Truck attacks continue. Expert: “The events in Nice are a victory for the French special services A terrorist in France on a truck

Design and interior 07.07.2020
Design and interior

In fact, this tactic began to be used not so long ago. Surely such cases have happened before, but only an attempt on my life came to my mind. royal family Netherlands in 2009, when Karst Tates drove his car into the crowd, trying to ram the royal bus. He missed the bus, as a result, 7 or 8 people were killed and 10 were injured. He died from his injuries the next day and it was not possible to really find out his motives, so it is not entirely correct to consider this a terrorist attack.

I will return to the question. Truck raids on crowds have been actively used, if I am not mistaken, only since last year. Here is a small list of those that I remembered:

  • Terror attack in Nice (July 14, 2016). The bloodiest terrorist attack of its kind on this list, and chronologically the very first. Then 86 people died. During the celebration of Bastille Day, the terrorist drove onto a crowded embankment and zigzagged through the crowd, driving about 2 kilometers, until he was shot dead. Responsibility was taken by the "Islamic state" (Banned in the Russian Federation). After this terrorist attack, such tactics were definitely adopted.
  • Terror attack in Berlin (December 19, 2016). An obvious attempt to do something similar to the terrorist attack in Nice: the attacker drove a truck into a Christmas market. 12 people died, dozens were injured. The Islamic State took responsibility.
  • Hitting in Jerusalem (January 8, 2017). The terrorist ran into Israeli soldiers getting off the bus, 4 were killed, several dozen were injured. No one seems to have taken responsibility, but according to the Israeli prime minister, the attacker was Palestinian and had ties to the Islamic State.
  • Hitting in Egypt (January 9, 2017). A terrorist on a truck with explosives rammed a checkpoint, killing 1 civilian and several military personnel.
  • Hit in Heidelberg, Germany (February 25, 2017). The attacker drove into passers-by, 1 person died, 2 were injured.
  • Attack in London (March 22, 2017). The assailant drove a car into a pedestrian. 4 people died, dozens were injured. As a result, the links of the attacker with the Islamic State were found.
  • Well, today's terrorist attack in Stockholm (April 7, 2017).
    In fact, even if I missed something, the list is quite large. But less than a year has passed from the terrorist attack in Nice to today. Why did the Islamic State and its followers suddenly discover in their arsenal such a method of conducting terrorist activities?

From the point of view of the attackers, it has several "advantages" (excuse me for using this word in this context) over other types of attacks (explosions or armed attacks, for example):

Thesis the first. It's easier to get a truck than a bomb or a weapon. Most of the terrorist attacks are prevented even at the stage of obtaining weapons by terrorists, because in the same European countries security services (and especially in the light of events recent years) are quite efficient. Yes, we see terrorist attacks, but even more we see raids and detentions, and therefore prevented attacks. In order to assemble a bomb, a certain amount of not the most standard materials is also needed, and therefore their movement, buying and selling, and theft are monitored more carefully.

There are many legal ways to get a truck, which usually do not attract attention or attract it much less. A stolen truck was used in the attack in Berlin, and a truck that had been rented a few days earlier in Nice was used.

Thesis second. This method allows attackers to act alone. They themselves can steal a truck and then use it to commit a terrorist act, leaving behind a minimum of tails and leads. In the case of buying weapons or building bombs, the situation is slightly different. If you notice, after the perpetrators of such attacks are detained or at least identified, a series of arrests follows, since several terrorists take part in the process of buying weapons / creating a bomb, planning an attack at once, since it is almost impossible to do something like this alone . In the case of a truck, contacts can be minimal, and 1 person is enough for the preparation process.

Thesis third. This in itself is quite a deadly method. And in the case of the terrorist attack in Nice, it led to more victims than the attacks in Brussels or the Pulse Club in the United States. That is, the terrorists realized that trucks are quite suitable for creating panic and spreading fear in society (which is the main goal of terrorism).

Thesis fourth. With such an attack, the terrorist retains control over the situation to the last and can influence it in such a way as to lead to even more victims. As I wrote above, in Nice the driver managed to drive along the embankment filled with people for 2 kilometers (for understanding: this is the distance that a person will overcome in 20 minutes at a normal walking pace), while deliberately waving zigzags to increase the number of victims.

Thesis fifth. Eliminating a terrorist in this case is also quite difficult. On the one hand, it is protected by the body of the car + what is in motion. On the other hand, chaotic shooting at a truck that drove into the crowd is fraught with bullets hitting nearby civilians.

What does it mean? This means that a new tactic of carrying out terrorist acts was tested, which, from the point of view of the terrorists, proved to be successful. And therefore, unfortunately, the terrorist attack in Stockholm is hardly the last attack of this kind.

Thanks for the extended answer! I agree that the "practical" side of the issue gives a lot of ... um .. advantages (also somehow even the language does not turn to say so). I had such an ideological assumption that such a choice is due to a demonstration of expanding influence - they say that you can not go down the subway and even take a bus or a peregrine falcon in order to be endangered


Perhaps so, in part. Although if we take the terrorist attacks of recent years, they were committed in almost all places where people are.

During the celebration of Bastille Day in Nice, a terrorist attack was committed. A truck driving along the English Embankment at a speed of up to 70 km / h literally rammed the crowd. According to unconfirmed information received from eyewitnesses, people were shot at. According to preliminary data, the truck driver was a native of Tunisia. The police eliminated him.

“Terrorism in all its forms and manifestations is one of the most serious threats international peace and security," the Security Council said in a statement.

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev condemned the terrorist attack in Nice and expressed solidarity with French citizens. As writes, the Russian prime minister commented on the incident during a meeting with Prime Minister of Luxembourg Xavier Bettel on the sidelines of the ASEM summit. Medvedev and Bettel pointed to the need for a joint fight against terrorism.

In addition, Mr. Medvedev expressed condolences to the victims and relatives of the victims.

“I would like to join the words of condolences to France, to all the victims, as well as to the relatives of those who died in connection with the monstrous terrorist attack in Nice,” the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation quoted him as saying at the plenary session of the ASEM forum, which opened in the capital of Mongolia.

As Medvedev noted, terrorism "has no borders and is a common challenge for both Europe and Asia."

“To date,” he said, “unfortunately, 80 dead, including children, a large number of tourists. According to media reports, among the dead there are citizens European Union and Russia. This is an extremely sad event."

Further, Medvedev called for the use of force against the militants and their “sponsors”: “We must work together to look for common answers to such challenges, show solidarity, and do everything in our power to fight terrorism. Moreover, terrorists and their sponsors understand only force, and we must use it.”

There was also a statement from across the ocean. Barack Obama is ready to provide France with the necessary assistance in investigating the attack. This is stated in the official statement of the White House, reports.

The President of the United States offered to send a team of specialists to Nice to establish the details of the terrorist act: "I will send my team to help the French investigation and provide any assistance that will help investigate the circumstances of the attack, find and punish those responsible."

According to the latest data received from the French Ministry of Internal Affairs, as a result of the terrorist attack, 80 people died, another 18 victims are in critical condition.

A meeting of the Security and Defense Council is scheduled for today in Nice. It will be held in a narrow format by President Hollande.

Recall that a month and a half ago, in May, the upcoming terrorist attacks in France were predicted by the head of the French government, Monsieur Valls. While on a visit to Israel, he told BFM TV and I24 that the terrorist threat in the world "has never been higher", and this is especially evident in relation to France. Waltz expressed confidence that France would become "the main target of terrorism" and even "the number one target for Daesh." The prime minister also said for some reason that he "never" lies to his compatriots: "I never lie to my compatriots on relevant issues of internal security, because I was the Minister of the Interior."

Besides Monsieur Waltz, oh high risk more attacks in France recently warned the head of the department of internal security, Patrick Calvar. His warning came true with almost 100% accuracy, because he is about the risk of more terrorist attacks using Vehicle. According to him, the terrorists of the "Islamic State" will change the tactics of attacks: "They will move to the stage of using car bombs and explosive devices."

“France is a country where the largest Muslim diaspora is: from 7 to 10 percent of the population professes Islam,” Boris Dolgov, senior researcher at the Center for Arab and Islamic Studies at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, explains to MK.

– There are dozens of different Muslim organizations, including radical ones. There are areas in France, such as Marseille, where the police feel like they are in hostile territory. In Paris, this is noticeable to a lesser extent, but I have seen this. I do not want to say that Islam is the basis of terrorism. Certainly not. But what exists in France is a breeding ground for terrorism. If we talk about the methods of carrying out the terrorist attack, perhaps they were several people, but the thought of the "Islamic State" (IS, the group is recognized as terrorist and banned in Russia - "MK") immediately arises. There does not necessarily have to be some kind of headquarters in Raqqa (the Syrian "capital" of IS - "MK"), which gives the command to carry out terrorist attacks. Groups that have adopted this ideology implement it autonomously. Perhaps the leadership of the IS may not know that a terrorist attack will be carried out. There are local network structures.

"In IG recent times purposefully created structural elements "on the ground" - for example, in France and other European countries - such as "lone wolves", - said "MK" President of the Institute of Religion and Politics Alexander Ignatenko.

“That's the official technical term. In Nice, the attack was carried out without any doubt "in favor" of the ISIS. One evidence of this is that the group has already responded to this terrorist attack with happy comments, including illustrative ones that use photographs and photomontages depicting the victims of this attack, the burning Eiffel Tower, etc. The corresponding inscriptions are on French and in other languages, including English and Arabic. Another point: this terrorist attack was carried out according to the templates that ISIS has recently developed. I mean that the IS "launched" terrorist attacks all over the world, which are carried out with the use of improvised means. Islamists distributed instructions for "lone wolves" and other structural units (I remind you that there are also "branches" of ISIS and "sleeping cells"), in which it is recommended to carry out "actions of retaliation against the infidels", as they say, using everything that is at hand. Firstly, it is a knife, secondly, it is arson, and thirdly, people are thrown from a height. Fourthly, the use of cars was also mentioned. All these means can be implemented without the use of weapons and explosives.”

“Terrorism is a global, political and religious phenomenon. The reasons are clear, but the drugs have not yet been invented, - notes in a conversation with MK political scientist, doctor of historical sciences, member scientific council Carnegie Moscow Center Alexei Malashenko.

Why France? Regarding the Middle East, it is clear: there Civil War. And terrorism and civil war are twin brothers. When 70-80 people are killed in Iraq and even in Turkey, everyone is more or less calm about this, but gradually we get used to France and Europe. If it is ISIS, this is understandable, because this is one of the Islamists' methods of struggle. The innovation lies in the truck. We are more accustomed to explosions and shots, but I think that a truck is worse than explosions. Using it is like taking an iron: you can go and kill with an iron, it is always at hand. I think the person who did this had obvious psychological deviations, like all terrorists. It must have been a loner after all. In the long term, this is not the beginning and not the end, but now household items can be used in attacks. Moreover, from the point of view of terrorists, this is a “successful” choice: a good place, good time, many victims. It could open up new tactics."

On the evening of July 14, a truck crashed into a crowd on the Promenade des Anglais in Nice, where Bastille Day was being celebrated. As a result, 84 people died. According to various sources, the number of wounded ranged from 60 to 200 people. The Russian Foreign Ministry confirmed the death of a Russian woman and the injury of another Russian citizen as a result of a terrorist attack. The truck driver was shot dead by the police. According to unconfirmed reports, documents were found in the car in the name of a 31-year-old native of Tunisia, who lived in Nice. According to local media, the man has already come to the attention of the police, but the special services did not follow him. The anti-terrorist unit of the Paris prosecutor's office is investigating the incident. French President Francois Hollande called the incident a "prepared terrorist act." He promised to tighten security measures and announced that the regime emergency, which was supposed to be filmed on June 26, will be extended for another three months. “Kommersant” led an online broadcast of what is happening in France.

11:35 . French Interior Ministry: three days of mourning has been declared in the country.

11:22 . French investigators have finally confirmed the identity of the truck driver who rammed the crowd in Nice.

Head of the European Security Department of the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences Dmitry Danilov on the air of Kommersant FM:“Naturally, political conclusions will be drawn. On the one hand, the cohesion of European states at the political level will inevitably increase, politicians will demonstrate solidarity, including within the framework of the European Union. But it is another matter to what extent this political solidarity will be directed towards effective practical cooperation and interaction, to what extent the unity of European states can be ensured here. It seems to me that Europe still has a lot to do in this respect.”

10:51 . Russian tourists will be refunded for tours to France if there are official recommendations to close this direction, said Irina Tyurina, spokeswoman for the Russian Union of Travel Industry (PCT).

10:24 . The Russian Foreign Ministry confirmed the death of a Russian woman and the injury of another Russian citizen as a result of a terrorist attack in Nice.

10:21 . The meeting of the Defense Council, headed by French President Francois Hollande, began at the Elysee Palace.

10:19 . Russian President Vladimir Putin sent a telegram to François Hollande with condolences in connection with the terrorist attack in Nice, the press secretary of the head said. Russian state Dmitry Peskov.

9:54 . Aeroflot and Rossiya airlines do not change the schedule of flights to the French resort city of Nice, the companies told RIA Novosti.

9:49 . All people in Germany stand in solidarity with their French friends in the fight against terrorism after the attack in Nice, said German Chancellor Angela Merkel. “The solidarity of all people in Germany is on the side of friends in France... Germany is on the side of France in the fight against terrorism. I am convinced that, despite all the difficulties, we will win,” Ms. Merkel said.

9:29 . The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, expressed her condolences to the families of those killed in the terrorist attack in Nice, France, urging them to fight "not against hybrid, but real threats."

9:21 . After the terrorist attack, the city authorities of Nice canceled all public events until further notice, and also closed the city's beaches - BFM-TV.

9:18 . Irina Tyurina, spokeswoman for the Russian Union of Travel Industry, citing a source in the insurance company, said that one Russian woman died as a result of the terrorist attack, and another Russian citizen was injured.

“We received information from insurance companies. Two friends from Russia walked together along the Promenade des Anglais. One died under the wheels of a truck, and the second was injured - her toes are broken, there are still minor injuries, ”Interfax quotes Ms. Tyurina as saying.

The French Foreign Ministry opened its hotline in connection with the terrorist attack: +33

9:09 . Among the victims of the terrorist attack in Nice, more than ten children, said the head of the regional council of Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, Christian Estrosi.

8:58 . According to AFP, the Paris prosecutor's office launched an investigation into "a murder, a premeditated murder, committed by an organized group of persons associated with terrorist activities."

8:38 . In his address, aired on television in the early morning, French President Francois Hollande admitted that there is no doubt that the events in Nice are not just a tragedy, but a prepared terrorist act. “The whole of France is under the Islamist threat. And we must be extremely vigilant,” urged Mr. Hollande. He promised to tighten security measures, especially at the country's borders, and announced that the state of emergency, which was supposed to be lifted on June 26, would be extended for another three months. “France is in tears, France is in mourning. But she will always be stronger than the fanatics who want to strike at her today,” the President announced.

Correspondent of Kommersant FM in France Daria Zlotnikova:“At some point, a multi-ton truck appeared that broke through the police fence - there were a lot of policemen there, almost everything was blocked, of course, the entire embankment was completely pedestrian just because of the holiday, because of these mass festivities. According to eyewitnesses, the truck deliberately rammed the crowd, and moreover, according to some evidence, he literally drove in zigzags, that is, in this way he tried to catch as much as possible more people. The police immediately after the appearance of this truck began to chase and, among other things, opened fire on the cab. At some point, we managed to stop the truck.”

4:18 . The truck that rammed the crowd of people was driven by a 31-year-old native of Tunisia, a resident of Nice, RIA Novosti reports with reference to the French media. The terrorist has already been prosecuted for armed violence, but the police had no information about his connection with radical circles. The machine guns found in the cockpit turned out to be fake, the grenade was a training one, only a 7.62 mm caliber pistol was real.

4:15 . French President Francois Hollande expressed his condolences to the people of Nice and assured them of his support.

He will deliver an address to the nation at 4:30 (Moscow time).

4:10 . The head of the Federation Council Committee on International Affairs, Konstantin Kosachev, expressed condolences in connection with the terrorist attack in Nice and called on the world to "rally in the face of a common threat."

3:57 . François Hollande will probably address the nation.

3:46 . French President Francois Hollande and Prime Minister Manuel Valls hold a joint meeting in the building of the Ministry of Internal Affairs after the events in Nice.

3:19 . French President Francois Hollande will hold a closed meeting of the country's security and defense council on Friday morning, the Elysee Palace reported.

3:15 . US President Barack Obama condemned the attack in Nice, calling it a "terrifying act of terrorism."

Barack Obama: “On behalf of the American people, I condemn in the strongest possible terms what looks like a horrific terrorist attack in Nice, which killed and injured dozens of innocent people ... I instructed my administration to be in contact with the French authorities, and we offered any help they may need to investigate this attack and bring those responsible to justice."

3:12 . Mayor of Nice Christian Estrosi: "According to the sappers who began to inspect the truck, the weapons and ammunition in it are in full operational readiness." Earlier, the mayor of Nice said that, in particular, grenades were found in the truck. Mr. Estrosi specified that the identity of the driver of the car has not yet been established, "it has also not been clarified whether he had accomplices."

3:00 . "Why Nice Became a Jihad Territory"

Department Browser international politics"Kommersant" Maxim Yusin: “International Terrorist International sends a signal to the European intelligence services: the initiative is still in our hands. Considering how many immigrants from the Islamic world live on your continent, how many “sleeper agents” among them are ready to come out of hiding at any moment, you are doomed to an endless series of terrorist attacks – when and where we want.”

2:56 . About 40 of the injured are in critical condition, local publication Nice Matin reports.

2:54 . “The Cote d'Azur receives 11 million tourists a year. In 2015, it was recorded Cote d'Azur more than 216 thousand Russian tourists. This is 40% of all Russian tourists visiting France. Among the resorts of this country, Russians prefer Nice. Cannes remains in second place - 21%, ”Irina Tyurina, spokeswoman for the Russian Union of Tourism Industry (PCT), told RIA Novosti.

2:49 . French President Francois Hollande has urgently returned to Paris, immediately going to an emergency meeting at the building of the Ministry of the Interior on Place Beauvo.

2:43 . RIA Novosti source: one Russian citizen was killed in an attack in Nice, another was wounded, the location of three more is still unknown.

2:41 . The prosecutor of Nice, Jean-Michel Prétre: “At least six dozen (dead.— "b") is the first count the firefighters did. But so far this is only a preliminary figure. There are a lot of victims. Everything is also complicated by the large length of the embankment on which the tragedy occurred.

2:37 . The investigation into the attack in Nice was entrusted to the anti-terrorist prosecutor's office, BFMTV reports, citing a source.

2:31 . « It's about about herself great tragedy in the history of Nice, as more than 70 people died. We are shocked by what happened and offer our most sincere condolences to the families of the victims, ”wrote Nice Mayor Christian Estrosi on Twitter.

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