Riddles about the underwater world for children. Riddles about amphibians and inhabitants of reservoirs, reptiles

Design and interior 16.08.2019
Design and interior


Glass House,
And in that house
To all ends
Residents scurry.

On the window -
glass pond,
And they don't let you fish.

fish, fish

We live in water
We'll be lost without water.

Wags its tail
Back and forth -
And she's not there
And there is no trace.

She lives in the water
There is no beak, but it pecks.

There are feathers, but not flying.
There are no legs, but you can’t catch up.

I don't walk and I don't fly
And try to catch up!
I am golden
Well, look at the fairy tale!


tail wags,
Toothy, not barking.

She had a drink in her mouth.
She lived underwater
Scared everyone, swallowed everyone,
And now - in the boiler hit.


He lives in the very pool,
Depth master.
He has a huge mouth
And the eyes are barely visible.

At the bottom, where it is quiet and dark,
A mustachioed log lies.


The master sewed a fur coat for himself,
And I forgot to take out the needles.


Along the narrow path
Head and horns.
Who crawls so slowly
Do you carry your own house?

Who carries his own house?

Teremok crawls.
Carries him on himself
The hostess is rich, horned.

Cancer, crayfish

Crawling in reverse
Everything under water
Grabs a claw.

Everything moves forward
And he is the opposite.

He can two hours in a row
Backtrack all the time.

When black - puffy and perky.
As soon as it blushes, it immediately subsides.

Quiet so no one can hear
Came out of a mink in the lake,
Turned around and then
He walked ... forward with his tail.

People live under water
Walks backwards.

Sitting on the rocks
Mustache moves,
And go for a walk

A shoemaker is not a shoemaker
A tailor is not a tailor
Holds a bristle in the mouth.
Scissors in hand.


What a miracle
Here is a miracle:
Dish on top, dish on bottom.
There is a miracle on the road
The head sticks out and the legs.

Guess who it is
Walks in a bone coat?

Lives between stones
Head with four legs.

I carry my house
From the animals I hide in it.


jumping animal,
Not a mouth, but a trap.
Will fall into a trap
Both a mosquito and a fly.

Who is mossy
wet path,
Like a ball
Jumping dexterous?

Not a beast, not a bird
Afraid of everything.
Catch flies -
And splash into the water!

Growing up -
The tail grew
She wore a dark dress.
Has grown up -
Became green
Tail changed to oars.

Jumping like a flea
Floats like a human.


Runs among the stones
Don't run after her.

Grabbed by the tail, but - ah!
She ran away, and the tail is in her hands.

She is like a snake
Flickers in the grass
Tail wagging.
The tail will tear off -
The new one will live.

green belt
Lost in the grass.


Rustling, rustling grass,
The whip is crawling alive
Here he stood up and hissed:
Come, who is very brave.

The rope lies
Hiss, you bastard.
It's dangerous to take
Will bite. It's clear?

Long, not a thread
Evil, not a witch
Black, not raven.


Are you not familiar with me?
I live at the bottom of the sea.
Head and eight legs
That's all of me...


Who is there with a black tape
To the brook slipped quickly?
Through the bushes he made his way deftly,
And on a small head
(Everyone should know about it)
Yellow spots are visible.


Can he climb into a nut,
And then eat it:
Everything that tastes good eats away
And crawls back.

My tail is indistinguishable from my head
You will always find me in the ground

The page contains children's puzzles about water which will be useful in the lessons on the subject the world in 2-3 grade elementary school, as well as in developmental classes in kindergarten. You can find the answers right here.

Water surrounds us everywhere, takes on different states, has a variety of properties that are studied in the school curriculum.

It can run and fly, evaporate and turn into a cloud, and then turn into snow or rain and return to the earth to quench the thirst of all living things. The whole variety of properties, images and states are described by the following school riddles about water for kids.

If you ask the children to come up with their own short riddle about water, they can easily and with pleasure cope with this task.

Lives in seas and rivers
But often it flies through the sky.
And how bored she is to fly,
Falls to the ground again. (Water)

On a hot day, the most desirable is ... (Water)

In the sea I'm always salty
And in the river I'm fresh.
Only in the hot desert
I don't belong at all. (Water)

If our hands are in wax,
If there are blots on the nose,
Who then is our first friend,
Will it remove dirt from the face and hands?
What Mom Can't Do Without
No cooking, no washing
Without what, we will say directly,
Man to die?
To make it rain from the sky
To grow ears of bread
For ships to sail
We can't live without...

Droplets fly down
And above - invisible.

He flies off in a white flock
And sparkles in flight.
He melts like a cool star
On the palm and in the mouth. (Snow)

Frost fell on the water
And the world around changed.
Where everything used to flow
Everything turned to glass.

This water is like a rock.
The sun will bake - it will flow. (Ice)

What kind of stars through
On a coat and on a scarf,
All through, cut,
Will you take water in your hand? (Snowflake)

Walking on the sea, walking
And it will reach the shore -
This is where it will disappear. (Wave)

I run like a ladder
Ringing on the stones.
From afar by the song
Recognize me. (River)

There is a commotion in the yard:
Peas are falling from the sky. (grad)

Bridge - like blue glass:
Slippery, fun, light. (Ice)

under our roof
Hanging white nail
The sun will rise,
The nail will fall. (Icicle)

In the morning the beads sparkled,
All the grass was tangled up,
And let's go look for them during the day,
We are looking, we are looking - we will not find. (Dew)

There is water all around, but there is trouble with drinking.

It does not drink water
Because it's not tasty
And bitter and salty.
Around the water
And drinking is a problem.
Who knows where it happens? (Sea)

They drink me, they pour me.
Everyone needs me
Who am I? (Water)

A lot of me - the world would be gone,
Not enough of me - the world would be gone

No arms, no legs
And the mountain is destroyed.
(A drop)

Why not roll up the hill
Do not carry away in a sieve
Can't hold it in your hands?

We say: it flows;
We say: she is playing;
She always runs forward
But he doesn't run away. (Water)

Not a horse, but running
Not a forest, but noisy.

No legs, but she does not stand still,
There is a bed, but does not sleep,
Not a boiler, but seething,
Not a thunderstorm, but thundering.
No mouth, but she is never silent.

No cooking, no washing
Without what, we will say directly,
Man to die?
To make it rain from the sky
To grow ears of bread
For ships to sail
We cannot live without ... (Water)

Has no arms or legs
And he knows how to break through the mountain.

Very good-natured
I am soft, obedient,
But when I want
I will even wear out a stone. (Water)

Why not roll up the hill
Do not carry away in a sieve
And not to hold in your hands?

What can’t you take away in a sieve? ... (Water)

I am cloud and fog
And the stream and the ocean
And I fly and I run
And I can be glass! (Water)

Some interesting facts about water:

  • Our body is 65-70% water.
  • Giraffes can go longer without drinking water than camels;
  • A person can live without water for no more than 2-3 days.
  • At the top of Everest, water boils at 71 degrees Celsius;
  • 20% of all fresh water, not enclosed in glaciers and underground, is located in only one lake - Baikal.
  • One sunflower plant "drinks" 200-250 liters of water during the summer.

T. Marshalova

Here is the vastness of the ocean
Furrows a mountain with a fountain,
It beats with its tail, the water boils -
Swims important (Whale)

He is flat. The size is different.
Its tail is whip-shaped.
Only one carries a squad
Electricity charge!

The front ones are flippers, and the back ones are paws!
There is an oval shell. Like a hat!
Other housing than the sea, not knowing
It will give life to offspring, crawling out onto the sand.
(Sea turtle)

The short body is covered with spikes!
Thorns skillfully fight with enemies.
It will inflate as important as a balloon. And yet...
Sometimes even scary, floats (Hedgehog fish)

Soared over the wave in an arc,
His back sparkled black.
Floating past Gagra... Athens!
White-bellied who? (Dolphin)

Crystal saucer! Don't see the saucer?
Or maybe the umbrella lies on the waves?
It has tentacles - knitting needles. And touch those spokes
Not everyone decides. Getting burned is fear!

Giant whale! Toothy whale!
Wayward and angry.
Born sounder.
Eats shellfish. (Sperm whale)

crustacean baby
Changes color. It's too much!
Sea depths colored baby -
That pretty one (Shrimp)

It was voluminous, it became flat,
Time has changed shape
And it camouflages perfectly!
To match the seabed usually.

Left a trace across the seas
And only in the Baltic Sea - no,
Has a shell like a case,

The cephalopod is a mollusk -
A dozen hands, suckers plus.
Quite a large specimen.
And what is his name? (Squid)

Invertebrate, soft-bodied -
is he sitting in a shell doing nothing,
Or swim like an octopus
he is not alone in his kind.

Of echinoderms, but beautiful
In the depths of the sea, this is a miracle.
Five arms are usually five beams!
It is predatory. Whose image?

He looks cute
Even if it's poisonous!
A mollusk has eight legs.
That bottom ...(Octopus)

Whale? Or maybe a dolphin
Black and white giant?
Lives in the oceans
Living creatures eat prey.

Like a torpedo with fins.
With very scary fangs!
He smells the victim with a sharp scent,
Day and night everything roams.


N. Volkova

He does not jump in space
He lives in the salty sea.
Though it looks like a horse
But he is not related to the horse.
(Sea Horse)

V. Tunnikov

Like cancer, many legs
Looks a little like him.
Red shell, loves in the sea
Frolic in space.

V. Talyzin

In the middle of the sea lives the depths
Long-tailed Wonder Pancake.
He accumulated electricity
A considerable amount.
If you are dissatisfied with something
The current is very painful.

Dish in the sea
Pisces grief.
Shock beats
Sea People.

That's so Miracle! That's Divo!
The umbrella burns like a nettle.
The umbrella floats in the water.
If you touch - be in trouble!


Myriads of lights
It spills over.
Umbrella watery
Likes to live where clean.

Eight arms or eight legs.
Who is this?(Octopus.)

Frying pan floats
Two eyes on her
And the sea is all in sparkles
Underwater lights.

The fish have their own chameleon!
Who will tell us: who is he?
Finish all your business
Merging with the bottom (flounder.)

Island with water palm
Say hello to me!
He puffs offendedly:
"I'm not an island, I'm(Whale.)

Are you familiar with the sailor
He walks strangely sideways.
His fives are not weak
Sailor - in a hurry (Crab.)

On this page, a selection of the most interesting riddles about water with answers. The child must understand that water is not only in a liquid state, but also in the form of a pair, ice. Rivers, lakes, seas and oceans will also be filled with water. How does the river start? What is water like? All this can be told to the child while playing, asking complex or funny riddles about water for children.

Riddles about water tell children in a playful way about all its diversity, about rivers, lakes, oceans. It can be liquid, solid and gaseous. Water turns into ice at 0 degrees Celsius and boils at 100 degrees. The volume of fresh water is only 3% of the total volume contained on Earth. Without food, a person can live for 30 days, but without water can only last 3-4 days.

Solving riddles about water and memorizing them is easy enough. Children are happy to try to guess the riddle, plunging into the amazing water world, learning Interesting Facts, both about the water itself, and about the animal and flora inhabiting rivers, lakes and oceans.

Riddles about water (with answers for grade 1)

On the sea goes, goes,
And it will reach the shore -
This is where it will disappear. (Wave)

Flowing, flowing - will not flow out,
Runs, runs - does not run out. (River)

To avoid trouble
We cannot live without ... (Water)

I am cloud and fog
And the stream and the ocean
And I fly and I run
And I can be glass! (Water)

No legs, but she does not stand still,
There is a bed, but does not sleep,
Not a cauldron, but seething,
Not a thunderstorm, but thundering.
No mouth, but she is never silent. (River)

Riddle about water (with answers for grade 3)

Water in nature in riddles for children

Lives in seas and rivers

But often it flies through the sky.

And how bored she is to fly,

Falls to the ground again. (Water)

Slightly shaking in the breeze

Ribbon in space

Narrow tip in the spring,

And wide in the sea. (River)

Falling from a great height,

Terrible he roars

And, breaking on the stones,

Foam rises. (Waterfall)

Everyone bypasses this place:

Here the earth is like dough,

There are sedges, hummocks, mosses…

No leg support. (Swamp)

He has no arms, he has no legs

I was able to break out of the ground

He us in the summer, in the heat,

Ice drink water. (Spring)

In the middle of the field lies a mirror:

The glass is blue and the frame is green. (Pond)

Around the water

And drinking is a problem. (Sea)

I run to my mother-river

And I can't be silent.

I am her son,

And I was born in the spring. (Stream)

In the morning the beads sparkled,

All the grass was tangled up,

And let's go look for them during the day,

We are looking, we are looking - we will not find. (Dew)

Walking on the sea, walking

And it will reach the shore -

This is where she disappears. (Wave)

Difficult riddles with answers

Two people approach the river. Near the shore is a boat that can only support one. Both men crossed to the opposite bank. AS?
They were on different sides.

A tin can was placed on the edge of the table, tightly closed with a lid, so that 2/3 of the can hung from the table. After a while, the bank fell. What was in the bank?
A piece of ice.

How can you fill half a barrel with water without using any measuring device?

Answer: Tilt the barrel and pour water until the water fills the barrel so that the beginning of the bottom is visible and the water touches the edge of the barrel.

Funny riddles about water with answers

Around the water, and in the middle of the law. What it is?

Answer: the prosecutor is bathing.

If our hands are in wax,
If there are blots on the nose,
Who then is our first friend,
Will it remove dirt from the face and hands?
What Mom Can't Do Without
No cooking, no washing
Without what, we will say directly,
Man to die?
To make it rain from the sky
To grow ears of bread
For ships to sail
We cannot live without ... (Water)

Proverbs about water

  • You gape - you sip water
  • Do not carry water in a sieve
  • You can't hold water in a sieve
  • In still water the pools are deep
  • Better bread and water than a pie with trouble
  • Water will find a way
  • The water will find its own way
  • Boil water - water will be
  • A rolling stone gathers no moss
  • Pour full - live richly
  • Bread with salt, and water with a goal
  • Life - out of the gate and into the water
  • Space for the rich, like a pike in the water
  • It happens sometimes - the water flows like a mountain
  • Like a stranded cancer, like a fish out of water
  • Expensive in case of fire a bucket of water, in case of poverty - alms
  • Much water has flown under the bridge since that time
  • Drops on the poor everywhere
  • The ox is called to visit not to drink honey - to carry water
  • That's why the pike in the sea, so that the crucian does not doze
  • Water was important on the father, but don’t go to the son with a collar
  • From the heat and the water boils
  • Where the water is blocked, then it will find a move
  • Where the river went, there will be a channel

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