Where do ticks live in the grass or. Where did so many ticks come from in Russia

Technique and Internet 20.10.2020
Technique and Internet

Ticks feel the approach of the victim for 10 meters

In this regard, ticks:

Since ticks need a support for which they cling, they will never be found:

  • on the fields;
  • in a high forest where there is no undergrowth;
  • in clearings without bushes and forests.
  • in the bushes;
  • in grass;
  • along the edge of the forest;
  • on animals.

After walking in nature or contact with pets, it is imperative to inspect the body and clothing for the presence of ticks.

Video: ticks attack

How ticks get on a person

Table: how and where a person is at risk of being bitten by ticks

Photo gallery: the most common types of ticks

Agras mites live in the crevices of utility rooms, from where they crawl onto animals and humans.
Barn mites litter food with their waste Frequent guests in squares, parks and summer cottages
Parasites on marine life Gamasid mites have toxic saliva One of the most large species- ixodid tick
Shell mites enter the body with food The pasture tick is a carrier of diseases dangerous to humans and animals.

Many do not even think that ticks can live not only in latitudes, with densely overgrown forests, but also where a person lives - in houses and apartments.

No matter how we try to maintain cleanliness in a house or apartment, it is impossible to get rid of various microorganisms and bacteria in full. One of our permanent neighbors are dust mites.

In our apartments and houses, you can most often find three types of dust mites:

    Pyroglyphic mites.


    Tick ​​predators.

Dust mites are very small and invisible to the naked eye. The average life expectancy is 2-2.5 months. During this time, the female tick can lay up to sixty eggs. Temperature regime and the humidity of the air in a person's home is great for the life of ticks.

  1. They are transferred from human clothing or animal fur (plants, things, foods and other objects or vegetation also serve as vectors for ticks) after walking down the street (the most common way).
  2. They get on things that are dried on balconies or on the street, after which they are brought into the room.

What "apartment" ticks are dangerous for humans?

The dust mite is dangerous because it can cause many types of allergic reactions, the most common include:

  • allergic rhinitis;
  • respiratory allergy;
  • allergic conjunctivitis;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • angioedema;
  • acarodermatitis.

Bed mites also pose a danger, causing scabies that is transmitted to others. Headaches, fever, redness and itching are not all symptoms of the disease. Having found scabies, you should immediately consult a doctor, as it quickly spreads throughout the body and does not go away on its own.

How long can a tick live in an apartment?

  1. Temperature regime.
  2. Humidity in the room.
  3. The sexual maturity of the individual.
  4. The amount of vegetation in the house (since many types of mites feed on plants).
  5. How often is cleaning and airing done?

As a rule, after five months the ticks die, but after them offspring remain, which continues the "work of the ancestors."

How to understand that there are ticks in the apartment?

  • the appearance of bites on the body (concentrate on the skin: if there is a dried blood spot, then this is probably a tick bite);
  • multiple black dots on sleep items, appliances and furniture (people often confuse these with dirt, but this can be tick droppings).

You can also use a magnifying glass and a flashlight to determine the presence or absence of ticks in the house. It is necessary to spread the bed, turn off the light and examine the room with these objects.

About dust mites in the apartment (video)

Ways to deal with ticks in the apartment

You need to know that it is impossible to completely get rid of ticks, but you can prevent their reproduction.

To do this, you must perform the following steps:

    Do a wet cleaning of the apartment regularly using a 20% saline solution, paying attention to Special attention pieces of furniture.

    Keep the air humidity within 40 percent, as unfavorable conditions for the life of ticks will be created.

    Down and feather pillows should be replaced with padding.

    Floors should be washed with water containing a small amount of salt to disinfect the room.

    Ventilate the room regularly (in addition, you can use air ozonizers).

    Vacuum cleaners, air purifiers and air conditioners will also help in the fight against ticks.

If you do not know how to get rid of ticks in the apartment, you do not need to panic and think that this is hopeless situation. It is enough to adhere to the above rules, thereby you will protect yourself and your loved ones from the harmful inhabitants of your home.

Since school bench it is known that ticks are small arthropod arachnid creatures belonging to the animal kingdom, but not everyone knows the habitat of ticks, but thanks to this article, this gap will be filled.

Other types of ticks live in the soil in vegetable gardens and orchards. They cause very great harm by sucking the juice from plants, destroy crops, for example, and also harm indoor plants.

There are also dust or bed mites that live in houses and apartments. They live in carpets, pillows, blankets and sofas. Due to the smallest size, it is impossible to detect them with the naked eye, but they cause harm by contributing to the appearance of skin itching, red spots on the skin and an allergic reaction.

Tick ​​lifestyle

All ticks are dioecious. There are pronounced differences between male and female. Among the many species of ticks that exist today, most are oviparous, and only rare exceptions are viviparous.

Ticks are sedentary creatures, overcoming their own overcoming only a few tens of meters in their life. In anticipation of the victim, the insect climbs onto a blade of grass or a small bush. If an animal or person is close to a tick, its reaction will be lightning fast. The paws of the tick have suction cups and claws, which provides it with the ability to firmly attach to the victim. Once on the host, the pest starts searching perfect place for food. Usually it is the neck or head.

Ways to deal with furniture mites

And where do ticks live in our houses and apartments? House and book dust beautiful place habitats for microscopic mites, which are a strong household allergen. Directly furniture pliers do not represent great danger, however, they leave behind a large amount of their waste products that are toxic to humans. Also, furniture may appear, which bring great discomfort to a person with their bites.

Consider ways to deal with such uninvited guests:

Eye and ear mites

Ticks can live not only on furniture, but also in the human body, which, however, happens extremely rarely. Such a situation, when a tick appears in the ear, is extremely rare, but there is still a possibility. The disease that develops as a result of such infection is called ear acariosis.

A symptom of a tick getting into the ear is severe itching, sensation foreign body, pain, insect crawling.

In order to relieve an allergic reaction, antiallergic drugs are used. eye drops. It is necessary to wipe the edges of the eyelids with tincture of calendula, preventing liquid from getting into the eye, and an ointment must be applied to the roots, which ensures that air is blocked to the affected areas of the skin.

Is there a tick in your apartment? Did he manage to escape after you pulled him out? Unhooked from the dog's hair and went for a walk around the house? There are many questions. Can ticks live in an apartment, how long will they live and how to catch them?

Where to look for a tick in an apartment and how to catch it

Forest ticks in the apartment can hide anywhere. Of course, you should not look for them in products, because this is a blood-sucking insect. Most likely, he will find a secluded place where it is dark and a lot of moisture, or hide, not very far away and will wait for the victim. It doesn’t matter to him who to attack, it’s especially scary if the house has Small child. Home security will definitely be at risk. Catching a tick is almost impossible. If only, what is called "on live bait", but this method is not recommended to be used even by the most extreme people. You can try to attract him with a source of heat, but it’s not a fact that he will “bite” on this trick, and you can sit in ambush for several hours in a row. It is not clear who to carry for analysis if the tick escaped after being removed from the skin. There is a chance to see him and grab him, but he is negligible.

The period of activity in the forest tick begins at zero air temperature. And the temperature over twenty degrees acts depressingly on them, the insect becomes lethargic.

Forest tick in the apartment - what to do?

If you find a forest tick in the apartment, it is easy to destroy it by throwing it into boiling water. But what if he fell and disappeared from view? Maybe he wasn't alone? The question arises - how long does a tick live in an apartment? Maybe the conditions are not suitable for him, there is no fresh air and food, he will die, dry up? Not at all! This insidious insect is able to sit for a year without food, waiting for the victim in the most hidden corner of the dwelling. It is believed that under unfavorable conditions they experience diapause, tests in the apartment have not been carried out, but they can go without food for several years, during which time they seem to fall into hibernation. It has been proven that after a tick has drunk blood, it can wait ten years for the next opportunity to “eat”. It is unrealistic to look at every corner of the apartment for the presence of ticks. But there is still a way out.

Forest tick in the apartment - a set of measures for their destruction

  • Look through all the clothes and rewash if possible.
  • Also remove all carpets and blankets, pat them on the street.
  • Vacuum the entire apartment thoroughly, including the furniture.
  • Buy Neostomazan at the pet store. Dilute it in water and wash the floors, going through all the nooks and crannies.
  • Treat things with an anti-tick drug. Also spray on animals. And for yourself, get a cream against ticks and lubricate your skin with it.

Most often, such a problem as a forest tick in an apartment loses its relevance after a few hours. If within a short time the tick does not stick, it will die, since there is not enough water in the apartment for its life activity. high humidity. That is, a tick can live in an apartment, but not for long. Otherwise, they would breed right at your home and would long ago have adapted to life in a person’s apartment.

Hello everyone, this is Olga Ryshkova. With the advent of spring and warming, blood-sucking insects appeared. One of the most dangerous for humans is ixodid ticks; it carries many dangerous diseases. It is wrong to think that these arthropods only carry tick-borne encephalitis.

How dangerous is a tick bite.

What can ticks infect? While they are sucking your blood, you can get diseases transmitted by ticks:

When bloodsucking, an infected tick transmits a tick-borne encephalitis virus to a person, the danger of which is that it affects the central nervous system. If the gray matter of the brain is involved in the process of inflammation, encephalitis develops; if the membranes of the brain and spinal cord, meningitis develops; if both, meningoencephalitis develops. The consequences are severe, up to lesions of the motor pathways of the nervous system (paresis, there may be muscle paresis, intestinal paresis, paresis Bladder), paralysis, and even death.

From a tick bite to the appearance of signs of disease ( incubation period) takes 1-2 weeks. Then there are malaise, lack of appetite, fever (body temperature rises to 38-39.5 0 C), nausea, vomiting, muscle and headache. This is the first phase and for most people, after it ends, the disease recedes. But in 20-30% of people, after an 8-day break, the second phase begins with the development of symptoms of tick-borne viral encephalitis - a disorder of consciousness, sensitivity and motor functions or meningitis - a sharp headache, fever, neck muscle tension).

Are all ticks dangerous?

Not all. Tick-borne encephalitis virus infected 12-13% of ticks. But they can be infected with borreliosis bacteria, rickettsiae, anaplasmas, Crimean hemorrhagic fever or West Nile fever viruses. Carriers of the Crimean hemorrhagic fever are common in the steppes and semi-desert landscapes.

Where to expect tick attacks?

Where do ticks live? The habitat of ticks is grass, from there they crawl onto shoes and clothes. Most of them are in coniferous-deciduous mixed forests. Ticks are concentrated along paths that people walk on or wait on the grass by the side of the road. They are found in city parks, cemeteries and summer cottages. Ticks are very sensitive to human heat and crawl up until they find a patch of skin.

But danger must be expected from everywhere. Ticks do not live on trees and do not crawl on them, but climb the bushes and sit there, spreading their paws and waiting for the victim. If a child passes by, the tick will be at the level of his head and will try to fall on it or catch on his hair. If an adult catches the branch, the tick will try to grab onto the clothes.

The tick can cling to the dog's tail and she will bring it into the yard or into the house. It clings to the feathers of birds and, if you are sitting under a branch on which such a bird has landed, it may fall on your head.

It was calculated in the Office of Rospotrebnadzor of one of the Volga regions that out of the total number of those who applied for medical help, 39% were attacked by ticks in the forest, 30.1% - in summer cottages, 5.7% - in city squares and parks, 2.05% - in cemeteries, 0.7% in camp sites.

When ticks are active.

When do ticks wake up? The first appearance of ticks happens when the snow melts, it becomes warm and insects appear - the season has begun. The period of greatest activity of ticks is from the 2nd decade of May to the 2nd decade of June. At the end of June and July, their numbers and activity decrease. But since August, the rise in the number of active ticks, which is called autumn, begins again, and it ends in October.

Areas of distribution of encephalitis ticks

By tick-borne encephalitis the most dangerous regions in which ticks are most common. Such territories are called natural foci of tick-borne infections. This is primarily Siberia, the Urals, Far East(this is the most dangerous region), as well as the Volga region, middle lane Russia and Karelia.

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