Why I believe in God Viktor Veynik. Read online "why I believe in God"

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Victor Veynik
Why do I believe IN GOD
Study of manifestations of the spiritual world

From the publisher

This book was conceived by my father a long time ago, back in 1990, but due to various circumstances it is being published only now. I tried to preserve the author's edition as much as possible. All or almost all of the materials presented here have been published previously, but it should be noted that the author’s versions are much more complete; my father worked on the book literally until his last days.

IN Application included some materials not included by my father in the original version of the book, but showing the gradual development of his views from a simple study of anomalous phenomena to a comprehensive assessment of the spiritual essence of this phenomenon.

August 1998

Alexander Veynik


There are people endowed with an ear for music and memory, while others have the gift of a special artistic perception of visible reality and displaying it in their paintings. Victor Iozefovich Veinik is a person with a heightened sense of spiritual reality.

From a materialistic worldview, Professor V.I. Veinik, through the study of “paranormal phenomena” (UFOs, poltergeists, extrasensory perception and other kaleidoscope of bright and noisy “miracles”) comes to the Christian faith, to a deep understanding and acceptance of the Orthodox faith. Of course, it was not immediately easy to understand and reject those pseudo-spiritual and pseudo-religious statements that Professor V.I. Veynik examined and studied with kind inquisitiveness, scientific objectivity and responsibility. A sincere and selfless natural scientist, he tried to act in accordance with the instructions of St. ap. Paul: “Test all things, hold fast the good things” (1 Thessalonians 5:21). He resolutely investigated everything, all aspects of earthly and afterlife. It is known that there are phenomena hidden from man, located beyond the boundaries of empirical experience. Much is inaccessible to consciousness, which is darkened by the current sinful state. The curiosity of a spiritual and physical person is inappropriate and sinful here. But spiritual can judge everything and understand everything (cf. 1 Cor 2:14-15).

Scientific research and theological understanding of phenomena located on the border of the material and spiritual is possible only under conditions of deep humility, reverence for the Creator and Provider, constant prayer and repentance. It was these virtues that were characteristic of the late Viktor Iozefovich. In scientific works and in many journalistic articles, he outlined interesting and extraordinary judgments, and possibly discoveries. There are topics that need further study, judgments on which have not been definitively and authoritatively announced to the Church. Here is the area of ​​free theology and the point of view of the respected professor V.I. Veinika has the authority of private opinion.

The ever-memorable professor V.I. lived a long and difficult life. Veynik and, I think, the words of Bl. Augustine: “Lord, You created us for Yourself, and our soul is troubled until it rests in You” - fully relate to his life and works.


Georgy Latushko

Preface by the author

“Russia will be saved by creativity– renewed religious faith (within the framework of Orthodox Christianity), a new understanding of man, new political construction, new social ideas...” These words belong to the outstanding Russian thinker, philosopher, statesman, historian of religion and culture Ivan Aleksandrovich Ilyin (1883-1954). ).

He rejects the rational science of the West. Western science, in his words, knowing “nothing other than sensory observation, experiment and analysis, is science spiritually blind: she does not see the object, but observes only its shell; her touch kills the living content of the object; it gets stuck in parts and pieces and is powerless to rise to the contemplation of the whole.”

“Russian science is not called upon to imitate Western scholarship either in the field of research or in the field of worldview. It is designed to produce your worldview, your research. Every real, creative researcher always develops yours, new, method... The Russian scientist, by his entire nature, is called upon to be not a craftsman or an accountant of a phenomenon, but artist in research; a responsible improviser, a free pioneer of knowledge... His science should become a science of creative contemplation - not in the abolition of logic, but in filling it with living objectivity; not in violation of fact and law, but in have vision of a whole object, hidden behind them."

“Only a new idea can revive Russia: only renewed souls can recreate it...” “The Russian idea is an idea hearts. Idea contemplative heart. Heart contemplating freely and objectively and transmitting his vision to the will for action and thoughts. She claims that the most important thing in life is Love, and that it is love that builds life together on earth, for from love will be born faith and the entire culture of the spirit. The Russian-Slavic soul, since ancient times and organically predisposed to feeling, sympathy and kindness, perceived historically from Christianity, she responded with my heart on God’s gospel, on the main commandment of God, and believed that “God is love.” "Love is the main spiritually creative power of the Russian soul” /I.A. Ilyin. Our tasks. Volgograd: Tsaritsyn Society for the Revival and Strengthening of Orthodoxy, 1994. T. 1. Selected articles/.

Beginning with Ivan the Terrible and especially with Peter the Great, the widespread penetration of Western culture and science, guided by insensitive reason, changed in Holy Rus' the relationship between heart and mind, feeling and knowledge in favor of the latter, and a great apostasy from faith occurred, ending in the catastrophe now observed. It is unthinkable to return to the former spirituality of the heart, that is, to renew the soul, if we do not overcome the heaps of deceit and lies that Western materialism and atheism brought with them. And they can be overcome only by turning to the main source of God’s gospel - to the Holy Scripture, for it is addressed precisely to heart person to his feeling giving birth love and faith. Scripture also provides limited minimum natural scientific information, it is necessary and sufficient to cope with the task.

Of decisive importance in this matter is the greatest discovery of our time, created by the brilliant Russian scientist Ivan Panin (1855-1942), who strictly mathematically proved that the canonical Bible, down to its last line, was literally “put into the brains” of the people who wrote it by the Lord Himself. Therefore, she, like God, is absolutely true, and must be believed unquestioningly. Therefore, in order to understand the structure of the world and man in a new and correct way, we are obliged to take the natural scientific texts of the Holy Scripture as a basis. A new understanding of the world and man must inevitably be followed by new ideas for political and social construction.

The most important should be recognized as texts that put a completely new meaning into the well-known physical concepts of time and space. On this foundation a new science was built - the general theory (GT) of nature. It contains a number of previously unknown laws that explain the fact of the existence of an invisible spiritual world parallel to ours and allow us to give a simple and clear theoretical and experimental interpretation of many other biblical texts that previously seemed incomprehensible or even doubtful. For example, it became clear how “Philip was taken away by the angel of the Lord, and the eunuch did not see him... But Philip ended up in Ashdod” (Acts 8:39-40); how during the flood the relatively small ark of the righteous Noah could accommodate so many “pairs of clean and unclean” along with the food they needed; how a whale with its narrow neck could swallow the prophet Jonah; how during the battle of Gibeon “the sun stood in the midst of the sky and did not hurry towards the west almost the whole day” (Joshua 10:13), etc.

Against this background, the noted I.A. Ilyin, the artificiality, formality and one-sidedness of Western scientific constructions, in particular, the meaninglessness and fallacy of the theory of relativity, the emptiness of quantum mechanics, starting not from contemplated nature, but from guessed mathematical equations, to which they then tried to give some kind of physical meaning, etc.

This book contains some articles that, in a popular form, present from the standpoint of the new theory the most important physical aspects of the spiritual problem associated with the invisible parallel world. Over the past four years, these articles have been published by the author in various magazines and newspapers, mainly in “Orthodox Word”, the magazine “Svet” (“Nature and Man”), the almanac “It Can’t Be” and others. They briefly touch upon the history of the issue and experimental confirmation of OT (Chapters I and XIV), then speak in some detail about the discovery of Ivan Panin and the subordinate role of science in relation to religion (Chapter II), about the science of the rational and the heart (Chapter III ) etc.

With the help of OT, a new understanding of human nature is given (Chapter IV) and amazing automatically triggered mechanisms are described that make physical health dependent on spiritual health (Chapters V, VI). It is shown that materialism and atheism are built on a false foundation through a crafty substitution of concepts: a deliberately incorrect definition of the essence of matter is accepted (Chapter II), and from this myth a false conclusion is drawn about the primacy of matter and the secondary nature of spirit, that the material brain creates thought ( Chapter VI), that living things came from non-living things in the course of evolution (Chapter VII), etc. In reality, the brain is not an organ of thinking (Chapter VI), and from the new understanding of time it follows that the world was created, and it was created precisely in six days (Chapter VII). A new understanding of space requires a new look at the structure of the universe (Chapter VIII).

But special attention is devoted to the problem of the invisible parallel spiritual world of evil, which generates All so-called anomalous phenomena (AP), which today, due to our catastrophic apostasy from faith, accompany us at every step, and we, unprotected by faith and Christian consciousness, are powerless to understand this and resist demonic obsessions (chap. IX-XIII). Science can help apologetics, intended to protect Christian teaching, the Christian faith and the Church. Since the first centuries of Christianity, apologetics has evolved along with the development of philosophy, science and technology. The tragic situation that has arisen in the current era of scientific and technological revolution requires new approaches and the involvement of new knowledge when presenting this discipline. They are presented here in the form of separate studies that defend Orthodoxy from the attacks of the rational, unspiritual world - atheism, materialism and evolutionism.

If the book leads any of the readers to blessed reflections and touches hearts, then I ask you to prayerfully remember the name of its author for the benefit of him and your soul.

Victor Veynik

Chapter I.
What questions do journalists ask?

Albert Iozefovich, you are a famous Belarusian scientist, member of the Academy of Sciences, professor, author of dozens of purely scientific books and hundreds of articles published in many countries of the world, for a long time you were known as one of the most serious and consistent researchers using thermodynamic methods of anomalous phenomena - UFOs, poltergeists , extrasensory perception and parapsychological phenomena - you were doing this back when they were all under an unspoken ban, and in this area you also have a lot of published works, and today you have changed your position to the exact opposite and have become their most serious and consistent opponent, treat him is sharply negative. What's the matter? Please explain.

– A deep question – it touches the very essence of our existence. The world is structured in an amazingly wise, mysterious and interesting way: a person is constantly fussing, doing something, striving for something, but he does not know that daily and hourly events and meetings occur, providentially, from above, directing the footsteps of his life towards that one and the path of salvation, which in this world is personally destined only for him alone. Most often, a person does not notice this or rejects it out of hand and continues to fuss.

Therefore, it is extremely important - if suddenly a person rushes into the “wrong steppe” - not to miss certain special stop points that are highlighted according to the principle of the operation of an atomic bomb: the instructive facts of life gradually accumulate, form a critical mass, and an explosion occurs - the person finally begins to see the light and does sharp turn. Some already in early childhood, from the very first steps, firmly set foot on the saving path destined for him, for example, Sergius of Radonezh, Seraphim of Sarov, John of Kronstadt and some others; in his youth the same thing happened to Ambrose of Optina, Elder Silouan, etc.

However, most people never find their way until their death, having missed all the saving stops. In my case, the principle of an atomic bomb with a rotation of one hundred and eighty degrees worked. Unfortunately, the epiphany came too late, towards the end of his life, hence the modest success. It happened as follows.

His youth was filled with passion for thermodynamics, which led to theoretical and experimental proof of the fact that the world is material (translated from Latin as substantial). Don’t rush to smile: we are not talking about the crafty leprosy of this adulterous age - materialism, that is, not about its primitive understanding by die-hard materialists, for whom this term serves as the basis for rejecting everything spiritual (from the word “spirit”) and ideal (absolute), but about the real existence of invisible souls and spirits of good and evil, which, like you and me, are also material, but differ from us in the composition of their substances.

As you can see, this is a fundamentally new formulation of the question, which, I think, will not be easy for philosophers and scientists who carry the bacilli of this materialistic leprosy to get used to. It is enough to remember with what difficulty getting used to my very first step on the path of “reification of the world” continues to this day, when in 1950, instead of the chaotic movement of microparticles, the thermal phenomenon was explained by the existence of a special thermal substance in nature (see the books “Thermodynamics” for 1961, 1965 and 1968 and others). Subsequently, for all other simple phenomena, corresponding specific substances were discovered, playing the role of those first bricks that ancient philosophers dreamed of finding and from which the Temple of the Universe was actually built.

The true revolution is contained in the chronal and metric substances responsible for time and space. Through these substances, theory and experiment led to the knowledge of the spirits of good and evil, and it turned out that All Anomalous phenomena (AP) are the creation of spirits of evil. This is evidenced by the negative chronal radiation of the spirits themselves, their images and traces of presence, the harmful effects on humans, etc. From here it is clear that “every calmly reasoning person, unless he is blind and not completely idiotic” (the words of Mark Twain), should, in fear, shy away from AI, like from the plague, one hundred and eighty degrees: from dark forces to light ones, for the third not given. Which is what I did. With proper repentance.

Tell me, in all your articles you approach the world around us from a Christian point of view. How did you come to this?

– After 1950, during the “reification of the world,” “undamped oscillations” continuously occurred to me between two opposite poles, which are God and Satan with his anomalous phenomena. At first there was a lot of AYA and little of God, then gradually, in leaps and bounds, this quantitative ratio changed to the opposite. An important sharp turn occurred at the moment when, by the supreme will of fate, an extensive article about the discovery of Ivan Panin fell into my hands, who for the first time drew attention to certain numerical patterns embedded in the structure of the universe, including everything living and inanimate, both in the Bible and strictly mathematically ( !) proved that the latter was literally “put into the brains” of the people who wrote it by the Creator of the universe Himself. Consequently, she, like God, is absolutely true and, therefore, must be believed unquestioningly. It was from her natural science texts that I extracted the idea of ​​the material origin of time and space, from which the fact of the existence of the spiritual world directly follows. The crown of the Bible is Christianity. This is the answer to your question.

However, here it is interesting to pay attention to how brilliantly simple, purposefully and unpredictably a person is “led” along the path of his life - truly the ways of the Lord are inscrutable! For example, the dates 31.10.1970 and 6.12.1970 turned out to be fateful, when, at the invitation of the famous organist Oleg Yanchenko, I was lucky enough to twice listen to the organ mass of Johann Sebastian Bach, who knew how to speak directly with God in his language encrypted in music. The concerts were furnished in an antique style, with candelabra, candles, etc. The impression was amazing: at the first concert, the soul itself found the path to God, the second mystically and prophetically illuminated my entire destiny with its past, present and future, ups and downs and gratitude at the end. An extraordinary uplift of spirit followed, physical discoveries poured out as if from a cornucopia. However, I was unable to comprehend this mystical event. Now it is clear that otherwise, out of fear of God, I would not want to engage in satanic AI.

The date 03/28/1976 was also significant, when in the evening I happened to observe from the window of the fifth floor of the Itkol Hotel the silent flight of a UFO in the form of a dazzling bright white luminous ball. He flew into the Donguz-Orun gorge against the background of Mount Cheget, which is near Elbrus. I didn’t have any idea about UFOs at that time, and at home in Minsk (there are no coincidences in the world!..) I was expecting a letter from Felix Siegel, a stranger at the time, with an invitation to make presentations at the Moscow Aviation Institute at a symposium on UFO topics. The authorities banned the symposium, but I received extensive “plate” information in the form of knowledgeable people, books, articles, documents.

The mentioned “undamped oscillations” usually began with anomalous clues and ended with admonition. In this way, I was never allowed to become deeply and permanently carried away by any one form of language - this was my salvation, because an exhaustive theoretical and experimental acquaintance with the subject was always followed by an instructive dismissal. Let me give you one typical example. Through Siegel, I asked questions about whether my general theory (OT) of nature and its individual details were valid to one Moscow “contactee” who, using a dowsing frame, received information from the “alien intelligence”. The joy of a positive answer to my questions unexpectedly ended with admonition - a serious two-week illness with a temperature above forty degrees, incomprehensible to doctors; Siegel and the “contactee” fell ill in the same way.

In the course of studying the chronal and metric phenomena, I was similarly impressed by information about various other AYs - poltergeists, biofields, witchcraft, dowsing, healing, spiritualism, astrology, etc. Again tips and admonitions. For example, sorcerers “hung” “trunks” on me that sucked out energy (energy vampirism), it became clear how people die from this when doctors are powerless.

Further it turned out that All AY are based on the specific properties of chronal and metric phenomena. In addition, it was found that anomalous phenomena, like the spirits of evil that generate them, emit negative microparticles - chronons. The same particles are emitted by portraits of deceased people who practiced AY during their lifetime.

It was then that my last and decisive turn one hundred and eighty degrees towards the forces of light took place. In January 1992, I was baptized into Orthodoxy with the name Victor, and the former sorcerers could no longer do anything with me after my prayer to the Mother of God. I receive many letters in which people complain that someone has jinxed them, bewitched them, cast a spell on them, and they even point to specific culprits. But they forget to turn to God, because then Satan himself will be powerless to harm.

How do you connect science and religion in your research? Doesn't one negate the other?

– I must admit that all my most important fundamental results of OT were obtained with the help of the Bible, that is, religion, especially with regard to the unconventional understanding of time and space. In turn, these results made it possible to scientifically explain many previously incomprehensible texts of the Bible itself, which caused bewilderment, for example, how during the flood, the relatively small ark of the righteous Noah could accommodate so many “pairs of clean and unclean” along with the food they needed; how a whale with its narrow neck could swallow the prophet Jonah, etc. Consequently, science and religion in our research turned out to be organically connected with each other, and some of the results of the collaboration of the Bible and OT have significant practical significance, for example, we were able to better understand the nature of man himself and, on this basis, connect the errors of his behavior (sins) with emerging diseases. Therefore, religion and science do not deny, but complement each other, and the new results well confirm the discovery of Ivan Panin from the physical side.

From your point of view, how should the relationship between religion and science develop?

– True religion deals with the invisible spiritual world and faith. The main essence of true faith is extremely clearly expressed in the Orthodox Creed, which is from the highest, therefore, absolutely true, faithful and unchangeable, given forever.

True science deals with the visible corporeal world and knowledge. The main essence of knowledge is expressed by a set of corresponding physical concepts, rules and laws, that is, a paradigm that is established by people, and therefore is not absolutely true and changes over time. Examples include the perishable ideas of the ancient Greeks that the firmament was supported by the giant Atlas; ancient Hindus that the earth rests on the backs of four elephants, which stand on a turtle swimming in the cosmic sea. Ancient scientists got lost in the four pines, believing that the world consisted of earth, water, air and fire; Similarly, modern scientists got lost in the four pines, taking strong, weak, electromagnetic and gravitational interactions (and forces) as the basis of the world, and mistakenly thinking that in nature there is randomness, relativity and a limit to the speed of movement.

Consequently, in religion and science, in the spiritual and physical worlds, fundamentally different laws operate: in the first - the providence of God, the ways of which are inscrutable, and in the second - a fleeting paradigm. However, the spiritual world under the leadership of God rules the ball in our lives, therefore religion should always play a leading role, and science is called upon only to harmoniously complement it.

It is impossible to comprehend the ways of the Lord through a paradigm. But the paradigm cannot be given the meaning of a symbol of faith - let us remember the embarrassment associated with the centuries-old Catholic ban on the Earth revolving around the Sun. At the same time, there is nothing reprehensible if traditional scientific methods are used to study the traces left by the spiritual world in the physical world, for example, in the body of a sick person miraculously healed at the shrine of St. Sergius of Radonezh.

Tell me, can you provide material evidence of the existence of God, angels, saints, in a word, the invisible world? After all, modern man is a terrible materialist and until he holds it in his hands, he won’t try it, and he won’t believe in anything.

– “No one has ever seen God” (1 John 4:12). But numerous signs and indirect evidence of His existence are known. A very convincing example is the annual descent of the Heavenly Holy Fire onto the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem on Holy Saturday on the eve of Orthodox Easter, which, by the way, proves God’s special favor towards Orthodoxy, which contains the greatest fullness of truth, teaching and grace. Once the Armenians bought the right to receive the Holy Fire, the Orthodox were not even allowed into the Temple, they prayed on the street. At the appointed hour, a terrible thunder was heard, the outer column split, and from the resulting crack Fire came out to the Orthodox. Another sign is the annual descent of clouds onto Mount Tabor, even in completely cloudless weather, on the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord on August 19. Third, from December 3 to 4, on the feast of the Entry into the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos, willow buds (and vines, and lilacs) bloom, this is available for everyone to check.

You can see angels and saints directly, but this is not given to everyone, although it still happens today, read the recently published brochures “Orthodox Miracles in the 20th Century” by Evgeny Karyagin. However, the spirits of evil appear themselves even against the will of a person, they have been seen by millions, I have many such letters. Try to start an intensive church life in Orthodoxy, and you will immediately feel how the demons will become alarmed and will interfere with you in every possible way. They also leave material traces, for example, in poltergeist phenomena in the form of stones and bricks falling from the ceiling, water flooding the room, etc.; in UFO phenomena - in the form of fragments or even entire devices, I can let you hold in my hands and taste such fragments from my collection.

Today it is known that all world science is experiencing a crisis. There are no great discoveries, no breakthrough ideas. Every little detail is somehow investigated. What is the reason for this, from your point of view?

– You defined the situation surprisingly accurately. It is connected with the fact that the world has become extremely old physically and spiritually, is approaching its end and therefore breakthrough discoveries are contraindicated for it. The physical picture of old age is well depicted by the chronal phenomenon. In the beginning, on the Earth created and strongly chronally charged by the Creator, the intensity of all processes (chronal) was extremely high, then millions of our years corresponded to one today, which is why the days of creation in the Bible must be taken literally. Gradually, the chronal decreases according to an exponential (logarithmic) law, like the temperature of a switched-off iron. Consequently, our Earth is not developing, as is sometimes thought, but is fading away; civilization itself makes a significant contribution to this, having almost completely exhausted fossil wealth and completely poisoning the earth, water and air, and at the same time the animal and plant world is becoming smaller. The same thing happens with each individual person, for example, a newborn absorbs oxygen several times more than an adult; and with each individual family, in particular, the power of childbearing in it also decreases with age, and the quality of children - with their number.

Now about the spiritual picture of old age. The Lord needs the immortal soul of man, and not his “biosuit” - a perishable body, the convenience of which is served by science and technology, entirely saddled by the evil one. Not without the efforts of the latter, the existing achievements have already brought humanity to the brink of self-destruction. Given the contradictions that exist in the world, excited by the evil one, any new breakthrough discovery will mean a breakthrough into this very abyss, which is why it is not given to us.

In return for this, we received from above, at the end, the discovery of Ivan Panin, which led to OT, where the language of science familiar to a modern literate person speaks of the existence of an invisible spiritual world, including Satan with his anomalous phenomena. In order to disguise himself and these results and neutralize them, the evil one launched at full capacity the main mechanism of democracy he invented - silencing the truth and replacing it with streams of lies. To this end, contradictory reports appear in the press every day about super-sensational scientific “discoveries” such as cold nuclear fusion, obtaining unlimited energy from a vacuum, mutual transformations of atoms on a desk, instrumental creation of the weather, etc. For the widespread practical application of these “discoveries”, only “very little” remains to be done. In reality, all these “discoveries” are mystifications organized by demons, similar to anomalous phenomena. Demons are infinitely inventive and can do a lot of things, as we have been convinced of more than once, but the “very little” will never be done because of its unreality. The “screen of noise” of this demon-generated chatter completely distorts and masks the truth, reducing it to the level of other mystifications, and the average inexperienced reader ceases to understand anything.

Finally, how would you. commented on the biblical phrase: “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good” (Rom 12:21)?

– The Bible gives a clear answer to this question: “Do not avenge yourselves, beloved, but give room to the wrath of God. For it is written: Vengeance is Mine, I will repay, says the Lord. So, if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him a drink: for by doing this you will heap burning coals on his head. (Rom 12:19-20). By responding with evil to evil, a person multiplies the evil of the world. At the same time, he must not forget his sinfulness, since it is said: “Judge not, lest you be judged, for with the judgment you judge, you will also be judged” (Matthew 7:1-2). Having punished (condemned) someone for his evil with his evil, a person will bring the wrath of God on his own head both for this new evil of his and for his old sins, which each of us has beyond measure. Of course, you will punish the villain with your new evil, but it is better to let the Lord Himself punish him, and, you see, remove some of your old sins from you for refusing to participate in the new evil.

Two books by Viktor Veinik, science and Orthodoxy

“After decades of the dominance of militant atheism and lack of spirituality, the soul of every believer is pleased and inspired by any event in the field of religious life: a pastoral sermon open to an external listener, an article of religious content in the secular press, and a newly published book of spiritual content.” With these words the publishers of Viktor Veynik’s book “Why I Believe in God” greet the reader [Viktor Veynik. Why do I believe in God. Publishing house of the Belarusian Exarchate, Minsk, 2000. Further in the text, references to this book follow the number “I”]. To such a greeting I would like to resolutely object: it is not “any event in the field of religious life” that “pleases and inspires” the soul of “every believer.”

Many Orthodox Christians are not “pleased” or “inspired” by articles of religious content in the newspaper “Moskovsky Komsomolets” and were saddened by the fact that the book “Why I Believe in God” was republished in 30,000 copies. The latter event was the reason for the birth of this article.

We did not set ourselves the “Napoleonic” goal to confirm or refute the scientific truth of all the many years of work of V.I. Veinik; we simply do not have enough knowledge of physics and mathematics for this. But in the field of scientific and apologetic activity of Professor Veinik, which intersects with the boundaries of Orthodox theology, we are quite competent. And it is precisely the boundaries of this area that outline our analysis of two works by Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Belarusian SSR, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Viktor Iozefovich Veynik “Thermodynamics of Real Processes” [Viktor Veynik. Thermodynamics of real processes. Publishing house Science and Technology, Minsk, 1991. Quoted from: www.crimea.com/~enio/index300.htm. Further in the text, references to this book follow under the number “II”] and “Why I Believe in God.”

Scientific and apologetic activity of Viktor Veinik: its relationship with Biblical texts and the Sacred Tradition of the Orthodox Church

Let us pay attention to the peculiarities of quoting Holy Scripture in the book “Why I Believe in God.” For example, when discussing the structure of man, Viktor Iozefovich cites references from the Old Testament, which speaks of the soul... of animals: “The location of the soul is most easily determined, for Scripture speaks about this in plain text: “The soul of the body is in the blood. Anyone who eats it will be destroyed" (); “Blood is the soul: do not eat it, pour it onto the ground like water. Do not eat it, so that it may be good for you and your children after you forever” () (I, p. 110). Such a strange application of texts relating to animals to humans leads to false reasoning, which, however, would be taken quite seriously by members of the Jehovah’s Witnesses sect: “At the same time, a whole series of fundamentally important spiritual questions arise, in addition to moral, moral, ethical and others - about the admissibility blood transfusions, heart and other organ transplants, etc. The same applies to bone marrow transplantation, for it is said: “His bones are filled with sins” (), that is, harmful information. There are many similar texts in the Bible. Physicians have much to ponder, bearing in mind that Scripture is absolutely true” (I, p. 111).

Scripture is true, but Viktor Iosefovich’s incorrect interpretation has nothing to do with the truth of Scripture. Quoting the 11th verse of the 20th chapter of the Book of Job in this case is completely absurd. If we take this passage as an anatomical revelation, then what is worse than verse 15 of the same chapter: “The substance which he swallowed shall vomit: God shall pluck him out of his belly”?

Very fantastic physical and mathematical constructions follow the arbitrary interpretation of verse 5 of Psalm 89 of David: “with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.” This is what Victor Veynik heard in the words of the Psalmist: “This combination of ideas, of course, cannot be accidental and contains all the quantitative information we need. Let us take the day as the unit of duration, and the chronal corresponding to this day as the unit of chronal. As a result, the initial chronal at the creation of the world turned out to be equal to 365,250 chronal units, which corresponds to a thousand years according to the Julian calendar” (I, p. 131). I wonder why these fundamentally erroneous calculations had to be made using the Julian calendar? Is it really possible that this calendar, which appeared only in 46 BC? used by the prophet David, who lived thousands of years earlier? In addition, from the context of the verse it is obvious that David’s psalm is about the divine greatness and incommensurability of God and man: “Before the mountains were born, You formed the earth and the universe, and from everlasting to everlasting You are God. For in Your sight a thousand years are like yesterday.”

Another example of Viktor Veynik’s incompetence in working with the texts of Holy Scripture is his teaching about the creation of angels by God on the sixth day of creation: “It is generally accepted that the indicated army (ministering spirits, or angels) was created on the first day. But the Bible doesn't say this anywhere. All spirits were created on the sixth day” (I, p. 140). And then follows a reasoning based on an initially incorrect foundation. The fact is that literally nowhere in the Bible does it speak about the creation of the world of angels on the first day. But the Bible says that angels were present at the very beginning of the creation of the visible world: “Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? On what are its foundations established, or who laid its cornerstone, when all the sons of God (i.e., the angels - St. Andrew) shouted for joy?” (). This biblical text is fully consistent with the Holy Tradition of the Church: St. Gregory the Theologian, Basil the Great, Simeon the New Theologian, Irenaeus of Lyons, Dionysius the Areopagite, Athanasius the Great, Epiphanius of Cyprus, John Chrysostom, Ambrose of Milan, Gregory the Great, John of Damascus and Anastasius of Sinai clearly say that angels were created by God long before the sun, stars, and earth and everything else.

With such incorrect handling of the texts of the Holy Scriptures and ignoring the Holy Tradition of the Church, the active attitude of Viktor Iozefovich is very alarming: “It is obvious that most of us will have to radically reconsider our attitude towards the Bible and the Creator, and look at our lives with new eyes. The Holy Scriptures were dictated in relation to the very low level of knowledge of that time. This is where science should help by appropriately interpreting, deciphering, decoding these texts” (I, p. 36).

Victor Veinik's reasoning about the creation of angels contains another incongruity, or rather blasphemy: blaming God for the creation of evil on earth, for the fall of Adam and Eve. “The serpent was more cunning than all the beasts of the field that the Lord God created” (). In these words, the main spirit of evil, the devil, is identified with the serpent, the reptile, and the reptiles were created precisely on the sixth day” (I, p. 141). However, back in the 4th century St. John Chrysostom wrote about the inadmissibility of seeing in this biblical passage the identity of the serpent and the devil: “Having found the serpent, who was superior in intelligence to other animals, using him as a tool, the devil through him enters into a conversation with his wife, and draws her into his deception” (Conversations on book of Genesis, XVI, 127). According to Saint John, the devil is not at all identified with the serpent, but entered into it to tempt man. Victor Iozefovich, identifying the devil with the serpent, the reptile created on the sixth day of creation by God, makes God the author of evil, since according to him it turns out that God created the devil as such. Thus, the author of the book “Why I Believe in God” rejects the Christian teaching that the highest angel Dennitsa became the devil (Greek – slanderer) by his own free will, having fallen away from God.

Another stumbling block that provoked a false stream of wisdom was for Viktor Veinik the fact declared by the Bible that God created the world from nothing (in patristic terminology, from non-existence). This feature of creation is indicated by the verb “bara” (Heb. – “created out of nothing”) in Genesis 1:1: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” St. Theophilus of Antioch wrote about this in the 2nd century: “What is great if God created the world from ready-made matter? And a human artist, if he receives a substance from someone, makes of it what he wants. The power of God is revealed in the fact that he creates from nothing what he wants” (Epistle to Autolycus, II, 4). Viktor Veynik’s reasoning is decisively at odds with the patristic ones: “How can you make something “out of nothing”? To understand this, let us cite other similar phrases from the Bible: “He hung the earth on nothing” (), “out of the invisible came the visible” (); These phrases are quite enough. Now we know that the words “on nothing” in the first quote refer to an invisible and imperceptible, very subtle material gravitational nanofield. Therefore, the whole point is not the absence of a building substance, but its invisibility. Consequently, the visible material heaven and earth were created by God from invisible substances, but precisely from substances, that is, in fact, everything in the world is material, material. This is another crushing blow to naive materialism, for even the very name used by atheists to contrast the material with the spiritual loses its meaning” (I, p. 139).

It is difficult to call St. a “naive materialist” or an “atheist.” John Chrysostom, but he resolutely objects to Viktor Iosefovich: “And what excuse can you have, what excuse, when you are so crazy and dreaming of what is above your nature? To say that everything came from a ready-made substance and not to admit that the Creator of the universe produced everything from nothing is a sign of extreme madness” (Conversations on the book of Genesis, II, 2). So, according to the teachings of the Church, God, being an absolute Person, did not need any material, neither visible nor invisible, to create the world, and created the entire world according to the wave of His will. The beginning of the world was also the beginning of time itself: “day one”, “day two” (), etc. Before the creation of the world there was neither time nor any matter: there was only one eternal God. Therefore, saying that the verb “bara”, used in the first lines of the book of Genesis, indicates God’s use of an invisible “building substance,” Viktor Veynik argues that God is co-eternal with matter and is not an absolute Creator.

Let us add that, citing a quotation from the Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the Hebrews to support his fabrications, Viktor Iozefovich deliberately takes it out of context. In fact, from verse 35 of chapter 10 and in verses 1-3 of chapter 11, the Apostle Paul speaks about faith: about the possibility of knowing phenomena and events invisible to us only through conviction in their existence, trust in divine Revelation. It should be noted that from a theological point of view, the very methodology of Viktor Veinik’s work with the texts of the Holy Scriptures is unacceptable. First, as has been shown many times, the author of the book “Why I Believe in God” does not take into account the context of certain fragments of the Bible.

Secondly, the purpose of the divine Revelation communicated through biblical texts is ignored, as the granting to man of the knowledge necessary for the salvation of the soul in eternity and the mechanisms and ways of realizing this knowledge. In particular, Viktor Veynik discusses the role of the brain in human life: “Analysis shows that in Scripture the word “brain” is mentioned only twice: (“Its insides are full of fat, and its bones are filled with brain”) and (“The Word of God penetrates to division of soul and spirit, joints and marrow"). There is not the slightest hint in these texts of any thought process associated with the brain, therefore the Bible clearly does not consider the brain to be the organ of thought. This once again confirms the previous physiological conclusion that there are no areas or points in the brain responsible for the creation of thoughts” (I, p. 105). Note that we, in principle, do not know who, where and when considered the bone marrow, which is discussed in the quotes cited by Veinik, as an organ of thinking. To attribute the very possibility of such an absurd statement to Holy Scripture is blasphemous. And it is clearly wrong to assert that if something is not said in the Bible, then it does not really exist: there is simply no need to look for physioanatomical revelations in a book that shows humanity the path to salvation in eternity.

Thirdly, if in the Biblical texts, as Victor Veinik claims, there are any mathematical patterns, allegedly discovered by Ivan Panin, then this fact in no way proves that the Bible “to its last line was literally “put into the brains” of those who wrote to her people by the Lord Himself” (I, pp. 14, 22, 31, 53 and many others). At best, from the dubious and unconfirmed discovery of Ivan Panin, it follows that the writing of the Bible text was guided by some superhuman intelligence, the character and moral orientation of which in the context of the discovery itself can be debated for a long time and without evidence. By the way, “mathematical proofs” and “deciphering” the texts of the Bible have led more than one mathematician to the “distant side” (). Here is another mathematician, A.T. Fomenko, “proved” that the whole history that we know is nothing more than a fake, and Jesus Christ was actually Pope Gregory Hildebrant. And some people also believe the “historian” and refer to “rigorous mathematical proofs”.

The teaching of Viktor Veinik about human diseases as an automatic consequence of violation of spiritual laws is completely contrary to the Holy Scriptures and Holy Tradition: “In the human body, the Creator has installed automatically triggering mechanisms that, during a sinful life, cause spiritual and physical diseases” (I, p. 55). If we turn to the texts of the Holy Scriptures, we will see that the Bible says a lot about the illnesses of the righteous and the prosperity of sinners. It is enough to mention the Old Testament Book of Job or recall the parable of the rich man and Lazarus (). From the Holy Tradition we can give an example that is closest to us in time: Saint Ambrose of Optina, being himself a seriously ill man and at the same time a righteous man, healed spiritually and physically many who came to him. The list of diseases and the causes that supposedly automatically cause them, which Viktor Veynik cites (I, pp. 78-78), does not in any way correlate with the Orthodox teaching about God as the Provider and Savior of the world, who is directly involved in the life of every person.

We will allow ourselves to leave numerous arguments by Viktor Iozefovich that a person is not able to think independently, but can only perceive thoughts coming from God or the devil, without detailed comment. Let us simply note that, discussing the creation of man in the image of God and the difference between man and the entire created world, St. Gregory Palamas, Simeon the New Theologian, Gregory of Nyssa, Anastasius Sinaite and Blessed. Theodoret unanimously affirmed the existence of such an ability in humans.

Replies from school

Professor V.I. Veinik clearly outlined his position in relation to modern science: “Modern official science not only does not help, but even interferes and harms faith” (I, p. 317). The scientist contrasted this “modern official science, taught in schools, technical schools and institutes and professing atheism,” with “science from Christ” (I, p. 318).

In the process of reading Viktor Veinik’s book “Why I Believe in God,” many things seemed dubious and incomprehensible to us from the standpoint of the physics course that we once studied at school. But numerous references to experiments allegedly described in the early work “Thermodynamics of Real Processes” made us believe the author. “Measurements show that there are two types of spirits: good and evil” (I, p. 189). “The latest scientific, theoretical and experimental studies show that in our material world there really are spirits of good and evil” (I, p. 238). “Today it is possible, with the help of instruments and installations, to check the presence of a spiritual world that lives outside of time and space” (I, p. 277). These are quotes from the book “Why I Believe in God.” Everything looks quite scientific: “research”, “devices”. However, faced with the need to thoroughly answer questions from parishioners about the book “Why I Believe in God,” we, through the Internet, found “Thermodynamics” published in Minsk in 1991. To our surprise, it turned out that this work was posted not on the scientific, but on the occult site “Eniography”.

Let's turn to the book “Thermodynamics of Real Processes” and see what kind of research Viktor Veynik conducted and what instruments he used.

“No less indicative are my experiences of mentally charging water in a bubble at a distance. It is enough to think about the bubble and mentally say a certain word for the water to be charged with plus or minus chronons. I was at different distances from the bubble: in the same room with it, at a distance of 10 km, in another city, etc.; in all cases the result was the same, upon arrival I recorded the sign of the chronons with a frame” (II, XXVI, 4, italics – Priest Andrey). “For example, taking 20 g of red champagne on an empty stomach after 1-2 minutes, when alcohol penetrated the brain (according to the sensations of a psychic woman) was accompanied by an increase in the radius of the ellipsoid from 0.24 to 0.42 m.” (II, XXVI, 6, emphasis added). For those uninformed in matters of occultism, let us explain: a “frame” is a traditional tool of a psychic: usually a steel knitting needle bent in the shape of an “G”, which the psychic holds in his hand and the deviation of which is recorded and interpreted depending on the nature of the requested information. We would not be surprised if scientists subjected this occult “tool of labor” itself to careful study and research, but using it as a physical precision measuring instrument is nonsense. How to subsume “the sensations of a psychic woman” under the category of physical and mathematical measurements, we also find it difficult to say.

These two examples given (out of a possible set) are enough to assert that some of the experiments and conclusions described and made by Viktor Veinik on the pages of the book “Thermodynamics of Real Processes” have nothing to do with science.

Flirting with the world of the occult does not happen without sad consequences for anyone. In his later works, collected in the book “Why I Believe in God,” Viktor Veynik makes obvious logical errors in reasoning and evidence, unforgivable given his scientific credentials.

On page 141 we read: “A person does not have an organ of thinking, the creation of thought: the human brain is intended exclusively to control all functions of life and body.” To support his thesis about the absence of a human organ of thinking, Viktor Iozefovich gives the following examples: “In 1925, in the hospital of St. Vincent's child was born in New York; he developed quite normally, but died on the 28th day of life; an autopsy showed that he had no brain. In the 50s of the 20th century, the German professor Hufland observed an adult patient with normal mental and physical capabilities, but after his death it was discovered that his skull instead of a brain contained only 310 g of water. The question is, what do these examples prove? They, of course, refute the author’s own statement that “the purpose of the brain is to control all internal processes of life” (I, p. 160). Otherwise, how could an “adult patient” have “normal physical capabilities” in the absence of a brain? And what external manifestations of “thought creation” in relation to a 28-day-old “physically developing quite normally” child can we in principle be talking about?

Viktor Veinik makes another gross mistake in the chapter “The Spiritual World and Man in the Concepts of Cybernetics” in the book “Thermodynamics of Real Processes”. The author cites the unknown method used to obtain the data: “A few statistics. Being assembled in a huge enterprise controlled by almost a thousand computers, it is terrifying, because almost 100% of professionals who constantly work with computers and do not lead a church lifestyle in Orthodoxy are possessed by demons, and the degree of possession among programmers is on average 5.7 times higher, than non-programmers who maintain computers" (I, p. 283)." How one can scientifically diagnose obsession and on what scale the author measured the “degree of obsession” is a theological mystery. But the author promises that “he will try to substantiate this scientifically below” (I, p. 284).

We read further, waiting for justification, and we encounter another unsubstantiated statement: “Over the past seven and a half millennia, demons have trained themselves to be first-class programmers. In addition, it was not without their participation that computers themselves appeared” (I, p. 296). And finally, on the next page there is a claim to “scientific justification”: “Today, programs for a machine computer are compiled by a programmer, from whom highly developed intuition and imaginative thinking are required. Demons willingly help him with their rich experience - it is much simpler, easier, more natural and unnoticeable than imposing malicious thoughts on others for the purpose of entrapment. Now it has become their second profession. As a result, the programmer quickly becomes dependent on them and becomes at the forefront of the risk group in terms of loss of will and demonic possession. The situation is aggravated by the role assigned to the computer by the end of this dying century. Evidence of all this is the amazing statistics mentioned at the beginning of the article, which is a consequence of the presence of a huge army of demon “helpers” and their large concentration around computers” (I, p. 297). So, the statement that Viktor Veynik promised to “scientifically substantiate” at the beginning of the chapter is proof of everything that has been written to substantiate this statement.

Indeed: this is not “modern official science, taught in schools, technical schools and institutes and professing atheism,” but certainly not “science from Christ” (I, p. 318).

Scientific and apologetic activity of Viktor Veinik: its relationship with the rituals and Sacraments of the Church

“Taking water and food artificially charged with a chronal field, for example with a finger or other means, increases energy. To make food and drink more useful, it is enough to quickly wave the index finger of your right hand at them several times; as a result, they are charged with chronal radiations, and the amount of the acquired charge is proportional to the number of strokes” (II, XXVI, 6). It is not difficult to correlate this “scientific discovery” with the experience of the Church, which, fully caring for the welfare of its children, invites them, in the name of Christ, to make the sign of the cross before eating, and not “quickly wave the index finger of the right hand at them.” “By measuring energy, you can judge the compatibility of people. For example, a person has to communicate with another person. I measure his energy (the measuring device is the same occult frame - St. Andrew) before and after communication and, based on the change in energy, I judge the nature of communication, the relationship of these people, the impact of the second on the first. By measuring the energy of team members before and after communication, it is not difficult to judge their compatibility; psychologists (and bosses) could take this into account” (II, XXVI, 6).

They took it a long time ago. In free newspapers, published in millions of copies, entire spreads are devoted to “occult services” sections.

“It’s interesting that even names are divided into lucky and unlucky. Measurements show that lucky names charge a person with plus-chronons, and unlucky names charge a person with minus-chronons. This means that by calling a person an unlucky name, we each time irradiate him with a field harmful to health” (II, XXVI, 10).
At Baptism, a person is given the name of some saint, that is, a name sanctified by the Church. For some, this name, of course, can be considered “unlucky”...

“Operating monasteries and temples greatly contribute to the cleansing of the chronosphere, but so far there are too few of them, so they are powerless to resist the coming disaster. There are known attempts by individual enthusiasts to solve this problem in their own way - by meditating a very large group of people. For example, the meditation of about two dozen psychics for an hour daily dissolves malignant chronic developments so that within a week the number of violent crimes in the surrounding area decreased by 29%" (II, XXVI, 12).

From the above fragment it follows that during the ruin of the Church, psychics become temporarily “acting as” saints.

“As for saints, their portraits always emit plus-chronons. For example, I found that in the famous Lives of the Saints of Dmitry of Rostov, all the portraits in all 12 volumes are positive, with the exception of one or two or three on that volume. Exception portraits give either zero or negative radiation. In the first case we are talking about the imagination of the artist, in the second the person was canonized by mistake” (II, XXVII, 13).

No comments…

Supporters of the apologetic work of Viktor Veynik argue that the work “Thermodynamics of Real Processes”, published in 1991, does not reflect the subsequent religious views of the author: in January 1992, Albert Veynik was baptized in the Orthodox Church with the name Victor. However, this is how Viktor Iosefovich began his new Christian life: “In January 1992, I began to receive the Body and Blood of Christ, while simultaneously determining my chronal energy by measuring the radius of the nano-chronal ellipsoid (i.e., returning home after Communion, Viktor Veynik was immediately engaged in occult practice - priest Andrey). Previously, I found that one prayer “Our Father” increases the radius of the nanochronal ellipsoid by thousands of times, and an hour’s stay in the Orthodox Church during worship increases by hundreds of thousands and millions of times. For an ordinary person, the radius of the ellipsoid is several meters, for psychics it reaches many kilometers, this happened to me too” (I, p. 173). “Now it turns out that Communion exponentially increases this radius. In addition, each subsequent Communion increases the overall average energy level. For example, on one Saturday before communion, the radius was equal to one followed by 56 zeros meters (1056 m). Participation in Saturday evening worship increased it a billion billion times (to 1074 m). On Sunday, the morning prayer required before Communion multiplied it by approximately the same amount (up to 1091 m). And Sunday Communion itself raised the radius to values ​​exceeding one with 252 zero meters (10,252 m) - I no longer had insulating sheets of polyethylene on hand (each sheet reduces the measured radius by 10 times). Amazing result!” (I, p. 173).

Yes, indeed, the imagination is amazing. It is especially shocking when comparing the above passage with a fragment from the work “Thermodynamics of Real Processes”: “Watching the KVN-86 program on TV by one psychic who loves humor increased its radius from 1000 to 35,000 km. The program “Around Laughter” significantly increased the energy level. A colossal increase in energy can be achieved through meditation. For example, prayer increased energy in one case from zero to 1.35 m, and in another from zero to 560 km. Staying with the shrine of Sergius of Radonezh for an hour increased energy by 1 million times and for a long time (the experiment was repeated three times). A session of therapeutic hypnosis increased the patient’s energy 100 times and decreased that of the hypnotist 10 times” (II, XXVI, 6).

It is obvious that after his reunification with the Church, Viktor Veynik did not abandon occult practice, but at the same time he changed the objects of research: now they became the shrines of Orthodoxy, incl. Holy Communion. Viktor Iozefovich continued his propaganda of extrasensory perception: in his opinion stated above, after Communion changes occur in a person that elevate him to the level usual for the average psychic. At the same time, according to Veinik, the influence on a person is exerted regardless of why the person came to the temple and what he did there: the “radius of the ellipsoid” still increases. Let us pay attention to the fact that the “radius of the ellipsoid” promoted by Veinik increases both from reading the prayer “Our Father”, and from the transmission of KVN-86, and from staying at the shrine of St. Sergius of Radonezh, and from meditation, and from Holy Communion, and from a session therapeutic hypnosis, and from watching the program “Around Laughter.”

Yes, Viktor Veynik accepted Orthodoxy, but not as the Truth, but as a space for his new experiments. This time, experiments with God's long-suffering...

On the one hand, the author of the book “Why I Believe in God” admitted that before joining the Church he had direct contact with fallen spirits: “In direct experiments I was able to show that it is demons who operate the dowsing frame, for the Light Forces do not engage in farcical tricks.” (I, p. 171). On the other hand, having been baptized, Viktor Iozefovich had no intention of stopping his “stunt tricks,” but was only trying to protect himself from the unwanted and already known to him consequences of occult practice by participating in the Sacraments of the Church: “Remembering that “this same kind can only be driven out by prayer.” and fasting" (), as well as the fact that the Body and Blood of Christ drives away demons from the communicant, I in a calm atmosphere checked the reliability of the testimony of the dowser frame" (I, p. 172). “The previously obtained signs of chronal radiations of portraits of deceased people were verified by the previous frame after five Sunday Communions” (I, p. 174). The question arises: why was it necessary to drive away “this generation through prayer and fasting” - and then again, “like a dog, to return to your (occult - Priest Andrew) vomit” ()?

Viktor Veynik himself was aware of the inadmissibility of such research: “Now it is already possible and appropriate to reveal here, finally, my other secret, to repent and express a serious warning to those who are overly inquisitive. The fact is that in the book “Thermodynamics of Real Processes” the abbreviation SD, for censorship reasons, meant the Holy Spirit, and the abbreviation ND meant the unclean spirit. The SD substance (SD-what!!? – Priest Andrey) is used to charge (bless) water, prosphora, oil, artos and other substances in the Church. Holy water and prosphora are most accessible to believers, so I took the risk of measuring their chronal and power properties. And he was punished for his insolence: when he came to church after the experiment, he lost consciousness, fell and broke the right side of his face and right leg until it bled, then he limped for two weeks and admired his scars. Artos is a more serious shrine, and it carries a more serious punishment. And one inquisitive monk immediately paid for the Holy Gifts with a terrible death - he was torn to pieces by demons” (I, p. 175). Well, the circumstances of the death of Viktor Veinik under the wheels of a car make us think about many things: “On November 24, 1996, at six o’clock in the morning, Viktor Iozefovich hurried to the early Liturgy at the Cathedral of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul in the city of Minsk to be a communicant of the Holy Body and Blood of Christ, however The Lord judged differently. His bloodied and crushed body remained lying on the ground” (I, p. 328).

So, based on the theological and general analysis of the content of two books by Viktor Veinik (“Thermodynamics of real processes” and “Why I believe in God”), let us draw the following conclusion.

The gross logical errors in reasoning and evidence noted in the books under review, and the propaganda of the results of occult practice as the results of scientific experiments allow us to make an assumption about the degradation of the author as a physicist that developed as a result of his passion for the occult. Numerous examples of methodologically incorrect handling of the texts of Holy Scripture also reveal its theological inconsistency.

These books are not “a crushing blow to naive materialism and atheism,” as Viktor Iozefovich Veinik argued, but a discreditation of the Church, in whose name anti-scientific (i.e., false) knowledge is disseminated and pseudo-Orthodox occult doctrine is preached.

Instead of an epilogue. The path to faith in God and the path to trust in God

In numerous conversations about the books of Viktor Iozefovich Veinik, we often heard accusations addressed to us: “How can you say this about an outstanding person, about an excellent, talented scientist who served science for several decades, who walked his thorny path to the Orthodox faith?” We answer: how can we remain silent about this?

It would be strange not to hear protests from a scientist whose laboratory would be attended by a first-year student who had failed the exam and would unceremoniously begin to rearrange and reconfigure all the instruments with the words: “in fact, everything should be like this!” It is all the more irresponsible to silently observe the antics of a person with a professorial rank who, having just crossed the threshold of the Church, immediately declares its erroneous understanding of the texts of the Holy Scriptures and calls for “fundamentally reconsidering its attitude towards the Creator.”

Yes, different people come to Christ in different ways. And everyone comes with their own. Someone with palm branches. Someone with a whip, nails and a hammer. Someone - with peace and incense. Someone with a frame and polyethylene. For two thousand years now, the Church has been preaching that the grace of the Risen Christ permeates the entire universe, all the layers of polyethylene that are in it. Only one thing cannot penetrate the grace of God: a heart that does not trust the truth of the Resurrection, forcing human hands again and again to climb into all the wounds of Christ with pseudo-instruments.

A Christian who has found the Truth does not measure It, but lives It. Personally revealed in the books, the spiritual experience of Viktor Iozefovich Veinik, a man who entered the Church with an occult frame and pieces of polyethylene, shows the reader not the experience of faith in God, but the experience of active distrust of God and the Church of Christ.

This is the main thing we wanted to show with our article.

priest Andrey Deryagin, Vsemirov A.V.

Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary
village of Erino, Podolsk district, Moscow region,

Recently, a book by Prof. has become widespread among Orthodox believers. Veinika V.Y.: “Why I believe in God” (Minsk, 1998). Reprints from this book are regularly published by such publications as “Save Our Souls”, “SOS”, and in Minsk this book was reprinted. On the back page of the book it is designated: “religious edition,” and although the author is a physicist, his work touches on many aspects of the dogmatic theology of the Church. Let us consider here some characteristic fragments of Viktor Veinik’s book.

Explaining his doctrine of God’s creation of the world out of nothing, the professor writes: “How can you make something “out of nothing”? To understand this, let us cite other similar phrases from the Bible: “He... hung the earth on nothing” (Job 26:7); “from what is invisible came what is visible” (Heb. 11:3); These phrases are quite enough. Now we know that the words “on nothing” in the first quote refer to an invisible and imperceptible, very subtle material gravitational nanofield. Therefore, the whole point is not in the absence of a building substance, but in its invisibility, and the word bar specifically emphasizes the origin of the visible from the invisible. The second quote leaves no doubt about this. Consequently, the visible material heaven and earth were created by God from invisible substances, but precisely from substances, that is, in fact everything in the world is material, materially. This is another crushing blow to naive materialism, because even the very name used by atheists to contrast the material with the spiritual loses its meaning” (pp. 130-131). First, note that the quotation from Heb. 11.3, with the help of which prof. Veinik substantiates his teachings, taken out of context. The full phrase reads like this: “By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that what is visible was made out of things that are visible,” i.e. What is meant here is that since faith is “the evidence of things unseen” (Heb. 11:1), it is by faith that we understand that the visible world was created by the invisible God, His word. This can be seen more clearly if we turn to the more accurate Slavic translation: “by faith we understand that the word of God will come into being through the ages from those who are not visible.” Secondly, God’s creation of the world from nothing implies an absolute creative act, creation precisely from nothing at all. In patristic writing, the phrase “ek to onton” - slav was used for this. “from non-existent” - i.e. from something that does not exist as such, so when Victor Yozefovich questions this fact: “How can you make something out of nothing?”, he questions God’s omnipotence. St. John Chrysostom writes: “With great gratitude let us accept what was said (by Moses), without going beyond our boundaries, and without testing what is above us, as the enemies of truth did, who wanted to comprehend everything with their minds, without thinking that human nature cannot to comprehend the creation of God... And what excuse can you have, what excuse, when you are so crazy and dreaming of what is above your nature? To say that everything came from a ready-made substance, and not to admit that the Creator of the universe produced everything from nothing, would be a sign of extreme madness” (Conversations on the book of Genesis, II, 2).

God, being an absolute Person, did not need any material, neither visible nor invisible, to create the world, and created the entire world according to the wave of His will. St. Theophilus of Antioch says: “What is great if God created the world from ready-made matter? And a human artist, if he receives a substance from someone, makes of it what he wants. The power of God is revealed in the fact that out of nothing he creates what he wants” (Epistle to Autolycus II, 4).

The beginning of the world was also the beginning of time: - day one, day two, etc. Before this there was neither time nor any matter, there was only one eternal God. Therefore, saying that the verb “bara” used in the first lines of the book of Genesis indicates God’s use of an invisible “building substance”, Prof. Veinik asserts the co-eternity of matter with God - a false teaching of antiquity long condemned by the Church.

Now let's move on to another aspect of Prof.'s teaching. Veinika. About the time of the creation of angels, Viktor Yozefovich writes: “It is generally accepted that the indicated army (ministering spirits, or angels) was created on the first day. But the Bible does not say this anywhere” (p. 132), - the professor further points to the origin of spirits on the sixth day of creation. It is interesting that Viktor Yozefovich, adhering to the concept of natural scientific accuracy of the Biblical picture of the world (p. 16), arguing that it was “literally embedded in the brains” of the writer down to its last detail (p. 30), makes such a gross mistake. Yes, indeed, Scripture does not say that angels were created on the first day, but if Veinik had read it more carefully, he would have seen that angels were generally created before the entire visible world. In the book of Job, the Lord says: “Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Tell me if you know? or who stretched the rope along it? On what were its foundations established, or who laid its cornerstone, when the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?” Let us note that the professor’s writings show that he not only does not take into account the entire picture of the world presented by the Holy Scriptures, but is also very poorly acquainted with the patristic tradition. So, for example, St. Gregory the Theologian writes: “Of the worlds, one was created first. This is another heaven, the abode of the God-bearers, contemplated by a single mind, bright (mysterious chants, Homily IV). St. Basil the Great says: “Even before the existence of the world, there was a certain state befitting the supermundane forces, transcending time, eternal, ever-lasting. In it, the Creator and Creator of all things created creations - mental light, befitting the bliss of those who love the Lord, rational and invisible natures and all the ornaments of intelligible creatures that surpass our understanding, and that it is impossible to invent names for them. They fill the essence of the invisible world, as Paul teaches us, saying: “For by this all things were created, whether visible or invisible, whether they were thrones, whether they were dominions, whether they were principalities, whether they were powers” ​​(Col. 1:16), and angelic armies, and Archangelic ranks" (Conversation on Shestodnev, 1).

St. Simeon the New Theologian says that angels were produced by God long before the sun, stars, earth and everything else (Divine Hymns, XL). They said the same thing. Irenaeus of Lyon, St. Dionysius the Areopagite, Athanasius the Great, Epiphanius of Cyprus, John Chrysostom, Ambrose of Milan, Gregory the Great, St. John of Damascus, Anastasius of Sinai and others.

Contrary to the teachings of the Church, Victor Josephovich makes his assumption: “The Lord used the spirit of His mouth only on the sixth day, when it was necessary to create a spirit for man. Therefore, we can assume that all other spirits (armies) were also created on the sixth day... Providentially, the need for an army could arise only on the sixth day, when man (and animals and reptiles) was created. A slight hint of this is contained in the words: “The serpent was more cunning than all the beasts of the field that the Lord God created” (Genesis 3:1), in them the main spirit of evil - the devil - is identified with the serpent, the reptile, and the reptiles were created precisely on the sixth day (p. 132). Here we see a whole palette of false teachings, let’s look at them in a little more detail:

1) In the words of Holy Scripture: “By the Word of the Lord the heavens were made, and by the breath of His mouth all their host” (Ps. 33:6), - the Church sees an indication of the Three Persons of the Holy Trinity: the Father, the Word and the Spirit, each of which received participation in creation. The Spirit of the mouth of God and the Spirit that hovered over the waters are one Person who acted at every moment of creation, and not just on the sixth day, as Veinik claims.

2) The devil is not at all identified with the serpent, but entered into it to tempt man. St. John Chrysostom writes: “Having found this beast, i.e. the serpent, which was superior in meaning to other animals, which Moses also testified with the words: the serpent was the wisest of all the animals that are on earth, which the Lord God created - using him as an instrument, the devil through him enters into a conversation with his wife, and draws him into his deception is the simplest and weakest vessel" (Conversations on the book of Genesis. XVI, 127). By identifying the devil with the serpent - a reptile created by God on the sixth day, Viktor Yozefovich makes God the culprit of evil, because according to him, it turns out that God created the devil as such, rejecting the Christian teaching that the highest angel became the devil (Greek - slanderer) of his own free will, having fallen away from God.

3) From the above quotation it is clear that the human spirit is, as it were, identified by Veinik with disembodied spirits, this is clear from the construction of the phrase: “...Spirit for man...all other spirits” - such an identification is for the professor one of the grounds for his position on the creation of angels in sixth day. In reality, it is impossible to identify disembodied spirits, created “in the beginning” from nothing, and the spirit of man, which is part of his nature and, like the entire human composition, was created from the dust of the earth. St. Seraphim of Sarov says: “For example, many interpret that when the Bible says: “God will breathe the breath of life into the face of Adam, the first created and created by Him from the dust of the earth,” as if this meant that Adam had no soul before and the human spirit, but there was only one flesh, created from the dust of the earth. This interpretation is not correct, for the Lord God created Adam from the dust of the earth in the same composition as Father, the Holy Apostle Paul states: “May your spirit, soul and flesh be all-perfect at the coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ.” And all three of these parts of our nature were created from the dust of the earth” (Conversation with Motovilov).

Sin in Veinik’s teaching is understood not as the tragedy of a violation of a person’s personal communication with God as a result of the former’s betrayal, but as a mechanical breakdown, a failure in the system of automatic influence of spiritual laws on natural ones. Carrying out his extrasensory teaching about “special channels” in a person, “under which streams of positive and negative chrons continuously circulate,” the professor writes: “clogging one of the channels or a section of it leads to a failure in the regulatory system, and the person gets sick.” Thus, “spiritual laws automatically govern natural ones” (quoted from “SND No. 2 (17), 2000, pp. 20-22). “In the human body, the Creator has installed automatically triggering mechanisms that, during a sinful life, cause spiritual and physical illnesses” (p. 51). Veinik teaches that “there is a direct, automatic connection between the nature of sin and the type of disease” (p. 189). But spiritual laws cannot automatically govern natural ones. We believe in a personal God. His work is always directed towards man as an individual. The Lord knows the secrets of the human heart and takes a direct part in his life. The statement that spiritual laws automatically govern natural ones is characteristic of the pantheistic religions of Hinduism with their impersonal absolute and the doctrine of karma; or for deism, with its self-governing world, but not for Orthodoxy. If we turn to the Holy Scriptures, we will see that it says a lot about the illnesses of the righteous and the prosperity of sinners; let us at least remember the parable of the rich man and Lazarus. There are also many examples in the lives of saints that refute the teachings of Veinik. Let us mention here only Pimen the Many-Sick, the Kiev-Pechersk miracle worker, who was born and raised sick, lived his whole life holy and healed illnesses himself.

Explaining his teaching about human nature, Veynik deprives him of the ability to think, he states, “That among the talents bestowed on man, the gift of creating thoughts, that is, the gift of thinking, is completely absent. It’s a stunning discovery, but it is what it is, and nothing can be done about it” (p. 150). God, according to the teachings of Veinik, created man “incapable of thinking independently: he can only choose from what is offered to him in ready-made form from God and Satan” (p. 108). “A person does not have the organ of thinking that creates thought” (p. 51). “In fact, the original source and creator of all thoughts is only God (and to a certain limited extent the devil, or Satan)” (p. 101). However, if a person’s mind is incapable of giving birth to a thought, then it is no longer a mind, at least not the mind of a person created in the image of God.

Archim. Cyprian (Kern), expounding the teaching of St. fathers about man, writes: “The spiritual life of man in the ability to think and speak reflects the intra-trinity life of the Divine” (Anthropology of St. Gregory Palamas. M. 1996. p. 251).

Citing here quotes from St. fathers, let us make a reservation that the Greek “logos” (thought, word, mind) in Russian tests is translated as “word”. Rev. Simeon the New Theologian writes that man “truly is in the image of God who created him, since he has a rational, mental and immortal soul, gifted with mind and word. Whoever does not philosophize in this way probably exposes himself that he is insane and dumb, i.e. has neither mind nor words... A mind that does not give birth to words cannot henceforth accept words; for how is it possible from now on for someone to hear a word who has himself become deaf and dumb and has stepped out of the order of his nature. just as we naturally have within ourselves a breathing spirit, by which we breathe and live, so if we stop breathing, we will immediately die: so our mind naturally has within itself the power of words, with which it gives birth to the word, and if it is deprived of the natural generation of the word, so , no matter how he is divided and cut by the word that naturally exists in him, then by this he will be killed and become useless for anything. Thus, our mind received from God its natural ability to always give birth to words, which it has inseparably and is always united with itself. If you take away the word, then along with the word you will take away the mind, the originator of the word” (Word, LXI).

Blzh. Theodoret writes: “The mind gives birth to the word; with the word comes the spirit, which is not born like the word; but always accompanying the word, emanating, along with the born word” (quoted from: Cyprian (Kern), archimandrite. Op. p. 193). St. Photius says that man “has within himself a rational and life-giving principle, the mind gives birth to the word, the spirit comes with the word, but is not born like the word, but always accompanies it. All this is in man as the image (of God - Ed.)” (quoted from: Ibid., p. 252). They say the same thing: St. Gregory of Nyssa, St. Gregory Palamas, St. Anastasy Sinait and others.

Victor Veynik states: “It is naive to believe that we think for ourselves. All our sensations, feelings, desires, impulses, thoughts, words, actions, memories, dreams, etc. - all this is given to us from the outside” (quoted from: “SND” No. 2 (17), 2000, p. 21). And St. John of Damascus in the chapter “On the Thinking Ability” writes: “The thinking ability (of a person - Ed.) is characterized by decisions, and approval, and incentives that direct action, and deviations, and escape from activity” (Accurate presentation of the Orthodox Faith, book II, 19).

Depriving a person of the ability to think prof. Veinik naturally deprives him of the ability to create: “Obviously, the Almighty cannot be the Almighty if He transfers the right to create to His creation” (p. 106). However, St. The fathers saw the ability to create as one of the highest manifestations of the image of God in man, which (manifestation), in contrast to the teachings of Veinik, makes him “more in the image of God” than the angels. St. Gregory Palamas writes: “More than angels, we are created in the image of God. And not only because it transcends any kind of knowledge. In fact, we alone of all creatures have, in addition to mind and reason, also feelings. What is naturally connected with reason reveals a diverse array of arts, sciences and knowledge: agriculture, building houses, creating things out of nothing - of course not out of complete non-existence, for this is already the work of God - all this is given only to people" (qtd. from: Cyprian (Kern), archimandrite, op. cit., p. 364). Archimandrite Cyprian writes: “In man, in his spiritual essence, those features are revealed that most closely connect him with the Creator, i.e. creative abilities and talents. It is given to man to create, though not out of nothing, as the Creator Himself creates, but still to create something that has not happened before” (Ibid. p. 368-369). They said the same thing: St. Anastasius Sinait, St. Photius of Constantinople, bl. Theodoret and others.

Veinik distorts the Orthodox teaching on the sacraments in the most terrible way. He writes: “The SD substance is used to charge (bless) water, prosphora, oil, artos and other substances in the church” (p. 165). As the professor explains, “under the abbreviation SD I have hidden the substance of the Holy Spirit” (p. 164). It is impossible not to notice that the mind of a scientist crawls in the field of scientific, pseudo-spiritual mechanics. Having converted to Orthodoxy, instead of renouncing his sinful way of thinking and changing his mind, subordinating it to the revealed Truth, the professor, on the contrary, approaches the Church, theology and the Sacraments with his own arshin: “I previously established that one prayer “Father our" increases the radius of the nanochronal ellipsoid by thousands of times, and an hour's stay in an Orthodox church during a divine service - by hundreds of thousands and millions of times. Then, over the course of a week or two, the acquired energy is gradually wasted on all sorts of sins, and the radius returns to its daily level approximately according to the exponential (logarithmic) law. For an ordinary person, the radius of the ellipsoid is several meters, for psychics it reaches many kilometers, as it was for me. Now it turns out that communion exponentially increases this radius. In addition, each subsequent communion increases the overall average energy level. For example, on one of the Saturdays before communion, the radius was equal to one followed by 56 zeros meters (1056 m). Participation in Saturday evening worship increased it a billion billion times (to 1074 m). On Sunday, the morning prayer required before communion increased it by approximately the same amount (up to 1091 m). And Sunday communion itself raised the radius to values ​​exceeding one with 252 zero meters (10252 m) - I no longer had insulating sheets of polyethylene on hand (each sheet reduces the measured radius by 10 times, so all measurements are carried out within the room; the radius found - a relative value; it makes no sense to compare it with the radius of the Universe). Amazing result! With this quantitative example, the extremely important role of communion became clear” (p. 163).

Without going into a discussion of the blasphemy of the experiments conducted by the professor, we note that Divine grace cannot be measured because it is uncreated and is the Divinity itself - the nature of the Trinitarian God. Grace cannot be identified with the help of any devices; it is known by a contrite and humble heart as it is cleansed from passions.

The fragments of the teachings of Prof. Veinik's teachings are far from exhausting the entire heretical teaching of this unfortunate man, but they are characteristic features of the picture of the universe he paints, imbued with scientific rationalism and undoubtedly being an alternative to patristic, Orthodox theology.

Against this background, the noted I.A. Ilyin, the artificiality, formality and one-sidedness of Western scientific constructions, in particular, the meaninglessness and fallacy of the theory of relativity, the emptiness of quantum mechanics, starting not from contemplated nature, but from guessed mathematical equations, to which they then tried to give some kind of physical meaning, etc.

This book contains some articles that, in a popular form, present from the standpoint of the new theory the most important physical aspects of the spiritual problem associated with the invisible parallel world. Over the past four years, these articles have been published by the author in various magazines and newspapers, mainly in “Orthodox Word”, the magazine “Svet” (“Nature and Man”), the almanac “It Can’t Be” and others. They briefly touch upon the history of the issue and experimental confirmation of OT (Chapters I and XIV), then speak in some detail about the discovery of Ivan Panin and the subordinate role of science in relation to religion (Chapter II), about the science of the rational and the heart (Chapter III ) etc.

With the help of OT, a new understanding of human nature is given (Chapter IV) and amazing automatically triggered mechanisms are described that make physical health dependent on spiritual health (Chapters V, VI). It is shown that materialism and atheism are built on a false foundation through a crafty substitution of concepts: a deliberately incorrect definition of the essence of matter is accepted (Chapter II), and from this myth a false conclusion is drawn about the primacy of matter and the secondary nature of spirit, that the material brain creates thought ( Chapter VI), that living things came from non-living things in the course of evolution (Chapter VII), etc. In reality, the brain is not an organ of thinking (Chapter VI), and from the new understanding of time it follows that the world was created, and it was created precisely in six days (Chapter VII). A new understanding of space requires a new look at the structure of the universe (Chapter VIII).

But special attention is devoted to the problem of the invisible parallel spiritual world of evil, which generates All so-called anomalous phenomena (AP), which today, due to our catastrophic apostasy from faith, accompany us at every step, and we, unprotected by faith and Christian consciousness, are powerless to understand this and resist demonic obsessions (chap. IX-XIII). Science can help apologetics, intended to protect Christian teaching, the Christian faith and the Church. Since the first centuries of Christianity, apologetics has evolved along with the development of philosophy, science and technology. The tragic situation that has arisen in the current era of scientific and technological revolution requires new approaches and the involvement of new knowledge when presenting this discipline. They are presented here in the form of separate studies that defend Orthodoxy from the attacks of the rational, unspiritual world - atheism, materialism and evolutionism.

If the book leads any of the readers to blessed reflections and touches hearts, then I ask you to prayerfully remember the name of its author for the benefit of him and your soul.

Victor Veynik

Chapter I.

What questions do journalists ask?

Albert Iozefovich, you are a famous Belarusian scientist, member of the Academy of Sciences, professor, author of dozens of purely scientific books and hundreds of articles published in many countries of the world, for a long time you were known as one of the most serious and consistent researchers using thermodynamic methods of anomalous phenomena - UFOs, poltergeists , extrasensory perception and parapsychological phenomena - you were doing this back when they were all under an unspoken ban, and in this area you also have a lot of published works, and today you have changed your position to the exact opposite and have become their most serious and consistent opponent, treat him is sharply negative. What's the matter? Please explain.

– A deep question – it touches the very essence of our existence. The world is structured in an amazingly wise, mysterious and interesting way: a person is constantly fussing, doing something, striving for something, but he does not know that daily and hourly events and meetings occur, providentially, from above, directing the footsteps of his life towards that one and the path of salvation, which in this world is personally destined only for him alone. Most often, a person does not notice this or rejects it out of hand and continues to fuss.

Therefore, it is extremely important - if suddenly a person rushes into the “wrong steppe” - not to miss certain special stop points that are highlighted according to the principle of the operation of an atomic bomb: the instructive facts of life gradually accumulate, form a critical mass, and an explosion occurs - the person finally begins to see the light and does sharp turn. Some already in early childhood, from the very first steps, firmly set foot on the saving path destined for him, for example, Sergius of Radonezh, Seraphim of Sarov, John of Kronstadt and some others; in his youth the same thing happened to Ambrose of Optina, Elder Silouan, etc.

However, most people never find their way until their death, having missed all the saving stops. In my case, the principle of an atomic bomb with a rotation of one hundred and eighty degrees worked. Unfortunately, the epiphany came too late, towards the end of his life, hence the modest success. It happened as follows.

His youth was filled with passion for thermodynamics, which led to theoretical and experimental proof of the fact that the world is material (translated from Latin as substantial). Don’t rush to smile: we are not talking about the crafty leprosy of this adulterous age - materialism, that is, not about its primitive understanding by die-hard materialists, for whom this term serves as the basis for rejecting everything spiritual (from the word “spirit”) and ideal (absolute), but about the real existence of invisible souls and spirits of good and evil, which, like you and me, are also material, but differ from us in the composition of their substances.

As you can see, this is a fundamentally new formulation of the question, which, I think, will not be easy for philosophers and scientists who carry the bacilli of this materialistic leprosy to get used to. It is enough to remember with what difficulty getting used to my very first step on the path of “reification of the world” continues to this day, when in 1950, instead of the chaotic movement of microparticles, the thermal phenomenon was explained by the existence of a special thermal substance in nature (see the books “Thermodynamics” for 1961, 1965 and 1968 and others). Subsequently, for all other simple phenomena, corresponding specific substances were discovered, playing the role of those first bricks that ancient philosophers dreamed of finding and from which the Temple of the Universe was actually built.

The true revolution is contained in the chronal and metric substances responsible for time and space. Through these substances, theory and experiment led to the knowledge of the spirits of good and evil, and it turned out that All Anomalous phenomena (AP) are the creation of spirits of evil. This is evidenced by the negative chronal radiation of the spirits themselves, their images and traces of presence, the harmful effects on humans, etc. From here it is clear that “every calmly reasoning person, unless he is blind and not completely idiotic” (the words of Mark Twain), should, in fear, shy away from AI, like from the plague, one hundred and eighty degrees: from dark forces to light ones, for the third not given. Which is what I did. With proper repentance.

Tell me, in all your articles you approach the world around us from a Christian point of view. How did you come to this?

– After 1950, during the “reification of the world,” “undamped oscillations” continuously occurred to me between two opposite poles, which are God and Satan with his anomalous phenomena. At first there was a lot of AYA and little of God, then gradually, in leaps and bounds, this quantitative ratio changed to the opposite. An important sharp turn occurred at the moment when, by the supreme will of fate, an extensive article about the discovery of Ivan Panin fell into my hands, who for the first time drew attention to certain numerical patterns embedded in the structure of the universe, including everything living and inanimate, both in the Bible and strictly mathematically ( !) proved that the latter was literally “put into the brains” of the people who wrote it by the Creator of the universe Himself. Consequently, she, like God, is absolutely true and, therefore, must be believed unquestioningly. It was from her natural science texts that I extracted the idea of ​​the material origin of time and space, from which the fact of the existence of the spiritual world directly follows. The crown of the Bible is Christianity. This is the answer to your question.

7 Reasons Why I Believe in God (A.K. Morrison)

The famous American scientist, former chairman of the New York Academy of Sciences, A. Kressm Morrison, proves the existence of God in his brilliant article: “Seven Reasons That Explain Why I Believe in God.”

“We are still only at the dawn of scientific knowledge,” says K. Morrison. “The closer to dawn, the brighter our morning, the more clearly the creation of an intelligent Creator becomes clear to us. Now, in the spirit of scientific humility, in the spirit of faith based on knowledge, we come even closer to unshakable confidence in the existence of God.

Personally, I count seven circumstances that determine my faith in God. Here they are:

1. A very clear mathematical law proves that the universe was created by the Greatest Intelligence.

Imagine that you are throwing ten coins into a bag. Coins, in order of value, range from one cent to ten. Then shake the bag. Now try to pull out the coins one by one in order of their value, putting each coin back again and shaking the bag again. Mathematics says that we have a one in ten chance of drawing a one-cent coin the first time. To pull out a one-cent coin, and immediately after it a two-cent coin, our chances turn out to be one in a hundred. To pull out three coins in a row in this way, we have one chance in a thousand, etc. For the fact that we pull out all ten coins in a given order, we have one chance in ten billion.

The same mathematical arguments suggest that For the emergence and development of life on earth, such an incredible number of relationships and interconnections are necessary that without reasonable direction, simply by chance, they could not have arisen. The speed of rotation on the surface of the earth is defined as one thousand miles per hour. If the earth rotated at a speed of one hundred miles per hour, our days and nights would become ten times longer. During a long day, the sun would burn out all living things; during a long night, all living things would freeze to death.

Then - The sun's temperature is 12,000 degrees Fahrenheit. The earth is removed from the sun as much as necessary for this “eternal fire” to properly warm us, no more, no less! If the sun gave half as much heat, we would freeze. If it gave twice as much, we would die from the heat.

The slope of the earth is 23°. This is where the seasons come from. If the slope of the earth were different, evaporation from the ocean would move back and forth, south and north, piling up entire continents of ice. If the moon, instead of its present distance, were 50,000 miles away from us, our ebb and flow of tides would take on such enormous proportions that all continents would be under water twice a day. As a result, the mountains themselves would soon be washed away. If the earth's crust were comparatively thicker than it is now, there would not be enough oxygen on the surface, and all living things would be doomed to death. If the ocean were relatively deeper, carbon dioxide would absorb all the oxygen, and all living things would, again, die. If the atmosphere enveloping the globe were a little thinner, then the meteors, millions of which burn up in it every day, falling to the ground, would fall on it in their entirety and would cause innumerable fires everywhere.

These and countless other examples indicate that there is not one chance in many millions for the random emergence of life on earth.

2. The wealth of sources from which life draws strength to accomplish its task is in itself proof of the presence of a self-sufficient and omnipotent Mind.

No man has hitherto been able to comprehend what life is. She has neither weight nor size, but she truly has strength. A sprouting root can destroy the rock. Life conquered water, land and air, took possession of their elements, forcing them to dissolve and transform their constituent combinations.

Life is a sculptor who gives form to all living things, an artist who carves the shape of every leaf on a tree, who determines the color of every flower. Life is a musician who taught birds to sing songs of love, who taught insects to make an innumerable number of sounds and call each other with them. Life is a subtle chemist, giving taste to fruits, smell to flowers, a chemist changing water and carbon dioxide into sugar and wood, and at the same time receiving oxygen necessary for all living things.

Here before us is a drop of protoplasm, an almost invisible drop, transparent, jelly-like, capable of moving and extracting energy from the sun. This cell, this transparent lobe of dust is the germ of life and has within itself the power to communicate life to large and small. The power of this drop, this speck of dust is greater than the power of our existence, stronger than animals and people, for it is the basis of all living things. Nature did not create life. Rocks split by fire and freshwater seas would not be able to meet the requirements that life imposes for its emergence.

Who put life into this speck of protoplasm?

3. The intelligence of animals indisputably testifies to a wise Creator, who instilled instinct in creatures that would otherwise be
completely helpless creatures.

The young salmon spends its youth in the sea, then returns to its native river and follows it along the very same side along which the eggs from which it hatched were carried. What guides him with such precision? If he is placed in a different environment, he will immediately feel that he has lost his way, he will fight his way to the main stream, then go against the stream and fulfill his destiny with due precision.

The behavior of the eel hides an even greater secret. These amazing creatures in adulthood travel from all ponds, rivers and lakes, even if they are in Europe, travel thousands of miles across the ocean and go to the depths of the sea off Bermuda. Here they perform their act of reproduction and die. Little eels, which seem to have no idea about anything, which could be lost in the depths of the ocean, follow the path of their fathers, to the very rivers, ponds and lakes from which they began their journey to Bermuda. In Europe, not a single eel that belongs to American waters has ever been caught, and in America, not a single European eel has ever been caught. The European eel reaches maturity a year later, allowing it to make its journey. Where is this guiding impulse born?

A wasp, after picking up a grasshopper, strikes it in a precisely defined place. The grasshopper “dies” from this blow. He loses consciousness and continues to live, representing a kind of canned meat. After this, the wasp lays its larvae so that the hatched little ones can suck the grasshopper without killing it. Dead meat would be deadly food for them. Having completed this work, the mother wasp flies away and dies. She never sees her cubs. There is not the slightest doubt that every wasp does this work for the first time in its life, without any training, and does it exactly as it should, otherwise where would there be wasps? This mystical technique cannot be explained by the fact that wasps learn from one another. It is embedded in their flesh and blood.

4. Man has more than animal instinct. He has reason.

There was and is no such animal that could count to ten. It cannot even understand the essence of the number ten. If instinct can be compared to one note of a flute, with a beautiful but limited sound, then we must accept that the human mind is capable of perceiving all the notes of not only one flute, but also all the instruments of the orchestra. Is it worth mentioning one more point: thanks to our mind, we are able to reason about what we are, and this ability is determined only by the fact that a spark of the Mind of the Universe is embedded in us.

5. The miracle of genes - a phenomenon that we know, but which was not known to Darwin, indicates that care was taken for all living things.

The size of genes is so incredibly small that if all of them, i.e. The genes, thanks to which all people around the globe live, would be collected together, they could fit into a thimble. And the thimble wouldn't be full yet! And yet, these ultramicroscopic genes and their accompanying chromosomes are present in all cells of all living things and are the absolute key to explaining all the characteristics of humans, animals and plants. Thimble! It can contain all the individual characteristics of all two billion human beings. And there can be no question of doubt about this. If this is so, then how is it that a gene even includes the key to the psychology of each individual being, fitting all this into such a small volume?

This is where evolution begins! It begins in a unit that is the keeper and carrier of genes. And the fact that several million atoms included in an ultramicroscopic gene may turn out to be the absolute key directing life on earth is evidence proving that all living things are cared for, that someone has foreseen for them in advance, and that the foresight comes from the Creative Mind. No other hypothesis here can help solve this riddle of existence.

6. Observing the economy of nature, we are forced to admit that only an extremely perfect Reason can provide for all the relationships that arise in such a complex economy.

Many years ago in Australia, some species of cactus introduced here were planted as hedges. In the absence of hostile insects here, the cactus multiplied in such incredible numbers that people began to look for means to combat it. And the cactus continued to spread. It got to the point that the area he occupied turned out to be larger than the area of ​​England. He began to force people out of cities and villages, he began to destroy farms. Entomologists have searched the whole world in search of measures to combat the cactus. Finally, they managed to find an insect that fed exclusively on cactus. It reproduced easily and had no enemies in Australia. Soon this insect defeated the cactus. The cactus retreated. The number of this plant has decreased. The number of insects has also decreased. There are only as many of them left as needed to keep the cactus under constant control.

And this kind of controlling relationship is observed everywhere. Why, in fact, did not insects, which multiply so incredibly quickly, suppress all living things? Because they breathe not with their lungs, but with their tracheas. If an insect grows, its trachea does not grow in proportion. This is why there have never been and cannot be insects that are too large. This discrepancy holds back their growth. If it were not for this physical control, man could not exist on earth. Imagine a bumblebee the size of a lion.

7. The fact that a person is able to perceive the idea of ​​the existence of God is in itself sufficient evidence.

The concept of God arises from that mysterious faculty of man which we call imagination. Only with the help of this power, and only with its help, is man (and no other living creature on earth) capable of finding confirmation of abstract things. The breadth that this ability opens up is absolutely immense. In fact, thanks to the perfect imagination of man, the possibility of spiritual reality arises, and man can, with all the obviousness of his goal and goal, determine the great truth that Heaven is everywhere and in everything, the truth that God lives everywhere and in everything, that He lives in ours. hearts.

And so, both from the side of science and from the side of imagination, we find confirmation of the words of the psalmist:“The heavens declare the glory of God, but the firmament declares His handiwork” (Ps. 18:2).

Famous surgeon, former prof. University of Cologne, Bonn and Berlin, Augustin Beer says: “Even if science and religion happened to fall into conflict, harmony in their relationship would soon be restored through mutual penetration on the basis of more accurate data.”

We will end our conversation with the words of the scientist A.K. Morrison again: “Man recognizes the need for moral principles; where does the sense of duty live; from this stems his faith in God.

The flowering of religious feeling enriches the human soul and elevates it so much that it allows it to perceive the Divine presence. The instinctive exclamation of a person: “Oh my God!” It is quite natural, and even the simplest form of prayer brings a person closer to the Creator.

Respect, sacrifice, strength of character, moral principles, imagination - are not born from denial and atheism, this amazing self-deception that replaces God with man. Without faith, culture disappears, order is destroyed and evil prevails. Let us unswervingly believe in the Creator Spirit, in Divine love and in human brotherhood. Let us lift up our souls to God, fulfilling His will as it is revealed to us; Let us maintain the confidence inherent in faith that we are worthy of the cares with which the Lord surrounds the creatures He has created.” To these words of A. Morrison we will add the words of the psychiatrist and theologian Prof. I. M. Andreeva: “True knowledge is incompatible with pride. Humility is an indispensable condition for the possibility of knowing the Truth. Only a humble scientist, like a humble religious thinker, who always remembers the words of the Savior - Without Me you can do nothing and I am the way and the truth and the life - are able to follow the right path (method) to the knowledge of the Truth. For God resists the proud, but gives Grace to the humble.”

A. K. Morrison

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