Starch;

c) soda; d) powdered sugar.

(And preferably not corn, but potato.)

What is the name of the house of the Eskimo snow?

a) Chum; b) Needle;

c) Yurt; d) Wigwam.

On which planet can you find the plain Snow Maiden?

a) Jupiter b) Earth;

c) Venus; d) Mars.

(There is also Lada Land, Baba Yaga Canyon. All objects on Venus bear only female names.)

On which canvas Vasily Surikov not had to draw snow?

a) "Boyar Morozova"; b) "The capture of the snowy town";

c) "Siberian beauty"; d) Winter in Moscow.

Which city of the Golden Ring of Russia has recently been recognized as the homeland Snow Maiden?

a) Kostroma; b) Vladimir;

c) Sergiev Posad; d) Yaroslavl.

If in the spring snow melts very quickly, then such a spring is called:

a) friendly; b) sociable;

c) Contact; d) family.

Insert the missing word in the title of our cartoon "Falling ... snow”(in it, the wife sent a man to the forest for a Christmas tree)?

a) fresh; b) last year;

c) Artificial; d) gold.

There is a well-established opinion that during the snowfall it becomes warmer. In childhood, this effect was explained to us like this: snowflakes are so light and smooth that they reflect the light of the even dim winter sun, and this light warms everything around. But is it?

Winter has returned to Moscow this week: it started to snow and it got really cold. In our minds, snowfalls are strongly associated with winter and frost. However, you probably noticed more than once that with the appearance of snow in the city it becomes warmer. How is it in reality? Does snow come with cold or with heat? We asked colleagues from Schrödinger's Cat magazine to help figure it out.

To begin with, we note that everything happens like this: snow falls when it gets warmer. That is, the causal relationship of these phenomena is inverse. This, of course, does not mean at all that a snowstorm can cover us in the summer (although this also sometimes happens), because snowflakes are frozen water, and it freezes only at temperatures below zero. Most often, snowfalls attack us in winter, when cyclones come and warm atmospheric front. We talk about these guests and the quirks of nature associated with them in order.

Where does the snow fall from

Precipitation - snow, hail or rain - is formed from clouds. The warmer and more humid the air, the more powerful the clouds - this is an axiom. When the winds bring a warm atmospheric front into the city - that is, heated and wet air, which begins to creep into the cold - there are more clouds, and snow falls. And along with it, the warm front warms up our city. And here it does not necessarily come to a thaw, however, frosts, as a rule, subside. This is the main mechanism of winter warming.

Cloud Blanket

Clouds that generate snowfall, up to two to four kilometers thick, retain heat on the ground, like a duvet. The heated Earth always radiates long-wave radiation - in other words, heat. In anticyclone conditions, when massive clouds fly far away, there is a big difference between cold temperature air and the temperature of the heated Earth - and then it radiates its heat irrevocably. But when a cyclone comes (cloudy weather with precipitation), the warming terrestrial radiation is reflected from the clouds and returns to the Earth's surface in the form of powerful oncoming radiation. So, the air temperature remains positive.

An extra dose of heat

There is another point that affects the change in temperature in the positive direction. When clouds form, water vapor condenses. Remember the term from the school physics course - "exothermic process"? So here in the clouds are coming it's him.

For these reasons, snowfall and warming often come together. But in general, nature is a tricky thing, and sometimes it surprises us with strange behavior. For example, in Moscow, from January 31 to February 1, an anomalous warm weather with rains. And then with a cold front came powerful snowfalls and frosts. So, nature behaves in the best traditions of dualism - snow can come both with cooling and with warming.


1. What type of precipitation is typical for the Russian winter?

(Snow .)

2. White, not sugar, no legs, but walking. What's this?

(Snow .)

3. Why does the snow creak underfoot?

(The creak is caused by the friction and destruction of small snow crystals. The sound from the destruction of one crystal is not audible, but when many crystals are destroyed, the creak is clearly audible .)

4. Why does the air temperature usually rise during snowfall?

(This is because when snow forms, heat is released from water droplets or water vapor.)

5. What is the name of an elementary particle - a crystal of snow?

(Snowflake .)

6. How many rays does a snowflake have?


7. Which ballet by Tchaikovsky has "Waltz of the Snowflakes"?


8. On your mitten you saw two snowflakes of different shapes. One is simpler, and the other is the form of a complex openwork pattern. Which one fell from the highest height?

(With a complex pattern. The more complex the shape of the snowflake, the greater the height it fell, since its circling in the air was accompanied by a process of crystallization - the addition of new moisture particles to it, which provided additional sophistication of the form.)

9. Name the famous painting by V.I. Surikov, which depicts a paramilitary game that Russians traditionally played at Shrove Tuesday.

("The capture of the snowy town.")

10. What is the name of the round ammunition made of snow for your favorite winter fun?


11. How do you talk about something completely unexpected (about an event, a guest, etc.)?

(How snow on your head.)

12. How do they say who is very greedy?

(You can’t interrogate him for snow in winter.)

13. How do they talk about something completely unnecessary?

(Needed like last year's snow.)

14. What is another name for a wild cat irbis?

(Snow Leopard.)

15. What is the name of your favorite winter folk sculpture made of snow?

(snowman, snowy woman.)

16. What hats do high mountains wear in fashion?

(in the snow.)

17. Who has his whole short winter life lumpy?

(U snow ovik, snow women. )

18. Name the headdress snow ovik.


19. What is the name of the brave red-breasted songbird?

(Snegir b.)

20. Precipitation for a skier is ... What?

(Snow .)

21. Hardened snow is ... What?


22. What must be added to the wind to make a blizzard?

(Snow .)

23. What fairy-tale heroine was contraindicated to be in the sun?

(Snow lesson.)

24. What is the name of the skates for the little ones?

(Snow urki.)

25. What is the name of a natural or artificial elevation for sledding?

(snow mountain.)

26. Name the sports equipment, whose name is translated as "snow boots".


27. What are the short relatives of skis called for walking in deep snow?

(Snow stumps.)

28. What is the name of a deep snow vehicle?


29. What special runners for moving on snow are equipped with snowmobiles?


30. What special vehicles are used to clear streets and roads from snow and snow drifts?

(snow plows and snow loaders.)

31. What color should a soccer ball be to play on a snowy field?


32. The name of what sports equipment is translated from English into Russian as "snow board"?


33. In which country is the largest snow palace in the world built every year?

(In Finland.)

34. What is the name of the painful condition of the eyes caused by irritation from bright, sunlit snow?

(Snow blindness or snow and tsa.)

35. What cereal does not grow in the field and does not go for porridge?

(Snow, ice pelletssnow in the form of small round grains.)

36. What is the name of the melt water, which is formed in the spring on the surface of the ice and has healing properties?

(Snowball or snowball.)

37. What berries are stored under the snow, and can they be harvested in spring?

(Cranberries, lingonberries.)

38. Where do black grouse usually spend the night in winter?

(AT snow.)

39. What is the name of a hairy creature with a large body, like apes, a face resembling a man, with hands to the knees, moving on powerful legs?


40. The name of which mountain system in Asia means "abode of snows"?


41. In what mountains was the most searched for Bigfoot?


42. What is the special term for the accumulation of snow in the fields to increase the moisture reserve in the soil and warm wintering plants?

(Snow retention.)

43. More ... - more snow, more snow - more bread. Fill in the missing word in the Russian proverb.

(Forest. “More forest - more snow, more snow - more bread.”)

44. What flowers are the first to bloom in early spring?


45. Which garden tree has the Snow Calvil variety?

(Apple tree.)

46. ​​About what tree did Yesenin write the lines "Covered with snow, like silver"?

(About birch.)

47. Finish with the surname the title of Sergei Yesenin's poem "Anna ...".

("Anna Snow Ina.")

48. What poem by Tyutchev begins with the line: “Snow is still whitening in the fields ...”?

("Spring Waters")

49. What is the popular name for falling snow?

a) gray moths; b) White flies;

c) Crystal mosquitoes; d) Silver bees.

50. Which of these bulk products is used during scoring of the film to imitate the creaking of snow in severe frost?

a) flour; b) Starch;

c) soda; d) powdered sugar.

(And preferably not corn, but potato.)

51. What is the name of the house of the Eskimo made of snow?

a) Chum; b) Needle;

c) Yurt; d) Wigwam.

52. On what planet can you find the plain of the Snow Maiden?

a) Jupiter b) Earth;

in) Venus; d) Mars.

(There is also Lada Land, Baba Yaga Canyon. All objects on Venus bear only female names.)

53. On what canvas did Vasily Surikov not have to paint snow?

a) "Boyar Morozova"; b) "The capture of the snowy town";

c) "Siberian beauty"; d) Winter in Moscow.

54. What city of the Golden Ring of Russia has recently been recognized as the birthplace of the Snow Maiden?

a) Kostroma; b) Vladimir;

c) Sergiev Posad; d) Yaroslavl.

55. If in spring the snow melts very quickly, then such a spring is called:

a) friendly; b) sociable;

c) Contact; d) family.

56. Insert the missing word in the title of our cartoon “ It was falling ... snow" (In it, the wife sent a man into the forest for a Christmas tree)?

a) fresh; b) last year;

c) Artificial; d) gold.


(On the eve of the holidays, even dictations can be festive.

Useful should also be enjoyable!)

Find all words with the root "snow" / "snow"

Our yard for snowy shining bright,

Snow naya the fortress in it rings with laughter.

sculpts snow ki kids day-to-day.

The roofs boast of a border of snow.

With a new panicle there is snow ovik.

Snow a the surplus was hauled away by a truck.

We are preparing snow Incas, figurines for the Christmas tree,

We are putting on a performance, a cheerful Snow Urke.

We don't miss spring yet

But here under snow nicks see in a dream.

(52 words)

(I. Ageeva)

We danced through the snow

Snow snowstorms.

Snow irie snow ovikam

The song was whistled.

For snowy rivers

AT snowy lane

The snows are rushing loudly,

cut snow "snow urki".

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