Who betrayed Shakro: the background of the war for the restaurant on Rochdelskaya. Shakro, Magomedov, Zhanna Kim - who are all these people? Shakro young and his family

Interesting 18.07.2019

In the criminal world, the name Zakhary Knyazevich Kalashov, nicknamed Shakro Molodoy, is widely known (biography, photo - in the article). Motherland Russian entrepreneur and thief in law is considered to be Tbilisi. Despite the fact that the crime boss was born in the Soviet Union on March 20, 1953, Zakharia has Russian and Georgian citizenship. The biography of the thief Shakro Molodoy is quite entertaining. Let's look at it in more detail.

Entrance to the underworld

1971 was a significant year for Kalashov. Avdo Mirzoev - an authority in crime, who served more than one term in the period from 1971 to 1985 - "crowned" Shakro. After the 90s, he got into the company of thieves in law Aslan Usoyan and Vyacheslav Ivankov. However, after some time, Zachary becomes an authority in his environment.

Several convictions in the capital of Russia raised Shakro to the peak of crime. Among themselves, he was even called the general of the criminal world. The scope of his criminal activities included a variety of organizations and firms: trading companies, casinos, banks, oil and gas industry. Business cases were resolved not only on Russian territory, but also abroad. Here he managed to be a leader in several dangerous groups. Already in a couple of years of his stormy activity, the criminal entrepreneur has earned many enemies. About a dozen assassination attempts were ordered on Young Shakro both in Moscow and in Georgia. Fearing for his life, he decided in 2003 to urgently move to Spain.

foreign affairs

Assassination attempts on their territory did not stop Shakro Molodoy. The biography of Zakhary Kalashov says that he was quite successful in business, laundering money from restaurant, hotel and other areas of activity. The Spanish police, preparing in advance for the capture, in June 2005 carried out a serious operation against the Russian leaders. The operation was successful, but the secret services failed to capture the chief mafia. Practically whole year Zakhary Kalashov was hiding from the security forces, and was detained in the spring of 2005 in the United Arab Emirates.

On June 1, 2006, a trial was held in Spain, which passed a verdict of Shakro being found guilty. The thief was given almost eight years and a huge amount of a fine for illegally making a profit and creating a criminal authority. The imprisonment caused a storm of emotions in Russia. After all, the business created over the years and various criminal schemes were left without a leader. This was the beginning of a criminal war between Aslan and a new criminal figure, Tariel Oniani, who appeared.

Severe punishment

2010 was an even less successful year for the mafia leader. The Georgian court, after a criminal investigation, issued new verdict- 18 years of arrest. The case was considered as a result of the kidnapping of Alex Crane, the so-called gambling accountant, as well as illegal possession of weapons. All property acquired on the territory of Georgia was cordoned off and confiscated. The most valuable loss of Shakro was the huge palace in Tskneti with 62 rooms. On the appeal of the Supreme Court, Kalashov was serving his sentence in Russia, and not in Georgia. There is no definitive answer to this verdict. But one of the versions is that the investigating authorities have provided significant assistance in solving a number of crimes and its communities in Spain.

Life after the deadline

October 2015 became significant for Shakro Molodoy. After a long arrest and preventive conversations with internal security agencies, he returned to Russia. During the period of serving the sentence, the leading criminal authorities were killed. Therefore, Zakhary Kalashov becomes new candidate to post by

In the winter of the same year, there is a shootout involving Andrei Kochuykov and Eduard Romanov. Thieves in law extorted a lot of money from the owner of a local cafe. Both were detained. According to some investigators, Shakro offered a $1 million bribe to transfer the criminal case to other people and release him. The authority managed to mitigate the punishment, and six months later the colleagues were at large, but not for long. New extortion led to a second case.

Caring for prey

What other interesting information does the biography contain about this person? Shakro Molodoy, like a real businessman and entrepreneur, was perfectly able to maintain his financial condition. According to the intelligence services, the property acquired during the criminal years belongs directly to him. However, all bank accounts and real estate are not registered with a thief in law, and not with a certain Yulia Bratchenko. As a result of the operation, it was established that the woman had no connection with criminal groups and was not listed in Shakro's relatives. The former saleswoman is a distant relative of the common-law wife of the crime leader Marina Goldberg.

As a result of his hectic activity in the 2000s, the thief in law Shakro Molodoy foresaw everything in advance and secured his finances. Fearing for his life and fearing arrest, it was during this period that he rewrote his property. Of course, the investigation is working to find evidence that all property rich woman not her at all. In case of a successful case, the “inheritance” will be arrested: a mansion, expensive cars, bank accounts, and more. According to the investigators, the mansion of Zakhary Kalashov (Shakro Molodoy) was built on six plots. Half of the land belongs to the common-law wife, and the other half to her distant relative.

Favorable motives

This is quite an interesting situation. Why did the crime boss Shakro Molodoy not transfer the property to his friends? Is trust in a common-law wife and another woman so great? Even after her arrest, Yulia Bratchenko moved into the mansion to look after the house and servants. Law enforcement agencies do not even know where Marina Goldberg went.

If you look with "criminal" eyes, then Shakro could "hide" his inheritance for another reason. An experienced leader in his circles received one of the highest statuses - a thief in law. According to the mafia and criminal communities the leader should have no family, no business, no inheritance. It is believed that just such a vagabond thief can competently reason and condemn others.

Shakro Young: biography, family, children

According to state authorities, Zakhary Kalashov is not married. For a rather long period he lived with his common-law wife Marina Samuilovna Goldberg, born in 1979. While living together, two children were born. A woman with her biography gained fame in the United States. Back in early 2013, the US Department of the Treasury blacklisted her. The woman was suspected of money laundering in Russian mafia circles.

The most famous was the "Brotherly Circle" community. According to American authorities, here are collected the most authoritative criminal leaders of the CIS countries, America, Europe, the Middle East. "Brotherly Circle" is a kind of clan that coordinates and regulates the actions of thieves, and also decides contentious issues, eliminates conflicts in the criminal world.

Assassination attempts

Constantly being in criminal circles, it is impossible not to fear for your life and not be under the gun. So, assassination attempts were made more than once on Zakhary Kalashov. The most dangerous period for the life of a thief in law was from 1994 to 1999. For 5 years, Shakro managed to dodge death several times. In the summer of 1994, an expensive car was shot right on the street, in which the leader of the criminal world himself was driving. In this shootout, not only an expensive car was damaged, but also the owner himself.

For two years, Kalashov was not particularly bothered by anyone. But already in 1996, in the center of Moscow, they again tried to shoot a criminal figure. A serious attempt to take the life of the mafia was in the winter of 1998. On behalf of the authoritative figure of Ded Hasan at that time, a gathering of thieves was assembled in the city of Shakhty. The purpose of the gangster meeting was to determine the main thing in the region. But the plan was not achieved. As a result of the work done by law enforcement agencies, the gathering was closed. Shakro did not have time to arrive at the meeting in North Ossetia in 1999, just like here, he was attacked. During this shootout, the thief in law himself was not wounded, but his colleague received a bullet.

Last detention

In July 2016, Zakhary Kalashov and his friend were detained again on suspicion of extorting money from one of the owners of the capital's restaurant. The action took place in his luxurious mansion. During the operation, law enforcement officers were surprised by the chic and high cost of the palace. Antiques, room decoration - a huge sum was spent on everything.

On July 12, a criminal case was initiated as a result of a shooting in a restaurant and the murder of two or more people. A few days later, under the leadership of senior investigator Andrei Suprunenko, another case was opened to organize. With the available evidence and a successful conviction, a criminal authority can serve a life sentence.

One more push

At their own peril and risk, high-ranking law enforcement officials were detained a week later. Three heads of the Investigative Committee were charged with accepting a bribe in the amount of 0.5 million euros for the release of close people of Shakro. Thus, Denis Nikandrov, Mikhail Maksimenko and Alexander Lamonov lost not only shoulder straps, but also freedom. As evidenced by his biography, thief in law Shakro Molodoy was repeatedly suspected of a large number of crimes. The police constantly studied his involvement in kidnappings, smuggling, and murders. Perhaps in the future he will fall under the numerous attention of the press. His actions have always been discussed not only by journalists, but also by competitors in the underworld.

The Prime Crime Agency is the only news agency in Russia that tells news from the life of the criminal elite of Russia. Gatherings, connections, arrows, murders - as if the 90s never left. Prime Crime employees never reveal themselves, the site does not contain the names of the authors of the publications, nor the editorial phone number. Where the information comes from, they also do not say, but obviously from very informed sources. Sobesednik.ru contacted PrimeCrime to find out unknown details.

- In the 90s, they talked and wrote a lot about the "thieves" as a kind of parallel branch of power. Then the topic was gone. Who are modern "thieves in law"? How many of them are there?

According to the latest data, today there are 478 "thieves", plus or minus. This is twice as much as it was in the 80s, and half as much as it was in the 90s.

- Why about them in recent times was little heard? Have they gone into the shadows? Reduced activity? Or have you learned to coexist with the authorities and law enforcement agencies?

Everyone who has real power is always in the shadows. "Thieves" is one of the most closed communities in the world. This is a sect, or a secret society (as you like), with its own powerful ideology and an army of believers. To coexist with power is their cross, and to find mutual language with law enforcement agencies they were taught around the mid-70s, when Andropov was still head of the KGB.

- Is it true that Shakro is recognized as thief in law No. 1? What is his reputation?

Shakro is a strong, sophisticated, authoritarian and very authoritative leader on a global scale. A good part of today's "thieves", including the "Slavs" (representatives of the "Slavic" criminal groups, in many respects opposed to the "Caucasian" ones - ed.), are his nominees and godchildren. Most of the Russian dollar billionaires are his friends, associates, or even former wards. For example: when the son of billionaire Sosin killed his mother, Shakro personally came to Kazan to plead for him - mother killers do not live long in prison.

- The media wrote that back in the 90s his fortune was estimated at $ 200 million - can this be true?

A much higher estimate may be true.

- According to some reports, back in the 90s, Shakro controlled some oil transportation enterprises, and now he has switched mainly to the underground gambling business. Is it so?

Some of this is definitely true, especially about the gambling business.

- Did he really have very good connections in the world of legal business, government, creative environment? Who was he most friendly with?

Excellent, I would say, connections. I will add that he also has very good connections with the heads of some Caucasian republics.

Does he have many enemies? Who?

There are, of course, blood ill-wishers. First of all, from the "thieves" environment. Those who want to take his place. And those he pushed aside when he returned from Spain. "Thieves" are very proud and extremely reluctant to recognize someone's superiority over themselves, even less often forgive the offenses caused. You won’t be good to everyone, but Shakro didn’t really try to please. Definitely, Shakro has more enemies than friends.

- Many versions of the sudden arrest of Kalashov are being discussed: criminal redistribution, raids by organs on the "thieves" world, politics, economics. Which one is closer to the truth?

It seems to me that his arrest is a simple coincidence, an unpredictable development of ordinary events. At some point, Shakro probably overestimated his significance for history, forgot that there are no irreplaceable ones ... If not for his defiant ignorance [approx. ed.: apparently, ignoring] subpoenas from the investigator, everything could be decided at the level of the same investigator, although gunshot corpses five minutes walk from the Government House is an out of the ordinary event. After all, people with arrogance and high self-esteem also work in the FSB; Apparently, Shakro “seriously annoyed” one of them with his insolence, like Smoked Zheglov ... And when such a flywheel is launched, then Shakro will have to disentangle with a full spoon ... joy than his misfortune. His arrest was received with great favor, all of Greece (a country in which many "thieves" from Russia have recently settled - ed.) rejoiced that day. Definitely, with the arrest of Shakro in the "thieves" world there will be a redistribution, someone will definitely take his place. There are not so many obvious contenders, but the last word as times-??? will for power (joke).

- Why hasn't Shakro tried to hide since December, after the shootout in the restaurant?

Apparently, in this case, Shakro did not see a great danger for himself. And besides, he has nowhere to hide. It will cost him more to leave Russia: he is on the international wanted list [at the request of] Georgia[i], where he was sentenced in absentia to 18 years. This verdict, in particular, was the main trump card of the Ministry of Internal Affairs when, upon his arrival from Spain, they took “patronage” over him.

- Is his common-law wife Marina Goldberg known in the criminal world? The United States included in its list of "Brotherly Circle" - the top of international organized crime.

There is such a Marina ... Behind every outstanding man is an even greater woman - a mother or a wife in the role of a mother. Shakro's mother, in my opinion, died during his birth. Then there was Donara the Magnificent, a woman who deserves the most flattering words. An excellent match for Tbilisi. And when Shakro entered the world level, who else would be behind him, if not the Goldbergs?

Background: an incident in a restaurant

In December 2015, representatives of the owner Zhanna Kim and designer Fatima Misikova met at the Elements restaurant in the center of Moscow to settle financial disputes between women. As it turned out later, the restaurateur attracted the former Rubopov Eduard Budantsev, and the designer attracted some people who introduced themselves as “from Shakro”. A tense conversation ended in a shootout, as a result of which two "representatives of Shakro" were killed. Budantsev, who fired at opponents with a premium Beretta, was taken into custody. But a few months later, the situation turned upside down: the ex-Rubopist was replaced with the article “murder” for “exceeding self-defense”, and Shakro’s people and himself are now accused of extortion.

Private bussiness

Shakro Molodoy is not so young anymore - he is 63 years old. The son of a famous Georgian thief in law. In Russia, he was convicted three times. Survived at least five assassination attempts from competitors.

In 2003, he moved to Spain, where he lived well, until in 2005, as a result of a high-profile operation of the Spanish special services, code-named "Wasp", he was detained and sentenced to 9 years in prison for laundering criminal funds and a fine of 20 million euros.

After his release, he returned to Russia, where he was solemnly welcomed by the criminal community. They even dedicated several songs to the return.

On July 12, 2016, he was detained in his own luxurious mansion in the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region.

Friend-prosecutor and the "golden palace"

A member of the Georgian "Club of Experts" Irakli Tskitishvili told Sobesednik.ru what is known about Kalashov in his homeland:

As you know, the "thieves' institute" was most developed in Georgia, and quite a few "thieves in law" from Georgia thundered throughout the Soviet Union. There were also groupings of Dzhangveladze, Oniani, Ekhvaya, Kokhia and many others in Georgia. True, Kalashov remained in Russia after Grandfather Hassan, and other clans that could oppose him were cleared.

- Did he have patrons in the Georgian elite?

Taking into account the creation of the institution of "thieves in law" in general even under the Bolshevik regime, it is impossible to admit that "thieves in law" could not have connections not only in law enforcement agencies but also among politicians. Without them, their work would not be possible. According to my information, in those years they even bought cars and equipment for law enforcement officers, and law enforcement agencies often even worked as their personal guard. At all levels, they had their own people who settled any business. Well, the most striking example was thief in law Jaba Ioseliani, head of the Mkhedrioni armed group, who was one of the members of the State Council of Georgia under Shevardnadze - deputy chairman of the state council, in fact, the second person in the country. Saakashvili was against all "thieves", against this institution in general, and he stopped all this in the bud.

- It is known that Kalashov had a palace with 76 rooms in the suburbs of Tbilisi. What happened to him?

The palace was confiscated and handed over to the Ministry of Internal Affairs through the court. It housed the commercial operator of the electricity system. On the this moment his mansion houses the National Statistical Office.

- Was there some kind of scandal related to the question why the Spanish authorities extradited Shakro not to Georgia, but to Russia?

When there was a question about the extradition of Kalashov from Spain, then the opposition raised a fuss about the fact that Georgia did not send a request to the Spaniards for his extradition to Georgia. It is interesting that at that time the position of the chief prosecutor of Georgia was taken by Kalashov's lawyer Archil Kbilashvili. With this, many associate the fact that in 2014 he was deported not to Georgia, but to Russia. In Georgia, he would have gone straight to prison, but in Russia, the place of Grandfather Hassan was waiting for him, - says Irakli Tskitishvili.

"A shameful phenomenon that must be ended"

The head of the Moscow police said in an interview with Interfax that the city would be cleared of thieves in law within a year.

“These people continue to form their criminal ideology,” Anatoly Yakunin said. - Under their control is a number of organized criminal groups that operate in the field of transport theft, drug trafficking, and fraud. At the board meeting, I assigned the heads of operational units the task of undermining their economic base this year. This is a shameful phenomenon that must be ended.”

Akhmirova Rimma

In an interview with colleagues from Sobesednik.ru, employees of the most informed publication about the life of the criminal elite of Russia, Prime Crime, shared their opinion on the detention of crime boss Zakhary Kalashov, nicknamed Shakro Molodoy. Journalists spoke about the jubilation of Greece after the arrest of authority, the upcoming redistribution of the underworld and the role of women in the success of every man.

"Thieves" is one of the most closed communities in the world, it is a sect or a secret society"

In the 90s, a lot was said and written about the "thieves" as a kind of parallel branch of power. Then the topic was gone. Who are modern "thieves in law"? How many of them are there?

According to the latest data, today there are 478 "thieves", plus or minus. This is twice as much as it was in the 80s, and half as much as it was in the 90s.

Why haven't we heard much about them lately? Have they gone into the shadows? Reduced activity? Or have you learned to coexist with the authorities and law enforcement agencies?

Everyone who has real power is always in the shadows. "Thieves" is one of the most closed communities in the world. Is it a sect or secret society(as you like), with its powerful ideology and the army of believers. To coexist with the authorities is their cross, and they were taught to find a common language with law enforcement agencies around the mid-70s, when Andropov was still head of the KGB.

- Is it true that Shakro is recognized as "thief in law" No. 1? What is his reputation?

Shakro is a strong, sophisticated, authoritarian and very authoritative leader on a global scale. A good part of today's "thieves", including the "Slavs" (representatives of the "Slavic" criminal groups, in many respects opposed to the "Caucasian" - approx. ed.), - his nominees and godchildren. Most of the Russian dollar billionaires are his friends, associates, or even former wards. For example: when the son of billionaire Sosin killed his mother, Shakro personally came to Kazan to plead for him - mother killers do not live long in prison.

- The media wrote that back in the 90s his fortune was estimated at $ 200 million - can this be true?

A much higher estimate may be true.

When the son of billionaire Sosin killed his mother, Shakro personally came to Kazan to plead for him - mother killers do not live long in prison. Photo facebook.com

“At some point, Shakro probably overestimated his significance for history”

According to some reports, Shakro controlled some oil transportation enterprises back in the 90s, and now he has switched mainly to the underground gambling business. Is it so?

Some of this is definitely true, especially about the gambling business.

Did he really have very good connections in the world of legal business, power, and the creative environment? Who was he most friendly with?

Excellent, I would say, connections. I will add that he also has very good connections with the heads of some Caucasian republics.

Does he have many enemies? Who?

There are, of course, blood ill-wishers. First of all, from the "thieves" environment. Those who want to take his place. And those he pushed aside when he returned from Spain. "Thieves" are very proud and extremely reluctant to recognize someone's superiority over themselves, even less often forgive the offenses caused. You won’t be good to everyone, but Shakro didn’t really try to please. Definitely, Shakro has more enemies than friends.

Many versions of Kalashov's sudden arrest are being discussed: criminal redistribution, raids by organs on the "thieves" world, politics, economics. Which one is closer to the truth?

It seems to me that his arrest is a simple coincidence, an unpredictable development of ordinary events. At some point, Shakro probably overestimated his significance for history, forgot that there are no irreplaceable ones ... If not for his defiant ignorance [approx. ed.: apparently, ignoring] subpoenas from the investigator, everything could be decided at the level of the same investigator, although gunshot corpses five minutes walk from the Government House is an out of the ordinary event. After all, people with arrogance and high self-esteem also work in the FSB; Apparently, Shakro “seriously annoyed” one of them with his insolence, like Smoked Zheglov ... And when such a flywheel is launched, then Shakro will have to disentangle with a full spoon ...

But now the "thieves" whom Shakro has set up have no greater joy than his misfortune. His arrest was received with great favor, all of Greece (a country in which many "thieves" from Russia have recently settled - approx. ed.) rejoiced that day. Definitely, with the arrest of Shakro in the "thieves" world there will be a redistribution, someone will definitely take his place. There are not so many obvious contenders, but the government will have the last word (just kidding).

Definitely, with the arrest of Shakro in the "thieves" world there will be a redistribution, someone will definitely take his place. Photo tvc.ru

"Behind every great man is an even greater woman"

- Why hasn't Shakro tried to hide since December, after the shootout in the restaurant?

Apparently, in this case, Shakro did not see for himself great danger. And besides, he has nowhere to hide. It will cost him more to leave Russia: he is on the international wanted list [at the request of Georgia], where he was sentenced in absentia to 18 years. This verdict, in particular, was the main trump card of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, when, upon his arrival from Spain, they took “patronage” over him.

Is his common-law wife Marina Goldberg known in the criminal world? The United States included in its list of "Brotherly Circle" - the top of international organized crime.

There is such a Marina ... Behind every outstanding man is an even greater woman - a mother or a wife in the role of a mother. Shakro's mother, in my opinion, died during his birth. Then there was Donara the Magnificent, a woman who deserves the most flattering words. An excellent match for Tbilisi. And when Shakro reached the world level, who else would stand behind him if not the Goldbergs?

Background: an incident in a restaurant

In December 2015, representatives of the owner Zhanna Kim and designer Fatima Misikova met at the Elements restaurant in the center of Moscow to settle financial disputes between women. As it turned out later, the restaurateur attracted the former Rubopov Eduard Budantsev, and the designer attracted some people who introduced themselves as “from Shakro”. A tense conversation ended in a shootout, as a result of which two "representatives of Shakro" were killed. Budantsev, who fired at opponents with a premium Beretta, was taken into custody. But a few months later, the situation turned upside down: the ex-Rubopist was replaced with the article “murder” for “exceeding self-defense”, and Shakro’s people and himself are now accused of extortion.

Private bussiness

Shakro Molodoy is not so young anymore - he is 63 years old. The son of a famous Georgian thief in law. In Russia, he was convicted three times. Survived at least five assassination attempts from competitors.

In 2003, he moved to Spain, where he lived well, until in 2005, as a result of a high-profile operation of the Spanish special services, code-named "Wasp", he was detained and sentenced to 9 years in prison for laundering criminal funds and a fine of 20 million euros.

After his release, he returned to Russia, where he was solemnly welcomed by the criminal community. They even dedicated several songs to the return.

On July 12, 2016, he was detained in his own luxurious mansion in the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region.

On July 12, 2016, Kalashov was detained in his own luxurious mansion in the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region. Photo - video screenshot of MIA

Friend-prosecutor and the "golden palace"

A member of the Georgian "Club of Experts" Irakli Tskitishvili told Sobesednik.ru what is known about Kalashov in his homeland:

As you know, the "thieves' institute" was most developed in Georgia, and quite a few "thieves in law" from Georgia thundered throughout Soviet Union. There were also groupings of Dzhangveladze, Oniani, Ekhvaya, Kokhia and many others in Georgia. True, Kalashov remained in Russia after Grandfather Hassan, and other clans that could oppose him were cleared.

- Did he have patrons in the Georgian elite?

Taking into account the creation of the institution of "thieves in law" in general even under the Bolshevik regime, it is impossible to admit that "thieves in law" could not have connections not only in law enforcement agencies, but also among politicians. Without them, their work would not be possible. According to my information, in those years they even bought cars and equipment for law enforcement officers, and law enforcement agencies often even worked as their personal guard. At all levels, they had their own people who settled any business. Well, the most striking example was thief in law Jaba Ioseliani, head of the Mkhedrioni armed group, who was one of the members of the State Council of Georgia under Shevardnadze - deputy chairman of the state council, in fact, the second person in the country. Saakashvili was against all "thieves", against this institution in general, and he stopped all this in the bud.

- It is known that Kalashov had a palace with 76 rooms in the suburbs of Tbilisi. What happened to him?

The palace was confiscated and handed over to the Ministry of Internal Affairs through the court. It housed the commercial operator of the electricity system. At the moment, the National Statistics Service is located in his mansion.

Was there some kind of scandal related to the question why the Spanish authorities extradited Shakro not to Georgia, but to Russia?

When there was a question about the extradition of Kalashov from Spain, then the opposition raised a fuss about the fact that Georgia did not send a request to the Spaniards for his extradition to Georgia. It is interesting that at that time the position of the chief prosecutor of Georgia was taken by Kalashov's lawyer Archil Kbilashvili. With this, many associate the fact that in 2014 he was deported not to Georgia, but to Russia. In Georgia, he would have gone straight to prison, but in Russia, the place of Grandfather Hassan was waiting for him, - says Irakli Tskitishvili.

Anatoly Yakunin said that the city would be cleared of thieves-in-law within a year. Photo vm.ru

"A shameful phenomenon that must be ended"

The head of the Moscow police said in an interview with Interfax that the city would be cleared of thieves in law within a year. “These people continue to form their criminal ideology,” Anatoly Yakunin said. - Under their control is a number of organized criminal groups that operate in the field of transport theft, drug trafficking, and fraud. At the board meeting, I assigned the heads of operational units the task of undermining their economic base this year. This is a shameful phenomenon that must be ended.”

Internet newspaper Realnoe Vremya

Don Kalashov

The Prime Crime Agency is the only news agency in Russia that tells news from the life of the criminal elite in Russia. Gatherings, connections, arrows, murders - as if the 90s never left. Prime Crime employees never reveal themselves, the site does not contain the names of the authors of the publications, nor the editorial phone number. Where the information comes from, they also do not say, but obviously from very informed sources. the site contacted PrimeCrime to find out unknown details.

In the 90s, a lot was said and written about the "thieves" as a kind of parallel branch of power. Then the topic was gone. Who are modern "thieves in law"? How many of them are there?

According to the latest data, today there are 478 "thieves", plus or minus. This is twice as much as it was in the 80s, and half as much as it was in the 90s.

Why haven't we heard much about them lately? Have they gone into the shadows? Reduced activity? Or have you learned to coexist with the authorities and law enforcement agencies?

Everyone who has real power is always in the shadows. "Thieves" is one of the most closed communities in the world. This is a sect, or a secret society (as you like), with its own powerful ideology and an army of believers. To coexist with the authorities is their cross, and they were taught to find a common language with law enforcement agencies around the mid-70s, when Andropov was still head of the KGB.

- Is it true that Shakro is recognized as thief in law No. 1? What is his reputation?

Shakro is a strong, sophisticated, authoritarian and very authoritative leader on a global scale. A good part of today's "thieves", including the "Slavs" (representatives of the "Slavic" criminal groups, in many respects opposed to the "Caucasian" ones - ed.), are his nominees and godchildren. Most of the Russian dollar billionaires are his friends, associates, or even former wards. For example: when the son of billionaire Sosin killed his mother, Shakro personally came to Kazan to plead for him - mother killers do not live long in prison.

- The media wrote that back in the 90s his fortune was estimated at $ 200 million - can this be true?

A much higher estimate may be true.

According to some reports, Shakro controlled some oil transportation enterprises back in the 90s, and now he has switched mainly to the underground gambling business. Is it so?

Some of this is definitely true, especially about the gambling business.

Did he really have very good connections in the world of legal business, power, and the creative environment? Who was he most friendly with?

Excellent, I would say, connections. I will add that he also has very good connections with the heads of some Caucasian republics.

Does he have many enemies? Who?

There are, of course, blood ill-wishers. First of all, from the "thieves" environment. Those who want to take his place. And those he pushed aside when he returned from Spain. "Thieves" are very proud and extremely reluctant to recognize someone's superiority over themselves, even less often forgive the offenses caused. You won’t be good to everyone, but Shakro didn’t really try to please. Definitely, Shakro has more enemies than friends.

Many versions of Kalashov's sudden arrest are being discussed: criminal redistribution, raids by organs on the "thieves" world, politics, economics. Which one is closer to the truth?

It seems to me that his arrest is a simple coincidence, an unpredictable development of ordinary events. At some point, Shakro probably overestimated his significance for history, forgot that there are no irreplaceable ones ... If not for his defiant ignorance [approx. ed.: apparently, ignoring] subpoenas from the investigator, everything could be decided at the level of the same investigator, although gunshot corpses five minutes walk from the Government House is an out of the ordinary event. After all, people with arrogance and high self-esteem also work in the FSB; Apparently, Shakro “seriously annoyed” one of them with his insolence, like Smoked Zheglov ... And when such a flywheel is launched, then Shakro will have to disentangle with a full spoon ...

But now the "thieves" whom Shakro has set up have no greater joy than his misfortune. His arrest was received with great favor, all of Greece (a country in which many "thieves" from Russia have recently settled - ed.) rejoiced that day. Definitely, with the arrest of Shakro in the "thieves" world there will be a redistribution, someone will definitely take his place. There are not so many obvious contenders, but the government will have the last word (just kidding).

- Why hasn't Shakro tried to hide since December, after the shootout in the restaurant?

Apparently, in this case, Shakro did not see a great danger for himself. And besides, he has nowhere to hide. It will cost him more to leave Russia: he is on the international wanted list [at the request of] Georgia[i], where he was sentenced in absentia to 18 years. This verdict, in particular, was the main trump card of the Ministry of Internal Affairs when, upon his arrival from Spain, they took “patronage” over him.

Is his common-law wife Marina Goldberg known in the criminal world? The United States included in its list of "Brotherly Circle" - the top of international organized crime.

There is such a Marina ... Behind every outstanding man is an even greater woman - a mother or a wife in the role of a mother. Shakro's mother, in my opinion, died during his birth. Then there was Donara the Magnificent, a woman who deserves the most flattering words. An excellent match for Tbilisi. And when Shakro entered the world level, who else would be behind him, if not the Goldbergs?

Background: an incident in a restaurant

In December 2015, representatives of the owner Zhanna Kim and designer Fatima Misikova met at the Elements restaurant in the center of Moscow to settle financial disputes between women. As it turned out later, the restaurateur attracted the former Rubopov Eduard Budantsev, and the designer attracted some people who introduced themselves as “from Shakro”. A tense conversation ended in a shootout, as a result of which two "representatives of Shakro" were killed. Budantsev, who fired at opponents with a premium Beretta, was taken into custody. But a few months later, the situation turned upside down: the ex-Rubopist was replaced with the article “murder” for “exceeding self-defense”, and Shakro’s people and himself are now accused of extortion.

Private bussiness

Shakro Molodoy is not so young anymore - he is 63 years old. The son of a famous Georgian thief in law. In Russia, he was convicted three times. Survived at least five assassination attempts from competitors.

In 2003, he moved to Spain, where he lived well, until in 2005, as a result of a high-profile operation of the Spanish special services, code-named "Wasp", he was detained and sentenced to 9 years in prison for laundering criminal funds and a fine of 20 million euros.

After his release, he returned to Russia, where he was solemnly welcomed by the criminal community. They even dedicated several songs to the return.

On July 12, 2016, he was detained in his own luxurious mansion in the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region.

Friend-prosecutor and the "golden palace"

A member of the Georgian "Club of Experts" Irakli Tskitishvili told the website what is known about Kalashov in his homeland:

As you know, the "thieves' institute" was most developed in Georgia, and quite a few "thieves in law" from Georgia thundered throughout the Soviet Union. There were also groupings of Dzhangveladze, Oniani, Ekhvaya, Kokhia and many others in Georgia. True, Kalashov remained in Russia after Grandfather Hassan, and other clans that could oppose him were cleared.

- Did he have patrons in the Georgian elite?

Taking into account the creation of the institution of "thieves in law" in general even under the Bolshevik regime, it is impossible to admit that "thieves in law" could not have connections not only in law enforcement agencies, but also among politicians. Without them, their work would not be possible. According to my information, in those years they even bought cars and equipment for law enforcement officers, and law enforcement agencies often even worked as their personal guard. At all levels, they had their own people who settled any business. Well, the most striking example was thief in law Jaba Ioseliani, head of the Mkhedrioni armed group, who was one of the members of the State Council of Georgia under Shevardnadze - deputy chairman of the state council, in fact, the second person in the country. Saakashvili was against all "thieves", against this institution in general, and he stopped all this in the bud.

- It is known that Kalashov had a palace with 76 rooms in the suburbs of Tbilisi. What happened to him?

The palace was confiscated and handed over to the Ministry of Internal Affairs through the court. It housed the commercial operator of the electricity system. At the moment, the National Statistics Service is located in his mansion.

Was there some kind of scandal related to the question why the Spanish authorities extradited Shakro not to Georgia, but to Russia?

When there was a question about the extradition of Kalashov from Spain, then the opposition raised a fuss about the fact that Georgia did not send a request to the Spaniards for his extradition to Georgia. It is interesting that at that time the position of the chief prosecutor of Georgia was taken by Kalashov's lawyer Archil Kbilashvili. With this, many associate the fact that in 2014 he was deported not to Georgia, but to Russia. In Georgia, he would have gone straight to prison, but in Russia, the place of Grandfather Hassan was waiting for him, - says Irakli Tskitishvili.

"A shameful phenomenon that must be ended"

The head of the Moscow police said in an interview with Interfax that the city would be cleared of thieves in law within a year. “These people continue to form their criminal ideology,” Anatoly Yakunin said. - Under their control is a number of organized criminal groups that operate in the field of transport theft, drug trafficking, and fraud. At the board meeting, I assigned the heads of operational units the task of undermining their economic base this year. This is a shameful phenomenon that must be ended.”

At the trial, it turned out that the civil wife of Zakharia Kalashova is known in the United States as a member of the transnational group "Brotherly Circle"

The Tverskoy Court of Moscow on Wednesday chose a preventive measure for Zakhary Kalashov, known in the criminal world as Shakro Molodoy, who is accused of extorting 8 million rubles from the owner of the capital's restaurant. He will spend the next month in jail. During the process, the leader of the criminal world stated that he did not admit guilt. Meanwhile, his alleged accomplice Fatima Misikova was put on the international wanted list.

Recall that in mid-December 2015, a shootout took place near the institution on Rochdelskaya Street in the center of Moscow. According to investigators, representatives of the criminal world came to demand a large sum of money from the co-owner of the establishment Zhanna Kim or rewrite the restaurant for them. Earlier, the woman had a conflict due to the fact that she broke the contract with the designer Fatima Misikova, who was a close friend of Kalashov. The owner of the restaurant called for help the lawyer Eduard Budantsev, a former KGB officer who once served in the personal bodyguard of Eduard Shevardnadze. As a result of the shootout, five men were injured, and two of them subsequently died in hospital. Later, witnesses of the incident stated that the attackers told them that they were from Shakro, and demanded to respect the thieves in law.

The arrest of the crime boss, who is considered the successor of Ded Hassan, became known on July 12. Investigators searched his mansion in the Moscow region. Two Makarov pistols, a live grenade and a large sum of money were found in Kalashov's house. Moreover, according to MK, the arrest of Shakro had to be pushed through by Zhanna Kim's unspoken patron, a major oligarch. Kalashov, by the way, was summoned for interrogation more than once, but he did not appear. A criminal case was opened against the thief in law under Article 163 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Extortion”, the sanction of which provides for up to 15 years in prison. At the trial, he stated that he did not admit guilt, and refused to testify.

On Wednesday at the Tverskoy District Court, Shakro was wearing a blue denim jacket, white T-shirt, jeans and laceless sneakers. During the meeting, Kalashov sat in a cage on a bench, arms outstretched, and was absolutely calm and relaxed. The man watched with interest what was happening and smiled.

He was represented by famous lawyer Alexander Gofshtein and two more defenders.

At the beginning of the meeting, the judge established Kalashov's personal data. He said that he was born in 1953 in the city of Tbilisi, he has three minor children, is a citizen of the Russian Federation, is not officially employed, lives in a civil marriage.

Then Judge Marina Sizintseva read out the materials of the case. From them it turned out that Shakro's common-law wife Marina Goldberg was blacklisted by the US Treasury Department as a member of the criminal transnational group The Brothers "Circle (Brotherly Circle). Shakro himself has numerous convictions. He was first convicted in Tbilisi in 1975. He is in the top 10 most famous thieves in the law of the CIS countries He has extensive connections among officials and law enforcement agencies.

The investigator asked Shakro to choose a measure of restraint in the form of detention, arguing that he could hide abroad and influence the witnesses and the course of the investigation.

Kalashov's accomplice, citizen Misikova, has fled from the preliminary investigation authorities and has already been arrested in absentia, the guardian of the law said.

The prosecutor supported the petition of the investigation.

I find it legal and justified, Misikova has been put on the international wanted list, not all accomplices have been identified yet, operational-search measures are being carried out, taking into account the personality of the accused Kalashov, I ask you to satisfy the petition of the investigation, the prosecutor said.

In turn, Kalashov's defense insisted that the court should not choose a measure of restraint for the accused at all, since there is no evidence of Shakro's guilt in the case file.

Your honor, you have been presented with the hypotheses of the investigation and there is no evidence, and this directly contradicts the criminal law, - argued the lawyer Gofshtein.

He also drew the attention of the court to errors in the operational certificates provided by the investigation.

For more than three months, intelligence officers have been establishing Kalashov's personal data, but the operational certificate states that he has two children, but in fact three. He lives in the Moscow region, and in his passport it says in black and white that he is in Moscow. For a long time, the authors of the development could not establish reliable information on Kalashov, Gofshtein argued.

According to him, if Shakro wanted to run away, he would have done it long ago, like Misikova, however, he remained in Russia all seven months after the emergency.

The main witness Budantsev, who, by the way, is charged under the article "murder", for some reason is under house arrest, and not in a detention center, - the lawyer was surprised.

In this regard, he asked to refuse the investigation. His colleagues agreed with him.

Any homeless person in Moscow can say that he is from Shakro, one of the defenders joked (after the attack on the restaurant, the attackers claimed that they were sent by Kalashov - ed.).

Do you understand the decision of the court? the judge asked him.

Yes, yes, - answered Kalashov.

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