Peter Chernyshev and Anastasia Zavorotnyuk: Love is evil. Zavorotnyuk and Chernyshev want to adopt a child Anastasia Zavorotnyuk and Peter Chernyshev in contact

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Tourism and rest

Despite the many roles in cinema and theater, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk was remembered by the audience as Vika's nanny in the TV series My Fair Nanny. She played a rustic girl from Ukraine who ended up as a nanny in the house of a wealthy producer. This series shows almost everything that could happen to a girl in real life, including love relationships that ended happily.

In the life of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, there were many obstacles on the path to happiness. There were several men in her life, but she was not happy with them. Behind her shoulders are three official marriages and a long relationship with Sergei Zhigunov, because of which he broke up with his wife.

First marriage

She remembers her first husband very reluctantly. She considers this marriage a mistake of youth. The girl got married almost immediately after graduating from the Moscow Art Theater School.

She met her future husband in the famous Snuffbox, where Oleg Tabakov invited her to play right after the studio school.

The acquaintance took place during the "skit", organized in honor. One of the guests was the German businessman Olaf Schwarzkopf. Young and energetic Zavorotnyuk liked him immediately. He firmly decided that this girl would become his wife. This was the beginning of a period of active courtship.

The German groom achieved his goal, and Anastasia became his wife. But this marriage did not last long. Depending on which side talks about the reasons for the divorce, there are two versions.

Anastasia says that she ran away from her husband because he regularly raised his hand to her and humiliated her. For this reason, the girl had a miscarriage.

Olaf tells a completely different story. Nastya had an abortion, because she was very worried about her figure and did not want to get better after giving birth. She was completely unsuited to everyday life and all homework Olaf had to do. The German calls the reason for the divorce new love Nastya.

Christmas meeting

Zavorotnyuk met her second husband at Christmas absolutely by accident. A festive evening was approaching, and Nastya had time to do a lot of things. She wanted to buy gifts for all her loved ones and still have time for a rehearsal at the theater.

In order to do all this, Anastasia decided to stop the car. When she voted on the road, an expensive foreign car stopped near her. driven by a handsome young man. He, having learned about the plans of the girl, agreed to become her personal driver for one day. The guy's name was Dmitry Stryukov. At that time he was already a successful businessman in Russia.

Dmitry and Nastya turned out to have a lot in common. Both had families, but were not happily married. They did not yet know that this meeting would change their lives. As a thank you, Anastasia invited the guy to the performance with his whole family. He accepted the invitation, but appeared alone. Dmitry came the next day. This went on for three days.

Already on the fourth day, the man proposed to Nastya.

She was amazed at his determination, but both had families. It was necessary to resolve this issue. They managed to quickly get a divorce and soon Anastasia married Stryukov. The celebration went very quietly. The young people signed in one of the registry offices of the capital and celebrated this event only together.

Soon the couple moved to America, where they founded their own business. Zavorotnyuk tried to live in two countries. Her family was in America, and her work in the theater was in Russia. A few years later, a joyful event happened in the family.

Nastya and Dmitry had a daughter, whom they named Anna. A few years later, son Mike was born.

The couple lived in America for only three years and then returned to Russia. But despite this, even after the divorce, they run their own business there, which consists in renting out luxury real estate.

The series "My Fair Nanny" at the same time brought fame and discord in the family to Zavorotnyuk. On the set, the actress became interested in her colleague Sergei Zhigunov and divorced her husband.

Acquaintance on ice

While the whole country followed with interest the novel of Zavorotnyuk and Zhigunov, a new plan was already being built in heaven regarding love relationship actresses. She was waiting for a meeting with her third husband. She met him on the show "Dancing on Ice".

Interesting Notes:

It happened in 2008. Anastasia Zavorotnyuk was invited to be the host of the ice show, and figure skater Pyotr Chernyshev participated in it with singer Yulia Kovalchuk. Unexpectedly for everyone an affair broke out between the actress and the skater which developed into a family relationship.

For the sake of this relationship, Peter divorced his wife, with whom he lived together for more than eight years, and Anastasia left Sergey Zhigunov.

Today, the couple is happy together. Despite the fact that rumors and the press have bred them more than once, their marriage is considered one of the strongest, and has lasted for almost 10 years. They try not to give interviews often, especially about their personal lives.

In Nastya's life, public relations were enough, followed by the whole country and commenting on them. Maybe, Pyotr Chernyshev turned out to be exactly that man with whom Nastya feels happy.

The newly-made husband of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, figure skater Pyotr Chernyshev, has long dreamed of a child. And, as it turned out, the “beautiful nanny” is also not against another baby in her family.

Recall that Nastya already has two children - 11-year-old Anya and 6-year-old Michael - from their first marriage with businessman Dmitry Stryukov. But Peter Chernyshev has no children yet. When discussing the issue of childbearing, the newlyweds came to an unexpected turn - they suddenly started talking about adopting a baby from an orphanage.

We asked Anastasia Zavorotnyuk how serious her intentions are.

I have long had a desire to take a child from an orphanage. We went there almost every day. Even my daughter Anechka went with me. The hardest part is putting together the package. required documents. In our country, this good deed has turned into a heavy red tape.

By the way, how did your children react to this? Will they not be jealous?

I can’t say with confidence: “Come on! My children will take it easily!” This is very serious. Such a decision is not taken lightly! Everything must be weighed. Children need to go through some preparation. It takes not a month or two ... I do not want to bring the baby to the family and see that my own children are not ready. For all of us, this is a big step. I try to cook Anya and Michael correctly, as it happens differently. I explain to them that it is not a kitten to bring. I know that in addition to the joy of finding a family, there will be many problems.


What age child would you like to take?

The most important thing is to coincide with the baby mentally. In order for many things to intersect, there was a contact. Character is the finest matter! up to two years goes by formation and development. As a mother of two children, I can say that it is impossible to fix something in character. Of course, a mature baby takes more time. It will need to be actively developed. You have an idea about the situation in domestic shelters - they are not dealt with there!

Did you and your spouse agree on the decision to take a child from a shelter?

In such a matter, the opinion and support of the husband is very important! I would not be able to take such a step if I was alone ... Such a decision must be made together!

Figure skater Pyotr Chernyshev has long dreamed of starting a family with many children. But not with ex-wife figure skater Natalya Annenko, there were no children with American bride Naomi Lang.

The actress prepares her children for the fact that they will have a brother or sister

My son - serious man- says the mother of the figure skater Lyubov Vasilievna. - He wants a family. Age already. Therefore, I was so happy about the appearance of Nastya! Petya has full contact with her children. But I will be happy if they have their own children.

Of course, Chernyshev dreams of his own children, but the busy filming schedule and participation in various shows do not allow the popular favorite Anastasia Zavorotnyuk to go on maternity leave. So the decision came to take the baby from the orphanage. This responsible and noble act will make the union of Anastasia and Peter even stronger.

I would gladly plunge headlong into the new role of my father, - Pyotr Chernyshev was frank more than once.


For a long time, the native children of the "beautiful nanny" did not want to accept Chernyshev as a new dad.

I'm already tired of everything! - Nastya complained to us in her hearts, barely holding back her tears. - I haven’t slept for three days, and I still have such a busy filming schedule. I am an adult woman, I have two children... They are very worried about this situation, because of the changes...

The children were the most affected party: at first they experienced a real tragedy during the divorce of their mother from Dmitry Stryukov. Nastya has repeatedly talked about how the ex-husband gave her crazy scenes of jealousy and frightened the children, even raised his hand to them.

The arrival of Sergei Zhigunov in the family was a huge relief for Nastya's kids. Sergey quickly managed to find an approach to Anastasia's children. And they bonded with him...

Then Nastya did not know how to explain to her son and daughter why Sergei left, and even more so why Peter appeared in their house. But life puts everything in its place. And I want this beautiful couple adopted a child as soon as possible and became a full-fledged family.

Maxim Sokolov

Photo: Vadim Gortinsky / Hello!

The first joint year was not easy for the couple, but in a black and white photo shoot Hello! they admit that their meeting is "a reward for past trials."

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk and Peter Chernyshev in a photo shoot for Hello!

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk in a photo shoot for Hello!

Petr Chernyshev in a photo shoot for Hello!

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk and Peter Chernyshev in a photo shoot for Hello!

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk and Petr Chernyshev on the cover of Hello!

About dating:

“Our day of acquaintance coincides with the day when Petya proposed to me. It was the end of August 2007, the beginning of the recording of "Dancing on Ice". We then met for the first time, and everything ... covered. Imagine meeting a person without whom you cannot live a day.

“Since then, we cannot live without each other. It happens that you have to part for a week or two, and then neither the phone nor the Internet can save you from longing.

About temperament:

"I'm a volcano, I admit it."

"Not. Well, what kind of volcano are you?! Only if it accumulates. And even then it is not so that the last day of Pompeii. Probably, if we were both calm, then life would be ... "


On the anniversary of marriage:

“To understand that we are a family, not a year is enough, but one glance. It was enough for me once to look into his eyes to understand that I can trust this person. And this is the most a big problem».

About life:

“Petya is actually a very neat person, and no banal things like dirty cups were noticed behind him. I am really scrupulous in everything that concerns cleanliness in the house: I like everything to be perfect. I even calm my nerves this way - I arrange or put things in their places, evenly.

“And Tatyana Petrovna, our nanny and assistant, saves us.”

On how the kids accepted the new dad:

“Of course, it was not easy for my children, because they had a negative experience in their lives. But Anya and Mikey believed Peter. On the eve of our wedding, my son came up to me and, as carefully as a little one, said: “Mom, tomorrow you will probably be worried. I want you to know that at any moment I will be next to you, and you can lean on me. And he was one step behind me the whole wedding ... "

“And what toasts he told us! “You have met. Now shine like two stars in the sky...

The actress and the figure skater commented on the rumors about their divorce

The couple addressed the rumors about their divorce

Rumors that Anastasia ZAVOROTNYUK is divorcing her husband, figure skater Pyotr CHERNYSHEV, have been circulating on the Internet for more than a week. Alarmed friends and acquaintances cut off the phones of the couple, sympathizing and wondering why? Spouses of "stupidity" - in their expression! - did not comment, but flew away together on a romantic trip to the Seychelles.

According to the actors, recent times they barely manage to be together due to busy work schedules.

I spent almost half a year in Minsk, on the set of the military drama "Gauleiter Hunt", - says Zavorotnyuk in an interview with a magazine HELLO! - Petya had to live in St. Petersburg for a month and a half, where the Bolero show with his participation was on. And now, in September, he opened his school figure skating at the Tauride skating rink in St. Petersburg, so he spends a lot of time in his hometown.

When asked about the breakup, Nastya expressed obvious bewilderment:

Petya is very attentive to me and to all the women of our family - to my mother Valentina Borisovna, my daughter Anya, even to our nanny Tatiana Petrovna. He often gives flowers and gifts for no reason at all.

However, there is still not enough romance in their relationship, Anastasia admits. Chernyshev also believes that their feelings sometimes need a good “shake”.

Routine eats these feelings, but you just stop for a second, slow down and focus on your native person. And then what you felt at the very beginning will feel even stronger, I assure you.

At the same time, the lovers admit that it is rather difficult for them, as two artistic natures, to get along.

Petya, tell the truth: you can’t live with an artist, Anastasia laughs.

- You can’t live with the artist Anastasia Zavorotnyuk! Nobody! - Her husband agrees. - Only I can and only with this artist. ( laughing.) But seriously, the difference in temperament saves us. I, like any man, tend to rely more on common sense, logic, and when emotions boil, to judge calmly.

As for the jealousy, in which their journalists now and then convict (and then safely “bred”), the couple said that in fact this feeling is not familiar to them.

I do not really understand this feeling - jealousy, - says Peter. - It arises, in my opinion, only when you are either not sure of yourself and your love, or you are not sure of your spouse. Although, why this question arose, I understand: Nastya is kissing with the artists in the frame.

Anastasia, in turn, admits that she is not so philosophical about such topics.

I have a clear position - jealousy can poison life, kill love, so I do not allow myself to think about it. We must trust each other.

0 24 October 2009, 16:00

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk and Petr Chernyshev not only took part in the photo shoot, but also gave an interview to Hello!. In it, they talked about some significant events in life.

About dating:

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk:

Our day of acquaintance coincides with the day when Petya proposed to me. It was the end of August 2007, the beginning of the recording of "Dancing on Ice". We then met for the first time, and everything ... covered. Imagine meeting a person without whom you cannot live a day.

Petr Chernyshev:

Since then, we cannot live without each other. It happens that you have to part for a week or two, and then neither the phone nor the Internet can save you from longing.

About temperament:

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk:

I'm a volcano, I admit it.

Petr Chernyshev:

No. Well, what kind of volcano are you?! Only if it accumulates.

On the anniversary of marriage:

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk:

To understand that we are a family, not a year is enough, but one glance. It was enough for me once to look into his eyes to understand that I can trust this person. And this is the biggest problem today.

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk:

Petya is actually a very neat person, and no banal things like dirty cups were noticed behind him. I am really scrupulous in everything that concerns cleanliness in the house: I like everything to be perfect. I even soothe my nerves - I arrange or put things in their places, evenly. Petr Chernyshev:

And Tatyana Petrovna, our nanny and assistant, also saves us.

On how the kids accepted the new dad:

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk:

Of course, it was not easy for my children, because they had a negative experience in their lives. But Anya and Mikey believed Peter. On the eve of our wedding, the son came up to me and, as carefully as a little one, said: “Mom, tomorrow you will probably be worried. I want you to know: at any moment I will be next to you, and you can lean on me” . And he was one step behind me the whole wedding ... Pyotr Chernyshev:

And what toasts he told us! "You have met. Now you shine like two stars in the sky..."

Source Hello!

A photo Vadim Gortinsky/Hello!

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