Scorpio man: behavioral features and psychology of relationships. What does a Scorpio man like in bed? Astrology what a scorpio man loves in bed

the beauty 17.03.2021
the beauty

They are always driven by the energy of love and passion. This is the only way they know how to express their feelings for the opposite sex. They will not rant, shower beautiful speeches. No. They just give a magical night next to them. Scorpio in sex is able to demonstrate the highest aerobatics.

Scorpions in bed - what kind of lovers are they?

Representatives of this sign are not alien to any experiments, and as soon as the partner asks for something, Scorpio immediately embodies all desires. At the same time, due to the developed intuition, Scorpions do not even need to be asked for them to feel all the inner needs of the partner.

Usually sex with a Scorpio in bed is just exhausting. After sex with him, many fall asleep almost immediately, because. remain without energy.

But Scorpio remains even more satisfied and satisfied. Good sex for him is almost a reason to think about marriage. Indeed, in life companions they choose the one whose sexual temperament corresponds to his as much as possible.

A huge plus of Scorpions is that they know how to feel the body of a partner. They intuitively feel everything erogenous zones and in the moment of intimacy, none is neglected. They rarely talk about their preferences. They still get pleasure from sex, but how to make an orgasm more vivid - the partner must guess for himself.

What not to do in bed with a Scorpio partner

Think about how not to get bored. Scorpions love to completely absorb a partner, this is such a symbiosis when partners dissolve into each other. However, as soon as Scorpio gets bored in bed with a partner, as soon as some new moments stop happening, Scorpio immediately begins to think about changing partners.

At the same time, representatives of this zodiac sign are always honest with their partners. They tend to warn a couple of times about the thoughts that have appeared, so that the partner reconsiders his strategies, and then proceeds to action. But Scorpions will not suggest anything.

It is better for uninitiated people not to try to conquer Scorpio at all. Due to the fact that they are always active in bed, it is important for them that the partner is the same. Scorpios are simply not interested in constantly giving pleasure to someone who does not care about his pleasure according to the same scenario. Scorpios are lovers of diversity in sex. They rarely need long foreplay, but they will never refuse extreme sex.

Scorpio always loves to make eyes at someone. Just can not resist the assessment of the sexual proportions of future prey. Scorpios don't separate love from sex, and there's no way in the world they'll wait and sort through. If they don't like someone, then they will quickly find a new object of feelings...

The magnetism of Scorpio is so great that no one is able to resist it. Scorpio dreams of a mysterious person. Scorpio man loves women with appetizing sexual forms and with a southern temperament. Everything that Scorpio does is imbued with sex. The Scorpio woman seduces with her feline movements. Her sexy cutouts on the dress captivate the opposite sex, and her passionate look of dark eyes drives men crazy. Even in erotically neutral situations, such as a meeting at work or a visit to the office, Scorpio does not leave the thought of sensual adventure. Pierces with a look of everyone he meets, trying to throw his erotic nets on him. Scorpios dream of a passionate and sometimes even dramatic romance. Nothing can be too easy with a Scorpio. He knows how to arm himself with his privacy and hide his intimate details from prying eyes. It's best if the bedroom is closed, the lights are off, the blinds are closed and the walls are soundproofed. Scorpios love secret dates. It's hard to track down who's with this moment associated with Scorpio, because he skillfully protects such information.

In bed, Scorpios are very passionate and insatiable. Greedily rush to the partner. They will gladly accept any erotic experiment.

They are skillful lovers, with all their hearts they give themselves to pleasures. Scorpio guesses with the sixth sense what excites the partner the most and will immediately put this knowledge into practice. The night with Scorpios is very long, so you can't be in bad shape.

Scorpios are reluctant to tell everyone about their erotic relationships. Each adventure creeps deep into their heart and remains there forever. You also better not hurt Scorpio's feelings. If someone disparagingly talks about a date with him or just betrays him by apologizing with another partner, Scorpio's revenge will be terrible. It's nothing that he himself is already running after new prey. From a partner requires absolute fidelity and devotion.

The best couples are created by Scorpio with Cancers and Pisces. This is a relationship based on deep feelings, devotion and mutual understanding. Each Scorpio meets, however, in his life Taurus, and ... begins. They won't get bored with each other. Both have a sense of insatiability in the bedroom and will admire each other long after they have parted ways.

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Scorpios are considered to be the sexiest of all the signs of the zodiac. Sex for them is a prerequisite for a full and happy life. Scorpios need flashes of passion, the intensity of emotions when the nerves are at the limit. He wants sex almost constantly and is ready to do it always and everywhere. They are very ardent and passionate lovers, very generous with a variety of caresses. Scorpios know how and love to excite and get excited, you can’t expect passivity from them in bed, they are used to taking the initiative into their own hands and seeking pleasure, first of all, for themselves. Scorpios are very partial to oral sex and have a violent, sometimes even somewhat perverted fantasy. They often consider themselves irresistible, so they really like it when they see that they like the opposite sex.

scorpio man

The Scorpio man is a passionate but rather domineering lover. Jealousy and dominance can be called the main shortcomings of Scorpio. He is popular with many women, but is very afraid of falling under their influence. Such a man always strives to be in charge in a relationship, to dominate and, ideally, completely subjugate a woman to himself. In order to feel comfortable, he must control the situation in everything. In achieving this, he often loses interest and chooses a new object for "hunting". Because of this, a Scorpio man often loses a good relationship, because he can break even over a trifling matter. In sexual relationships, a Scorpio man loves to study the desires and psychological weaknesses of his partner, rarely loses his self-control and control. Scorpio can be a wonderful actor and is able to play various roles, in addition, he is able to use various feelings of his partner for his own benefit - jealousy, anger, kindness. At the same time, the male representative of this zodiac sign intuitively feels the needs of a partner and, as a rule, goes to meet them. Surprising a Scorpio man in bed is quite difficult because, having great sexual experience, he tried almost everything. In sexual relations, he prefers positions 90, 96 and 104.

Scorpio woman

Scorpio woman is very demanding and at the same time prone to excesses. Men like this combination at first, but after a while it starts to tire. Sex is very important to her. Abstinence upsets her and spoils her mood. She is very active and energetic. Knowing that a man needs a certain stimulus, she devotes a lot of time to caring for herself and her body, maintaining an excellent shape, she is very partial to beautiful outfits and perfumes. For men who value openness and enjoyment in sexual relationships, a woman - Scorpio will be an excellent partner. She can be a good wife, but she rarely remains faithful, while sincerely loving her husband. Her extramarital affairs arise from the desire for new and vivid experiences. She knows how to separate sex from love. It remains temperamental almost until old age. In intimate relationships, a Scorpio woman has practically no barriers and prohibitions - as long as both partners feel good. Likes in bed poses 119 and 47.

You can see the descriptions of the poses mentioned above in the Poses section of the Kamasutra. Also on the site published the book Kama Sutra - full text.

Scorpio men belong to the sign of the fire element. These are people in whom lies a huge energy potential, a solid core in decision-making and strength of character in general. Their innate charm simply will not leave you a chance of indifference. This is very attractive men to which it is difficult to be indifferent. If a Scorpio man has become your chosen one, then his characteristics and behavior in love relationships will surely grab your attention. In this article, we will take a closer look at the strengths and weak sides representative of the fire element.

Representatives of the Scorpio sign have a natural magnetism, which greatly attracts others. It is very difficult not to fall under this influence, so the Scorpio man always has a lot of fans. These are purposeful and stubborn natures. Even if you miraculously managed to refrain from his natural charms, then be prepared to experience his inexhaustible charisma. So, what is a Scorpio man in love with a woman:

  • Caught in the love nets of a Scorpio man, a woman becomes dependent in this relationship. This can be explained by the illusion of exclusivity that Scorpio skillfully creates around himself.
  • The representative of this sign can be safely attributed to the expression "closed book". Despite the fact that these are quite emotional natures, they are quite secretive. You may never know his true intentions and feelings towards you.
  • Scorpios are deservedly called the most difficult sign. They are very despotic, jealous and nervous. Such men are too demanding of their chosen ones.
  • They are born manipulators. Their tough temperament and innate psychological skills make it easy to impose guilt or obligation on you.
  • Scorpios are very domineering natures. This feature often prevents them from building long-term relationships. They sincerely believe in their exclusivity and singularity, and all the people around them are clumsy and serfs who need scolding.

A woman who can be in a long-term relationship with such a man must be understanding and accommodating. Then there is a chance that in the absence of annoying stimuli, Scorpio will stop attacking. It is quite possible that the instinct to protect his defenseless soul mate will wake up in him.

  • If Scorpio finds the right soul mate that suits him completely, he will stop provoking and manipulating her.
  • Having found a “calm harbor” in a relationship, he is able to direct his huge energy potential to any area and achieve incredible heights there.

Scorpio man in bed

Knowing already what kind of Scorpio men are in love, let's see how representatives of this sign behave in intimate relationships:

  • Love and sex for a Scorpio man are completely different concepts. At first, they are ready to greedily enjoy their soulmate, but when the relationship is no longer supported by love, Scorpios begin to need to realize their sexual fantasies, which they cannot realize with their loved one.

For representatives of this sign, the image of a beloved girl is not tied to the depraved appearance that he sees in his fantasies. Scorpio is a fan of one-sided free relationships, so it is likely that such a man is prone to betrayal, but he will not forgive his soulmate for such a trick.

  • Scorpio has a too high opinion of himself and does not tolerate when someone tries to moralize him.
  • Such a man belongs to the type of people who already believe that they are doing great, so if you are not satisfied with sex with Scorpio, this is practically hopeless situation. After all, he does not accept criticism at all.
  • You can get something from Scorpio in sex only by gently hinting and carefully voicing your desires. Only then can he fully reveal his sexual potential.
  • Scorpios are very passionate lovers who are happy to use all the innovations and experiments in bed.
  • But such narcissistic and eccentric men have one big minus. As true egoists, in matters of bed they think only of themselves.
  • If you are a fan of long preludes, then I hasten to disappoint you, in some cases Scorpio can be attentive to his partner, but, often, he does not have the desire and time to “swing”.

  • The love and passion of a Scorpio man ignites instantly. He does not feel the need to somehow delay this pleasant process. He will write off all the remarks of the partner as whims and desires to annoy him.
  • Scorpios are born leaders, which is why they like to dominate in bed. Their other half should be ready for various hot experiments, but at the same time be a defenseless, modest and virgin victim. This is the key to success. Such a woman will drive any Scorpio crazy.

Scorpio men married

If you want to marry a Scorpio man, then you will definitely want to know how the representative of this sign will behave in marriage. We will talk about this further:

  • The Scorpio man is not a very faithful companion in love and marriage. Most likely he will get a mistress. The representative of this sign is prone to sexual relations on the side, so be prepared to accept this if you decide to choose him as your partner.
  • Once going to the left, you can assure with accuracy that to a calm family life he won't come back. Such men are real intriguers, which is why they are so attracted to a secret life.
  • Scorpios are one of those who have one mistress for many years, or even for life. His constant companions may change, but he will not break off relations with his mistress of his own free will.

Scorpios are very picky forbidden fruits. Secret meetings with a mistress only fuel their ardor. It is very difficult for a Scorpio to leave such a relationship. The common secret that they hide together with their mistress, hide-and-seek and intrigue, strongly binds him to her.

  • Representatives of this sign are very loving fathers. True, Scorpio men show their love for them in their characteristic manner. From a child, they often demand the impossible. Such a dad will gladly enroll his child in all sections at once and will wait for a successful result. To children, they, as well as to their chosen ones, can be quite despotic. This is their manner of upbringing, which also needs to be put up with.
  • Even after several decades of marriage, Scorpios remain independent. This is the trait that is characteristic of them from birth and it is almost impossible to change it.
  • Scorpions make very promising bosses. These are real workaholics, who only in the presence of a huge number of subordinates can feel their power in full. A woman who will impose family values ​​​​on them and demand a renunciation of work will not receive anything but another catching up from Scorpio.
  • A career for such a man will always come first. For the sake of another successful project, he will not hesitate to prioritize work.

Scorpio man love compatibility

This is a rather complex sign, so finding the perfect partner for Scorpio is almost impossible. But there are a few signs with which he can subdue his ardor a little and feel comfortable.

Aries woman

The Scorpio man is very similar to the Aries woman in many ways:

  • Their mutual determination and craving for adventure can unite them into a strong and indestructible union.
  • But, unfortunately, the strength of character of such a woman incredibly outrages Scorpio.
  • Such a woman will not remain silent and will not go into her pocket for a word. This is the most stubborn sign.
  • A representative of such a sign will resist Scorpio to the bitter end, only the winners in such a fight are impossible, but the defeated ones are quite likely.
  • The Aries woman is also capable of provocations, which insanely attracts Scorpio at the dawn of their relationship, but later his chosen one can pay a lot for such mockery.

Scorpio Man Compatibility with Aries Woman 64%

Taurus Woman

The Taurus woman is also not very suitable for Scorpio as a wife:

  • These are two equal rivals who will not get tired of reclaiming their borders in front of each other.
  • Scorpio, accustomed to the humility of others, simply will not put up with such a strong opponent.
  • However, they are very similar in many ways. Both are very strong and charismatic personalities, with pronounced ambitions.
  • The Taurus woman becomes independent early. These are self-confident people, which is very attractive to the Scorpio man.
  • These are two magnets that are pulled towards each other. Despite the differences, common goals and ambitions, if both of them make a little effort, can make the common alliance strong and non-conflict.

Scorpio Man Compatibility with Taurus Woman 81%

Gemini woman

Gemini women are very attracted to men of this sign:

  • They are able to change Scorpio, falling in love with him.
  • But with the expiration of love, appease their passionate and hot ardor becomes overwhelming work for Gemini women.
  • These are excellent partners for the role of the first love in the life of a Scorpio man. They will never forget such timid and sincere moments that women of this sign can give them.
  • That's just Gemini - very calm and flexible women. Surely they lack the inner strength and energy to cope with Scorpio after the first surging feelings subside a little.
  • Gemini is a very vulnerable and touchy sign. They will not be able to keep their heads up in the eternal attacks of Scorpio.

Such a relationship can be safely called a "one-sided game." For Scorpio, such an alliance can be very beneficial. With such women, they become better, because they will always receive support from their soulmate, which cannot be said about Gemini. For them, such a relationship is very detrimental.

Scorpio Man Compatibility with Gemini Woman 51%

Cancer Woman

  • Cancer woman is the image of a mysterious stranger and woman of mystery, which is often shown in romantic films. Undoubtedly, this is the main advantage that attracts a Scorpio man in such women.
  • Cancers are always in an eternal internal conflict between feeling and reason. Often, Cancer's preference falls on the latter option.
  • This can explain their inaccessibility, which can drive any man crazy, and Scorpio even more so.
  • The strength of character and determination encourage Scorpio to take his own at any cost, but the Cancer woman remains inaccessible to them.
  • The long courtship and uncertainty of the Cancer woman will subsequently make the Scorpio value their partner.

Compatibility of a Scorpio man with a Cancer woman 78%

Leo woman

The perseverance of Scorpio will be most appreciated by the Leo woman:

  • These are self-centered persons who get a lot of pleasure from attention to their person.
  • Even despotism and a hot temper are not able to scare the Lioness, because she is used to accepting all signs of attention, even the most sophisticated ones.
  • Their tolerance for Scorpio men makes their relationship strong and almost unbreakable.
  • They are ideal sexual partners. Women of this sign are ready for any experiments in bed.
  • It is easy for Scorpios to entrust the Leo woman with all their sexual fantasies, and she will gladly accept them and bring them to life.

This is the rare case when Scorpions do not even think about relationships on the side. Lionesses are able to fill their gray everyday life with unpredictability and surprises, therefore, getting everything they need in their relationship, they are completely satisfied with their soulmate.

Compatibility of a Scorpio man with a Lioness woman 74%

Virgo woman

The Virgo woman is not at all like a portrait of an ideal companion for Scorpio, but, nevertheless, their ability to understand and accept can bring generous results:

  • You can talk about Virgo in the lines of one folk saying: "there are women who are loved and married." Here, don’t go to a fortuneteller to understand who Dev is referred to.
  • They are faithful companions and good moms, which is why Scorpio is so comfortable with Virgos.
  • Virgos are very gentle, reliable and flexible. For the sake of such a woman, Scorpio is ready to loosen his grip a little.
  • They do not feel the need to escalate the conflict, on the contrary, they awaken a sense of responsibility towards the Virgos. They will protect and value their companions.

Scorpio Man Compatibility with Virgo Woman 77%

Libra Woman

The relationship between these two signs often borders on bloody war and complete harmony. This encourages them to constantly return to the very beginning of their relationship and relive that passion and love, which will subside for a while until the next scandal:

  • That's why Scorpios are in no hurry to propose a hand and heart. Their constant return to the starting point prevents the relationship from developing.
  • Libras are very compromise natures. This favorably distinguishes them from other signs, so they are often in a privileged position over such a man.
  • But a sober mind and cold calculation sooner or later leads them to the conclusion that such relationships are destroying their nerve cells. The initiators of the gaps are often Libra.

Scorpio Man Compatibility with Libra Woman 63%

Scorpio woman

Scorpio women are that “gift” that men of the same sign rightly deserve:

  • They understand each other like no one else, so Scorpio can unwillingly enter the position of his soulmate and forgive another breakdown.
  • Their relationship is like a conflict in hot spots, and the apartment turns into a minefield where anyone can fall victim.
  • The colossal bunch of energy that Scorpios possess pushes them into frequent conflicts. After some time in such a relationship, both partners realize that they are emotionally devastated.
  • This is a very complex couple that requires a common understanding and compromise decisions. But, if they had the strength to go through a difficult path, fate is able to reward them with an indestructible and faithful marriage. It is a pity that such couples end their relationship earlier.

Scorpio Man Compatibility with Scorpio Woman 45%

Sagittarius woman

  • Sagittarius women are very strong and freedom-loving individuals. These qualities make Scorpio respect them.
  • Their inexhaustible energy binds Scorpio very much, so they make very strong pairs.
  • Such spouses often create general business which is already doomed to success.
  • Sagittarians are not attached to their spouses, so they do not tend to impose this on Scorpio, which he undoubtedly likes.
  • The freedom of these women makes Scorpio win their favor again and again. This brings pleasure to both partners.

Scorpio Man Compatibility with Sagittarius Woman 94%

Capricorn woman

Capricorns are strong and independent women. With these qualities, they are able to win the Scorpio man. But it becomes more difficult for them to keep a couple. The reason for this is a significant difference in outlook on life:

  • The Capricorn woman will never tolerate reproaches and criticism in her direction. And given the manner in which Scorpio likes to present it, then their relationship is doomed to failure.
  • But still, they can get along, giving up their stubbornness and pride. But only sincere feelings or common obligations (for example, a child or a common business) can push them to such a desperate step.
  • Scorpios are incredibly vengeful, this does not honor them at all in the eyes of Capricorn. Such a trait is not characteristic of them and is fundamentally despised.

Compatibility of a Scorpio man with a Capricorn woman 48%

Aquarius woman

These are very creative, sensitive and subtle natures. Aquarians are influenced by intangible factors: the lunar phase, the female cycle, weather, etc., which is completely unintelligible for the Scorpio man:

  • Scorpios do not have time to get used to one woman, when next to them is a completely different one. Aquarians tend to get discouraged, angry and often need to be alone.
  • Such a contrast both attracts and frightens the Scorpio man, because he cannot find leverage.
  • Aquarius women paired with Libra are the most attractive of all 12 zodiac signs. In Scorpio, such a companion causes incredible jealousy.
  • Aquarius will never maintain a relationship if their freedom is limited.

Scorpio man compatibility with Aquarius woman 39%

Pisces Woman

  • Pisces are calm and peaceful. They tend to bring themselves to the sacrificial altar for the sake of their loved ones, which Scorpio will not hesitate to use.
  • Their defenselessness and femininity is very captivating for representatives of this sign.
  • Natural and independent, they are looking for a strong man.
  • The relationship between Scorpio and Pisces is very calm and harmonious, which at first attracts both, but over time, the representative of the fire element begins to perceive them as a burden.
  • Pisces is very calm for such an energetic sign, therefore, if they manage to maintain a relationship, it is only as a love triangle.

Compatibility of a Scorpio man with a Pisces woman 64%

The psychology of love for a Scorpio man is very confusing and unstable. This is an uncut stone with great potential, which, often confused, directs energy in the wrong direction. As you have already seen, a woman is able to work miracles and make her temperamental chosen one better. To do this, she will need to be patient, be flexible and give her man enough support.

Video: “Why is it so difficult to live with a Scorpio man? Scorpio love horoscope»

0 A person's behavior in society and in relations with his partner depends on his energy, character, temperament and many other, less significant factors. And according to the opinion of some famous astrologers, people's lives directly depend on their zodiac signs. For many women, the question often arises, What does a Scorpio man love in bed?? In this article, we will try to convey to you some of our findings, highlighted from our own experience and not only. In fact, it is not so difficult to find out what one or another man prefers in sex, so it is worth highlighting a few common features. In addition, some inexperienced representatives of the weaker sex, starting to meet with Scorpio, find themselves in a difficult situation, not understanding how to satisfy a Scorpio man in bed, how to please and surprise him? Everything is rather ambiguous here, because male Scorpios are recognized as the most sophisticated and skillful lovers, who are very difficult to please with something special, because they have already tried everything and know everything from their own experience. Therefore, first of all, you need to forget about your modesty, discard all your complexes, and try to meet all his requirements. Add our site site to your bookmarks to periodically look at our light.
However, before I continue, let me bring to your precious attention, a few more sentimental, and sometimes informative publications. For example, How to win a Virgo man; what is a French kiss; learn how to kiss a girl the right way; Where to kiss a guy, etc.
So let's continue How to Win a Scorpio Man?

What does a Scorpio man like in bed?

Since men born under this sign are characterized by excessive authority, it is most likely that he will be the main one in bed. A woman can only relax, take a passive role, and enjoy, which may even be too much. True, at times, Scorpios show excessive selfishness, trying to get maximum pleasure, while not giving anything in return. In addition, Scorpio men have a highly developed vanity, which means that you will need to actively stimulate the process with groans and languid sighs.

Behavior of a lover scorpio men in bed, rarely differs from his usual actions, and it does not matter with whom he is now - with his mistress or beloved wife. In any situation, he is active, and will try to pour out his passion and desire, with the help of prolonged caresses and many sexual acts. More often they talk about the "night of love" in figuratively, but with Scorpio, you really will not be able to fall asleep. These guys are able to tirelessly engage in physical " exercises"Several hours in a row, and in order to match such pressure, you will have to show a similar activity.

For a Scorpio man, it is important to feel next to him an active and liberated woman who is not afraid of experiments and is not shy about anything. Boring, mediocre girls disappear from Scorpio's life very quickly, but those who are able to show imagination settle in his bedroom for a long time.

Usually, all the problems of Scorpios lie in one small but very unpleasant fact - they are not supporters of monogamy. This means that fidelity and some kind of affection should not be expected from them, because they are accustomed to success with women, new acquaintances and experiments.
Therefore, if you want your partner to stay with you as long as possible, then you should constantly please him with new inventions and fantasies. Such men are not against role-playing games, funny nicknames, poses from Kamasutra and much, much more.
These men, realizing that they like the opposite sex, have inflated self-esteem, and therefore, you should not joke about their sexual talents. Even if your missus is lazy in bed because of something, you should not focus on this, and even more so be ironic about it. The best thing you can do in this situation is to pretend that you did not pay attention to it. Otherwise, Scorpio will harbor negativity on you, and you can forever lose your good attitude towards you.

As we mentioned above, Scorpio men have a strong charisma that helps them easily win women's affection and love. Such intrigues should not be treated with indignation and resentment, because these men cannot be remade. If this sign sleeps with many ladies, this does not mean that with each of them, he wants to have a serious relationship. For a deep relationship, Scorpio chooses a woman who seems inaccessible to him. The ladies who constantly "ignore" them and do not pay any attention to them enjoy the greatest success with Scorpios. As a result, such a man has a passionate desire to conquer her and drag her into his bed. When it finally comes to sex, the girl needs to show all the wonders of fantasy, and fully open up for him in the intimate sphere. In this case, Scorpio, deeply struck by the art of love of his passion, even more strengthened in the opinion that they are simply made for each other.


A Scorpio man can be called an almost ideal lover, since people born under this sign have increased libido and passion. On top of that, they have excellent health, which means they can be very hardy, which allows you to experiment and learn the most different aspects of love. True, there is one minus here, because starting to meet with this sign is much more difficult than finding yourself on it " sexodrome", and therefore you will need to show a lot of cunning tricks. Do not forget about your inaccessibility, ignore him, and after you show him your sexual skill, he will definitely become yours and only yours.

After reading this informative, and in some places inquisitive article, you learned What should a woman do with a Scorpio man?, and now you will not find yourself in a difficult situation when you need to get your hands on such a handsome man.

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