Comparison of dinosaurs and their descendants. Do dinosaur relatives exist today? Unusual finds with images of dinosaurs

Recipes 25.08.2019

Belongs to the order of cranes, the family of cranes. This is the smallest representative of its species, and it is also listed in the Red Book as the smallest crane in the world. Its population is only 200 thousand individuals.

Beauty's appearance

In growth, the demoiselle crane reaches 90 cm, which is quite a bit for such a bird. Weighs about 3 kg.

The head and neck of almost all individuals are black, with tassels consisting of long white feathers located just behind the eyes. The feathers on the back of the head are painted gray. But bald spots, which are so characteristic of all other types of cranes, these birds do not have. The bill is yellowish and short.

The cornea of ​​the eye is terracotta or rich orange. The feathers of the body are gray, with a bluish tint. The flight wings, which take part in the flight, are long and painted in a more saturated gray color. The legs are black.

The difference between male and female, or sexual dimorphism, is very weakly expressed. The only difference is that the males are slightly larger in size. In young cranes, the color of the head is light. The very brushes that are so expressive in adults are only slightly expressed in young animals. Demoiselles, unlike the gray crane, are more musical. Their voice is louder and more melodic.

Distribution and lifestyle features of belladonna

The belladonna settled in almost 50 states. Found in Kazakhstan, Kalmykia, Mongolia. In these habitats, the number can be up to 20 thousand individuals. However, the population in Black Sea coast reaches only 500-700 birds. Birds also live in Turkey, but there are even fewer of them. Demoiselles are migratory birds, with the onset of cold weather, they rush to northeast Africa, as well as to Pakistan and India.

At the end of summer, or rather, at the end of August and beginning of September, they gather in flocks, the number of individuals in it can reach 500 birds. Then they migrate together to the wintering place. The flock flies relatively low, but when they fly over the Himalayas, they rise to a height of more than 6000 meters. Sometimes combined with common cranes. In April, the birds return back to their nesting sites, then only 10-15 birds fly in a flock.

Listen to the beauty's voice

As you know, cranes prefer marshy areas, but demoiselles are not very well adapted to the swamp. They occupy mainly savannas and steppes, where there is low vegetation. They can also settle on arable land, and nest there. Keep close to rivers, springs, small lakes.

belladonna breeding

The belladonna forms a couple for life. Despite monogamy, if a couple does not have offspring, she breaks up. In winter, belladonnas gather in flocks, then they have a second chance to find their soul mate. Having noticed each other, the birds perform a mating song, and stand in a special stance, pointing their beak up. Then they dance a lively and flamboyant dance.

During the rainy season, the breeding season begins. The belladonna nests are located on the ground, the area is usually masked by grass. In April, the bird lays 2-4 eggs, and a month later, small chicks are born. They are quite brave birds, the males guarding the masonry are able to scare away foxes, wild dogs, and the males of other pairs very often help drive away strangers. Chicks begin to fly relatively early, after 2 months. For 10-12 months they are completely dependent on their parents.

Answer left Guest

The belladonna crane lives in temperate to tropical zones.
Tiger - temperate to equatorial.
Tigers live in a wide range landscapes: wet rainforests, mangrove swamps and bamboo thickets in the tropics, dry savannas, semi-deserts, bare rocky hills and taiga in the north. In the mountains they rise up to 3000 m above sea level.

Osprey - its nesting range lies within the forest zone, in some places it captures forested floodplains of steppe rivers.

Water lily - a pure white or snow-white water lily grows in Europe (including the European part of Russia), Western and Eastern Siberia, Central Asia and Transcaucasia - mainly in the forest and steppe zones, in the coastal zone of reservoirs.
Water lilies (about 50 species) - from the Arctic to the equator.
European swimsuit - T. europaeus L. Distributed from tundra to steppe zone Europe, in Western Siberia, and outside of Russia in Scandinavia.
The steppe peony grows in steppe meadows, in thickets of steppe shrubs on the gentle slopes of hills and hills.
Leopards are common in the savannas and mountainous regions of Africa, as well as in forest and forest-steppe regions. These predators are also found in the southern part East Asia. Nowadays, answering the question of what natural area leopard lives, at first I want to say that the population of a predatory cat is declining every year.
The bustard is a large bird that looks a bit like an ostrich, but belongs to the crane-like order. Bustard lives in the steppe and semi-desert regions. The bustard is considered a sedentary bird, and in the northern regions it leaves its homes, flying to warmer climes. The bustard has become a rare bird, as it was destroyed by hunters. Now it is listed in the Red Book.

Bustard is not firewood, but a bird that lives in open clay or fescue steppes.
Bustard does not like cultivated land, prefers to nest and live far from humans. These birds lay their eggs in unusual nests. They do not make nests from moss, sticks and other materials at hand at a distance from the ground. Bustards dig pits with their paws, do not cover them with anything, but mainly two eggs are laid there.
Bustards feed on insects, plant shoots and seeds.

These birds fill their stomach only in the morning and evening, and during the day they sunbathe in the sun, not being afraid of bright and direct sun rays. Bustards cannot exist without water.

Currently bustards are rare birds, since they do not settle on cultivated lands, their habitat area is declining.

Bustards mature late for procreation. Females can give birth to their offspring at the age of four, and males as much as six years old.

These rare migratory birds are protected by law.

I hope so summary will help.

MOSCOW, April 12 - RIA Novosti. Scientists have found in Tanzania the remains of a probable dinosaur ancestor that looked more like a crocodile than the first "real" dinosaurs, eoraptors and other "terror lizards", according to an article published in the journal Nature.

"This discovery shows that the first dinosaurs had much in common with the first crocodiles, and that the "bird" features of the anatomy did not appear immediately in them, as we previously thought. Paleontologists do not like the word "lost link in evolution", but in this case it is valid - Teleocrater links dinosaurs and their common ancestor to crocodiles," said Ken Angelchuk of the Field Museum. natural history in Chicago (USA).

The chicken, dinosaur and egg problem

Scientists: Crocodiles were America's top predators before the advent of the dinosaursPaleontologists have discovered in North Carolina the remains of a giant ancient proto-crocodile, the "Carolinian butcher", whose ancestors became the main top predators of the New World already in the Triassic period, long before the advent of dinosaurs.

The first dinosaurs, as paleontologists now believe, appeared at the end Triassic period- about 240 million years ago, after the disappearance of all large animal lizards that dominated the Earth in the Permian period. The main competitors of dinosaurs for the "crown" of the most successful animals on Earth were crocodiles, which at that time reached gigantic sizes and lived not only in water bodies, but also on land.

Both crocodiles and dinosaurs are close relatives whose ancestors split, scientists believe, in the mid-Triassic period. How and when this happened, paleontologists do not yet know, since fossils from this time are quite rare.

On the other hand, most scientists believed that they "dispersed" quite quickly, since ancient dinosaurs they did not look like crocodiles - they had long flexible necks, could walk on two legs and their limbs were adapted for fast running.

Angelchuk and his colleagues found that the earliest dinosaur ancestors were actually more like crocodiles than their immediate descendants by studying mid-Triassic rocks that formed in southern Tanzania near the Ruhuhu River.

Scientists: "twins" of dinosaurs lived on Earth 225 million years agoPaleontologists have found in Texas the remains of an unusual "three-eyed" reptile that lived about 225 million years ago on Earth, almost indistinguishable in appearance from the "butting" pachycephalosaurus dinosaurs that lived 100 million years later, but at the same time was a crocodile.

Here, paleontologists have discovered the remains of a three-meter creature that does not look like either eoraptors (the first dinosaurs that lived in Argentina 230 million years ago), or nyasasaurs found by the authors of the article in Tanzania in 2012, or other dinosaurs and their ancient relatives. In general, we can say that it was not like any other ancient reptile or their modern descendants.


This animal, according to Angelchuk, was more like a monitor lizard or "thin" crocodile with unusually long legs and neck than a dinosaur - it moved on four legs and had primitive joints that did not allow it to run fast, and also had a number of other features. ancient and modern reptiles.

© Natural History Museum, London/Mark Witton

© Natural History Museum, London/Mark Witton

However, the creature was a dinosaur, since general device his anatomy was closer to "dread lizards". For example, their cervical vertebrae were longer than other bones of a similar type, and they also had a unique shape not characteristic of crocodiles. In addition, this mysterious creature had the jaws of a dinosaur and front paws unusual for crocodiles.

Scientists have named this bizarre creature Teleocrater rhadinus, which means "thin animal with closed pelvic cavities," referring to the creature's inability to run as fast as dinosaurs.

As is often the case in paleontology, Teleocrater rhadinus was actually discovered much earlier, in the mid-1950s, when British paleontologist Alan Charig was studying fossils found by his team in Tanzania in the 1930s. He did not attach importance to these bizarre remains and did not see them as the ancestor of all dinosaurs, since the remains he found were incomplete.

Angelchuk and his colleagues corrected Charig's mistake by naming their find by the name their British predecessor had come up with for it. According to scientists, the discovery of Teleocrater rhadinus completely turns the history of the evolution of birds, dinosaurs and crocodiles and closes the most important gap in the history of their origin, which scientists have been arguing about for several decades.

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