What Zhanna Friske wrote before her death. Zhanna Friske: last photo before death

Recipes 13.07.2019

The name of Zhanna Friske became widely recognizable when she left the "Brilliant" team and took up solo career. But, unfortunately, her star went out too soon. Jeanne was diagnosed with an incurable disease that ended her life at the very dawn of her youth. The singer was a sex symbol, the dream of millions of men, always irresistible and beautiful. Women tried to take an example from her and be like her. The last photos of Zhanna Friske, taken before her death, stunned everyone. It was impossible to believe that the disease had changed her beyond recognition.


Jeanne left at the peak of her career. In a fairly short time, she managed to take place not only as a singer, but also as an actress. Despite outward tenderness and fragility, young beautiful woman She was incredibly strong and resilient. She never gave in to difficulties, it seemed to temper her, but in no way embittered her.

Popular singer Zhanna Friske

Relatives and acquaintances could not believe that Jeanne was seriously ill. They believed to the last that she would be able to defeat the disease and return to her former life and to the stage again. But, unfortunately, the miracle did not happen and everyone's favorite Zhanna died.

Zhanna Friske's struggle for life

Already at a fairly adult age, Zhanna learned from her parents that she had a twin brother who died in the seventh month from asphyxia. It happened at birth. A few months later, Zhanna was born, she was born weak and weighed only 1380 grams.

Zhanna Friske in her youth with her friend Olga Orlova

The girl by nature was fighting and achieved everything herself. She took on any job. But, being a creative person, she took part in various castings, so in fact, she ended up in the "Brilliant" group. Over time, as often happens, she grew out of this project and went into "free swimming" having built solo career. The name of Zhanna Friske soon became known to everyone.

Her personal life was constantly discussed in the press, but she preferred not to talk about it until she met her. It was with him that they were going to sign in Miami, but the matter did not come to the marriage ceremony. Zhanna Friske, who did not leave the TV screens, disappeared abruptly.

Zhanna Friske and Dmitry Shepelev

The last photos before her death, which she herself published on her pages on the network, where she was in interesting position. Then, some time after the lull, the paparazzi posted shocking pictures in which the singer was unrecognizable. Zhanna lay on a hospital gurney. The picture was taken at one of the capital's airports. It was after this that Dmitry Shepelev, in the program of Andrei Malakhov, spoke about Jeanne's illness. Since there was no point in hiding this fact.

For the treatment of the singer, the best doctors, both ours and foreign ones, were taken. There was a moment when it seemed that there was hope. According to a friend and parents, Zhanna began to lead an almost familiar lifestyle. She herself got up and cooked something, took care of the child. She even managed to persuade her to visit a beauty salon, where they, along with Olga Orlova, sat on a manicure, and then arranged girlish gatherings.

Zhanna Friske fought brain cancer to the last

These were probably latest photos before her death, on which Zhanna Friske smiles carelessly.

The last year of her life, the singer devoted herself entirely to her son, she tried to spend as much time with him as possible. The woman believed in her recovery, following all the recommendations of doctors.

During her illness, Zhanna was supported by her close friend Olga Orlova.

She did gymnastics, swam in the pool and took appointments. medications. They made Jeanne's life easier for a while, but their effect affected her appearance. Zhanna Friske recovered greatly, the journalists posted her last photos before her death, the woman looked tired on them and was completely different from her former self.

Sunset of the star of domestic show business

When the relatives of Zhanna Friske, who was diagnosed with cancer, decided to publish the news about her illness, it became a bolt from the blue for many. Everyone refused to believe it, hoping to the last that it was not true. The media actively discussed the incident, and soon a fundraiser for the singer's treatment was opened.

An incredible amount was raised in record time. Jeanne asked to send part of the funds raised to the children, who were also given a disappointing diagnosis. Not only her fans, but the whole country prayed for Jeanne's health. The topic of her health was constantly discussed and was almost number one among millions of people.

In the last days of her life, Jeanne spent a lot of time with her son Plato.

Shortly before Jeanne's death, there were reports in the press that she was feeling better. Many breathed a sigh of relief, believing that at last there was light at the end of the tunnel.

But, as it turned out later, the improvement in well-being was only a short remission. Zhanna Friske passed away on June 15, 2015. It seemed that nature itself mourned her death, that day the rain fell like an endless wall.

The last photos from the life of Zhanna Friske, when she was still sane

She died without regaining consciousness. The last days the woman spent in a coma, she could no longer get out of it. The artist was taken to the States for treatment. Journalists accompanied Zhanna Friske everywhere, following her everywhere. The extraction of sensational material is an integral part of their work.

They managed to take a photo. These were practically the last shots before the death of the audience's favorite. Jeanne spent her last days within the walls of her home, surrounded by relatives and closest friends. They sat near her bed, replacing each other, not leaving for a minute.

Farewell to Jeanne

A civil memorial service was held at Crocus City Hall on the eve of the funeral. Everyone could say goodbye to famous singer. The queue was an endless stream, men and women of different ages could not hide their tears and carried flowers to the coffin.

Relatives wanted to see only close people in this sad and difficult hour. But, given the fame and popular love for them dear person, they decided not to take away the opportunity for the people to say goodbye to their favorite singer.

The funeral of Zhanna Friske

Yes, and it would be selfish to deprive fans of such an opportunity, especially since Zhanna loved her audience very much. Zhanna Friske's funeral and funeral took place without the presence of outsiders.

Parents at Jeanne's funeral

The funeral ceremony was attended by the closest and relatives. Given the publicity of Jeanne, of course, there were journalists, but there were few of them.

Why was Dmitry Shepelev not next to Jeanne in her last days of life?

At the farewell ceremony with Zhanna Friske, all her relatives and relatives were present except Dmitry Shepelev, the singer's civil husband. At that time he was abroad with their joint son Plato. The journalists of the yellow press, vying with each other, picked up this information, printed articles with screaming headlines that Shepelev never loved his wife, since he did not bother to see her on her last journey.

Dmitry Shepelev at Zhanna Friske's funeral

In fact, Dmitry returned as soon as he learned about Jeanne's death, leaving his son in Bulgaria with his parents.

He appeared in the church, where the funeral of the common-law spouse took place, one of the first. They decided not to take Plato with them, their son and Zhanna, because at that time he was only 2 years old and there is no need for the child to look at all this.

How was the funeral of Zhanna Friske

The popularly beloved artist was buried in the Yelokhovsky Cathedral. The ceremony took place in the early morning in the presence of relatives and friends of the deceased. In infancy, in the same church, Jeanne was baptized. But it has absolutely no secret meaning. The singer was buried at the Nikolo Arkhangelsk cemetery. The funeral was attended famous people, among which Philip Kirkorov, Sergey Lazarev and many other colleagues of the singer and actress Zhanna Friske were noticed.

The funeral of the singer was attended by many famous people

Information regarding the date and place of the funeral was known only to a narrow circle of people, so as not to create unnecessary hype and allow relatives to say goodbye to Jeanne without prying eyes. But, nevertheless, he will say goodbye and spend it with thunderous applause (as it should be public person) came more than 100 people.

Which celebrity was seen at the funeral

In addition to Sergey Lazarev and Philip Kirkorov, the singer's funeral was also attended by Sergey Zverev, Lera Kudryavtseva, Svetlana Surganova, Jeanne's colleague and part-time best friend Olga Orlova and many others.

Dmitry Shepelev with his son Plato

Olga spent all her last days at the bedside of her dying friend, supporting and caring for her in every possible way.

In the hearts of close relatives, friends and fans, Zhanna Friske will forever remain young, cheerful and beautiful. As in those photos that she, during her lifetime, shortly before her death, posted herself on her pages on social networks.


“On the day she died, doctors from China arrived,” said Vladimir Friske. “They drove for a very long time, because at first they were saving someone. I met them at 03:30. They came, looked, said, they say, a month ago we could still do something, and today we already refuse to take it. And that day she died."


“In five days I realized that she was going to die. She had already begun to undergo irreversible changes. She had already begun to suffer, she felt pain. And before that, according to the doctors, she didn’t feel it - she just slept. we tried to bring down, but nothing worked. We thought there was some kind of infection: before that, the son fell ill - he had a temperature of over 40. We decided that it had passed from him to her. They passed the tests - it turned out that there was no infection. Vodka wiped - for 15-20 minutes the temperature dropped to 38 degrees, and then again 40. The doctors said that the tumor affected the part of the brain responsible for temperature. They called it malignant hyperthermia. And in recent days the agony has begun", - said the father of the singer.

"I asked Olya and Ksyusha not to go home. At 10:07 Ksyusha wrote down all the indicators. I turned away and then she says:" Everything, she no longer breathes"She left quietly, calmly. It seemed to me that my heart was still beating. And the doctor said:" Listen for yourself. "I listened - and it happened," Komsomolskaya Pravda quotes Vladimir.

Olga Orlova believes that Zhanna decided to ask her to stop all the manipulations and let her leave in peace: “The three of us stayed in the room - a sister from the oncology center, Zhanna's friend, Ksyusha and me. She seemed to kick out her parents at that moment - aunt Olya and uncle Vova left And we sat down next to her, wiped her, persuaded: "Come on, baby, fight." And I have never seen such a thing that every second the temperature rises by one degree. And she breathed so ... I told the girls: "I think she wants us all to leave her alone and let her go."Because we did a lot of emergency measures - poured an ice solution inside, something else ... And exactly after this phrase she took two more breaths and that's it. It seemed to me that she was still breathing. Uncle Vova came in, and I I say to him: "That's it," the artist's friend shared.

Vladimir Borisovich recalled the moment when his daughter said goodbye to him: “Two months before that, she had not spoken, except very quietly. It was a very good day, I went up to her, sat down. She took my hand and said: "Daddy, I love you so much". She didn't say anything else to anyone. Apparently, she said goodbye," Father Friske concluded.

As they wrote Days.Ru, Zhanna Friske, who died of cancer at the age of 41, was buried at the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery in the Moscow region. The burial place was fenced, only relatives and friends of the singer were allowed there, including Olga Orlova, Philip Kirkorov, Sergey Lazarev, Svetlana Surganova. The common-law husband of the artist, TV presenter Dmitry Shepelev, flew to the funeral from Bulgaria.

The singer, who fought for the last two years of her life with an inoperable brain tumor (glioblastoma). Zhanna Friske's death was reported to journalists by her father Vladimir Borisovich, but sources close to Zhanna did not report any details, as they were shocked by the sad news.

Later, some of Zhanna Friske's relatives and friends nevertheless agreed to talk with reporters, understanding the grief and shock of the many millions of fans of the popular singer. As it became known, Zhanna Friske's illness began to progress and worsen two months ago - refusing to believe in what happened to the popular Russian singer, friends and relatives spoke about last days Jeanne.

The serious condition of the singer

A source in medical circles told LifeNews that Zhanna Friske's health allegedly gave up two months ago - then the singer's cancer began to worsen. In this regard, more thorough medical monitoring was organized for Zhanna, but about a week before her death (last Sunday), the doctors did not hide their disappointing forecasts, warning relatives that the once bright artist Zhanna Friske could leave them in the coming days. Zhanna Friske's father did not confirm the information about a two-month deterioration in health. According to him, Zhanna Friske has been in a coma for the last three months.

“We just didn't talk. She has been in a coma for the last three months,” reports Vladimir Borisovich.

It is noted that relatives were advised in recent days not to leave the singer, because fatal outcome could come at any moment. Zhanna was lying in her house in Balashikha, in recent times she reduced her social circle, concentrating as much as possible on the treatment of the disease - except for the godmother of Plato's son, Jeanne preferred not to communicate with anyone.

Earlier, KP told that recently Zhanna Friske had practically gone blind - the singer, after returning to Moscow, never met Kushanashvili. He said that allegedly in recent days the singer's vision began to deteriorate, and before the onset of an exacerbation of the disease, she complained about her bad appearance. However, Friske's father said that the singer's health problems predicting trouble began much earlier.

“Otar, I can’t look at myself. I look so bad ... ”, - Jeanne said then.

Jeanne spent the last hours before her death in her bed, she showed practically no signs of life.

Death of Zhanna Friske

The singer died at 22.30, but the relatives refused to believe in what had happened. At 00.02 on June 16, after spending about an hour and a half over the lifeless body of Zhanna Friske, the relatives realized that something irreparable had happened - Zhanna Friske died. Olga Orlova at the beginning of the first hour of the night called " ambulance”, which, upon arrival, stated the death of the singer. After ascertaining the fact of death, Jeanne was sent to one of the capital's morgues, relatives are currently deciding on the funeral of the singer.

Olga Orlova was unable to comment. terrible event, but said goodbye to Jeanne on social networks.

“Farewell, my beauty... You will forever remain in my heart... Look after me from above... I love you very much,” Olga Orlova writes on her Facebook page.

Zhanna Friske's sister Natalya also could not find words to convey to reporters what she feels at that moment, what happened to Zhanna. She found the strength to say only that Zhanna Friske died at home.

“It just happened…” Natalia said.

The SUPER publication reports that the son of Zhanna Friske Plato and her husband were not with the singer at the time of her death - despite the warnings of doctors about Zhanna's critical condition, they left Russian Federation. A source in the circle of relatives of the deceased star said that on Sunday Dmitry and Plato flew to Bulgaria, although they understood that they might not see her again. It has already become known that Zhanna Friske's funeral will take place in Moscow. The father told where Zhanna Friske would be buried - according to him, it became clear that the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery was being considered as the last point for the singer.

Recall that Zhanna Friske is popular Russian singer, whose life history for the past two years has been watched with bated breath not only by the whole of the Russian Federation, but also by many foreign countries. In 2013, she fought cancer very successfully - millions of fans collected money for the treatment of an idol, raising a total of 66 million rubles. However, the best medical luminaries could not save Jeanne from death.

At the time of her death, the singer was 40 years old, before the New Year, she feels the strength in herself to fight cancer, help the sick oncological diseases children, but Zhanna's dreams of helping others overcome this terrible disease remained unfulfilled.

Published on 06/16/15 09:29

According to the father of the singer Vladimir Friske, Zhanna has been in a coma for the last three months.

Zhanna Friske, last news about the singer's death: according to the artist's father, she has been in a coma for the last three months

main theme today became tragic. The details of the artist's death were told by her father Vladimir Borisovich. According to him, Zhanna has been in a coma for the last three months, and her family simply did not tell anyone about it.

"The whole family. Wife, two intcbatch girlfriends and father. Who else? The child must stay with the father. If he gives it to us, allows us to educate him, we will help educate him, of course. Where are we going to leave it? He will not be left without anyone. Resting in Bulgaria. She was in a coma for three months, we just didn’t talk,” the man said in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda.

According to him, most likely, the funeral of Zhanna Friske will take place at the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery.

Zhanna Friske with her father Vladimir Borisovich PHOTO

Otar Kushanashvili spoke about the last days of Zhanna Friske's life: before her death, the singer lost her sight

At the same time, TV presenter and close friend of the singer Otar Kushanashvili noted that shortly before her death, Zhanna Friske felt much worse and almost completely lost her sight.

"As far as I know, Zhanna got worse. The general condition affected her vision. She does not see anything. She is practically blind. I know about this from her dad Vladimir Borisovich," he said, adding that Zhanna Friske was very worried about her appearance and talked about how she couldn't look at herself.

Nevertheless, despite the terrible illness, Zhanna Friske kept in touch with Otar and called him on Skype.

Some bloggers found a reason for jokes in the news of the death of Zhanna Friske

After the death of the singer, colleagues Zhanna Friske, as well as ordinary users and words of support for her family. Against this background, users were extremely outraged by the cynicism of one of the most popular publics - MDK, whose administrators decided to joke about the death of Zhanna Friske.

Recall that the death of Zhanna Friske became known last night. Earlier it was reported that the singer spent the last two days unconscious and did not recognize her relatives. At the time of her death, her relatives were next to Jeanne. According to journalists, the doctors foresaw the death of the singer and advised her family to stay close to the artist, however civil husband Jeanne Friske.

“Zhanna Friske, who was lying on a bed in her house in Balashikha and showing no signs of life, was discovered by members of her family on June 15 at about 22:30 Moscow time. It took them about an hour and a half to realize that Zhanna was dead. Only at 00:00: 02 already on the 16th, they called an ambulance, which stated the death of the singer, "LifeNews quotes its own source.

Zhanna Friske gained fame in the late nineties, performing as part of the girl group "Brilliant". In 2003, she began her solo career. Also, the artist starred in the films "Night Watch", "Day Watch" and "What Men Talk About". In 2011-2012, Friske was the host of the first two seasons of the reality show "Vacations in Mexico" on MTV.

The singer rested at the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery

Read the report of the correspondent of "MK" from the funeral of Zhanna Friske:

17:20 In a few minutes we will publish a detailed report from Jeanne's funeral.

16:40 Photo report from the Nikolo-Arkhangelskoye cemetery: seeing Zhanna Friske off on her last journey.

16:00 Our correspondents have prepared a large photo report from Jeanne's funeral. We will be posting it online in the next few minutes.

15.19 Dmitry Shepelev did not leave the coffin of his beloved throughout the funeral. In his post on Facebook immediately after the death of Jeanne, he wrote that she was for him "absolute, pure, unique happiness."

Fans lay flowers at Friske's grave

14.18 Now the singer's fans, who were waiting for her loved ones to be able to see Friske on their last journey, are approaching Jeanne's grave and laying flowers.

14.14 All Zhanna's relatives left the cemetery (cars were waiting for them on the territory). No one began to communicate with journalists. Philip Kirkorov was extremely upset and left very quickly.

14.09 Dmitry intends to raise his son Plato himself, although Jeanne's parents offered to take it upon themselves. Now they express the hope that the boy will spend at least the weekend with them.

Preparations for the funeral of Zhanna Friske at the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery

11.10 The site where the singer will find her last rest is relatively new, it is adjacent directly to the forest. Already, the entire alley opposite the graveyard is filled with Jeanne's admirers. Many in the hands of her favorite flowers - irises.

11.06 Until Zhanna's relatives arrived at the churchyard. Only a car with mourning wreaths arrived. The place where Zhanna will be buried is cordoned off.

11.04 Nearby is the grave of fighter pilot, ace of the war in Korea Yevgeny Pepelyaev. "He lived long life and died at the age of 94 - a Russian hero of a secret war. In the skies over Korea, he personally shot down 19 US Air Force aircraft, fought as a "Chinese volunteer". Many of his comrades remained lying in the cemetery in Port Arthur, and Yevgeny Georgievich was lucky to return whole to his homeland, to rest in native land", says the cemetery worker.

The tables on which the flowers will be laid are covered with red cloth.

11.03 The master of sports in judo Oleg Mukhametshin, who died in 2012 at the age of 59, is buried nearby. “There will be someone to protect Zhanna,” says a cemetery worker, pointing to a full-length bronze figure of a judoka.

11.01 Not far from the grave where Friske will be buried, a canopy is set up in case it rains.

11.00 The sector is located right next to the entrance to eastern part cemeteries. A good entrance leads to it. Law enforcement officers stand along the entire alley, as well as people in civilian clothes who hold walkie-talkies in their hands.

10.59 Plot 118 with index C, where Jean will be buried, is being examined by cynologists with dogs.

The tent where the farewell to the singer is expected to take place

10:50 At the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery, the last preparations for the burial of the singer are being completed. Cemetery workers say that the funeral of one of the most bright stars Russian stage attracted numerous beggars from all over Moscow to the churchyard.

10:45 We are live streaming the funeral ceremony.

10:40 Dmitry Shepelev, Jeanne's common-law husband, told Super why he was absent from the farewell ceremony, which took place the day before at the Crocus City Hall. Recall that Shepelev flew in last night from Bulgaria, where he is. According to him, his departure was shortly before Jeanne's death. “There was a terrible misunderstanding, a coincidence, I don’t know what to call it. I will probably regret for the rest of my life that it happened like that. There can be no question of any flight and that I took the child from Jeanne,” he said.

10:15 The Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery, where Zhanna will be buried, is one of the largest in Moscow. In addition to the heroes of the war and the heroes of Russia, the sailors who died on the submarine "Kursk", many artists are buried there - Radier Muratov, who played the role of Vasily Alibabaevich in "Gentlemen of Fortune", artistic director of the "Association of Actors of the Moscow Art Theater" Gennady Yalovich, actress Iya Arepina and bard Victor Berkovsky.

9.30 The funeral service for the singer Zhanna Friske takes place in the Yelokhov Cathedral in Moscow - he organized the ceremony.

She will be buried in sector 118 of the Eastern Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery. Despite the fact that this is a family plot, Jeanne will be buried there first. Previously, a special permit had to be obtained.

Zhanna Friske's father, Vladimir Borisovich, after the farewell ceremony, told the RSN that "you should be at the cemetery at 11-11.30." “At this time, everyone who wants to say goodbye is gathering,” he said, saying that he did not know if Dmitry Shepelev would come. Shepelev himself said that. The two-year-old son Plato stayed in Bulgaria with his grandfather, the father of Shepelev

Relatives - father Vladimir Borisovich, mother Olga Vladimirovna, younger sister Natalya - were next to the coffin. About three thousand people came to say goodbye to Zhanna Friske. There was only the civil wife of the singer Dmitry Shepelev, who is on vacation with his son Plato in Bulgaria.

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