Information about the balance of funds and the status of the maternity capital account. Purpose and rules for obtaining a certificate of the balance of maternity capital

Recipes 28.09.2020

Information on the amount of maternity family capital comes annually in the form of a notice from the Pension Fund of Russia. Since there are a number of restrictions for spending mother's capital, such rare information is quite satisfactory for many. However, if necessary, you do not need to wait for a mandatory notification, you can independently view the information via the Internet on the State Services portal or on the PFR website.

Information about the certificate is provided only to those users who have already confirmed their identity on the portal. After authorization, you need to go through the branches:

There is only one electronic service, so you need to click on the active link about electronic informing.

Other cases of obtaining information are available only when applying in person to the Pension Fund.

After selecting a service on the page that opens, select the "Get a service" item - this is the only active button that is located on the right side of the screen. After that, a form will open for filling out an application for the amount of the balance. maternity capital.

Please note that it is practically not required to fill out the form yourself. It will contain passport data, which are pulled from the profile settings that you entered during registration. You only have to specify the type social assistance, that is, maternity capital. It is also necessary to indicate the number of the certificate by which the verification is carried out.

This questionnaire must be sent for verification and see the result. The service is free, but information about the balance of maternity capital may not appear immediately. The application is processed up to 30 days. The user is notified about the time of the appearance of the response by SMS, notification in the application or on email. You can view information at home page portal under the application. However, usually the information is immediately displayed on the screen, and help arrives within the specified period.

How to find out the balance of MSC through the Pension Fund?

The owner of the certificate at any time can personally apply to the branch of the Pension Fund of Russia. This method will work even if the family has changed their place of residence. In this case, an additional footnote is simply made in the document, and the current PF department makes a request to the previous one.

With you, when applying to the Pension Fund branch, you must have a passport, SNILS and a certificate that confirms the right to social assistance. Please note that only the parents for whom the certificate was issued can send a request to receive the balance.

However, a more convenient way is to check the information on the website of the Pension Fund. However, you must be logged in to do so. Personal Area. If you have a profile on the State Services portal, you do not need to additionally register for the FIU. Both sites use the same authorization system, which also applies to some other government departments. After authorization in your account, you need to go through the branches:

  • We are looking for the section "Maternity capital" on the site;
  • Select the item "Get information about maternity capital";

When choosing last section the user will see detailed information about what has happened to the certificate since it was issued. Please note that the online statement will contain information about what the money was spent on and when it happened, so it is quite easy to track changes in the amount of maternity capital.

Important! With a one-time request for material assistance, they are removed from the maternity capital. However, the certificate itself is not exchanged for a new one. Financial movements can only be seen when checking the balance. All withdrawal requests are made only through the PF. Sometimes scammers try to deceive citizens and get a certificate in exchange for a small monetary reward.

Balance verification requests are sent free of charge. However, you can check the status of the account only if there are more than 30 rubles on the balance.

How to order a certificate of MSC size?

You can get a certificate of the amount on the maternity capital certificate in the same ways as you can see the balance:

  • When applying in person to the branch of the pension fund;
  • On the State Services portal;
  • On the website of the Pension Fund of Russia.

When contacting Pension Fund you must have a passport, a birth certificate and a certificate with you. Employees issue a form for obtaining a certificate, after which they inform about the timing of its production. The validity of such a document is 1 month.

Issuing a certificate through the State Services portal completely coincides with the procedure for viewing the balance. Help comes in electronic form and can be saved as a pdf file and printed if necessary.

Making a certificate through the website of the pension fund is somewhat different from the method of checking the balance. It is necessary to go through the branches:

  • Online Services;
  • Maternal family capital;
  • Order a certificate of the balance of maternity capital.

Please note that when ordering an official document, you must indicate the method of receiving it: by mail or electronically. In electronic form, the certificate will look the same as when ordering through the State Services portal. In the case of receiving a certificate by mail after its production, the user receives a notification. And the document itself is sent by registered mail. The specific time for receiving a letter depends on the speed of mail delivery in different regions.

Such a certificate is usually required in cases where parents decide to use maternity capital to improve housing conditions, educate a child, or transfer to pension savings. The certificate itself confirms solvency, in cases where the balance is higher than the down payment or the required amount to pay for housing or study.

The certificate is ordered specifically for the needs of citizens, since its validity period is limited. This document is free and has no limit on the number of requests. The annual notice of the balance can also be considered a certificate, whose validity period is 1 month.

Pension Fund Russian Federation every year notifies citizens who are entitled to maternity capital about the balance of these funds. This applies to those people who either did not spend maternity capital at all, or spent it partially. But once a year is sometimes too long an interval, but using the public services portal, you can find out the balance of maternity capital at any time. This is what will be discussed in this article and we will try to understand this issue.

How to find out the balance of maternity capital through public services

Only registered users who have a simple account can use this service. If you do not already have one, then you have to, and then enter information about yourself. So, enter your username and password and log in to the site. Go to the catalog of available services and find the "Authorities" tab there and click on it.

On the page that opens, find the pension fund item and click on it.

The following types of public services are available in this section:

  1. Statement on the provision of social assistance
  2. Management of maternity capital
  3. Establishment of a pension
  4. Notification of the status of the personal account in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation
  5. maternity capital certificate

We are interested in the first item, click on it.

We will see a page on which only one service will be available in electronic form and it is called "Informing citizens about the provision of state social assistance in the form of a set of social services." We click on it.

You will see a form in which you will need to fill in your contact details and indicate the essence of the issue (in our case, we want to know the balance of the maternity capital). The answer will come to you within 15-30 business days to the email that you specify as a contact.

How to find out the balance of maternity capital through a pension fund

Our login and password from the portal of public services will also help us on the website of the pension fund of the Russian Federation. Open the site and find the "login" button in the upper right corner and click on it. You will see a page on which you are invited to use your account in the Unified Identification and Authentication System (ESIA)* to log in. Do not be alarmed, this is our login and password, which we enter on the public services website, so feel free to click on "login" and enter our data.

After that, you will be taken to your personal account, check the correctness of the data and click on the "save" button. The system will open a list of available services for you and you need to find the section "Maternity (family) capital - MSC", and in it the item "Get information: on the amount (balance) of maternity capital"

At the next step, the system will offer us two options for obtaining information:

  1. get information about the amount (balance) of the mother's capital
  2. order a certificate about the size (balance) of the certificate

If you want to view information about the balance on the screen of your monitor, then select the first item. The second paragraph will generate a certificate in PDF format, which will also indicate the amount of the balance of maternity capital.

In addition to receiving information via the Internet, you can personally come to the branch of the Pension Fund. You will need to make a copy of the certificate and passport and write an application with a request to calculate the balance of maternity capital.

Simpler options currently do not exist and we tried to consider each of them in the most detail so that you do not have any questions when going through each of the points of our instructions. If you have any difficulties, then let us know about them in the comments and we will try to help you with their solution.

  • What documents are required to obtain a certificate for maternity (family) capital?

  • Is SNILS required to apply for a certificate for Maternity Capital? It is not in the list of documents.

  • If the owner of the certificate for maternity capital dies while in an official marriage, and she has several children from different husbands, then which of the fathers in this case inherits the certificate?

  • If I apply for the disposal of MSC funds in one region, and received a certificate in another, does this increase the time for consideration of my application or not? Since, according to the FIU employees, “a request for a case to another region” is required?

  • You can simultaneously submit two applications for the disposal of mat. capital for different purposes? For example, for a monthly payment and improvement of living conditions?

  • If an authorized person (for example, a spouse) submits an application for the disposal of maternity capital funds, does he need to apply at the place of his residence or temporary registration or at the place of residence or temporary registration of the certificate holder? (Registered in different cities).

  • To obtain a certificate for MSC, do the children have to be entered in the mother's passport?

  • Do I need to change the MSC certificate when changing my full name or other data?

  • Can they refuse to use the MSC if the father of the children is not a citizen of the Russian Federation, but a citizen of another state?

  • In some OPFR, when applying for a certificate, they require a birth certificate, which indicates the citizenship of the parents and the stamp of the passport and visa service on the citizenship of the child, although either one or the other is required in the list of documents. Have there been any changes?

  • In order to use maternity capital, a prerequisite is that the living quarters be registered in the common ownership of parents, children with the determination of the size of the shares by agreement. What is the form of this obligation?

  • Should the FIU notify in writing of the decision made on the application for the disposal of MSC funds?

  • What is the time frame for considering an application for disposal of mat. capital?

  • Does the MSC certificate have an expiration date?

  • How long is a certificate of the balance of maternity capital valid (for presentation to the bank)?

  • Can a citizen of the Russian Federation receive a MSC if the first child is a foreign citizen, and the second is a citizen of the Russian Federation? Does the citizenship of children affect the right of the mother to receive the MSC if she is a citizen of the Russian Federation?

  • Is it possible to get MSC if the 1st and/or 2nd child has died?

  • To obtain a certificate for family capital, do I need to apply at the place of residence or at the place of registration?

  • Is it possible to pay off a military mortgage with MSC funds?

  • Is it possible to buy ½ of an apartment/house with MSC funds if it belongs to relatives (grandmother, uncle, etc.)?

  • What documents do you need to provide to obtain a certificate of the balance of MSC funds and is it possible to do this at the place of actual residence without temporary registration?

  • Is it possible to pay for the child's education for previous years with MSC funds? Or only for the current one or the next one?

  • Is it possible to spend MSK to purchase a share in an apartment / house, or a room? Are there any additional conditions or restrictions?

  • What should I do if I was denied an application for the disposal of funds (part of the funds) of maternity (family) capital and demanded documents that the territorial body of the PFR must independently request from the bodies providing state and municipal services that have such information at their disposal?

  • Do residents of Crimea have the right to MSC after obtaining Russian citizenship?

  • Does the father of two children from different women have the right to maternity capital in connection with the death of his first wife?

  • I heard (a) (I was paid) that at the birth of the 2nd child, the PFR pays 12/20/25 thousand rubles from the main amount of the MSC. Is this payment from MSC really and how many times can I receive this payment?

  • Is it possible to obtain a certificate for maternity (family) capital (MSC) at the place of actual residence without temporary registration or at the MFC?

  • How long does it take after the adoption of the second child and the subsequent one, for which the right to receive the MSC has arisen, in order to apply for the disposal of the MSC?

  • Can I get a certificate of the balance of maternity (family) capital in another city, not at the place of registration? How long does it take to prepare?

  • Can I deposit maternity (family) capital in a bank at interest?

  • Is it already possible to apply for maternity (family) capital via the Internet?

  • How much should the balance on the certificate increase when the maternity (family) capital increases, will it increase by the amount of the balance or by the amount of the capital itself?

  • In 2009, we received maternity (family) capital in connection with the birth of our second child. This year the third child was born, are we entitled to maternity (family) capital for the third child?

  • In the three years that separate the birth of a child from the ability to dispose of maternity (family) capital, a lot can change in the country and in the family. How is maternity (family) capital protected from inflation? What will happen to him if the recipient dies?

  • If you are the owner of a certificate for maternity capital, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is obliged to provide you annually with information on the amount of the available balance of maternity capital by mail no later than September 1. However, once a year is too long. For your convenience, you can quickly get information about the balance at any convenient time online. You can find out the balance of maternity capital via the Internet in one of the following ways:

    1. On the portal of public services
    2. On the FIU website

    In this guide, we will detail how to do this.

    How to find out the balance of maternity capital through the State Services?

    From the list of services provided, we are interested in electronic

    Click "Get Service"

    To access the services of informing and managing maternity capital, you will need to log in to the system:

    For authorization, you will be prompted to use your account in the Unified Identification and Authentication System (ESIA). There is no need to be afraid of this complex abbreviation - access to the services of the PFR is carried out using an account on the State Services portal, to enter you will need your login and password from the portal. Press the "Login" button.

    How to order and receive a certificate of the balance of maternity capital?

    On the PFR website, you can also get an extract on the amount (in other words, a certificate of the balance) of maternity capital online without the need for personal presence.

    To do this, in the PFR electronic services catalog, follow the link "Order a certificate (statement of the amount (balance) of maternity (family) capital)" in the "Maternity (family) capital (MSK)" section.

    After processing the request, you will be able to download the generated document in PDF format with information about the balance of the mother's capital.

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