Interesting facts about nails. Why does a person need nails: interesting facts

Recipes 01.07.2020

Today, manicure is such a familiar procedure that no one thinks about how it was before. But the history of nail care, like any beauty procedure, goes back centuries. In this article, we have selected for you the most Interesting Facts from the history of manicure.

And how was it?

1. In Ancient Egypt were sure that long nails helped to better communicate with the gods, they were a symbol of wisdom. In general, only noble people were allowed to grow nails, their slaves cut them very short. And by the color of the nails one could judge the significance and position. The brighter and richer the manicure, the higher the position in society. Cleopatra preferred to paint her nails with henna, which gave them a terracotta hue.

2. In Ancient China nails were grown not only by women, but also by men. Women thus demonstrated that they belonged to a high class and never engaged in physical labor. For men, long nails were a symbol of masculinity. The favorite colors of manicure were gold and silver, and since the reign of the Ming Dynasty, they have been replaced by red and black. By the way, in ancient China, the first prototype of extension appeared - lengthening nails with the help of silver tips.

3. In Ancient Rome the same principle operated as in Egypt: the longer and brighter the nails, the higher the class and position in society.

4. In France in the 17th century, an interesting manicure was in fashion: men grew a nail only on the little finger. And there was also a habit not to knock on the door, but to scratch with your fingernail.

5. In the East, vegetable dyes were injected directly into the base of the nail - then they did not have to be painted, since they immediately grew colored.

By the way, the longest nails were, oddly enough, the man. His name is Nelvin Feisel Booz, and his nails, which he has not cut for 25 years, are 953 centimeters long.

The history of modern manicure

1. The first orange stick for manicure familiar to us today appeared already in 1830.

2. European manicure dates back to 1917, when Dr. G. Coronu invented a cuticle remover.

3. The first nail salon appeared in 1918.

4. The year that changed everything is considered to be 1932. It was then that the first varnish in history appeared. It was deep red. And "thank you" for this should be said to Charles Lashman.

5. In the 60s. Acrylic build-up was born, and one American dentist became its inventor. According to one version, he did this after a severe injury to his finger, as a result of which he tore off his nail and could not work, according to another, in this way he wanted to wean his wife from biting his nails.

6. With the heyday of Hollywood in 1976, ORLY made popular the French manicure, which is still fashionable today - their task was to invent for actresses a kind of universal manicure that could fit any costume.

Nails (nail plates) since ancient times, they were not only a tool of labor, but also a weapon from the impact wildlife. With the development of civilization, gradually, these functions of nails became applicable only in extreme situations, and more and more pampered hands began to use nails as a natural protector of the phalanges of the fingers and toes. They, as a rule, are the first to take on bruises, cuts and other household injuries, albeit only partially, but mitigate the consequences of serious injuries.

But a person would not be a person if he did not seek beauty, perfection and harmony around him. And from the face, skin and body, his gaze naturally moved to the phalanges of the fingers and, accordingly, to the nails, since no matter how rich the decorations on the hands, they only further emphasize the ugliness of the hands. Beauty is an adornment in itself, and well-groomed beauty, and even framed with tasteful jewelry and, of course, varnishes - what can I explain to you - is the dream of any woman, and many men are not alien to these whims.

There are many interesting facts related to nails. Some of these facts are pure superstition, but most of them are scientific. Even some of the superstitious beliefs make you pay attention to the presence of logic in them. So here are some interesting facts:

  • Nails are actually the same as hair. Both hair and nails are made from the same protein called keratin.
  • Nail plates are made up of dead cells, and contrary to popular belief, they do not breathe. Therefore, they do not need oxygen. However, nail beds and cuticles are made up of living cells and need oxygen, vitamins and minerals.
  • Nails grow at a rate of 0.1 mm per day (1 cm for every 100 days). Thus, it will take 4 to 6 months for the nail to grow completely. For toenails, the full renewal period takes 12 to 18 months.
  • Nails don't sweat. The nail bed does not have sweat glands. Only the skin around the nails can sweat.
  • Men's nails grow faster than women's.
  • In both men and women, fingernails grow faster than toenails.
  • Toenails are about twice as thick as fingernails.
  • The fastest growing nail on the middle finger, the slowest growing nail on the thumb.
  • When nails are washed frequently, they grow faster than nails that are cut on occasion. That's why it takes so long to grow long nails.
  • Seasons and weather also affect nail growth. Nails grow faster in warm climates and during the day than in cold climates and at night.
  • Nails grow faster in young people than in old people. In addition, nails grow much faster during pregnancy.
  • Nails grow at different rates on both hands. If you are right handed, the nails on your right hand will grow faster than the nails on your left hand and vice versa.
  • Light impact, such as typing on a computer, stimulates nail growth. In fact, it's more like a massage.
  • Nails reflect the state of your health and are important point your beauty.
  • Manicure is a very ancient phenomenon. There is evidence that even 4000 years ago it was known to our ancestors, who also loved to bring beauty.
  • The longest fingernail in history was on an Indian guy, and he was 122 cm long.
  • If you don't drink enough water, it's bad for your overall health and it also results in dry nails.
  • Nails are very tough (compared to skin, of course), but even they can be dissolved within 4 days if you put them in one of the most popular drinks in the world, as it is highly caustic.

Company MIRRA has several nail care products in its cosmetic arsenal, and the most popular of them today is the Iron Nail. Not less than effective remedy to strengthen nails - Potassium gel.

In the composition of the gel:

  • calcium pantothenate - a source of calcium, moisturizes the nail plate;
  • flax oil - rich in omega-3 fatty acids;
  • rapeseed oil - rich in natural fats, eliminates the lack of water and nutrients.

Calcium pantothenate helps to strengthen thin and weak nails so that they grow long, strong and beautiful. The tool forms a durable coating that enhances the nail's resistance to damage and brittleness. Enriched with calcium and natural oils Calcium gel makes nails more resistant to aggressive external environment. The product is easy to apply and dries quickly.

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Only the most interesting facts about nails that you did not know about.

  • Fingernails grow 3.5mm per month, toenails grow 1.6mm per month.
  • A complete renewal of the nail occurs on average once every six months.
  • Fingernails grow 4 times faster than toenails. If you notice that you cut your fingernails more often, then this is not imagining you. This is due to the fact that those nails that receive more external impact and are used more often grow faster.
  • Nails on the dominant hand grow faster: right-handed people grow faster nails on right hand, for left-handers - on the left.
  • The fastest growing nail is on the middle finger. It is not yet known why, but nail growth is associated with finger length. The longer the finger, the faster the nails grow.
  • Men's nails grow faster than women's. The exception is pregnancy.
  • Nails grow faster in summer than in winter.
  • Chronic stress slows down nail growth.
  • Typing stimulates nail growth.
  • Nails are "made" of the same material as hair - keratin. So those products that are good for hair are good for nails.
  • Nails are what distinguishes primates (including humans) from other mammals that have claws.
  • White spots on the nails are absolutely harmless and do not mean anything. Sometimes they remain after a nail injury. But they are not evidence of a deficiency of calcium, or zinc, or any vitamins.
  • The most common neurosis is nail biting (onychophagia). About 50% of children aged 10-18 bite their nails. By the age of 30, in most cases, this habit goes away on its own.
  • About half of nail problems are caused by fungal infections, and they are more common on the feet.
  • In the elderly more problems with nails than in young people.
  • Let your nails take a break from nail polish, false nails and extended nails - all this interferes with the flow of oxygen into the nail, especially extended nails, which especially contribute to the development of fungus or infection in the nail. Nails that are not allowed to "rest" from the coating grow weaker and more brittle.
  • The cuticle is an important part of the nail. It protects the nail from moisture loss and infection. The cuticle cannot be removed completely. Best to soften with special means and push back with an orange stick.
  • If you put a piece of your nail in Coco Cola, after 4 days it will completely dissolve.
  • Nails don't sweat.
  • Nail polish originated in China around 3000 BC. They made varnish from egg whites, gelatin, vegetable dyes and beeswax.
  • Do you think complex nail designs are a modern fashion novelty? Everything new is well-forgotten old. The ancient Incas had common drawings in the form of an eagle on their nails.
  • The longest nails are on the left hand of a resident of India, who has not cut them since 1952, thanks to which he got into the Guinness Book of Records in 2016. On different fingers, the length of the nails is from 164 to 200 cm.

Some interesting facts about human nails are superstition, some are supported by scientific evidence. What can be trusted and what should be taken as a joke? Let's try to figure it out.

  1. AT Ancient Russia it was believed that a child should not cut his nails until a year old, otherwise he would be a thief. To prevent the baby from injuring himself, young mothers were advised to gnaw his nails with their teeth and put them in a special bag. On the day of the celebration of the first year of life, cut nail plates were buried under the ash tree in order to protect the baby from the influence of evil spirits.
  2. In the XVI century. male aristocrats did not specifically cut their nails on their little fingers, growing them to the maximum possible length. It was believed that with the help of such a "device" it is much more convenient to open letters without resorting to improvised means.
  3. At the end of the XX century. a long nail on the little finger of a man's hand symbolized a person's belonging to the criminal world. In almost all places of deprivation of liberty located on the territory former USSR, the criminal "elite" used the opportunity to shirk physical labor. The well-groomed hands and neat manicure of the prisoner were a kind of warning signal of possible danger.


  4. In ancient Egypt, a person's belonging to a particular caste could be recognized by the appearance of his nail plates. Slaves cut their nails very short, while long ones indicated that a person was engaged in creative work or was a member of royal family.


  5. In ancient China, it was believed that the longer a person's nail plates, the stronger his connection with higher powers.


  6. Previously, according to natural patterns on a manicure, they judged a person’s health and tried to predict his fate.. Let's say, the larger the "crescent" located at the bottom of the nail, the longer human life. It was believed that the appearance of white spots on the ring finger is a warning of impending disaster, and on the middle one - to great joy and a long-awaited acquisition.


  7. Manicure has a very ancient history . In the mid 60s. of the last century in Egypt, during archaeological excavations, tombs with mummies identified as “keepers of the nails of Pharaoh Nuser” were discovered.


  8. According to historians, Queen Cleopatra did not neglect the manicure procedure, who used natural materials to paint her nails in terracotta color.


  9. For the first time, the media started talking about the fashion for nails on the American continent in 1879. After 3 years, the practice of performing manicure using metal tools became widespread among the fair sex.
  10. The homeland of the jacket, which has been popular for several years, is not France at all.. Its "inventor" is the president of ORLY, Jeff Pink, who came up with a fashion for a universal nail coating that fits any outfit and look.


  11. The habit of biting nails in most cases is inherent in people who are in constant mental or intellectual tension. These are workaholics, scientists, creative individuals. More often girls and teenagers suffer from onychophagia.
  12. During the recovery period of a person after a strong and protracted illness, his nails begin to grow faster. Contribute to the acceleration of nail growth and hormonal changes that occur during menstrual cycle and pregnancy.


  13. In 2011 Chris Walton hit the Guinness Book of Records as the owner of the longest nail plates in the world. At that time, she had already celebrated her 45th birthday, and the path to the record began at the age of 27. The total length of her nails on both hands was about 6 meters. The girl takes care of her manicure on her own, devoting several hours to this process every day and using 5-6 bottles of varnish.


  14. The growth rate of nails slows down in the cold season.
  15. Charles Revson is credited with inventing the world's first nail polish.. He presented his first collection of red bottles to potential customers in the mid-30s of the last century. A few years later he offered new idea in the beauty industry, which consisted of using lipstick and lacquer of the same color.


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Nails have been cared for thousands of years ago. It is known that the oldest manicure set was discovered by archaeologists on the territory of Ancient Babylon (modern Iraq). True, there was hardly an orange stick and a buff.

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In ancient Egypt, the length and color of the nails indicated the estate of a person - for example, the representatives of the nobility had a bright manicure.

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Queen Cleopatra used henna to decorate her nails and hands, and used oils in her care.

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AT Ancient Greece and Rome had a special category of slaves - cosmetics. They helped persons of noble birth in taking care of themselves. ATincluding polishing nails using a special composition with animal fat.

The prototype of modern nail polishes appeared in ancient Chinese civilization. It was a paint made from crushed minerals, wax, egg yolks, and gum arabic. There is also information that gold dust was used to decorate nails.

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In ancient China, they tried to grow nails. And not in the modern sense, but up to 25 cm (where there is a modern extension)! This was considered a sure way to protect yourself from evil forces. Those who could not reach the “reference” length (because the nails simply broke) put pointed metal tips on their fingers.

In the Middle Ages, manicure, on the contrary, was associated with evil spirits. It got to the point that the Inquisition declared this procedure sinful. But after a while, everything changed - and well-groomed nails again became one of the essential attributes. appearance notable persons.

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It is interesting, for example, that in the Renaissance it was customary at court to grow a nail on one of the little fingers - in order to politely knock on the door with it before entering. It was common to polish nails with a special block covered with suede - it can be considered the prototype of a modern buff.

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And in 1830, the first full-fledged manicure set appeared - it was created by the doctor of the French king Louis Philippe. After the monarch's finger became inflamed due to a carelessly torn off burr, he was supposed to properly care for the nails and skin around.

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