What is the dream of the devil in a female guise. Devil: why dream

the beauty 10.10.2019

according to Miller's dream book

A peasant who sees the devil in a dream expects crop destruction, livestock diseases and other losses. For athletes, especially those who travel outside the state, this dream is an incentive to be careful. If the devil appears in your dream in the guise of a beautifully dressed gentleman who calls you to his house, in reality you should be wary of the traps set by hypocritical people. Such a dream is especially serious for young girls, who after it should be prudent in their actions and rely more on friends. If in a dream the devil strikes your imagination, then in real life you may fall into some kind of trap. Communication with the devil in a dream promises you rash acts. In general, this dream is a warning against excessive gullibility in dealing with strangers.

Why is the devil dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

death in the family (one of the meanings).

See the devil in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

The devil is an interesting image in dreams. Regardless of how you perceive it - as a psychological image or an ominous reflection of reality - the very appearance of this creepy character in a dream is already a significant event. The subtext that he brings to dreams is interpreted through the prism of his influence on the rest of the participants in your dreams. The devil evokes feelings of temptation and fear of violence in a person, forcing him to break social, cultural and ethical taboos. It can be a symbol of retribution or complicity in some business, and then we see how supernatural forces interfere or help us in our moral or personal searches and conquests. If the devil helps you complete something, then this reflects the perception of the event by your Superego. The devil that prevents you from achieving anything is the personification of the evil that stands in your way in real life. If the devil threatens people dear to you, then this is a reflection of your struggle to protect and protect loved ones in this hostile world. If with the help of the devil you manage to get or achieve what you consider forbidden, try to discover the motives that prompted you to do this: are they seductive or rather disgusting?

What is the dream of the underworld

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

feast; funny incident; descended and returned from hell - (for the rich) poverty, (for the poor) happiness, joy; a sign of fate and forces, influences around.

Why is the demon dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

bad acquaintance; temptation; envy, if the demon addresses the sleeping person; to be afraid of a demon or a demon tormenting a sleeping person is a punishment in the service; defeat the demon in a dream - to glory; for the sick - to death; however, to see yourself and the demon together is to gain; see Devil.

Why dream about the devil

according to Vanga's dream book

Seeing a devil in a dream is a prediction of strong luck, as a result of which your prestige will increase significantly. But, being proud of your position and success in business, you will turn into an evil, conceited and arrogant person. If you dreamed that you were talking to the devil, then in real life you are in mortal danger. Your life can end tragically if you are not extremely careful and careful. Turning the devil, holding his tail, is evidence that your evil and caustic character contributes to the disappointment in you of people who were sincerely devoted to you. Do not tempt the Lord, for you will be alone.

The meaning of a dream about a demon

according to Freud's dream book

Seeing a demon in a dream for a woman - your dream means that you perceive your man as some kind of dark force that suppresses you and your will. This is not to say that you do not like to obey him, but you experience an incomprehensible fear of him. In your "intimate relationship, there is also a touch of fear and enslavement. You always meekly do what he asks you to do, but you do not always internally accept what he requires of you. If a demon dreamed of a man, this indicates that he wanted would have the strength and power of a demon, because in real life he is a person too inconspicuous for the opposite sex, and therefore he is often oppressed by unfulfilled desires.The reason for this is that he always stares at women whose union is too unrealistic, and builds upon these fantastic plans, which he cannot put into practice.

Expert Answers


I dream that I am sleeping, and in a dream the devil is standing behind me, and the Crucifix is ​​in front of me. I'm afraid to turn around. He terribly screams at me, wants to make me turn around and say that he is God. I do not turn around and do not want to say this, but at some point it becomes so scary that I am ready to give in to him. But I find the strength to shout that Jesus is God. I wake up in a dream and climb into my dad's bed out of fear. What does this dream mean? (Natalia)

A dream means that in reality you are doing something that is forbidden to you or that you yourself consider unlawful, but for some reason it is difficult for you to resist the temptation. The dream most likely symbolizes your inner struggle for moral principles. It seems that in order to cope, you will need the help of someone older and wiser..


I dreamed that I was at school at recess with my old friends and the devil appeared through the dark smoke. I begin to communicate with him as a friend, and then we take out swords and begin a friendly training. At the last moment of training, we exchanged swords and fought not with our right hands, but with our left ones. Suddenly I lost sight of him and he disappeared, I took my sword and immediately the bell rang. What does my dream mean? (Karkh, Artyom)

A dream means that in reality you will have a difficult battle with some kind of temptations and temptations. It is also likely that the dream reflects an internal struggle between some of your traits, for example, prudence and recklessness.

fairytale creatures

Dream Interpretation Devil DEVIL - to see in a dream the devil with horns, claws, a tail, with a pitchfork, a harbinger of torment and despair. If in a dream you are fighting the devil, it means. Danger awaits you. If in a dream you fearlessly and easily chat with him, you will soon get rich. If you dream that the devil dragged you away, then this dream is an omen of higher happiness. If the devil has moved into you in a dream, you will have a long and happy life and possibly royal favours. If you dream that the devil is chasing you, and you run away from him in horror, then this portends persecution from the outside. the mighty of the world this or prosecution. If you dream of a lot of devils with whips, then this is a sad omen for the sick, but for young people - such a dream promises love. Old French dream book

Dream Interpretation Devil This dream is extremely unfavorable, because it announces that you are cursed by the Lord! Nevertheless, if in your dream you try to resist the devil, fight him, and even inflict sensitive injury, you will be blessed. A dream in which you kill the devil promises that you will never go astray from the path of virtue. If you succumb and give in to him, you are destined to wallow in debauchery and be damned. Some dream interpreters emphasize that the manifestation in a dream of your obedience to the devil and your readiness to serve him is an undoubted indication that in reality you have a criminal passion for a certain person. If you endow the devil with something, your property has been acquired dishonestly and it will soon be opened! When you accept a gift from the devil, your faith in the Lord will come to naught. Dream Interpretation Taflisi

Dream Interpretation Devil To see the devil in a dream - in reality to play a risky game with the forces of evil. Talking to him means committing rash acts that can lead to horrific consequences, completely destroying your well-being overnight. If the devil appeared to you in a dream in a terrible unearthly guise, then in reality an inexplicable metamorphosis for you yourself may occur to you, people who know you well will not recognize in you the former person who would never have acted the way you will act in life after such a dream. If the devil appears in your dream in the guise of a completely respectable gentleman, exquisitely dressed and fragrant with the aroma of expensive cigars and perfumes, then in reality you should beware of meeting people who look at you with the gaze of unblinking eyes, for they are messengers of darkness. Dream interpretation from A to Z

Dream Interpretation Devil Devil: Sexual urges repressed unconscious or instincts. Shadow or Black Magician. Father competing with son for mother's love. Fear arising from infantile experience of frustration. Psychoanalytic dream book

Dream Interpretation Devil The devil, who dreamed of a young girl in the form of a beautiful young man calling her to his house means that she needs to be wary of new acquaintances who can cause her trouble. She should rely on her old trusted friends. Dream Interpretation for Lovers

The meaning of sleep Devil Devil: symbolizes the suppression of natural biological feelings. The dark beginning and evil in the man himself. Seeing the devil means temptation and temptation. Sometimes portends for women: intercourse with a man or pregnancy. ABC of dream interpretation

Sleep Devil, damn Devil, damn. A peasant who sees the devil in a dream expects crop destruction, livestock diseases and other losses. For athletes, especially those who travel outside the state, this dream is an incentive to be careful. If the devil appears in your dream in the guise of a beautifully dressed gentleman who calls you to his house, then in reality you should be wary of the traps set by hypocritical people. Such a dream is especially serious for young girls, who after it should be prudent in their actions and rely more on friends. If in a dream the devil strikes your imagination, then in real life you can fall into some kind of trap. Communication with the devil in a dream promises you rash acts. In general, this dream is a warning against excessive gullibility in dealing with strangers. Big dream book

Dream Interpretation Devil If you saw in a dream the devil in the guise of an elegant gentleman, then in reality beware of the traps set by hypocritical people. Such a dream is especially serious for young girls: they should be more careful in their actions. If in a dream the devil struck your imagination, then in real life you are threatened with a trap. Communication with the devil in a dream promises you rash acts. In general, this dream is a warning against excessive gullibility in dealing with strangers. Here is what D. Loff said about this dream: “The devil is an interesting image in dreams. Regardless of how you perceive it - as a psychological image or an ominous reflection of reality, the very appearance of this creepy character in a dream is already a significant event. The subtext that he brings to dreams is interpreted through the prism of his influence on the rest of the participants in your dreams. The devil evokes feelings of temptation and fear of violence in a person, forcing him to break social, cultural and ethical taboos. It can be a symbol of retribution or complicity in some business, and then we see how supernatural forces interfere or help us in our moral or personal searches and conquests. If the devil helps you complete something, then this reflects the perception of the event by your Superego. The devil that prevents you from achieving anything is the personification of the evil that stands in your way in real life. If the devil threatens people dear to you, then this is a reflection of your struggle aimed at protecting and protecting loved ones in this hostile world. If with the help of the devil you manage to get or achieve what you consider forbidden, try to discover the motives that prompted you to do this: are they seductive or rather disgusting? Big universal dream book

Why is the Devil dreaming This is truly a terrible dream. He can dream of that person who, deviating from virtue, forgot about the danger and let Satan get too close to him. The dream reminds you that it's time to change your mind, return to the path of virtue and prevent the dark forces from completely destroying you. Old English dream book

Dream Interpretation Devil An internal struggle between that part of your soul that you have labeled "good" and that which you have branded as "bad." It is important to look into the face of this essence - whether in a dream, whether in reality, with the help of imagination - in order to merge these two parts together. Dream Interpretation Lynn

Dream Interpretation Devil Devil: This sign can symbolize the internal struggle between the part of your soul that you have labeled as "good" and the part that you have branded as "bad". It is important to understand that you should not reject what you condemn in yourself, as what you resist only becomes more insistent. Look at those parts of your soul that you have called "inner demons" or "bad" as an opportunity for integration. Dream Interpretation Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Dream Interpretation Devil Dream Interpretation of Medea

Dream Interpretation Devil The Devil (Satan, an analogue of the described demon, but of a higher rank, often takes the form of an elderly powerful, imperious man, an old man in strict dark robes, medieval or modern): indicates a spiritual trap, sectological influences or a dead end in life, self-destruction, death of the soul or great temptation. Mythological dream book

Dream Interpretation Devil Devil: a disease of the head of unclear origin, but damage, the evil eye, as well as the onset of mental illness, including alcoholism, cannot be ruled out. The devil signs a contract with you: to shameful temptations that you will not resist. The latest dream book

Dream Interpretation Devil Symbolizes the suppression of natural biological feelings. The dark beginning and evil in the man himself. Seeing the devil means temptation and temptation. Sometimes portends (for women) intercourse with a man or pregnancy. Dream Interpretation Tutorial

Dream Interpretation Devil If you saw in a dream the devil in the guise of an elegant gentleman: in reality, beware of the traps set by hypocritical people. Such a dream is especially serious for young girls: they should be more careful in their actions. If in a dream the devil struck your imagination, in real life you are threatened with a trap. Communication with the devil in a dream: promises you rash acts. In general, this dream is a warning against excessive gullibility and communication with strangers. Family dream book

Dream Interpretation Devil For men: The devil seen in a dream portends the machinations of flatterers; perhaps a person close to you is playing a double game behind your back. If you are going to travel abroad, postpone your trip, the dream portends you failure and the collapse of hopes. Communication with the devil in a dream - in reality they will try to cheat you around your finger. Beware of sycophants and do not take anyone's word for it. If in your dream the devil fights with the angel and defeats him, try to be more careful in discussions with the leadership. They will not bring you success, you will not be able to prove your business qualities. If in a dream you see yourself in the guise of a devil, your deceit will be revealed, and the machinations on which high hopes were placed will fail.

A dream in which a person dreams of the devil, Satan, never has a positive interpretation. It is always deception, slander and evil intrigues in an impeccable appearance.

For those who are related to the earth, he promises crop failure, despite good weather conditions, case of cattle, etc.

A dream is very dangerous, in which an excellently and tastefully dressed male devil appears before you - in this case, you can be deceived by a fraudster who looks almost perfect in terms of trust.

For a man, a dream in which a female devil appears before him portends a meeting with a lady, whom he would later prefer to go around for three hundred miles. However, in this moment he will perceive this meeting as a gift of fate, and will pay too high a price for his recklessness.

The devil in the guise of a child dreams of a trap, which can only be avoided at the very initial stage. Further, everything will rush along the inclined plane until it reaches its sad climax.

To exorcise the devil in a dream is a dream that warns of the deceitfulness of an external impression. It will seem to you that the risk has passed, a certain problem has been solved, and you will relax. This will be your fatal mistake in reality.

Fighting the devil in a dream is an attempt to rethink your behavior, get rid of vice. The outcome of this struggle will show you how fruitful your spiritual revision will end in reality.

If you happen to run away from the devil, you are cowardly in real life.

Devil, Satan, Loff's dream book

The appearance of the devil, Satan in our dreams is connected, first of all, with the aesthetics of the perception of this image in reality. What is he for you in life: an ominous messenger of the other world, an enemy on the battlefield with sin, or just some kind of odious character with a certain psychological image? This is extremely important for deciphering the vision, but in any case, the interpretation of sleep should be made through the prism of the influence of this sinister character on all participants in the dream.

If there is a deal with the devil, Satan in a dream, this reflects a subconscious fear of temptation bordering on violence. The temptation itself in this case implies a gross violation of moral, ethical and social taboos. At the same time, this deal may involve not only the classic "sell the soul to the devil", but also smaller, from a spiritual point of view, compromises with one's own conscience.

A dream in which there is a kiss with the devil can have approximately the same meaning, but in this case we are talking no longer about the fear of such an agreement, but about its subconscious search.

If a person dreams of the exorcism of the devil, this may indicate opposition in complicity in some kind of illegal transaction, as well as a subconscious fear of retribution for this refusal.

In case when dream of exile the devil out of himself - this struggle takes on a more serious internal scale of the moral opposition of life attitudes, priorities, contradictions.

A dream in which you yourself are the devil, reflects the mirror perception of ongoing events by your inner "superego", especially in cases where it helps you achieve something you want in a dream.

If the devil present in you, on the contrary, interferes with the implementation of what was planned, then in a dream he personifies evil, an obstacle that you are about to encounter in life, and which will have a veiled, unrecognizable image in its negative.

Why do the devil or satan dream, Longo's dream book

The appearance of the image of Satan in a dream portends shame, humiliation, which will be experienced due to excessive gullibility and inability to separate the tares from the grains.

If you dream of the son of the devil, a child, a dangerous adventure is being started in reality, and its consequences can be serious, up to a prison term.

If the devil is drawn in your dream, you are in a dangerous delusion that everything around is good, and your actions are unpunished. Most likely, you are in a very strong captivity of your own delusions, and understanding true position things will be belated and very painful.

The struggle with the devil in a dream symbolizes your attempts in reality to overcome someone else's influence, to get out of some kind of addiction that you put in the category of negative, negative for yourself. It can be the usual struggle with smoking, and far from being a joke of spiritual warfare.

If you managed to kill the devil in a dream, this does not mean your final superiority in some kind of confrontation in reality. As this character is cunning and cunning, your imaginary victory can also be erroneous.

Devil, English dream book

A dream in which Satan, the devil appears to a person, should be considered terrible. This means that in real life you let this character get too close to you. Perhaps such a dream will be the last warning before the certain death of your soul.

Devil, French dream book

To dream of the devil in his classic form (with a tail, hooves, pitchfork-tridents and horns) - to despair, which will be extremely painful.

If you dreamed of a devil child, you are starting an extremely dangerous business in reality. What will follow him, you now cannot imagine even with the most unfavorable scenario of consequences. If you are thinking about doing something to bypass the laws, including moral ones, it is better to refuse. The more wealth you acquire, the more you will pay for it.

Why do devils dream - a modern dream book

A dream in which Satan is present is unfavorable in any plot.

The most dangerous dream is when you make contact with this character, start a discussion (even if it is an argument, and your position in it is diametrically opposed), not to mention that you are selling your soul to the devil in a dream. After such a dream, reconsider everything that you were going to do, with an eye on the most adverse consequences that it can give. Of people, most of all beware of flatterers.

Harvest, loss of livestock and other failures. Athletes, especially those leaving the state, this dream encourages cautious behavior. The devil appeared in a dream as a well-dressed gentleman inviting you to his home - beware of the traps set on you by deceitful people. Young girls after such a dream should be especially careful in their actions; they should actively turn to friends for support. The devil struck your imagination with something - which means you run the risk of falling into some kind of trap. Communication with the devil in a dream portends your committing frivolous, rash acts. Generally speaking, the dream in which you had a chance to communicate with the devil warns that, communicating with strangers, do not be too gullible.

If you dreamed of Satan, then you have to go through humiliation, shame. In addition, you will start some dangerous game, a scam, an adventure that can have very bad consequences for you, up to a prison term or death. It is quite possible that a cunning and insidious person will provoke this, who then uses you for his own selfish purposes. Drive away Satan in a dream - you will strive to get rid of someone else's influence, suggestion of thoughts leading to death.

The dream where Satan appears can be safely considered scary. He may dream of a person who has abandoned virtue, who has forgotten about a serious danger and let the devil get too close to himself. The dream is a reminder: it's time to change your mind, return to virtue and not let the dark forces completely ruin yourself.

If the devil appeared in your dream with all his attributes - horns, tail, hooves, with pitchforks, this is a bad sign: you will be in despair and experience torment. Fought with the devil - a dream to danger. Boldly and easily, at ease they talked to him - you will soon become a rich man. I dreamed that the devil dragged you to him - such a dream promises you the highest prosperity. The devil has moved into you in a dream - it means that you are destined for a long and happy life and, possibly, generous favors from the authorities. In a dream, you ran away in horror from the devil pursuing you - expect persecution from the powers that be or legal prosecution. A lot of devils with whips appeared in a dream - for young people, a dream means future love, but for those who are sick, he predicts evil.

One of the interesting images that appear in our dreams is the devil. Regardless of your perception - for you it is a psychological image or an ominous reflection of reality - the fact that this odious character enters a dream is in itself a significant event. The subtext he brings to the vision is interpreted through the prism of the influence he has on the other participants in the dream. With the advent of the devil, a person develops feelings of temptation and fear of violence, and this leads him to violate socio-cultural and moral and ethical taboos. The devil can symbolize retribution or complicity in some business, and in this case we can observe the help of supernatural forces provided to us in moral or personal quests and aspirations. The devil in a dream helped you complete some business - such a dream reports the perception of the event by your "superego". If the devil, on the contrary, interfered with you in something, this symbolizes evil, which is a hindrance to you in real life. The devil threatened your dear people- a dream reflects your activities to protect and protect loved ones from surrounding dangers and troubles. If the support of the devil has helped you achieve something that you think is forbidden, try to determine for yourself whether the motives that prompted you to do this were seductive or disgusting.

The devil is dreaming that flatterers and hypocrites will curl around you, and a person from your environment will play on two fields. If you have a business trip abroad, then it is advisable to postpone it until better times, since this time luck has turned away from you. Your conversation with the devil dreams of trying to deceive you. Finally open your eyes and try to find sycophants and liars. If you dreamed of a devil defeating an angel in a duel, then they are trying to warn you that with the authorities you better keep your mouth shut and your ears open. By entering into a discussion with them, you will lose and will not demonstrate your qualities. A dream in which you yourself act as a devil portends that your dubious plans will be revealed, and speculation will fail.

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