VK status about winter is short. Beautiful statuses about winter and snow in verse

the beauty 02.08.2019
the beauty
  • Winter is not so important. It matters with whom.
  • Winter makes words of love warmer, hugs stronger, and meetings more pleasant.
  • In a snowstorm you are afraid to lose faith in eternal salvation... (Elchin Safarli)
  • Happy is he who does not notice whether it is summer or winter.
  • beautiful statuses about winter - Winter is such a time of the year when nature creeps up to a person very close. (Olga Lucas)
  • Since childhood, I have experienced a kind of excitement in front of a fresh cover of snow ... It’s as if you are entering into some kind of new world, and the joy of discovery pervades you, the first contact with something pure, untouched, undefiled. (John Steinbeck)
  • I don't like winter nights - not because they are so long, but because only on winter nights you clearly feel how time rustles. (Pavel Amnuel)
  • We have a whole winter ahead of us to learn to appreciate what will be, and not what has passed.
  • If there were no winter, spring would not seem so beautiful to us; if there were no poverty, wealth would not be so desirable. (Anna Bradstreet)
  • Laughter is the sun that drives winter from a person's face.
  • May this winter be fabulously beautiful for everyone in the arms of a loved one!
  • Winter has come to the city, a strong cold, how to find someone who I really need in this world?
  • Winter is a slow season, busy sitting by the fire, reading and poetry. (Jessica Brockmole)
  • Winter .. It makes meetings shorter, loneliness more noticeable .. But it makes words warmer, kisses stronger, and love .. Love does not depend on the season ...
  • Winter turns the glass of a trolleybus into a sheet on which you can write. Everyone seems to want to leave their thoughts on this sheet. To be read. So that it doesn't disappear.
  • Winter - best season but only next to you.
  • Wonderful time - winter. Frosty, cruel, but magical. (Olga Gromyko)
  • Winter is the coldest and most beautiful time of the year and beautiful statuses about winter are proof of this.
  • Winter has come! And in my heart it’s not clear whether it’s spring or summer! And it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that it’s warm and colorful!
  • ....and in the winter I met him with a look, now every winter is a fairy tale for me...
  • And I love winter, there is a lot of joy in it, in it I met my happiness ...
  • My ideal winter is a lot of snow and lips kissed by a loved one))
  • Snow, snow, snow ... it flies from heaven without melting, you want to be near, - I know ...
  • Her perfect winter. A lot of snow. Chapped lips. He.
  • Winter is a time to make plans and see prospects. Time to sleep under the snow and under other blankets. (Malin Kivelya)
  • Who likes to look at the falling snow from the window when there is a blizzard outside and the house is warm?))
  • It was the most unforgettable summer… the saddest autumn… I hope it will be the happiest winter…
  • The charm of spring is known only in winter, and, sitting by the stove, you compose the best May songs. (Heinrich Heine)
  • Beautiful statuses about winter - I will spill raspberry syrup on your velvet heart, leaving a silky taste of sugar winter on it ...
  • Winter is the best season, but only next to you.

We offer statuses about winter and snow that are beautiful, meaningful, short, funny and very different.

With the advent of winter, it's time to change your status in social network to a more up-to-date one.

As the old song says, "Summer is a little life..."

And winter in many regions is a big life, no matter how sad it is. And she needs her own separate status.

A strange time of the year has come ... Night in the morning, night in the evening. And during the day I ... work!

Morning is the worst time of the day. I hate him. Especially in winter. I don't know where old Pushkin got these rays of the sun, the refreshing frost and the singing of winter birds. It is possible that he began to thump in the morning ...

“Uraaa! Winter! ”, - knees and teeth banged joyfully ...

In Surgut, in a forty-degree frost, a boy with a water pistol inflicted 20 stab wounds on a gopnik who had stuck to him.

In Siberia they play dress up cards.

Phone sex in Siberia: I slowly take off my boots...

Russian winter is when even thermometers ask to enter the house.

So the time has come when the girls do not have thongs sticking out of their jeans, but warm black tights.

It has become so cold here that goosebumps on the legs of women tear tights.

One day, in the cold winter season, I left the house ... And then I went in!

A session for a student is like the first snow for public utilities - it seems that there is a forecast with dates, but still “The city’s public utilities were not ready ...”

Let's have your December. With November, of course, it did not work out.

And the beginning of winter terribly angers! Everyone was waiting for the cold weather. But no! The price has gone up again!

You have jeeps, yachts, airplanes there ... And in our village, the one whose water is not frozen is in authority.

Winter... The birds flew away to yuh...

In winter, all birds fly south, and hares change their coats ... Dear, am I a bunny or a bird?

According to statistics, 30% of women love winter very much, the remaining 70% do not like it very much. The next question showed that 30% simply have a fur coat, while the rest do not.

Tomorrow I won’t go out into the street, it’s already slippery there, and here I am with my stunningness.

Winter Fitness! So far, I’ve reached the store ... 5 longitudinal twine ... 10 transverse ... Tilts to the sides ... Squats ... Steeplechase ... Oh, the body cheered up!

It got cold yesterday. I got a stuffy nose. It's cold again today. Plugged up ears. What the hell is my head getting warmed up?!

Briefly about the weather. Washed a T-shirt yesterday. She broke down today!

The polar bear is invisible in the snow. Until you get scared.

I would like something unusual in January. Snow, damn it, for example ...

That's it, I looked at the snow, you can remove it.

Everyone who whined and let out snot: “I want snow, where is the snow”, listen here - so that they devour it completely before morning!

Nothing, nothing. Winter is coming and then hardly anyone will understand whether I'm drunk or slippery.

In winter, on the slippery stairs, the number of cultured people decreases sharply.

One day I decided to remember my childhood. Fell face down into a snowdrift. Who knew there was a shop there.

Russian children are harsh. They are waiting for a temperature of minus 40 when they cancel lessons at school and you can go for a walk on the street ...

About weather. It was the first time I saw people applauding the approaching minibus.

Judging by the weather, the stuffed carnival survived and began to take revenge.

If winter jokes until April, I want summer to take revenge until December!

From the balcony window, in woolen socks, with a tangerine in hand, winter seems beautiful.

I ran to the minibus, the last five meters famously drove on the priest, gracefully got up, went into the salon. Pleased the man: “Let me shake off your sled?”

Statuses about winter and love:

Winter……cold permeates every cell of my body…and at such moments…I remember you.

On a dating site: For the winter, I want to find a woman who knows how to rake snow well and push a car out of snowdrifts. Write to me, the only one!

Men! Winter is the only opportunity to mold a woman to your liking! Don't miss the opportunity!

She quietly took my hand. Love, I thought. Ice, she thought.

Snow is entangled in my eyelashes... I am walking along a frozen street... A man is also walking somewhere. My favorite ... In a hurry, worried ...

It’s scary when there are such flakes, and you have no one to throw on the snow, throw snowballs, and then drink hot tea ...

I just want to stand near the window, look at the falling snow ... And so that you just come up and hug me gently ...

How beautiful the snow fell that evening. What a pity that you are not with me tonight. And people go back and forth that evening. And my eyes are looking for you among them ...

Look for your loved ones - too cold winter ahead ...

People are divided into two types: lovers of the hot season and admirers of the beautiful. For those who are cheered up by the snow crunching under their feet, sparks of snowflakes and festive lights in the windows, there are statuses about winter. they will not leave anyone indifferent.

Statuses about winter are beautiful

  • "Romantics go crazy in winter."
  • "Only in winter can you believe in a fairy tale and
  • "Winter, memories and a blanket - what else do you need?".
  • "Winter brings together. The stronger the frost, the stronger people embrace."
  • "People seem to get kinder in the winter."
  • "It's hard to ever enjoy such silence as on a winter evening."
  • "Winter has the scent of tangerines, cookies and love."
  • “I want to be wrapped in a coat, a scarf and a blanket so that only my eyes are visible, I want to ride on a wooden sled, hold a bag of sweets in my hands and guard a Christmas tree tied to the side.”
  • "People tend to think about the eternal on winter evenings."
  • "It's amazing what peace the falling snow gives to the soul."
  • "Winter is not only a season. It's a mood."
  • "In winter, the street turns into a carnival. You can't see the faces, but you can feel the atmosphere of the holiday."

Statuses about winter are the more beautiful, the more tenderness this time causes in a person’s heart. People really get warmer with the advent of frost.

Original sayings about winter and snow

All statuses about winter are similar. They look alike with their life-affirming motives, kindness and beauty.

  • "Winter is white for a reason. It's a clean slate of life."
  • "All sounds sooner or later become annoying. Except for the crunch of snow in the cold."
  • "If you look at the sky in the snow, you can die of happiness."
  • "The window of a minibus on a frosty day turns into rock art, where everyone wants to leave their mark."
  • "When else to make wishes, if not on a winter evening burning with lights?".
  • "I want to thank those people who decorate windows with garlands and turn them on in the evenings. You kind people you share the joy."

Cool statuses about winter

  • "Well spent three winter months? Get the fourth one for free!".
  • "Until the New Year, exactly" horror, polka dots were not bought, the dress was not sewn, postcards were not signed "days."
  • "Yesterday the guys wanted to jump into a snowdrift. The owner of the snowdrift billed for broken side mirrors."
  • "No fitness is needed when in a down jacket on snowdrifts and on ice in transverse twine."
  • "Girls, take advantage of the moment. When else will men fall under your feet, if not in this ice?".
  • "Winter is especially beautiful in March."
  • "Real winter - when the thermometer asks from the street to the house."
  • "But once the snow in December was happy, but not surprised."
  • "British scientists have found that children whose fathers tie a scarf can hold their breath for up to 3 hours."
  • "Each warm winter somewhere in the closet sad underpants.
  • "According to statistics, with the beginning of winter, more couples in love appear. Ice is not a joke to you! We must stick together."
  • "In the snow, no one is embarrassed by people who walk backwards."
  • "Nothing strengthens a family like:" No, roll this ball more, well, where did you put it, where did you do the carrots?
  • You understand that you have matured when a warm jacket replaces a fashionable jacket.

Statuses about winter are never soulless - they always radiate warmth with which a person relates to this time of year.

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