Basic types of hosting What is hosting? Hosting types

Interesting 27.06.2020

Hosting ids- I propose once and for all to deal with the classification of hosting by the type of services provided by the hosting company and I hope that after reading this article, none of us will get confused in the terminology when entering the hosting site. Today we will find out what are types of hosting.

Hosting types

Let's start by refreshing the definition of hosting.

Wikipedia tells us that

Hosting is a service for providing computing power for the physical placement of information on a server that is constantly on the network (usually the Internet). Hosting is also called a service for placing client equipment on the provider's territory, ensuring its connection to high-bandwidth communication channels (collocation, from English collocation).

Shared hosting

Despite the tricky name, shared hosting is a simple and common service. Means that several sites are located on the hard drive of one web server. Depending on the selected tariff plan, you are allocated a certain number of gigabytes and some limitation on the use of resources. And if you can’t get to someone else’s sector of the hard disk, just like your neighbors, then here are the resources - memory, processor, software - common to everyone.

I P-address on a shared hosting can be both common for all and separate for each website hosted on a web server. My site, for example, has a common one for everyone. I can even see what kind of neighbors I have.

P plus virtual hosting - low cost. Therefore, most sites choose this type of hosting.

M inus - in possible failures in the translation of your site on the Internet. This can happen if one of the neighbors on the server experiences a sharp overrun of resources, and the system cannot quickly respond to the peak load. Something similar happens during a DDos attack on a server.

Virtual Private Server

One step higher in the gradation of hosting types is a virtual dedicated server - this is when a group of websites is located on one physical web server, but each of them has its own virtual server. With all the consequences - your own IP address, full control and management of machine resources and its configuration.

VPS (Virtual Private Server) or VDS (Virtual Dedicated Server) - you can see such abbreviations of a virtual dedicated server on hosting websites, they are in sufficient demand among users, as they allow you to combine the advantages of virtual and physical servers.
Prices for VPS fluctuate in a fairly wide range, since the range of connected services and configurations is wide. As a rule, for VPS with minimal prices, you will have to deal with the administration of the operating system yourself without the support of a hosting company.

Dedicated server

A dedicated server is a type of hosting in which one website is allocated one physical server. The advantage of such hosting is that the performance of your server does not depend on the workload of other web resources, you can change the server configuration at your discretion, or even stop the computer for technical work. Minus VS is a high price corresponding to the level of service. But, if you are going to promote a video or a gaming portal or another resource-intensive project, it looks like you cannot avoid buying a dedicated server.


And, finally, the last type of hosting for today is collocation.
Suppose you are the owner of physical equipment for creating a full-fledged web server, but do not have access to high-speed output channels in global network. Then you negotiate with the hosting company and install your equipment on the hosting site with the condition of connecting to the network. This service is called collocation. Another option - you rent from the provider and equipment and channel. What is the meaning of collocation? Yes, in that you do not pay for the segment: the end user is the provider's server, the so-called "last mile". And if you have huge traffic from many entry points, then colocation is what you need.

Well. Today there is a lot of information about the types of hosting. Let's discuss?

The modern hosting industry offers a lot of options for hosting Internet projects. Therefore, each site owner can find for himself the most best option. Website hosting can be different, the most popular types are virtual hosting, virtual dedicated server (VPS / VDS), server rental (Dedicated). Each service differs in its technical features and cost, but in general, a common approach is used - this is the construction of client sites based on web servers. Let's take a look at the pros and cons of each.

Main types of hosting:

Virtual (shared) hosting.

The simplest and most common type of hosting. Thousands of sites are stored on one server. Disk space and computing power are divided between users, each of which does not have the ability to change the general settings of the computer and manages only a part of the space allocated for his project, uses pre-installed software.


  • the cheapest type of hosting;
  • convenient from the client's point of view. As a rule, a control panel is provided with your hosting account, with which you can upload files, make backups, etc.


  • unreliability. If the server hosts sites with a high traffic rate that can “put down” the server, then the stable operation of your site may be in jeopardy. Also, if the sites adjacent to yours are hacked, your information will also be at risk;
  • low speed, instability to loads. Usually, this type of hosting does not guarantee the speed of access to the site, and it depends on the degree of server load at a certain point in time.

Virtual dedicated (VPS/VDS) server.

AT this case on one physical computer there are about 20 so-called virtual machines. Each of which has its own operating system, a guaranteed amount of RAM, server computing power and other resources.


  • relatively inexpensive type of hosting;
  • each user who has basic administration skills can independently configure VDS, i.e. he can independently configure the OS, install the necessary services and modules, configure the software. For serious projects, this is of no small importance.


  • knowledge and skills in server administration are required;
  • although security is higher than that of virtual hosting, it is still there vulnerabilities associated with other projects.

Dedicated (dedicated) server.

In this case, you get at your disposal the entire server, which is located in the data center of the hosting company. This type of hosting is used for large projects or Internet services, most often on a national scale. Usually, data centers provide two options, either to rent a server from a hosting company, or to place your computer (collocation).


  • full control over the physical server;
  • high level of security.


  • relatively high cost;
  • a qualified system administrator is required to set up and manage the server.

Greetings beginner webmasters and site owners! Today we will talk about what hosting is and why you need it. Find out what types are and how they work.

  • Part 2.
  • Part 3

Hosting - what is it?

To make it easier for you to understand, let's go back to the material, where I explained, using the example of streets, why it is needed. If we continue this analogy with real life, then the domain name (site address) indicates the place where the site is located, that is, a specific apartment or a separate house.

A website is nothing more than a collection of files. These files consist of information that the user sees when they visit it.

In order to store these files somewhere, people have come up with servers (computers with special software) that work and are online 24 hours a day to ensure the sites are continuously working. The service that provides access to storing your files on these servers is called “Hosting”.

Hosting (English. hosting - to receive guests) is a service that provides space on a server that is constantly on the Internet for hosting and storing website files.

It turns out that hosting, or as it is also called “hosting provider”, helps us to host site data on our servers.

You've probably seen scenes like this in movies.

This is how the “data center” looks like, where these same servers are located. Each hosting has its own or rented Data center, which can be located in any city and country.

Servers come with different characteristics, depending on the capacity and amount of disk space for the files placed on it. Let's take a look at what types there are.

Hosting types

There are 4 types of such services.

Shared hosting

Virtual hosting (English shared hosting) is the most common type. For the reason that it is the cheapest and for simple or young websites it is the best option.

On a physical server in the data center, you are allocated only a certain amount of disk space and computing power, depending on the tariff purchased from the host.

Virtual Private Server

Virtual Dedicated Server (Virtual Private Server "VPS" or Virtual Dedicated Server "VDS") - a full-fledged dedicated server is emulated inside the physical server with special software. It has all the functionality necessary for full management and configuration, but still uses part of the physical server.

Most suitable for professional sites with complex computational processes and heavy load. When your site grows and lacks the features that shared hosting provides, you can easily switch to VPS.

A dedicated server is a physical server with the required configuration specifications. We can assume that a separate computer with full functionality was installed for your site, and not a part of the space was allocated, as in the previous two options.

Such servers are usually used by large IT projects.


Collocation (collocation) is a service when you place your equipment to create a server in the data center of a hosting provider. It can be said that you pay for the rent of the premises and the maintenance of the equipment.

As I already mentioned, the cost will depend on the chosen tariff, which takes into account not only the capacity of the rented space or equipment, but also additional services.

It can range from 100 rubles a month to several hundred thousand rubles. If you are a beginner and want to make a simple website for your company, a blog, an online store or a simple cloud service, then for the first time a virtual one will be enough for you.

You can choose the cheapest rate.

For example, on, where I post my young projects, the cost is only 115 rubles per month. Paying less than $100 a year. There are also cheaper options.

You can also see the rates and choose the best one here:

  • (1 month free)

Any novice webmaster should know what hosting is and what types of it exist. This knowledge is necessary in order to select the most suitable for the newly created Internet project, that is, such a hosting that will enable the site hosted on its servers to work quickly and smoothly at maximum load.

There are several types of hosting

Each hosting company can provide several types of hosting at once. But you must understand that the quality of hosting depends not only on this.

I believe that the best hosting is the hosting that works without failures, has a clear functionality of the admin panel and a wide FAQ system for work. And another important quality criterion is a professional and responsive support service.

So, let's look at the main types of hosting:

Virtual hosting.

This type of hosting is the most common, simple and cheap. It is the most popular among webmasters, as it is able to meet the requirements of any small Internet resource, which is designed for attendance of several hundred people a day and does not have specific elements in its structure.

Shared hosting will satisfy the requirements of a small blog, a business card site, a narrow-topic information project.

The main disadvantage of this type of hosting is that the resources using it do not have specific allocated capacities. If necessary, hosting resources can be given to the needs of another site.

Virtual dedicated server (VPS hosting).

There are two main differences between VPS hosting and virtual hosting. Firstly, this is the fact that each site hosted on such hosting has a dedicated ip-address, and secondly, the hosting capacity can be used by only one resource.

Thus, this type of hosting is more stable. It makes it possible to ensure high-quality work of such Internet projects as large thematic blogs with an audience of several thousand people, online stores, information portals, news projects and so on.

Dedicated server.

The essence of this type of hosting is that the owner of the project rents a separate server (computer) from the hoster, on the hard disk of which he places his site.

In this case, the hoster ensures only the uninterrupted operation of the server, and all the responsibilities for setting up the resource and hosting fall on the shoulders of its owner.

This hosting satisfies the needs of almost any website.


This is the most expensive type of hosting. Its most important difference from the previous one is that the site owner does not rent a server computer, but places his own server in the hoster's data center.

Every Internet project must have its own home or web server to physically store the site's data files. Companies that provide “homes” for projects are called hosting providers or simply providers. In this case, the space allocated on the server for such projects is referred to as a hosting site. The actual physical location of the web server is possible anywhere the globe and here it all depends on the location of the provider. For some people, it is much easier to work with the technical support of their country, since in this case you will at least speak the same language. Then your appeal of the plan: how can I include such a thing with the image of a hexagonal wheel in the site administrator panel, it will surely be clear to the service and, importantly, executed.

Choosing the “right” site for a project is one of the urgent tasks for any user who wants to place his project on the Internet. It's like choosing a car - what you buy, and go. Of course, much depends on the level of complexity of the future project. For example, if you are making a simple business card site with 3-5 HTML pages, then you can actually choose anything and as cheap as possible. Another thing is commercial Internet projects or serious representative offices of companies, here you already need to be as careful as possible and carefully select a partner for your business, otherwise you can’t call a provider a partner in this case. The success of your business will depend on the service provider.

Many providers of different ... blue and red ...

To date, the number of providers providing hosting services goes off scale far beyond the hundreds. It is obvious that providers differ from each other both in terms of quality and quantity of services offered. Someone offers a number of cheap tariff plans, someone takes more expensive, but relies on the quality of services, and so on. All these nuances must be taken into account when purchasing hosting services. If you buy hosting for 20 rubles a month, then the quality of services will probably be at the level of this money (sometimes there are exceptions), so carefully study the possibilities of this tariff plan before jumping into cheap offers.

As for choosing a specific service provider, by and large it is like choosing a CMS for your project. Definitely always difficult to answer such a question. Perhaps there are several key points when choosing a provider. This is the level of service, price and technical capabilities of the selected tariff plan. Also, a lot depends on the "severity" of projects and the number of unique visitors who come to your site in one day.
When choosing a site, you must, first of all, scrupulously study each of the applicants. This can be done using the Internet, but not on the basis of various advertising publications, but on the basis of the excellent resource ( This resource is already more than seven years old and it was organized by one single person, Petr Palamarchuk, who to this day “drags” and holds this resource so necessary for many users in a leading position. On this site, in addition to the review various aspects hosting you will find a very valuable section called "Customer Reviews".

In this section of the site, many users leave their feedback about their experience with a particular service provider. Wherein main feature of all reviews is a mandatory check of the user himself regarding the placement of his sites with this provider, about which he leaves a review. That is, a person from the side who has never seen this site in the eyes will not be able to leave a bad or good review. Of course, there are always more reviews of a negative nature, but this is explained by the very essence of a person. As a rule, when a person is satisfied with everything, he especially does not seek to tell everyone about it, but when something does not suit him, then revenge can be limitless.

On the basis of such customer reviews, you can get a rough picture of a single provider. If ten out of ten people's reviews talk about the same problem, then this problem is likely to take place. Your task is to adequately look at the reviews, filter the available information and make your choice. There are no ideal options, but you can always choose a site that is close in terms of requirements and, most importantly, in terms of price. In addition, almost all service providers provide a test period for a period of several days and you can try them before paying for the services. Yes, and most importantly! When purchasing hosting, never buy it for a long time initially. Buy hosting for one or two months, try the quality of services and only then decide whether it is worth working on this site or not.

Hosting types

Hosting has several types of services, which are usually represented by different tariff plans. These are virtual hosting services, virtual dedicated server services and dedicated server rental. In addition, there are also reseller services, services for renting out physical space for customer servers, as well as newfangled cloud technologies. Each service differs from each other in its technical features, but in general, the same approach is used - this is the construction of client sites based on web servers. I propose in the following subsections to get acquainted with the voiced hosting services. The only thing that I will not touch on cloud technologies in this article is the subject of a large separate discussion and such an article is expected in the near future, follow my blog.

Shared hosting

Shared hosting is one of the most common and frequently used services. This type of hosting is the cheapest and most accessible to a wide range of people. The meaning of virtual hosting is the simultaneous use by different people of the common resources of the server or part of the server, namely disk space, memory, database and processor time. According to this scheme, each user on the server is allocated a certain disk quota (depending on the tariff plan) and certain server resources that he can use.

That is, if we take an abstract computer as an example and divide HDD A PC for a hundred sections, giving them to individual users, then in the end you will get the same virtual hosting with a hundred clients. All users of your computer will use different disk partitions without access to neighboring partitions, but all people will use the same PC system resources. In this case, the degree of workload or the degree of use of computer system resources by one user may be reflected in other users. To prevent this from happening, providers use a system of resource limits for each client, but all the same, all clients located on the same web server depend on each other. If one project will load the system resources of the server and the provider does not have time to respond, then perhaps your project located on the same server will have a longer page load response time or even be unavailable at certain intervals.

All of the above is character traits shared hosting tariffs, but that is why this type of service is cheap. When choosing shared hosting, you should consider these nuances. If the project is designed for a huge number of visitors, then probably virtual hosting will not suit you, since a large number of site visitors will heavily load system resources. On average, up to 3,000 unique visitors can come to virtual hosting per day. Of course, a lot depends on the project itself, if these are simple HTML pages or a small site on a CMS, then a much larger number of visitors is possible. It all depends on how much HTML pages or CMS will select web server resources.

Virtual Private Server

The second-ranked type of service is a virtual dedicated server. In everyday life, to refer to this type of service, there are abbreviations VPS (Virtual Private Server) or VDS (Virtual Dedicated Server). This type of hosting is much more interesting and practically does not have the above mentioned problems of virtual hosting. The idea of ​​a virtual dedicated server is as follows. Inside a large and powerful server, several virtual servers(actually partitions), where each of the servers is equipped with its own operating system, accompanying software and fixed system resources. Due to this, this type of hosting is called a virtual dedicated server, since it is a dedicated part of the server itself. It is not difficult to manage such a server, and as a rule, all service providers provide their administrative support at this rate.

You, as a user of a virtual dedicated server, can distribute your system resources for each specific site, which can be as many as you like (within the disk quota or the selected tariff). Moreover, you can create your own users and allocate certain system resources (disk, memory, processor time, databases, and so on) to these users. That is, in fact, on a virtual dedicated server, you can already do a little commerce, which is what many web studios do by the way, offering along with the development of the site also hosting for your project.

As for fixed resources, they are really fixed, but if you are allocated, say, 512 MB of memory and a 1200 GHz processor, then you are guaranteed to receive these resources. In the case of shared hosting, these parameters will be shared between all clients of the same site, and there may be ten or one hundred such clients. This advantage is a good virtual dedicated server that a large number of unique visitors or overload on the server does not oblige you to look at other users and expect that your site is about to be turned off or asked to switch to a new, more expensive tariff. As for prices, they are somewhat higher than on virtual tariffs, but there are good deals. Therefore, before buying shared hosting for large projects, evaluate the pros and cons and make a wise choice.

Dedicated server

This type of service is suitable for large projects that cannot be implemented within the framework of a virtual dedicated server. A dedicated server, unlike a virtual dedicated server, is the very large and powerful server that will entirely belong to you alone. The service provider will simply lease this server to you. What you will do with this server, what software to install - this is your own business. Moreover, in our age of advanced technology, it is absolutely not necessary to have physical access to this server, a good high-speed Internet is quite enough. By the way, you can order a server with the installation of the appropriate software(this service is paid once) and full administration of the server by the service provider.

In addition to a dedicated server, you can rent a place for your server from a provider. The provider's Internet connection channel will naturally be much "thicker" than your home or business, so this type of service is also popular. In this case, you will have to take care of your server on your own and maintain a staff, or use the services of a provider to administer your server.


In addition to the above listed types of services, it is worth mentioning resellers. Who is a reseller? This is a person, entrepreneur or organization that rents either a virtual dedicated server/servers or a dedicated server/servers from a service provider and organizes their hosting with their own tariffs and services. This is quite a normal practice and sometimes you can get services and technical support from resellers that are an order of magnitude higher than from some providers.

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