Sophia Loren's birthday: interesting facts from the life of the actress. Gossip Calendar: Sophia Loren's Birthday Sophia Loren's Difficult Childhood

Family and relationships 18.06.2019
Family and relationships

Sophia Loren is an Italian actress and singer. Winner of numerous awards and prizes at international film festivals. She is often called the embodiment of charisma and sensuality.

Sophia Loren (real name - Sofia Villani Scicolone) was born in Rome, but did not live there as a child. Romilda Vilani, Sofia's mother, came to the capital of Italy to try her luck on stage, because the woman dreamed of becoming a singer or actress. Acquaintance with Ricardo Scicolone changed plans. Upon learning of the pregnancy, the man acknowledged paternity, but refused to marry. Therefore, immediately after the birth of her daughter, Romilda returns to her native town of Pozzuoli, which is located in the vicinity of Naples.

The future actress grew up as a thin girl, ahead of her peers in growth, for which she received the nickname "Perch". When the girl was 14 years old, she participates in the local beauty contest "Queens of the Sea". Sophia did not win, but she got into a dozen selected princesses, receiving several material prizes, and most importantly, a ticket to Rome for casting. After 2 years, at the Italian beauty contest, Sofia receives the title of "Miss Elegance", which the jury was forced to additionally come up with especially for the young senorita.

In 1952, the Italian took 2nd place in the Miss Rome beauty pageant. This day becomes the starting point in the career of the future star.


At first, the actress had to play miniature roles in the sugary films Zorro's Dreams, Bluebeard's Six Wives, Yes, Yes, It Was Him, and Two Nights with Cleopatra. In these films, the actress starred under the pseudonym Sofia Lazarro. In 1953 famous producer Carlo Ponti suggested that the girl change her surname to Lauren, as it was better combined with the name, and was also consonant with the surname of the Belgian actress Martha Thoren, who at that time was at the peak of popularity. But Ponti did not limit himself to just changing his pseudonym. The film producer saved Sophie from the Neapolitan accent, instilled a taste for dramatic literature, put on the famous gait with swaying hips, changed the style of makeup. The only thing Sophia Loren refused - Plastic surgery nose reduction.

Sophia Loren., 1960s

Sophia Loren in the movie "Italian Marriage"

These changes quickly bore fruit. Sophia Loren became a famous actress after the release of several films: Attila, Gold of Naples, Chochara, Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow, Italian Marriage, Boat House and Sunflowers. The actress's partners on the set were Anthony Quinn, Cary Grant, Jean-Paul Belmondo and Marcello Mastroianni. The duet with Mastroianni is still called the best in the history of world cinema.

The audience especially remembered the joint roles with Frank Sinatra in the film Pride and Passion, Clark Gable in the romantic comedy It Started in Naples, Charlie Chaplin and Marlon Brando in the film The Countess from Hong Kong, which was the last for the great comedian. In addition, Sophia Loren took part in filming with Anthony Perkins in the melodrama Love Under the Elms, Paul Newman in the psychological film Lady L., Richard Burton in the melodrama The Ride, and Jean Gabin in the film Sentence.

Sophia Loren in the movie "Lady L."

By 1980, Sophia Loren becomes a world movie star. American director Mel Stewart invites the actress to play herself in the film The Story of Sophia Loren.

Biographers and researchers of Lauren's life note that successful films with her participation appeared on screens from the 50s to the early 80s. it Golden time biography of Sophia Loren. Then there are fewer films, although the talent of the Italian has not dried up. In the 90s, the movie "High Fashion" was released, in which Lauren and Mastroianni played together for the last time. Soon, the comedy "The Old Grumblers Rage" and the biographical picture of Roger Hanin "The Sun" also appear. In addition, critics have repeatedly noted the musical "Nine", which is a remake of Federico Fellini's film "8½", as well as leading role Olivia in Just Between Us.

Sophia Loren in the movie "Nine"

The episodic role of Angela in the 2014 film The Human Voice is the last work of the Italian in cinema.

Personal life

Sophia Loren received a large number of marriage proposals, but the actress was married only once - to Carlo Ponti, who opened the world acting talent Italians. Moreover, this marriage was not officially recognized by the authorities of the country. Senor Ponti was previously married, and according to Catholic laws, it was not possible to carry out a divorce procedure. The couple registered their relationship in Mexico, which caused criticism from the Catholic Church. The couple lived together until 2007, when Carlo Ponti passed away.

Sophia Loren with her husband Carlo Ponti

Sofia dreamed of children, but for a long time couldn't be a mother. At the age of 38, the actress gave her husband the first child, Carlo Ponti Jr. Four years later, she gave birth to her second son, Edoardo. Both sons became famous. Carlo is a conductor, and Edoardo followed in his father's footsteps, choosing the profession of a film producer.

Sophia Loren released two autobiographical books: "Living and Loving", on which the film was made, and "Recipes and Memories", publishing this edition in 1999.

Sophia Loren with sons

Despite her mature age, Lauren often participates in photo shoots and even starred for the famous Pirelli erotic calendar in 2007.

In honor of Sophia Loren, a variety of bright red roses is named, which has a velvety hue. This fragrant flower is popular in Italy and the USA.

Sophia Loren now

In 2017, Sophia Loren continues to be named one of the most beautiful women of all time. The 82-year-old Italian still looks spectacular today, and new celebrity photos still impress the public.

Sophia Loren is an example of sensuality for Italians, the embodiment of a strong female will. In addition, physical parameters (height -174 cm, weight - 68 kg) are the standard of beauty for world-famous designers. In 2016, Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana dedicated a new collection to the actress, presenting their work in Naples as part of the Alta Moda show.

On the eve of such a high-profile fashion event, Sophia Loren received the status of an honorary resident of the city. Luigi De Magistris, the mayor of Naples, presented the movie star with a document confirming this fact.

At the ceremony, Sophia Loren shone in a Dolce & Gabbana dress.


A woman who is firmly confident in her beauty will be able, in the end, to convince others of her.
I can say "no" in twelve languages. For a woman, this is enough.
If a girl is incredibly good in her youth, but distracted and does not bring anything to the end, beauty will quickly leave. If she has very modest external data, but a strong character, her charm will increase over the years.
Smart women are noted by men, beautiful women are snatched out of the crowd with their eyes, but only charming women are not forgotten.
A woman who does not love the shortcomings of her man does not love him.
Simplicity is the essence of elegance.
Love is a shy wildflower, not a garden rose. He is happy where he grew up.

The actress does not hide the secrets of her unfading beauty . She uses olive oil extra virgin (both inside, and on the skin, and as an additive to the bath), drinks at least eight glasses of water a day, first washes with warm water, and then wipes his face with ice cubes. As for the figure, Lauren walks a lot and eats right.

Materials taken from open sources

20-09-2015, 06:00

September 20 marks Sophia Loren's 81st birthday. worldwide famous actress does not hide his age and greets with dignity every year.

Sophia Loren was born on September 20, 1934 in a provincial town near Naples. She lived in poor conditions, since only her mother, who was a music teacher, was engaged in her upbringing. To provide a roof over her children's heads, Sophie's mother played the piano in one of the taverns, in which Sophie herself later worked as a waitress. The father left the child before her birth and did not reappear in his daughter's life.

At the age of 14, Sophie won a beauty pageant and moved with her mother to Rome. In the capital, the girl began to often take part in competitions and met film producer Carlo Ponti, who after a while became her husband and father of their two sons. Sophia Loren was 16 years old when she met Carlo, he was already 38 years old at that time successful businessman and also married. Ponti was about to get divorced to create new family with Sophie, but Catholic Church did not give permission. This caused a serious conflict between Ponti and the Pope. The couple fled to Mexico, where they secretly married, and then, after 10 years, returned to Italy and became the model of an ideal family. Ponti saw in Sophie something that would undoubtedly beckon the audience.

Lauren is a representative of passionate Italian women, with alluring eyes and full lips. At first, the girl starred in films that many called "consumer goods", mostly half-naked. People started gossiping that Ponti would make her a screen seductress, and not a good talented actress. Nevertheless, Lauren began to act in chic films, began to receive Oscar awards for the main female roles. In many of her interviews, the actress notes that her own husband made her so. For her, he was a friend, lover, adviser and helper. Lauren has always radiated goodness and happiness. Her smile captured everyone around her. But the girl's heart was not always so rosy. After filming, the actress went to clinics where she underwent treatment for infertility. After many attempts, Sophie managed to give birth to her first son at 34, and her second at 38.

Sophia Loren starred not only in the films of her husband, but worked with such a famous person as Vittorio de Sica. World fame for the girl brought her role in his film "Gold of Naples". It was in his films that the actress showed herself best. In each picture, the girl was completely different. At first, she is a young, unintelligent girl who captivates with her sincerity and purity. Then she starred in the difficult film Chochara, where the heroine Lauren is a disconsolate widow who must escape during the war. It was this role that caused a storm of applause from many critics. Sophie is the first non-American actress to win an Oscar. She was repeatedly recognized as the best actress, for some time Sophia Loren worked in Hollywood, starred in American films with many famous actors and filmmakers.

Sophia Loren is known not only for her talent and impeccable smile, but also for her forms, which delight many to this day. In one of the interviews, the legendary actress said that she owes everything she has to pasta. Sophie believes that no diet will make a girl beautiful, but only ruin her and make her angry. Lauren claims that carbohydrates help to get the necessary forms. At all social events, Sophia Loren admired her outfits, which certainly emphasized all her charms. Even at the age of 80, Sophie does not get tired of choosing the right styles of dresses that make her feminine and unique. The actress is not shy and is not afraid of her age, but proudly meets each coming year.

Sophie is proud of her sons, who constantly support her. After their birth, the actress stopped acting in films, and began to raise boys. She radically changed her occupation, began to write books. At the age of 73, she posed for a youth magazine. Despite this, Lauren looked great against the background of young models. She won over not with her elastic body, but with her amazing smile.

The youngest son, Carlo, is a successful conductor, has been involved in music since birth and excelled at it. Sophie's eldest son, Eduardo, is a film director. Lauren starred in some of his films.

The appearance of Sophia Loren on the red carpet still amazes everyone. Her smile, gait, grace, the actress possessed all this in her youth and did not lose it many years later. The legendary actress attends social events, does charity work, writes books in which she tells her readers about her difficult fate and how she became who she is now.

Anna Bondar - Correspondent of RIA VistaNews

But she spent all her childhood in the small town of Pozzuoli, near the famous Naples. For her thinness and model height, the girl received the nickname Perch.

Beautiful appearance helped Sophie, after winning the beauty contest, to move back to Rome, where she also met her producer and future husband Carlo Ponti. At that moment, the man was married and for a long time could not get the approval of the divorce from the Vatican. Therefore, the lovers, while they could not tie the knot officially, secretly got married in Mexico.

Sophia Loren in her youth

Not without the help of her husband, she got roles in low-budget films, where the star positioned herself as a sex symbol. She was not shy about posing in front of the cameras without clothes, which is why, before the big “boom” of Sophie Ponti’s career, she had to buy the rights to all explicit films with the participation of his beloved.

Sophia Loren became an icon in the 1950s. After the movie premiere Attila in 1954, the whole of Italy, and later the whole world, started talking about the girl.

See what the style icon looks like now.

Sophia Loren's birthday: what the star looks like now

Sophia Loren's birthday: what the star looks like now

Sophia Loren's birthday: what the star looks like now

Sophia Loren's birthday: what the star looks like now

Sophia Loren's birthday: what the star looks like now

Happy birthday to the most beautiful woman in Italy! September 20 Sophia Loren turns 81 years old. FROM young years and before today Sophia Loren struck with her beauty. Having won the beauty contest in Naples for the first time as a 14-year-old teenager, she was awarded the honorary title of the first beauty many times. In 2006, at the age of 71, Sophia Loren was recognized as the most beautiful woman planets. In 2007, she was not afraid to pose nude for the famous Pirelli calendar. But world-famous Sophia Loren brought cinema. Having starred in more than 100 films, Sophia Loren is the owner of honorary awards at all major film festivals.

1. Sophia Loren (at birth - Sofia Villani Scicolone) was born in Rome on September 20, 1934.

2. Sofia's mother was Romilda Villani, a piano teacher and aspiring actress. In 1932, she passed a screen test to be Greta Garbo's stunt double, but her film career was interrupted by pregnancy.

3. Romilda Villani gave birth to a daughter from engineer Riccardo Scicolone in the hope that he would marry her. But he did not want to enter into a legal marriage with her, and the mother had to return to her native town of Pozzuoli near Naples. Subsequently, Sophia Loren said in an interview: "I'm not Italian, I'm Neapolitan!"

4. The hope of Sofia's mother that her daughter's father would marry her did not fade away, and she gave birth to his second daughter, Anna Maria, but Romilda Villani remained a single mother with two daughters.

5. Sofia and her sister grew up in poverty. The future star and her little sister slept on the same mattress on the floor. The girls had no toys, and they made themselves dolls out of breadcrumbs.

6. As a child, the beautiful Sophia Loren was a real ugly duckling. Thin and leggy, she was not popular among her peers. The offensive nickname "Hand" stuck to her, and she herself considered herself an ugly girl.

7. However, the dignity of the future movie star was able to discern her mother - a former actress. Driven by the desire to embody in her daughter all her unfulfilled dreams about brilliant acting career, she began to send her photos to beauty contests.

8. So at the age of 15, Sofia Shicolone received her first recognition in her life - second place in a beauty contest in Naples and the first fee in her life: several rolls of wallpaper, a kitchen tablecloth with napkins, 23,000 lire (about $ 35) and a free ticket to Rome. In a word, by the then provincial standards - a ticket to life.

9. In 1950, she participated in the Miss Italy contest, where she received the Miss Elegance prize, established by the jury especially for her. At this competition, the famous film producer Carlo Ponti, who at that time was 37 years old, noticed the girl and offered Sofia a 7-year contract.

10. The relationship of a couple with an age difference of 22 years outgrew a simple collaboration, but they could not officially get married in Italy: Ponti was married, and in Catholic Italy at that time it was almost impossible to get a divorce.

11. In the end, on September 17, 1957, Ponti and Sophia Loren (Sofia took the pseudonym "Loren" in 1953 at the insistence of Ponti) secretly married in Mexico. Carlo Ponti and Sophia Loren annulled this marriage in 1962 to avoid being accused of bigamy by Ponti.

12. Carlo Ponti managed to divorce his first wife in 1965, not in Italy, but in France. Carlo Ponti and Sophia Loren officially married on April 9, 1966.

13. Few people know that the actress at first could not get pregnant, then she had two miscarriages. For several years, Sophie was treated for infertility. Lauren's treatment bore fruit, she gave birth to a son, Carlo Ponti Jr., and four years later, the second son, Eduardo Ponti, was born.

14. The actress is fluent in English, French and Italian.

15. It was Carlo Ponti who made a world-class actress out of a provincial girl Sofia. At first, Ponti was not opposed to Sophia being filmed naked, but in the early 1960s, he bought all the films of the young Lauren, where she was naked, so as not to spoil the reputation of Sophia Loren, already known by that time.


17. Lauren first came to the attention of serious film critics in Vittorio de Sica's The Gold of Naples (1954), in which she fell into her element by playing an energetic Neapolitan shopkeeper. The roles of ordinary women from the people, whom she knew well in childhood and one of which she could become, were the best for her and caused the most favorable reviews from critics.

18. It was de Sica who fully discovered Sophia Loren's acting talent. Almost all the most significant roles were played by her in the films of this director.

19. “I adored him,” admitted Sophia Loren. “I loved him, the story of our love lasted 20 years, and the result was 14 films.” The most significant works for the actress were "Gold of Naples", "Chochara", "Recluses of Altona", "Italian Marriage".

20. Sophie opened up to the director with different sides. Her heroines surprised with authenticity and vitality.

21. The pinnacle of Sophia Loren's acting skills was her performance as a mother in Chochara, a neo-realist film based on the novel by Alberto Moravia. In one of the climactic scenes, the heroine Lauren becomes a victim of brutal violence. Acting expressiveness and organic Lauren made such an impression on overseas film critics that for this role she was awarded an Oscar. This is the first time that the award in this category has been given to a film not in English.

22. The archbishop once joked that although the Vatican does not approve of human cloning, he could make an exception for Sophia Loren.

23. For fifteen years, Sophia Loren has worked with the most popular actors and sex symbols in Hollywood: Anthony Perkins, Anthony Quinn, Clark Gable, Peter Sellers, Charlton Heston, Alec Guinness, Paul Newman, Gregory Peck, Marlon Brando, Peter O'Toole , Richard Burton and Jean Gabin.

24. Sophia Loren is witty, and some of her phrases have become winged in Italy, one of them: "Everything I have, I owe spaghetti."






30. In the second half of the 70s, Sophia Loren appears less and less in films, and since 1984 her roles have become completely isolated.

31. In the 90s, the actress starred with Marcello Mastroianni, with whom they made one of the most famous duets in the history of cinema, in Robert Altman's film "High Fashion".

32. Later came the picture "Old grumblers raged."

33. Last work, where the actress appeared before the audience, was the picture of her son "Only between us" in 2002.






39. “If I were offered to star in the best, most important film in the world, which, however, could cause at least some harm to my personal life - spouse or mother, I would answer: no, thank you. Because cinema is cinema, and life is my life, ”said Lauren in one of her longtime interviews.

40. In 1999, Sophia Loren was included by the American Film Institute in the list of 25 greatest actresses in the history of cinema.


42. In the Etobicoke area of ​​Toronto, one of the streets is named after Sophia Loren.

43. In 2006, at the age of 71, Sophia Loren was recognized as the most beautiful woman on the planet. In addition, at that age she was not afraid to pose nude for the famous Pirelli calendar. This edition immortalizes the brightest beauties of our time, and at the age of not older than 40.

44. Sophia Loren - the owner of various awards of all film festivals: Cannes, Venice, Moscow, Berlin. The actress is the winner of five Golden Globe awards in the special nomination "Favorite of the World Public".

45. Sophia Loren - Oscar winner for Best Actress in a Foreign Language Film.

46. ​​The actress has her own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

47. She is the winner of an honorary Oscar with the wording "For a career rich in memorable roles that have given the film an unfading sheen."

September 20 Sophia Loren turns 84 years old. Happy birthday to the most beautiful woman in Italy and remember that from a young age to the present day, Sophia Loren amazed with her beauty. Having won the beauty contest in Naples for the first time as a 14-year-old teenager, she was awarded the honorary title of the first beauty many times.

In 2006, at the age of 71, Sophia Loren was recognized as the most beautiful woman on the planet. In 2007, she was not afraid to pose nude for the famous Pirelli calendar. But world-famous Sophia Loren brought cinema. Having starred in more than 100 films, Sophia Loren is the owner of honorary awards at major film festivals.

2. Sofia's mother was Romilda Villani, a piano teacher and aspiring actress. In 1932, she passed a screen test to be Greta Garbo's stunt double, but her film career was interrupted by pregnancy.

3. Romilda Villani gave birth to a daughter from engineer Riccardo Scicolone in the hope that he would marry her. But he did not want to enter into a legal marriage with her, and the mother had to return to her native town of Pozzuoli near Naples. Subsequently, Sophia Loren said in an interview: "I'm not Italian, I'm Neapolitan!"

4. The hope of Sofia's mother that her daughter's father would marry her did not fade away, and she gave birth to his second daughter, Anna Maria, but Romilda Villani remained a single mother with two daughters.

5. Sofia and her sister grew up in poverty. The future star and her little sister slept on the same mattress on the floor. The girls had no toys, and they made themselves dolls out of breadcrumbs.

6. As a child, the beautiful Sophia Loren was a real ugly duckling. Thin and leggy, she was not popular among her peers. The offensive nickname "Hand" stuck to her, and she herself considered herself an ugly girl.

7. However, the dignity of the future movie star was able to discern her mother - a former actress. Driven by the desire to embody in her daughter all her unfulfilled dreams of a brilliant acting career, she began to send her photos to beauty contests.

8. So at the age of 15, Sofia Shicolone received her first recognition in her life - second place in a beauty contest in Naples and the first fee in her life: several rolls of wallpaper, a kitchen tablecloth with napkins, 23,000 lire (about $ 35) and a free ticket to Rome. In a word, by the then provincial standards - a ticket to life.

9. In 1950, she participated in the Miss Italy contest, where she received the Miss Elegance prize, established by the jury especially for her. At this competition, the famous film producer Carlo Ponti, who at that time was 37 years old, noticed the girl and offered Sofia a 7-year contract.

10. The relationship of a couple with an age difference of 22 years outgrew a simple collaboration, but they could not officially get married in Italy: Ponti was married, and in Catholic Italy at that time it was almost impossible to get a divorce.

11. In the end, on September 17, 1957, Ponti and Sophia Loren (Sofia took the pseudonym "Loren" in 1953 at the insistence of Ponti) secretly married in Mexico. Carlo Ponti and Sophia Loren annulled this marriage in 1962 to avoid being accused of bigamy by Ponti.

12. Carlo Ponti managed to divorce his first wife in 1965, not in Italy, but in France. Carlo Ponti and Sophia Loren officially married on April 9, 1966.

13. Few people know that the actress at first could not get pregnant, then she had two miscarriages. For several years, Sophie was treated for infertility. Lauren's treatment bore fruit, she gave birth to a son, Carlo Ponti Jr., and four years later, the second son, Eduardo Ponti, was born.

14. The actress is fluent in English, French and Italian.

15. It was Carlo Ponti who made a world-class actress out of a provincial girl Sofia. At first, Ponti was not opposed to Sophia being filmed naked, but in the early 1960s, he bought all the films of the young Lauren, where she was naked, so as not to spoil the reputation of Sophia Loren, already known by that time.

17. Lauren first came to the attention of serious film critics in Vittorio de Sica's The Gold of Naples (1954), in which she fell into her element by playing an energetic Neapolitan shopkeeper. The roles of ordinary women from the people, whom she knew well in childhood and one of which she could become, were the best for her and caused the most favorable reviews from critics.

18. It was de Sica who fully discovered Sophia Loren's acting talent. Almost all the most significant roles were played by her in the films of this director.

19. “I adored him,” admitted Sophia Loren. “I loved him, the story of our love lasted 20 years, and the result was 14 films.” The most significant works for the actress were "Gold of Naples", "Chochara", "Recluses of Altona", "Italian Marriage".

20. Sophie opened up to the director from different angles. Her heroines surprised with authenticity and vitality.

21. The pinnacle of Sophia Loren's acting skills was her performance as a mother in Chochara, a neo-realist film based on the novel by Alberto Moravia. In one of the climactic scenes, the heroine Lauren becomes a victim of brutal violence. Acting expressiveness and organic Lauren made such an impression on overseas film critics that for this role she was awarded an Oscar. This is the first time that the award in this category has been given to a film not in English.

22. The archbishop once joked that although the Vatican does not approve of human cloning, he could make an exception for Sophia Loren.

23. For fifteen years, Sophia Loren has worked with the most popular actors and sex symbols in Hollywood: Anthony Perkins, Anthony Quinn, Clark Gable, Peter Sellers, Charlton Heston, Alec Guinness, Paul Newman, Gregory Peck, Marlon Brando, Peter O'Toole , Richard Burton and Jean Gabin.

24. Sophia Loren is witty, and some of her phrases have become winged in Italy, one of them: "Everything I have, I owe spaghetti."

30. In the second half of the 70s, Sophia Loren appears less and less in films, and since 1984 her roles have become completely isolated.

31. In the 90s, the actress starred with Marcello Mastroianni, with whom they made one of the most famous duets in the history of cinema, in Robert Altman's film "High Fashion".

32. Later came the picture "Old grumblers raged."

33. The last work, where the actress appeared before the audience, was the picture of her son "Only between us" in 2002.

39. “If I were offered to star in the best, most important film in the world, which, however, could cause at least some harm to my personal life - my spouse or mother, I would answer: no, thank you. Because cinema is cinema, and life is my life, ”said Lauren in one of her long-standing interviews.

40. In 1999, Sophia Loren was included by the American Film Institute in the list of 25 greatest actresses in the history of cinema.

42. In the Etobicoke area of ​​Toronto, one of the streets is named after Sophia Loren.

43. In 2006, at the age of 71, Sophia Loren was recognized as the most beautiful woman on the planet. In addition, at that age she was not afraid to pose nude for the famous Pirelli calendar. This edition immortalizes the brightest beauties of our time, and at the age of not older than 40.

44. Sophia Loren is the owner of various awards from all film festivals: Cannes, Venice, Moscow, Berlin. The actress is the winner of five Golden Globe awards in the special nomination "Favorite of the World Public".

45. Sophia Loren - Oscar winner for Best Actress in a Foreign Language Film.

46. ​​The actress has her own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

47. She is the winner of an honorary Oscar with the wording "For a career rich in memorable roles that have given the film an unfading sheen."

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