The Rockefeller family told how to raise children so that they become even richer. The history of one of the most powerful clans of the Illuminati

Tourism and rest 21.08.2019
Tourism and rest

The total size of the Rockefeller fortune - the value of assets, investments and personal savings - has never been known even approximately. Financial records for the family as a whole and for each individual member have never been released to the public or individual researchers.

Initially, the wealth of the family was always completely controlled by men. Women could influence decisions, but their intervention was limited only to advice, they did not have a share of family finances at their disposal.

Most of the capital is concentrated in family trust funds formed in 1934 and 1952 and managed by Chase Bank, the successor to Chase Manhattan Bank. The fund owns shares in Standard Oil's successor companies and other diversified assets, as well as the family's real estate. The committee of fund supervises a condition.

The investment is managed by Rockefeller Financial Services. Since 2017, it has been headed by David Rockefeller Jr.

family members


  • William Rockefeller Sr. (1810-1906) - Eliza Davison (1813-1889)
    • John Davison Rockefeller (1839-1937) - son of William Rockefeller Sr., married to Laura Rockefeller (1839-1915)
    • William Rockefeller Jr. (1841-1922) - son of William Rockefeller Sr.
    • Franklin Rockefeller (1845-1917) - son of William Rockefeller Sr., was married to Helen Elizabeth Scofield

Descendants of John Davison Rockefeller

  • Elizabeth Rockefeller(1866-1906) - daughter of John D. Rockefeller, married to Charles Strong
    • Margaret Rockefeller Strong (1897-1985) - daughter of Elizabeth Rockefeller
  • Alta Rockefeller(1871-1962) - daughter of John D. Rockefeller
    • John Rockefeller Prentice (1902-1972) - son of Alta Rockefeller
      • Abra Prentice Wilkin (born 1942) - daughter of John Rockefeller-Prentice
  • Edith Rockefeller(1872-1932) - daughter of John D. Rockefeller, married to Harold Fowler McCormick
  • John Davison Rockefeller Jr.(1874-1960) - son of John D. Rockefeller, married to Abby Aldrich (1874-1948)
    • Abigail Aldrich Rockefeller (1903-1976) - daughter of John D. Rockefeller Jr.
    • John Davison Rockefeller III (1906-1978) - son of John D. Rockefeller Jr., married to Blanchett Ferry Hooker
      • John Davison Rockefeller IV (1937) - son of John D. Rockefeller III, married to Sharon Percy
        • Justin Aldrich Rockefeller (1979) - son of John D. Rockefeller IV
      • Hope Aldrich Rockefeller (1946) - son of John D. Rockefeller III
      • Alida Rockefeller Messinger (1949) - daughter of John D. Rockefeller III
    • Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller (1908-1979) - son of John D. Rockefeller Jr., 1 marriage - Mary Clark Todhunter, 2 marriage - Margaret Fitler
      • Rodman Clark Rockefeller (1932-2000) - son of Nelson Aldrich-Rockefeller
        • Millie Rockefeller (1955) - daughter of Rodman Clark Rockefeller
      • Stephen Clark Rockefeller (1936) - son of Nelson Aldrich-Rockefeller
      • Michael Clarke Rockefeller (1938 - pred. 1961) - son of Nelson Aldrich-Rockefeller
      • Fitler Mark Rockefeller (1967) - son of Nelson Aldrich-Rockefeller
    • Laurence Spelman Rockefeller (1910-2004) - son of John D. Rockefeller Jr., married to Maria French
      • Laura Spelman Rockefeller Hesin (1936) - daughter of Laurence Spelman Rockefeller
      • Marion French Rockefeller (1938) - daughter of Laurence Spelman Rockefeller
      • Dr. Lucy Rockefeller (1941) - daughter of Laurence Spelman Rockefeller
    • Winthrop Aldrich Rockefeller (1912-1973) - son of John D. Rockefeller Jr.
      • Winthrop Paul Rockefeller (1948-2006) - son of Winthrop Aldrich Rockefeller
    • David Rockefeller (1915-2017) - son of John D. Rockefeller Jr.
      • David Rockefeller Jr. (1941) - son of David Rockefeller
      • Abigail Rockefeller (1943) - daughter of David Rockefeller
      • Neva Rockefeller Goodwin (1944) - daughter of David Rockefeller
      • Dulany Margaret Rockefeller (1947) - daughter of David Rockefeller
      • Gilder Richard Rockefeller (1949-2014) - son of David Rockefeller married to Nancy King
      • Eileen Rockefeller (1952) - daughter of David Rockefeller



  • Pachkalov A.V. Financial dynasties: architects of globalism. M.: Conceptual, 2019. - 320 p. - ISBN 978-5-907172-32-6.
  • Abels, Jules. The Rockefeller Billions: The Story of the World's Most Stupendous Fortune. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1965.
  • Aldrich, Nelson W. Jr. Old Money: The Mythology of America's Upper Class. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1988.
  • Allen, Gary. The Rockefeller File. Seal Beach, California: 1976 Press, 1976.
  • Boorstin, Daniel J. The Americans: The Democratic Experience. New York: Vintage Books, 1974.
  • Brown, E. Richard. Rockefeller Medicine Men: Medicine and Capitalism in America. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1979.
  • Caro, Robert A. The Power Broker: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York. New York: Vintage, 1975.
  • Chernow, Ron. Titan: The Life of John D. Rockefeller, Sr. London: Warner Books, 1998.
  • Collier, Peter, and David Horowitz. The Rockefellers: An American Dynasty. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1976.
  • Elmer, Isabel Lincoln. Cinderella Rockefeller: A Life of Wealth Beyond All Knowing. New York: Freundlich Books, 1987.
  • Ernst, Joseph W., editor. "Dear Father"/"Dear Son: " Correspondence of John D. Rockefeller and John D. Rockefeller Jr. New York: Fordham University Press, with the Rockefeller Archive Center, 1994.
  • Flynn, John T. God's Gold: The Story of Rockefeller and His Times. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1932.
  • Fosdick, Raymond B. John D. Rockefeller Jr.: A Portrait. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1956.
  • Fosdick, Raymond B. The Story of the Rockefeller Foundation. New York: Transaction Publishers, Reprint, 1989.
  • Gates, Frederick Taylor. Chapters in My Life. New York: The Free Press, 1977.
  • Gitelman, Howard M. Legacy of the Ludlow Massacre: A Chapter in American Industrial Relations. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1988.
  • Gonzales, Donald J., Chronicled by. The Rockefellers at Williamsburg: Backstage with the Founders, Restorers and World-Renowned Guests. McLean, Virginia: EPM Publications, Inc., 1991.
  • Hanson, Elizabeth. The Rockefeller University Achievements: A Century of Science for the Benefit of Humankind, 1901-2001. New York: The Rockefeller University Press, 2000.
  • The Rockefeller Century: Three Generations of America's Greatest Family. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1988.
  • Harr, John Ensor, and Peter J. Johnson. The Rockefeller Conscience: An American Family in Public and in Private. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1991.
  • Hawke, David Freeman. John D.: The Founding Father of the Rockefellers. New York: Harper & Row, 1980.
  • Hidy, Ralph W. and Muriel E. Hidy. Pioneering in Big Business: History of the Standard Oil Company (New Jersey), 1882-1911. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1955.
  • Jonas, Gerald. The Circuit Riders: Rockefeller Money and the Rise of Modern Science. New York: W. W. Norton and Co., 1989.
  • Josephson, Emanuel M. The Federal Reserve Conspiracy and the Rockefellers: Their Gold Corner. New York: Chedney Press, 1968.
  • Josephson, Matthew. The Robber Barons. London: Harcourt, 1962.
  • Kert, Bernice. Abby Aldrich Rockefeller: The Woman in the Family. New York: Random House, 2003.
  • Klein, Henry H. Dynastic America and Those Who Own It. New York: Kessinger Publishing, Reprint, 2003.
  • Kutz, Myer. Rockefeller Power: America's Chosen Family. New York: Schuster, 1974.
  • Lundberg, Ferdinand. America's Sixty Families. New York: Vanguard Press, 1937.
  • Lundberg, Ferdinand. The Rich and the Super-Rich: A Study in the Power of Money Today. New York: Lyle Stuart, 1968.
  • Lundberg, Ferdinand. The Rockefeller Syndrome. Secaucus, New Jersey: Lyle Stuart, Inc., 1975.
  • Manchester, William R. A Rockefeller Family Portrait: From John D. to Nelson. Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 1959.
  • Moscow, Alvin. The Rockefeller Inheritance. Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Co., 1977.
  • Nevins, Allan. John D. Rockefeller: The Heroic Age of American Enterprise. 2 vols. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1940.
  • Nevins, Allan. Study In Power: John D. Rockefeller, Industrialist and Philanthropist. 2 vols. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1953.
  • Okrent, Daniel. Great Fortune: The Epic of Rockefeller Center. New York: Viking Press, 2003.
  • Reich, Cary. The Life of Nelson A. Rockefeller: Worlds to Conquer 1908-1958. New York: Doubleday, 1996.
  • Roberts, Ann Rockefeller. The Rockefeller Family Home: Kykuit. New York: Abbeville Publishing Group, 1998.
  • Rockefeller, David. Memoirs. New York: Random House, 2002.
  • Rockefeller, Henry Oscar, ed. Rockefeller Genealogy. 4 vols. 1910 - ca.1950.
  • Rockefeller, John D. Random Reminiscences of Men and Events. New York: Doubleday, 1908; London: W. Heinemann. 1909; Sleepy Hollow Press and Rockefeller Archive Center, (Reprint) 1984.
  • Roussel, Christine. The Art of Rockefeller Center. New York: W.W. Norton and Company, 2006.
  • Scheiffarth, Engelbert. Der New Yorker Gouverneur Nelson A. Rockefeller und die Rockenfeller im Neuwieder Raum Genealogisches Jahrbuch, Vol 9, 1969, p16-41.
  • Sealander, Judith. Private Wealth and Public Life: Foundation Philanthropy and the Reshaping of American Social Policy, from the Progressive Era to the New Deal. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1997.
  • Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard. Rockefeller and the Internationalization of Mathematics Between the Two World Wars: Documents and Studies for the Social History of Mathematics in the 20th Century. Boston: Birkhauser Verlag, 2001.
  • Stasz, Clarice. The Rockefeller Women: Dynasty of Piety, Privacy, and Service. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1995.
  • Tarbell, Ida M. The History of the Standard Oil Company. New York: Phillips & Company, 1904.
  • Winks, Robin W. Laurance S. Rockefeller: Catalyst for Conservation, Washington, D.C.: Island Press, 1997.
  • Yergin, Daniel. The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money, and Power. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1991.
  • Young, Edgar B. Lincoln Center: The Building of an Institution. New York: New York University Press, 1980.

A large American family of industrialists, bankers and politicians, which traces its origins to oil tycoons and billionaires John Davison Rockefeller (John Davison Rockefeller, 1839-1937) and his younger brother William Avery Rockefeller Jr. (William Avery Rockefeller, Jr., 1841-1922 ), who founded the Standard Oil Company. The Rockefeller family owned one of the world's largest private fortunes in the oil business during the late 19th and early 20th century, largely through the Standard Oil Company. In addition, the Rockefellers are known for many years of cooperation with the Chase Manhattan Bank - today it is JP Morgan Chase - in which they had a financial interest. As a rule, the Rockefellers are considered one of the most influential families in the history of the United States (United States).

In the 20th century, the family was heavily involved in building projects, resulting in many buildings associated with the name throughout the United States. The most famous of these is, of course, the Rockefeller Center, a massive Art Deco office complex built at the start of the Great Depression in midtown Manhattan, entirely funded by the family. In addition, this is the New York Museum of Modern Art (Museum of Modern Art); the grandiose neo-Gothic Riverside Church; "The Cloisters" ("Monasteries"), a branch of the Metropolitan Museum of Art (The Metropolitan Museum of Art), which contains a stunning collection of medieval art; skyscrapers "One Chase Manhattan Plaza" and "Empire State Plaza"; the famous Lincoln Center for the Arts, as well as the infamous Twin Towers of the World shopping center(World Trade Center), destroyed as a result of the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001.

Large donations from the Rockefellers led in 1889 to the creation of the University of Chicago (University of Chicago), within the walls of which the first American Nobel Prize winner in physics, Albert Abraham Michelson, awarded in 1907, worked. In addition, the family has traditionally, from generation to generation, financially supported Ivy League universities and other major colleges and universities, a total of 75 institutions of higher education, including Harvard University and Columbia University (Columbia University) , Dartmouth College, Princeton University, Stanford University, Yale University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Brown University, Cornell University and Pennsylvania University (University of Pennsylvania). The Rockefellers also provide financial assistance to overseas universities, including the London School of Economics, University College London, and many others.

The older and younger generations of Rockefellers also participated in the creation of Rockefeller University (Rockefeller University) in 1901, the Rockefeller Sanitary Commission in 1910, the Bureau of Social Hygiene and the International Health Commission in 1913, and the Rockefeller Museum (Rockefeller Museum) in Israel (Israel) in 1925-1930.

In addition, the Rockefeller Foundation has established a number of awards, grants, and fellowships to support scientific progress. For generations, the Rockefellers have been interested in security environment, and thanks to their money and efforts, more than twenty national parks and open protected areas have been created throughout the United States.

Currently, the head of the family, its patriarch is David Rockefeller Sr. (David Rockefeller Sr.), born June 12, 1915, is a banker, statesman and grandson of the first dollar billionaire in the history of mankind, John Davison Rockefeller, founder of Standard Oil.

The Rockefeller Archive Center, which until 2008 was a division of the Rockefeller University, has a three-story underground bunker under a mansion on the family estate in Pocantico. It is a huge repository of personal and official documents, as well as correspondence of family members and many historical documents, which in total contains more than 70 million pages of documents and collections of 42 scientific, cultural, educational and charitable organizations. Only censored documents of deceased family members are open to researchers, and records relating to living Rockefellers are not yet available to historians.

It is curious that the state of the family - their total assets and investments, plus the individual states of family members - has never been exactly known, this information is closed to researchers. In addition, from the very beginning to this day, the well-being of the family is under the complete control of the male representatives of the dynasty.

Today there is a lot of talk about the fact that the Rothschilds and Rockefellers rule the world. A lot of materials have been written about this, even films are made from time to time. The authors position themselves as real experts in this matter. And what is left for the public, except to listen with an open mouth? Most likely, you need to figure it out first. This question concerns everyone. Especially if it turns out to be true. Let's try to delve into the topic.

How to deal with this statement

Surely you have already read a lot of materials that the Rothschilds and Rockefellers rule the world. The theme is promoted, the authors love it. Each of them has their own position. Opinions range from complete denial to proof of the truth of this statement. Some pick up evidence that it is the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds who really rule the world. Their opponents are sure of the absurdity of such a thought. These are all disputes between specialists and those who labor alongside them. It is desirable for ordinary people to develop their attitude towards this issue. This is necessary so as not to go crazy from the injustice of the world order. Ask yourself, are you ready, like the fact that the Rothschilds and Rockefellers rule the world? If so, then bad.

This means that you have no chance to manage your own life. Think for yourself, because every time something happens, you will not blame yourself, but these “rulers”. They are to blame for the fact that "Vasya Pupkin" did not make a career for himself or married the wrong one. It seems that the approach is fundamentally wrong. Let these strange Rothschilds and Rockefellers rule the world, but what's in it for us? The fact is a priori unprovable. After all, none of them will tell you how things are in reality. And all investigations are speculation to some extent. This is how they should be treated when you figure out who they are, these Rothschilds and Rockefellers.

Many-sided "rulers"

Now let's analyze the evidence for the truth of the statement. We are called by all known names - the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers - trying to convince them that they are at the very top. I mean its financial component. You know, this idea is already deeply embedded in people's minds, it does not cause rejection, even attempts at critical reflection. We are sure that the one who has money is strong. He can buy the ruler of any country, let alone ordinary person. The idea, by the way, is controversial. The events of the present, in any case, should seem to push people to doubt about this postulate. But back to the topic. Some time ago, attempts were made to find "sources of money." Researchers have provided evidence that all the world's finances are ruled by only a few surnames. It is clear that the list was headed by the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers. But they do not aspire to the spotlights of publicity. The world is shown completely different people, claiming that they make decisions, own untold wealth, influence politics, and so on. However, public figures turn out to be quite dependent. Money and assets do not belong to them personally, but to other persons. These "secret owners" are pulling the strings of the public tycoons, forcing them to do what is right for them. All this is called "conspiracy theory". Its meaning is as follows: what is shown to humanity is not at all what it really is. All events, according to the adherents of the theory, have a secret meaning and a trigger mechanism. They are the eternal continuation of the confrontation between the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers. And Putin V.V., by the way, repeatedly spoke about this in passing. While credit must be given to the president, his remarks were not serious.

Rothschilds and Rockefellers: history

Surely you understand that it is impossible to create such a worldwide hype around non-existent people. Rather, with the use of modern technology, this is likely, but the brand would not last long. The deception would be exposed.

Rothschilds and Rockefellers (photo) do not belong to one-day butterflies.

It's quite real people. They do not hide in castles, they live and work. Each of the clans has its own head, there were also founders. So, it is believed that Mayer Amschel Rothschild founded his own empire in 1744. Conspiracy theorists now call it the appropriate clan. This empire was banking. She was based in Europe. And now it is customary to consider this continent the patrimony of the Rothschilds. They work, as they say, with financial instruments.

The rival clan is believed to have been created by John Rockefeller, a native of the USA (1839). As you can see, this contender for world domination is much younger. The Rockefellers made their money from oil. And to this day, America is considered to be their patrimony, and oil assets are their sphere of activity. It should be noted that this division is very relative. Spheres of the economy free from the influence of clans simply do not exist. Their tentacles are launched into all more or less profitable areas. And really, why give money to strangers? Rockefellers and Rothschilds do not rule the world in order to share with someone. And with those who disagree, all sorts of unpleasant stories can happen. As a clear and understandable example, Bill Gates is now being cited.

young money

The history of the creator of Microsoft is considered one of the most striking and interesting. An ordinary (almost) person could become the richest on the planet! This is a positive example for all its inhabitants. Pure democracy. You have talent and energy - everything is allowed to you, you will reach the very heights. However, the "old money" looked at it disapprovingly. As a result, Bill Gates had to declare that the heirs of his fortune would get only crumbs. All funds will go to a special fund created for the "good of mankind." No one really knows the purpose of this financial education. And inquisitive conspiracy theorists are sure that the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds simply took away the fortune from Gates. They do not need competitors in the management of the world.

This example is given to understand the level at which these clans operate. They are not interested in "small things". They direct not so much events as ideas, directions of their development. That is, for example, they are not interested in war as such, as well as the number of people killed in it. They think about how to redraw the borders in order to “chop off” resources under their influence. This is a value, and life and fate are a bargaining chip in their understanding. In any case, it is from this position that conspiracy theorists explain their behavior.

The battlefield is the whole world

Historian and conspiracy theorist Andrei Fursov in his speeches pays a lot of attention to the confrontation between clans. In his opinion, any significant event on the planet that has occurred over the past two centuries has not been without the influence of famous families. He attributes to them the organization of world wars and revolutions, the redrawing of European borders and the development of modern technologies. Probably very smart people these Rothschilds and Rockefellers. The history of the family, according to Fursov, suggests that the "rulers" are trained from the very beginning. They receive a completely different education. Their knowledge is more voluminous and deeper than that of the average inhabitant of the planet. Some even say that they know some secrets that allow them to influence a huge number of people. The scope of their interests is also global. They are passionate about planning and creating planetary events.

The October Revolution is often cited as an example. It is believed that the clans organized it in order to exclude Russia's influence on the world. She was getting too powerful. In general, Russia has been a welcome prey for the clans for several centuries. They want to get to the resources located on its territory. Although this prize keeps slipping out of their hands. However, they do not give up hope. In the meantime, they are dealing with other problems. Interestingly, in the current century, their activities are becoming more and more "public". Many experts talk about exactly how the Rothschilds and Rockefellers rule the world. A film explaining the state of things from the same point of view has been filmed and shown to everyone. By the way, the picture is intended to inspire the layman that without these "rulers" the world could collapse.

Rothschilds, Rockefellers and Russia

Naturally, we are interested in how the clans are trying to get into our country. Experts cover this issue each from their own bell tower. Many come to the conclusion that the rulers of Russia enter into an alliance with one or another of the clans. So, maneuvering between these financial heavyweights, they are trying to lead the country to development. One thing is clear: at present, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, and Putin understand that great changes will take place on our territory in this century. The only thing is they see them differently. World rulers like the disintegration of Russia into separate regions, which they can "chew". By the way, such a division almost happened in the nineties. Yes, and in the very federal structure of the country, "time bombs" are laid, as they say. As soon as Moscow gives up slack, centrifugal processes will begin. Conspiracy theorists even manage to see “enemy influence” in the law on the priority development of territories. Like, Far East they want to screw it up. The Rothschilds will allegedly invest money in it, and then take it away. It seems that these ideas are ordinary speculation, designed to tickle the nerves of the layman. However, one should not forget that Russia is the main prize for clans in the modern world.

Ukrainian crisis

It is clear that the civil war in this country was immediately recognized as one of the "battlefields" of the clans. This is explained by the fact that the Rothschilds are making efforts to create a single Eurasian space. They don't need competitors. It is clear that the Rockefellers were not taken into the project. The Rothschilds are trying to get away from the dollar, which is owned by competitors. To this end, they invest in the development of China. According to their plans, the yuan should become the world currency. And it will unite the continent into a single economic space

The Rockefellers decided to take advantage of the convenient geographical position of Ukraine. To set fire to this territory means not to allow the connection of Europe and Asia to take place. This is how the Rothschilds and Rockefellers solve their problems. Russia and Ukraine (2014) became hostages of their confrontation. What is scary is that people are not just killed because of money, millions are driven to hatred for their relatives and friends. After all, this conflict is created artificially. The peoples, which are, in fact, one family, are forced to fight with each other. Fortunately, not only the notorious "rulers of the world" Rothschilds and Rockefellers understand this (photo).

With modern information freedom, many people have already begun to understand what is happening. And the leadership of Russia not only opposes these disastrous plans, but also explains to its citizens the essence of the processes. Putin V.V. repeatedly stressed that they are trying to artificially drag us into the war. But Russia does not need this. Yes, and how to fight with the fraternal people, even if they are “sick” at the present time. No, you can follow the lead of the "world rulers" only with caution. They can be taken as temporary companions and removed as soon as the goals no longer coincide. While the Rockefellers are setting Ukraine on fire, the Rothschilds can be our allies. This war is also unprofitable and unnecessary for them. And then everyone has their own way. Powerful clans cannot have allies - the ideology is different. They don't recognize anyone as an equal. By the way, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, and Putin do not hide this. 2015 should be a turning point in this fight. Only the most important thing, as always, does not take place in the public space. It won't be long before the people know who won.

Why do they need Russia?

Some scholars argue that capitalism is an expanding system. It can exist only when there is "someone to eat." During the bipolar world, clans united in order to conquer countries, that is, to distribute their resources. But now the whole world lives according to capitalist principles. It turned out that the system cannot exist stably. It has nowhere to expand, it has swallowed up all space. Ahead is death. The clans thought about how to continue to rule further. After all, their power was built on the enmity of different ideologies.

They "won" by destroying the socialist world. And they don't know what to do next. It turns out that the main capitalists already own everything. Empires have reached their limit. Rob someone. And it seems there is no need to support billions of workers. What can they give "rulers"? Never mind. They need, as they say, a "golden billion". These are people who will engage in intellectual creativity. The rest for them is ballast, unnecessary material, freeloaders. But even this is not enough. Looking at our little “ball”, having at hand the latest research in the field of climatology, the world “masters” understand that the only stable corner in the coming centuries will be the European part of Russia. They want this territory. Moreover, it is very rich in natural goods and resources. It is for her that the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, and Putin are fighting. Mikhail Khazin, an economist, argues that any available means will be used to win. The war is being fought to the death. After all, the winner gets the most important thing - the future!

Are there any winners in this fight?

A war waged for centuries cannot fail to have some intermediate results. It is believed that the Rockefellers won two world wars against the Rothschilds. And it's true, because they were fought on the territory, which is the patrimony of the latter. There were huge losses both in the economy and in the population. But the United States, the “nest” of the Rockefellers, only benefited from world wars. Now, conspiracy theorists believe, the time has come for the Rothschilds to recoup. From this, their opponents set fire to conflicts in the Eurasian space. Their main task is to prevent peace on the continent from strengthening, to prevent the Rothschilds from getting out of dollar dependence.

Fortunately, while conflicts are skillfully stopped. Yes, people are dying, cities are being destroyed. But the scale of disasters is completely insufficient for the Rothschilds. Only a global war can save their dollar empire, drawing into its terrible mouth all the countries of Europe, and even better, Asia too. In this confrontation, the Rothschilds are allies of Russia and China. It should be noted that if in 2014 conflicts flared up around our country, then from the beginning of 2015 they began to be provoked almost all over the planet. So, near the borders of China, they began to shoot in Myanmar. And this is an attempt to destabilize the US economic rival. So approximately, according to conspiracy theorists, the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds sort things out.

Documentary film about world rulers

Surely everyone has seen videos about clans and their influence on world processes. It is interesting here why they are removed. Why did the families that rule the world suddenly begin to "PR"? After all, few people will believe that such a movie is being shot without their consent, by “independent” journalists. If you believe in world domination, then there simply cannot be such. That is, purely hypothetically, of course, they exist. But who will give them money and technology so that the whole world knows about their work? It turns out that the families decided that it was time to show the "herd" who controls it. What is it for? Why did the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers decide to come out of the shadows? Not to recruit supporters. There are other methods for this. Understanding the purpose of this turn of events is very important. It can mean that the confrontation has reached a different level, or, conversely, the appearance in big game a completely different strength. The latter, in such an uncomplicated way, seeks to “merge”, that is, to deprive the influence of both “world rulers”. This only seems unlikely at first glance. The fact is that, in fact, the Rothschilds and Rockefellers are symbols of the past millennium. And life does not stand still, no matter how much the representatives of the clans would like it to be. Even the "golden calf" loses its power in the face of new ideas and technologies. It is likely that the clans, in the heat of battle, overlooked the opponent, now wrested from their weakening hands.

Today, conspiracy theorists and conspiracy theorists have heard of several names of representatives of the most influential families in the world. As a rule, they are considered separately from each other as original phenomena of successful entrepreneurial clans. But, if we consider the fate of these families in the context of the ties that really exist between them, a very interesting picture opens up to our eyes.

Surnames of the first influential representatives known today richest families emerge after the most important events for the formation of the modern capitalist system. Namely, after the Dutch, English and American bourgeois revolutions, which laid the foundation of the capitalist world. These revolutions were made by financiers, merchants and bourgeois representatives of various social (and anti-social) strata, as well as representatives different peoples. Their names are not mentioned in the media today. Their descendants today either have no influence on world politics and the economy, or are taken out of the philistine information field.

The first echelon of "conspiracy celebrities" appears at the end of the 18th century, simultaneously with the French bourgeois revolution.

The first financial echelon: Rothschilds, Schiffs and Warburgs

In the land of the long-victorious Protestantism in the middle of the 18th century in German Frankfurt am Main, a certain Ashkenazi changer (Jews who moved to Germany during the Roman Empire) Mayer Amschel Bauer (Bauer - a farmer, a peasant in German) was able to deftly intervene in the confidence of the Hessian Protestant aristocrat Prince Friedrich Wilhelm of Hesse-Genau on the basis of his passion for antiques. Became the official trade supplier of the Hessian house. He organized a usurious business (bank) and made a fortune. To be called Bauer was already undignified. He changed his surname to Rothschild (Mouth - red, Schild - shield). A red shield hung on the house where he lived in Frankfurt am Main.

Together with Mayer Amschel, the Schiff family lived in the same house. The descendants of which will sponsor the Russian revolutionary movement and establish the US Federal Reserve.

It is noteworthy that when Amschel Moses Bauer (Mayer Amschel's father) was 6 years old, grandfather Moses (Mosche) Meir KaZ Schiff, zum grünen Schild or Moses Mayer Schiff Grünen Schild (Green Shield), who was the son of Meir Isaac, died in the Schiff family KaZ Schiff, im roten Apfel (Red Apple).

Thus, we have connection number 1: Rothschilds and Schiffs

Mayer Amschel Rothschild not only created a successful financial business, but also spread it throughout Europe. At the head of the family financial enterprises in London, Paris, Vienna and Naples, his sons stood up. This happened at the height of the breakdown of the state structure of France, which was changing the aristocratic Catholic monarchy to a republic hostile to Christianity.

This demolition was organized and managed by members of the ultra-fashionable, but extremely dangerous Masonic societies that were very common in Europe at that time. Sometimes the situation got out of their control, but each time, one way or another, it inevitably returned back under tenacious Masonic control. This process was conducted from England, since the center of the international network was located there.

In 1782, the famous Masonic convention was held in the Wilhelmsbad recreation park in Hesse, which, among other things, is credited with coordinating plans for the future French revolution (which began in 1789). This recreational park was built between 1777-1785 by order of Prince Friedrich Wilhelm of Hesse-Genau, who was the nephew of King George III of England. Later, Friedrich will "light up" in the well-known quasi-Masonic society Tugendbund. A rather large then state of Friedrich was managed by Mayer Amschel Rothschild (Bauer). It is highly unlikely that Mayer Amschel Rothschild did not take part in the Prince's Masonic affairs. As his financial manager, he should have at least been aware of the prince's financing of the Masons. It is also possible that the prince's passion for antiques, through which Mayer was able to get closer to the aristocrat, also had a Masonic orientation.

Mayer Amschel's close connection with the Freemasons is confirmed by the fact that his sons are recorded in the official lists of Masonic lodges. Moreover, many historians credit Mayer with the funding of Adam Weishaupt, founder of the notorious Order of the Bavarian Illuminati, who also attended the congress in Wilhelmsbad.

One way or another, Mayer's connection with the Masons is beyond doubt.

So, connection number 2: Rothschilds and Freemasons

Some publicists attribute to Mayer almost the role of the inspirer and chief director of the French bourgeois revolution. But this is extremely unlikely. The French Revolution was made according to the patterns of the Dutch and English revolutions, as well as immediately after the American Revolution, to which the then young upstart Mayer and his quite ordinary ancestors could not have anything to do with. In the revolution in France, the goal is clearly traced to establish a screen (constitutional) monarchy like the English one. According to a large number of direct and indirect indications, London was undoubtedly the brain and organizational center of the revolution in France. It is more likely that Mayer was involved in the process at some level of decision-making unknown to us. But he certainly wasn't on the upper levels. Too young even at that time was his financial and image capital. Therefore, the main customers of the first three European bourgeois revolutions, located in the upper levels of the hierarchy, are the subject of separate studies.

Let's turn to the third most important surname, which "pops up" along with the Rothschilds and Schiffs.

In 1480, a certain Anselmo Asher Levi Del Banco was discovered in Venice. He was a wealthy moneylender and the main Jewish community of Venice. He was a Sephardi, but apparently his ancestors did not move to Venice as a result of the Spanish persecution of the Jews, which raged from 1492 after the infamous Alhambra Edict, which launched the process of pan-European persecution. When these persecutions reached Venice, Anselmo gathered his family and moved to the German city of Warburg, whose name he took as a surname instead of the Italian nickname "Banco".

It is noteworthy that he was Levi, that is, a descendant of the Levites (servants of the Tabernacle of the meeting, and then the Temple). This means that Karl Marx, whose father was Mordechai (translated "the god Marduk lives!") Levi from an ancient rabbinic family, was actually a relative of the Warburgs. This may be of interest to those who investigate the question of the sources of financing of Karl Marx and why Marx was almost silent about the financial and commercial bourgeoisie, bringing down all his fiery anger on the manufacturing bourgeoisie.

The first coincidence in the fate of the Rothschilds and Warburgs is that the rise of these two families occurs simultaneously. The brothers Moses and Gerson Warburg opened the M.M. Bank in Hamburg. Warburg & Co in 1798, when a bloody anti-Christian revolutionary cauldron had been boiling in France for 9 years, and when, in the same 1798, Rothschild opened a representative office of his newfound banking business in London.

The great-grandson of Moses Warburg was Paul Warburg, who took part in the family banking business, and who in 1895 married the daughter of Solomon Loeb, founder of the Frankfurt and then American bank Kuhn, Loeb & Co, whose director was Jacob Schiff, who married another daughter of Solomon Loeb .

A little later, the family union was fixed. Paul Warburg's brother was another member of the family business, Felix Warburg, who married the daughter of Jacob Schiff.

We Have Connection #3: The Schiffs and the Warburgs

The importance of representatives of these families for the modern financial architecture of the world is difficult to overestimate. Paul Warburg and Jacob Schiff are named among the founders of the Fed (Federal Reserve System) of the United States, although Jacob himself was not a participant in the secret meeting of bankers on Jekyll Island in 1910, where plans for the creation of the Fed were discussed. The idea of ​​the Fed's configuration is attributed to Paul. In 1913, the Federal Reserve Act was slyly passed by a minority of Congress and approved by pocket President Woodrow Wilson.

It appears that the Schiff-Warburg family conglomerate in the US was a front and executor for the more powerful international financial Rothschild clan. This connection is not advertised, but emerges in connection with other significant international historical processes.

For example, when the Russian government of Alexander III and later Nicholas II received intelligence that Russian revolutionaries were being financed by foreign bankers, a suitable agent (Arthur Rafalovich), a member of an Odessa banking family with ties to the Rothschild house, was found to negotiate. Having made contact with the French and then the English Rothschilds, the agent was redirected by them directly to Jacob Schiff. The Russian government also found distant relative Schiff (Grigory Vilenkin), who was able to personally communicate with Yakov, who admitted to financing Russian revolutionaries, but refused to negotiate on this matter. Russian agents tried to contact the Rothschilds again, but representatives of this family assured that nothing could be changed in this situation, hinting that the Romanovs were doomed.

Second financial tier: Morgans, Rockefellers

The second tier of the world's most influential financiers are the Morgans and the Rockefellers. It was in the possessions of John Morgan that a secret meeting of bankers took place on Jekyll Island. It was John Rockefeller's father-in-law, Nelson Aldrich, who lobbied for the Fedrezer Act in the US Parliament.

The ancestors of the Morgans and the Rockefellers were poor European colonists of America who were engaged in crafts and trade. The Morgans have risen over several generations, first in trade. Then, having accumulated enough money, they started a banking business. The Rockefellers' ancestors were also involved in trade. Representatives of this family have risen due to the fact that they got involved in oil at the very time when the oil economy appeared as a social phenomenon. They were carried up by a black oil wave, just as a stream of sudden wind in the forest picks up and carries away the unlucky spider with its cobweb.

In any case, the Morgans and Rockefellers owned younger capital than the Rothschilds and their associated Schiffs and Warburgs. Therefore, the former had to defend their right to life and integrate into the systems already created by the latter.

Another distinctive feature young American financial capital was that their owners were descendants of even Protestants, but Christians, while their older financial comrades were Jews. One way or another, the post-Christian upstarts had to play by "Jewish" rules. The Morgans gradually faded away financially. Their descendants honorably joined the American political and military establishment. And the Rockefellers also became more performers than an original subject. They were engaged in the promotion of globalism, the architect of which was apparently not they, but just their senior financial comrades and the forces behind them.

At the same time, at the beginning of the 20th century, the Morgans and Schiffs, apparently, were, if not on the same, then on neighboring levels of the hierarchy of the global world financial and political organization. They were performers. The Schiffs funded revolutionary organizations to destroy Russian Empire, and the Morgans were associated with Hjalmar Schacht, through whom Hitler was financed, and provided financial loans for Mussolini. That is, both of these names performed tasks of a similar level.

At the same time, between the first financial echelon and the second in this case There was a very tangible connection. So, for example, with Hjalmar Schacht in Switzerland in 1939, Sigmund George Warburg, a relative of Paul Warburg, who was mentioned above, and, concurrently, an agent of the British intelligence MI-6, was in constant contact with Hitler regarding the financing of Hitler. George was a representative of another German branch that came from the Venice del Banco (Warburgs).

Thus, families are emerging that were at a lower organizational level and whose activities, apparently, were directed by representatives of families of older financial capitals.

The circle is closed. The Rothschilds, for whom London is one of the most important headquarters, are closely connected with the old Freemasons, the Schiffs and the Warburgs. The Warburgs are related to the Morgans. The Rockefellers are closely associated with globalism, which is the modern outward political expression of the old Masonic ideology.

At the same time, representatives of all the surnames described in this article, apparently, are performers. After all, they appeared on the scene already after the play of the bourgeoisization of the world and the beginning of globalization played its first few acts (revolutions in the Netherlands, England and America). And subsequent acts were played in the same style (French Revolution, Spring of Nations, Russian Revolution). But who then are the customers? "(Rockefeller), a US financial group. Formed at the end of the 19th century. Its founder is J. D. Rockefeller Sr. (1839-1937) The industrial core is the oil company Standard Oil Company (New Jersey) (since 1973 Exxon), the financial center is the Chase Manhattan Bank Sphere of influence: industry (electrical engineering, mechanical engineering) and credit and financial institutions, life insurance. Since the 1980s, the role of the group has diminished and much of the property it controls has been sold. Of the Rockefeller family, the best known are J. D. Rockefeller Sr.'s son John Davison Rockefeller Jr. (1874-1960; York and built the Rockefeller Center), his sons - John Davison III (1906-1978; contributed to the founding of the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts), Nelson Aldrich (1908-1979; US Vice President in 1974-77).

Daughter Anna was given at the age of 18 to marry the youngest son of the French king (1785-1760). As a dowry, he received the kingdom of Poland and was crowned under the name of Sigismund (1803). During the birth of her daughter (1804-1901), Anna Ivanovna died. The second daughter Sophia was given in marriage to a widower, and as a dowry he received the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (1805) under the name of Vitovt. Sofya Ivanovna gave birth to her husband an heir (1806-1824), on the date of which the chronology is kept (Christ (0-33) is one of his images).

Sophia hated her relatives. She did not have a relationship with her stepmother. She considered her younger brother guilty of the death of her mother. She did not recognize children from her stepmother, tk. her mother was higher in social status than her stepmother. She hated her father for her mother's betrayal.

In 1812, Ivan Vasilyevich was poisoned on the orders of his daughter and son-in-law, and a world war began. In 1813, Alexei Ivanovich died in the battle on the Kosovo field in Serbia, in 1814 Semyon Ivanovich became the Russian Tsar, who in 1829. As a result, power went to the Romanov clan.

The usurper had an older brother (1783-1868), he had a wife (1783-1871), his wife had elder sister(1780-1844), married to the Polish nobleman Poniatowski (1783-1834). After the death of the heir of the Usurper in 1824, Poniatowski seized power in the empire. In 1834 he was killed by a relative of the Usurper (1782-1836), who briefly outlived him. In the end, the Romanov clan divided power.

And here are other images of John Rockefeller:

Images of his son:

Http:// "(Rockefeller), a US financial group. Formed at the end of the 19th century. Its founder is J. D. Rockefeller Sr. (1839-1937) The industrial core is the oil company Standard Oil Company (New Jersey) (since 1973 Exxon), the financial center is the Chase Manhattan Bank Sphere of influence: industry (electrical engineering, mechanical engineering) and credit and financial institutions, life insurance. Since the 1980s, the role of the group has diminished and much of the property it controls has been sold. Of the Rockefeller family, the best known are J. D. Rockefeller Sr.'s son John Davison Rockefeller Jr. (1874-1960; York and built the Rockefeller Center), his sons - John Davison III (1906-1978; contributed to the founding of the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts), Nelson Aldrich (1908-1979; US Vice President in 1974-77).

Wikipedia: "John Davison Rockefeller (English John Davison Rockefeller; July 8, 1839, Richford, New York - May 23, 1937, Ormond Beach, Florida) American entrepreneur, philanthropist, the first dollar billionaire in the history of mankind. He had four daughters and one son, who inherited the management of the Rockefeller Foundation. Rockefeller was the second of six children in a Protestant family, William Avery Rockefeller (October 13, 1810 - May 11, 1906) and Louise Celanto (September 12, 1813 - March 28, 1889). Maybe this is a coincidence, but if the surname Rockefeller (Rockefeller) is divided into two parts and translated separately from English into Russian, it will turn out - "rock" - rock, stone and "felller" - lumberjack, lumberjack. And as you know from the biography of John Rockefeller, the father of the future millionaire William Avery Rockefeller was first a lumberjack, engaged in logging.

According to traditional history, the Rockefellers are the embodiment of the American dream: the father was a lumberjack, and the son became richest man in the world.

Within the framework of my version of world history, everything is more prosaic and began in Russia.

At the beginning of the 19th century, the Russian Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich (1761-1812) ruled the world. His 1st wife (married in 1783) Greek princess Irina Konstantinovna (1766-1789) bore him three children: Anna (1785-1804), Sophia (1787-1881) and Alexei (1789-1813). 2nd wife (marriage 1790) - the daughter of the Crimean Khan gave birth to the second heir, Semyon (1791-1829).

Daughter Anna was given at the age of 18 to marry the youngest son of the French king (1785-1760). As a dowry, he received the kingdom of Poland and was crowned under the name of Sigismund (1803). During the birth of her daughter (1804-1901), Anna Ivanovna died. The second daughter Anna was given in marriage to a widower, and as a dowry he received the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (1805) under the name of Vitovt. Sofia Ivanovna gave birth to her husband an heir (1806-1824), on the date of which the chronology is kept (Christ (0-33) is one of his images).

Sophia hated her relatives. She did not have a relationship with her stepmother. She considered her younger brother guilty of the death of her mother. She did not recognize children from her stepmother, tk. her mother was higher in social status than her stepmother.

In 1812, Ivan Vasilyevich was poisoned on the orders of his daughter and son-in-law, and a world war began. In 1813, Alexei Ivanovich died in the Battle of Kosovo in Serbia, in 1814 Semyon Ivanovich became the Russian Tsar, who in 1829 died during the storming of Constantinople by the troops of the usurper.
As a result, power went to the Romanov clan. The usurper had an older brother (1783-1868), he had a wife (1783-1871), his wife had an older sister (1780-1844), married to the Polish nobleman Poniatowski (1783-1834). After the death of the heir of the Usurper in 1824, Poniatowski seized power in the empire. In 1834 he was killed by a relative of the Usurper (1782-1836), who briefly outlived him. In the end, the Romanov clan divided power.

J. D. Rockefeller Sr. (1839-1937) is one of the images of the son of the elder brother of the Usurper.

Images of the elder brother of the usurper and his wife:

Jerome (Jerome, Girolamo) Bonaparte (fr. J; r; me Bonaparte, Italian. Girolamo Buonaparte, November 15, 1784, Ajaccio - June 24, 1860) - King of Westphalia, younger brother of Napoleon I Bonaparte; brought up in a military college; after 18 Brumaire he entered the fleet as a lieutenant.

Friederike Catherine Sophia Dorothea of ​​Württemberg (German Friederike Katharina Sophie Dorothea von W;rttemberg; February 21, 1783 - November 29, 1835) - Princess of Württemberg, Queen of Westphalia, second wife of King Jerome Bonaparte of Westphalia, younger brother of Napoleon I.

Karl of Prussia (Friedrich Karl Alexander of Prussia, German Friedrich Carl Alexander von Preu; en; June 29, 1801 - January 21, 1883) - Prince of Prussia, Colonel General with the rank of Prussian Field Marshal General (February 5, 1857).

Maria of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach (German: Maria von Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach), at birth - Maria Louise Alexandrina (German: Maria Luise Alexandrina; February 3, 1808 - January 18, 1877) - Princess of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach, married - Princess of Prussia, granddaughter of Emperor Paul I.

Willem II, Wilhelm II (Dutch. Willem II, German Wilhelm II., French Guillaume II), Willem Frederik Georg Lodewijk (Dutch. Willem Frederik George Lodewijk; December 6, 1792 - March 17, 1849) - King of the Netherlands and Grand Duke of Luxembourg from October 7, 1840, Duke of Limburg. Eldest son and successor of King Willem I.

Anna Pavlovna (January 7 (18), 1795, St. Petersburg - March 1 (13), 1865, The Hague) - the daughter of Pavel I Petrovich and Maria Feodorovna. Queen of the Netherlands and Grand Duchess of Luxembourg 1840-1849.

And here are other images of Rockefeller:

Henry of Orange-Nassau ((Dutch. Hendrik van Oranje-Nassau) at birth Willem Frederik Henry of Orange-Nassau (Dutch. Willem Frederik Hendrik van Oranje-Nassau), July 13, 1820, Soestdijk Palace, Barn, Netherlands - January 14, 1879, Castle Walferdeng, Luxembourg) - Prince of the Netherlands and Orange-Nassau, second son of King Willem II and Anna Pavlovna, governor of Luxembourg.

Henry Ford (eng. Henry Ford; July 30, 1863 - April 7, 1947) - American industrialist, owner of car factories around the world, inventor, author of 161 US patents.

I think, a real man lived 1819-1919.

Images of his son:

Wikipedia: "John Davison Rockefeller, Jr. (born John Davison Rockefeller, Jr.; January 29, 1874, Cleveland, Ohio - May 11, 1960, Tucson, Arizona) is a major philanthropist and one of the key members of the famous Rockefeller family. The only son of a businessman and Standard Oil owner John D. Rockefeller and father of five famous Rockefeller brothers.

Edsel Bryant Ford (Eng. Edsel Bryant Ford; November 6, 1893 - May 26, 1943) - son of Henry Ford, president of the Ford Motor Company from 1919 to 1943.

Light American dream was conquered in bloody battles in Russia.

In the photo: J. D. Rockefeller Sr. with his son, Edsel Bryant Ford,
Henry Ford, J. D. Rockefeller Sr., Henry of Orange-Nassau.

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